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Everything posted by OCinBuffalo

  1. Perhaps the 2 sickest things I've seen in real life with my own eyes regarding this: 1. when they hand out the turkeys. No one says anything anymore, any notion of pretense died decades ago. They just show up with turkeys, and the poor, voting D no matter what, people take them. 2. when the mayor(ahem Niagara Falls, but I've seen it elsewhere too) has his "festivals". These aren't anything short of what the nobles used to do for the peasants. The Lord Mayor's Herald:"Hey, you live in schit most of the time, but for today only, we'll give you cotton candy and $.50 beers. We don't have to worry about driving, because none of you own cars! HaHa! Once today's over you can go back to your crap life, but, at least you feel like you got something out of your vote, and don't forget to vote again, so the Lord Mayor can bestow his generosity on you again." The Rabble's Response: "Hooray for the Lord Mayor!" When these sick Fs talk about 2 different Americas...one that they created and continue to propogate, it's one thing. When you see them do it right in front of you? It's like seeing a real dead body for the first time.
  2. All you need to know is: I can beat you up. In anything, except being a dumbass, refusing to learn(before, or from mistakes, after), blaming others for bad choices/consequencs, and the wholesale blaming of millions of people you don't know, for the en masse bad choices/consequnces of millions more you don't know. I will meet you on any field of battle using whatever weapon/tools are necessary.... ...but... my battlefield and weapons of preference would be: who can be the biggest Elizabethan fop at the home opener. That would be hysterical. Can you imagine the look on Hammer's face when I try to park my carriage? We could get gatorman to be one of our footmen and then scold and humiliate him... ...oh wait, we already do that. Nevermind. Forget the whole idea. Jeez, gator ruins everything again. Unless you want to do it. more at the link As if a study is necessary. You hike the minimum wage you give a free license for every business owner/CEO to raise prices to "cover it". And, since "paying a living wage" springs from childish minds, they never consider that a firm might raise prices MORE than is necessary to cover the wage increase. Who can blame them, and what can anyone do to stop it? Price Fixing too? (Great, back to the bad old days of the 1970s) And praytell, who owns businesses/stocks in corporations? That wouldn't be "higher-income families" would it? Plus, instead of these same business owners and CEOs keeping employees around, now they are highly motivated to innovate, reengineer business processes, and find ways to do more with less employees...which again, makes them MORE $. So once again, the "higher income families" benefit by having whatever they own being forced to be more efficient/effective. They could have stayed dumb, fat and happy, and the firms continue to employ people. But, oh no, the magical thinking of the social justice clowns creates many incentives...to get the very opposite outcome they intend. All of this is available in community college economics material, yet we need a study?
  3. I would stand in front of anyone and say anything I pleased. First of all because it's highly unlikely they'd want to challenge me physically, and if they did, it's highly unlikely they'd get the outcome they wanted. What, you think insulting people who deserve it is solely limited to the internet? I insult morons all the time in real life. I also am very nice to people(especially travel/hotel/service) people. It depends on the person/their degree of usefulness vs stupidity. But, never ever think that I am afraid to call an unmitigated moron an unmitigated moron anywhere, any time. Verbal beatdowns require skills and skills must be practiced. Narcissist. It's not what the cities are going to do...it's what their employers/business owners are going to do. Collect that data and you'll have a real experiment going. Notice that half of the employers split town for the suburbs. The rest either automate, go out of business or find any number of ways to either reduce hours or make employees part owners, in which case they can't qualify for min. wage. In any event, you will find the term "vote with their feet" helpful in your experiment.
