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Everything posted by OCinBuffalo

  1. Normally? I would berate you mercilessly for swiping my sig without giving me my due and proper. However. November is Coming just rolls off the toungue, doesn't it? It's the perfect thing to say, since Game of Thrones is all relevant and stuff, and you know the tools watch it because: no heroes, no viliians. It's morally relative...until one considers that the original main character goes to his grave for what is not relative, at all. I could sooner claim ownership of the wind. It's just too slick to bother with PPP copyrighting rules. Nah. It'll be more like: "You know we looked at every way we could to try and fix this thing, but, with (3 additional, inevitable major failures between now and 2016) we realized that it costs more to save it then to just go straight to HSAs, and national competition for catastrophic." You will start a thread, and we will mix it up for a few weeks. Then, it goes out with a whimper. When are you going to accept the reality that the TEA party won a long time ago? The objective was never what you thought it was. That's why the left has had such a terrible time with it. They don't understand their enemy. They keep attacking the wrong people, for the wrong things, with the wrong tactics. Meanwhile, the TEA party's will keeps being done, often right under your nose. And you still want to pretend like it's been left behind. When everyone in America is speaking to TEA party issues, whether they want to or not, you are calling that a loss? Do me a favor? Don't bet on football unless you PM me first.
  2. I only quoted this becuase asswhole is hilarious. Whole ass? No. Asswhole! The whole picture INCLUDES a boatload of bad choices. I fully get what you are saying. Hell, I've literally lived it. I knew something was wrong with gentrification when I was 6 years old. That's cause: we, my family, have been doing the "fixer upper"/gentrfying! Yes, I am fully guilty as charged. We've been fixing up houses in "bad" neighborhoods since I can remember. Now, are we part of some vast 45 year-old white guy conspiracy, or, did my parents come from blue collar backgrounds, and therefore knew how to sweat pipe, hang wallpaper, paint, clean, caprentry, and were assisted by me taking 8th grade shop and learning wiring? Did we know how to flip a house 20 years before that term was coined, and sell it for double, or, were we just racists? If you want me to be serious....then I require you to be serious as well. We cannot begin a serious discussion...with the dehumanizing of so many people. We have to account for their bad choices, which are a direct result of an awful culture. Anything else is pointless, because if you don't fix problem #1 = Lowered Expectations Due to Crap Culture, we get nowhere. Bad culture is not a black-only problem. You can go all over this country, and find plenty of people who say "I've done pretty good for (insert shithole town here)". They could have done better. They know it. But, they get pass from the community, because it's "good enough for (shithole)" is the community's excuse. Hell half of Upstate NY lives this culture. Do you really want to talk about the systemic oppression of Upstate by Albany/NYC? Or, tell me what exactly has happened in Chicago, that hasn't happened in Upstate. Yes, and it's EXTREMELY easy to blame someone else, when you have such a handy excuse laying around, and people encouraging you to use it, and vote for them. Are you the ONLY Holllywood writer who has never heard a Polish joke? Do you really think anybody wanted Poles to move in next door? Christ, they might destroy the entire neighborhood in one night....just trying to change one light bulb. You know how the Poles defeated this clearly racist assault/systemic approach to preventing them from assimilating/being trusted with skilled labor? Mouth closed, incredibly hard work, fierce commitment to family, and a boatload of good choices....often enforced by a wire hanger to the ass. In other words: Self Control. Self control is the chief element in Self Respect. Self Respect is the chief element in Courage. And Courage...real Courage...not "look at how strong I say I am cause I say I am" phony courage....is the way forward, quite literally for everyone.If you have real Courage, literally nothing can stop you. Not what is said, not what is done. Real Courage creates belief. Once a group of people believes, they become a team. Once they become a team? Anything is possible. Orthodox Jews demonstrate this reality via their mere existence. How have they, despite all their both self-inflicted, and externally applied, limitations, been able to succeed? Self Control-->Self Respect-->Courage. And if you've ever hung with Orthodox Jews for more than a day, you realize just how hard courage is for them, when paranoia, both fake and jusified, is also part of their culture. I keep telling them: hit the gym. Lift some weights. They don't listen. The biggest coward I've ever met? Huge, stacked Irish red head guy. He admits it. But, he's never been in a fight. Why? The gym. Tell you what: I'll listen to your "systemic" discussion, if you admit that the first step in fixing inner city madness is: Self Control. Wait, so it's GreggyT's turn to be the narcissist? Or, is it that I've just been away for a bit?
