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Everything posted by OCinBuffalo
The Media's Portrayal of Trump and His Presidency
OCinBuffalo replied to Nanker's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
It was just a matter of time until the "rules" these people created bit them in the ass. They call themselves "the creative class". It may be true that they are very creative, in their specific area of expertise. However, it is also true that they suck balls and Greggy Ts Dildos once they try to be "creative" outside those areas. -
Perhaps not. I thought it best to error on the side of caution. However, this is exploitable. We can use this to make fun a particularly bad defense we beat this year. And...knocking on wood, let's hope our defense doesn't look like this. The end of the video looks like the Miami Dolphins defense when Kyle Williams scored a goal line TD.
You clearly don't understand the concept of trolling. You seem to be a rookie here, so this is 1(one) time explanation: ALL of that was a put on. Most of it refers to old jokes/tropes/etc. from many years ago on this board. If you had been here, you'd understand. Even the "point of the post" is an intentional canard. So, thanks for the compliment. Next Generation? Of course! I'm not ahead of the curve, the curve merely represents where I've already been.
EDIT: Look, that's the best title I can think of, I am sure you all could do much better....BEFORE you actually watch the clip. AFTER? Yeah, you come up with a thread title. EDIT 2: Turning on the volume MAKES IT WORSE! You have been told. WARNING! Put down your beverage down. DO NOT watch this video in a meeting. This is not safe for anyone, at any place, at any time. If people at work look over your shoulder and this is on your screen? You can expect a meeting with HR, or a lot of explaing to your family/friends. I haven't truly LOLed in a whole week. Then I saw the above. Hey mods, move this to PPP or whatever, because you can't handle the not-so-fresh feeling this absurdity gives you. Feel free to hide your shame. I honestly wouldn't blame you. But, if there ever was anything on the internet that truly encapsulated "Off the Wall"? This is it. Oh, and read the "caption" below the video. Yeah, in this one case, the words are = to the worth of the picture.
The Mizzou/Yale/PC/Free Speech Topic
OCinBuffalo replied to FireChan's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
The minute you see Animal House in the douche-du-jour, you're going to see Blazing Saddles. Perhaps THE most damning, because it's the most hilarious, argument against racism is the Camptown Ladies scene in Blazing Saddles, not least because it ends with "Kansas City Faggots". When do they come for: 1. Caddyshack 2. Ferris Bueller(wait...you have to think a little about this one. Hint: Charlie Sheen's sudden girlfriend...and empowerment. Hell Ferris's girlfriend throughout.) 3. Airplane! ??? They want to destroy the comedy medium. They admit it. Where they WILL fail: the Internet. For decades we have laughed at even the most poorly produced youtubes, because they are funny. The last time I laughed out loud? Right here. -
I love this. Back in the day, I would drop book-sized posts about Obamacare, The Surge, Obamafail, Education, Economics in general, various scandals(still waiting for an answer on how in the hell the Russians did a remote hack on the DNC server...whose metadata clearly shows that the d/l could only have been done by a local USB drive.).... ...and....(EDIT: some of you pricks, who shall remain nameless, even asked me for career advice...after reading said long posts, and then publicly...whatever) my level of being right was directly proportional to the amount of whining about long posts. The more you clowns whined, the more I wrote, the more right I was. Now, Greggy gets a pass on one book post after the next, and you kiss his ass, AFTER, he turns out to be right? Why? He has been shoving his personal collection of dildos up the asses of every poster here(but mine), since Trump got elected, and doing it in long-form prose. DC_Tom and GG are kissing his ass now, because they were Trump-haters then. Yet, when I decided that winning the Obamacare website debate was too easy, thus, I wote my replies in iambic couplets(for dolts: in poetry), just to make it harder on myself? WTF? Let's see Greg do an entire post in e e cummings, or, let's see him do anything poetic at all. F! I am an IT guy, he's supposed to be the F'ing writer...and you are all sucking his balls for doing the 1 thing he is suppsed to be good at? Lame.
