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Everything posted by OCinBuffalo
Bills-Dolphins Centennial match
OCinBuffalo replied to Mark Vader's topic in The Stadium Wall Archives
Ah, how nice, a thread already started for exactly what I had in mind. First, though I was at the last Bills-Dolphins game, and gathered a truckload of hilarty from it, I refrained from posting it back in September. This is because I sorta figured we'd need some uplifting coming out of the bye week. So, let's get to it: I give you Exhibit #1: Now, let me hand out a prelminary F you to the PC people. First, this pic is hilarious on its face( ), period. Second, you don't know the story of how this came to be, so don't start up the ingorance/idiocy-->censorship machine just yet. There once were three Bills fans who wanted a picture together. Then, a Miami fan came along and ASKED to be in the picture. But, she said she didn't want to show her face, as she was so pissed at the Dolphins for getting utterly destroyed. So, SHE decided to show...her other end. Ahem, clearly she was not wise enough to see the problem with HER approach. The three Bills fans, whilst giggling, merely exploited that lack of wisdom, and lived happily the rest of the night. See? The story is even better (now don't the PC people feel stupid? Well, if you already are stupid, I suppose it's hard to feel it, but I digress). Thus, Exhibit #1 is funny in lots of ways. All of them involve the general awfulness of the Miami Dolphins and their fans. Moving on to Exhibit #2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4BHVP3Ltia8 Oh Dear God. I think of the 30 YEARS that have gone by without me knowing that this...banjo solo, flutes and all...is their TD song. How many Dolphins fans have gone unhazed? Countless. This song is perhaps the best kept secret in the NFL. By the time the Dolphins scored a TD, the game was over and the crowd was 60/40 Bills. Out of nowhere, this song started playing and Bills fans started laughing. I looked around, and from 3 seats away to 3 sections, legions of Bills fans were laughing, mock-dancing, pointing at the Dolphins fans exactly like the gif above, etc. The Dolphins fans were like "what?" ..which made us laugh even harder. Few Bills fans at that game had ever heard the song before, and the sheer awfulness shocked us into laughter. Best kept secret? Here's why, they are both trying to get rid of this thing... Exhibit 2a: "The feeling isn't mutual. [Jimmy] Buffett, in an interview with Rolling Stone, called Ofman's song 'just awful.'" ...and trying to say it's better...than something, anything, else...at the same time. Exhibit 2b: "Every time the Dolphins scored a touchdown, they would play the Miami Dolphins' fight song. Every time the Dolphins succeeded on a field goal, they would punish the crowd with the Jimmy Buffett song 'Fins.'" That last article is hilariously ironic. I would rather listen to "Margaritaville" 10k times in a row, than have put up with a single instance of "Miami Dolphins #1" being played after at TD for my team. No wonders Dolphin fans always seem so listless. Just when your team scores a TD, and you're happy, you know you have ~2 minutes of schit coming. Exhibit #3: The next time somebody tells you "fighting is not worth it". Tell them: "No, it's worth exactly 35% off your ticket and a Bills/Dolphins away game". That's what fighting last year, got us this year. We, meaning all of the Bills Backers from Miami, Orlando, Tampa, etc. agreed to sit in the same sections, rather than all through the stadium, and for doing so, we got paid off. It's like Viking Tribute. "Don't come here and kick our asses, and, we'll give you 35% off your ticket". Hooray! -
McCain's Militia on the Move Again
OCinBuffalo replied to truth on hold's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Look at dev/null trying to do analytics and schit. He's got his meta data all lined up...and that's allowed him to create a few statistics. JTSP can ignore me all he likes, but, how can he ignore dev/null doing analytics...albeit at the most basic level, but still...properly? How can anyone? -
Global warming err Climate change HOAX
OCinBuffalo replied to Very wide right's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Hmmm. Of the things available to wonder about? Where does this fall, in reality? I mean if there were power rankings for things to wonder about? Where does this rank today, then, how about 2 weeks from now? -
Global warming err Climate change HOAX
OCinBuffalo replied to Very wide right's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
