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Everything posted by OCinBuffalo

  1. Oh God yes. That DA would have to leave the state. Or face the very real potential for a tarring and feathering. Dems in Buffalo don't realize just how real the TEA party is in the rest of upstate. They think they wouldn't follow the Revolutionary measures, because they haven't spent very much time in the 95% of the state that isn't Downtown Buffalo, Downtown Rochester, etc. The Republican party IS the TEA party in suburban/rural NY. As usual Democrats are the cause of their own problems: We know how poorly this state has been run under downstate/Democrat control, and how corrput Democrats are here, we don't need to see it on TV, like somebody in Texas does. The TEA party folks here are near, not quite over, the edge when it comes to gun control and private property rights. Perhaps not being over the edge saves the DA? Just barely. Perhaps it stops with egging/TPing his house? Slash his tires, etc. I'd say that it is directly proportional: Cuomo can run his mouth all day. Nobody cares. But, if he starts acting, he better be prepared for a proportional repsonse. The best thing for him is to STFU, leave these people where they are: near the edge, and do nothing that will push them over.
  2. That consultant is an idiot then. If I'm the consultant for the other side? When my guy's Senate race really begins in September, I tell him to go out and say: "Obamacare's been delayed again, that makes 12 times. They think you're stupid. They think they can keep lying to you, and that you'll let them. You know that delaying something doesn't make it go away. So why do they think this is going to fool you? We know that this law is terrible, and we know those policies are going to be cancelled next year, instead this of year. (Insert picuture of woman with cancer from state) Suzy's policy will be cancelled next year, instead of this one. How is that fair to Suzy? She's going to spend all year unsure of what Obamacare is going to do to her. Bob is trying to lie to you, just like Obama lied to you in 2012, because Bob voted for Obamacare. Bob got his buddy Obama to try and save him from voting for this awful law. But, we won't be lied to again. We have too much self respect to have these people keep lying to us and walking all over us. We won't be fooled again." Nothing like finishing with a The Who quote. And, the whole thing targets women. Idiot consultant doesn't seem to get that women have been lied to here. Such a crime will not go unpunished, and, by delaying again, all they are doing is reinforcing the "you were lied to" meme.
  3. This is the picture we want to send the Russians right now? Obama speaking, again, alone, from the Romper Room? /facepalm Oh, yeah I can just hear it too "we don't want to send a provocative image out, we need to be seen as taking the high ground, and proceeding with business as usual....let's put Obama in a school, and show that our values aren't going to be compromised by a bully". When business as usual = feckless, clueless, and weak? Sheer idiocy. Would Harry Truman be seen standing in such a silly place, in the middle of a foreign policy crisis? Would JFK? Somebody needs to punch Obama in the face. Somebody who is a real freind of his. Somebody needs to wake him up, and tell him that he's not only in danger of destroying his legacy(which is apparently the only thing he cares about), but that he's in danger of setting up a European war, that could easily turn into a world war. Obama needs to plant his ass in the situation room, surrounded by generals, and take pictures of that. I can't believe that, after the terrible "all by myself on the phone, jeans" picture....that this is the picture that comes out next. War is about intelligence, sure, but due to the fog of war, it's about your gut: what does your gut say to you, about this picture, if you are Putin?
  4. Who is advising the POTUS? I mean seriously. Who the F thinks another delay is going to help anybody, and be anything other than yet another political bomb that blows up the left's face? There has to be polling. Or something. Something that says this makes sense? Doesn't there? If not, then these people have gone completely off the rails. Ron Fournier is going to be white hot pissed. Does the WH think that these people are going to carry thier water forever? No matter what happens? This is getting out of hand. It's funny, sure. It's hilarious that we can use it to make fun of birdog, and b-large, and whoever else. But, we can't run the country this way. And, we've already been here. So many times. That's what makes this mind-boggling. Who the hell cares about another delay? Who is the target demo that's going to hear this and respond? How is this going to fix the D's electoral problems? People have made up their mind about Obamacare, every poll shows this. Now it's more digging, instead of putting the shovel down? Has ANY Democrat here considered that now, we are talking about seriously F'ing up 2016, when all of what has been delayed until after the 2014 election, comes to pass, in a 2 year period? Do they honestly believe they can then delay things past 2016, and not instantly kill Hillary's campaign? All a competent R has to do is say: "look at the Ds, trying to hide Obamacare just like they did before 2012. Are you gonna fall for that again?"
