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Yeah, there was one play where we were dead to rights going to lose 5 yards...and Shady pulled it of the dumpster and got the 1st down on skill alone. EDIT: I do wonder if this is the once in a while where Bill finally gets shown the light, and, looks at it right. The Greatful Dead is just the best, btw.
You may not be able to stand the defensive scheme, but... ...can you now stand our first draft pick this year being a CB? As I told you years ago, facts and time will overake your O-line, all the time, position. They have. The best players, and by that I mean, the players who had the most impact on the game, were 3 DBs. In order: Darby, Rambo, Gilmore. Sure, Shady did damage. But, go back and re-watch the game. ALL the biggest plays were made by DBs. It's one thing to use power to win in a phone booth...it's quite another to use skill to win in a 20 yard radius. That's why: drafting DBs high will always make sense. Any questions? EDIT: You're damn right, it's seldom turned out the way it does in your song...after a damn decade of killing the FO for not drafting the Nth best OT in the first round, no matter what. Brandon Marshall...the Chris Webber of the NFL?
Wild Card Race and Intel on Teams in the Hunt
OCinBuffalo replied to BuffaloBaumer's topic in The Stadium Wall Archives
Now irrelevant. The Bills are now the #1 wildcard team. Division Record, and Conference Record are ours. From this point on, the Bills control their own destiny. While it was true that this game had a huge swing impact...that swing is now for us. If we had lost, every clown with access to a microphone or youtube would be telling us how terrible that was. But, we didn't lose. So, I'm here to laugh at the clowns, and remind you all how great it is. -
First thing I thought of: America! F Yeah! Except this time it was Bacari Rambo coming to save the day now....
...or at least those of us who aren't on their 5th beer already. So, in an effort to perform one of my functions here, namely laconic humor(um, yeah, that's a joke), I present you all the following: "fallout?" after our Jets away game from last year: For those who want the short version: Orton threw the ball 10 times yesterday for 9000 yards! At my wake, this video will be played, it's already in my will.
The Mizzou/Yale/PC/Free Speech Topic
OCinBuffalo replied to FireChan's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
1. I've been laughing at "white privilege" never seeming to apply to winning football coaches for as long as it's been coming from college campuses. For that matter, any white male professor, who is nationally recognized...seems to beat his privilege charges...consistently. Where is the justice? Why is is that college coaching, in more sports than just football, is allowed to be dominated by white males? Why is it that no white male professsor has ever been convicted of white privilege? 2. Privilege? Or proper, daily execution of long term plans? Here's the norm: People spend from birth to their 25-30s working hard, buiiding careers from scratch, then, they get married and have kids. Those kids are raised right, and the parents continue to achieve at work, such that by the time their kids are ready to go to college/trade school/start a new company, they can pay for it, and, the kids are prepared for it. Not only that, but the parents now have assets they've created and maintained through careful stewardship. All of this took hard work, and proper planning. Nobody, not parents, not kids, got anything they didn't earn. So, where is the privelege? When the parents die, they pass on their assets to their kids, as they PLANNED to all along. The kids arlready have their careers because they were raised right, and work hard now, and now they have kids. Once again, privilege, or, intentional, proper planning coupled with hard work? How about we call this: having very a very effective culture, based on sound values. How about we call the people deriding all this out for what they have: a terrible culture based on terrible values, such as mass irresponsibility, violence as the primary means to solve problems, abuse of women, abondonment of children, and when not abandoned, those children face selfish apathy at home. Those kids fail on purpose, so that they can get 2 sure meals a day at summer school... ...and in the face of that reality, I'm supposed to be focused on "white privelge"? Where exactly do the problems lie, and how shall we define them? Hint: we have to define problems properly BEFORE we set about solving them. How about we start with: demonstrable advancement through hard work is never part of the problem, it's always part of the solution? -
Global warming err Climate change HOAX
OCinBuffalo replied to Very wide right's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
2 things: 1. I'm gonna start asking for royalties from everybody who uses the Global Warming as religion trope. I started invoking Scientology and using it as an accurate basis for comparison to Global Warming cult member's behavior almost a decade ago. I've been saying "environtologists" for quite some time. I'm not sure If I should be pissed that people are copying me, or, gratified. In all cases, if you were to take a Scientologist's post, and redact out the Scientology references, and, redact Global Warming from the average environtologist post here or elsewhere? They would be indistinguishable. The same verbal tactics, logical fallicies, personal attacks, utter nonsense/contradiction...it's all there. This is the reason why, ~8 years ago, I started calling these people what they are: members of a deranged and potentially dangerous cult, whose main priority is self-enrichment, and not benevolence. 2. I'm gonna go punish myself for using the word trope. -