  3. Never forget about Obamacare: The Liberal Cleaver. Consider: D politician X, 10 years from now, has plan Y....and let's even stretch our imaginations a bit, as say it has some merit. It won't pass. X won't get elected because of it. Why? All the R has to do is say "Yeah, it's sounds good....just like Obamacare sounded good. It sounds fair....just like Obamacare sounded fair. But, I believe the worst thing is: it sounds like X says he can implement it. (cheers) Oh boy. Look out. Whew, we've been here before, haven't we? (pause for applause/cheers/jeers) We know the Ds implementation record, don't we? $4 billion for things an 8th grader can execute, but they can't?" It doesn't matter if it's fair. It matters that every single person, including the lowest of the low information voters, can personally relate to that. Hell, if they repeat it? They might even sound smart. Obama and the rest of the "lowest common denominator" Democrats have shown us the way. The party of Daniel Patrick Moynihan(ever wonder why we say all 3 names?) has seen fit to turn itself into the party of Vine. Yes, Vine: for the people who are too dumb to use Twitter. That is the gift Obama has given us all. Obamacare is known.....by even the Vine user. Obamacare makes the people who develop "systems" in Drupal....feel like they can do my job. Everyone can relate to this failure, because its so perfectly magnanimus. Look, even Chef can relate: his vanguard of consumer, not corporate, IT guys....couldn't put Humpty (*^*&%^$^#back together again. Now even Chef understands. That is why: Obamacare is The Liberal Cleaver. Ironically, but also by design, it cuts everyone the same. It's one-size-fits-all douchebaggery. Sure, but....it's also like: "We are going to lose the damn Senate, and we've known that for a year. However, our legacy must be protected. So how's about we drone strike these guys on the plane heading back to Afghanistan? This way, we can say we planned it all along, and STILL close GITMO!" The funny part? You could be right, I could be right, but in all cases, you and I(half-cocked of course) have come up with the most likely Plan A and/or Contingency 1 of this....on a message board. In minutes. It's taken them years....to produce....this. I'm not a PR guy, neither are you....but either of us are better at it than they are. Which begs the question: why aren't you and I running the WH? Could we really do worse?
  4. I didn't appeal to authority, you unmitigated moron: I referenced Tom's, still unrefuted, argument. I referenced his work, not him, and certainly not "because Tom said so". I merely gave credit where it was due. No, I have not heard, largely because this is the only place where I see any reference/time spent on this issue at all. This is rapidly turning into girls lacrosse: the only people who care about it enough to spend any time on it are the players on the field, their coaches, and parents. EDIT: Well, I forgot about that one sorry-assed dude...who likes Suzy, but doesn't realize that Suzy would never go out with a guy pathetic enough to sit through an entire girls lacrosse game. However, the irony of "global catastrophic" issue being now sold as "Jim Carrey: vaccines cause autism" is quite pleasing. When can we expect the Global Warming Informercials? When can we expect the 3am fund raising commercials, like UNICEF/SPCA, when all the government $ runs dry?
  5. Right, which is why I can easily see the drone strike/"I planned it all along"/news cycle WIN!..."plan"....being the next thing these geniuses come up with.
