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Everything posted by OCinBuffalo

  1. I always hated the draft trade, but not the player. That's because who was to say he wouldn't be good? The problem with the draft trade is: the ONLY way it makes sense is if he is the GOAT by a lot. It only took 1 pick to draft Kelly, Marino, Elway, Manning, Brady, Montana, etc. I got tons of crap for it on this board(I'm just waiting until this plays out, and when it does? Accountability thread). The question to consider here is: Given the entire history of Dan Snyder owning the Redskins with hilarious examples of ineptitude, like... 1. Adam Archuleta(a Saftey that didn't fit their defense, who ended up making near-top safety $...to play special teams) 2. Albert Haynesworth(same thing on player vs scheme, but this guy had a terrible attitude, and they never even bothered to ask their own pro scouts) 3. Years of trading multiple draft picks away for big name, but old and declining players(at these the two guys above still had game). In 2010 they had 1 1st(albeit a pro-bowl T, but, 4th overall...because they suck), 1 4th, 1 6th and 3 7ths. That was their draft. Can you imagine what this place would turn into, if that's all the draft picks we had, trying to rebuild the 4th-worst team in the NFL? 4. Having his media lackeys(you either write what he wants, or say goodbye to the locker room) tamper with Aaron Schobel, and make a himself and them look like complete idiots ...why did ANY of you ever believe in the RG3 draft trade? Once again: it's Dan Synder! It seems like Snyder would have to come kick some of you in the junk, for you to finally realize he's an ass. EDIT This video serves as a metaphor for the entire Dan Synder Redskins era.
  2. Will always be the guy we took, instead of Russel Wilson.
  3. If this happens, there will be total meltdown by both the national and local media. I'm going to buy myself a bottle of Saphire, take the day off, and listen the whole day. The lulz would simply be too much to pass up. Tea Leaves! I'm going to the Miami game. I plan to have Tea Leaves on hand.
  4. This would be right, expect that the pass was tipped.
  5. That had 2 INTs last game, and could have had a third? http://scores.espn.go.com/nfl/boxscore?gameId=400790304
  6. If we got 545 yards of total offense hung on our D in a 3rd preseason game? This board would explode. You know it, and we all know it. Nobody would dare to say "It's just the preseaon"(bullet points by request): If Matt Simms went down the field 5/5 and scored a TD on us to end the game. If our starting O went three and out for -6 yards on the first drive If our starting O's biggest plays of the day were sketchy PI calls I know all about not taking the preseason too seriously, but, I also know that 43 points, with 4 QBs going 30/33 is an ass whipping no matter what. A good test? Shall I stroll on over to the Steelers board and see if they're saying "It's just the preseason"? Another: Should we ask the saftey who got pancaked by Easly on the Freddy's big run if "it's just the preseason"?
  7. You know what I'd rather stick a fork in? The "Bills can't make the playoffs because of the QB position" cliche. Time for the TV media to strart writing up new teleprompter scripts, and the print media to make new Word templates. It was absolutely a tip. I slowed it down, and the ball changed direction. I'm really hoping something this obvious doesn't use up any more bandwidth.
  8. I listened to the interviews. I heard Coller? say Cassel was going to be the starter. Then, one of the people I was watching/listening with grabbed my phone and turned it off. Nobody said a word. And, not to say I told you, and, they even locked my thread, but I told you so: http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/180268-ifi-say-again-if-ej-does-well-against-pittsburghs-d/ I knew they would blame Pittsburgh's D. And, this ain't even the half of it. Wait until Monday, after they've had 24+ hours to refine their excuses. Boy is Pittsburgh in for a whipping. Please remember: don't be too hard on these guys. Bias is when you don't know you are doing it. When you know you are doing it? That's called: agenda. I don't think any of them have an agenda. Besides, some of these guys don't even know enough/don't pay attention enough to have an agenda. I firmly believe that all of these guys are mired in groupthink, confidence bias(otherwise known as the "eye test") and choice supportive bias(Todd McShay said "wasted pick"/"slow eyes", etc.) They bought into that for a pound, not a penny, on day 1. Ever since they have been clinging to the shovel and trying to dig themselves out of the hole. Most don't even know they are holding the shovel, much less that its far past time to put it down. The guys on the NFL network were the best: the host quoted EJ's stats and asked them if "he did anything at all to close the gap?" All they could say is NO. No ryhme, no reason. Just no. It was like watching two andriods.