You have seriously misperceived the situation, and me. I get under people's skin. Especially Environtologists like yourself. The simple fact is: this is a scam. Everything about it, from day 1 to day The Professor of Ethics in Science Forges Documents in Furtherance of the Holy Scam says: it's a scam. The other simple fact is: you're psychologically committed to this scam. Psychological Commitment = Facts, both those that do and don't support the scam, simply don't matter to you. The only thing that does matter? Protecting yourself from exposure as not only falling for the scam, but realizing it, and then, in the ultimate CYA move, becoming a perpetrator of the scam. This is why you have no BS line when it comes to Global Warming. We could get definitive, repeatable, empirical evidence that man has absolutely nothing to do with Global Warming tomorrow. You'd refuse to believe it. You'd attack those who offered it. You'd impugn the motives of anyone who(rigthfully) said "great, we're finally done done with this schit". You would do anything, and why? Because the alternative to all out bad behavior...is impossible for you to even contemplate. -
Global warming err Climate change HOAX
OCinBuffalo replied to Very wide right's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Oh please: I fully intend to troll the Church of Environtology...for...life. There's no excuse. They gave no quarter when they tried to compare reasoned skepticism to Hollocaust Denial. That's a line that a sane, moral person does NOT cross. Thus, they should expect no quarter, for life, from anyone. I will never, ever, let them slide, short of an abject apology, and a full allocution of every single BS paper/report/massaged data set/scam/news story that they are responsible for. Ladies and Gentlemen: You all KNOW this is BS. This has been over since the, now, 19-year pause story came out. I wouldn't care, but for the Hollocaust Denial thing. That requires punishment, because honor, and human decency, demand it. -
Health care stops reeling and tailspinning, and starts to get fixed, the same day that the "health care experts", as well as the rank and file administrators, as well as every health care professional from the Cheif Cardiac Surgeon down to the lowliest of CNAs, who just got here yesterday, realizes that: There never was, is, or will be a truce price for service that is consistent across the industry. EDIT: I had a whole explanation here. But...if you can't figure out why the above is emprically true, then...there's little hope.
Know anyone with a disease? Read this
OCinBuffalo replied to Bob in Mich's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Um, understatement of the year. It lost by 2-1. Disclaimer: I am a "legalize all drugs immediately" libertarian. I have been ever since I learned the basic tenets of economics. The only reason all drugs remain illegal? Emotional screeds currently trump basic economics. Currently. Currently, because while any fool understands emotion, it requires intelligence to comprehend economics. If at some point in the future more people use their heads, and understand that demand is demand, and markets are markets, things will change. However, today, a whipping is a whipping. The operative word above is "polling". "Most"? Turns out that's the opposite of right. The Democrats had the 2nd worst night yesterday. The pollsters took a worse beating. Polls had the KY R gov losing...clearly...otherwise known as "perception changing polls". Instead, the Tea party and R social conservative base showed up and destroyed the D candidate, and, further destroyed the D party in KY, by defeating yet another power broker in the KY Senate Minority leader. But, the polls told us all different: These MFers are at it again. The funny part is, none of it matters. The leftist media can tell all the wishful stories, and spike all the polls it wants. Nobody is listening. -
Hey Spike Lee: The 1980s called and they want their hip-hop reference back... oh...wait... http://www.wsj.com/articles/joint-chiefs-chairman-nominee-says-russia-is-top-military-threat-1436463896 never mind. I guess snarky "the 1980s called" comments that end up backfiring...are stupid, not snarky... aren't they, Obama?
Blow it out your ass. I was screwed when I lost Jordy Nelson. That was #17 overall value: gone. I've done OK. I got Gary Barnidge before it was cool. So, this ain't about my fantasy skills, or drafting 12 in a 14 team league. This is about the league drafting too early. I ain't gonna win. But, I am going to be tough to play against for the rest of the year. Mark it down. But, um, I did just get beat by 100 pts last wsek.
time to cut EJ. Bring in Tebow as a backup
OCinBuffalo replied to offyourocker's topic in The Stadium Wall Archives
Hey normally I'm the last guy to make light of mental illness but...dude...are your prescriptions up to date? -
If Cassel plays decently, is that it for Whaley?