  6. Yeah...and for gatorman? I am laughing, not crying. Once again: I am laughing because my prediction from 2008 has not only come true, Obama and the rest of the far-left have surpassed my wildest dreams. He is so incompetent, and every single leftist policy has been so thoroughly debunked and exposed as nonsense, that now? Rather than 20 years, we won't see another far-left president for 30 years at least. It's over gatorman. But, in your infinite irrationality, you won't realize this for 10 years at least, even though I am telling you, directly, right now. You might as well resign yourself/your views and values to political irrelevance for the rest of your lifetime. You need to start coming to terms with the fact that no socialist/leftist Democrat will ever win a national primary, because all their opponents have to do is call them Obama, and they auto-lose. This is WORSE than McGovern. This is WORSE than Mondale. Neither of those guys got into power. This clown did, and has done 5x the damage as a result. There's literally nothing you can do about it either. The ONLY way Hillary can win? She has to move to the center, just like her husband. And, thus even if Hillary wins? That begins the "never elect a non-moderate Democrat" 30-year trend. Thus begins the 30 year, No Wins For Gatorman, part of my life. That's F'ing hilarious. Why would I ever cry about something like that? Witnessing it all fall down around your, and the same old 20% of the population who is a nut about everything's, ears? F'ing hilarious.
  7. Or, if one of these 5 clowns winds up being even remotely tied to a future terror atttack/single person(not just American) dying, you might as well take a jackhammer to that cement. You know what else would be hilarious? If, this blatant imcompetent was forced into drone striking these 5 clowns, and thus being backasswardsly competent, not because it made military sense, but rather, in an effort to win one single news cycle this quarter. In this case, Obama admitting to conspiring to close GITMO, but then taking credit for the drone strikes, as though "that was my plan all along", is the best outcome here. Yes, admitting to conspiracy to offer aid and comfort to the enemy, as part of an elaborate "plan" is literally the best thing you can hope for. As I said: hilarious. And, there's about a 5% chance of that happening. The rest of the outcomes here? Jackhammer.
  8. I would love it if this is merely Act 1 of this play. But I know better.
  9. Anybody else know Douglas Adams's work? Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, etc.? One of his "creations" is the inifinite improbability drive. In a sentence, it uses improbability for space travel. (I'm not going to bother explaining how, for obvious reasons: gatorman). I was thinking: perhaps we could develop something called the infinite irrationality drive, using gatorman as fuel? The military has plans to invade Canada. Remember that liberal nonsense story from 2004? So, of course the military has plans for Global Warming, just like it does for Alien Invasion, an attack by the Crab People from their subterranean lair, and they probably even have plans to defend against an X-men type scenario. The notion that anyone is telling anyone in the military not to plan? Merely, once again, shows how ignorant the almost the entire left is on military/foreign policy. We are seeing the results of that ignorance of military/foreign policy....all over the world right now. The military is prepared, because they have a plan, for anything anyone can think of. Then, they bring in new guys, who think of things that no one else thought of, and then they plan for that. What is being prevented then? Wasteful spending is being prevented. Spending that can otherwise be used for all sorts of things the military needs immediately. Nobody needs to be doing anything about Global Warming: the observations have disproved the theory(which, turns out, as Tom has described, never was a theory, or a hypothesis, and isn't really science....since there is no way to falsify any of it.) And, once again: 80% of this country knows the Global Warming jig us up....clowns like gatorman and birdog, and media matters, represent the 20% who will never admit that this issue was a leftist scam. Largely because: they were the ones perpetrating the scam.
  10. I love this idea. For whatever that is worth. Given the latest "roundup": Yeah, Coach Marrone, you could say that EJ's progress is "important". Essentially we could delete every thread on this board, and just have one = EJ's Progress Thread, because that is the single greatest dependency for this season. So much so that it almost renders every other thread pointless. Also, Marcell Dareus is 24 years old. "Young, dumb" isn't even close. 24 is not 21. Anyone who has been both ages knows that. And, the way he said it was completely insincere. If you want to make NFL $, deal with the rules, and don't pretend that being "young" or "dumb" is an excuse. You made your choice, and now it's time for the consequences. If you're going to be the man tonight, be a man tomorrow morning. Don't get me wrong. I don't expect an apology from Dareus, largely because I think anyone who expects an apology from any public figure, that they don't know personally/isn't personally costing them something, is a tool. However, don't insult my intelligence with that pathetic display either.