  9. You might want to consider widening the scope of "those who will remain nameless".
  10. ...what will be the top excuses we hear that attempt to marginalize his success? Having taken a look at them on film, and reading local analysis, I have a few: 1. Pittsburgh's LBs suck. Harrison has been brought back and is starting. So is Arthur Moats. None of their new guys are playing well enough to take these spots away. So, right here we have a prefabricated excuse == no pass rush/made screens easy/running game set up passing game...I mean, you can pretty much take this one anywhere. 2. Pittsburgh's CBs suck/are hurt, and their Safties are terrible. Sorta the same thing as the LB excuse, but, if EJ uncorks another 51 yard TD, like he did at the game I was at against Carolina? What else can they say but the DB who gave up the play is completely awful/going to be cut? I have a few more, but, I'd rather hear from you. I do have a rather bizzarre one which I will codename Nancy. If I hear Nancy this upcoming week, I'm going to laugh my ass off. Hint: it involves Pittsburgh's O. One final time, for those that struggled with reading comprehension in my last thread: this is in no way a prediction that EJ will do well. This is a fun exercise to see if we can predict what will be said by those who will remain nameless, in case EJ does well, and their butthurt continues.
  11. I forgot to reply to this. It's worse than that actually. It's racist worse. They don't just proclaim it's failure due to poor implementation, they claim it failed because Russians are backward, lesser people, and are fond of citing Peter the Great having to do what he did just to get them even close to being human(which, is how they excuse their proposed totalitarian methods). Damn Slavs. They also claim that the Brown and Black people who implemented Communism were backward as well. No. If only the White USA would implement Communism, then we'd be getting somewhere. We are enlightened, so we'd be able to do it right. I ain't kidding. When I had the hilarious experience of living in Center City when the Communist(International A.N.S.W.E.R.)protests against the RNC convention were going on, I heard this rhetoric over and over in every bar that was invaded by these clowns. It was a field day for the bouncers. So many bar regulars would pick fights just to see them get squished. That was the most hilarious 3 weeks of my life. The entire city of Philly ate them up, ripped them off, beat their asses, and spit them out. It was open season.
  12. Great work bumping this thread. I know it's yours but, still, PPP football is what the doctor ordered. I'm considering writing up a post on Pittsburgh's defense, and, if EJ is sucessful, how it's glaring weaknesses/injuries will be used to explain that away. I wonder: would it be funnier to do it in this thread, or, do it on the main board? I've done my homework and I've got this nailed. All I have to do is start typing. It might be funnier to do it here, where WGR et al least expects it, then, when they follow my "show prep" to the letter, they won't be tipped off. Preview: Pittsburgh brought back Harrison...because no other LB can beat him out. When is the last time we could say: Pittsburgh's LBs suck? The 80s? Glad to see yet another poster whose head is nothing more than real estate that I own. I don't even have to pay property taxes. I'm thinking of adding a duck pond to my estate. No reason, I just don't have any duck ponds in the other heads where I reside, rent and tax free. I know that sucks for you, getting water ear and all, but, as long as I own the space, my pleasure and comfort come first. I believe the term you are looking for is "high motor".