OCinBuffalo replied to dave mcbride's topic in The Stadium Wall Archives
Well, since the premise of this thread has been defeated....why doesn't the OP close it? I mean what the F is the point of continuing? -
Global warming err Climate change HOAX
OCinBuffalo replied to Very wide right's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Um, Greg? Is intentionally stunting the growth of children across your Global Warming BS line? You know, that line we discussed earlier, where you finally say: "Hey guys, I think I need to evolve here, and say that this entire thing is obviously BS"? I mean, we're talking about a man who, rather than keep the wacko to himself, actually comes out and suggests we harm children, intentionally, and systematically. Where is your line, Greg? You can post more asshat memes, and by all means don't stop, but, when are you going to tell us your line has been crossed? Do you even have a line? I still suspect that you don't, and it doesn't matter how stupid/heinous/inane/ridiculous the Church of Environtology is, you're going to keep pretending that this is all merely differing points of view, rather than the blatant horseshit it so obviously is. Call Goodwin all you want, but, the only other people that have ever crossed into this territory are Pol Pot and the Nazis. This historical fact cannot be written off/obfuscated by the Goodwin thing(which...is what it's real purpose is). Not when we are literally talking about doing harm to children, systematically. -
I don't suppose the irony of the words "Jewish", "suspect", and "held", in order, in relation to JTSP's standard procedure on this topic, will ever be appreciated by him, but they sure are by me. For the dim: "holding" anyone, as a "suspect", implies a government predicated on liberty, but also, law and order. The opposite would be: no news at all, because the Israelis would have ignored the whole thing. Not only does this government "hold suspects", rather than "summarily execute the guilty", it also releases information that is detrimental to itself, its interests and its people's cause. It releases info that will be used by turds like JTSP as "evidence" of...something. The irony is, by posting this news story, all JSTP accomplishes is to accuse Israel...of having such a government. Once again we see that if you want something done right, put far-left umitigated morons like JTSP in charge of doing: the opposite. Somebody who isn't ignored by him should ask him: "Um dude, is there a point in time where we are going to the hear the words: Four Jews stabbed in Western Israel, Arab suspect held by Palestinian Authority?" Then, "When exactly is that point in time going to occur?" But...what am I thinking? He won't answer the first question. In fact, this entire post would fly right over his head. But, as I am ignored by him, clearly I didn't write it for him. No, I just wrote it for all of you. You may torment him with this, or, just keep it from him while he stumbles forward, unintentionally defeating his own arguments, and being stupified when you all laugh at him.
Yeah, but that's a noun. We are looking for verb here. Cyberdrooling is interesting. But, drooling is sorta passive/autonomic. We are talking about an intentional act. Also, we might want use something that reminds us of JTSP's posting habits, since he's the one that does this. Tapeworming? You get the parasitic activity == throwing random crap into a thread he knows we are all going to read. LAMPing this crap wouldn't work, because nobody would read/reply to the thread. But, by attaching himself to a thread that is viable, the parasite gets his message at least viewed. You get the worming part, which covers the true origin == JTSP's "can of worms: post. And, you get the creepy worming part == this activity should have a negative connotation, and, parasitic stigma should be assigned to those that do it. How about tapeworming?
Now we have definitive proof that the Underpants Gnomes exist. This explains many things. Global Warming, Obamacare, Foreign Policy, Economic Policy(of course this has more to do with college professors coming in, F'ing up, and then going back to their campuses, but the Gnomes played a part).
I don't know what he likes. But, you know what I really like? The FACT that for literally 30 years, we've been told by the far-left that their foreign policy approach, to everything, was clearly superior, even "intelligent" and, that if only they had the chance to implement and run it, the results would be so obviously good that we'd all wonder what we were ever thinking with "peace through strength". The FACT that they've had the very chance they've wanted, for almost 8 years. The FACT that these are the worst foreign policy results we've had since Carter, whose Camp David work was supposedly the example for why "negotiations" and "engagement" and "reset buttons" and all the rest work. These clowns have run every single play in their retarded playbook, and they've all failed. No one can find a single area in our entire foreign policy where US interests have been better served. You cannot find one action/policy that has made this country safer, and many that have increased risk for no gain. Lives have been lost, not saved. Our strategic positions in the entire world have been weakened, period. Obama et al are trapped: by their own nonsense ideology, by the 30 years of rhetoric on talk shows, hypothetical foreign policy "solutions" coming form college campuses, and opposing everything, no matter it's value, purely for poltiical gain. These things have taken most options off the table: now they can't do what their predecessors did, without being total hypocrites, and, running the risk of exposing all their donors and supporters, who had proclaimed themselves military experts due to the Iraq War...as the total buffoons they are. For Obama, this is not courage of convictions. Rather, this is cowardice of consequences. If he starts putting troops on the ground...anyhwere...he, the entire left, and what's left of the elected D party, will look like idiots. Obama's petulance and cowardice are directly responsible for him being unable to do...anything. He has self-inflicted paralysis. You're an engineer so you know what the term "catastrophic fail" means. That's what we have here. In the long run? It's all good: The country is being immunized against the far-left's stupid foreign and economic policies. We'll probably need new booster shots in 30 years. But until then? It's over for the far-left and their nonsense.
