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Everything posted by OCinBuffalo

  1. Yep, and Marrone picking him up at the airport, while completely and totally contrived marketing crap..... ....still required Marrone to buy in and do it. Marrone could easily have said no, and had 0 consequences for saying no. But, he said yes.
  2. Read this thread clowns. The first 10 pages are nothing but the ususal suspects spouting the usual crap. I know who these posters are, so don't waste our time. You know damn well, especially Buftex, that your issues are political/envy based. Buftex knows what happens to those who try to lie/pretend their political partisanship = "being reasonable" when I'm around. EDIT: Well, it's been 10 minutes, and Buftex should have caught on by now. Oh well. Here's a hint: go back and look at my first post in this thread. Look at my first sentence. Get it? Yes, yes, hilarious this thread is. Many of the "truths" we cling to depend on our point of view. Alright, enough Yoda. More hilarious is that one can come in and so easily expose the political hacks, with political hackery. Toys.
  3. No, it is you who don't understand. Really. Think of it in terms of minutes. How many minutes of Trumps day, spent in Buffalo, would he be getting attention? Now, how many minutes would he get in Toronto or LA? (because those are the ONLY places where a team could realistically go, and not be blocked out by the existing owners.) See? Trump gets more quality minutes in Buffalo. Period. And, we might as well get this out of the way now: neither Toronto or LA are realistic places for an NFL team. (Except for the Chargers moving to LA, and only because San Diego is slightly more ridiculously run, by incompetent buffoons, than LA) They have been wonderful stalking horses, and the NFL has been able to use them to great effect. But no one in their right mind would start/move a Day 1, billion $ new business in either city, and especially not one that is so dependent on mass media marketing....because that means: every government "inspector", every union boss, and literally everybody in the city with their hand out, demanding "their fair share" and no pre-existing political relationships/shields against these low-lifes. I'm talking any business. The # of government-based people who would be looking to get paid off both initially, and every year, simply makes both of these towns cost-prohibitive for almost every single team in the NFL. Billionaires don't get that way without knowing how to read a balance sheet, and managing risk. This year literally makes 20 damn years of "somebody is moving to LA" And given the massively huge potential for revenue in LA, equally massive potential for government bad behavior, is the ONLY thing that has prevented a team from starting/moving there....for again, 20 damn years. LA and Toronto can build all the stadiums they want, and have all the votes they want, but only a fool does business with these people.
  4. Yeah, more political/envy-based crap. I refer to Mark Cuban as dopey, because he is F'ing dopey, by any standard we would apply in WNY. And also because Mark Cuban routinely runs his mouth based on nothing more than political/envy-based crap. The man made an entire movie, supposedly to rile people up about the Iraq war, but largely to get himself invited to parties in Hollywood, and the thing absolutely tanked at the box office. That's dopey. Period. What's more? You probably didn't know that, did you? That's also dopey, isn't it? Like I said: 95% of the people who would have a problem with Trump, have some political axe to grind. All Trump did was call their hero...exactly what he has, in fact, turned out to be. Trump was right about almost everything on said hero, and that bunches panties. Bills fans should never, ever care about bunched panties. Deferring to those with bunched panties is precisely how we ended up with the awful tailgating rules and policies we have now.
  5. Yeah, all the $ Trump has today came from his father. Trump didn't take what he had, and turn it over about 100 times. Perhaps you don't know the history of most billionaires? At some point they were millionares who also filed bankruptcy a number of times. This bankruptcy charge is patently ridiculous for guys like Trump. You clearly don't know his history. He invested in NYC, at a time when only a moron would invest in NYC. He made millions anyway. Then Guliani came along, and Trump started making billions, because Guliani cleaned up that city right in front of me, made life difficult for scumbags, both rich and poor, and made doing business in NYC make sense, and Trump was standing there with condos ready to sell. These are the facts. When you get done, they will still be the facts.
