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Everything posted by OCinBuffalo

  1. EDIT: You know what? Forget that post. Let's have some fun with an experiment in "democracy" instead. Let's pretend PPP is a parliamentary system. Everybody gets a vote, and let's pretend we are all "committed to a more Democratic society". I move to introduce a resolution that gatorman must begin all his posts with: "Since I am an idiot, my reponse is:"... All in favor? Next, I move to introduce a resolution that in any thread, gatorman must click on every link provided, read them all, and provide a summary report of what he read. We shall call this the "gatorman homework resolution". All in favor?
  2. Ha...I wonder, it couldn't be that long posts are ever intended as punishment, could it? Nah... I think I'm going to argue this side of it here, and the other side of it in the other thread. If for no other reason than it will catch fish.
  3. See? Speaking of content: I'm Still waiting for Chef's assessment of how well his Valley pals did getting Healthcare.gov up by "deadline". NDAs! :lol: I wonder: is me doing a few rails required to get these answers? If so, I do know a guy. I don't have any whiskey, I only have Sapphire. But that's easy. As for cigarettes: forget it. I'd rather never get the answers from Chef, than start smoking regularly again. Well, here we have a choice: Would you rather have one long post, or, 10 pages of point by point? See, I've been doing this long enough to know that birdog et al are intellectually dishonest. So, if I leave one thing untouched....they will use that one thing. Your problem actually isn't with me: it's with the tools, and what they do when they realize they are losing the argument. My current "long post" approach simply removes their "yeah, but" tactic. (Although, that's not the only thing I use it for)
  4. 9 am? Try 3am. Or, this week? 12pm. In all cases, when one can't argue with the content, they go to the process.
  5. And if that doesn't work? We should force him to engage gatorman in a discussion of Keynesian economics for an hour, or, birdog on whether Hiroshima/Nagasaki was necessary. ROI!
  6. Of course birdog doesn't realize this. We can add this the very long list of things birdog doesn't understand. Birdog doesn't even understand his own field(the business part or the regulatory part). You don't say. Money and self-interest in science? Heresy! Hmm....but remember: you aren't capable of perceiving your own field properly... And, how dare you point out an inconsistency(read: flat out distortion) in the "settled science"? Don't you know that they are merely seeking truth? That's why...so many years ago....I was literally orderd to use emoticons. Now, we have tools who cry about me using them. But, that's only because I have conditioned them. And, you are in the wrong place if you don't want to engage in pissing matches. Once again: welcome to PPP! Read the words again then. Do you even know that the word "rebuttal" means? You specifically said these guys don't get $, and/or $ is not in their interest. I rebut that by providing direct evidence that not only do they get $, they get a lot of it.....and now? You admit to my rebuttal, but tell me that it's all used for legal defense? How about legal offense, you unmitigated moron: http://www.realclear...ry__121528.html Michael Mann isn't defending, he's attacking. So, yeah, before you post again: understand, I just rebutted you a 2nd time. Right, and that is evidenced by the FACTS that: 1. Hardly anyone cares about this issue. Every poll says that. Here's one(that is cited all over the damn internet): http://www.gallup.co...op-worry.aspx And what a surprise: it's always the same ~20%. This group is otherwise known as: The Far Left. Yeah, 80% of the country, doesn't see this as a major concern. But that's wrong, according to you. No, it's only the people in this thread. Unmitigated moron. 2. Congress won't touch this issue with 10' pole. But, that's because...dissonance. 3. We are talking about WHEN the Keystone pipeline gets approved, not whether. The TEA party has moved the entire debate to the right, where in 2008 this wouldn't even be considered. And of course, this has nothing to do with FACTS 1 and 2, or the fact that we aren't see thing catastrophies that were predicted 10 years ago. Do you know what "cognitive dissonance" means? It is the global warming alarmists that are currently exhibiting its symptoms, not I. As the global temperature observations do not match the predictions, as the evidence mounts that the predictions were wildly overstated: Who is refusing to adjust their world view accordingly? Who is clinging to their beliefs, and comiserating/seeking comfort with the like-minded, rather than conducting some long overdue instrospection(the definition of cognitive dissonance)? Hint: Not I. I'm just doing what I have been doing since 2005. Calling this a political scam...because it has always walked like a political scam, talked like a political scam, and quacked like a political scam. This is absurd. What does any of this have to do with the political scam, I have correctly identified as a scam, from day 1? You want to do history? Here's history: The Democratic party needed a new issue, after getting beaten in 2002, and 2004. Even with Bush bleeding out on Iraq, they STILL couldn't win. And, if they don't get that issue, the biggest real issue(which they have been doing everything to avoid), entitlement reform, would have crushed them if they didn't distract from it. That, and the political scam that is Global Warming was the vehicle, that allowed them to declare socialism-->investing in Solyndra, as a necessary "lesser of 2 evils". Now? It's all falling apart. And, entitlement reform is still here, waiting to pound their dicks into the dirt. I will dumb it down for you: Entitlements are wholly owned by the Democratic party, and they are failing. The spectacle of that failure will call all Democratic ideology into serious doubt, and kill the "progressive" agenda dead. Demographics is the lie they tell themselves, but a latino/black mixed race, poor, lesbian single mother....knows failure when she sees it. ALL of us do. But you don't understand any of this, do you?
