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Everything posted by OCinBuffalo

  1. I think everyone is missing the main point: the guy has to keep things moving on that show because more than anything else, he is about RATINGS, not ideology. This is why he is #1 and MSNBC is in the toilet. They can't get off their ideology long enough to actually be: interesting, or, dare I say...entertaining? Also: He interrupts/creates conflict because that's an instant cue for us psychologically. We may be inclined to only half pay attention while we are watching, or start doing something else, flip around, etc. We expect someone to say something, and they start talking and soon we start to think of something else...and suddenly out of nowhere somebody interrupts, or confronts them. You immediately want to know why, and will stop whatever else you are doing and pay attention until you find out. Suffice it to say that it's inherent in how our brains work from the caveman days. O'Reilly is very effective at these and other tried and true communication tactics, and his ratings prove it. Sometime just for fun, see if you can do something else while watching his show...and how well, and/or how much of it you get done by the end.
  2. HE IS SUPPOSED TO BE HOLDING HIMSELF TO THE HIGHER STANDARD HE GOT ELECTED ON...DUMBASS! Were you even paying attention during the election or too busy having Obama's speeches summarized, censored and approved for you by MoveOn.org? Slowly and using small words: The guy got himself elected specifically by promising sweeping change to Washington politics (cue cheers). This is not that sweeping change. In fact this is going out of your way to stay the same, especially on something that you could have easily changed. Seems phony to me and everyone else capable of reason and still in possession of their common sense. And for Pete's sake: stop trying to justify one person's bad behavior by talking about somebody else's. It's friggin childish. Future "I voted for change before I voted against it" Hits we have to look forward to: 1. No change in Guantanamo Bay 2. No change in energy policy 3. No change in the tax code 4. No change in health care....other than throwing money at terrible IT systems (cough, campaign contributors, cough) and making sure that data you don't want shared is now available to everyone in the country(insurance companies and trial lawyers. Can't wait until Odumbass realizes that his plan now makes the fact that a woman in California had 2 abortions available to good old boy doctors and nurses in Oklahoma and Texas. ) 5. No change in deficit spending 6. And my personal favorite, No real change in either war we are fighting, one because we have already won...but Obama won't admit it, and the other, because Obama will keep screwing around and taking even more prisoners we can't house anywhere but Guantanamo, instead of going in and putting all those mad dogs down.
  3. On the subject of your link: Hey look! Another d-bag using the word "courageous" where it doesn't belong! Hey they even threw in the word "honor"! One more example of the phony alternate reality these dumbasses believe in. There's absolutely nothing "courageous" about modifying your body for superficial reasons. If there is, then Pam Anderson deserves the Medal of Honor. And don't give me the psychobabble, because again, I will refer you to Pam Anderson. I bet her self esteem went WAY up after rocking out those babies on Baywatch....too bad it did nothing for her self-respect.
  4. Thread Summary: The phony, "outrage" factory that we have had to endure for the last 7.5 years or so has apparently hit the wall. When you have so many posters who usually go at each other day after day AGREEING on the obvious affectation necessary for one to post crap like this, well, it's over...just like I told Molson it would be. Sorry Molson, wrong again. It's just too bad it has taken this long for some to see just how phony these people are, and that they will say literally anything, as evidenced by this thread, if they think that some how they are advancing their BS "cause". Succinctly, I wouldn't be surprised if PastaJoe is praising himself right now for being "courageous" in "telling us the truth that we are 'too dumb' to see". All Joe's heroes have been doing it...essentially spewing unsubstantiated nonsense i.e. "the surge didn't work", "the war is lost", "the CIA didn't tell me"...creating an alternate reality. Then, screaming names at us like racist/warmonger/chicken hawk/homophobe/Nazi when we refuse to believe in this manufactured reality because we are still fully capable of using our own eyes, ears and brain. (I know Joe, if only we would stop doing that and listen to you, because you know what's best for us, and we are killing the planet... ) See the point is that these folks have long ago given up common sense and reason in favor of servile fawning and strict adherence to ideology. Why? Because common sense and reason will always lead them to taking responsibility for themselves and leading their own lives instead of having someone do it for them, and, they always lead AWAY from their ideology. Why should any of us be shocked when the avoidance of common sense and reason produce posts like these? Edit: I forgot "wingnut". And, Bad Lieutenant still babbling about Timothy McViegh will probably follow this post sooner or later. I'll save us time: Bad Lieutenant, don't bother posting, just focus on your mopping...left..right...left...right...I'll leave you to it.
  5. I think it's funny that you specifically disclaimed people from simply saying JauronBad without providing any reasonable refutation of your points, and then they said JauronBad anyway. No need to quote, you know who you are. I also think it's funny that apparently whether or not a marketing guy is the GM passes, for some posters, as a reasonable counter argument to a clear and correctly done statistical comparison of play on the field. Nothing like comparing apples to ...Stalin... I also think that blaming one person for a clear downward trend in turnovers, one year to the next, in a team sport, is just as ridiculous as Kelly says it is.
