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Everything posted by OCinBuffalo

  1. If that happens again, can the Bills please agree to let us pee through the fences this time? I don't think I'm over hearing this really nice, but unlucky, Canadian guy's sneakers make a "squish" sound every time he took a step, and knowing that it was because somebody(s) had found a way to drench both of them in piss. Poor guy decided to leave in the third 3rd, neither he or his wife could take the smell. The other question: how come the women didn't have any trouble that game? Answer: because I know damn well they have superior technology hidden away in every women's bathroom in the world, how else do you explain them wanting to go there so often, and in groups? I just have to find it. And when I do...they are all in big trouble.
  2. Et tu....what? You know how I approach problems: with unfettered logic, PROPER analytical methodology, and a full command of the English dictionary. When I say EJ is a Rookie, that's because by all reasonable definitions, logically, statistically, and in NFL football English: he is. I am quite tired of the "special rules for EJ" that I see on this board, from both sides. Much could be gained by everyone here: watching another football game, paying attention to the QBs, and seeing, objectively, how often they FAIL/WIN, then, comparing what you see, once again, objectively, to EJ. Now that I am once again shackled by the taskmaster that is fantasy football(3 teams no less), I'm back to having to do precisely that. Let me tell you all: the QB play I've seen around this league, especially from the "stars", so far, does NOT have the variance it once did. This sure as hell is NOT the early 90s. There's plenty of FAIL, especially from the "stars", doubly so for the "young stars"(um, RG3, Kapernick, Wilson, anyone?), to go around. Imagine if Tannehill was our QB....you don't have to: go read the boards of other teams around the league. Hardly anyone is happy with their QB play. Then ask yourselves this question: why was ESPN's Sunday Top Ten Plays focused on "one-handed catches"?(Spiller's run came in at #10) Answer: because exactly NONE of those balls were thrown accurately, by the EJ-hater side's "special rules for EJ" standard.
  3. 25 pages I'm not going to read because, as my avatar clearly indicates, EJ remains a rookie, and discussing the ups/downs of a rookie QB is almost as pointless as talking about political issues, with no one but political hacks, complete with their self-serving agendas. My avatar is still good for 5 more games. Like it or not, the fact is that the upcoming New England @ home game ends EJ's rookie status. He remains a rookie until then, or until he completes 16 NFL games. That's seems like a perfect way to end it as well. Can he play well enough to beat NE at the Ralph? We shall see. That game finally provides us with enough data to begin forming a reasoned, and accurate, opinion about EJ. That's because unlike the hacks of this issue: 1. Those who have been carrying Todd McShay's water for the last 2 years, ever since he said EJ was a "wasted pick", have talked far too much schit to go back on it now, and are probably scared of being exposed: their "football knowledge" largely comes by way of ESPN/WGR/Madden. 2. Those who have been apologizing for everything EJ does, no matter how many time he misses open WRs down the middle for TDs(ahem, last game), who refuse to admit that statistically, EJ having more "upside" to grow into, is less likely than "this is as good as he is going to get". we will finally be working with enough data after the Pats game, to begin to make rational points, and point to patterns, about this matter. The hacks on both sides of this issue are noise. EJ's next 5 games is signal. We know he can play. But, can he win the game, not just manage it? Please try to remember: NO ONE can draw a final conclusion about EJ after merely his first 16 games. But, we can get sense of things. IF we had drawn a final conclusion about Peyton Manning, or, Troy Aikman, or Drew Brees, or a whole lot of other QBs, after their first 16 games? They'd all have been run out of the NFL.
  4. No. This team is far more talented, but that's not the only reason. No, because I was at the Chargers power outage(pissfest) game that made us 5-1, and I saw what I think the rest of the NFL saw: Fool's Gold. Even a man at his first NFL game saw it: We should have lost that game, and if it had lasted another quarter, we would have. Kawika Mitchell made an INT in our end zone to save our asses. See, the thing is, I ended up sitting nxt to this very polite(mostly because he was scared schitless of Bills fans/stories he had heard about us), English fellow who had never seen an NFL game before, and asked me to explain what was happening. He learned quickly. Quickly enough, and from an objective point of view, he began pointing out that the Bills weren't doing what I said they were "supposed" to do. Much to my annoyance: He was right. In fact, at the end of the game, he told me "you got lucky there, didn't you?" I had no choice but to agree. I will always remember that game for the pee stains on too many Bills fans shorts/pants. Going into the pitch dark bathroom was like stepping into a piss paintball game. But I will also remember it because of the English "lucid eye" and his observations. I didn't want to admit any of this at the time, however, I still bought the Engish guy a beer at the Big Tree. But, looking back on it now....he was right.