  13. You've danced. Like with this post. Specifically: I want to know exactly what data/story/assertion you need to hear, to literally throw your hands up, and say "Enough! The line has been crossed, and this AGW stuff is now obviously BS". See, I don't think that line exists for you. The line was crossed for me the second that I saw 50+ models all moving the same way, point by point, within a standard deviation of each other. That says: everybody is doing the same thing, intentionally. Or: "consensus" You would expect at least one group to be way off, a statistical outlier, because they are running their own methodology. Not one deviation? You're telling me that nobody flat out F'ed up? That ain't science. When these models were compared with the emprical data, they all failed the same way, for the same reason: they have all overestimated CO2 sensitivity. Please consider: in all of this modeling, the ONLY factor these people have 100% control over is CO2 sensitivity. You can't control for a volcano. You can't control for solar flares. You can't control for just about every damn thing in a planet's climate. BUT! When every model follows the same failed path, with precision? That says everybody is using the same variables. Or, more precisely, everybody is using the same CO2 sensitivity value...as a constant. The real problem for the wacktards: if we reduce CO2 sensitivity, ALL the models fall into line, and produce outcomes consistent with the observed data. Do you know what that means? It means the end of the AGW theory as a relevant, never mind political, issue. .3 degrees of warming over 100 years? Done. Hey, I have already extended the invitation to all of you to meet me in Battery Park next summer. I will have paper mache kiaks and canoes all ready to sell(proceeds - cost go to charity). Why not celebrate Al Gore's prediction from 2006, that in 10 years NYC would be covered in 3 feet of water? How's about we deal with one prediction, hilariously, at a time? PEAK OIL! Seriously, are we not doing phrasing anymore? I mean, literally, or figuratively, I've swallowed as much as I can take from you. Yeah, but, then there's the troll who wants you to believe that's what's happening...so that something else works later... Blow it out your ass. Show us YYZ or go home. (No really, if you can play YYZ, I'd love to see that. YYZ on youtube separates the...women, especially, from the girls) Yet, when we ask you a serious question, you go all PPP on us. Dial-a-platitude? Is this some new Media Matters offering? Did you sign up for the 3 year plan, and thereby saved 20% on your daily manufactured platitudes?
  14. Hey dammit. Talking about what you know on this board makes you a narcissist. And, Chicago: between water, transportation hub, and THE market where farmers take their crops(which is the #1 way wealth has been created for the last 10k years)... ...no amount of Democratic folly/corruption/incompetence/unwillingness to enforce the law... ...even makes a dent. Chicago is a city that embodies the foolish premises of the Great Society. When you have an unlimited supply of wealth creation, you can act like a total jackass, and get away with it. ---- As far as California is concerned, perhaps referring to Sam Kinision is the best approach(NSFW): https://youtu.be/P0q4o58pKwA?t=92 "You live in a F'ing desert!" I swear on EJ starting Saturday: if Sam Kinision was alive in 2008, Obama would never have been elected.
  15. I use this term: Benighted Hag exclusively, for that woman.
  16. Buddy? I know you're a newb here, so I'll just tell you: be more careful what you wish for. Putting me on the air? I am a the worst sort of troll most days. I've been encouraged to write more serious football posts, and "stop wasting may talent on PPP"...but that's not as fun. Example: I'd have "annoy TSW poster X Tuesday". I might even have that every Tuesday for a year. I'd play "Whoomp There It Is" for as long as I want. I'd seriously doubt I'd be able to stop myself from starting fake stories like: 1. "Bryan Cox arrested: It's a Trap!" (NSFW hint: http://funnyjunk.com/funny_pictures/4061408/It+s+a+trap) 2. "Woody Johnson found unconscious in hotel room with 5 bottles of his product, TMZ on his laptop, and searches for everything Jets" 3. "Bob Kraft caught being.... sincere!"
  17. Reading is fundamental. I specifically said that these not-bullet points are merely what I lifted out of the few times I tuned in. What can I say? I am a good listener. This is why I am able to directly quote people, whether it's yesterday, or 3 years ago. I'll grant it's annoying as hell for some people, but, it is equally as annoying as it is: effective.
  18. Wait...what? Did you just call DC_Tom an idiot? Uh...yeah, it seems to apply in this case. Like I said above, waivers aren't the real issue. The first issue is contract(years/salary). If you can get a guy whose team tells you he is going to be cut, you can secure him at his current terms, and that may make a lot more sense than: 1. Hoping you don't get F'ed by the waiver wire....and the Bills have already made a claim with IK, which means we go to the bottom of the list. 2. Everyone passing on a waiver claim, and then trying to compete with other teams. It turns into mini-FA, and the "winner" gets to overpay. This is why the 1st cuts are so much smaller than the 2nd. Usually the 2nd cut determines the backups/ST players. The "nice guy" Bills normally cut the "good, but not good enough" guys in the 1st cuts, so they have a chance to catch on elsewhere. I don't know if we are still the "nice guy" Bills. The Bills do have tradeable people on decent contracts, so it's plausible, but not likely, that trades can be swung.
