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Everything posted by OCinBuffalo

  1. I agree with a lot of what's posted already - old vs. new, owners vs. players, etc. However, I have been thinking about a solution that may in fact bring about the best of old and new. I'm gonna start a new thread with my plan, lame as it may be, and see if it has legs.
  2. I didn't add +/- ability so that we would have to pick a grade. My vote is B because I was very impressed with DJ's ability to draft, turn the team around, clear the air, and get this team thinking "team" once again, and most importantly game plan. However, I felt like there were some questionable in-game decisions made. I know that some of these are made by assistants, but he is ultimately accountable for them. It was made clear that he was a defensive, conservative coach coming in. Perhaps that's just what we needed in terms of getting back to basics, fundamental football, etc. However, next year I hope that what I will call our "summer school" as a team is over and we can move on to more advanced things - like loosening the leash on JP, throwing to the TE more, and using Josh Reed as a third down WR/RB(and all the chaos that would cause the opposing D ).
  3. You have to be kidding - I guess I feel sorry for u. You're making a big deal about spanking a mediocre team at home; when the Bills did the same thing to them at their place 6 weeks ago. OMG you are acting like the Jets are actually good. Newsflash: they beat one team this year that had a winning record. You cannot tell me that Brady looked good yesterday. You are being foolish - not me. And hey, Please PLEASE PLEASE! start Seau next year. What a riot!?!?!?! :lol: I notice you haven't said anything about getting b!tch slapped by SD next week. What, nothing to say?
  4. Good point why don't they do something reasonable and send the Super Bowl Champions from this year? I mean chances are they won't be as likely to miss a home game - rather than messing with us?
  5. Laugh it up now - tool! I told you this is your last year - enjoy it. The Bills will be instrumental in welcoming your team back to the sewer where it normally(see last 25 years) resides. Your D is old - you have no receivers worth mentioning - Brady threw some terrible balls yesterday - the list goes on. You get to enjoy getting shelacked by the Chargers next week as well. I can't wait until Brady starts his typical whining after getting rocked by Merriman a couple times. Of course the Chargers will have to beat the refs and your team as usual, but, I don't think intervention from the league can stop them from smacking you around. Oh yeah! I almost forgot: how's Seau working out for you? What a master stroke that was.
  6. Yeah, and that's the same reason we started him this year, and, it's the same reason we will be starting him next year B word all u want. U and the rest of the "I hate JP because he makes me wrong" club(<5 members) cannot deny the signifcant progress he made this year. Progress he would not have made watching Holcomb from the sidelines. This is a silly argument you guys continue to make, in spite of staggering evidence that contradicts your position, because: 1. It's wrong on it's face 2. We all know the only reason u keep saying this stuff is because u can't stand being proven wrong - especially by play on the field(rather than baseless speculation) 3. Every time someone talks about a "caretaker" QB like Holcomb, Pennington, Huard, they never talk about winning the Superbowl in the same sentence - oh, wait, I forgot about those TWO TIMES out of FORTY it actually worked - Dilfer with the Ravens and Hostetler against us - yeah that's what we want - a plan that works 5% of the time - genius. 4. We just saw today the effect of having a "smart, determined, leader-type" no-talent QB. YOU LOSE! When the game is on the line you need a guy who can make the downfield throws(this means +20 yards for those of you who think Pennington's mastery of the 12 yard pass is downfield) accurately and on a straight line, not on a curve! Why? Because if he cannot do that, and worse, if the opposing defense knows that he cannot do that, sooner or later they will sit on/jump all the underneath routes. Hmmmmm - what happened today? Pennington threw a pick to a guy who sat on a route. Are you tools trying to tell us that's merely a coincidence???? Of course it's not. In fact they were sitting on them all day. I saw at least 5 passes that could have gone either way - INT or catch. Is that how you win Superbowls? Chucking dying quails downfield and hope your receivers can out-muscle the DBs? Of course it's not. You guys would be boring me to death if it wasn't so fun busting you up. Keep prattling on about how Pennington is the man - even on the very day that he proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that he is not the guy you want to be QB when the game is on the line in the 4th quarter. Where was the big play that got them back in the game? - Sorry - no big arm = no big plays. QED Pennington cannot ever be the man. And yeah - how do any of you explain how we smoked the Jets at their own place?? Where was Pennington's legendary determination? I thought that's all you needed to win
  7. So was Chad "determined" to throw that pick today? How is losing the game for your team indicative of being a "winner". That ball took FOREVER to get there - and so it got picked. You can be "determined" to be a good QB, but without the talent what difference would it make? It's kinda like you being "determined" to make a reasonable point/argument, but without the ability to do so, we end up with your post above. Face it - Pennington's lack of talent is the exact reason the Jets lost today - period. JP will rule this guy next year - as well as Brady - because he will have combined his talent(which is superior to both) with a solid mental/technical approach and superior coaching from Fairchild/Schonert.
