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Everything posted by OCinBuffalo

  1. I couldn't agree more. We'd be much better off if we hadn't left the creation of the health insurance products that comprise Obamacare, to those that don't know anything about health insurance, or how to sell it, or how to market it, or how to run it, or how to support it with IT.....and try to excuse that, by calling that "hard". It's not hard, if you know something about the business, like say: a health insurance executive does. Instead, the elected/appointed Democrats, none of whom have ever done insurance for a job, and government employees, who by definition are unqualified, decided that they could build a better health insurance product line...than health insurance executives, and took it upon themselve to tell those executives what to sell. It's this hubris, or really, the belief that "those insurance executives are evil, and I know I can create a better product, because I am not evil", that has produced the worst insurance products the USA has ever seen.
  2. What amazing timing, at the same time the left is starting to realize Obama is done, and looking forward to Hillary, this. Timing my ass. http://www.realclear...n_dont_run.html Now, obviously this is crap. Especially this part "we badly need to be inspired, rallied, and made to believe that America can once again be true to the American dream", coming from a channel, a party and a POTUS for whom being divisive is a policy. I love how Bush was to blame for his 8 years, but nowhere is Obama to blame for the last 6. Liberals: it's this sort of incongruent nonsense, that you continue to deliver, that always gets you in trouble. Life would be so much easier if you'd just stop this crap. But, like I've said here plenty: the far left knows that Hillary wouldn't think twice about killing Obamacare or another/all other sacred liberal cows, provided it served her political interests. And this Krystal Ball character says it succinctly: You can say that again. So all you Obamacare people who are also Hillary people? Not so fast. Many on the left see HIllary straight = she's for her, just like her husband, first, and if that happens to line up with their interests, great, if not? Tough. Now....before those of you on the right start getting all giddy about the Democratic Civil War(which, while I do believe has the potential to be 3x more damaging to the them than whatever is happening with the Rs, and will start around this time next year)? Not so fast. As we go forward, remember that it's quite possible that this whole thing is a canard. They may try to create fake "trouble" on Hillary's left, to pretend that she isn't being crowned(just like last time, except Obama weasled in and made real trouble), "proving" that she's been "legitimately" tested in the nomination process. They may also try to create fake "trouble" so that the whole conversation moves to the left = Hillary gets cover for saying kooky things, and now the issue has been framed with a leftist slant. Face it: they know how much trouble they are in, and they will do anything to avoid their punishment. Or....they may actually be dumb enough to nominate Elizabeth Warren.
  3. When I said "Tipping Point" this is the kind of stuff I was talking about. The concrete on "Obamacare = Fail" has been poured for the national, permanent judgement on this thing. What stops if from hardening? They might have been able to keep it in the truck had they executed the implementation, and if they didn't play politics with it. At some point(Frank Rich/Charlie Klein already have) reasonable liberals have to ask themselves: "Is this law, or this president, worth cashing in activist government as a concept and our entire agenda, for the next 20 years?" The reason they need to ask that? Your 2 buddies, comparing Obamacare to WMDs. But only sorta. WMDs is a finite problem. It died with Bush. Obama's drone strikes prove that there has been no real "generational shift" to the left on "use of force" policy, so, WMD is dead. However, Obamacare's scope is not finite, in terms of destroying the the argument, on every issue, for activist government. Obamacare was just used to kill immigration. The Rs literally said "we don't want to pass another big law that gets out of control, like Obamacare, in immigration". This same argument can be used for: anything, and it certainly can be used post-Obama. Played poker with "Grama" in a tournament. I was sitting at the table, and they put him right next to me. I wasn't a wiseass for the first hour. Only later on, when I we were both in a hand, did I start telling him how much I liked him as Tony Soprano, and asked him if he'd ever seen Rounders, cause he looks just like this one so/so actor in it. But he came right back at me plenty. He's basically not much different than the characters he plays, in terms of his temperament, but, he's a good, funny guy, and a pretty good poker player. It helps to know the she herself has been personally screwed by Obamacare. http://dailycaller.com/2013/11/12/kirsten-powers-slams-white-house-obamacare-excuses-my-blood-pressure-goes-up/
  4. and so am I. Which, is why I post a damning Global Warming thread at least once a quarter. Here the latest ball buster for the Scientologist faction of the environmental lobby, or as I call them, Environtologists: 95% of climate models agree: The observations are wrong Great stuff here. Try to tell me it ain't "science" or that this guy works for the Koch brothers. No seriously. Try. Ha! He even throws in the birdog killer. How moral is starving and freezing the poor? (Hint for clowns: he is doing the very same thing here, that I do all the time. He is using your own allegorical/hyperbolic writing style against you, and mocking the hell out of it at the same time. It's not really about the poor, it's about mocking your false claim to the moral high ground, "on behalf" of the poor, when that is a lie. All you are really interested in is: power. Specifically, power derived from and squeezed out of the poor) And he takes on the "bottom of the ocean" hilarity. Long-term measured warming trends of .000s or .00s of degrees. Priceless.