  6. Boy, you really missed it then huh? Feeding the ego rarely, if ever, meets with making the most money. So, if you are doing one thing, chances are you aren't doing as much of the other. Not to say you can't have a big ego and make a lot of $, but, you said "making the most". Ego and "the most $"? Nope. Christ, you're a coder. You should know better. The coders that make the most $ have the smallest ego problem, because everybody wants to work with them(and let's be honest, every good coder has an ego problem, as they should. I am simply referring to extent of ego problem. ). Yeah, you really don't get it. Let's say Trump moves the team to LA. Day 1 of that, with all his PR people in full go mode? Donald Trump doesn't even crack the top 20 of attention-getters in that town. Period. Who owns the friggin Lakers? I don't know, do you? Does the average LA person? Nope. I say again: The Lakers. Meanwhile, who in Buffalo doesn't know who owns the Bills? Even the downstaters/non-sports people going to school here will ultimately know. Again, making the most $ is not the same as feeding the ego. I don't understand why you think these two things are inexorably linked. In my experience they are rarely linked. Does Terry Pegula have a massive ego? Terry Pegula could buy Trump a few times over. He definitely "makes the most money". So...where is the ego you say has to come with that for Terry?
  7. Yeah, Donald trump, the 4 time Billionaire...he's not a winner. What exactly is your standard then?
  8. Most people don't understand the extent to which Jersey is despised, and they especially don't understand why....until they live, for ~18-24 months, in either NYC or Philly. When every single day of their life is beset by the annoyance that is New Jersey, often in unimaginable, bizzarre ways, they finally come to understand it. They realize that no amount of "being tolerant" or "getting used to it" or "letting it slide" will ever be enough, because there will always be a new thing tomorrow. Hence, while this may sound like BS to some, I have 0 problem believing it. I don't see any reason why the Bills couldn't overtake the Giants/Jets in NYC.
  9. Sure. But, what is realistic is: WTF do you do when your plan goes to hell, because either somebody ahead of you went "off-plan" or somebody behind you reached for the guy you were gonna take in the next round. Do you take the guy you don't "need" even though he is far and away the BPA? I've done this thing enough times that I've developed a whole new appreciation for how screwed up things can get. This isn't automated fantasy drafting. That makes a whole lot more sense.
  10. I can't believe you can see the tactic, but not understand the strategy. I can't believe you have ruined a hilarious thread. Well, it's already ruined. So...let's get into it.... Look: most of, if not all, of the anti-Trump people here are that way PURELY for political reasons. They don't like it that Trump attacked their hero(and what a perfectly reflective hero for them, in every way). They especially don't like it that Trump used their own shameless tactics against them. Yeah, cry somebody else a river, because I don't care. I mean, it's not like we are talking about Trump attacking Jimmy Cater... Big tears coming. Big tears. But before the tears, and before this goes to PPP, , let me say: If Donald Trump bought this team, EVERY Bills fan would instantly know 2 things to be 100% true, now and forever: 1. Trump would make it work in Buffalo, and only in Buffalo. As I've shown above, the tactics have been recognized, but not the strategy. Let me explain: of course Trump is an attention whore. Great, you've stated the obvious. How about talking about what that means? It means: Trump would never move the team. He can't, and won't doesn't even enter into it. He would never, ever get as much attention, and truly be "loved", inasmuch as he can be, by moving the team elsewhere. He brought up Bills fans, because he knows this. Everywhere else he relatively anonymous. In Buffalo, he would be king....of attention. By keeping the team in Buffalo and being successful, despite attractive offers to move, despite a challenging(or, as people in ~45 other states would call it: blatantly stupid) business environment, and despite whatever other real/invented difficulties...Trump would get to relay all of them to us. He would get to tell us all about his problems, and what he is doing to solve them, on WGR...every day. (Not saying this would be a happy time for us ) All the crap that has been said in this thread? It all boils down to the same thing. If you really believe all the bad things you've said about Trump, then you are also locked in to the fact that he will NEVER move the team. Not when he gains so much of what...you say...is most important to him. 2. Trump Will Do Everything to Win It's the same point as above, just re-directed to winning. If Donald Trump wants to talk billionaire schit about dopey Mark Cuban's golf swing? In public? if he wants to hurl invective over net worth? How well do you think he will react if Bob Kraft's team beats his? That's who will kill this deal: Bob Kraft. Kraft knows he has 2 stooge owners in this division, and he wants a third! The last thing he wants is for Donald Trump, who will take any 2 TD+ defeat as a personal insult, to start throwing $ around in the NFL. If Trump is exactly who you all say he is, then he will be the best NFL owner that has ever lived. He will run Art Rooney right out of Canton, alive or dead. The downside of these types of owners is of course: The Redskins and Cowboys. But, faced with the prospects of keeping the team here, and an owner who throws $ around at FA? We are whining? Why in the hell would we ever whine about that, after we've spent how many years on this board whining about the polar opposite? Somebody wake me up when this thread starts to make sense. In ALL cases, anyone who is telling us that Donald Trump would be a bad owner probably has a political/personal problem, because objective analysis says the exact opposite.