Global warming err Climate change HOAX
OCinBuffalo replied to Very wide right's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Heh, the last time San Francisco got "serious" about the "shitting in the streets" problem? It was the early 2000s and they created a bunch of enclosed "street bathrooms" on the sidewalks. Imagine a cylinder about 10 ft in diameter, and 10 feet tall, with 2-3 porta potties in it, and perhaps some water from an overhead bag, provided it wasn't stolen. I don't know if they had mirrors, because if they did, they were all stolen immediately. Amazingly, they didn't consider that they might be creating "crime bunkers" for junkies to shoot up, shoplifters, pick pockets, and purse-snatchers to hide in before/after plying their trade, places to drag women into, rape them, and then escape with no witnesses, a fine place to leave a dead body(DNA everywhere), etc. I believe they lasted 6-12 months. The police complained because you're damned if you do/don't privacy vs. safety, and, because walking into one of those things was an ambush waiting to happen. San Francisco DESERVES to be The City of Poop. They refuse to define their problems properly. Thus, they will never solve them properly. -
2 Things: 1. Warren is delusional if she thinks she's ever going to live down using false heritage to get a job. The Internet has the whole story, it is factual, and thus it will never go away or die. Warren's 2 feasible options: apologize profusely, or, take a DNA test and prove it, but, if you fail, see option 1. Everything else she has done so far hasn't worked, and it won't work. 2. Notice how the Antifa thing has gone down somewhat? That's becasuse smart Ds know history, and they are demanding that the dumb Ds desist. They know that idiots in the streets == R electoral victories. More like thumpings. Nixon was able to use Saul Alinsky drones, turn them into anti-law and order poster children, run against them, ally McGovern with them, and destroy them all. Trump is better than Nixon in every way. Thus, much depends on whether the smart Ds will be heeded(they almost never are). If I was Trump: I'd be planning to do something I KNOW will bait both Warren AND the Communist clowns, in early October. Bait her into saying stupid things, and bait them into protesting, breaking stuff, looting and burning. I would pray nobody got hurt, but it wouldn't be my fault. Every individual is accountable for their own stupid actions. In this case: being dumb enough to take my bait, and then hit somebody with a bike lock, or, say idiotic, Communist agenda-exposing things on the Senate floor. Am I diabolical? No. My plan wouldn't work if the people I bait weren't already diabolical themselves. I'm merely manipulating them into proving what they are.
You mean like what we got from electing Obama? Do I really need to list all the scandals? All the failures? All the utter incompetence? How about just one, since it's summer: "The Summer of Growth(or Recovery)"? Yeah, the GOP targeted it. Duh, ABC. They act like the GOP did something wrong. Obama's complete lack of economic understanding, and either ignorance of, or cynical complicty with, corrupt D-controlled city/state governments created a giant "Kick Me" sign. Trump has already surpassed Obama in factual positive results for the country. November is Coming. And, it's coming to take your delusional ass away, ha ha, AGAIN! Every single way we track this country is trending positive. In some cases record-setting positive. You want to call that a circus? If it is, the vast majority of Americans want and will pay(vote) for ring-side seats. You and your pals can stay outside the tent and shovel the elephant dung. Face facts: that's all your ideas and leaders are worth, and that's precisely the amount of power that the D party in total since 2006 has earned, based on their results. You wanna use(actually you misuse a libertarian concept) the word "equity"? Shoveling dung IS your "equity".
Tom, Tom...you really should know by now that I will never let you talk your way out of something you behaved yourself into. You don't reply to everything, and certainly not in minutes. Your behavior regarding me requires no in-depth intrepretation or analysis: you are butthurt, because when I am here, I routinely stomp your guts out. And, nobody else on this board can do it like I can. Evidence: Remember the PPP "argument tournament"? Yeah, the comment was "why bother, just let DC_Tom and OCinBuffalo fight it out". So, please, it's not like this entire board doesn't know the score. When I show up here, you stop being the smartest guy in the room. Hence, butthurt. Now cut the crap. That's the reality. We both know it. Spare me your lame obfuscations.