  11. Wow...that one went right by you, didn't it? Try reading the last sentence again. EDIT: Then, try reading the first sentence again. Then, read the first and then last sentence in order. Hell, try reading the whole thing again. Yeah, I am mocking the very attitude that has spawned "The War on Tailgaiting", and those that started this war. In their world, not mine, tailgaters are quite literally are: Assume the stadium downtown. I would literally buy that land, and set up a tailgate, SOLELY for the purposes of pissing Bulldog off. SOLELY to ensure that people came there, and not to his dopey "restaurants and bars" solution, or whatevertheF he is babbling about. Or, that's why I wrote that...just to piss them off. The man wants to lock, us, Bills fans, into his deluded view of the future...because Buffalo is "booming". Since when are we to be ordered about by "those who know better", like Mike Schopp, the self-appointed arbiter of the "new NFL"? None of us have to accept their version of "how this goes" least of all, the new owner. But, given what I've heard recently, that's precisely what we must do, or, we are all idiots.
  12. 1. This is now "The War on Tailgaiting", and B&S(Mike Schopp and Bulldog) has made it so. 2. I see no reason that tailgating or not tailgating is anywhere near the top of our priority list. 3. How about we start with something like dome or no dome...you know...something that actually matters? 4. The only reason this is being brought up is because it sparks Bills fans, whose fond memories of their yearly family tailgate(at least) are now cast into doubt...um...like, around 4 years from now. Why the hell we need sparking about this right now, is anyone's guess. 5. I am all for the best idea. If the best idea/most workable is downtown, great. I can ride the train, just like I do for Sabres games, and so can a buttload of fans. We can do various types of tailigating in all sorts of places. Example: I'd buy the open lot across from me right friggin now(by a train stop), and turn myself into Hammer the 2nd. I'd have a F'ing pig roast(and you bet your ass I know how)/keg beer/wine @$15 per person and $50 for 4 people. I would have bands, games, and off-duty cops for security. Kids are welcome, but, they don't run things here. This would be a tailgate for all, and thus, all, including cussing drunks are welcome. Besides, why not work with that? Cussing drunk tricycle races, cussing drunk poetry reading...I might even dig a pit for cussing drunk gladiators(nerfed of course). What kid doesn't want to see cussing drunk pretend WWF? Put into the proper context, how is cussing drunk WWF, from a distance, not family entertainment? See? I can make this work, and so can everybody else. Thus, this is not about tailgating....this is about a small set of people who are moving away from the NFL, to the PGA.....because that's who they are becoming(or always were)...and them trying to force their old ass values onto the rest of us. The simple fact is: many of you anti-tailgate people? This isn't about a "getting old" thing. You weren't a tailgater when you were 18. You're not one now. Just admit that to yourself...and stop trying to pretend that this is about us, and not you.
  13. Hold on, where did I make a single claim FOR Trump? Go back, and re-read, there comprehension-san. ALL I've done, is either refute nonsense(Trump's father was a billionaire), or ask for how the hell they "know" something, or point out that character assassination is not "evidence of how Trump will act as Bills owner". I also pointed how silly not acknowledging "hires good executives" as the literal be all and end all for a CEO was. Speaking of CEO, IIRC, the last time Trump owned a football, team, he went out and made a big splash by signing #1 Draft pick and Heisman Trophy winner Herschel Walker away from the NFL. (Man, how football has changed..) That's a hell of a football move for anybody, but especially for a new league in its first year. I've yet to read a single poster here talk about Trump's USFL football moves. You know....the things we actually give a F about when it comes to an NFL owner?