You mean like that time you tried to argue that Obamacare's website was going to get fixed by consumer app programmers from Google and Apple, but in the end it took real enterprise consultants from Accenture to do real enterprise work? It's understandable: you're clueless about the fact that while: Google and Apple people spend their day deciding everything about everything in their work, and then self-congratulating for meeting their own specifications, while telling everyone else "too bad, you must conform, because we know better"... ...consultants actually have to be better, because not only do they have to deal with client fiascos randomly thrown into their work, they face much larger scopes/50x more features, massive integration issues, 100s of potential "owners" of various pieces and parts of the 10-15 major applications/implementatons at the client, never mind it's suppliers and customers, and essentially get to decide nothing about their work that isn't signed off on by one or more morons that has to be convinced/educated/cajoled/threatened. Yeah, I see what you mean. Boy, that second thing looks a hell of lot more like Obamacare, now, than the the first one("I know, let's build Google Maps!") does, doesn't it? All that and nobody has to sign an NDA!
You know it's fascinating. Really. I tell you to stop with the Army sales pitch, because it proves nothing, and you go right back to it? Ben Carson had no idea any of this was available, because he made the assumption that West Point...was about being in the Army, and not about being a doctor. Funny how when perhaps everybody, but you, sees a general, they think soldier, and not doctor. What fools. Oh, I'm sorry, is your personal experience instantly disseminated to the minds of all, including 17 year-olds in Detroit? Jeez, I can't imagine why an ignorant, inner city kid, who had no one around him that knew anything about West Point, would make false assumptions after getting nothing more than an elevator pitch about it. That's the real story here: who in all of inner-city Detroit at that time, or now, would know anything about West Point? Do ya think they know about your dopey recruiting station hand outs? No. Now enough with the recruiter's handouts. This website didn't exist in 1969. The reason YOU knew to get a scholarship, and Ben Carson didn't? That tells us far more than anything else, and speaks to his character. He started at -2, while you started at 0.
Hmm. How about we put this into the context of the DNC's recent performance? Or, for that matter the DGA's(D Govs), or the DSC(D Senate)'s? How about the WH political office...that's been expanded beyond all sanity by this administration? Take their now-exposed tactics, massive technical help from Google/Accenture, the billions of dollars they've received...and then consider how massively they've failed, and continue to fail(see Virginia Senate loss-->Gun-Control Based Debacle). It's actually not that much of a stretch to believe that they have contracted one stooge after then next. I mean, what would gator's interview process be like? "Hello gatorman" "Hello Miz Jenkins-Jackson" "Can you tell me your thoughts on man destroying the planet and it's people with his patriarchical urge to feed his greed and dominance, forcing his heteronormative values onto all, and seeking to undermine all the good activist government does for working people?" "Yes...I agree" "Great you're hired. You get $.10 a post. Our women posters get $.15, because they have more needs than you. If that bothers you, blame the Republicans. You may write better posts than others, but, we pay based on need here, and women need more. DId you know we have to pay 4x more for a haricut?" "No, but I would like to know where I should post." "Oh that's up to you. I sugget finding a forum where your posts will do the most good. Just read our Media Matters website each day, and take your cues from that. I've heard sports sites have political debates, that should be easy. Patriarchal knuckle-dragging sports fans don't stand a chance against our talking points. Go get em!" I mean really, is it that hard to believe that one idiot, who sucks at their job and would be a laughing stock here after 3 posts, would hire another idiot and send him here? Trump means a lot more than anybody sees. In fact, I think Trump's entire job is to be the vetter-in-chief. I actually don't think his main goal is to win. It's an option of course. Good businessmen keep options open. But, his behavior seems to be less about winning and more about stirring up the R base, while vetting each R candidate, and killing the "moderates" (he started with Graham, now he's on Bush) Trump is bringing out every single piece of nonsense, for ALMOST every R candidate, while leaving Hillary alone. When it comes time for the general election race...every bad thing will be "old news" = no story. He's "innoculating" every candidate against the low-class stories before the media can use them. Is this because