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Everything posted by OCinBuffalo

  1. I've been here since 2005, and I've done far more than my share of trolling. Ask anybody. This is not that. This is literally same argument I've had with: since 2005. And here we are. I'm not saying Allen had all day to throw, or that our run blocking was any good, it was crap. I am saying that even with all that, the DBs lost us this game, not the lines.
  2. Well, here we are again, at this time and place of the season, with practice squad heroes, street FAs, and backups of backups.... ...STARTING...as our defensive backs == CBs, safeties, whatever. This allowed the Jets back into a game where they were physically beaten in the trenches, both sides, just like last game. So please, tell me again about how things are won upfront...when we win upfront, and still lose the game. It's literally been 8+ years of the same exact thing. Again, we began the game with only one true starting NFL CB on the field, when we need 4. And, #1 guy decides to *%&* the bed. Which only reinforces the point: you can't expect a single CB to be the answer to all things passing in a season. I have defined this problem, albeit obsessively,(but can you blame me after a decade+ of being right, and no action/change?) since 2005. We still have people, be they posters here, or decision-makers in the FO, or idiot media, that can't seem to process this simple concept: "it's a passing league", and teams do not have 2 starting CBs, they have 4. 4! Even if one grudgingly agrees that a slot CB is a starter(= 3rd LB only on field 30-40% of snaps => is he a starter?), it seems near impossible for that person to understand that you need a 4th corner to cover today's TEs/4 WR sets/RB out of the backfield today. Again: 4 Starters. It makes no difference if you have 2 stud CBs. Today's QBs are simply going to find whoever is being covered by your #3-4 guys and throw it to them. And if anybody gets hurt? How many times must we repeat the lesson? This is rapidly approaching Orwellian denial of reason. Why is there such a blind spot on this? Answer: because at draft time, when we take a CB in the 4th round, or any round? Clowns abound screaming about how we could have taken a C/T/G. For literally 13 years the same nonsense: draft O line is the dullard's answer to everything, and yet: nothing. You think I'm being overly hard on this point? Wait until the draft pick threads. When we take an any-round CB: same old crap from the same old posters.
  3. Well? I dunno, perhaps GreggyT can explain with big, smart, Hollywood meanings of words....how this abortion happened? https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4749591/arrived-destination How exactly, does one(or fellow faggot travellers) arrive... yet also have no destination(um individually, or as a group), via equality( ) , while also assigning this logical contradiction to: a choice? In reverse, logical order, one must recognize the "community" is now at a destination, which cannot exist, by choice, because they have arrived at it. How can one claim arrival, at a destination, which does not exist, but for a choice? No. Watch it again: it really is that nonsensical. Christ on the Cross: If somebody says Captain Picard? Or, temporal physics? I WILL hunt you down. --------- Meanwhile, in Reality: I owned 2 assclown UK-pretend Bills fans recently. I have it on film. My lawyer has it on film. He invited the rest of his partners over for a viewing party. F'ing clowns. F'ing wussies. For 20+ years they've made $ off of my guts, both business and street, and say "it's my cost of doing business", and the first thing they do, rather than consider my position? Email my fight videos to each other. F'ing Lawyers. Upside: now they all now what happens to them if they cross me. Video: what would happen if 99% of you ever F'ed with me in real life. It was in a restaurant we all know. The servers called me tonight: to laugh, and, to tell me that the 2 clowns were there. (Yeah, never believe any woman who says she doesn't like "fighting". They begged me to come back). Why call me? I entertained them last time. They wanted me to come back tonight and do it again. I'm 5 hours away, and even if I was 5 minutes? I am not your private army. By "do it", they want me to 3 Stooge the "bad guys", because they have never seen the like, and they loved it. They think what I did last time is original work. It is not. These skinny little Brits sat down at the bar looking for trouble and they found it. All I did was create funny out of stupid. Pretty much what I've been doing on this board for 10+ years. It's always the same thing with Brits or Canadians. They confront you politically in inappropriate situations(Sabres/Bills game), you beat them with unassailable logic, they == inferior == fight. Now? Everybody wants to see the show, like last time. A purportedly wise man recently told me: "You're going to have to come up with a way to deal with inferior people. Your brain isn't "you". Your brain is a tool that you've been given, nothing more. You have to find a way to make it work with inferior brains." I told him: "That's why I am a consultant. The best way to deal with inferior brains is to make them think it's all their idea." He told me: "Nice, but, cognition ain't ****. I've spent decades doing research, and cognition ain't ****.". Which, after a few days of careful consideration...pretty much explains DC_Tom. Cognition, truly, ain't ****, when one individual, per the link above, can find a way to contradict themselves, mid-sentence? Anne Dumb encompasses everything DC Dumb cognates 8/10 times here: she just gets us to the the stupid, faster.