  5. Speaking of amusement, here he is, Ron Fornier(famous here for writing the article that caused me to start the "What if Obama Can't Lead" thread), with his latest hilarity: Why I'm getting tired of defending Obamacare Ron must be striking a nerve here for some of you. Some of you must be getting tired of being forced to sit in the eternal dunking tank, that is Obamacare. Your own party's deceit, lawlessness, and incompetence, keep you in the tank, and also provides us with an endless supply of balls to throw. The best part of Fornier's work? He has something for every poster here! It's Christmas! (Mostly for me!) Hey JuanGuzman: that's your own team saying that. Still want to come here with your dopey charts, and tell us that these things are credible? Still waiting for you to explain how "illegal but condoned side payments" = universal health care. What does the word: universal mean to you? Does it mean: The Rich get by on payoffs, and the poor wait 7 months to see the doctor? Nothing like supporting Soviet-style corruption, eh Juan? Boy, you must be tired too. And of course, here's the birdog section of the post: Yes, it's moral to lie, cheat, and steal, as Fornier flat out says they have, because you're more moral than others, and your more moral agenda is morally superior. Fornier/birdog are both wonderful exercises in cognitive dissonance, or, they just don't know what the word moral means. Hint: The Rs do have now, multiple replacement plans, and, lying is not moral. Neither is fudging numbers, or suborning perjury. birdog must be exhausted. He's been carrying the moral superiority water forever. I'm sure that every other Obamacare "believer" (cause they sure as hell aren't thinkers) is tired of defending a piece of crap law, and a piece of crap president. It's just that Ron Fornier has said what I am sure many of you are thinking. Tipping point? Not quite, but man, it's coming, isn't it? I'll leave you with: "You must be kicking yourself...for not walking out when you could. Bad judgment. But...don't you worry, son. It will all be over soon. It hurts, doesn't it? You can't believe what fell. All your dreams... dashed. Hopes down the f'ing drain. Your fate, he is sitting right beside you." (That's B-Man, btw) But this time? You didn't flop a nut straight. You flopped Democratic political appointees designing a massive system, and managing an enterprise IT project. You should have folded that hand immediately.
  6. All this constant defense of the unfunny, not-Crayonz....ponderous. I wonder, is he part of your 8th grade girls club, or, did somebody just give you 4mer's user/pass, and this is the best you can do? I don't know. Either is plausible. Either way this continues to amuse me. Please continue. It's been a weird day, and I appreciate too...
  7. But, Iran doesn't have any transexuals, or gay people. Their president came over here, spoke at Columbia and told us so. Nice work Columbia. I mean, somebody had to clear this up. Now it's as settled as Climate Change. Hell, it figures it was those wingnuts at NRO that would print some made up story like this. Typical right wing propaganda. (Actually, I half-expect this link to be the Onion, but, then I remembered: that would be funny, and they haven't been for a while now)
  8. Nice. There's the real story, which is that this investigation is only ~50% over, and there's a long way to go. Then there's the real, real story which is, the TEA party has already raised $7 million for 2014, more than the Rs, and Ds, largely by using the IRS story. That's the immediate impact, and regardless of how the investigation goes, the PR/political damage is already done. So, the gatorman's of the world should ask themselves: wouldn't they have rather had simple, straightforward answers to this question, have those responsible for the policy(which is not anyone in Cincy)fall on their swords, Obama escapes but gets censured, etc....whatever, deal with it and end it, rather than leaving it open for so long that it defeats them in 2014, and again in 2016? I have no idea why Obama et al have chosen this approach. This means they lose both ways. The only way this makes sense? IF the investigation IS going to run into something big, and they know it, so they are just delaying it as long as possible. I've always been curious as to why this, Benghazi, the WH reporter phone tapping/leaks story all came out at the same time. I don't believe that's a coincidence, not even a little bit. I think they sent them all out at the same time, because they knew they would all break soon, in an effort to overload the media, and never thought they would be hearing about them a full year later.
  9. How many more times are you going to fail, before you realize that you aren't good at this? You don't realize: I want to laugh. Really. I can't realize that wish, because you can't realize your limitations. Tom doesn't realize much, but at least he appreciates.