  5. It's a lock that 85% of the gun owners in upstate aren't compliant. The local law enforcement want nothing to do with this law, and they aren't enforcing it, unless they get you for something else first. My brother has 3 friends, one of each: city cop, sheriff, and State Trooper, and all of them told us that they don't enforce it, and nobody else does either. So, yeah, the felons, who drive drunk with weapons in the car(the 1 time the city cop enforced it), or deal drugs/grow weed, or do something else nasty, they will get nailed. Now here's the hilarious part: in 3 years, I bet we will hear the whining, because this law disproportionately affects minorities!
  6. I don't understand how this applies. I mean, grammar-wise, this says if you are part of the party committee, as a member or officer, you can be removed. That doesn't say anything about an elected official who is merely a member of the party, and not the committee. Are all elected officials a member or officer of a party committee? There are members of party committees that aren't officers, this thing says there are, by saying "a member or officer of a party committee". If they meant "an elected party member, or, a member or officer of a party committee" they should have said so. Also, the "handmaiden" crack is hilarious. Welcome to NY, MutherF'er!
  7. Couldn't we say that Muslims have a higher propensity to do evil, since the tenets of their religion are often specific to committing violence/conquest? If so, couldn't we say that it's no surprise, that years later, the Muslim religion is bound to contain a disproportionate # of evildoers relative to the other religions? And, knowledge almost certainly decays over time, unless something is done to prevent it. How many people know how to farm today? Then, ask that question 100 years ago. How many people have been assigned to keeping the objective knowledge of Mohammed over the years? We have plenty of Muslim propaganda. How much real history do we have? Right, Islamic conquerors never forced anyone to convert to Islam.....I guess Tamerlane never existed. Lack of an Islamic Reformation doesn't excuse, literally millions, of Muslims who are literally willing to kill/die over their religion today. Wait? You said "Seriously?", didn't you? Oh, my bad. No...as I said above, none of this is serious. This is simply OCinBuffalo...running the same stepwise method described above. Why it has worked again, is fascinating, isn't it?
  8. Christ, we have nothing but nerds(John Kerry) and bullies running around. What I'm afraid of is Obama's nerdy, uncoordinated, response to Putin's bullying. All sweaty, elbows and fingernails, etc., that possibly ends up hitting the wrong people, and definitely makes the bystanders of the world say: "You know? I can see why Putin picks on Obama. F'ing nerd." Obama's nerd approach is straight up leftist ideology, that in turns comes straight from the nerds on college campuses. Since when doesn't nerd behavior attract bullies? DC_Tom can tell us about this. (He already did btw) Meanwhile, dumbass bully Bill O'Reilly wants us to all out attack the Ruble. Yeah, that makes sense. Let's drive Russia's economy under, turn it into another Weimar Republic, and start WW3 over this. The Russian people don't deserve to be thrown into chaos because of Putin. Putin is the problem we need to fix, not Russia. We need to tell the nerds to go sit down, relax and STFU, and we need to do what always works with Bullies: embarass them personally. You don't go after the entire school, because of a bully. That's Columbine thinking. Again, DC_Tom's experience is instructive: shoving one bully into one locker is measured, and effective. We need to embarass Putin, and shove his ass into a locker. Drive a wedge between him and his people. Destory his image(riding horses with no shirt on). Obama needs to stop releasing photos of him, all by himself, on the phone in jeans, like the prototypical nerd asking the bully to release his underwear. We need pictures of him in the situation room, in a suit, with all the Joint Chiefs in Class A uninforms. Obama needs a "crew" to hang out with, and stop looking like the kid who's all by himself. Obama should be going to the G8, and get a few images of 6 of them hanging out with him, and nobody hanging out with Putin. Sorry for all the imagery...but...that's what this is, isn't it?
  9. Bah. Well, then again, did you actually expect me to remember something from 2010? And besides, the point of this was how unintentionally weird the wiki was. Well, that's one point. There are others....but they are for later. And no matter what, you will read every word of every single one. That is, when you aren't skimming, right? I've had your # for years, and I still have it. I keep it in a little box, not a big one, just because: it bothers you.
  10. So now it's any port in the storm for you, huh? War on Christmas? Jesus F'ing Christ. What does your post have to do with the, now, fact, that nobody cares, never mind is afraid of being a social/intellectual/political pariah... ....when you call them a Climate Change "denier"? You want to start a thread about right-wing scare tactics, go right ahead. But, that's got nothing to do with this thread. This thread = the liars have been exposed, and, nobody is afraid of being called anything...by proven liars. Your bringing up non sequitors to this argument merely proves that you know what I am saying is true...so now it's on to something else for you. Any port in the storm is right.