  4. And yet...the clown above still can't help himself from posting in a thread he can't even see? Why? Scared of me. Scared of what I might say. Scared that I might come in on some random Thursday, like today, and blow up in 2 hours all his months of getting suckers to worship him. Same DC_Tom, different day, or is it month? Year? EDIT: Don't be fooled. Tom was arguing with me in a thread about an hour? ago. Now, he's pretending like he's always had me on block. It's the exact sort of petty and lame, yet, easily exposed nonsense that he's been running for years. Actually, you know, you don't login for months and months, and then you spend one day here...and to get all this response? Man, it must suck here most of the time now.
  5. Yeah, he has me blocked...but he's arguing with me in another thread. Same old Tom. There's apparently nothing DC_Tom won't say, or do, when I come back and threaten his little world, and its order. DC_Tom has been a joke for more than a decade. I have whipped him over and over, yet he still plays pretender king here. I just don't have the time to devote to this board that I once did. Also, I am posting football elsewhere, because TSW seems to have lost all its good football posters. Example: I haven't seen a single Astro post the few times I checked in. Training camp with no Astro: might be time to check yourselves, there TSW. Ultimately, it used to be fun to screw with Tom and Friends, but, I have more fun elsewhere.
  6. Nah. They don't live up there. It's far too tight. They live on his little plantation. He's actually found the once place in life where he is the cool kid, and he works every day to preserve it. That's why he attracts the weaker posters here, like GG: they know that he will always protect them.
  7. You can't argue with me and, now, you know it. You keep talking about what is "legal", in a town rife with illegality, as though we are all supposed to stand up and salute? Who is being metaphorical? Why don't you talk about Mom and Apple Pie while you are at it? Actually, don't. You know what I am saying. You've failed miserably to refute it. The President has the power to accept the resignation of the VP, that he gets day 1 in office, at any time. That's the end of the discussion. You being ignorant of the fact that he gets the resignation? That's almost shocking.
  8. Booker the Hero: Claims he's gonna release "secret" emails he's not supposed to, even risking his Senate seat(clowns: "oh my, how courageous") Booker the Idiot: Doesn't realize said emails were already cleared to be released, making this entire stunt utterly pointless, and shameful. Me: as always, Phony Leftist is Phony.
  9. This is a PSA: This issue is totally dead politically. Any further discussion of this issue is an utter waste of time, since it is politically dead. One can tell it's politically dead by mere observation: nobody of importance is talking about it, not even Nancy Pelosi. Democrats: be careful what you wish for. You want this issue to be dead, because you REALLY don't want team Trump to start digging up who got what grant $, for what purpose, check for fraud, start prosecutions, and then? Haul in sitting Senators, Congressman, and people from Obama's admin, and ask tough questions like "why did you authorize this expenditure"? You kick that hornet's nest at your own peril. Far better for you to leave this pile of crap as it is: dead.