  5. Take one look at any Dolphins message board. They are quite aware of this streak. What makes them the most angry? Something along the lines of: "They beat us the same way, doing the same things, 3 times in a row!" Nothing makes me smile like Dolphin suffering. To this day, to me, the Pats are merely an abberation with lucky 6th round pick HOF QB, and will go right back to the bottom when that abberation leaves. (EDIT: and be sure to note the empty seats in their stadium when the bandwagon breaks down) The Jets are perhaps the longest running joke in the NFL. Their own paper depicted them as clowns. Don't think so? Say Mark Sanchez three times! I will never derive as much joy from beating either as much as I will beating the Dolphins, because, over the course of my life, I will never take the other 2 franchises as seriously.
  6. Which one? If it's the Youtube link, I imagine the pesky NFL/Youtube mods have discovered me! Oh noes! Tell me which one and I will...adapt and overcome. EDIT: I believe I have adapted. Resistence is futile.
  7. Right is right, and wrong is wrong. If not, why bother having rules? Speaking of whiners, we got the sideline penalty due to ref whining because he took a header due to his own uncoordinated ass. To wit: http://www.dailymoti...g-himself_sport Pause 1: You can clearly see the coaches backing the players off the white paint. Pause 2. There's the idiot ref on the right side Pause 3. There's him running over the line, into the green, into our guy, and proceeding to take a header as a result. Rather than self-awareness, and realizing what he'd done, he throws a flag on us. Um, who is doing the whining again? Then there's the endzone view. Let the vid play a little bit to see it. Pause 1: There the ref is, in the green, with no clue where he is going, running into our guy. He threw flag on us due to his own lack of athletic ability. RIght is right, and this is wrong. But, at the very least, you got to look at an awesome play, and the great blocking/running that made it possible, in slow mo. So.....what?
  8. Exactly: There is a rule that if the players/coaches impede a ref from running down the sideline in the white paint, It's why you see coaches constantly telling the team to get off the white paint, it's an unsportsmanlike penalty(15 yards). In this case, the ref running down the sideline on the Spiller return ran past the white paint, and into the Bills gaggle standing on the sidelines. I believe it was into Lee Smith. The ref called a penalty on Smith, but it was his own idiocy/inability to run in a staight line/lack of coordination, that was at fault. The Spiller TD counts, but, we had to kick from out 20 as a result. EDIT: The idiot TV announcers had absolutely no idea that it even happened. They didn't even notice that we kicked from our 20, so you didn't miss anything. I just watched it on Game Rewind.
  9. Empirical evidence is: empirical evidence. There is nothing to get over, under, around. It's right under your nose. George Orwell: "To see what is in front of one's nose needs a constant struggle". I suggest more struggle.
  10. Unfortunately, if you are superstitious, perhaps this is what needs to happen? Perhaps we should start an email campaign: "Dear Mike Schopp/Bulldog, please consider washing the balls of every Bills opponent this season during the week, and then totally denying you ever said anything good about their team, or bad about EJ/Hakett/Dareus/Losing Byrd, or, especially, Pretending the Bills #1 next year ever had a real chance of actually getting us a better QB than EJ/Watkins wasn't worth the trade(after he goes 8/117/1TD)...in the post game" What's the O/U on which month Bulldog will admit that the 1(one) #1 draft pick we gave away for Watkins was a good move/was never going to net us a franchise QB? I'm setting it at next February.
  11. I was screaming at the TV as well, and, have lost my voice as a result. I can still type though....much to the chagrin of some here.... That's why I almost didn't bother. But, it was the first thing I thought of when i woke up. I didn't want to be thinking about it all day, so, embarrassing these refs on youtube seem to be a good penance for them, and outlet for me.