  14. Well, what can I tell you? Perhaps I should have run around recording every conversation I've listened to, cause in my estimation, I didn't know enough to have a real opinion, every time I've been to the bar since the collapse against Philly in the playoffs. The notion that "everybody" wanted Regier fired is simply wrong. A lot of people didn't forget who built the 2006 team, and a lot of them saw things like the Gaustad trade as evidence of skill. It was more about fear of the unkown though...because...due to Buffalo Insecurity Disorder, the assumption was we'd get somebody worse. By the way, BID seems to be receeding by the day. EDIT: Bottom line is: Pegula was the "new guy" in the NHL. No coach, or GM can say he doesn't give people a chance, so, they are willing to come in here. Not a bad first impression, and yeah, given everything I've seen so far: that was 100% intentional. Would Murray have even shown up for the interview, if he knew Pegula was a "fire everybody" guy? We don't know. But, we do know that Murray is here, and Lafontaine is not, also 100% intentional.
  15. Nope. Not everybody around here, not even close. Believe me. Not everybody because nobody saw Murray coming, and, nobody saw Lafontaine leaving. In fact, many people around here were scared we wouldn't get a real GM, but rather, a Lafontaine yes-man. You might have been ready to burn down the First Niagara center, but, if you'd listened to anybody in any bar downtown, and you'd hear all sorts of "how do we know we don't get someone worse?". The knowledgeable people had real concerns about Lafontaine being a problem. Sure there were also the usual "fire everybody" people. There were "fire everybody" people in 2006. Hell I know a guy who is still pissed that Miller started over Biron. There were all sorts of scenarios, and arguments. It wasn't RJ/Flutie...but it was heading that way. Now? All gone. And, Pegula just keeps piling up the deliverables. Buying the Americans(50/50 he buys the Jackals(Elmira) next), the $40 mil on the locker room, doubling the size of the scouting department....the things he can do, he thinks through, then does, immediately.
  16. I did say average. I should have said "all NFL owners". It seems I find myself asking this question every 3 years or so: Which makets? And, before you answer, which markets that don't cut into an existing owner's market? Which markets that aren't LA, since LA is a such a good NFL market, that it hasn't had a team for 20 years? And, which team that isn't San Diego, since they've been penciled in to move to LA for 10 years now. This is the same old thing: "we should have traded down"....but...."I can't tell you to whom, or which player they wanted to come up and get". At some point, perhaps in another 10 years? Posters are going to understand what a "stalking horse" is, and that LA is perhaps the best use of this tactic on record. When was the last time a city/team had a real stadium fight? Compare that to 10 years ago. Oh wait:
  17. The only coincidence, if there is one, is that yet again, we have one group of people who bring logic, knowledge, and their own relevant experience(in some cases extensive) in business to the discussion...and another group that brings emoting, class nonsense, character assassination, and obvious ignorance("Trump filed for bankruptcy!" /facepalm) to the discussion. And we know this by your groundless assumption: that I want Trump to buy the Bills, or, that I wouldn't easily choose Pegula over Trump. Where the hell did I say that? I would take Pegula in a heart beat. I'm just not dumb enough to think we live in a zero-sum world. We do not. Trump is a viable option. By definition, all options are on the table. Anything else is silliness. And, that's not based on some irrational speculation, or non-fact I've generated for this argument. It's not based on my own insecuity/feelings of inadequacy, on my willingness to blame others for my lot in life, or on my envy of Trump's success. It's not based on any of those things. It's based on the empirical evidence we have of what "owning a team" looks like, and means, for Terry Pegula. Pegula has shown that not only is he a strong leader, he's very insightful. Example: How dumb do the people who wanted D'Arcy Regier/Lindy Ruff fired immediately look now? Pegula would have split the fanbase with that move. Instead, he allowed both to fire themselves, and remove all doubt. In doing so, Pegula united the fanbase. No fan base in the NHL is in better shape going through this tank than Sabres is today, and that might be an all-time thing. That took strength, and insight. Different thing with Lafontaine. When it was moving day? There was no hesitation. That's because: it was moving day. Thus, Pegula is a thinker, a good leader, and an even better manager, and he's proven that. He's also strong enough to do the difficult, but right, thing. That's why I want him as an owner. I've seen him do it.