  11. Can't wait until all these come out in March: More people ate at McDonald's today... More people watched (insert dopey TV show here) today... Are the obvious ones. The cool ones are like the one you posted.
  12. Wait a second. Do I have to be a plumber to recognize a pipe wrench, or, do I just have to be somewhat competent regarding tools in general? And..wouldn't the guy who lived 700 years after Mohammed have a better idea of what actually happened....than the guy who lives 1400 years after? Neither is a prophet of God(unless you have something to tell us Tom), but, wouldn't the Byzantine Emperor know more about Islam, having lived nearer to it, and closer to the time of its orgination? And..what exactly is wrong with the quote? What did Muhammad bring besides forced conversion, based on conquest?
  13. It depends on who "the lefties" are. If "the lefties" are the DC Democratic consultants/staff/elected and their husbands and wives in the media(quite literally), then yeah, they know exactly who the TEA party is, because they have analyzed them, and as a result are very afraid of them. Hence, yeah, these "intellectuals" spew flat out lies about the TEA party. They know they can't survive a real debate. They remember the 2010 town hall meetings. Thus, they will NEVER be intellectually honest, going up against TEA party people/ideas, ever again. They know that only has 1 outcome: an ass kicking for them. If "the lefties" are gatorman, BFFL, wawrow, or birdog et al, they have clearly demonstrated in this thread that they have no clue who the TEA party is, or what they are for/against, have done 0 of their own work on the subject. They merely parrot the lies they get from the corrupted media. The hilarious part: the 2nd set are the exact opposite of "intellectuals". Intellectuals do their own work. This group doesn't do any of their own thinking whatsoever. IF they did, they'd never set themselves up for so much ridicule. Ridicule: basically job #1 for me around here, since I arrived in 2005, and found assinine "war doctrine" coming from unmitigated morons. This place used to be full of liberals/progressives. But, the smart ones saw where things were headed, and have all run away, rather than face: ridicule. gatorman et al are obvious members of 2nd, "useful idiot" class, and therefore weren't smart enough to run away. Simple as that. The fun part: here we are today, with even more assinine "war doctrine" coming from unmitigated morons. It's homecoming!
  14. Why are you asking questions when you already know their answers? The fact is: they honestly, and using all their vast intellectual ability, thought this model was going to work. However, they forgot this simple equation: knowledge + experience = wisdom. They have plenty of knowledge, but, no experience. None. Thereore, their results are: unwise. The fixes they've deployed, are political in nature, not based on experience, therefore, they are aslo: unwise.
  15. Here's how you know the thing is broken, and never coming back: http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001424052702304026804579411021545493020 That's it. This is in the Wall Street Journal...not "crazy right wing guy's blog". Why does that matter? This guy isn't afraid. Nobody is afraid. Certainly no one is afraid of these "moral hero"s anymore. The PR war has been lost, becase nobody fears the consequences of being called a "denier", by people who have no credibility. Why does that matter? Ah....Remember the OP of this thing? Read: http://www.spiegel.d...ments-box-pager This is from the Germans, of all people. I particuarly like the fact that the attitude is on full display: And that's the problem for the left: sorry but the element of fear you require, is no longer tenable. All you will succeed in doing now? Futher damaging your credibility. In closing, the title of this thread was: Setting up the AGW lies to come...well? Nobody is afraid of whatever you say, because nobody cares, because everybody knows about the lies. I'm tempted to close this thread right here and now. What else is there to say?
  16. Oh, you misunderstand: I'm not crying. I'm laughing. Your idiot party and the media that has been carrying their water...have lost all credibility as of today. You'd already lost on Obamcare, the economy, and governing in general. Now you've lost the last thing: foreign policy. Yeah, you won in 2012...by lying and cheating, and forcing every elected Democrat in the country into supporting a presidential candidate they would have abandoned/modulated on, if that cadidate wasn't "the Messiah". Now, because you saved little Barry, they all have to pay the price. That's hilarious. This event destorys Hillary Clinton's chances to retain the "engagement" foreign policy approach. She can't run on it, so she won't run on it. It's always back to the same thing for you: nominate Hillary, and see the progressive agenda paid lip service, but destroyed in practice or nominate Elizabeth Warren/some other crackpot and lose 49 states, like Mondale did. Those are your choices now, and that's why: I am laughing.
