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Everything posted by OCinBuffalo

  1. Blatantly inaccurate. The stated objective of Al-Queda is to impose a caliphate from Spain to Indonesia - just like they had in from 750 to the late 1600's. How is taking territory and imposing your will over the conquered populace not equal to facsism. Btw, do you really think that this is about religion? BS. Just like liberals like to say that the Iraq was is about oil, SO IS THIS "JIHAD". These guys know that they are so far behind us, the only way to improve economically is to control the one thing we are dependent on. This "holy mission" is all about money and power, just like every war ever fought. And, they get cover this by stating its all about religion - yeah like the crusades were all about religion - more BS. Time to do some reading and stop getting your info from Michael Moore.
  2. My uncle just sent me this: "They just anounced that Florida sold hundreds of permits to thin the Aligator population. Thounsands of alligators will be turned into purses, belts and deep fried. Here is an alternative..... WIN --- WIN --- WIN !!! Dig a Moat the length of the Mexican border. Take the dirt from the Moat and use it raise the levies in New Orleans. Put the Florida Alligators in the Moat. Now. Any other problems you want me to solve?"
  3. In an effort to help those who are having trouble with ISP/Machines: goto this link(it's got sound): Holcombs_Arm's worst nightmare Again I ask - is he on a milk carton someplace?
  4. Sorry maybe it's time for bed....
  5. Great topic. It could be that this was what Marv had in mind all along. Another thread from the fair and balanced one headed in this direction. Link here Right on. As I said on the other post, it's hard to have a QB controversy when one of the principals involved isn't on the team. Three factors I see controlling this are: JP continues to play strong and/or shows consistent improvement(like Monday 21-28 2 TDS) Nall comes back and shows he can be a solid #2 Kingsbury shows he can play in this league. If all three of these happen - not 2/3, I would not be surprised to see KH gone... Btw, is Holcombs_Arm on a milk carton? Haven't heard from him in a while?
  6. No I thought it was clear that I was talking about contributing to the offense(not ST) and about Moulds' second year. I'm pretty sure they got him off the return team within three games of him suddenly making noise as a top receiver.
  7. If we get that much out of him - I would be happy. Getting 3rd down production also would be sweet. Moulds numbers? Too much to hope for - but I figured I would jog everyone's memory about how EM got his start.
  8. A lot of the posts here remind me of what was said about Andre Reed and Eric Moulds when that whole thing was going down. It was clear that Flutie favored Moulds, Reed started to complain about balls thrown his way, and eventually found his way off the team. RJ threw to Reed more but just writing those initals gives me the shakes so that's all on that. Anyway, the numbers Moulds had in his "breakout" year had a lot to do, granted not EVERTHING to do, with being thrown the ball most of the time. Is it a secret to anyone that receivers in this league - espeically the "premier" ones - tend to B word when they don't see the ball 70% of the time? Yeah - fans were pissed for about half an hour about Reed's plight(Superbowl guy, Houston game, etc. vs. 2nd year player Eric Who? Flutie's two on two basketball partner what?). And then a ton of them promptly went out and bought a Moulds jersey. All those #80's out there - u know who you are! Sound familiar? It was also clear that when JP was in the game last year, he favored Lee Evans. Holcomb favored Moulds(because EM was running cut backs and slants from 5 yards off the line - right in KH's 3 yd sweetspot Need I remind us of the famous 3 yd pass on 4th and 8? - it was to Moulds). Is it any wonder that the complaints about JP from "unnamed veterans" and the "grumblings from the locker room" started right around the same time Moulds' stats/balls thrown his way started going down? Or just an amazing coincidence? I think Aiken has his best chance this year to get involved in the offense. If nothing else than as a solid possesion receiver. You can't kick all that ass for all those years(btw did you see that hit on our first punt? ) on special teams and not be a "physical" receiver(same thing every Moulds guy would say about him during the Reed vs. Moulds debate). Hell, Aiken drew a penalty to keep a drive alive on Saturday - the guy had no choice but to simply grab his shirt cause he was burned, badly. Interestingly, Aiken beat him by running a good route, not with blinding speed, but with excellent body position(read: 6-2 height and doing everything right with your feet) - just like all the talking heads would give as the reason that Moulds was so good in his "breakout" year. Also, I would take Aiken attitude over Moulds attitude any day. If he performs way beyond any expectation and starts to even approach EM level, I don't see him whining about balls thrown his way either. Regardless, this is a great topic/post and gives us something fun to watch(glad to see the JP/KH thing appears to be over). I had been quietly thinking Nance in this debate but clearly Aiken now has an opportunity(however small) to make us forget about Moulds (maybe not in a half an hour) or at least not feel sorry for him. I think we can all agree he has earned the chance to try. Let's just hope for his hands holding up/4 hours a day on the Juggs machine
  9. Nice to see the KH obfuscation and spin machine is still working. Didn't know you guys got that new Andre Davis upgrade. Was that tough to install? I heard it was hard unless you have the "don't believe what you see on the field" filters cleaned and in place.