  12. He also pretty much declared Chicago the best team in the league in the preseason. I have thoroughly enjoyed listening to him and Bulldog being forced to do more backpedaling than the entire Bills secondary, 2 Sundays in a row now. After the Bears lost to us, he had to recant, then, Chicago beats SF? Schopp/Bulldog need to realize: there are at least 100 people on this board alone that know NFL football better than they do, and write about it better as well. We could do their jobs, but they couldn't do ours..
  13. Without having read any of it, I nominate this thread for the following awards: 1. Irony Thread of the Week 2. Best Thread in the "reason to wait until Tuesday before you post your 'analysis'" category 3. Best Dramatic Performance in the "Yeah, but the Trent Edwards team was 5-1..." category
  14. I made this myself. Normally, I wouldn't bother, but, the Dolphins got away with what is below the whole friggin game. The following is the most critical one, as it allowed them to get a 1st on 4th down, and eventually their only TD. This made the game 16-10 us. It's one thing to miss this call, but, this was ~ the 4th one they missed. BOTH Dolphin tackles were kicking their legs out prior to the snap. (The whistling sound is the WGR morning show in the background+slow motion+filtering....sorry, I don't have time to clean it up. Besides, it's irrelevant) http://youtu.be/mj-Fd6EnbY8 As you an see: Absolute horsecrap officiating. No excuse for this. Add this to the penalty we got for the ref, running out of the white paint, and into OUR sideline...and then calling the penalty on us. (Which is why we had to kick from our 20 after the CJ Spiller run back). Unmitigated moron refs yesterday.
  15. Oh how I miss his pleading with me to come defend him during the famous 3.5 thread. I actually did throw him one post. It's no fun to kick someone when they are down. It's more fun to knock them down in the first place. Speaking of Cassandras.....how did that Iraq War Surge turn out? How about Global Warming? How about Obamacare? How about Apple/Google "fixing" Obamacare? My list is boundless. I've thought about making a database of "idiot posts to crush people with later"....but, I'm too lazy.
  16. My post in the one of many inevitably closed EJ threads after the game got deleted. So, thank God for this thread: EJ HATERS! BLOW IT OUR YOUR ASS! Also, to the short little d-bag that sat in front of me at the Bucs game? You may know Class C JV football, but you clearly don't know NFL football, because, as I told you at the time: we ran NONE of the plays we ran last Sunday, at the Bucs game. For the last time: Preseason is about putting competing players into as much of the same situation as possible and seeing which one is better. That's why we run the same, vanilla plays, over and over. It is literally counterindicative of the Bills playbook, coordinator, or coaching ability. If you really think about it: this is the most logical approach. Especially when the opponent knows what's coming. Can the player in question beat the man on the opposite side of the ball, and impose his will despite that opponent knowing what's coming, or can't he? Did the guy he is competing against get the same assignment done, or not? One of these years, the clowns in our fan base may eventually learn what preseason is all about. But, I doubt it. There's a certain segment of the Bills fan base that loves losing....so they can use that as an outlet. If the Bills are worse than they are personally, that's comforting. They have somebody/something else to say "well at least I'm not as bad as them" about. When the Bills win, they have no security blanket, and now face the prospect of attending only to themselves/their bad choices, and awful life as a result of them....at least for a week.
  17. But, let's not forget the 2 speculations, that began this thread, and, have been, for a year now, the ONLY way the Global Warming theory is preserved: 1. Heat hiding at bottom of ocean 2. The increased burning of coal in China, both creating, and stopping, Global Warming....at the same time Has anybody heard anything about these 2 speculations? I have not. Beyond the fact that neither passes the common sense test, I imagine we haven't heard anything more....because the evil Republicans in Congress have refused to fund further study on these 2 speculations. We should start sendiing the $ we borrow from China, back to China, immediately, to study that pollution. Also, we need a Sea Quest submarine, so we can go down to the bottom of the ocean and find the heat! I nominate Joe-One-Short-of-a-Six-Pack as for Captain of this vessel! A 49 page thread, and nothing has changed. This theory is either debunked entirely, or, one of these 2 speculations is true. Well, empirically, logically, and scientifically. The theology of Global Warming? That is another matter entirely. EDIT: And, I almost forgot: FEAR! Yes according to the German politician in the OP, Fear is necessary for this to work. Well, I ask you all: are any of you truly afraid of this issue? Are any of you truly afraid of being called names by the Global Warming Cult? Fear was required, but it is lacking. Sorry, leftists, but you'll have to find another vehicle to: implement world socialism, gain funding, get votes.
