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Setting up the Global Warming lies to come
OCinBuffalo replied to OCinBuffalo's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Yeah, I'm sure it all came down to deployment of resources, and boy, if they could've kept that desk going, the motivation was there, but the $ was not. Right. It's all the fault of the news consumer. Us dumbasses just refuse to appreciate the ballet. Oh, I hope Obamacare stays! Are you retarded? This is the ULTIMATE gift that keeps on giving. I fully expect to pound your junk into the dirt, for years, using Obamacare, The Liberal Cleaver. Hint: the smart move would be to listen to Sen. Manchin, and just delay the entire thing until after 2016. Or, to IMMEDIATELY take the high ground, admit the fail, and beat the Republicans to the negotiating table to "fix" the fail. This way you look both reasonable, and caring, and the MSM would gladly sing your (phony) praises. But, your ego, and every other (*^*&%^$^#liberal's ego, will prevent the smart thing from being done. You will chose stupid. And, yes, that means Obamacare isn't going anywhere. Hilarious for me, and good for the country, as your demoralized base won't show up in 2014, and, won't show up in 2016 either. Don't bother with the Hillary/Women = Obama/Minorities turnout argument: you lied to women about health care. What's your experience with getting caught telling a woman a huge lie? Do they tend to forget about it, ever, never mind 3 years later? -
Ah, but, don't forget about the 22 year old retardedness. Fun, but still, retarded. And the danger is a +, in every way, rather than a -. Again, for the smart kids. And, what if the smart kid from the inner city is white? If you're telling me that I can roll the dice? And, maybe I end up with $300k in the bank, before I get my free MBA? It's like a wheel of fortune, with only a few slots that are: dead/raped in prison, etc. Here's a question: as a libertarian, would you have any problem with my indentured servant plan? Especially if it was run at the county level? EDIT: You know what else is fun? Having a conversation with a fellow, real, risk-taker like yourself.
Yeah, I'd hadn't considered the "reverse opportunity cost" aspect I suppose. However, it's a concerning message that we are sending to a smart kid from the inner city = might as well roll the dice. Deal drugs, because, the very worst thing that will happen to you...because you are smart(sorry to say it, but, the dumb kids wind up dead. Most smart people don't deal drugs, but, if they did, they wouldn't wind up dead either)? You'll wind up with a state sponsored BS/MBA. A smart kid, who is also from the inner city understands: odds, and, what a hedge is. In fact, the smart inner city kid deals drugs, makes $, moves it elsewhere, and keeps doing it until things get bad. If things don't bad, he keeps doing it. If things get bad/he wants to get out? He lets himself get arrested, turns state's evidence, does his reduced time, gets his BS in Business while doing his reduced sentence, and uses his witness protection to absolve his criminal record. But, yeah, I get that there's maybe 1 guy who will do this per year.
Setting up the Global Warming lies to come
OCinBuffalo replied to OCinBuffalo's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Krauthammer is a hack...pointing out the religious behavior of the Global Warming people. dev/null began the "Heretics! Burn them!" thing 8 years ago. Once again, PPP is ahead of the curve. Oh and: Environtologist. Charles the Hammer ain't got schit on me either. Really. Using San Francisco weather as an indication of anything other than: "WTF is going on here? How did it get this cold? 50? It was F'ing 70 degrees 2 damn hours ago"? Meh. We've seen conner post. Ah yes, the NYT. The very same people who shut down their Global Warming desk last year. That's some interesting behavior there, isn't it? Ask yourself: why would the biggest left-biased paper in the world do that? Think it's because they know a losing political issue when they see one? Think it's because they knew that they couldn't afford to lose on AGW and Obamacare? Funny how they thought Obamacare was the better bet, isn't it? -
