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Everything posted by OCinBuffalo

  1. Once again you fail to understand. OCinBuffalo is not my name there, and I don't represent Bills fans there either. I post as myself on the Chiefs board(well since OCinBuffalo isn't really myself either...) because that's a place you can have a reasonable discussion. And no, I'm not telling you what my handles are on the Dolphins, Jets, and Pats* boards, so you can laugh along with me. I did build this, and you aren't entitled to any of it. Oh, and apparently I'm not the only American who's "ugly"....don't worry you'll be able to sit down next month....but only if you, and especially "your man" learn something.
  2. I will, but please understand, I'm in full OCinBuffalo mode on that board. In fact I'd be surprised if I wasn't banned after the last game.
  3. Oh and I can't believe I forgot this one: (this board won't let me post it, so here's the link) https://v.cdn.vine.co/r/videos/12D86617E11135731777017896960_2bc6d399393.5.1.9732119999884058174.mp4?versionId=34ny6RBD1ugl54dTyUvyjxe2ndrhXpu2
  4. I added one of the gifs above.
  5. http://www.chiefspla...ad.php?t=288040 It's long, but you will laugh your ass off. Of all the boards I have accounts on(mostly for trolling purposes), this board is the closest to ours in terms of quality and hilarity. The gifs in this thread are the best. I may have to steal a few of them. And, for the wanna-be trolls here: Count Zarth = doing it right. EDIT: Preview...
  6. No. You will perform as required. Just wait, you'll see. But, like I said, I'm going to harass the Chiefs fans. We'll have to pick this up later.
  7. Again? Not 5 minutes ago I tell you to stay the F out what I'm doing, but it seems you can't help yourself. Jesus. Go play with gatorman. Once again you are stepping all over everything. F this. I'm gonna go fire up my Chiefs board account and harass them for a while. That's always funnier because, while Alaska Darin is there, there is no DC_Tom.
  8. How about we let the poster who's job it is to test the water near fracking sites, who has found 0 evidence of a problem, and has already explained as much to the OP with at least one post, if not more....handle this one? I'm too lazy to dig up his post, but, it was quite a beat down of Kafka. Here's an idea: How about you contribute some content to this board for once, rather than just hanging out here and pretending, and go dig that post up?
  9. Hey full retard, I'm not the one who said that. I'm the one who, for the 4th time: said that's what I've been told, by the people themselves.
  10. Sometimes, I'm amazed that for all these years, you still only understand about 30% of my posts, and the ones you do get, you instantly go out of your way to F up for me. Well, not this time. This particular thing is DC_Tom-proof. It's guaranteed to not be spoiled by the kid who hasn't grown out of raising his and and yelling "oh me, oh me" for every question the teacher asks. Don't you have some thread to Godwin or something? I was counting on you for a specific, expected purpose here. Now I have to re-think the whole thing. When it comes down to it: patience...that's all I'm asking you for.
  11. Oh WTF? Do you claim some sort of special privlege to Godwin my thread? I've been doing everything I can to avoid that comparison. But, now that you've made it? Hell yeah it's like Hitler in 1943. Obama: closing up shop at 4:30 each day, for the rest of his term, retiring to the residence, and throwing on one of his many DVDs of his 2004 D convention speech? I think the WH staff's strategy here is an all out "We must keep Obama out of the bunker" approach. If he ever gets in there, he's never coming out, just like Hitler. Unfortunately for the WH staff, being outside the bunker means walking around in the open with artillery raining down. Given that press conference: I'd say the arty was in full effect. The media has lost all hope of saving Obama, and are now about saving themselves. To save themselves, they will have every battery firing at will, 24 hours a day.