  6. Minor interruption: We got Steve Johnson for Kelly Holcomb...Sorry, idiot rookie posters may now continue starting 20 threads a day telling us how the Bills FO are complete idiots regarding everything, every day, all the time.
  7. Regarding the hurry up offense's effect on it's team's defense: Look the whole concept is to score quickly and put the other team's offense in pass mode. If you have a 14-0 lead in the 1st quarter, you stop the other team's running game by default. Then, you get a ball-hawking, risk taking, anti-pass defense that is going to blitz every other down and hope to create turnovers, which feed the hurry up offense great field position and hopefully it's 28-0 by halftime. There is no finer example of this game plan than the 51-3 Raiders beating. The problem is: if the other team's offense gets the ball, runs for 3.5 yards a play and scores a TD on the first drive of the game, taking 10 minutes off the clock, NOW the hurry up, even if it scores, puts your defense on the field 2-3 minutes later. There is no finer example of this game plan than what happened in the SB game after the Raider game. The big problem with the hurry up offense is not the hurry up offense. The big problem is putting a one dimensional defense on the field to complement it, especially if that defense is lazy against the run. The "bend don't break" defense, and let's face it, the pass-only offenses of the AFC in the early 90's meant that the Bills were used to playing with a two TD lead = jump routes and blitz because who cares? They hardly ever played a boring, NFC, 3 yards and boring, team. Did I mention they were boring? There was a reason NFL was called the "No Fun League" in the late 80's/ early 90's. But, using a boring 3 yard running play, 5 yard passing play, game plan was effective against the Bills hurry up: the game only lasts 60 minutes. If games were played for 90 minutes, or even 75, there's no way that boring-ass Frankenstein football ever beats the hurry-up. But since the games only last 60 minutes, it can be used to bore the hell out of us and sometimes win. What I think is interesting is: Dick Jauron is the full embodiment of boring ass old-school NFC football. I would love to know what is going on in his head when he sees all these "crazy hurry-up goings on".
  8. This is why I said "It's all bad". I think is safe to assume that all rational, reasonable people in NY know that the parties are irrelevant and that public employee unions have corrupted the entire system. Six months ago: "Yeah, so lets get more public employees, giving the unions more power, and really see how f'ed up things can get!!!!" Until, again, reason and accountability showed up, as they are always bound to do, and knocked this ridiculous hubris back, at least one step anyway. How else can you explain what happened? The word "coup" isn't right here. It's not a "coup" when you have a majority of Senators. It's not a coup when you have a vast majority of NYS residents. But that's the word that is being used because the far-left is being significantly challenged here. Hey NY: it's about friggin time! It's not a coup when a small minority of dumbasses with way to much power, who have consistently failed, get kicked out of office. It's the will of the majority, the exact opposite of a coup.
  9. It's not just "the right" that ignores it...or want to maintain that illusion. Labor unions, community organizers, accounting firms, tax lawyers, lawyers in general, Holy God, large corporations... It's not about one political party. The tax code, and changing the tax code, is how politicians raise money for their campaigns. This is why you will see so many people on both sides against a flat tax, corporate or personal. Not to mention that it would put legions of accountants out of work, and they have a ton of money and their lobbyists too. Look I have been dealing with this issue for a long time, and it's not as clear cut, cause and effect as you may think. This is usually as much about "whipping the slaves" as it is about the taxes you have to pay on them. For a very, very long time software companies have trying to find every way possible to not be dependent on programmers. I know. It doesn't make sense. But try telling that to sales and marketing people who are now managers, who have never written a line of code in their life. "Idiot with idiot plan" doesn't even come close: look at Vista. Yeah India did swell on that one What happened to Microsoft Home Server? Since those foreign programmer "masterpieces", why is it that you see Americans working on Natal exclusively? How else do you define "in-house" there Microsoft? People don't like programmers because they know things most people won't ever know, and they tend to be a lot smarter than most people. People especially don't like American programmers because we aren't "just happy to be here on a work visa". We are fairly likely to tell you you are an idiot, quit and get a 10k raise someplace else. Being dependent on someone who is smarter than you, knows more about the material than you do, and isn't going to tolerate any BS from you is an unsettling feeling for the weak project managers out there. For every strong one, you will find 7 weak ones, and that's the root cause of all these problems. Every time the government does something stupid, or suggests that it might, software companies send some programming jobs overseas, or threaten that they might. This keeps the slaves they are dependent on somewhat in line for fear of losing their jobs with no backup plan. It represents the only real power they have over programmers. So just like with the tax rate, there's a lot more to this than bumper sticker logic.
  10. I liked the part where Smith believes that the public will be outraged by all this. Hy-f'ing-sterical. The beatings we routinely take every payday have pretty much sapped whatever outrage we might have mustered there buddy. Perhaps you can force a bunch of union employees to form a "protest"? And why not? Don't they "owe"? Wake up and smell it already: They and their union bosses are the reason you are in this mess to begin with there Smith. It's all bad. It always will be. Time to break free of this eternal corruption. Until then, don't look for anyone other than state employees to be "outraged". It looks like reason and accountability have invaded Albany. Bad day for the far left and the union bosses.