  11. Yeah, so much so that he waited until the 6th round to get him. Will the cognitive dissonance on this issue ever end? Go ask Chiefs fans if "The Patriot Way" is a real thing. I did once. It was hilarious. I did it right after we blew them out for the 2nd year in a row, said I wasn't trolling, and they bought it! The best answer I got was: "The Patriot Way is a farce. Always has been. The Patriot Way is Tom Brady." That's right. But...they wait until the 6th round to establish: The Patriot Way? No. The Pats got damn lucky, and their draft history since has done nothing other than prove it.
  12. Welp, I read all 28 pages. First... This one just flew by posters. Why? It's funny! The only thing that I can add, that hasn't already been said is this: Don't forget about this Bills locker room. The room hasn't had its say on Mike Williams yet, and we are assured that it will. We can talk about "character guys" that haven't won, having ON the field issues(hilarious, BTW), etc. But, one thing that drafting character, for 10 years, has done? It's created a culture for this team. They aren't all the same person of course, but, they all have that same sort of buy-in once they get here. Sure you can say Marcell Darius. But, then I will say: if missing team meetings is the worst thing he has done? In today's NFL, with guy's involved in all sorts of crap, this is our big problem? This? How is that not evidence of this team's culture? How is that not evidence of how this room operates? And, this is not a new thing for the Bills: James Lofton.
  13. I always laugh when I hear "guaranteed health care"....for anybody. The notion is beyond absurd, when one actually has spent any time with Medicare. (Of course that would require gatorman, baskin, or any other buffoon, on the left or right, to actually do some work, and familiarize themselves with the facts...and how Medicare actually behaves in the wild.) Medicare guarantees nothing other than a hassle for everyone involved, and government jobs for those whose sole task in life is to provide the hassle. The hassle is touted as something other than a hassle...by the people who derive their livelihood from the hassle. But, an experienced, objective observer like myself, who gets paid to provide thoughtful, objective observations...will save you $ and time by saying: "hassle" and being done. In fact, it's an unnecessary hassle, and thus, a scam. I can back all of this up. Just go ahead and dare me. Or, you can accept the fact right now that Medicare, Medicaid and all of it doesn't guarantee anybody anything, other than a hassle, and the fun fact that they have been trapped into providing for the care and well-being of government buffoons. The provision of care is not guaranteed in Medicare. It is limited to "perhaps". In all cases, we will end up in the same place = "unnecessary hassle/scam"...it's just a matter of how we get there(and how much fun I want to have with you along the way).
  14. You're an idiot. EDIT: Hey, you can't tell me that wasn't properly deployed.
  15. All these polls and wonderful arguments are nice. But, you guys do realize that the Chuck Schumerish defense of "the people will like it...someday" is the standard response, and you can't disprove it. That's the trick: never tell us when that day will be. It could be in 100 years, or a 1000, but as long as they refuse to commit to deadlines, they can always argue that Obamacare is the "underdog". That someday the underdog is going to beat the bullies that keep attacking it! Again, we know this is pathetic, but, it's just as impossible to prove a negative as it is to disprove something that has no timeline attached. If we all live long enough, we may see aliens. Disprove that.
  16. Yeah....until those heads realize that this is on Showtime, and therefore, no one is going to see it. Showtime: the conner of pay TV channels. It produces sheer absurdity, purely on the hope that it gains attention. And, yeah, I know all about Dexter. This merely reinforces the conner comparison. Conner was good for 1 good thread out of 20 as well. Same batting average, same whole lot of useless crap designed to gain attention and/or parrot whatever is coming out of UC Berkley today. And, the rest of this is pure speculation but: Isn't it interesting that they went out and recruited so many stars/good actors? We've seen all of them be able to carry a series/movie all by themselves, haven't we? So why the need to have so many? Matt Damon did Green Zone all by himself. There's an example of thinly veiled Hollywood agneda preaching. Smells like desperation/crap storyline...that requires a lot of star power to carry its water and, once again, get attention. The entire Ocean's 11 franchise only really required 3 guys, and Cheedle helping. Casey Afleck? Is that what this is? Environtologist's 11, with Cheedle helping, again? And, you know Arnold is only doing this to get his neighbors off his back/get himself invited to parties again. All this tells me is that they felt the need to do "something", and this is the something. It's pathetic really, and not even close to a cause for heads to explode. It's just one more confirmation that, they know which way the wind is blowing, and despite all the data against they just won't let it go. They are going to stay in this hand, becaue they were pot committed years ago. I don't blame them. They are trying desperately to die before they have to confront their own bad behavior on Global Warming, why not go out with a bang? They want this hand to go on forever, this way they don't have to live through the losing.