  4. And you said it didn't need to be said? Yes, it does. Right...because 1955 is not part of the industrial age. Record. Cold. Last. Winter. That's the thing about the truth it's always true. Moreover, you can't yap about weather today, and ignore it last year, at the same time. In fact, nobody should be talking about weather...at any time. Weather is not climate. Well, unless you include predictions like these. I just got done helping my brother in law shovel a ton of what isn't supposed to exist, or be "a very rare event"...in 2015. It didn't cause chaos. We just did what we always do: snowblower and shovel. The empirical data: me shoveling snow today, and I am certain, many other days this year, disproves the hysteria of the very same clowns who have been running this scam since day 1. I'm shoveling snow. What do you have that proves they were in any way right about their claims? Nada. So, in this case weather does matter, because the mere existence of snow shreds the credibility of the nonsense-peddlers. Because they were definitive in their predictions, we may now be just as definitive in our ridicule. I love how, in gatortard world, everything corporations do/say/think is evil. Except when they help out with the narrative. I love how the same evil corporations who are so willing to lie about everything, because lying makes them $, aren't willing to lie about Global Warming, because you know, lying wouldn't make them/save them $. Idiots, once again, abound.
  5. I've been saying Tannehill is fool's gold from day 1. I've been backing it up with fancy pics of plays, real statistical analysis, etc. But now I find myself on the same side as a lunatic. Great. I wonder: since the Tanny-bois have consistently refused to accept fact and reason, does it take the ravings of a lunatic to finally get them to see the light? I say again: Tannehill is no better than EJ. The only difference between them is that EJ doesn't play on Sunday, Tannehill does. Both choices are entirely arbitrary,, because both choices are a lot more about everything else...than play on the field.
  6. Sure I have. However, I believe that the institutional(bad word in this context), or foundational, problems have been exposed here. Because of this, I don't see how the media can do anything about that, one way or the other. The public consciousness has been made aware of the large scope and magnitude of the problems. If 2016 goes the way it appears to be going == full R control of government, then, It's not hard to see Congress doing a complete overhaul of education in general, and a majority of the public supporting it, especially when the media tries to turn it into a "witch hunt"(or insert cliche here). In fact, the media trying to prevent Congress from doing its job(oversight on the $ we spend), will spur even more public support. I see this going down the same exact way Obamacare did: as of right now, support for single-payer/government health care is lower than it's been for 40-50 years. In doing what these single-payer activists did, they effectively killed any chance of there ever being nationalized health care in the USA, in our lifetimes. The same types are essentially following the same pattern with colleges. How's the media doing with regard to its credibility on Obamacare right now? Is there ANYTHING they can do to repar that? No. Not ever. As I and others have said, the backlash wave that is coming can't be stopped by the media. Nobody can stop it. My only concern, just like with Obamacare, is that we end up with something even worse, because it's based on backlashing, and not reason. My main comfort is that Paul Ryan is Speaker, and not some weak-willed buffoon. Ryan has all the credibility on budgets and on spending, and there's nothing the media can do about that either. And, he also has the ability to ensure that we don't end up with something worse, in either area. Ultimately, I wouldn't be suprised to find something like: "Federal funding is no longer available to the following majors(identity and gender studies at the top of the list), for which there is no clear career path. Forcing taxpayers to pay for something they won't benefit from is fraud. Offering students majors that lack academic rigor, and have no chance of landing them a job that allows to them to pay back their debt, and get a good start in life is also fraud." Don't argue with college professors about their bad behavior. Why argue with idiots? Take the $ away, and the college presidents/boards will make them go away. Ryan could do that with ease, and it's a great political move, because what D wants to go on TV and be directly linked to supporting this fascism? Answer: only Pelosi, and the rest like her in the safest D bastions. Think about it: Pelosi arguing against it, and for fascism? That ensures passage. I can hear the babbling now.