Yeah...I've been wondering if there's going to be a great "tune out". Ongoing process for CNN. Their numbers are in the toilet now. But what if there is a big "tune out" event coming for the news business as a whole? The internet is the best thing that happened to media, because it ended the bad old gatekeeper days. But, the internet was always going to bring new problems with it, like lack of accountability and credibility. I have always expected serious market turbulence; that eventually major destruction/creation would occur and things would be: better. I did not expect: my need to be informed to be eclipsed by my need to not have my time wasted/be disinformed. There are entire 2-3 day news stories that I have to be told about, because: tuned out. The kicker: it doesn't matter. These stories had their 3 days, got everybody whipped up, and now? Nobody cares. 0 impact. I'm happy because I devoted 1 minute for these stories: the time somebody took to tell me. It's also why I haven't been here much. Why brawl over something I know is not going to matter in 3 days? I'm bored with watching the media throw gallons of spaghetti at the wall, have none of it stick, and then refuse to clean up the mess they made. Why should I attend to any of that? What is their end game? President Pence? So then WTF? My attending only makes them $ while I get no value back. How many wolf cries does it take to utterly destroy the Big Media, and leave in it's place millions of small-timers with smartphones and blogs? Talk to me about credibility, please. I'd take Bob Jones, retired bus-driver dude covering the WH with his smart phone and the website he "created" with Wordpress, that that Acosta clown, right now, in terms of credibility. Accountability? Bob can't afford to turn off his comments section, or delete the posts he doesn't like, and, Bob is competing with Steve, who also has a phone and a Wix account, every day, for 10s of dollars. Credible and Accountable wins that competition, long term.
Put it this way: Before rookie contract slotting, this time of year meant every NFL media person, large and small, had their big chance to catch national attention, and lots of eyeballs, by covering hold-outs. Now, they have little to say, yet their job is to say something, so they do predictions. I really wouldn't want the job of predicting the Bills this year. So many things can go so many ways. The smart play: predict 8-8. Remember the clowns here and elsewhere who predicted 4-12 last year? See, I don't have a problem with predictions. I have a problem with people whose prediction becomes "law" the instant they make it, and spend the rest of the season trying to prove it. Then, when their prediction(and most of the rest of their opinion) is mathematically eliminated? They refuse to admit failure about something that was always a stab in the dark. Silly. Solution: don't dig your heels in about your prediction until week 11 at the earliest. Doing it in Wk 4, or now? Silly. Remember: statistically, the most likely outcome for ALL teams is 8-8, every season. 9-7, 8-8, 7-9 are nothing more, or less, than meeting statistical expectations. 4-12 and 12-4 are absolutely equal in terms of their propensity to occur: low. Thus predicting the former has the same high risk of being wrong as the latter. The exact same. Variables like: "new coach", "new scheme", etc. mean little. (EDIT: They might mean something emotionally, but they mean nothing analytically.) Why? The wider the range of values for these variables(new coach: good, new coach: bad, new coach: OK), and amount of them, the MORE likley 8-8 regression occurs. (Right now, Daboll's range of possible value as an OC for this team/these players: extremely wide.) Why? In the real world the more independent variables any system has, the more likley they are to cancel each other out. Or, a group of them will average out the outliers. Consider the opposite case: if there were very few variables, their values would have a massive, easily observable impact on outcome, thus enhancing our predictive modeling confidence. Exponentially so, if the range of the possible values for each variable was small(Same bad/good coach from last year can only get 15% worse/better, at most == a lot more predictable). They might still cancel each other out, but as you approach 0 variables, the less chance of that. Thus, IF someone is predicting 4-12, or 12-4...right now? In Today's NFL? That == handing math a whip and daring it to punish them. If "facts don't care about your feelings", math cares even less. Thus, making predictions in preseason, beyond 8-8(7-9, 9-7), should never be done or taken seriously. Anything else? Expect the Whip. (EDIT: I already have an answer about Vegas and preseason et al, and why they do it, etc. Ask if you want, but the above will still remain true)
Difference: back then the media didn't feel like it lost. With Trump, the media made psychological commitments to him losing. The psionic blast of him winning? Well, perhaps the best thing to ask is: Do you know what this is, and what it does? For the not-nerds: it's a Mind Flayer or Illithid. The REAL conspiracy seems to be that Trump found one of these things hiding under a dumpster in Jersey someplace, and it has been doing his bidding ever since. Well, when I say real, I mean: much more likely than Trump making plans with Putin et al.