  10. I am talking about everything you post. If somebody actually took what you said at face value, and incorporated it into their base of knowledge? They'd be dumber. This is pretty much what is happening to the bubble left. They get all their "news" from a single source like MSNBC, then, thinking they are informed, go on facebook/login here, and proceed to get tomahawked by the actual facts. Some people are sick of that hence, #walkaway. Others are either too weak, too vain, or simply too stupid to realize they are being gamed, and repeating the error, getting the same results you do here.
  11. And this is what we should be talking about(not the naiveté of some posters here). These clowns may have just cost the Dems any chance at the House with this. I can't see how anybody would be so abjectly stupid as to hand Trump, on a platter, with white gloves, his "Deep State" argument-ender. That's why I say: watch out. This very well could be a Trump-run thing. How hilarious would it be if the source duped the Times? Wouldn't they have to out him/her? I don't see how they win either way. If they don't, they are hiding the truth. If they do, then under this scenario, that person just became the #3 troll of all time(I will always hold a special place in my heart for the guy that got Oprah with "Over 9k" as 2, and of course, Trump himself is #1), and fully entitled to all the privileges of that esteemed office, like: going on TV and making fun of them, writing a book on how, and making money from it. But, getting back to this story as NOT being the best counter-intelligence op of all time? What were they thinking? Perhaps this started as somebody's hair-brained scheme to counter Q-Anon? That's the best I can do right now: this was a poorly considered attempt at going after Q-Anon. If so, man, who knew they were so scared of 4chan? Yes, which is basically what this board does whenever this happens. Well, that, and thank God neither one of us is coming after them. Why don't you get off your lazy ass, for once, do the necessary work, and PROVE IT YOURSELF? It would make quite a change from your eternal copypasta approach to this board.
  12. The authority lies in the fact that you've already handed in your resignation. Thus the VP, and all cabinet members, exist in a perpetual state of "has resigned". The POTUS chooses, each day, to not accept it. This is the literal, today, definition of "I serve at the pleasure of the POTUS".
  13. Yes, thank you for the by the book explanation. You can have your cookie now. That's great, but in the real world, if a POTUS tells a VP its time to spend more time with the family, then that VP publicly resigns, no questions asked. Is it the same as firing? Yeah, in every way but the WORDS. Like I've said 2 times now, but perhaps wasn't clear enough?, no the POTUS can't formally fire the VP. Yes, he definitely can informally. Method: the VP, along with the entire cabinet, offers his formal resignation the day after he takes office, and yes, it sits on the POTUS's "desk", ready to be accepted at any time. Man, this is all "How the WH actually works" 101 stuff. I never thought I'd have to explain it to you. That's the story Nixon wanted out there, so, that's the story that he got. It's crap. It's like the Manafort thing: one could go around DC and arrest half of it, because they are all guilty of the same/similar things. But they don't. Why? Because power, and not wanting to mess with those who have it, and/or risking what power one has in a vain attempt to bust people for what the entire place is doing. The only time this happens is when somebody is left exposed by somebody else: who has more power. Nixon flat out used Agnew as an ass-cover. Forced him to go after people, and make it look like Agnew was doing it himself. As soon as Agnew's utility ended? Goodbye. Hell, Obama wanted Clinton exonerated. In spite of a mountain of evidence: That's what he got. Are you really this naive? EDIT: Add that to the fact that most thought Clinton would win, and, it only makes sense from a purely career advancement perspective that nobody would want to screw with the existing POTUS, over protecting the next one. Now, is ANYTHING these FBI/DOJ clowns did by the book? By the law? NO! Yet you are arguing...that when it comes to power, DC is all about following the rules? You're a child.
  14. Spiro Agnew. GG I keep telling you not to F with me. Yeah, yeah, this and that: it was Nixon who told him he had to go. Nixon had just won in a landslide, and could have easily kept Agnew if he wanted. But, since Agnew was merely part of the Southern Strategy, he was infinitely replaceable. Nixon didn't need him around anymore, as he had already won the election. The main reason Agnew was there...was to fend off Reagan, and definitely Bush. There's your example. What in the Sam hell are you talking about? Trump's main support doesn't care about Pence one way or the other. I am saying that Pence has no reason whatsoever to undermine Trump by being the source of this crap. Pence Poised for Political Perfection, or whatever I wrote above. Pence gets to claim all the credit for Trump's policies working(sorry statists, but Trump is killing it, and you only fool yourselves by denying it), yet has none of Trump's so-called bad behavior on him. WTF am I getting backwards?