  12. Given the press conference today? I believe DOPE is better. Obama has learned nothing from either defeat. He is literally going to do as I predicted so many years ago: eat the Democratic party and **** out chaos. That's some good writing right there. MSNBC can be mesmerizing at times. Fascinating really. It's like a cross between free association and Madlibs. The Madlibs serve as the formula they generally stick with, with random words thrown in. Then, they break the formula and someone goes into this sort of free association/stream of consciousness for 30 seconds. There's always an awkward, 2 second silence, and then they go back to the formulaic Madlibs again. It's weird, because it's almost like they are doing impersonations of someone else? Perhaps their executive producer? News director? Perhaps another way to say it is: they aren't actually doing themselves, they are doing an impression of themselves. In all cases, I have to be careful, or I will sit there and watch, and giggle for hours. These aren't people to get angry at, even though that's seems to be what they are going for. These people are hilarious. Thank you for that real world example of the psychological theory: Projection. Everything in that post is what the Democrats, not the Republicans, are challenged by thanks to this election. I'm dead serious. The facture is going to be in the Democratic party, especially since every single candidate Hillary campaigned for heavily? Lost. See: #HillarysLosers. I actually heard 2 clowns today saying that a R Senate is what Hillary wanted all along. If that's what she wanted, why the F did she go out and attach her name to losers, and take that hit? Why not just sit home? So she can get credit for helping Ds, and so they will reciprocate later? What good is the help of an ex-elected private citizen, 2 years from now? Meawhile, compare that to the good the now-elected R is going to do for the R presidential candidate for th next 2 years. It's hilarious that the Dopey Millbank doesn't realize: all this is going to do is futher embolden Pocahontas (Elizabeth Warren) supporters. Notice how Warren was sitting home this entire election, while Hillary was out campaigning? You think that was an accident? Pocahontas is one of the best Ds to articulate their message, yet she was nowhere to be found. Why? Because she wanted Hillary to go out and fail, just like she did. Everything presumed D nominee Hillary has touched has turned to schit so far, and these clowns are talking about R chaos? When I say most of what liberals say is based on wishful thinking? Here is yet another prime example. Sooner or later, given all the Hillary FAIL, Warren, whether she wants to or not, is going to be forced to come out of the woodwork and use her ancestral tomahawk on Hillary. Yep. The public elected these people to pass legislation, not to have Obama veto it. If can't control himself, he will take all the blame. I wonder: who are the bitter clingers now? You know the people who cling to their platitudes and copies of the Communist manifesto? Those bitter clingers. I tell you, they're just going to have wake up and realize the world has changed. Yes, gerrymandering. That's your penance for Obamacare....for the next 6 years, at least. That's what happens when you force bad ideas down Americans throats on Christmas eve at 2am: we get pissed, all the state houses turn red, and the Gerrymander raises it's ugly head. Unfortunately for you, the 2010 Gerrymander is a nasty bastard, who has only grown more powerful as of yesterday, and therefore, isn't going to die easily in 2020. So, if I were you: I'd start thinking of Gerry more as a house pet. He's going to be with us for a while, and constantly yelling about him is only to upset him, and make him take another dump in your bed. We've already passed the anti-Harry Truman R House majority. We could be in 1928 range of R majority, and perhaps even tie it, which would be tying the all-time record.
  13. Me and my axe are ready to go any time you want. Tasker was trying to walk you through something. If you don't want that approach, I can give more health care, Federal, state, and local, EDIT:(and, hint....international comparisons)metrics than you can handle. But, remember: my axe is literally a metrics axe. When I am done hitting you with my metrics axe, you are probably going to wish you had stayed with Tasker's approach. The choice is yours.
  14. The Rs are going to pick up at least 7 seats, LA is going to a run off, Alaska won't be done for 2 weeks, GA will be an easy R win, and Kansas, the most Red State in the union, is never ever going to vote for an I...with control of the Senate on the line. Hindsight is fun. But ask yourself: "why did we ever think Kansas was going to do anything other than elect and R under these conditions, and, who the F ever thought Texas was going to turn blue?" I mean, don't these stories seem silly today?
  15. Yeah? Well, since I was standing there checking it out last weekend, and driving by it on the 190? That's perhaps the best thing the city has done for its image since the Bison's stadium. It's not even done, but it already looks cool as hell, and it changes the entire complexion of the city. It's going to be awfully tough for the typical "I've been to Buffalo( == drove by it on the highway) and it's a schithole" people to maintain that BS. It's going to be worth every penny, since it has already attracted the NHL combine and draft in just 2 years, before its even finished. Not to mention all the other tournaments/championships that are coming. The revenue alone for the local businesses, which creates, God forbid, a tax base in Buffalo, is worth it. Some in this thread don't seem to understand the concept of a tax base, since for our entire liftetimes...Buffalo has systematically destroyed its tax base. So, I'll explain: a tax base is comprised of BUSINESSES. Businesses are where tax $ comes from. Even Bono understands this this now. Hint: you can't demand that businesses pay for the roads and water and whatever they use....if there aren't any businesses left to demand that from. since all the businesses have left town due to your last round of unreasonable demands. This is the fundamental flaw of the "you didn't build that" argument. Businesses made money 1st, THEN, they paid the taxes to create the roads. Not the other way around. Without Free Enterprise, there would be no Enterprise....Air Craft Carrier, Enterprise Space Shuttle, etc. There would be no Starfleet Enterprise! If you drive out the businesses with high taxes, only to feed corruption/the Democrat government make-work machine, and then demand that eveyone gets a "living wage" in your city? Businesss leave. Then guess what you get? 0 taxes, Great plan! Instead of being happy with the taxes you had, now you get 0. Oh, and btw, now you have more unemployed people, and have to start laying off the make-work people too, because? Less tax $.. So, now you've created more poor people, AND, you have less money to spend on them. Spending less/0 money on poor people....is how you get crime(according to liberals like you. The truth is spending $ has no effect. You get crime via broken/abusive families, period.) But yeah: keep talking about demanding more tax $ from the "corporations". It's worked so well for Buffalo for the last 50 years. I see stuff like this and I can't help but ask: how can anyone support doing the same thing, every year, for 50 years, expect different results, and then turn around and not only keep voting for 100% Democrat control, but complain about the state of the city/jobs/the local economy/opportunity for minorities/crime? How stupid do you have to be? This is not ignorance. This is a choice. Therefore, stupid is the right word. Byron Brown is by all accounts, the most corrupt politician Buffalo has ever seen(and that's saying a lot), but even he was smart enough to lower property taxes. So, maybe there is hope?