  7. They must not have got the memo that the planet was just saved by the Paris conference. On the other hand, maybe we shouldn’t be too hasty in judging the parents. Perhaps they’re just ahead of the curve. Given that the climatistas’ energy agenda involves economic suicide, perhaps they were just trying to get a head start, leading by example. In which case we should salute their far-sightedness. First: the guy who wrote your first link is a laughable. He doesn't understand that in condemning the lady who attacked the four men, he's exposing the very tactics he'd be fine with if they were on the right. So, it's public "shaming" bad, when it's being done to your heroes. (shaming is hilarious, because it also exposes the narcissism of these people...as though nobody ever considers the source of the "shaming", becuase everybody loves and admires the shamer, because....) But of course, public shaming good, when it's done to the right. It's like the concept of hypocrisy is completely lost on the man. As I said: laughable. Beyond the fact that this guy takes himself and his cohorts for more seriously than is deserved, it's that they have so little self-awareness, that they'd probably never understand what I am saying here. That is hilarious. Good one. Second: Well, from a purely objective standpoint? Good. 2 less idiots in the world. Bad. The toddler was never given the choice of whether to be an idiot or not, and that is disgusting. Hope. Perhaps the baby grows up and spends her life fighting against everything her parents were, and everything they stood for. Perhaps her story wakes up a few idiots like the guy above, so that they realize they are actually part of a cult. Perhaps she helps to de-program some of these cultists? I suppose that's the only good ending to this God-awful mess, but even this ain't to great. Notice how I am only blaming the parents, not all Global Warming clowns everywhere? Which is what they'd do, if the same thing was done by people for traditional marriage, or ending abortion. Notice also how we don't hear anything about gun control? Where are the gun-control people? I mean, if there ever was a clear cut case for them, killing toddlers and babies with guns? Are we going to have Obama come out and give us a speech about gun control based on this story? Yeah, right. But...it isn't understood. It may be understood by you, but, the world doesn't turn on your understanding alone. Other people have to catch up, and sometimes, as terrible as it is, you have to let them. I know it sucks. Believe me, I know. But sucking doesn't make it not true.
  8. Yes it is. If you actually read/comprehended merely 25% of the material that's been offered to you over the time you've been here, your views would necessarily have changed. Specifically, knowing more that you knew yesterday would change anyone's perspective, no matter what....unless they are purposely trying to remain ignorant. The fact is all of the time spent on you/...lybob here has changed nothing. You don't understand why Tom is saying what he is about agreements vs. treaties, because you still don't understand the Constitution. No matter how many times "WE" have explained one facet of it, or large sections of it, you clearly don't know it. That is a choice. Stupidity is a choice. Ignorance is not. You're no longer ignorant, as we've informed you of all sorts of things over and over again. Yet, you're still an idiot, and the only way that happens, given all the time expended on improving your knowledge base, is purposeful behavior/choosing stupidity.
  9. So.... Are you pointing out, by linking to case from 1958, that we should look to history...and therefore compel Oberlin to employ vodoo priestesses and all various forms of African, or otherwise, witch doctors? The problem with that is: how does one ensure that every witch doctor theology/branch/ministry( ) is included? After all, you can't afford to miss a single one, or by definition, its not "inclusive". No, you'd have beat the bushes in Africa and everywhere else there are bushes, to get all the bush medicince available. Then, Oberlin would have to create on-campus housing for these people...which I suppose isn't too cost prohibitive, since huts can't be that expensive. I do wonder about them in the winter though...and...there's going to be hell to pay when the health inspectors show up. Then, you'd have to find a place for them to work. I don't imagine each witch doctor having his/her own personal bonfire would be conducive to Oberlin's main mission, never mind feasible. After all, that's a lot of trees to cut down every day, and you know the environtologists would go nuts about that. Never mind the vegans...freaking about all the animal sacrifices. And finally, the main problem with your plan is that so many "Black healers/non western health practicioners"'s entire ethos is based on, and steeped in....RELIGION . Now I don't know how one resolves hiring the religious at a place like Oberlin, specifically for their religious beliefs. Christ, they might as well be hiring a Catholic priest as a chaplain. You know how bad of an idea that is. gatorman, the fool who will walk into a thread set up just for him...every time.