  8. Totally agree - glad we have JP
  9. Jerkoff Tom Jackson - will that make the ESPN nickname show?
  10. Maybe - but now it's Cowboys-like HAHA
  11. The point of my post, and therefore my responses, are specific to calling for his release right now. Perhaps I didn't make that clear. I don't have a problem with most of what you are saying - but I wasn't talking about after next year. However, # of times hearing/not hearing a TV announcer call a guy's name is hardly a reason to assess someone's performance. If that were true Tedi Bruschi would already be a hall of famer. He did seem a little late out there but I don't know if that has to do with the system, being in and out of the lineup, or maybe the injury did make him lose a step. Once more, I am asking about why he needs to go right now!
  12. Yeah and JP would have messed it up due to his low completion percentage. Nall would have scored a touchdown.
  13. So that means that he can't? Hmm - this is a team game - if they are running away from him - or worse straight at Fletcher - you won't hear his name much. He can't necessarily control that. Last I checked that's a "leader's" job. Speak for the group. Right? You can't tell me he was the only one that was upset about TV. Whitner and Simpson were in that guy's pockets all pre-season. Fletcher wasn't mad either? Come on - this is lame. He spoke up because that's his job. If he comes back next year in top form then I guess that's fine. If not, I guess it's not. I guess I can go along with waiting till after next season - but I haven't heard anything from you so far that tells me he needed to be axed immediately. Perhaps the best idea is to see what he does during camp??
  14. Just saw that we are all laughing it up - "Does anyone rember Houston and Buffalo in 1993" HAHAHAHAHAHA
  15. Please explain. The guy comes off a huge injury, gets back. Leads this team. Prolly needs another off season to get back to 100%. I mean, do you not remember the first play of the season? I can see losing fletcher, but TKO? wtf? Also, please respond with reasoned arguments(i know this is impossible for some here - but I might as well ask ) because I am trying to understand. Dumping TKO is the furthest thing from my mind so there must something I'm missing - or this is typical 'tard logic along the lines of: 1. Marv is old 2. KH should start because of his completion percentage 3. Miami is going to the Superbowl after beating PIT and IND in their stadiums in the playoffs Btw, I'm guessing it's the latter.
  16. = media saving face for pre-season Steelers hype.
  17. That is my sign for the next game I get to....i know it's kinda campy but for Ralph I'm guessing that is the verbal equivalent of us saying Holy Sh_t - so why not have fun with it??
  18. First of all I am trying to make HA feel better - I thought that was obvious. Or perhaps you are lacking in "cognitive capacity to comprehend"(alliteration even). HAHA! Just Kidding. But seriously, all the points you have raised happen every day. So what? You still have to get the job done. If anything, you are reinforcing my point. If any of the things you have listed are happening, you won't know if you are not listening for them. Right? It's not enough to lay out information the way you like to hear it - because you ain't the one being taught jack! Moreover, if a guy doesn't have the skills to deal with these road blocks - then the problem lies with that guy - not the people he is trying to inform. The answer is: go get the skills - don't blame the students/audience/client. In fact, it starts with caring enough about the other person to be willing to do what I am suggesting. If you start with a mindset that you will be "Dumbing Things Down" for the "clown" you are trying to work with - you have already failed. So don't waste time - fix yourself before you attempt to fix others. You might find it surprising what even a small change in a mindset can do in the situations you have laid out. As far as nit-picking goes - everyone can see that for what it is - so who cares? Nitpicking only becomes relevant depending upon how the guy getting nit-picked responds to it. A simple "Please explain how that point is relevant to this subject/issue" does the trick nicely. It forces them to either explain(you never know maybe it's actually important) - or shut up - because you control the subject and now they have to speak directly to your issue - or, if their real intention is to do damage - they now get to look dumb in front of others=nitpicking will end soon. In all cases, mission accomplished. Hope that helps And I don't want to Highjack this thread any more than it already is so PM me if you still have any interest in this stuff.