Trump is going to do his job, then get out and endorse Rubio/Cruz? Notice how Trump spent 1 day on Rubio, and has never said a single bad thing about Cruz? Why would Trump leave HIllary alone? Is he actually working to attack Rs on her behalf(doubtful), or, is he purposely leaving the dirt he has for later, when either he, or the eventual candidate, can haul it out, and hit her with it, with no innoculation? There's probably a lot more that "explains" Trump than meets the eye. You know what's funny? birdog hell: birdog gets into West Point( ), then graduates in the top 10( ) and earns and takes a med school slot. When he gets out, they order him to the Ordinance Corps and he spends the rest of the time he now owes, ~18 years, creating and testing biological and nanotech weapons, because he can't be a surgeon/specialist...not smart enough. Or, he is, but they don't care, they want him for bio-weapons anyway. After all: this is the Army, and orders are orders. Now he's birdog, the mass muderer. as defined by birdog, the liberal buffoon. But, actually none of that is true: birdog the idiot doesn't realize that his work is used as a deterrent, and actually makes the world safer, because it creates cetainty. Certainty: use bios on us, and we'll use worse ones on you. That's precisely what soldier first, doctor second, means in the Army. It's either that, or they throw him into the Army psychiatry "practice" and he's ordered to study "staring at goats", because: not smart enough to be in Psyops, and he doesn't fit the profile anyway. Meanwhile, Ben Carson, 17 year-old, doesn't know/think about Army doctors. Westmoreland isn't gonna tell him, not when he can put Carson in command of a Tank/Airborne platoon and take pictures!
Really. You're still arguing with a West Pointer about F'ing West Point? 2%? You're F'ing dreaming. I guess you've never been lied to by an Army recruiter. At least 3/4 of the Army has, ask them. Jesus Christ read the 1st sentence again. What do the words, "up to" usually mean...in a sales context? How about in the McDonald's Monopoly game? "Up to 10 winners of 10k!". At most maybe 3-5 cadets, not percent, get full rides to medical school after graduation..... (I have a full explanation as to why, if you really want it) For the love of God, enough schit. Please stop using, of all things, Army recruiting...material(nicest way to say it)...to make your point.
Raising Taxes Would Raise Revenue
OCinBuffalo replied to Trump_is_Mentally_fit's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
There it is again: Infrastructure! Any time tax reform comes up, "Oh, but what about the infrastructure?" ? Hey clowns: How about you show us that you can actually spend $1 on infrastructure, and actually have $.90 go to an actual project, rather than what we currently have, which is $.10, if we are lucky, because every political hack, union boss, city official, mayor/governor, takes their cut of the $1 before it gets anywhere near a project? We have a massive trickle-down government problem, which makes all infrastructure spending totally pointless. The Stimulus(remember that Epic FAIL?), failed not because it wasn't big enough, but, because every police union president and city mayor and dog catcher skimmed their share of it and 0 multipliers were created. A Keynesian stimulus without multipliers? Is not a Keynesian stimulus. So please, lets cut the crap with the "I" word. Show me the government can spend $50 correctly, just most of the time, and we'll work our way from there. -
I always love the R turnout in off-years nonsense. Does it say anything at all, that the Rs ALWAYS turn out? How many more times are we going to hear the turnout excuse in an off year/special election? Does anybody remember the last time a D won a contested off year/special election? So, "turnout" is also: consistent. How can something than is consistent, every election...also be used as an "outlier" or "abberation" excuse by the Ds? Since we are demanding facts here? Here's a set of them: 1. If the 2014 electorate showed up in 2012? Obama loses. 2. But, the demographic makeup of the 2014 electorate on average only benefitted each R by 1%. 3. That's right, for every D that lost by more than 1%, turnout was not the sole issue. 4. Every single poll, and special election since, show that the Ds have massively, and consistently over-estimated the electorate's support for their positions and values. 5. The KY governor just won, largely based his campaign on social, not economic, policy change/push back, and destroyed the D candidate. At one point the RGA pulled its funding from the race, because the R was supposedly a shaky candidate/social conservative, but, they came back and in the end, the guy won by double digits. Thus, turnout had nothing to do with why the Ds lost a historical number of elections in 2014, and has nothing to do with why they keep getting beaten, consistently. The math that KeeptheFaith requires? Undeniable. The simple fact is, the "demographics inevitablility" argument is categorically wrong. Hispanics and Asians do not share the voting record of blacks, and it looks now like the never will. AND, blacks have little interest in supporting issues like gay marriage or climate change. When you base your platform/election on policies that are disliked and/or less than half of your voters care about? You're going to lose. Turnout or no turnout.