  10. No. I can vouch for DC_Tom's use of "we" here. That is because I too have had to spoon feed you data, concepts, links, and probably ~20 credits worth of a business degree.... ...because you either know nothing, or less than nothing(meaning you "know" things that are flat wrong), about so many things. You do know some basic things: like how to use Youtube. But, as an example, you don't know anything about Keynesian economics. You appear to support it, but, no one can say for sure, because you are incapable of expressing yourself, directly due to your own ignorance of the material. So, yeah WE have to spoon feed YOU all the time. And, in this instance, what the hell difference would giving you a link make? Are you going to read it? Are you going to understand it? No and no. No, all you're doing is trying to force somebody to do work, and waste their time...so that you can ignore/marginalize their work, "move on", and hope that nobody notices. I mean, it's a great troll...but please...you aren't capable of it. If you were, you'd have gotten Tom to collate all that data. He laughed at you instead. Screw that, and you. We're not here to be your personal internet researchers, or your personal tutors. EDIT: The same goes for gatorman.
  11. Read, bitches. And yes, I know all about the draft....and notice...not enought DTs...matters just as much as missing yoiur #1 CB. We win the last 2 games if our starters aren't hurt. Anyhow: http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2015/12/20/oberlin-students-cafeteria-food-is-racist.html Revelance: Yeah...you know who else said that...after being certified as a loon? L. Ron Hubbard...of Scientology We all know people who have suffered in one way or another from mental illness. The problem here is, just like with Scientologists, the D/X of "you're a wackjob" can't be right...because...you know...no one, or their work, is allowed to be criticized...if they are in a "protected class". The weirdest part, and of course, the end of link one contemplates: if we idiotically segregate...we end up with "instituional racism" of our own idioti design.
  12. Don't you mean the Western New York, Southern Ontario, and Berlin, Bills of Buffalo?
  13. This thread is going into the database for later use. Ballsy call. Unlikely. Whatever. Still Ballsy. But...let's be objective for a sec. The 57% point was my first thought, but I see somebody already posted it. My second is: of the likely playoff teams, I don't see very many tough places to play a road playoff game...other than KC and Pittsburgh. I saw the Pats fans get silencioed by the Eagles. No big rally from them, like there would be at our place, if we were in the same spot(yet more evidence of "bandwagon"/it's back to the suck when Brady leaves). Denver? Not really. Colts? Jets are no different than the Pats. Get them down, they sit down, and they don't get back up. Texans? See: Colts. Christ, I bet the Jags have a tougher home crowd than all of these teams. If by some miracle the Raiders were to get in, then we'd be talking...but...that means KC doesn't get in. Also, if we are in, then either KC or Pittsburgh is out. Thus, together they only count as one(1). So, besides KC/Pittsburgh(you want to add Denver go ahead, but I don't see it), it's not like home field is really an advantage for most of these teams. If they make it, one of these teams will be the other WC, so we wouldn't see them until the Championship game, and would only play at their place if we are #6. Still not convinced? Reverse the roles: what wouldn't a team do to avoid having to play a playoff game in Buffalo? That would be a very short list, because they'd do just about anything.
  14. 80% of this forum can answer the question: "What is down blocking?" You're lucky if 5% of the Eagles boards even try to answer the question. 90% will say something...about grabbing sacks. And of course the remaining 5% at least will make some irrelevant point about the Cowboys, no matter what question you ask. So, no. Not exactly. Not even close. I get that things can get stupid around here. If anybody gets that, I do, and I usually do something about it. But, it's like with measuring temperature. Their degree of stupidity requires that we create something akin to Kelvin to measure it.
  15. Leave it to Eagles fans not to think "he's grabbing sacks" through, before rapping it. Yes, this guy is awesome! I bet he's grabbed more sacks today than anybody. Not to mention how many sacks he's grabbed all season. I wonder how many sacks he's grabbed on SEPTA? I mean, we all know the extensive SEPTA tunnels under city hall are a great way to walk through the city when it's raining, but, the trade-off is one must be on the alert for sack-grabbers, who think you are there for another reason. EDIT: Yeah, and before you post it, I'm well aware of the irony of this post in relation to my Eagles message board post. Paybacks are a...