  10. Kelley is right on the money as usual. However, I wanted to talk about this "competition" thing. It has been stated elsewhere, and here, that the QB competition is a "sham". I agree - but not for the reasons I have heard so far. Reverse the thinking - what if DJ had come out and stated that JP was the starter again? What if we hadn't signed Nall? Right now we'd have a bunch of posters on this board talking about how KH needs to get a fair shot, brains over athletic ability, experience over youth, etc. But wait: we already had that for the the last 3 months! Now, what can they say? Give KH another chance? That was only one game? No - they will attempt to spin and obfuscate with things like: "they both sucked, bad o line, receivers, etc." Some of this has already started - we are sure to hear more this week. Bottom Line: they got what they wanted in KH starting and so did we(the JP "homers" ) Even if this was a sham, it doesn't really matter. DJ gets to look fair and balanced and the answers for us this year come from play on the field - not hubris. By making this a competition he also gets to hit the "unhappy veterans" like Vincent(he was invisible again last night - get Ko in there now!) and others right between the eyes with just how bad KH is. I think this will effectively kill the locker room grumblings as well. For my money, even if it was a sham, I'd like to hear someone put forward a decent alternative to this "competition". Now it appears that KH is not only not going to be starting, but may have trouble making this team, due to Nall being here - if that was what Marv was thinking all along then we have a great, nm good, GM. Hard to have a QB conterversy during this season when one of the two principals involved isn't on the team If it was a sham, it was done with professionalism that we haven't seen around here since Marv was the coach. I said earlier that KH would get the start, and I was right, because they wanted to test the running game against a premier D. Now that I think about it though, it also seems like a bit of a set up as well. When a coach, or any leader for that matter, has a tough decision to make, it's a hell of a lot easier to move the focus off of him/her making the decision and onto the factors that contribute to that decision, one way or the other. In this case, it's a hell of a lot easier to redirect the fans attention onto plays made/not made on the field rather than DJ himself and his decision making ability. Perhaps I'm reading too much into this but I gotta say, I am encouraged by DJ's handling of this so far. You can accuse him of being passive agressive all you want, but again, even if this was a sham, what would be your alternative? Plus, the side effect is that JP, assuming he "wins" the competition, gets to feel like he earned something this year due to his play on the field - not being handed something due to being the coaches' favorite. If nothing else, the respect of his teammates will come if he continues to improve. This can only help us. GO BILLS!!!
  11. Looks like he's going to be the guy...no sense in getting hurt over a pre-season game.
  12. Yeah JP should start. The d gave up a touchdown but stopped their 1st team on the next drive.
  13. I'm listening on the radio link I got from here: TBD Thread Is it me, or has JP been drawing them offsides with his cadence? They just had another penalty for encroachment.
  14. Just want to confirm this one - that's what they said.
  15. That is clear but, there is a problem if you relate that thinking to us: Dan Marino: Rocket arm and quick release, but concrete feet Kelly Holcomb: Noodle arm and quick release(what the hell, I'll give it to him - it doesn't change my point), but concrete feet. No amount of smarts replaces making every ball thrown past 15-20 yards into a "hail mary". The coaches and players have stated on mutiple occaisons that we will be consistently (thank God) throwing it deep this year so that we keep the defense honest, thereby opening room up for WM. Also, once and for all: This is not going to be Rams East. We don't play in a dome. Every coach has said that, every player has said that. Therefore the premise of this topic is wrong. Continuing to base points as though we are trying to be Rams East doesn't work. I am not sure what the Bills are gonna look like this year on offense, but it will not be Rams East in November, December and January.
  16. ...sorry if this has been posted before. Hilarious
  17. "Luke I am your Faaaaather" That was from Star Wars. -Tommy Boy is a classic
  18. I haven't heard anybody here talk about the pre-season games yet. (Just tons of definitve statements about who will start based on conjecture, or third or forth hand info). I will freely admit I am a JP fan, not just because of his stunning genius when talking to the press (that was for BlueFire - s/he? told me I have to use emoticons every post until s/he says stop). I understand the peripheral reasons JP should start: money, draft pick, future, not getting a chance because of coaches' CYA moves, etc., and I generally agree. However, since it seems that coaches in general, and DJ in particular, always talk about these games as real determining factors. My guess is that nothing that has been said so far in favor or against these three guys is going to matter much when the game starts next Saturday. For my part, I will wait until I see the entire game on NFL Network(ha! wanted to get that in there ) and see what happens. I hope JP is the guy that starts. However, my guess is that we will see Holcomb though - not because he is better, but, like practice today, they will want to run the ball and test WM and the starting O line first. Either way it's good to see that the O is able to bounce back from a bad day.