  18. Honestly, you don't know very much about "self-made billionaires", do you? It's amazing to see the perspectives here, and how little posters really know about how real $, and real $ people, operate. Hint: Almost ALL of them have filed for bankruptcy at least 1 time. Hint2: You aren't going to achieve BILLIONaire net worth without taking real risks, and, those risks ARE going to bite you. The game is to miss as many times as you can stand it, but...hit 1 time, because 1 hit is all it takes. Hint3: We're not talking about the guys at the your nearest country club. /facepalm This isn't like assessing the credit report of the local flower shop owner. "Well, he's never filed for bankruptcy, so....let's lend him that $50k"
  19. The average NFL owner makes a lot more than 10%(sound expectation for "otherwise invested") on their $. Moreover, the average owner has financed their ownership(why the F would you do it for cash? Unless you have Pegula $, no reason. Even if you have Pegula $, no reason). So, their "investment" only amounts to ~50% of the buy. Trump is no fool, and he'll probably leverage the hell out of this(as much as the NFL lets him get away with it. They usually have a min. cash requirement.) Any NFL owner, short of complete melt down, are a lock to service their debt, so the banks line up to lend and get 3% on ~a billion(and the banker that closes that deal makes a killing). Therefore the owners end up making 20-30% on their $(merch, rights, etc.). They use part of the profits to service debt, and they couldn't care less if it takes 30 years to pay it off, as inflation handles the rest. And, if they want/need to get out? They stand to get a 50% ROI at least, over top of the profits they've already accrued = Galisano's ROI on the Sabres. I don't see why Trump would be any different. In fact, I'd be a lot more worried if Trump DID do it for cash. Wholly owned is a lot easier to transfer.
  20. Imagine if we only had baseball, and nothing else. All year, 1 sport. Only 1 "real" playoffs, and 1 "real" championship game. How important would it be? Yeah, tell me again about Rugby. That's literally like lacrosse here in comparison to the NFL. Legit sport, but, hardly anyone cares. Basketball in Spain :: WWF here. To me, this is less about fan commitment, and more about: lack of options. And, we don't tend to make our sporting events into places to make political statements, in fact we abhor it(hence the separate boards here). Unless of course you're ESPN, a gay player has a chance of playing special teams, and you stand to make $ on this, especially if he gets cut. You're not going to see the Cowboys fans wearing Red t-shirts, or Jet fans wearing Blue t-shirts, and chanting hate/Communism/Fascism in the stands. You will see all of that and much worse at a soccer game in Europe. It's not even sporadic. It has become routine. It's now about everything, and hardly about the team/play on the field anymore. That's one, of many major advantages to being an American: we know when to turn it off, and just have fun. That's most likely because we actually turn it on more than 0-1 times per week, so we know the difference.
  21. Perhaps that is the issue that's causing the absurdity here? Some may have the unrealistic expectation that a real risk-taker...is going to share their values/personality traits? Not even close. Life is about choices, and you can't talk your way out of something you behave yourself into. Trump has behaved himself into a fortune. Like it or not, he has made far more good choices than he has bad ones. What are the chances, if you ask the Trump-hating posters here why they don't have a fortune, that "my own bad choices/behavior" is the #1 answer we get? 10%? 0%? That's why Trumps et al, are not "just like us". They recognize that they are in control of their own lives. They don't ask others to share in their failure....which is also why they take sole, 100% credit, in Trump's case, loudly and profusely, for their success.