  19. Great Idea! And hey this para in particular shouts screen pass all day. Also would be a great receiver for JP on a roll out - y'know get into the space behind the Defensive line, make the OLB commit to JP(with the roll out), and then get in behind that linebacker (keep away style) - JP drops it over the LB head and there's no one to stop JR but Defensive backs - and we all saw how well that worked out for Miami last Sunday =TD for JR. You could run that with Royal and JR and have two options - they can only cover one - plus if they cover Royal you have an instant lineman type blocker already set up! Cornerbacks=die.
  20. Teaching is one part of my job. To be brutally honest your problem is the first bolded statement. When someone doesn't understand something the last thing you want to do is repeat yourself(as though they are idiots). It puts them in a "one-down" position and causes them to start blocking out what u are saying. This isn't about u - it's human nature. Rather - at that point it's time to listen - not talk. Try to figure out how they learn, and re-approach them with a new angle that specifically addresses their, not your, needs; and make sure you figure out what parts they understood and what they didn't. Tailor your next attempt based on these factors and you will see results. The second bolded statement is therefore obvious. So perhaps you feel the frustrations of BAD teachers, not good ones. I doubt anyone on this board thinks you are dumb - wrong perhaps - but not dumb. But, dont' forget that we aren't dumb either and however well formed your argument is to you - if you can't convince anyone of its merits - it's merely a waste of time.
  21. My apologies Jarthur I have corrected my post ^see above^
  22. Bump! I mean this is supposed to be fun/entertainment/sh_t we do when we not at work right??
  23. I am simply enjoying our new found sucess. I wrote a much longer post originally - you know - nailing Deluca and the others to the wall in detail as always; asking them to explain gaping holes in their reasoning; trying to be positive, etc., but I deleted it - why bother? I am having entirely too much fun seeing JP's obvious progress unfold as we predicted. I decided that the game today speaks for itself. Only an idiot or someone with an agenda(like "I don't care about facts - I don't want to admit I am wrong") wouldn't be able to truly enjoy JP's performance today. Three TDs and no INTs speak for themselves. Bottom line: it is JP, the other offensive players, Coach Jauron and his staff, and not TD, that is responsible for getting this offense finally on track. TD doesn't work here anymore. Marv does - see 2006 draft class
  24. Seeing the look on JP's face after the Lee Evans Touchdown - Priceless!(No offense to Peerless) I just have to say this again: Joey Harrington - 0.0 passer rating GO BILLS!!!!
  25. OMG what a tool. It's as if you and the rest of the tools subscribing to this line of thinking can't understand a "figure of speech"(look it up) or are too repressed to enjoy another Bills fan's experience. "And now, we will have a lecture from famed intellectual UConn James Douche who will tell us all how to behave properly at all sporting engagements. Of course James, being of the smarter than all of us class, will explain the proper way to enjoy such wonderous frivolity. "Please note that proper fan behavior does not include cheering loudly or getting out of one's seat - unless of course it is to move to allow a lady of proper station to access her's. Moving on, I must stress that under all circumstance proper sportsmanship must be observed. When one's fellows are doing well, a rigorous striking of one's fingertips against the palm of the other hand is in high order. Striking of one's cane upon the amphitheatre's flooring is also acceptable - provided that it does not offend the company one is seated around. Striking more than thrice is considered lewd. Perhaps most important - if the opponent's hired men are willing to bestow commerative articles of the day's sport - one should make an effort to show the highest form of grace in acceptance of them. One can always give the article to one's servants, children, or, in only the most base of circumstance use it as a spitoon when one is entertaining other gentleman". Class - HAH! You guys telling the rest of us about class - hysterical. Especially u AD! You know better than this which is why I am calling you out.
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