  17. Show your work. Where has any TEA party activist ever even commented on taking anything away from women, never mind health care? Notice: refusing to pay for something is not the same thing as taking that something away. Also: show your work in terms of women voting against the TEA party. I've never seen any poll, exit or otherwise, that confirms this statement. Again, you seem destined to find out the hard way just how many women are hardcore TEA party. I can't say for sure, but it seems they outnumber men when it comes to involvement/coordination of the TEA party. Let's see how women vote in 2014, now that you've lied to them about their healthcare(women's issue #1), shall we?
  18. And here we have more confirmation that not only don't you understand the TEA party, but, that you won't know what hit you. Most of the TEA party coordinators ARE women. http://www.c-span.org/video/?317634-1/hearing-irs-targeting-investigation-part-1 Yes, the TEA party women are against themselves. The loudest voices and most ardent TEA party people I've encountered are women. Like I said: you don't even know what you don't know.
  19. And...they still don't understand the TEA party. I'm really getting a kick out of this lack of understanding. I am becoming convinced that the left will be defeated consistently going forward, and never understand how/why. I was talking about this same thing recently with this leftist dude from Texas. He thought he had a great story about the TEA party demanding "the Creator" be part of the platform, but, then he said something hysterically ironic = how this very thing "split the TEA party". He was trying to prove that the TEA party is run by religious fanatics, yet, disproved his own premise...by talking about the split. For the intellectually challenged: yes, every single time someone tries to co-opt the TEA party, and overlay their social conservative stuff on it, or anything else that isn't what the TEA party is about, you bet your ass the real TEA party people will react, and yes, they will split from that program. His story merely confirmed 2 things: he doesn't understand the TEA party at all either, and, the TEA party has little/no interest in advancing the standard social conservative agenda. Liberty for all. Why is Liberty such a difficult concept for the left to understand?
  20. How embarassing for liberals. Russian invasion of Ukraine = the death of the Reset Button, and the entire universe of the liberal foreign policy tenets from 2005-today. It's all over, for the kids. Thank God. We will no longer be lectured by children, who based their entire argument on the bumblings of Bush, and not on sound understanding and conception of how the world really is. The irony of this happening the same week that we are told gutting the military is a good idea...priceless. Yes, Liberals now own: 1. Obamacare 2. The Minimum Wage Economy/The Food Stamp Economy 3. War through Weakness 2014 is lining up to be a blow out. The ? isn't whether the GOP can take the Senate anymore. They will. The new ? = will the GOP gains made in 2014 offset the probable losses in 2016, thus allowing the GOP to retain the Senate through at least 2018?
  21. It doesn't matter. Ridiculous...is ridiculous. The faster that we can all agree on the definition of ridiculous, the better off we will be. But, that also requires that we all agree that telling the truth, is superior to worrying about what may "offend". And, Barry Switzer saying "I've had some renegades" is hilarious. The man is the prototypical, completely corrupt good old boy. He's a walking, talking, seterotype, which makes the irony of his statments quite pleasing. The best is him talking about intuition. Analytics is the death of intuition, just like PR was the death of advertising.
  22. How the hell wouldn't you take Robinon, when everybody else is of lesser or = value at 9? Not to be a pain, but, what is the point of the vote? What is there to vote about? If Robinson is there, you take him. The only question is: will he be there? The question aggregates 2 premises(he will be there/he won't be) as though the answer isn't 100% based on which one is true.
  23. You know? Some days my trolls don't work. Some days they produce unintended hilarity, like DC_Tom and JA admitting to 8th grade girl activity, which, I can't take any credit for, but are still awesome. And then? There's the above. Which I can take credit for, because it operated exactly as designed. EII: PPP's personificaiton of Pavlovian Theory.
  24. This entire dialogue is indicative of the conclusion that eventually will become unavoidable: The Democratic party is no longer the party of "the little guy". Followed closely by the next, logical, inescapable conclusion: The libertarian movement is now comprised of, and wholly owned by, "the little guy". For me, these 2 conclusions are already valid. For many others: it's just a matter of time until they accept their validity. It's like gravity: it existed for millions of years, before it was "discovered". So, it's just a matter of time, before women, minorities, whites, everybody, realizes that the "progressive agenda" is anti-little guy, and therefore, anti-them. EDIT: Oh, and it's yet more confirmation that gatorman, wawrow, birdog, etc., have no friggin clue about the TEA party(the real TEA party) or libertarians in general. Hopefully they will continue to refuse to know their enemy. It makes destroying their idiotic agenda much simpler.
  25. Put Biden in charge of Obamacare? Or, do you think he would find a way to make it worse?
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