While we are on the topic of naming things....what should JTSP's action above be called? Thread Contamination? Thread Pollution? Yeah, yeah we all know about highjacking, but, highjacking requires other people in the thread to give a schit about what the highjacker is saying. Nobody does. It's not the same, hence the need for a new word. Normally the default is to go with connering, or gatoring, but, they generally stay on topic. The dark horse for the name? The fool starts with "Hate to open up can of worms here". There are numerous at work here: 1. No he doesn't hate it. 2. As if his action/content are going to be immediately taken seriously...enough for it to be like a can of woms 3. He's over-determining cause. Standard leftist practice: when something can be caused by many things, or a combination of many things? Ignore that, and instead pretend that only 1 thing is the cause. So, perhaps the dark horse name is pseudo-worming? Faking a can? Plastic worming? Just plain: Worming? I dunno.
This is a deep one, but, reading this reminds me of: "Stop trying to make fetch happen. It's not going to happen." For those on the outside: These made up words have 0 chance of entering the average Joe's lexicon. That's the objective here: come up with words that project erudition. All these words project is "how do you like them apples" grad student guy's epic bar fail. And, unlike in the business world, where every time somebody comes up with something meaningful, like "out of the box"(that actually started with puzzle which required thought), and legions of idiots(none of whom could solve the puzzle) turn it into a cliche in a matter of months? Nobody wants to say these words so that they can sound smart too. That's because the only thing you sound like when you say these words is: a butthurt twit. I guarantee I can get more people to say "butthurt twit" in the next year, than they can twist college freshman into saying heteronormative. EDIT: Used in a sentence: JTSP's crusade of inanity reveals to us all that he is nothing more than a butthurt twit.
McCain's Militia on the Move Again
OCinBuffalo replied to truth on hold's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Is there any chance he's going to answer the question above? If not, I leave it to you guys: How does one go abotu serving on the Armed Services Comittee, yet not be a "tool of the military-industrial complex"...or whatever? Guilt by association is for high school principals, and not an argument a serious person makes. -
Ha! I love it when they do this. Now I can talk smack about them all I want, and the best they can hope for is somebody quoting it. The very best: the clown can't respond to a single "reasoned dissent" I posted. But, yeah, I'm the bottom feeder. You know the part about "you've had your chance to demonstrate just how badly you suck at foreign policy" was the deal closer. Disproportionate Emotional Response. Or...Der. Always lets you know when you've thrown a KO punch.
Well you know, guns are the problem. It has nothing to do with the people holding them. It's weird. Sometimes, if you introduce guns in one place, you get the results you want. But, strangely enough, if you introduce them in another place, you don't get results you want. This is quite a puzzle. Guns seem to have a mind of their own, or they are simply too dumb. Perhaps we need smarter guns? I know! Let's find a "free enterprise" solution: find somebody to create a startup(preferably a campaign donor), throw $500M in tax money at it, and get them to produce smart guns! Guns that act the way we want them to, when we want them to, and then; ban all the dumb guns people already have, and not allow anyone to compete unless they pay a fine per gun for once producing dumb guns, and then, a fee to enter the smart gun market. Wait! Even better! Let's give people a credit for turning in their dumb gun, and allow them to apply that credit towards a smart gun! Now we're talking. We'll call it "Cash for Colts". In a few years, that company will be doing great, we'll get our tax money back, and nobody can complain because: "free market solution"! But...you know...it can't happen because of the Obstructionist Republican Congress. Oh well.