  15. Oh please, you are lying now, or you were lying then. Either way, you don't want me to start in on you. You are way too easy of an target, and I have a slow day today. This thread can easily be turned into All GG, All The Time.
  16. GG don't F with me. We all know how that turns out. You end up crying to everybody in PMs for a week.
  17. I don't figure into this at all: the rule is there. Whether you like it or not also has nothing to do with me. I am merely telling you how things are, not as you, or anyone else would wish them to be.
  18. I already cited that this is an "unwritten rule". Reading comprehension is your friend. The reason they complain...is that once in office, they get a whole lot more than they expected. Upon realization of this fact, they see the potential to do more(whether for good or ill is a matter of perspective). It's human nature. So of course they complain...they are always seemingly inches away from total power. But, it's merely an illusion. The Founders were wise. Obama had a pen and phone. Remember that? That's the illusion talking.
  19. Well, I suppose getting any attention at all makes you feel good. Here's some more: EDIT: Because DR asked, I will retract my label, and offer you this instead(never say I am the reason you can't have nice things DR): Stop this wishful crap now. See, this isn't like the Bills being down by 6 or less with 2 minutes left in the game, and you're wishing for a comeback. No. You are wishing for a comeback with the Bills down by 40 with 2 mins left. All you're going to succeed in doing: demoralize yourself further. Perhaps you even drag other Ds down with you. If you were Tiberius, who's proven beyond all doubt that he adds no value to society? I would simply ignore you, and leave you to your fate. However, I don't know if you are Tiberius level stupid...yet. So, as one bills fan to another: cut your losses now.
  20. Um no, Holy dose of reality. You're hopelessly naive if you think a sitting POTUS can't fire his own VP. Albeit it would need to be for cause, and not at will. But still, the POTUS gets what he/she wants. That's where we are today. Whether we like that or not is a separate discussion.
  21. You are an unmitigated moron. Your posts prove this.
  22. Actually, given the reality on the ground today, if Trump wanted Pence gone, he's gone. It's an unstated rule. Pence would suddenly feel a need to resign. And, even if he wanted to break that rule? Which Rs want to take on Trump at this point? See, the ones that did: they've all resigned/retired/died/lost primary elections. The people that are left: almost all of them owe their current electoral success to Trump, or will very shortly. If Trump wanted Pence gone they'd be happy to help out officially if needed, and so would many Ds. It's possible that things would need to be run by the book, but, it's not very likely.
  23. This is also the elephant in the room that nobody seems to be getting, yet. WHY in the Sam Hell would anyone want to lend gallons of credibility to Trump's ongoing "Deep State" theory? That's exactly what this anonymous source(s) does. Trump says that there are bad guys intent on running their own agenda, and country be damned. Sounds like a conspiracy theory/difficult to prove. Then, some benighted fool comes out and literally says: I, and purported others, am going to run my own agenda? You just gave Trump full license to level the entire bureaucracy. WHY WOULD YOU give him the very thing he wants the most? A chance to remake ALL of existing government his way? Either we are dealing with people who, if you jumped off their ego and onto their IQ, you die, OR, this is yet another put-up job by this Administration. The left is right when they call Trump a con-man in that: he is constantly conning them, which is often the best thing for the country. Otherwise stated as: "Damn it, everybody who works in the admin is going to be treated to nonstop harassment by Anonymous until they get the answer, and that sucks for us." Also, Sanders sorta doxxed them with this. I wouldn't want to be within 100 yards of that phone line. Actually, I fully expect the NYT PBX to be compromised by at least Sunday. They can expect porn audio voice mails and Shadilay.
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