  19. Horsecrap. Namecalling, when you know you are right, and the other guy is wrong...is the cherry on top. But, as we've seen in repsonses to my threads/posts in the last 72 hours: namecalling more often has to do with remaining butthurt over a thread from 3-10 years ago, that ended with me living rent free in some poster's head ever since. Which, as anyone who as ever had real hire/fire responsibility knows, is the very best situation. Agonizing...over who to promote, or fire, is the sign that you are doing a great job at recruiting, that your project really F'ing matters...to everybody involved, and even those who aren't, and that your skills as a manager are being truly tested. Any unmitigated moron can hire safe a candidate == "Yes, sir. Yes, sir. 3 bags full". The pro hires the person who presents a risk: can that person run with you, and more importantly, can you run with that person? Hilarious. I did a post with fancy pics a few years ago...that clearly shows Tannehill's ceiling is, at best, Trent Edwards/Chad Pennigton. 5 damn stills and the man never moved his head off of his primary receiver. He got sacked, even with 5 seconds and 5 options...by a DT that had to beat 3 guys to finally get to him. Dude: if there's any bias in sports, it's that Miami has finally replaced Marino...before Buffalo has replaced Kelly. Miami has "replaced Marino" 4 damn times. It's like I always say: Miami is a huge TV market, and telling a lot of people what they want to hear == big $$$$$. I'll be there for game 3. Everybody on this board should seriously consider it. This is approaching the Detroit "home game" from last year status. That was fun. I met a childhood hero in Chris Chelios, and we won. This? This will be a riot. The Bills Backers of Orlando, Tampa and Miami have put out immensely, and have nothing short of a rage-fest planned. The Miami ticket people are so scared after last year, they've given us a 35% discount....to sit in the same sections, plural(cause we have huge numbers), so that they don't have to deal with their fans getting smoked throughout the stadium. If you're already going? You shall know me by my antics. Bryan Cox hates Bills fans now more than ever. I have carried this quote with me everywhere I've been, low crawling through mud and pig guts, in airports behind idiots who bring 10 plastic bags to security, into meetings with people that wanted me dead, never mind fired, even into New Jersey. It's on the same piece of worn-out paper that I've had since lacrosse games in high school. It smells like lacrosse gloves, desperation...and "strange" . This quote represents the true meaning of "progressive", from the guy who created the concept, and would be pissed as hell to find out how badly it's been bastardized today. Like I said: this board needs an irony/illogical sound effect. Um, again, in deference to the bullet-point guy, here you go: Empirical Evidence of GroupthinkWhen you have to go out of your way to not only disclaim your own opinion, but, to disclaim the "different opinions" of others? That's Groupthink. Case closed. Oh Kelly, we agree on so much more than you know. The good news: I have all the patience in the world, unlimited bandwidth, and as much disk/ram as SDS cares to provide.
  20. One of my top 5 hilarities continues to be: Todd McShay saying EJ has "slow eyes", not a week after ESPN Sports Science measured EJ's eyes, and found he had the fastest eyes they've ever recorded. So.... It's the "eye test" vs. the eye test.
  21. But Kelly, Todd McShay said EJ was a wasted pick. Todd MsShay knows the future. Get with it.
  22. Nope. The concept of being against boycotts of the media/public speakers has been around forever. I certainly didn't invent it. It's simply the only logical position a person can have, if they both truly understand and fully support the concept of free speech.
  23. Listening to the last 20 minutes of the Dope and the BS show has proven everything I said in the OP. Reading Tea Leaves and Listening to Coaches.....only to have them blow up when the coaches start EJ. Hey fellas: just listen to the coaches! "Even EJ" gets to start after all. Hilarious. I love it when a thread comes together. :lol: ity
  24. As I said: you don't understand the concept.
  25. You asked for bullet points in my thread, here is yours: ButthurtCarry on. I saw one EJ TD live, and watched the other one last game. EJ is the only guy with 2 passing TDs, right? Yeah, and EJ haters are begging for Tucks pads in between rants. Tea Leaves! This has a very good chance of being a new TBDism. It's called Choice-Supportive Bias. All new information that contradicts the EJ Bad choice is filtered, marginalized, distorted or ignored completely. As I said in my thread I wish we had an irony sound effect here. Meanwhile...on WGR...it's a book review with Ray Bentley?(I think) And, now? Talking about college football!
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