That is the question, isn't it? How much dead footage/whats the real result?
3:42 of pure glory! Although, this guy is a body language, and verbal language, pro. The head nodding isn't really fair...when you do it to unmitigated morons, they have no choice but to agree. It's fish in a barrel. Also the looking/acting impatient and bored with them, which prompts action out of the weak-minded, is a sure-fire way to get people to agree. Dice-guy is acting like "Come on already, just agree so I can go home. I'm giving you thtre right answers here, just go with it". After all, they don't want to look stupid...because they are...stupid, and looking like it reveals their "secret" stupidity. As if everybody that knows them, doesn't know their secret. The dumbest of all was the dude in yellow. In his effort to look informed, this Dice guy got him to dance right into the left hooks. And The Guardian is telling us that we shouldn't call these people "Beyonce Voters". Ok, then WTF should we call them?
And all this, yet, he has no brain power! I mean, are we really going back to the logic FAIL: GWB is both a complete idiot, AND, an incredibly talented liar (so much so that he fooled, Kerry, Hillary, and Biden into voting for the Iraq war) ...at the same time? I mean really, if this hilarious logic FAIL is all they have? Hillary is going to get Mondaled. And worse? Which state is her "home state"? Which state == her bastion of support? Where is her Minnesota?
There's no evidence that he didn't, and, there is evidence that Carson was Detriot's Cadet Captain, or damn close. Carson's story is therefore very plausible: Westmoreland would be talking to a top high school ROTC cadet. That's what Army Chief of Staffs do, especially when Viet Nam is going on. EDIT: and to add Ozzy's point in, Viet Nam, AND, it's 1969, and you've been ordered to rustle up some black officers immediately, to comply with, or at least make it look like complying with, the Civil Rights act just recently passed. Carson got what he thought was a scholarship offer. Why is this such a difficult concept? The very first thing my eventual lacrosse coach told me and the 3 guys who were D-1 bound from my team was "Gentlemen, I'm here to give all of you a free ride if you play for me". If I never did another thing, I would have thought "free ride" meant...exactly what the other F'ing lacrosse coaches meant when they made me their free ride, half ride, and red shirt offers.
I can personally attest to that being...a stretch. To this day, many of us knew then, and know now, that others didn't belong, because at their best, they were the 10th brightest, the 14th best. Look, you can't be an idiot and get in. No one who has it, is going to expend their valuable political influence on their idiot/leftist d-bag kid/favorite soldier, just so he can go fail miserably, and make everybody involved look like even bigger idiots. However, when we are talking 1400 slots, for most of the entire world, not just our country, literally hundreds of thousands of kids, all of whom are smart, or nobody would have bothered in the first place? How do the 60k that get nominated become the 12-1400 that get appointed? Big numbers to relatively small ones --> there's going to be politics, and especially: agendas, involved.
I find myself, once again, just like with Obamacare...knowing literally EVERYTHING about a topic, or at least in the 99th percentile... ...yet arguing with somebody whose very statements prove he knows nothing. I just said, literally, that appointments can come from many sources. In fact, "West Point"(meaning the admissions people at the academy)only accounts for, depending on the year, 20-30% of the appointments. Thus, 70-80% of the "offers" DO NOT come from West Point. The literal piece of paper does, but the decision does not. The other sources include: the coaches of all the myriad Division 1 Teams that have rosters to fill, the current Army Colonels/Generals who have their favorite sergeants to send, the politicians(all levels) who have their campaign donor's kids to send, the State Department-->countries/territories who send the single best kid they have, the senior bureacrat who calls in all their markers to get their kid in, the VP's secretary's cousin's kid, etc. Like I said: it's mostly merit, but, there's a hell of a lot of politics, too. If the Army Chief of Staff, right now, decided to appoint you to West Point tomorrow, he'd pick up the phone, order it, and the admissions Lt. Colonel on the other end would be lucky if the Chief stayed on the phone long enough to hear his "Yes, sir." That's exactly how trivial it is to the Chief. Thus, if Carson wanted to go, and Westmoreland wanted him? Forget the process I had. It's literally, as I said, a 2 minute phone call. It becomes an order, and orders get followed, especially when they come from the thinnest air in the Army. Now, do you understand, or am I going to have to deal with more schit?