  18. TLDR; j/k this was funny And, I will take this opportunity to once again remind the board that I was ordered to use emoticons, I was even told how many to use/length of post. So, until that order is recinded, the will continue. All it takes is the poster who gave the order, to own up to it, and recind it.
  19. Nice one. Mark it 8, next frame.
  20. He also specifically said, right at the same time Jerry Jones made his Bon Jovi comments, that Toronto needed a team. At the very least, talking out of both sides of his mouth.
  21. I must take this opportunity to console the trolls, schit talkers, and all variations of douchebags that have been posting here, and elsewhere, or, dropping soundbites in the media, trolling us about the Bills leaving Buffalo. It's over. It's moving day. But, the Bills aren't moving: You are...on to something else. You were never going to be right about this, and your days of starting schit with us over "the Bills are moving" are now over. You've lost. I believe I read the first thread here about this in 2004. It started with the usual "well, Ralph is getting up there, and LA is a Big Market" crap.The best part about this: I will never ever have to say again "LA is such a lucrative NFL market, that it hasn't had a team for 20 years!" It's a great day for many Bills fans, but it's an especially great to tell these specific people to blow it out their asses: 1. Jerry Jones(of "John Bon Jovi is the best father I've ever known" idiocy) 2. Woody Johnson(Jets Owner) 3. Bob Kraft(Pats Owner) 4. Colin Cowherd....who's been hating on Buffalo, telling us the Bills were done in Buffalo, and chief implementer of the ESPN "ignore small market teams" methodology, for at least the 7 years I listened to him before Andrew Peters/Kevin Sylvester(who get better ratings, btw) 5. Multiple ESPN anchors 6. Chris Mortenson 7. The laughable Toronto Group/Jon Bon Jovi....their incompetence astounds....no wonder the Leafs always suck. 8. (Whoever else you've ever heard talk schit about this) Feel free to add to the list!
  22. This is right. Especially the part about nightly reindex(provided your transactions are hitting the same DB that is being searched). Much depends on the database design. If you are doing your "searching" the same place(database) you are doing your "thread/post entering"? That can cause significant peformance problems, especially in row level locking DBs, like MySQL/SQL Server(and yes, Oracle too). Also, much depends on how the search SQL statements are constructed, which also depends on your data model design. Dynamic SQL(SQL statements that are built a run time), rather than stored procedures, is much slower. That's cause one is interpreted at run time, and one is pre-compiled. This is also right. Especially getting the answers to those questions. Also: it may be necessary to set up 2 DBs. One designed for transactions(new threads, new posts, the "right now" stuff"), and one designed for searching(the "older stuff"). Each DB would be designed differently, and perhaps even use different DBMS. A good rule: Design your database...primarily... for writes(inserting lots of data) or reads(searching/retrieving data), not both. Remember Mr. Myagi: "if you try to walk down the middle of the road? Sqush, just like grape!" That's if we want this to work like a "big time" system. Use your MySQL for new threads/posting(inserts), use something like MongoDB for the archive/threads older than 1 week. (.....and here come the Redis people, and their usual horsecrap about "flexibility". Answer to Redis people: its a football board that does the same thing every year, with the same data/objects, not a 50-division multinational, or a massive e-commerce site. Thus, Redis's main advantage? Useless to this case. So, no, Redis is not better here. MongoDB is the right call here, especially if the people who do this come from SQL backgrounds.) This way, you're keeping the data you are most likely to be working with right now, "writes" in an SQL-based system(EDIT, and no, we don't just use Mongo for everything, because the board software probably only supports SQL-based systems): today's threads, posts, etc.in one DB. Even if there are a lot of searches to the "write" DB, the amount of data doesn't cause you trouble. Set a rule for thread "expiration", and archive older threads to the "read" DB(which is probably similar to what you are doing now) You're keeping the older stuff in a DB that is designed for "reads"/storage, and literally blows SQL systems away when it comes to data retrieval. If somebody hauls out an old thread and writes a new post to it? No big deal, just use this http://www.mulesoft.com/ to "ressurect" that old data back into the "write" DB. You use the same thing to do your weekly archiving going the other way. You just have to build a single field that holds the "old ID", and few other things.(I can explain this in detail). The "read" DB is what we would call the "system of record". This way, threads that get closed/deleted/whatever, don't make it here, and they just get deleted when they "expire". Finally, you add a feature to the search functionality, that basically says: you want to search "this week" stuff, or the "old" stuff? Essentially the searches would be directed to one DB or the other. Or you could do some fancy Mule stuff to do searches from both DBs at the same time....but, if that's what you want to do, please, please: just PM me, and I'll do it. EDIT: Also, if you want to split HUGE threads between the 2 DBs, using this same method, it's doable, but again, let me/somebody who knows what they are doing do this. If we really want to get nuts, we can try using Riak(which is a whole other "new" thing, which seems promising)....but I wouldn't yet.