Anybody know what a cargo cult is? http://en.wikipedia....wiki/Cargo_cult The more I read/hear/think about this, the more "Obamacare: Cargo Cult Health Insurance" hardens as the very best way to describe WTF is happening here...from a anthropological context, but really? From any context. Think about it: The Melanisian cult members don't know a damn thing about how to build/fly/land a plane, or how to make cargo. But, they've seen planes, and they want that cargo. The leftist cult members don't know a damn thing about how to create/market/sell health insurance. But, they've seen health insurance, and they want that cargo(votes). So, what does each group do? They create their imitation of what they've seen. However, it's infused with their own previously held beliefs, and, due to the lack of understanding of how the thing they are imitating actually works, any "hole" in their design, is conveniently filled in by those beliefs. And, hold on, this gets creepy. From the wiki: Um....yep. But hold on, it's get's creepier. :o Hair starting to rise up on the back of our neck a little? Since the process of insurance is unknown to them(the idiots who created Obamacare), it therefore must be created by "evil" means. Thus, the righteous must create insurance by "good" means, as insurance is intended for all people. The stockholders of insurance companies have unfairly gained control of insurance through malice or mistake. Spiritual Agents(otherwise know as the Main Stream Media), at some future time, will give the valuable cargo(approval of Obamacare) to the leftists(the dirty little pigmies in our story). Yes, sometime in the "future", "people", will "love Obamacare". Hence the ritualistic dances, and howling at the moon....otherwise know as posting here, and elsewhere...will someday make Obamacare work. Still worse: Or, Healthcare.gov. A mock enterprise application platform. That was constructed by dopey, Joe's Accouting firm and Flow Shop developers...who clearly fetishized and attempted construction of an enterprise system with the software engineering skill set of: a Drupal "developer". But, keep in mind: developers aren't where the "ideas" or what the system has to do, when, where, why, and which. That comes from the client = Obama Administration. Garbage in... Oh, and here I believe we have the behavior of sending Silicon Valley .com/consumer people...trying to act like enterprise consultants, largely because "they believe in Obamacare". No unaffected IT person would ever talk in terms of "belief". Not ever. "We believes in nothing, Lebowski, nothing" 4 words: Show me the code. Hmmm....seems were far past Jan. 1, and the back end I told you all wasn't even close to being designed, STILL isn't built. Good luck living this down fellas...and now? Accenture? March is coming. Now it's just getting weird. Yes, that's the theme isn't it? Mimickrey. Mimickrey of what a qualified: 1. Developer 2. Architect/Security Specialist 3. Business Analyst 4. Project Manager 5. Project Sponsor 6. CIO 7. CEO would do, but with no real skill set at 1-7 to actually do the job, and a complete lack of understanding of what each job entails. Thus, welcome to my new singature: Obamacare: Cargo Cult Health Insurance :lol:
no charges in IRS investigation?
OCinBuffalo replied to Azalin's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Lerner's lawyer wants immunity, or she pleads the 5th? How doesn't that say: Guilty? This is the first time I'm hearing the immunity thing come up in such a big way. I remember there as some talk about it last year. But this is the first time they are having meetings about it, and talking about how/what she might have to say. -
Oh, just wait until Biden's prez bid begins. There are still morons, here and elsewhere, that think throwing money at turds = consumer spending = win. It's patently retarded. What you gain in the short term, you lose x3 in inflation and opportunity cost of that $ being spent better elsewhere, like adult education, which fixes STRUCTURAL UNEMPLOYMENT, which is problem #1, NITWITS! Bill Clinton made is friggin bones on this. Again, The Stimulus of 2009 was a non-Keynsian, Keynsian Stimulus. They STILL can't point out a single, traditional, Keynsian multiplier in that a-hole endeavour. Since when is a cop's salary a multiplier? That's F'ing addition, not multiplication. Propping up over-extended liberal state/Federal government, is not STIMULUS.