  16. You actually think Eagles fans are capable of doing what we do here? Never. I'll sum up Eagles message boards for you: if the scoreboard says they won? Everybody in the organization is F'ing awesome, and everybody else in the NFL sucks(no reasons given). If it says they lose? Everybody in the organization should be fired, traded/cut, and the owner should sell the team(also no reasons given). Yes, and the Cowboys suck. This year, when the Eagles have a chance to suck less than the Cowboys, is like nirvana...because they might actually be "right", for a change. You can't talk football with these people. You can talk players, but once again, only in black/white terms. You can't talk stats or playcalling or Xs and Os. If you try to engage them in any of that dialouge...all you're going to get is name calling, mostly having to do with being gay/liking male body parts. You can forget about the draft. These people booed taking McNabb. I was living in Philly at the time. It was chaos, and a race to the idiot bottom, every day, all the time.
  17. Bah! I see passing this through the ridiculous lens of gun control mania has already happened. I wonder: where are all the calls for knife bans? I bet 60% of the English people support background checks for knives(or insert some other made for talking point poll)...especially after this incident! Come on liberals? Where's TEH OUTRAGE! Somebody got seriously hurt by a weapon! They might even die! Why don't you blame the weapon? Also, this: is just F'ing hilarious. Yes, it "undermines them". I wonder...what did more to stop this knife weilding self-identifying Muslim? Telling him he's not a Muslim, or, the taser they shot him with? I wonder...going forward...is telling someone they are not a Muslim, or, another taser, going to do the trick next time? Finally, I thought we all had to pay full homage to what anyone identifies as. After all we've been scolded for not believing Bruce Jenner is a woman. Don't we have to auto-accept whatever anyone tells us they are? Isn't not accepting whatever anyone tells us they are, the very definition of intolerance? So, how can we be so intolerant as to tell someone who identifies as a Muslim, that they are not a Muslim? I tell, you, this white patriachy is out of control. We need some muscle over here.
  18. Of course. But I was speaking in his context: Bills in a vacuum. Just fighting stupid with gasoline. Yes. Please google Rodak Mike ESPN. Read his latest account. You can clearly see the beginnings of what is sure to be a hilarious contortion. I assume his head will nearing his ass, if not already engaged, by Wednesday, latest. Other than that, as I said in the OP, I observed the same set of people saying 2 mutually exclusive things yesterday. More links are sure to come. In fact, I expect a whole bunch of hilarious material to play with very soon: which is why I started the damn thread. Speaking of Pats* ballwashers, WEO shows up! (Sometimes, it's like I'm writing a script around here) How about 5-11 for the Bills this season? Should we go against Prisco on that one? Would you like to lay $ on that? As I said above: this is about math, not emotion. What should we call bringing up the Pats...out of nowhere...when we are talking about Prisco's, at the very least, untoward, picks against the Bills over the last 5 years? I don't know. Not dissonance, perhaps: compulsion? Is there a name for compulsive ball washing, be they Bill_in_NYC's balls or Brady's? Speaking of that, how did he do yesterday?
  19. All of the Billspin is hilarious. As for the commentary: They fear what they do not understand.
  20. I've watched almost all of this years games, albeit condensed, of all 3 teams. Therefore, yes, not only do I honestly see them winning all 3, it's probable. One key: we made no big mistakes today. Play any of those 3 teams, and they will make enough mistakes for you to beat them. In fact, all 4 teams remaining are 50/50 on giving away games via their own bad(often ridiculously bad) mistakes. Combined, about 40% of their wins come merely from the other team making even more mistakes than they did. It's been "who sucks the least today" all year for all 4 teams. Thus, this doesn't require a Herculean effort. All we have to do is play like we did today: middling, and it's likely we win out. EDIT: And, keep in mind I'm including the refs spotting each team 10 points in scoring differential...because that's what they've done, on average, the last 3 games. If we actually get competent refs the next 4 games? We win them all going away. I'd take the Bills and give/take the points on all of them.