I don't need to spin it. I went to West Point. Thus, I am an expert. My "offer" to go to West Point was extended by lots of different people, depending on how you look at it. I was "offered" nomination at ALL of the academies, and was the #1 person on my Congressman's list, as told to me directly by his staffer, after my 15-person interview. I was "offered" nomination by the head lacrosse coach. I could have gotten in to any of the academies, on my own, but, I wanted to play lacrosse, and, I'm colorblind, so, I would have had to go the Navy Prep School for a year(which is how they get athletes up to standard), which was a waste of my time. So, in the end, I was "appointed" by the head lacrosse coach at Army. But, I could have been "appointed" by any number of persons/groups, or the Academy itself. See? If you don't know schit about how the process works, due to its inherent complication alone, there's a good chance you're going to misinterpret something. If Westmoreland recruited him, I gurantee that Carson could have gone if he wanted, on Westmoreland's word...alone. That's a 2-minute phone call. (The Army has politics too). Carson has a great grasp on decency, and please, if a community organizer can "do the job" Carson certainly can. Decency is something that is severly lacking in DC, and you can't teach it.
So let's get this straight: an internationally recognized brain surgeon.... ...has shown no brain power. Right. And, Trump, who has been playing the media like a fiddle from day 1...also has shown...no brain power. Meanwhile, a guy who has no personal accomplishments other than "get elected because 5 times in a row the other guy screwed up" has shown enough...brain power...to be elected POTUS 2x? What is your standard for "brain power"? EDIT: There's also no doubt that you know nothing about West Point. Anybody that's been there, has heard Carson's mistake many times before. It's a mistinterpretation. That's all.
This, right here, is why it's always fun to hear leftists talk about God, and especially when they demand that we agree He doesn't exist. They don't believe in an infallible being.... ...yet... they believe in themselves...as infallible beings. /facepalm I mean, look at Obamacare. Is there a better example of policy spawned entirely by assumed infallibility? It's a fascinating set of contradictions. All powerful God cannot create the Universe, and to think so is for silly/childish/ignorant "clingers", but, all powerful leftists can create a functioning, national health care...cost "sharing"(forcing cost onto others, not insurance) system. If you tell them they can't(like we did, over and over), largely because, in addition to not being infallible, they don't know schit about health care/insurance...that means you are immoral, idiotic, and hate poor people and kids. Leftists also do not feel compelled to answer back to anyone's charges. They are free to decieve all they like, because they too are as they have always been.
Perhaps. If you are right: who is responsible for creating the conditions that make Carson "special"?
Dude. Carson's only mistake here...is the same mistake I've heard many people, from all walks of life, make. Some of the smartest people in the country don't understand the distinctions here. Hell, even ex-military officers(ROTC) have spoken incorrectly about this, right in from of me. If I wrote you a "sales" paragraph extolling the virtue of going to West Point...minus West Point...you'd swear I was talking about a scholarship at some university. That's because West Point == You go to college, and you don't pay anything. The only real distinction, that is relevant here, between a West Point Appointment, and a scholarship? Everybody else at West Point has the same deal you do. EDIT: Now, if you just took this, and regurgitated, somebody would then have to correct you as well! Why? Because you also get paid an E6(Seargent) equivalent paycheck every month(which is entirely spent, leaving you with ~$60). Now, if this were to happen would you be "lying"? I could write 10 paragraphs about my experience going through the entire process, from filling out my first form, to reporting to the Cadet in the Red Sash, but, it's doubtful you or anybody wants to read all that. Westmoreland knew that too. So, he told Carson the elevator pitch/short story, included the good stuff, and didn't bother with the distinctions. Teenage Carson made a incorrect inference anyone would make, given the cursory discussion he had with Westmoreland: let's face it, the incoming Army Chief of Staff has...maybe...5 minutes for a potential plebe. Unless Carson actually began the process, which he didn't, he wouldn't know any of this, and never think getting the story straight was necessary: an appointment walks like a scholarship, talks like a scholarship...but isn't. This whole thing boils down to: maybe .001% of the country actually understands West Point, on any level, and the rest screw up when talking about it all the time.