Hey mister 29 posts? I'm just gonna tell you: there's about a 3.5% chance that you going at your best ludicrous speed, becomes too difficult for most of us to follow. IF is great. The problem is, as with Obamacare, and every other damn thing the left proposes: You always sell the results. You never sell the how you're going to get the results. And, when somebody like me says "show your work", you tell me I don't care about/don't want the results.....largely because I'm a racist. Or something. I'm just gonna tell you this too: that act died on this board right around the same time it was "racist" to oppose the, now obvious, idiocy that is Obamacare. No. I want the results, same as you. Now, show your damn work. And, don't tell me you need $1 million for the MBAs, and then $2 million for the government employees to "manage" the "system" of "MBA distribution". Again I ask: how is this equitable? Why does the criminal get treated better than the non-criminal? NOBODY in this thread has given a satisfactory anwer to this. Even this: is crap. Where's the equity? Dammit! Why does the criminal who spends 7 years in prison come out with a freebie journeyman's card, while the non-criminal has to pay for all the classes, and give up the free time, since he also has pay for his own food/housing, and therefore must work during the day? All I am asking for is a simple definition of the credits and debits for this transaction. I proposed the infinitely straightforward: you get a prison MBA/trade card, you owe service: for life. That deals with Tom's middle ground, and, has the added benefit of being equitable. However DC_Tom, your...dare I say: idiotic...premise depends on government departing from its standardized "one-size-fits-all" methodology. WTF are you thinking? You think the government can actually establishing said middle ground, complete with measurement of utility/$ standards? Without Obamacaring the entire thing? (See? Obamacare, The Liberal Cleaver! I'm just facilitating your acceptance of that reality. ) I say F that. Put it out to bid for the E-colleges, let the government run the bid, and that's it. The E-College has no exposure. The guy does his work or he doesn't. Either way, they get paid a flat rate for what he does do, and if he quits, the don't lose anything. They run it, period. Thus? I now modify my suggestion. Allow the prisoner's county to sponsor his trade/MBA/BS whatever. Have the state and Feds match whatever funds they put up, and then? Have the service owed to the county, until the county is paid off either in trade or cash + interest. IF we want to reintegrate people into society, why the F not do it: in their society? Let the county be responsible for working the newly rehabilitated back into their own place in that community. After all, there's a really good chance that the county is where the crime was committed, and where the victim lives/lived. There is literally no need for State or Federal oversight in this local matter, other than inspection, to guard against fraud and provide an appeals mechanism. EDIT: And one last thing? Any prisoner who matriculates in any gender/identity study, or any other major whose only career path is "community organizer"/"useless government employee" gets a kick in the sack once per day.
There are various forms of "looking for trouble" and all are relative. Hence, the jury couldn't pin down how much trouble, and what kind.Hence, I am inclined to agree. 4 counts of attempted murder(facts are nice things to have, now that we have them), given 4 rounds fired at a "retreating" van? That is the polar opposite of standing one's ground(which was the point of the OP), so this all sounds right to me.
I've thought of a solution for the equity problem, but I dunno: Permanent community service for the reciever of the free education. Bear with me: if there's anything that government has proven lately, it is that it's incompetent. Having a state-sponsored MBA prison reform program, means that MBA(assuming all goes well) will be outside of government, gaining competence. His/her service could therefore be things like: running weekend clinics on "how to manage an IT project, and when it's time to realize that you can't". I mean, that's a semester course for government people right there. On the other hand, I'm not sure I'm a big fan of indentured government servitude, but, then, there's the victims to consider. And, the state taxpayer, who has nothing to do with any of this....like I said, I dunno....
I get it, but my problem with it, as it is with most things government: Where is the equity? If I don't get arrested, and work a job, take on loans, which set me back for 30 years....to get a college education... how is it equitable for somebody to do the opposite of me, and get a free education, which is paid for by the tax $ I pay as a result of working and not being in prison? The only consideration being: ex-con guy has a criminal record. But, given the college education he now has, and the "transformation" he has "undergone", that becomes a net positive for him in an interview, does it not? Doubly so if he is a minority. I can just see GE/Accenture/Google/Microsoft lining up to hire the "reformed" ex-con....for their government divisions. Loads of irony, all true, and no equity whatsoever.
Well, if you go the CNN route, you may have to deal with Candy Crawley's fat ass, now telling you that no, in fact they didn't interview the suspect, they only interviewed a witness, or some such distortion. Now I get to haul out this gem from 2006: How can George W Bush be a total idiot, yet, so devious and intelligent as to contrusct a huge lie, devilish enough to suck in Hillary Clintion...and John Kerry, at the same time? I've never heard a rational response to this, because any response that affirms both, defies logic. It's a shame really, where have all the self-assured Ds who were so prevalent here in 2006, run off to? This one was a very lulzly troll back then.... It's similar to: How can Belechick be a draft genius yet wait until the 6th round to draft his HOF QB(or only have 2 defensive players stick with the team over 7 drafts, of largely defensive players) at the same time? I lump the irrational D ball-lickers right in with the irrational Belechick ball-lickers. Of course, given the voting record of Massachusetts...it's likely that these are the same people.