  21. I understand your point. I also understand exactly who plays whom going forward. I suggest you play around with this: http://espn.go.com/nfl/playoffs/machine Go to week 17. Choose the Bills to win, and viola! We're in. You can play all sorts of scenarios, but they all come down to beating the Jets...and the 3 NFC East teams that, no matter how you slice it, we are expected to beat. Funny how the machine has no problems picking us to win all 3 games, wonder why it's so hard for humans ... ...but all of this STILL has nothing to do with the cognitive dissonance I have already observed(See: Rodak), and the back breaking contortions already underway to somehow accomodate 2 things that can't both be true, existing in the same universe. Which...remains what this thread is about.
  22. I merely made a logical point: one cannot both say that NFC sucks, definitively, and, at the same time, predict the Bills, who are at least 2 games better than the NFC East teams, to lose to them. Thus the answer to your question is: It's illogical, that's why. NO ONE in the media is saying that the Bills are = the the NFC East. Why? That would be: Stupid. EDIT: Worse? It violates the "Look to the Boxscore and standings, then use made up analytics" methodology of the media today. No. What is arleady going on (see: anything Mike Rodak says) here is false division of the Universe into 2 pretend halves: one where the Bills suck, and have little chance of making the playoffs, and the other...where the NFC East sucks. Reality, says, not just suggests, that only 1 of these thing can be true, right now. Is it possible for the Bills to be worse than they appear, is it possible for the NFC East to be better? Of course. But, were not dealing with the possible, we are talkin about the probable. Moreover, we are talking about definitive statements made: "The NFC East is a bad football division". Not much wiggle room there. The "NFC East sucks" is black and white. Our chances are NOT decreasing: In fact they just went up 9.4%. Yeah, that pesky thing called math, and statistics. There's nothing wrong with calling Pete Prisco a Pats* ballwasher, when I have gallons of empirical evidence to prove it...and more math. Anyone with any gambling sense/experience, would recognize him as a ballwasher, and either avoid him completely, or, bet against his picks, based on statistics, not emotion.
  23. I don't know if this happend for the rest of you, but when I flipped to watch NBC's pregame, instead of highlights, I got Obamafool...but with no sound. This was a pisser for the people I watched with. Lots of comments like "if only this happened every time", and of course, we started making up our own dialogue. Things like "let me explain the various ways in which I am a douchebag. First, it's important to know how I define douchebag, because I have nothing to hide. Only the people with something to hide fear my douchebaggery" It went on and on. Despite calls from some to switch to the Sabres game, the majority proceeded to have great fun Madlibbing Obamafool. Just want to know if anybody else trying to watch NBC saw the same thing? And, yeah I checked the HD channel...no sound either.
  24. Are we ever going to be done with the "but..but..but...Christians, 800-500 years ago did X" argument? Are we ever going to be done with the "because 1-2 Christians do something that is not ordained by their faith, nor supported by ANY leader or church....that = 10s of thousands of Muslims doing definitively evil things, every damn day, that are not only supported, but demanded, by far too many leaders and mosques" distortion/delusional argument? Trying to put an "=", between ANYONE, even Putin, and what is happening in the, ordained, name of Islam...TODAY...is utterly ridiculous. Islam has a massive set of problems, which must be solved. Period. Anything else is a flat out denial of reality.
  25. And if this was a thread about the Bills playoff chances in general, this would be relevant. However, it is not, so it is not. No. This thread is about the hilarious cognitive dissonance/contortions of logic the media is going to have to go through the next 3 weeks, to both deny the Bills any chance to win any of the 3 games, AND, maintain the same definitive "the NFC East sucks" position they have had for the last 3 weeks...at the same time.
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