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Everything posted by kenny3000

  1. I'm not expecting much, just looking for someplace or area that has the highest chance of running into attractive girls. And your guess would be dead wrong in New York, Chicago, Philly, Miami, LA, San Fran, Atlanta, New Orleans, Asheville, etc. I'm not expecting the Sunday night in Buffalo to be on par with any of those cities but to expect something going on shouldn't be such a crazy idea.
  2. Thank you, I appreciate that. I have been there before and am not expecting every chick to be a smokeshow, I just wanted to make sure we were at the right place to maximize any talent around. I actually lived in SD for a year, unreal. I think that's the plan though, Buff State bars post-game and hope there's signs of life. Last year we went out on Chippewa later after a 1pm game and it was like a ghost town. Now onto the game - think we have a chance after what they did to Philly's d yesterday?!? We might need to play lights out d to hold them to 20 points.
  3. Cool, thanks. I just found Coles and that looks like a good Buff State spot. We're coming from Brooklyn.
  4. Really? Is that a good place to go after a game you think? I just checked their site and this is their closing weekend. Do you think it would be fun on their last night open?
  5. Ok, I didn't realize that Buff State was that close... Are there any places up on Elmwood that you'd recommend? Or cross streets where a few bars are located? Do you have to go up past the Scajaquada (sp?) Expressway?
  6. Hmm, that doesn't sound half bad but we don't want to get arrested. But still the college angle is interesting. Any college bars closeby? Or is that covered by Chippewa?
  7. Really? Great to know. Thanks a lot! So I'm thinking that we hit Orchard Park for a drink or two and then head back to Allen and Elmwood after the game. Thanks again for all the help!
  8. Hahaha, thanks a lot Gordo. That's hysterical...I'll remember the 2x4 tip...haven't heard that one before. I won't lie though, if that happens I'm afraid for my pelvis, I'm too young to have a plastic hip or anything like that.
  9. If you were a 29 year old guy going to the Bills Saints game with 2 buddies, where would you go after the game to continue partying? Keep in mind it's a late game and our driving motivational factor(s): ladies. I'm torn between: 1. Heading to Anchor Bar 2. Big Tree and other Orchard Park bars 3. Back to Chippewa/Allen 4. Something/place better that I haven't even thought of What would you recommend?
  10. The 2009 Buffalo Bills: 50 years of testing fan loyalty.
  11. These are my favorites so far, in the order they're written. Well done.
  12. oh really? the ballet? hmm, hadn't thought about that really. was leaning more towards the local buffalo flavor. something along these lines: http://weblogs.baltimoresun.com/sports/ordine/blog/photo.jpg
  13. thank you, you are the man!
  14. Not married and definitely not looking for a bunch of dudes. We're staying right on Chippewa/Main the whole weekend. We're late 20's and just looking for something that resembles a fri/sat night on sunday post-game.
  15. One more question - last year when we were there we checked out Allen and Elmwood but thought Chippewa had more going on. Any places you might suggest to hit, maybe we just didn't go to the right ones?
  16. Yes sir, you heard correctly: chicks.
  17. Ok, well thanks. We were thinking of taking a cab or something after the game so if it's a little bit away from the stadium it's not a big deal. So if you were to choose a place to set up shop after the game, you would hit Rhino's or Warehouse over Anchor Bar or bars in Orchard Park by the stadium? Thanks again!
  18. thanks for your help. so you guys think The Warehouse or Duff's would be good places to go after the game? we don't really care about the food as much. we were just wondering about the big tree inn and the other few bars right around the stadium and if there was a better place to go. i thought that Anchor Bar was the place. Is Duff's close to Anchor Bar? thanks again
  19. One more question - should we consider going to Niagara or elsewhere on Sunday night?
  20. Last year you all were so helpful while we were planning our trip up to Buffalo. I've got the Saturday night/Chippewa thing figured out - not too hard. I was curious what people do on Sunday after the game. Last year we stayed around Orchard Park and hit those bars on the corner and around the stadium. This year we have a 4:05 game vs. the Saints and I was wondering if you guys would recommend going to the Anchor Bar or something else. I think I remember reading about a bar that a lot of people go to watch the games and party afterwards down by the water. Is that the Anchor Bar or is there another bar. Basically we're looking for a fun place to go with a bunch of people (i.e. Buffalo's finest collection of chicks) partying after we beat the Saints. Any of your suggestions are greatly appreciated! Thanks again for all your help for us out-of-towners who like to come up and soak up all the Buffalo that we can handle!
  21. Hi Lost, There were a lot of good points in your post, but mostly I didn't agree with your analysis. There were a lot of generalizations you used and some things you cannot even come close to proving in regards to Dick Jauron. I know I shouldn't respond but oh well. I did come up with a few bets while reading that I would love to take with you: 1. Nelson will not catch more than 10 passes all season, if he ever sees the field: three reasons - Bills baby their rookies, ignore their TE's, and Nelson really isn't NFL ready even on a team that agressively uses their young players. 2. I bet Ellis gets more sacks than Maybin, and that together that adds to less than 5. 3. Its more likely we see Dick jauron's sad grey face at press conferences telling us everyone's doing their best and each week they get better, as if its all just practice or if its a school for slow kids where everyone gets the same medal, first or last, despite that they are being paid millions. And we go 7-9 once again. Bet #1: Shawn Nelson must catch 11 or more passes in the 2009/2010 season. Bet #2: Aaron Maybin must have more sacks than Chris Ellis in 2009/2010 season. Bet #3: Chris Ellis and Aaron Maybin combined sack total for 2009/2010 season must be greater than 5. Bet #4: Buffalo Bills must have 8 wins or more in the 2009/2010 season. I'll bet that all 4 bets listed above happen and do $20 per bet. I'll stand by and pay any and all of them if I lose. You willing to stand by your predictions? Kenny
  22. Did Donte just use the following words: unhumble and humbleness? Do they have to go to class at Ohio State?
  23. Ok, Raiders game 2008 (week 3 I think). I went up there with a buddy from work who's a Raiders fan. We got a late start on tailgating because of a particularly fun sat night. We get to the stadium with like an hour before the game starts and saw the buffalo tumbleweeds rolling by (liquor bottles/beer cans/cigarette packs). There was a special thing going on that day, it seemed like everyone was just plastered - everyone. There were amazing chants going on. We passed by this one Raider fan getting worked over by a group of Bills fans. He had his face painted and they were all giving him crap. This one guy wearing a nice Winfield white jersey was just pointing and yelling at this guy 'you always suck', 'you always suck', 'you always suck' in a way that I can't even do justice to with words. We were sitting in the upper level corner section. During the game we look back right of us and there is this chick wearing a skirt standing in front of this guy. My buddy goes 'look right now' and I look back and she's leaning into his hand getting finger blasted in the middle of the game. From Sat night and that, our trip was complete and topped only by the Bills being 3-0 at that point.
  24. plus, where's the rationale for trading him with TO being here for 1 year. a temporarily crowded wr corps shouldn't make you trade a player for a 4/5th round pick. im just hoping that these rumors turn out to be only rumors unless he's packaged for another player.
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