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Everything posted by OCinBuffalo

  1. That's evil but funny.
  2. That seems to be an slightly annoying habit with this guy. Instead of conceding points, or attempting to counter them, he changes the subject all the time.
  3. I forgot about that. Did you ever make it to that Johnny Cash bar? I was back in Philly last week and went there again. "Nothing left to do but smile, smile, smile"
  4. teehee. Apparently you missed the point of story above. But that's ok....
  5. Like admitting that socialism has been nothing but a colossal failure everywhere it has been tried, and, that the only places where it works are either small communities, irrelevant countries, or are being propped up by external money? (hippie communes, Sweden, Cuba) If we could only finally kill off that phony, tired, old cow we could move on to really improving this world. No one, ever. My girlfriend is on me about it suddenly, and getting married. And what does this have to do with anything? Still waiting for you to respond rationally to any of the myriad of points I have made. Let's see if you can even do one...
  6. Drinking but nowhere near drunk. If I was drunk I'd start telling you why I thought you were really a good guy, and that I don't mean to be mean, etc.
  7. Been drinking so it's intentionally funny I assure you. I am a real idiot when it comes to stuff like that. Sometimes I try to act like I know what I am doing but I have no idea. It's boring to do the same thing all the time, so I keep putting myself out there into all kinds of "alternative" stuff(no gay stuff tho). And that's fine, as long as I don't "explore" my way into a kick in the sack.
  8. No, I believe that evil corporations are conspiring to overcharge me by $12.50 for a shot they only need once, to be cured forever, of terrible diseases like polio, and I ignore the fact that by doing so I invite the onset of those very diseases. My kids are all-natural dammit and I won't contribute to the greed of evil corporations where nobody I know works, and where none of the stuff I buy comes from. Sound familiar? (and I don't have kids, btw...well, any that I know about)
  9. So you categorize it, name it, state you expectations of it, disagree with it, and won't convince anyone about it.... ....but you won't tell us why he's wrong and you won't offer anything that proves you are right. Roger. Out. What's going on here Gene?
  10. Ok, so what am I thinking of that's not called teabagging? Something similar I thought. Tea-something. In that club, a chick wearing a full leather body suit thing and a goofy hat was talking about teabagging me. I thought she was nuts, for wanting to kick me in the nuts. But I couldn't hear a damn thing in that place. Looks like I misunderstood her and might have missed out on something...or not.
  11. Buddy, I know a guy, who lives in my parent's neighborhood, who I wave to every time I am driving into their driveway (waving is annoyingly imperative in that neighborhood). He always waves back...from his Mercedes sedan, or his Mercedes SUV hauling his Bayliner to his two story house on Seneca lake , next to the winery he partly owns, so he can moor it at is private dock. All this because he figured out a way to create the very pill you are talking about, started his own company, and almost immediately sold it to one of the oil refining companies. That's the story we heard when he moved in anyway. The other close by neighbor has a very similar story, but it doesn't involve Global WarmingTM tech. So can we cut the crap on the conspiracy thing? My mother taught his kids piano for Pete's sake. The undeniable fact that remains is the rest of the world has every reason to have interest in trashing our economy, since they can never, ever, ever, compete with it on = terms. Why else would they only target us, while the #1 polluter, China, and soon-to-be #2 polluter, India, get to do whatever? If you want to stop greenhouse gasses, you start with #1, right? Let's see if you can stop obfuscating and explain to me why China and India don't have to change their green house gas emissions at all in the current ALGORE, Inc. "thinking". 9/11 proved that, even when attacked, we can still beat them, and they weren't counting on that. Global WarmingTM is their last best hope. That's not a conspiracy theory, them's the facts plain and simple. Finkle! Read this again and then ask yourself: What other position can an "authority" like Tom take, other than a position of authority? He can't un-know what he knows just to suit your political world view.
  12. Hey get in line! He's still got 5 other questions to answer before he gets to yours.
  13. ??? All I did was ask questions and this guy is either not answering them or trying to deny something we all heard. What started out as me simply trying to figure where this guy is coming from turned into him denying something I heard with my own ears, and then into me trying to figure out if he's a WGR tool or wanna-be WGR tool, or just...nuts. The worst is I'm not sure if he actually believes his own BS, or if he's a WGR hack. But if its the first one then...yikes. The only way I go near this guy is with a taser and the proper mental health employees.