  16. Yeah, you can't blame the scoring system when Cam Newton puts up 40 one week, and an average of 15 every other week. It's my own fault for screwing up the draft times between leagues. This auto-drafted team contained the biggest irony for me: it drafted RG3. I don't think there's a poster on this board who has criticized the RG3 trade, RG3 himself, or the entire RG3 hype, more than I. And it's not just RG3. I've been mocking the Redskins in general for years. Especially Dan Synder. Then, I mocked the Rams for squandering their good fortune from the RG3 trade, to us = EJ, Kiko, Goodwin, Gragg, for Tavon Austin and a JAG saftey? So besides RG3, who else gets auto-drafted? Pierre Garcon, Alfred Morris, and Zac Stacy? WTF! Highly Ironic. Still can't believe it. And really: who the F would draft theiir QB, #1 RB, and #2 WR from the same team?
  17. No. I know what I've been told. As I've said, 3 times now. Shall we go for a 4th? Are you looking to go full retard on this?
  18. Well, so much for this, eh? Rauner won. And, as I said: "That might have an impact on 2016, and cause the Ds to have to spend $ there, which takes it away from places like NC, VA, etc." Now? It will have an impact on 2016. Credit where it's due: you said this was going to be a race, and an interesting one. This is a giant wrench in the machine. Like it or not.
  19. The good news is: every elected R I've seen tonight has said the same thing "we didn't win, they lost". The funny part is that's precisely the broken record on MSNBC. Everyone agrees! Well, at least on that specific point. Again, the Republicans followed Napoleon: "never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake". The funny part is that the Ds won't admit their mistakes....yet at the same time, they point to Republicans "not interrupting". It's hilarious that they can't see their own errors, yet they can see how the Rs responded to them. The other thing you said, that I've heard tonight, and also said: The Rs are going to pass legislation daily. Small stuff first, moving on to big stuff. Ted Cruz...Ted Cruz of all people!... just laid out what you said above plain as day: the Rs are goign to unify, and then they are going to "behaviorallly condition" Obama. He's going to get so used to signing bills, at some point he will just do it by rote. I don't think Rs are anywhere near as "fractured" as the MSNBC people say. This is their Inigo Montoya moment. They keep using that word. I see quite the opposite. I see a fractured D party coming out of this. At some point, perhaps starting tomorrow, the center-left/3rd way people are going to try to clean house, and reduce the influence of the socialists and environtologists that have dominated the D agenda since 2004. This will start quite a fight, because the socialists/environtologists aren't just going to lay down. They are too addicted to the power they once had, not to mention most of them are psychotic. As I write this: Kirsten Powers just literally referred to a "disconnect that exists in the Democratic party", and also said "thinking that you could turn Texas blue was crazy". Kirsten Powers is a comitted Democrat. And, she's exactly the type of center-left D I'm talking about. The Democratic Civil War, that I have been saying is coming for a year now, clearly, has just begun. Hey you could be living in Louisiana. They get to have another whole month of this. Who knows. The one thing I do know: Hillary is their only shot, and she has failed miserably so far. Look at the results in Arkansas: that's already a double digit beat down for Mark Pryor, despite both Bill and Hill hanging around there for weeks campaigning. Yet another defeat by proxy for Hillary. And, right now, we have even more far-left clowns, on multiple channels talking about "strife in the R party", after they set a record for most seats in the House, all time. They simply don't see it. They simply don't get that the only elected officials they have left are extremists, from extremist constituencies. That's not North Carolina. North Carolina doesn't have any moderate Ds anymore. They've all lost. So the only place left for the Ds to get a VP is not North Carolina, it's San Francisco, or Boston, or Chicago!
  20. That's turning into a bigger story than the Senate. Also....Rs look to be controlling 2/3 of the state houses after tonight. It's going to be awfully hard for Democrats to field Federal candidates 2-6 years from now, when they don't have any minor leaguers today. Never mind the House losses. The only thing I wonder: with so many Blue State R governors, things are going to look awfully crowded for 2016.
  21. Scott Brown refusing to concede....not that it matters now, but, this may go on for a while. And, Louisiana, for all the $ and air time....is now irrelevant. NC, where the "fat cat", "rich" Dems outspent the Rs 3 to 1...they still lose. EDIT: The best is....at some point they are going to bring in the Alaska results via dog sled...2 weeks from now...and it will be R too.
  22. McConnell is running away with this thing....
  23. All I've seen so far is this: http://www.washingtonpost.com/pb/politics/election-2014-live/ Economy isn't as big a deal as in year's past, 25% say health care was top issue. So much for Obamacare not being an "energizing" issue.
  24. I'm playing 2 leagues. In this one, Eli got 36 points. In the other? 17. It's making me nuts. Also, I've never done PPR before. This makes Sammy Watkins 3 catch 157 yard game < some other dude's 12 catch 100 yard game. But, this fun...I thought for sure I was gonnna win this week. Seems like everybod has their best game against me.
  25. Awesome. Literally awesome. I laughed so much I cried, and spun around in my new Bill office chair....just like Jauronimo predicted.
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