See board: I can leave for days, weeks, years, whatever. I post, and there's Tom and his gay little toady, replying within minutes. It really is all about me, isn't it?
Well, 2 things, really: 1. So you don't die. 2. So she don't die. It does us no good to be able to escape Earth's gravity, based solely on 3 days worth of Maxine buffonery, if we can't move once there, because she's been exposed to space. That's why I am saying that the drive must be a bubble. Use some nano-materials to create the bubble, and throw the Marxists, the veg paste, etc. in, then seal it. Use whatever the scientists create to contain the singularity they create, and just assume that the Marxists are immune to their own singularity, because why not? They seem immune to reality, why wouldn't they be immune to metric tons of the their own BS, spinning at just slower than light speed?
We don't have to understand it, provided it can be used to make a warp drive go. If anything, the more demented they are, the more unvarnished hypocrisy, logical fallacy, and utter contradiction we get from them, the farther and faster the warp drive takes us. Christ, you could probably get Maxine Waters to power one of these to Mars all by herself, one you made it spaceworthy.
Contradictions? So many leftists, Never Trumpers, and general a-holes, have contradicted their own arguments, at such a high rate(sometimes in 2-3 days, sometimes in 2-3 minutes), that I'm beginning to fear for space/time continuum. We have no idea if space/time can actually handle this level of contradiction and absurdity. An exponential rate of contradiction/time might actually poke a hole in the continuum. Now, that's either the end of the universe... ...or... if we force scientists to produce something useful, and work them to design and create control over this singularity? We could impress leftist buffoons into service and use them to power a warp drive. What? It's the best solution all around. They get to live in a real bubble, a nice safe space with people who all agree with them, and, I get to go to Mars for the afternoon, but back in time for happy hour specials. All we have to do is feed the "drive" single statements like "Trump is meeting with the EU economic commissar" to prime it. (EDIT: Oh yeah, we'll also feed it by throwing soy milk, vegetable paste, "organic" water, and a few Paul Krugman articles in. Just make a smelly slave galley/organic stew inside the drive. Don't vaccinate anybody for anything.) Then, a day later when we want to go somewhere, we feed "Trump makes no-tariff trade deal with EU economic commissar" into the drive, and boom, we're passing Mars before your seatbelt is buckled.
Ah yes, this thread. Hmm. 4.1% growth this past quarter. Hillary/Obama/Leftist economists said it could never be done. Trump was right. Leftists are wrong. AGAIN! (Call me a heterocisnomaracisphobic xenomysogynecologist! When you get done? I'm still right, and you're still wrong. ? ) The question was: Are some reasonable Ds walking away, because their party is being pushed into Marxist election-losing hell? The question now: Why isn't EVERY reasonable D walking away, given Trump's results vs. the Marxist's self-evident stupidity? Forget losing elections. November is coming, and I will be laughing at you, AGAIN! No. We are playing past that. Now we are into: how embarrassed do Ds want to be? How do you not look like a total joke in front of your friends and family: when you think letting men use the girls bathroom is more important than 4.1% economic growth, which makes a slew of our national problems easier to solve, ESPECIALLY when it comes to the poor? Answer: you DO look like a total joke, it's just that your friends and family, as such, don't want to completely humiliate you. Thus, that's for me to do, here. You are a total joke.