  14. Was that the point before, or after, you decided that the "what Mike:) are you talking about" question was too difficult to answer? Let's see: You don't answer my simple questions, you try to deny something that all of us clearly heard, you tell me that you can't answer 3rd grade questions because they are 3rd grade questions, you ask me to provide context around Schopp's quote which you then don't acknowledge it when I do, and, of course... you spend three hours talking about wasting time. Hysterical.
  15. How Hillary Clinton of you. So, instead of focusing on what Schopp the retard said, you focus on what a poster incorrectly said? I don't care about what the poster said that was wrong, and that's not the friggin point, or the question at hand. The point is: Schopp is complaining about doing his job, whining about "having" to talk about the Bills, and I am saying "Fine, then take your "offers" and go someplace where you don't have to. Period Hysterical that I have to disclaim the "taken out of context" thing to keep you from doing it. I thought that would come in handy... He was explaining that he liked to talk about baseball and hockey more, or, he was explaining why he liked NFL Network more than ESPN and that led into talking about the draft in general, the NFL in general. (And we all get the Direct TV plug) I don't know. Is your retarded brother, the guy who was supposed to answer the questions, in the room there with you or is it activity time? He said that he can't answer my questions because he is wasting too much time denying that Schopp said that the only reason he talks about the Bills is because he has to.
  16. Answer my questions already. You keep "wasting all this time" telling us something that we all clearly heard, myself included, didn't happen. If you've got time to keep up this farcical attempt at denying reality, you've got time to answer my simple questions. Funny I haven't even begun to start bashing Schopp for his ridiculous comment today. Let's get that going starting now! Buddy, Schopp did say: "I don't care about the Bills that much. But, it's something I have to talk about because I have a job that requires me to talk about sports in Buffalo and a lot of people care about the Bills". That's almost a direct quote, short of the maybe the ums and ahhs and/or phrasing and punctuation. Go ahead and tell me I "took it out of context", I dare you. You are either: 1. an idiot 2. a homer that works for WGR Edit:3. A wanna-be worker for WGR who thinks "they are part of the show" because they call in if you are trying to deny that this the above is exactly what he said, or extremely close to it, today. Hey Mike: If you don't like talking about the Bills, then why don't you take one of those numerous offers you have to leave and go someplace where we don't expect you to talk about, oh I dunno, the N. F. L. team in THIS city? Yeah, let's spend all of our time talking about baseball teams in other cities. Like I said, it's so easy, just take one of the offers you have and go to a city with a baseball team, and then everybody's happy.
  17. So are you now saying that you can't answer questions a third grader could answer? I guarantee they can answer questions a third grader could answer. Why can't you? The questions my guy is struggling with are a little more complicated than "what mike are you talking about?" or "what to you mean when you say screening phone calls is the same?" or that terrible brain teaser "how do you know what offers Schopp(happy?) has gotten?". You have no media affiliation. Really. Then why do you talk about "when the mikes are off" and what screening phone calls is like? Were you an intern? Did you used to have media affiliation? Why would you come off like a "media guy"-->phones, mikes, etc., if you aren't one? You can't blame me for asking these questions-->I'm only asking them based on what you chose to post.
  18. Hysterical. Here I am in this thread and this guy won't answer simple questions...and then one of my people call me up to help them with how to structure insurance data properly, and they won't answer my simple f'ing questions either. Friggin irony. Why do you care if I spell it right or not? I'm not trying to be disrespectful to Mike Schopp(happy), but why do you care if I am? No Brandon doesn't say things like "I just answered the question" when he clearly didn't, and, Brandon doesn't keep trying to lamely change the subject by talking about how much time he has spent NOT answering questions. And to think, this whole terrible travesty of wasting a 1K of memory on the server could have been avoided if only you would answer my simple questions. Doubtful. If this guy is Mike Schopp, it appears that "he is not as smart as he thinks he is" comment is right on target.
  19. No, you didn't. I'll try this again; 1. What mike are you talking about? 2. Who here qualifies phone calls? How can we agree that this is the same as "Whenever anybody qualifies a post or a phone call for that matter" when none of us would know that unless we qualified phone calls? 3. Why do we care that Schop has gotten offers to leave, and how do you know that he has? 4. What does "the #1 talk show in the area" have to do with anything, other than being a marketing plug?