  7. It's hilarious that Benghazi the story exists in terms of: having nothing at all to do with Hillary, and, having so much to do with Hillary that it's necessary to send in the aides to guarantee Democratic involvment on the select committee, at the same time. Don't they realize that it would be better for them if they did NOTHING? Never mind the right thing. Nothing would have produced a better outcome. Here's an example...sorta. I don't think they lied, at least not initially. The de facto lies are now obvious. The worst is: they didn't need to lie. Or, perhaps a better way to say it is: I think they go into EVERY issue with the same "template". They seem incapable of just starting with the facts, the real facts, and working from there. No. Their template always starts with at least some bastardization of the facts, if not bastardizing each fact individually, and they proceed to base their entire media strategy, logic chain, on these false constructs. They doom themselves to failure by doing this. No matter how good Jay Carney is, and how good the communications office stafff is, they are always going to be tripped up by some inaccuracy, or logic fail, that may be small, but is also, undeniable. This makes their entire strategy start working against them, because now the whole thing looks, as you say, like a pack of lies. If they would just throw away this templatiing approach, and begin with the facts, unadulterated? Yeah, I believe lots of things would have been "over a long time ago".
  8. Krugman denying what he said, and calling anyone who links to his own words, an idiot...this Sunday! Step right up and subscribe to the New York Times! How funny is this(from your link...quoting Krugman)? Well....so much for the "this problem goes back for decades" excuse, huh, Obama WH political office? Professor Krugman told us that this problem has been solved...for decades! My mere existence, and the work that I do/data and information that we generate, on a daily basis, disproves this statement totally. Now this is just absurd. Um, I have it on pretty good authority (my client and I) that this is what the VA wants to do. We are nowhere near able to support this claim yet, in terms of demonstrable cost measurement, never mind cost savings. The VISTA(EMR) program(to which Krugman is cluelessly referring) is a F'ing hackfest. VISTA would not pass any corporate standard. I know. I have integrated with the thing. Thus, I have read large chunks of it's code, line by line, and also hooked a tracer to its DB. Has Paul Krugman ever written a single line of code? No? Then how does he know if VISTA is innovative? How can he call VISTA bad, or good, or anything? How about I help him: VISTA is early/mid 90s technology. How often do we consider 20 year-old architecture "leading the way" in IT? "Led the way" If I wasn't a professional, I'd post "something" on Youtube. Then we'd see who is leading...and who is being a belligerent asshat...regarding the "use of electronic medical records" at the VA. EMRs. Yeah, that's the solution. Something that hasn't solved the exact same problems for 15 years, is automagically going to start solving it this year? The design patterns of EMRs literally make them incapable of solving the problems that you will find in EVERY 50+ bed health care facility in the country, and these problems have existed every year EMRs have, if not longer. But please, somebody say EMR again!
  9. (Gotta love it when they set the table for me.) See, GaryPinC? Your own life, which you perceive to be real, tangible, etc., is merely a "one-sided account", according to birdog. You aren't capable of perceiving your own life properly, so birdog needs to do that for you. Now do you get my sarcasm(which, is being rapidly transmuted into irony by birdog)? Now do you see why this birdog kid is a phony? You are "championing"....your own life, according to birdog, and therefore, you are living an exaggeration. It's hilarious when birdog, etc. meet, and even surpass, my characterization. Now he doesn't even understand calculation, never mind calculus. The Global Warming Scientists have been living high off the hog in grant money sure, but that pales in comparision to their: SPEAKING FEES(Exhibit 1: http://mediatrackers...000-speaker-fee), CONSULTING FEES(Exhibit 2: Basically ALGORE's entire organization was spreading propaganda and fund-rasing, then channeling $ to guys like Mann, provided they kept the "data" train running, which provided more material for the propaganda...which led to more fund-raising), and what I would call MARKET RESEARCH/AWARENESS CAMPAIGN FEES(need I go on?), that the Democratic party has been arranging for them for the last 15 years. Yeah, how terrible for them. They make all this $, nearly anonymously, and those that aren't anonymous, are in the protected class of "scientist seeking truth", so how dare you question them? Please. These guys have been talking schit on a global scale, and getting big pay days every time they leave the house. Hence the qoute from the East Anglia hacked emails, which references the fact that observations haven't tracked with their models = "These guys(the leftists, both in the USA and Europe) are going to kill us". Never mind First Class, "these guys" have been flying Global Warming scientists around in their private Jets. But? No more. Which is why, via IPCC, we've conveniently moved from trying to stop Global Warming, to trying to adapt to Global Warming. After all, these scientists still have mortgages and grocery bills, and who better to now lead the "adaptation research"...that we have to do...or else?
