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Zamboni Man

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Everything posted by Zamboni Man

  1. Gives a whole new meaning to finger food.
  2. After all that you forgot to say damn I sound just like my old man did when I was 21. Weren't the Sex Pistols also thrown together by record execs?
  3. they stole his picture from the official Buffalo Bills website.
  4. Seems like you guys would like these auctions a little bit more: This is a better Ebay Auction...
  5. Lots of guys going by the if there's grass on the field, play ball rule I guess. I don't understand how parents can let a 16 year old daughter date a guy who's in his 20's.
  6. Droz: What is this? You're going to wear the shirt of the band you're going to see? Don't be that guy. PCU is funny.
  7. Why waste a good needle, just release him into the general population.
  8. My Mom had a place off of Hypoluxo Rd before she moved up to Port St. Lucie.
  9. System of a Down Van Halen (Roth era only, Hagar blows and Cherone doesn't deserve to be mentioned) Led Zeppelin A Perfect Circle Modest Mouse The Mars Volta Sublime Audioslave Pink Floyd Black Sabbath Hatebreed Kittie Incubus Godsmack Disturbed Jimi Hendrix Supertramp The Who A lot of the old bands that I like I picked up from listening to my Dad's vinyl that he had around the house when I was growing up. It's too bad that I couldn't see some of the concerts he's told me stories about though, I would've loved to see The Who, Led Zep, Van Halen and Ted Nugent in their primes.
  10. The sad thing is that 15 years later, we're still dealing with bands trying to recapture the sound. I guess it's kinda like White Snake and all the bands that came after Led Zep that didn't even come close. Is there any current band you like? I agree with most of that list, but I disagree with Coldplay, Ludacris and Jay-Z and to a point Metallica. Coldplay is a breath of fresh air compared to all the "I hate my Dad" rock bands out there now. Ludacris doesn't make quality music, but try and find me better music to get girls dancing at the club or parties than Luda. Jay-Z is the last rapper out there that makes any music that's worth listening to. Early Metallica is awesome...anything after the Black album is craptacular though, especially St. Anger.
  11. Congrats on the new job. btw, I should've listening about Stamos, I saw a picture of the chick he's got under him today in the paper, she's smokin'
  12. It wouldn't shock me if it happens someday, the R & R HOF is a joke. Black Sabbath and Van Halen aren't in, but Percy Sledge and the Bee Gees are? Rock and Roll Hall of Fame indeed. As far as bands or musicians that I hate: *insert any emo/screamo band & Van Hagar
  13. I never expected a baseball player to use steroids. Let alone a baseball player who retired early because he couldn't stay healthy. They'll all end up going down as steroid users. McGwire, Sosa, Bonds and most of the rest of them that have been fingered by Canseco and Congress and rightfully so, if Pete Rose gets banned for off the field gambling, then there's no reason why these guys shouldn't be for on the field cheating.
  14. I didn't know there were any of those hanging out around here.
  15. I'm suprised it ended the way it did, I was expecting a big standoff or shoot out.
  16. Hamburg, NY/ 22/ Greensboro, NC
  17. *paging Superstar Billy Graham To go with the Mullet, Oakleys and Frye boots, maybe even a pair of acid wash jeans with the knees blown out in them and a Members Only jacket?
  18. A cool idea to help out with tv ratings would be to reinvent that Fox puck that glowed. The way fox used it, it really sucked and was a joke. I'm not saying it should be a laser, but just add a darker black halo around it like hockey video games use. Keep it subtle and I think it would look pretty good and help the casual fan who "can't see the puck" with that problem. I'm interested to see how this blue ice looks.
  19. If all the games are selling out, then it doesn't matter what kind of "pathetic shape" the city of Buffalo is in financially. As long as the tickets sell, the Bills will be in Buffalo. A new stadium could be a very good thing for Buffalo, if they do two things. 1) Make it have a retractable roof and 2) Put it on the lake and use some of that old Bethlehem Steel and NFTA brownfield property. A lot of people in OP would feel the pinch from the Bills stadium moving towards the city, which would suck, but it's the Buffalo Bills not the Buffalo Bills of Orchard Park. If the politicians up there could get their heads out of the sand and come up with a plan to fund a new stadium, it would work out really nice. Not only would the Bills get a new stadium, but it would give downtown the convention center that we've been hearing they need for as long as I could remember and could possibly put Buffalo on the list to host the Super Bowl. Not to mention put some of that waterfront to use. Personally if the city ever did host the Super Bowl and media slammed us like they did Jacksonville, that'd be fine by me just as long as they're spending the $$$$ while they're doing it.
  20. Mike Tice is a moron. Honestly he seems like a character that Chris Farley would've performed on SNL back in the day.
  21. based purely on the economics of the game, the Bills based on team leadership, front office and actual player, the Bills The fact that the NFL is actually active also helps out, plus the Smoking Man is dead.
  22. Takeo Spikes current Thurman Thomas all time
  23. I won't watch it anymore if Kit and Thea aren't on there. Woody Paige and Skip Bayless are both annoying. It could only be worse if they added Steven A Smith.
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