  23. HAHAHAHA! Nice!
  25. Sure, but squaring off against me in history, especially military history? (I was 1 of 10 cadets selected out of my entire class at West Point for "advanced military history and strategic analysis" class. Hey, just being honest.) 1. Patton grasped the concept of fast moving wafare in WW1, not 1944. He did in fact read Rommel's, obscure at the time, book. (One wonders why a guy who had no interest or belief in lighting fast armored assualt, would bother reading a book...about lightning fast armored assault) He fought and fought with the "powers that be" to change armored tactics between the wars, which got him into trouble repeatedly. He knew what other countries were up to, and studied what they were doing, even though we weren't. 2. Any # of Major Generals could have been selected to take over after Kasserine Pass. Why choose Patton? If troops hated him, perhaps the goal was to decrease troop morale further, right after we got our asses kicked? As far as Patton's brilliance? A counterintuitive approach maybe: put a moron up against an established, innovative, deceptive, proven winner in Rommel, because what....they hadn't tried that one yet? And, yeah, Patton's drive across France is literally taught, and perhaps over-taught, as "how it's done" today. (I say over-taught in that I would never have approached the Iraq war the way they did, but it was straight out of Patton's playbook) 3. There's a reason why posters, and you'll notice by looking above, it wasn't me, bring up Patton, and not Omar Bradley, on a football board, when leadership is being discussed. That's one you may have to think about for a while, but I think you'll get it. Perhaps its why Bradley wasn't put in command in Africa? There's a certain "Bradley" bias out there. My theory is he handed legions of morons the "wrong war, at the wrong place, at the wrong time, against the wrong enemy" quote, and they've been mis-applying it to oppose every military option ever since, aloing with doing whatever they can to prop up Bradley and denigrate Patton. Do I really need to bring up the Battle of the Bulge, and his superior generalship in that...which essentially saved Bradley's ass? Patton literally wrote up a plan to attack Pearl Harbor, nearly exactl as it happened, 14 years before it did. Without Patton's help, Eisenhower doesn't graduate from the Command and Staff College. Patton himself graduated with "distinction" from the Army War College, which is quite rare, but yeah....Patton wasn't brilliant. 4. What is this? Are you trolling, or testing me somehow? Heinz Guderian was pound for pound(meaning resources and men/peformance) easily the best general of WW2. If the man had not been constantly interferred with, and politically assaulted by those jealous of him, the Russians would have lost F'ing Moscow easily, and probably the war. Rommel himself said Guderian was the "only man who could replace me in Africa". That should end it right there, but why not keep going? Between the wars, who literally developed most of the weapons and tactics that made Blitzkreig possible? Guderian. Who invented the concept of the "armored division" in 1929, that we still use today? Manstien? No. Guderian. Guderian got punished for being far better than everybody at his job. Period. Removing Guderian from command was the single biggest reason the Russians won, that, and moving their entire industrial production 1000 miles to the east, and being willling to work 10ks of their own people to death in the effort. Case in point: with whom did noted staff officer, not commander, Manstien work with on his "brilliant" revised plan for the Invasion of France? Again, "only one man": Guderian. Who then commanded men in the field in France, and who served as Chief of Staff to that guy or this one? Who didn't actually get a real command until Russia? Who had been commanding troops in the field since the beginning of the war? Come on with this crapola. Too late at night for Tom. But, I was hoping....
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