  10. Heh..hehehehe. Um(what to say? I know....) Welcome to PPP! Uhhh, yes, I am aware. If you search this thread, you'll literally find me saying things like "scientists have grocery bills, and mortgages, just like everybody else". You'll also find something along the lines of "what scientist doesn't jump at the chance to ride in first class for the first time in their life?" as well. Which...is basically WTF we are talking about: obscure climate scientist rags....to Big Time, "The guy who gives us the vehicle we need", Democratic Party riches. My last post was...sarcastic. Just a little bit. Hint: My last wasn't really targeted at you. Instead, I used your post to bust the mincy little balls of other posters here. Specifically, a phony, self-congratulating physician and an engineer, who struggles with basic engineering concepts. Both of whom are losing credibility on this subject by the word, to the point that I'm starting to doubt whether either are what they say they are. Anyway, welcome again to PPP, rookie. This is the very last time I explain it to you.
  11. I will be here on Saturday, but only if you will be. Unfortunately, I can only be here for one hour, and I'm not telling you which hour, because I don't know which hour. Deal?
  12. Nobody is going to sign up to "track down" something that lulzy. At best: they might try to figure out how it was done, for their own curiosity. You want somebody to go after China, you'll get some takers. As long as you can make it about restricting freedom of any kind, you'll get somebody. Example: You prove the Chinese are supporting Scientology? You'll get a whole crew. You somehow tie going after China, with making fun of Tom Cruise, Scientology, and Oprah? You'll get an army. But remember, it's not your private army. Instead, you want somebody to go after an Epic Troll? Well, this is all there is to say:
  13. You haven't been here as long as me. It's ALWAYS fun to have blzrul around. It's like a toy that you thought you lost...but suddenly find because you've finally been forced to clean your room. It seems new, but it isn't. However, that's the best part: you don't have to take time to figure out how it works, because you already know. So, you can just start playing with it right away. Pfft. Jonah Goldberg. I was saying all this schit a year ago at least. Yeah, yeah, the media keeps wishing the TEA party dead, then reports on its demise...every six months. Yeah, yeah, the TEA party has already won. Yeah, yeah, the TEA party has a much higher organizational IQ than the Green party, which saw fit to cast 600k votes for Nader in 2000, and lose ALGORE the election. And, the thing I've said the most: The TEA party, as a new party, is bound to make mistakes. However, unlike the rest of the political parties, TEA partiers only make a mistake once, learn from it, and never make it again. This conclusively explains why last night looks like 2014, and not 2010. Thus, the TEA party expects to get better resuls in 2014, than in 2010. People that expected this to look like 2010? Again, wishful thinking/STILL not understanding the TEA party.
  14. Sorry dude, we've already been told this is too "conspiratorial" to be true. Therefore, It can't be how real science actually operates. You know, because the Climate Chaos scientists don't concern themselves with wordly things like the above. They only focus on the search for the truth. Well, that, and building the Consensus of the Faithful. Thus, your real life, the one that you live each day? It's not really happening. And frankly, how dare you bring your own real and relevant experinces into this? () It bothers me(because I am inferior, and thus insecure, or worse, hate it whenever I'm not the smartest/most knowledgeable person in the conversation), so you have to stop tooting your own horn. That's what you're doing: making this about you! You are also deluding yourself into thinking what you've seen with your own eyes is happening, but it's just impossible. You are either delusional, or you are lying. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if you were being funded by the Koch BrothersTM and that you are only saying this because they are paying you. After all, any heretical scientist must have some ulterior motive, like $, for denying the faith. True scientists are never motivated by money. The only thing they seek is truth....and the Consensus of the Faithful. So yeah, you are a denier. You're delusional, or, anti-science, and getting $ from the Koch BrothersTM to spew your racist, anti-science, anti-gay hate! And worse, you're making this about your experince. I don't have any, and that bothers me, and....nobody reads your posts anwyay.