  17. Yeah...but...I'd say about 95% of the damage that could have been done, has been done. Let's face it, someone would have fallen/will on their sword if this gets anywhere near the POTUS. Somebody would have gone to jail, and then gets $20k per on the lecture circuit. Ollie North comes to mind. That's what's so stupid. Unless there is direct evidence linking Obama to this, and they really are covering it up(5% chance, given Obama's standard approach = no personal involvement in anything, other than playing golf), the Democrats could have killed this issue off by simply "sacrificing their pawns", or knights in Lerner's case. They tried that with the Cincy thing. That was never going to work. We all know policy emanates from DC. Instead, they, not Rs, keep it going, keep allowing for the possibility that this does reach the top of the WH, and thus keep the right focused on finding the answer, and giving them reasonable cause to keep dragging the left through the mud. Thus, even more damage is done. It's fascinating stupidity. Not only do they keep their political enemies energized with this stupid approach(and yeah TEA party says hello), they put their supporters, especially at the grass roots/extended family outings, in a one-down position. Bad Benghazi, IRS, and NSA behavior is preventing the left from taking the moral high ground on things like the minimum wage or immigration. You can't take moral high ground, when you have that much immoral hanging around your neck.
  18. Oh and B-man and DC_Tom here is something about ICD-* that you might hate/like. It's long, and I don't care if you don't read it. It's just something I wrote out while listening to a dopey call today. The problem with ICD-* is actually quite simple. Origin of the problem: Mumps. Mumps was widely spread(like manure) in health care, and remains widely spread to this day. Mumps has informed the thinking of practically every health care person(and yeah, most don't know it). Mumps is a hierarchical database, a B-tree, etc. Hierarchical approaches are crap. Largely because they don't allow for multi-node properties, and, nothing can be transitive. Hence, if I want to describe a pizza in ICD-9, I have: 1. Pizza 1.1 Dough 1.2 Cheese 1.2.1 Mozarella 1.2.2 Ricotta 1.3 Pepperoni This is great if you are moron, and work at a pizza place that buys everything from SYSCO, has 2 employees, and is a cash business. The real, not "it's 1979 and Mumps is the best!", world needs to look at pizza in more than a "what do i do first" way. It may look at pizza in terms of "toppings", but, it could also look at pizza in terms of "things I buy from company X". ( I use 2 different doughs, one from company X, one from company Y, and also 3 different cheeses from 3 different suppliers, etc.). But instead of being able to attach that info, I have to make a subnode, just like I did to show different kinds of cheeses. The effect of the problem: if you notice above the way I've laid out my data means I only get the, moronic, "what do I do first" look. ICD-* dopiness is that in order to add the classifications, or properties that I need in order to supply the other looks, the answer always is: add a new code. This is an inifinitely stupid thing for health care, as the classification of different diseases NEVER breaks down in a single, uniform manner, however, the premise of a hierarchical data structure requires that. We need to be able to look at diseases in more than 1 way. In one case, because one disease/condition can cause another. The only way to represent the exact same disease, one "free standing", one caused by another? 2 different ICD-* codes. Clearly that is patently ridiculous. It's the same damn disease. Ask yourself: do we treat that disease differently? You say "sometimes"? Yeah, and what is the solution there? More ICD-* codes! Most importantly, we need to be able to look at diseases in terms of "WTF are we going to do about it, given that there may/not be other diseases present", and ICD-* fails miserably in terms of functional thought/care/whatever. There are a lot more examples, but, I say again: ICD-* is what happens when you let the unqualified do my job. The only reason ICD is the way it is? Mumps thinking, left over from the late 70s early 80s, and there's really no reason to keep it around. NOTE: This is not an endorsement for doing this in a relational model either, so sorry Tom, your 3rd normal form, MS_Access experience is useless here as well. Diseases do not lend themselves SQL structure, and nobody wants to put up with doing the joins/many to many tables required to make that happen either. This is probably part of the excuse as to why ICD is still in the horrible state that it is. Solution to the problem: Look at HL7. THEY have got something going on...finally. They think in terms of objects/properties. ICD could easily be fixed if they used HL7's approach. However, HL7 also has many design flaws. We have a better design for all of it. But, we have to do other stuff first. Meaningful use is our first exploit....