Wait! You forgot about abortion! And affirmative action! What's wrong with you? Don't you understand the TEA party? Yet more evidence that the left doesn't "know their enemy". It really is hilarious how befuddled they are, and I hope it continues. More about this below. In the end, Europe always follows our innovations. IF they can really latch on to what the TEA party really is about, which means paying 0 attention to what the liberal media here says, because they don't know, then they can accomplish the same thing we have: befuddle the left. Here's an example of the befuddlement: Biden rants "There is no Republican party, I wish there were" It's no secret that befuddlement is Joe Biden's default position. However, as he has so often: he unintentionally crystalizes the issue. "There is no Republican party" ...that he's used to, because nobody wants to play the tired, old Democratic party "move the R who sits down with us to the front, so that our media allies can attack him, while we say we are trying to work with him" game. Thus, Biden's befuddled. He's befuddled that the same old trick isn't working. But really, ALL of the Ds are, especially the media types like wawrow. They can't understand that their biggest enemy is their own daft perception. Meanwhile, the TEA party continues its tactics, which are working. The TEA party has kept Obamacare in the news, and denied everything else, yet the liberals still don't seem to get how, without having a leader. The TEA party has raised more money than anyone thus far for 2014, with no leader. The TEA party has denied the Ds a vote on immigration, income nonsense, or anything else, with no leader, becasue: The TEA party will see to it that Obamacare is the ONLY issue in 2014. The $ is already raised, and the plan is underway. The is left befuddled, largely becasue again they don't understand how this can be happening. As I've said: they can't seem to recognize an organization that doesn't require a "strong man", and servile loyalty to party. How therefore, can the TEA party continue to succeed, while being so "disorganized"? (Hint: the word you should be focused on is "decentralized", but, asking a progressive to understand decentralization?) The TEA party is predicated on independent thinking, which makes them unpredictable, and while that means mistakes, it also means being elusive and very effective. How innovative, and thus, American of them. The Euros always love American innovation.
This is something I don't get at all. Why would they talk about #s so specifically, when we all know that there's little chance they have them at all, never mind they are right? They come out and represent these very large #s as accurate, when, if they are off by even 10%, they are going to get attacked for lying again, and, 10% of 800,000, or whatever, represents 80k people. 80k people getting a negative consequence out of this is a major news story, because 80k people is "a lot" of people, no matter how many times you try to set the context in terms of 350 million. 350 million people is beyond the ken of most people. But, they will always be able to "see" a football stadium full of people: 1. paying more for care/drugs/etc. 2. losing their doctor 3. remaining uninsured 4. (insert negative outcome here) If even one of those 80k is a child? The horror! Whatever will Oprah do? The idiot Democrats have set themselves up, again, for failure. No wonders Ron Fournier is so tired of the idiot Democrats. Any qualified manager knows it's better to take the short term hit for "not knowing", at one meeting, than setting up the long-term beating for "fudging the #s"...which will be the entire agenda of multiple future meetings. If any of these Democrats had ever spent 1 day in the real world, they would know these sketchy #s means STFU, wait, and see. "If you want something done right, put the far-left in charge of doing the opposite." Jesus, it's like they are trying to reinforce this, by providing a weekly example. It's great that all these celebrities have damaged their brand over this. Before any of them are anything, they've proven themselves to be business people. Cutting loose of Obamacare will become a simple business decision, and, a lesson that informs the next time they are asked to blindly support stupidity.
Setting up the Global Warming lies to come
OCinBuffalo replied to OCinBuffalo's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
This is the point that Alaska Darin has been making since I've been here. Instead of focusing on clean water/air etc., the Ds and their EPA surrogates have overreached yet again, and now, with the 17 year "pause" in global temperature increase, they have been exposed. This overreach/exposure, as Darin has argued, will inevitably lead to a backlash. My argument: backlash is normally directly proportional to the origination "lash" that creates it. If that is the case here, then, the Ds/EPA/environtologists are in for a whipping they can't even imagine. And, the irony: a whipping that is led by unionized coal and manufacturing workers. In the end, they may very well find themselves behind, in 2018, where they began all this, in 1998. And, that's not a good thing, because that means, per Darin, that the clean water/air is the baby that gets thrown out with the bathwater. -
"What if Obama can't lead?" :o
OCinBuffalo replied to OCinBuffalo's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
It's possible that Greg Gutfeld is right: Obama looks at the Presidency of the United States...as merely the part-time job that allows him to support his full-time community organizing. Obama the loser political activist, no steps removed from a OWS clown who works at Kinkos, because both use their part time job as the base of their political operations. It's entirely possible that he really hasn't changed his perspective at all. Not even this high office can modulate his view of himself as the social justice "police". Just like an OWS clown, that means that all tactics, however illegal, however classless, however bad for the people, now, are on the table, because the long-term goal of social justice(which remains as nebulous today as it has ever been) is trump. Look at the big picture: ALL the behavior follows this pattern, and show me a single deed/word that doesn't. If you really stop and think about it, Greg Gutfeld is probably right. Again, show me a better explanation for all of this, and I'll be happy to listen. -
It's Time to Stop Even Thinking About Joe Biden
OCinBuffalo replied to Keukasmallies's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Since we are doing wacky, and both DC_Tom and gatorman are here.... What if Biden running is a false flag? Think about it: Biden runs his campaign, but all his campaign consists of? Strawmanning far-left positions, and some right-leaning stuff(can't be obvious) for Hillary...so she can "counter" them, and thereby make herself look "moderate" and "practical", and willing to "take on the extremists in both parties". Biden isn't even close in New Hampshire(although how hilarious would it be if he got far-left traction?), and he bows out on schedule after South Carolina, after a media-described "loss of a real, no-joke(see Newsweek cover above) fight with Hillary"....thus giving Hillary credit for a victory, that isn't. In return Biden gets to "work" at one of Hillary's "retire and get paid off" foundations/research/BS fronts, just like the previous CIA director did, for changing the CIA talking points on Benghazi. -
no charges in IRS investigation?