  15. and, is more educated, makes more money, gives more to charity, is more likely to be a leader in their community, is more likely to be a leader at work, if not the owner, and is less likely to be divorced, have a criminal record, or a bankruptcy....than those that berate them as well. Ultimately: the Tea Parties person gets results. The Tea Party "won" a long time ago. They have won, because their goals were never about winning in a way that blzurl, or the 20% of the country like blzurl, will ever understand. Although: IIRC, blzurl isn't so much dumb as deluded. Perhaps she will figure it out...someday.
  16. The FBI needs to understand the business they are trying to get into. Weed? Weed is the least of their concerns. Wait until they dig a little deeper. If the FBI wants to employ hackers, real hackers, they are going to have to adapt.
  17. Reports? Yes, I got the memo. The new coversheets. I'll go ahead and try to remember that.
  18. Wine of course. I was speaking to you after all. I was thinking that when I posted it. I swear. I was thinking..."this is gonna sound like Apple Valley".
  19. The VA is a client. Both I and my client are clean. I could say how/why I know that. I will not. I will say next to nothing, other than: 1. there are very specific reasons why this has happened, some are dependent on each other, some are not. Some are due to external factors, many are not. Many posters here, if empowered properly, could probably identify most of them. 2. this has little to do with $ 3. just like with Obamacare, you can't deal with "is" if you spend all your time saying "should" (that's as close as I can say that one, without breaking my word) 4. the trouble with the right who I've heard comment on this issue(in the media): they don't understand the processes involved. Therefore, they will be critical of some things, not realizing that those things are trivial, when compared to the things they could be critical about...if they understood the processes. They could be hitting the Ds with a chain saw...but they are throwing butter knives instead. Example: I believe I heard somebody talking about drapes/furniture the other day? Trivial. EDIT: And now that I think about it...the Rs could step in it big time with that kind of angle. #4 will make me laugh and laugh as I watch this thread, and/or listen to the usual suspects...screaming and yelling. Running around with a BB gun, when they could have a shotgun, and that situation being 100% due to their own weak minds/intellectual laziness? I will die laughing if the Rs, here or elsewhere, screw themselves over, directly due to their stupidity.
  20. Yawn. Hey Chef, how are you're Google/Apple Valley friends doing on Obamacare? I mean, if we are talking about being an effing windbag.... And, there the 8th grade girl is, yet again. It's hilarious that one poster can be so butthurt, over a thread that occurred 5+ years ago now, that he just can't let it go. But, gay marriage is never, ever going to be 100% legal John Adams. Sorry. If for no other reason than to spite phonies like yourself.
  21. You poor, tortured soul. Of all the people in this entire country to put in charge of Obamacare customer service....Eastern Kentucky? Indians? Some days I think somebody at CMS is an agent, who works for...Oh, I don't know...the Koch BrothersTM, and THAT's why these F ups keep happening. How else can you explain these terrible decisions, one right after the next? If I was a manager at CMS, given a new program that we were trying to roll out, that was clearly dependent upon a goal of 80%, immediate, customer retention, they very last thing I would do is put dunces/the unintelligible in charge of customer service. Then? I remind myself who is in charge, and who is doing the work. Then it all makes sense. There isn't some operative sabotaging the works. This is merely what happens when you let these people try to run large projects without adult supervision. Oh, and before the excuses: I know all about the intricacies of CRM systems, and how difficult it can be to deploy them....and how much a call center costs. So does Geico....which is why they located their call centers in Buffalo, morons!. They get relatively intelligent English speakers for cheaper than they will pay anywhere else. But why reuse a model that has been producing kick-ass results for 5 years? Why bother talking to people that have call centers and make $ off them? "Nah, we are Democrats, so we know everything, and, we need to come up with our own ideas, because they are automagically better, and because we don't want "corporate" thought to contaminate our perfect plan." Buffalo was the answer here. No doubt about it. The work(all the research/time/$/pay/etc.) was already done for them, but they found a way to F it up. I see what you did there.