And then there's this, albeit shameful copypasta from the #WalkAway tag thread:
Canadians. Always so clever...when they have 3 hours to come up with something. However, when you're taking a whizz at the Sabres game? I only attended 1(one) game this year. And dammit to hell if it wasn't the same nonsense in the bathroom. 1 game, what are the chances? Perhaps Canadians don't understand that in America, taking the piss...literally means taking a piss. Taking the piss does not mean mess with somebody, here. It does not mean get gaydar close to me, with your thing hanging out, telling me your political opinions. I shut that clown down with...just the "hey dude, my gaydar is going off right now", to the amusement of the crowd. He had "No Reply At All"(Ha, you thought it was gonna be my usual Genesis link, didn't you, sucker!). (EDIT: Phish doing that song is just...bizarre. I just finished it, and man, what the hell is happening? Phish dinner theatre(Canadian spelling)?_
heh...Just like with 1. "The Surge". 2. Obamacare(hey Chef? How are those super-secret Apple and Google people doing?) 3. Global Warming. 4. Trump. 5. Convention over Configuration is moronic...because it F's the client. Why would any client be content with "settled IT" "philosophy" that continuously ass-rapes them? 6. Net Neutrality I was always right about the above. It is always just a matter of time and events overtaking those who were wrong. It's the same thing at work. I have to wait for everybody to catch up. Call me arrogant: but after 30 years of the same pattern repeating itself...that's a rather insecure/childish argument. When I am wrong, I am the first to admit it, but more importantly to understand why. Compare that to the leftists, here and everywhere. This board has become "right-leaning" not because we had an influx of posters from that side of things: never. No. Back in the "No Blood for Oil" days(and I was right again: we haven't taken a single drop of oil from Iraq), this board was overrun with leftist clowns spouting 1-4 and whatever else every single day. Molson_Golden used to start what? 2 Threads a day minimum? I was banging this skinny redhead who worked for Artvoice at the time...total nutbag liberal. She liked me...because...well let's face it, I was the only Alpha male in her life, to include her dad. She liked me as much as she hated the leftist buffoons on this board...because I would make her read their posts and try to defend them. That was her penance/my price...for my attention. In any event: let's try this again, shall we? I am going to tell you something, and I already know I am right. November is Coming, again. Trump will continue to win. But, it's not Trump! Dammit! Trump is a business guy, which means he understands marketing. Trump sent out for the very best marketers, took their advice, and his entire political existence = identify what the majority of the market wants, then, deliver it. The market already wanted what it wanted, BEFORE Trump decide to run. Trump does what ONLY a non-government, real business person is capable of: satisfying the customer. Think about it: (EDIT: some of) you pay taxes. When you pay $, that makes you a customer. It doesn't matter if you give to charity, pay your utility bill, or fund an election: you want value for your $. This should be so simple to understand, yet, here we are, me explaining it, again, just like I did with 1-4 above, and I guarantee I will be right, again, and you will be wrong, again.
So did I...sorta. I was very, very young when I declared to my parents that Carter had to be POTUS, because Ford was a dunce. I basically parroted everything I saw on TV. This was the first, and only, time I got suckered by the media. Then, Reagan and the US Hockey Olympic team happened. Need I say the rest? Yep. Hey all you D assclowns that were here in October 2006? I TOLD YOU SO! (EDIT: Spelling error)
I'll help: Sessions is moving Rosenstein to the front, so that when he takes him down, he can say that he did everything in his power to defend the DOJ, Rosenstein, etc., but(and in classic demonstration of "everything before the 'but' is BS") that he just can't ignore Rosenstein's repeated "mistakes". Mistakes: signing off on tainted FISAs 2 times, not managing Mueller with a clear scope in the first place, then, expanding said scope to eternity, this yelling/threatening thing, and of course: playing to get Comey fired, while at the same time playing with Congressional oversight(see meeting with Ryan), along with whatever else transpires/comes to light. Sessions is simply creating cover if he needs to can Rosenstein, and thus, Mueller. It works best AFTER the mid-terms, when he has nothing to lose: (first of all the Rs are going to keep the senate, period.)If the Rs win the House, he's got a political victory as justification, if Ds, then they are going to do impeachment anyway, and why not take their toys away? They will cry, but, after 2 months of that: they will still have nothing, and no path to doing anything of consequence. Besides, at this point it looks like the Rs keep the House, so why give the Ds anything before the election?
Horowitz's DOJ IG Report
OCinBuffalo replied to Deranged Rhino's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Does anybody know if one can legally change their birthday for one year, and then go back to the regular day? If so, I want to move my birthday to tomorrow this year. After all the BS I have endured as a Trump rationalist(I am a supporter because I knew what he was doing, and why it would work, from day 1) over the last 3 years, this is going to be the best present eva! Then again, if we listen to Greggy, perhaps I should move it to the day the declassifying happens. While on the subject of birthdays: the leftists here and everywhere? Yeah, you're going to feel like yours has been taken away, for quite a few years. Once again: November is Coming.