  10. This is something I have been screwing around with all day, but I dunno. I don't have a punchline, that is better than the nothing that's in there now. You could do something like "Nice Vote, Moron", or "Learn anything? Good. 2014 is coming(sorta like Winter is coming)" but that's not funny, and more campaigny. I don't know. I'm tired of monkeying with it, so I figured PPPers can decide what to put in the last box, or should I just leave it as is? Or, is it better to just do the last square with "HA HA Thou must pay most for Obamacare?" I dunno. I think something funny is here, but I can't decided if less is more, etc. Also, if you want to make your own: here it is without text: http://s30.postimg.o...r_Obamacare.jpg
  11. What! The rest of the world is a lot more racist than we are?. "Reality, have you met Naive/Untraveled? Naive/Untraveled? This is Reality." "Reality, how about you tell Naive/Untraveled what's happening in Italian soccer? Yes, Naive/Untraveled, it's quite a story, you may even have to change your name after you hear it. When we're done with that, let's talk about how immigrants are treated there, and the EU on the whole. Then we can talk about the return of fascism, and singing Nazi songs at soccer games! Yeah, you'll have to change your name after this one. You may not lose untraveled, by naive should go." One word: Asia. You don't know what the word racist means until you've been there. Until then, it might as well mean goldfish, or offisides, or Vermont. This is boring, as the ignorant don't know they are. This isn't boring: Johnny Weir with a....curious approach to hair. Since when was "Amish Girl" cool, or expressive of anything other than "I am Amish"? Is he trying to stick it to Putin/the Russians or something?
  12. Go back to post #49-50 of this thread and you'll see something hilarious. I understand(still holding out hope though) who it was about. My understanding isn't the hilarity here. Tom's propensity to assume everything is about him is. My understanding is actually irrelevant.
  13. Yeah this is about me. EDIT: Actually, it's better to ask: is this about me?
  14. So the very next time some crusading leftist atheist shows up here spewing Richard Dawkins talking points, I assume you will be telling them to STFU? They are constantly telling us that faith is for the ignorant, delusional,(insert name calling here). The only argument left for the Obamacare supporter = I have faith that it will work/be implemented properly by Obama. Faith. Live in a city. You won't have to imagine it. It will be all around you. I suppose the same is true in the suburbs/country, it's just concentrated, thus easier to see, in a city. There's all sorts of reasons(I would call 80% of them excuses), but, the commonality is an awful culture/set of values. Just awful. F self-esteem. Self-respect is the problem. Consider: "Self-control is the chief element in self-respect, and self-respect is the chief element in courage." These people you can't imagine lack the courage to think they can be better, therefore no balls to take the risk and try, because they lack the self-respect that comes from accomplishment, of the things which would make them better, because they lack the self-control to do all the small things consistently, that lead to that acomplishment. They choose other things instead, and they make these bad choices every day. You can say: Ok, Tony Robbins. I will say: the quote above comes from Thucydides, and is over 2,400 years old. We've known this, as a race, for that long. We both know the difference between making 10 good choices in a row, and 10 bad ones. Self respect is the middle. It forms the chain, and is the glue that holds it all together. Once you lose your self-respect, everything bad is probable. EDIT: And the one thing liberals/socialists/Communists/fascists will never understand? The state cannot entitle self-respect. Nor can they hand it out, nor can they steal it from someone and give it to another. You can't get it by glorifying the state. Self respect does not come from the collective, or the state, or from a celebrity/cult of personality leader. Genuine self-respect can only come from the individual.
  15. Watch this, in full, because it answers both your questions in full: http://www.realclear...ntimidated.html That's what a real American looks like. There's no leftist caricature here. She shames those who would espouse one, by merely existing. That woman honestly inspires me, all my usual PPP crap aside. I couldn't be more proud to be from the same country as her, because she is so real, and has so much integrity and class. I'm sure I could learn a lot from her. Did you learn anything? Did you learn who the TEA party really is? She's who the TEA party really is. She refuses to be a victim. You cherish victimhood, and are trying to instantiate it everywhere you can. She's heroic. You're pathetic. See, this is what bothers me a little. gatormans have been clinging to all sorts of lies, for so long, I'm not sure where they go from here. In a sense, it may be better for all if they are allowed to keep 1 or 2 of them. You know, to have something "cool" to say at Starbucks. A security blanket of sorts. If all their lies come crashing down at the same time, we may have problems with these people. They are psychologically committed to these lies. Not sure I want so many people having all their delusions ripped from them all at the same time. And this is the other sides of things: if you carry that logic forward, what's to stop a Republican POTUS from doing, anything? He's got a precedent, set by Obama, that says he can nullify law, and issue fiats at will. He's got 4 years, and overreach is a problem. Who or what is to stop him? Maybe I'm just being paranoid. But, you put this and the above together? That's trouble.