Yeah, and whose been in charge of said policy for the last 7 years? And, who was Secretary of State for most of that time? Who the F cut and run in Iraq, which allowed ISIS to be formed in the first place? Who made the USA into a paper tiger, for real this time, by creating a "red line" in Syria and then doing nothing? We can't debate whether the decision to go into Iraq was a good one. You know why? That was 10 damn years ago. It doesn't matter in the here and now. It was foolhardy to give up ground we lost men to get, and to leave material in the hands of chickenshits. You're right: Obama's time has been nothing if not feckless. Hillary completely failed to achieve a single policy goal set before her. I'm glad you're doing such a good job pointing all this out. Know why? We've been heariing since the 80s that negotiation, the UN, and "engagement" were the enlightened path, and that if only Ds were in power, these things would be much more effective than the "war mongering" ways of Reagan et al. Well, they did get power, and got to try out all their "solutions", diplomatic contrivances, and silver bullet strategies. Now, the American people have recieved an object lesson in just how badly they fail, and just how incompetent the left truly is on foreign policy matters. All Obama/Hillary have done is fumble the ball, throw INTs, and get sacked. Show me a single, serious, place in the world where things have gotten better, either for US interests, or humanity's interests. You cannot. Don't bother lying to me, or worse, yourself.
Yes, but let's put that in historical context, shall we? It's "Reasoned dissent is the highest form of patriotism". Jefferson didn't feel the need to say "Reasoned", because with him, it was implied. As it stands today: I cannot find a single position on the entire left that is based solely on reason. And, I also cannot find one that is primarily based on reason. No. The primary goal of every single position is to pay off constituencies, who in turn provide political power. The problem: the Obama coalition is falling apart rapidly. Paying off one group pisses off another(Keystone XL). This is what happens when you promise to be everything to everyone, and your only conviction is keeping yourself in power, to the massive detriment of the rest of the D party(see: massive R control at all levels of government, not seen since the 1920s). You end up being nothing to anyone. Meanwhile, you've got tons of reasoned dissent in the form of ideas, plans and process, like them or hate them, coming from the Rs. Yeah, bring up Trump. Look: Trump is either running the best "rope a dope" I've ever seen, or, he's merely running interference for the rest of the field, will step aside, and king whoever he chooses to support. In all cases, you're a fool if you can't see the "reason" in Trump's "dissent". Can somebody get a map and point out where Chechnya is for reddogblitz? (And don't F about: let him try and figure this out for himself) Now, let's compare. USA's methods for avoiding civilian casualties...vs...everybody else's. Name calling is what we do here after we have completely routed the opposition, or, in your case in this thread, the fight was over before it even started. Don't misunderstand: See, it's not enough to win the argument. Anybody can do that. You also need to add both insult and injury, or, it's not really considered a win here at PPP. The other form of winning? Pretend you give a crap about something you don't, and go after a phony, even it means arguing against what you actually think, for the sole purpose of exposing the phony...as a phony. Or perhaps crushing a poster over a movie you don't care about at all, like Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief, that they watched with their kid, tell them it sucks, get them all fired up about it, and pissed off at you, and then spend the next 7 days laughing about it/showing the thread to work people. But, those victories require a skill level that you probably don't possess.
All in favor? Oh and I have no idea why I am so bad at this league, when I am kicking ass in my other ones. I totally screwed up last week. 2 weeks before my bench almost outscored my team. I think it's time to go full Costanza with this team.
This is about turnout, or more precisely, lack there of. Obama won in 2012 based mostly on historically disproportionate turnout(and no, it's not just stuffed ballot boxes) among African Americans. So disproportionate, that the Gallup, 30k sample, electoral demographic poll was in error: for the the first time ever. The question is: Can any Democrat get that # of African Americans to the polls in 2016? Right now, the answer seems to be: doubtful. Essentially, one of 2 big reasons Obama won isn't going to be there this time. The other reason: 3-5 million R voters(depending on whose study) staying home. That depends on all sorts of things, and we won't know what happens with this until ~OCT 2016 at the earliest. In all cases, Hillary, Bernie and Biden are all old white people. With the left playing so much identity politics in the last few years, it's quite possible that their own actions depress the turnout of their own voters. Why would blacks, latinos, and Asians show up to vote for the people they've been told are oppressing them and microagressing them, and all that crap? Ds losing minority turnout due to their own race baiting, and losing the general in a electoral college landslide as a result? Now that would be hilarious "social justice".