  19. While many things can be said about Tom, one that can't is: he's unfair. Thus, fair enough.
  20. AUFKM? You're introducing something thoughtful, and something that represents a real scientific challenge, and should absolutely inform our choices.... ...in the middle of an obvious political issue? Tom: there's no $ to be raised, or power to be gained, or socio-economic agendas to be advanced using your intellectually provocative, philosophical challenge. Thus, nobody wants to hear this, even though it's probably the #1 consideration we face going forward. You know who does want to hear this? The producers of Revolution http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Revolution_%28TV_series%29, and I imagine the Walking Dead people, as well as the some other shows, but really? They've already heard it. Your best bet is to talk to some other Hollywood types who want to start a new show, because that's the only thing your philosophical challenge is good for, nobody in DC wants to touch it. Also, I will respond in kind: what if we make technology so fail-safe, that over time, it erodes our ability to understand it? What if we forget how to fix things, because the things we create never break? (You could already say that about starting a fire. How many people can actually start a fire with no gasoline/firestarters/lighters?) What if religion and mysticism form around the long-forgotten inner workings of the technology instead, or basically the entire premise of WarHammer 40k? I mean, we've already discussed the possibility of starting a religion amongst Drupal "developers".
  21. Christ, another entire page of this? Who cares whether it was independent, who cares if it wasn't? Who cares what a lawyer is called, we all know what has happened here. The only point that matters: it's been 8 days, and the left STILL has no reply to the report. None. You clowns want to quibble, go right ahead. What would PPP be without quibbling? But, don't fool yourselves, the ONLY reply the left has is gatorman's quibbles. How pathetic is that? gatorman: the very best the left can offer!
  22. The potential for legislation is not dead, the political issue continues as well. "If I had $100 million, If I had a $100 million, I'd buy you a Senate, I'd buy you a Senate." Did you not hear about the all night Senate session conducted recently, largely to court $100 million from one guy? So JA doesn't cry about sources: here's the NYT version of it. http://www.nytimes.com/2014/03/11/us/politics/26-democrats-plan-a-senate-all-nighter-on-climate-change.html?_r=0 $100 mil split amongst ~20 democrats? That can make a HUGE difference in a Senate race, which is why they were willing to be so shameless, and do this entire thing for 1 guy. They don't care about this issue, they care about getting this guy's $. If I had $100 million and I could spend it on this Senate race? I would agree to spend it on R candidates, provided they held an all night session extolling the virtues of the Bills and Sabres, insist that the Shout Song was played 1 time per hour, proposed legislation that keeps both in Buffalo permanently, discussing my proposals for fixing entitlements and adjusting government involvment in health care, and spent at least 1 hour mocking the hell out of this past senate all-nighter. What do you think the chances are that they wouldn't take my money, and do my dance? You're either high, crazy, or stupid if you think Democrats will be reasonable, and concede defeat on this issue: they cannot, as too many of their donors have paid huge $(Hollywood) and these donors will force them back onto this issue no matter what. Besides, once again, Global Warming, the vehicle that leads to implementation of socialism, is simply too perfect to abandon. The only way the elected Democrat can free himself from these people? Stop taking their $. Why the hell would they ever do that? Those who are psychologically committed to Global Warming have lied, and been caught, many times. Do you really want me to produce a list? We've discussed it here every time they get caught lying. Yeah, I'm not gonna lift a finger: you learning how to use the search functions here is the best idea. Search for Global Warming, and you can read up on all of the leftist lies we've already posted and laughed about. Again you are carrying the water of people whose models aren't even close to approaching the observations. Are you that dumb? Don't you realize that the OBSERVED data does not support the AGW theory? Don't you realize that they predicted 2013 to a be a hell of a lot hotter than it was, and the ONLY reason we keep hearing about "hottest year on record" is that they are deflecting from that failed prediction? Don't you realize that this is WHY they MUST defer to these 2 speculations? The "Settled Science" behind the theory cannot stand on it's own. It requires 2 speculations to save its ass. And you ask me who is lying? ALGORE, Inc. and 80% of the Democratic party, called all of this "settled science" in 2006. Perhaps you should start by attempting to explain how that isn't a massive lie, and why ALGORE, Inc. 80% of the Democratic party don't have to answer for that massive lie? The Chinese scoff at you and the dumbass author of this article, as they couldn't care less about any of this....right up until the point that the peasants revolt, because their kids all have asthma. It's hilarious that the real problem