  16. hehehe. I suggest the "media unfair" thread. You've been unintentionally trolled. Well, you've definitely been trolled. Intentional? (I'm praying it was). I had nothing to do with it this time, so don't blame me. You've proved the case, all by your wittle sewf. Well, I did leave you a present there: INCONCEIVABLE! But, that is post hoc, I swear. This is getting better every day, and I'm doing: nothing. I said I was done, and I am. This could already be over. You keep talking though, and since this whole board is all about you, you always have to respond, don't you? Fascinating. Well, what to do...besides observe what happens next?
  17. Wow, Azalin with the no-look, posterizing troll. Unintentional?, yet devastating. He even used an emoticon. Nice. (If this was intentional, then you sir are a master, and much, much better than I) The timing couldn't have been better. Nothing like proving it's always about Tom. This is frankly: perfect. (I'm hoping it was intentional, we've needed a real replacement for Crayonz for quite some time.) Well, no one can say I didn't try, but apparently there will be no end.....
  18. Well this is better, I think: WR SAMMY WATKINS CLEMSON G DAVID YANKEY STANFORD DE CHRIS SMITH ARKANSAS QB ZACH METTENBERGER LSU ILB JORDAN ZUMWALT UCLA RB STORM JOHNSON UCF TE JAKE MURPHY UTAH I did round 1 a few times and I got Watkins every time. I wonder if it "learns", in that if we all keep selecting Watkins when he's there, and other fans from the teams ahead of us don't, it sort of "pushes" him towards us in simulation? I might poke around and see. Next, how can you not put Yankey next to Wood, especially when he's BPA? DE was the same story as last time: lots of DBs and DEs all stacked up, and nothing but a big reach at TE/LB. QB was BPA. LB was #4 BPA. The next BPA and 4th BPA. It seems like the same thing happens a lot: the 3rd gets stacked up with DB/DE at our spot, far down the BPA list. So, I wouldn't be surprised if they take one of these (and I can't waint for the pissing and moaning ), because it's been the same thing every time. At 3, do we reach way down for LB and TE? Or do you take the best CB/DE available?
  19. Interesting. Obama has already chosen not to do so, yet you still have faith that he will. I suppose that's what this entire debate comes down to: faith vs. fact, empirical evidence, reason, and business experience. How strange that the left finds itself on the faith side of things.
  20. They have no idea that they've created a meme with that. "Job lock" is going to win the internet routinely, in my estimation.
  21. Yeah, you suck at this. It's not even...and you missed what you shoud have done with it. In 2 separate areas. Pathetic. I want the old Crayonz back.
  22. Yep, and the fun part is: this is what most of you think. Perfect. Dude, read what I wrote above. Try to comprehend. All a smart lawyer has to do is ask "When did Lois Lerner and you decide to set 4c policy on your own, without guidance or approval from above?" I don't expect you to get the ramifications of that question, but, I am fairly certain their lawyers will. Then, it's CYA time. Which is also known as rat time. A special prosecutor WILL be named, right after the 2014 elections. I would bet the house on it. There's no reason to do it now, and let the Ds play the "Ken Starr" card. Not unless something comes out that is a sure winner. Barring that, you can bet the Rs will drag this out so that as much of it gets on Hillary as possible. It's just smart politics. And, the guys in charge, Ryan, Gowdy, the chairman from Ohio? Guess what: Smart lawyers.
  23. If anybody ever needed an example of "moving the goalposts" here it is. We've left all sorts of "promises" and outcomes behind....that were central to the promised value of the law. If Obamacare was any other product: the FTC would have locked Pelosi, Bauchus, Waxman, Obama and everybody else involved in this conspiracy up, fined them into oblivion, and thrown away the key. If Obamacare was a stock: they'd be sharing a cell with Bernie Madoff. But now, we are supposed to forget all the projected "value" that isn't coming true(ahem, 31 million remain uninsured), and be happy with what we bought, because it lets some people get over on others? Are...you...high? Krugman is a hack to the point that other academics have come out now and questioned his academic cred. There was a time when he intimidated, but, his own posts have been his undoing. It's only going to get worse now that the University of Chicago guys have said: enough is enough. I consider MadCap to be a fairly good representation of "undecided" and "independent". Hey Dims: how much do you want to bet that this is the general impression of most of the independents, undecideds, "not much interest in politics" demographic, which btw, almost always decide elections?
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