  19. Yeah we're only talking about under 10% difference either way. It's not like DW is at $20 mil and the Bills are at $5 mil. The Bills already agreed to pay 12.9 guaranteed. What real difference does another 1.1 million make - especially spread over 5 years? That's only an extra $225,000 a year when we are already paying $2.6 million. I don't get it.
  20. Yeah innuendo is not journalism.
  21. I admit I am new - but I have been tracking your posts right along for years now. Buddy - someone else asked me how it was possible that I could know politics before I was born. In my case - it's more than possible. I can't tell you the number of times I have flown from (insert town here) and handed out dopey cards for my family during elections when we knew damn well that it was a winning landslide. It's what we do - but not because of party loyalty. However, I refer you to my signature - you are the dopey, partisan schill. You can't even see a friend to your cause when he smacks you in the face! You represent yourself as a Republican. If that is true why don't you read first, judge second? That is the job according to what the pols from your side say. Rush says: we is about optimism, reason, and truth. (Bluefire - this is what's know as a euphemism - had to make sure my emoticon/sarcasm quota was met ) How in the hell are you one of them? Sorry, maybe they don't have Rush on ham radios in Alaska? Maybe you can catch the show the next time you are in somebody else's plane? Yeah, I know Alaska dipshit - Worked fot the Navy up there - your novelty is about to wear off. I thought lock-step thinking was the domain of the socialists, whoops, I mean Democrats. Please, you are not doing your party(I am a Libertarian) any favors by posting nonsense - let the silly libs dig their own hole. Don't hurt those of us who actually have a reasoned argument, and/or can think for ourselves, by demanding Hannitization when you can't even consider context; never mind begin to attempt to convince anyone of what you are saying. This game, prolly not for you. I dunno though, cause hey, none of us really knows until after the primary!
  22. If it's toughest division to win then I agree with everything but I would switch 4 with 5. I don't see our division as easier to win than the North. Perhaps it's not that all the east teams are better, it's just that they have more parity. However, I think that Pittsburgh is in trouble this year - they lost two guys, Randle El and Bettis that were their red zone go-to guys. Cowher can't keep turning no names into stars forever(not saying he hasn't done well), but this time around maybe they can't reload with who they have. Cincy will have to employ a team bailbondsman this year, I dunno. Maybe you're right.
  23. This is an opinion column yet you have presented as though it was a new coulmn - I am grow weary of the endless mixing of "news" with opinion that is becoming so commonplace. Moreover why are u paying attention to MSNBC? Microsoft and NBC - theres two pillars of objective reason for ya! Nah no agenda there...
  24. Believe me that is no news flash to us. Rather than be upset about it, it's kinda treated here like a running joke. It's even worse that you say JoeSix, but not the way you think: Every single one of Street's deputy - even the treasurer - has either been indicted, covicted and in the treasurers case - serving jail time. But consider this for a sec - the reason for all the corruption is becauase there is a hell of a lot of money to be made! If Buffalo pols were doing the right thing, I wouldn't be surprised to wake up one day and heare about their hand caught in the cookie jar. There has to be cookies first before you can get caught stealing them! This is because Ed Rendell(Governer), not Street, when he was mayor, attracted tons of corporate investors. Ex: Our office has a ten year tax abatement meaning we pay 10% of what we would normally. (That's always been around but Rendell expanded it hugely) I am just as amazed - yes, I said Democrats cutting taxes. Regarding Street, the corruption issue has gotten so bad now that even my left-of-lenin-friends(who I love to torture with Libertarian/Republican truths ) are pissed. They say, and they are right, that all it does is make their dopey ideas look bad. (Like they would actually work without the corruption - please!) But, the flip side is that Centery City is booming. These guys know how to work with business/education effectively. But it seems clear that they are simply following Rendell's game plan. Again, I don't see why the politcos in WNY can't simply use the same gameplan, and not one poster has given a good reason yet. The murders you are talking about happen in north and parts of south Philly, not Center City. The way they have things set up here: water on two sides(one to separate from Jersey - thank God, and the other to separate from West Philly) and a train line and highway to separate from North Philly. Nobody minds South Philly much, except for a few 3x3 block areas. Talking about those other areas is kinda like talking about another country. I know that might sound foppish but it seems to be the prevailing attitude. Yeah, ironic is exactly what I would call it. Democrats that work well with business and seriously cut taxes, but have corruption scandals on par with the Republican S&L stuff. Go figure? I can't right now I have meeting. I hope I used enough emoticons and sarcasm this time to suit Bluefire's taste. Oh, yeah and clarifying is not backtracking - that one was just dopey.
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