  20. To quote Braveheart: Answer the fing question(s). This is a message board, we obviously have the time.... Edit: and what does the bolded part mean? I don't think we qualify phone calls here. I know we are free to do tech work on this site, but I haven't heard of anybody working on VOIP.
  21. Hmm. Why tell us this? Where's the "mike" here? Where's the "mike" in general? What "mike"? How do you know what is happening when this "mike" is turned off? Just asking.... Edit: Oh, and what does "the number one talk show in the area" have to do with this? Why do we care about offers Schop has had, and how do you know that he has gotten them? Again, just asking.....
  22. Just curious: Technically a "teabagger" is the person doing the kicking...right? When I think of a teabagger I think of the leathered-up chicks I used to see come out of the S+M clubs on Bainbridge and Market in Philly. (Getting ahead of the crap that is sure to come: Yes I went in to one, once, because why not? and because they were having a "strip night", and because I like naked women...a lot. I ended up sitting next to a Wharton professor and his wife, who were there giving in to their curiosity same as me.) Anway, if teabaggers are on one side and you are on the other, then doesn't that make you the one being kicked? the submissive? I know you don't have the parts to really feel that pain, but aren't you afraid that this most recent attempt at lame namecalling by the rapidly shrinking(both in terms of power and #s = Obama just ignored you-->again, you better start getting used to it) far-left can be turned around on you? For example: "Teabagger" could get turned into a cartoonish super hero chick(big boobs, of course) who goes around kicking wasteful spenders and taxers where it counts. Hell I could do it in a few days...it's not like I don't know how to write Flash code, but I would need help with the art. I think that would be a hysterical Flash game. You could have a "boss" at the end of each level like Biden saying ridiculous things that sap your "health bar", Pelosi who is able to cover her azz/muffin and deflect your kicks, Bush who is able to throw things at you that start out good if you get to them fast enough, but turn into schit/instant death if you don't, and Cheney who is able to pop up out of nowhere and steal all your "mana".
  23. Yeah, you're explanation, which: 1. doesn't explain how this has happened before on this planet when men didn't exist 2. directly contradicts multiple laws of physics 3. pretends that these little sh------- countries AREN'T going to benefit huge from its precepts 4. allows China/Inida to become the biggest polluters and doesn't punish them at all because we don't want to hinder THEIR economic development-->which implies ours can go to hell is a much better adherence to Occam's Razor principles than mine. Yes it is. Read the original post. Not letting any scientist come in to present a reasonable case against man made Global warming is the best example of Scientologist behavior there is. Ha! As if you would believe anything that your "faith" says is wrong. I might as well be showing proof that Jesus didn't exist to an evangelist baptist. Let's assume I did, and I came back with incontrovertible proof the Sun/magnetic shifts etc. was responsible for the increasing temps. Would you go around and apologize to everyone for contributing to this hysteria? Would you go around and admit that the hysteria was largely used for political gain? Would scold Environtologists for crying wolf...again?(Last time it was an ice age.) Of course you wouldn't. And here's my most important question: If I had proof and could show it to you, would it change anything in that small, addled brain of yours? Of course not. You wouldn't accept my proof and tell me that I made it up, that I work for oil companies, that I'm militarist, corporate a-hole, and most importantly you would tell me that I am trying to "suppress" your views, your "science". Then you'd classify me as a "suppressive person" just like the Scientologists do, and go after me with lawyers, personal attacks, etc. They funny part is you have already exhibited this behavior in this thread, especially with with your "Global Warming-denier" moniker. You are already prepared to treat huge segments of the population as "them", and there is no finer example of Scientologist, or any other cult, behavior. Hint: Making up names for whole segments of the population(you) is the paranoid behavior here, pal, not simply doing a proper economic analysis(me). My entire argument is get ALL the science together, period, not just the science that suits this OBVIOUS political agenda. My point is simple: separate from the OBVIOUS political agenda, there may actually be a real threat here. Let's deal with the realities and the required solutions, not the OBVIOUS political agenda and the WISHES of the environtologists.
  24. Because they are the ones who get the guests who I do want to listen to. I just tune out Schop and prefer to look at Bulldog's ramblings as amusement, kind of like watching a little kid trying to figure out how to reach the cookies.
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