gets ignored, by you and the author, so that the fantasy problem can dominate the discussion. The clown approached the entire article stupidly, because he was looking to find stuff to support GW, when he should have realized his error, and turned this into a "shameless communism, and it's propensity to treat it's people as merely resources to be consumed, some completely consumed by pollution". I wonder why he didn't do that? Ideology perhaps? The only balancing act that is going on here is how badly can the Chinese treat their people, and how much money can the central committee members make, before they reach a breaking point? Rather than reaching that point, the Chinese back away from it, and "balance" things out by doing stuff like what's in the article.... ...and then inviting useful idiots like this Wired guy to assist them. Wired guy being psychologically committed to AGW, goes right along with it, and never realizes he's being played, because...again: psychologically committed. Any time, anyhere, any place, these clowns will go if it means keeping the lies going. They've spent most, if not the entirity, of their adult lives telling everybody they know that this whole thing is true, but not only that, they've attacked others who don't "believe". They've been immoral about this issue, over and over. Thus, unless they want to do some massive introspection, and then beg forgiveness of the rest of the world, or at least from decent society, they HAVE to keep these lies going. There is no other choice. Think: we are dealing with the same exact people as the professors who refused to apologize in the Duke lacrosse case, and they are doing it for the same reason.
  23. Hey Rookie? Protip: every thread on this board has a search function. I've already covered your question in this thread. This is the first and last time I will do this for you. Here: http://forums.twobil...20#entry3043525 Thesis here: http://www.nyu.edu/p...lessons.html#IV Turn your attention to doing a page search(Ctrl-F on most browsers) on "illegal side payments", and? and there you are. Smack dab in the middle of a paper, whose Foreward is quite frankly absurd, given its content. But, what else should we expect from something in which KPMG is involved? So there it is, and enough of your whining. You're lucky I'm not here every day(because, you know, I'm in hospitals/LTC/Rehab places, actually doing the stuff you can only talk about). If I were, you'd have more homework that your meager intellect could probably handle. I've said meaningful use a lot of times on this site, and only now, as I fully expected, do the doctors here finally start getting it? THIS is why I say "I should be Obamacare's biggest fan!". Because? You'll see. If you want some posters to cry about a long post, I will explain. Otherwise? You'll see.
  24. I do. And the above is me, telling you what is actually happening. Your friend's opinions....compared to my terrabytes of empirical data/real world every day experience? Do you really want me to take the rest of this seriously? I will wait to comment on the rest of this...post, until you answer. But, understand: you can take your slight whack now, for posting "what my friend said", or, you can take a serious beating that I see coming...just based on a quick skim of what's below. Up to you.
  25. Ask yourselves: Do you really think a major tipping point in Global Warming...discourse...hasn't already occurred/isn't occurring right now? And then ask: Does it really matter who says it, when, if we are honest with ourselves, we all know it? Check this thread: I said the tipping point was coming a long time ago. The whole point of the OP was: setting up the lies to come, sure, but why? Why did they need the lies? They needed the fear, and they needed the 2 "speculations"(the again, STILL indefensible, "bottom of the ocean" and "pollution both cause and cure of Global Warming ") because they could feel the tipping point coming...same as everyone else here. Ever since the East Anglia breach, those of above-average intelligence could see what was happening. The clowns on the right focused on the word "trick" in one of the emails, without understanding of the larger meaning of the word, and what it specifically means in term of any data/analytics activity. The Sean Hannity idiots didn't see the big picture. The big picture: these EA/IPCC scientists had successfully proved AGW, but, they also proved that it wasn't anywhere big enough(specifically, that the carbon sensitivity that drives the entire environtologist pathology, just isn't that sensitive) to warrant the kind of social/economic changes that the Democrats here, and socialists everywhere, and 3rd world welfare check seekers, had been perscribing/demanding. The EA scientists have done the worst thing: they are dead right. They've proven that not only should we significantly cut funding green-everything, we should cease funding them, because their entire issue is barely relevant. Hence, the new focus on other environmental concerns, since "climate change is not the only environmental problem that matters". So, what are the chances that these guys diversify, and start looking for funding for the other "environmental problems that matter"? And of course, I STILL haven't seen anyone explain WHY 2 speculations are required to save the ass of a theory that is supposedly "settled".
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