  22. "Denier"? Who still takes the "Global Warming denier" charge seriously? Hint: only the people who will never vote for an R in their life = 20% of the country. You 20% can say "denier" in your irrelevant echo chamber all you like, but, that is the only place where it resonates. In fact, as I will explain, that resonance is wholly intentional. For the serious people: The only thing I deny is that the entire lifcycle of this issue has not been 100% predicated on politics. It's hilarious that the leftists here...are now desperately seeking to uncouple the politics from this, and treat it intellectually(as most of us have been doing). As merely a "problem to be solved". Do they expect us to forget that they have been doing 0 problem solving, and 100% political capital building/ammo packing, with this issue since 2004(when the left decided it needed a new issue, because Bush got re-elected). This is the history of Global Warming. Hell, they don't even want to call it Climate Change anymore. Now it's "Climate Chaos"? I wonder how well that tested in the focus groups? Look: It's as I said in the OP. They are setting up the lies to come....because the truth is also coming, and when it dawns, this issue is going down. That's where we are now: the Going Down phase. This is merely desperation. Desperation, and a pathetic attempt to play save ass. The worst: the "save ass" isn't even necessary. The D establishment(read: Not Obama) is done with taking political losses from this issue. Wise up fellas. Political covering strategy is what is going on here now. Some of the leftists in this thread, don't realize that THEY are the target of their own party's $/efforts. ("Say denier again, they love that!" ) There is no plan to convince Is/Rs, or "win" with this. The objective of calling someone a "denier" at this late stage: to keep the 20% from becoming completely demoralized, when they realize they've been played, and now, are left behind to get slaughtered(by DC_Tom, others...and me ). That's all that is happening here: a "rear guard action" that is covering the establishment Ds retreat from this issue. They're going to say all sorts of things....but they aren't going to lose Union Voters over this, and that's what will happen if they stay. Sure, this is just an obscure forum, but, the strategy is designed for ALL forums. Let birdogs et al, everywhere, be the meat shield that takes all the hits, while, the Clintons et al make a quiet and quick getaway. That's what birdog and GreggyT are doing in this thread now: covering the D establishment's retreat, using the lame "denier", and, "Ok, let's forget politics, and treat this like a problem we can solve together", tactics.
  23. No. Just citing past events. Take your past "events" for example: I misspell HIPPA on purpose once, because I want to prove that birdog doesn't even know how it's spelled.* But, what happens? You come along...find that misspelling...and then tell me you don't hang on every word? I'm not saying/assuming anything, other than what has already occurred. *(For your perusal...cause...reasons you understand ): Most likely because, like most older doctors, it's merely one of many things he's thrown this to his "staff". Thus, birdog shouldn't be pretending he really knows anything about it, or reimbursement, or anything else that isn't working directly with the patient. I merely wanted to prove that. I had a real OCinBuffalo diatribe written here...that went on to examine WHY this is(quick answer: decades of insurance(all flavors) has taken away the MDs/RNs/PAs ability/willingness/capability to manage cost(or anything, except stuff like changing plastic glove vendors))....but...you don't need this just yet.)
  24. Deal with reality: If one of the teams coverd by ESPN Big Market had moved up to get Watkins, it would be hailed as sheer genius. They didn't. The Bills did. So you get this story instead. What is the very last thing the fans of the 3 Big Market teams in our division want to hear? Hmm...that their rival has done something they should be very worried about? If those fans hear that, they might become demoralized. They might not show up at ESPN Big Market tomorrow and click on something. That costs ESPN $(which is WTF this is always about). So..."how's about we run a story that acknowledges Watkins(because we have to for credibility's sake), but auto-marginalizes him right after?" This way, it's real, but it's not so bad for Dolphins/Pats/Jets fans. Thus? Click-rate preserved! Same story. Different day.
  25. That's what this is: odds. Betting. It's a safer bet to say EJ will fail, not just because so many recent Bills QBs have failed, but, because so many QBs fail in the NFL in general. Taking the FAIL side of the bet is betting with the odds. That's all it is. This confuses some into thinking they are being more "realistic" by doing so. Reality has nothing to do with betting, as betting is predictive, and reality is(or should be) empirical. The only "reality" is the outcome of the bet. And of course, devolving the analysis of EJ's play this season into Manichean terms(he can ONLY fail or succeed, nothing else), is the province of the unmitigated moron. Why? Because EJ is quite capable of presenting us with a glass that is exactly 50% full of water this season. We all know what happens then. Much depends on where we "set the bar", statistically, and whether we stick with that bar, or start moving it when whichever side of the "bet" we chose approaches "losing". The worst thing: The only way EJ can ever truly beat the "negative bar movers"? Season MVP, SB win, SB MVP. Other than that, anyone can find fault with EJ's game. And even if that becomes "reality" somebody will start criticizing the selection process for those awards! (I literally saw this happen with a Ryan Miller hater...the year he won the Vezina) The bottom line: If we have people who replace their subjective/wishful thinking, for empirical results cast against a consistent standard that was set prior to the season...we will have dopey, 20 page threads...and that's a "lock". (Still a bet though) I'm sorry, but I have to disagree. I had the hilarious experience of watching Trent Dilfer play for the Bucs for a few games, live. Throwing off his back foot seemed totally natural for him, since he did it every game, every play. It didn't seem that difficult for him. So I don't know what to tell you.
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