  22. He has a history of successfully operating many, not just 1, business models. Thus, holding out one busines model as his auto-default approach to the Bills? Specious argument. Especially when he has specifically stated his approach. What cause has he given for us to automatically assume he is looking to flip the Bills? I wouldn't point this out, but, this thread, just like the last time, has passed "opinion" and crossed the line into "character assassination". I would ascribe political disposition as to why. Neither would Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan, Lady Gaga, or Al Gore, if they bought the team. The simple fact is that the NFL doesn't lose $, period. Not as a league, not as individual teams. Thus, again, I reject the premise, therefore i reject the rest of the argument. Trump will not lose money as owner of the Bills, so, casting his decision making as though that possibility exists, and would be predicated on it, is again: specious. The NFL is a club. Trump wants to be a member. Period. The great + is that this club makes each member millions each year, no matter what. Literally the ONLY way the NFL stops being a guaranteed $ maker: bad will/moving teams/disrupting traditional rivalries/cheating/bad or illegal behavior. ALL they have to do is stay away from that list/punish transgressors, and they are set. It's literally a 2 car funeral in terms of the big picture, that requires extreme caution. Trump, or any other owner, seeking to move a team, biggest enemies? The other owners, who don't want to lose any of their market share. (And spare me the LA thing? LA is such a good NFL market...that it hasn't had a team for 20 years) Someone else said Trump "hires good executives". Part of hiring them, is knowing when not fire the ones you have, unless you have a new plan that requires new people. I say again: Jerry Jones hired himself to make football decisions, right after he showed Jimmy Johnson the door. How's that working out? What evidence is there that Trump isn't an excellent hiring manager?
  23. Not surprised, but, also not following the NFL's logic. If 70k people watch a commercial in a stadium, vs. watching it individually at home, what is the significant difference? You can estimate that 85% of the "viewers" saw each commercial. Also, no channel flipping at the stadium. You literally have a captive audience. Bathroom/getting food/beer/etc.? Again, what is the difference? It takes longer? Does it? What else can I be distracted by at home vs. at the stadium? I'm at the stadium to do 1 thing, and only 1 thing. I'm not going to be going over the week's status reports again while I watch the game, at the stadium, like I do at home. I have a feeling there are other things at work here besides ratings.
  24. Is Donald Trump a Kennedy? Is he essentially a tool with no purpose, other than to attend the quarterly meetings/collect the check, self-congratulate, be a professional dilettante, play around in politics instead of adding value to their businesses/assets, and muck around confusing effort(or in their case, throwing $ at things) with results? You would think so with some of these responses. Then, there's this: "but"? WTF? Believe me: there is NO "but" after that statement as far as the job "Bills Owner", or any CEO, is concerned. It's laughable, and telling, that we are blowing by this as though anything else can be weighed against it, with even a remote chance of being as significant. That is job #1, for any CEO, and that makes such a massive difference in terms of results, that anything else rapidly approaches the irrelevant. The instinct/insight/whatever to hire the right people is what separates the NFL, in this case literally, CEO from the JV, and/or the "I don't know anything about executive level management, and I've never been anywhere near it, but, of course I have an opinion" people. The simple fact is: executive level management is a batting average. Period. Describing it in terms of "Failure" and "Success" is absurd, and again: telling. Too many decisions are made in a day, just like at bats over a baseball season, you can't "accept responsibility" for each one. There is no time for that. The other responsibilities, like: "making payroll", or "stand behind our work product" take precedence. And, tomorrow will be the same exact thing. Decision trends matter. Individual failures do not, because they can not. The next thing to be done is too important, to be distracted by what can't change. We can fix, but we can't go back and change. That's the thing: if you make too many bad decisions in a row, you're fired/out of business anyway. So, what exactly is the point of agonizing over each bad one? No. Taking "responsibility for failures" is for people that struggle with having 5 things to do. When you have 1000 things this week, you can't be worried about 1. Your employees, your customers, your partners...need those 1000 things done. They don't need only 800 things done, because we decided to hold a "bad decision Memorial Day". That..literally...is why "hiring good executives", is so important(with "best idea ALWAYS wins" as a close second), and that's why there is no "but". You can't possibly do the 1000 things by yourself. IF Donald Trump can hire well, and if that can translate to the NFL business? That's all a Bills fan needs to know. Jerry Jones? Jerry Jones hires himself to make football decisions. QED He does not hire well.
  25. No look post: Running around, buck naked, holding a flashlight?
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