OCinBuffalo replied to Azalin's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
The above may finally contain the elusive legal "standing" that has been so difficult to find in all of this. You can't sue the government without standing. Somebody who is forced to pay these taxes in a state with a federal exchange has litterally been illegally harmed by the government, personally. Thus, standing has been achieved. And, any story that curtails this Administration's, or any government entity's ability to sell their influence to the highest campaign contributor, is a good thing. -
And so it begins...the "anti-Hillary" narrative
OCinBuffalo replied to OCinBuffalo's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
IF I was a Clinton, and had dealt with way more people politically than I could possibly imagine, never mind dealing with people every day, I'd believe I'd want some way to memorialize what the hell happened 10 months ago with person X. After all, I am a power broker: I need to know who has given me power and who has taken it away, as much as I need to remember who I've given/taken power from. That's a tactical approach that merely makes sense to me. It's a balance sheet approach. The argument should be: Hillary is a power broker...which means she is a crony capitalist/socialist, that will attempt to circumvent the Constitution and(insert your thing here, like soap opera ambassadors), the same way Obama is doing today. A vote for Clinton is a vote for more Obama corruption and tyranny(if you want to go all hyperbolic). The argument should not be: her tactics as a power broker. The first argument is superior in every way, because it is more sinister(if that's what you're going for), but more importantly, it ties her directly, in both word and deed, to the unpopular president. The second sounds like something from middle school. -
Clowney Being Compared To Greatness !!
OCinBuffalo replied to T master's topic in The Stadium Wall Archives
Bruce Smith got all his sacks as a 3-4 DE. (Somebody has to auto-say that every time Derrick Thomas or Reggie White is mentioned. It's a rule. Especially on a Bills message board, but, really on every message board there is, especially on the Chiefs or Packers message board. There's no point saying it on the Eagles board. They won't have a clue. I've often considered starting a thread with that simple statement, on those boards, once a year on the same day, just because...) The other rule: Deacon Jones. You can't have a sacks comparison, using the 3 guys, and not the fourth: Deacon Jones, without some old timer raising hell. That is why I prefer the Mt. Sackmore Solution. You put all 4 on Mt. Sackmore, and you say: enough already. If this guy is good enough to even consider approaching putting a 5th guy on Mt. Sackmore, you take him at #1 and don't look back. -
FanSpeak's "On The Clock" - Try Drafting
OCinBuffalo replied to Astrobot's topic in The Stadium Wall Archives
Looks OK, but can the RB play on teams? And, is the TE an every down player? -
I dunno, sounds like a reward for drafting well to me. Besides, what happens a few years, if we can't keep both Woods and Kiko, because both are elite players, and we can't stay under the cap?(Yes, wildly wishful) We lose one, and then we'd be signing a different tune on comp picks then.
FanSpeak's "On The Clock" - Try Drafting
OCinBuffalo replied to Astrobot's topic in The Stadium Wall Archives
I agree. I think we may end up hearing the wailing and nashing of teeth, that will come from drafting a 4-3 DE at 9....when getting a stud there may, in September, when we play the games, end up being more important than LB.