  11. Yes, and of course I meant your handle specifically. Wait...you're an obvious troll! Coming here with your damn facts and rational arguments. You ruin my unrealistic expectations and totally biased arguments every time!!!!
  12. Seriously. I have been away for a bit. I come back and read through the first 2 pages of threads to see what I missed and I can't help noticing a pattern. In fact I haven't seen 1 new thread started by a new poster that isn't negative to the point of ridiculousness. This has been going on for the last few weeks.... Examples: 1. TO's house having something to do with anything? Hint: I think he's used to controversy and people wanting to avoid the standard controversy both he and ESPN et al creates for him. How does this = "see I told you so about TO"? 2. The Bills suck because (insert some logically vacant and/or factually vacant argument here) Hint: Since when do real TBDers make massive factual errors?-->not knowing our players? Consistent errors...in all these threads? I can hear the jokes coming, but seriously, even the average rookie poster here at least gets the players right...almost all of the time. 3. Wood and Levitre haven't made the pro bowl yet? Hint: Every real NFL fan knows that you don't start evaluating rookies in OTAs. You wait until they've played in some preseason games, and even wait to see them in 4-5 regular season games before you START to make any kind of real evaluation. Why is the OTA standard being applied to the Bills here? You don't see us running around saying "Sanchez sucks", etc. Why aren't these rookies also posting threads saying "we have nothing to worry about because Sanchez hasn't beat out Clemens yet"? Also, we know our typical handles here, and none of these folks are even close. Ask yourself, would you ever settle on: BB Fan 4 LIFE? Doubtful. Even "Bildo" had a supposed rational explanation for that handle. (which I still think is hysterical, even though I haven't hung out with any janitors or volunteer fireman lately). With most of the handles here, thought was involved. Most of these new handles seem a little too obvious to me. Just saying, one possible explanation for this is that we have a lot of "new fans" here that aren't real fans, just merely bored Pats*, etc. fans who are expressing their fear of the potential of our new team by registering and attempting, poorly, to haze us. IIRC this happened around the same time last year as well....
  13. Rabble, rabble, rabble! This is all marketing crapola. Russ Brandon at it again! Rabble, rabble, rabble!
  14. Yes, now if we can only get Schumer and "legally blonde" girl to repeat that 5 times each night before they go to bed.....
  15. Why do you need a book for that? Hows about: 1. Don't do it. It solves exactly nothing. 2. Whatever effect you might think it will have on people...divide that by 50 and you might be in the ballpark 3. You are a giant puszy( f you filter) 4. Instead of this, spend some time at your local nursing home, and see just how precious life really is....to the non #3s of the world. Better yet, volunteer, and learn something from people who have done a better job, because they aren't dead, than you have at life. Learn from the pros... 5. If you really are that empty and that self-absorbed, go ahead and get it over with. The last thing we need is one more selfish a-hole in this country. Look, that was easy, and I didn't need a whole book to do it. Disclaimer: Not one of you had better lecture me about friends and suicide....not a good plan for you.
  16. Disclaimer: Long post, but I tried to make it worth the read.... I have lived everywhere in my life. But, for one year, I lived in Buffalo as a supposed 1st grader, specifically on Highgate (street or avenue, I have no clue, and I don't care). That year was a "welcome to the real world" year for my sorry ass 7 year old existence. These were the days of "take 1 smart white boy and 1 smart white girl and bus their asses downtown because their example will set the tone for the rest of the black kids". I was the elementary "example" to be followed. (I can just see Kelly TFBD and the rest of the Obama lap dogs saying: why oh why did we send this idiot?) Answer: This is what happens when we let dumbass liberals "go wild". You think I'm kidding? Check out the theory of "inclusion" right here. Look, even an idiot understands that in 1978 a little, skipped a grade, d-bag like myself was not going to get all the black kids in the school to start taking an interest in doing math. Especially not Montessori math. And this was way before I was even kind of good at sports. We had just moved from Korea and all I knew was soccer....poorly. And there was this OJ guy.... As a necessity, I suddenly took on a strong interest in learning how to fight. I became, and for the rest of my life, really, really good at it, to my and my subsequent opponent's, great displeasure. But also, I found out that I could only whip the entire class so many times. I was suddenly "enlightened". I realized that I watched Randy Smith play basketball....the same as the rest of the boys. I realized that the only way I would ever have anything in common with anybody at that school was by talking about sports. More importantly, I realized that if us boys were talking sports, all the girls were told to STFU and get out of the way. Girls, then as now, were the root cause of most of my troubles. Mostly this had to do with my "peers" singing the Buffalo Braves song, which would always mean we would play with our pretend basketball, and they would have to step aside. For the youngins, you were cool if you could sing this song while you made a decent "move", with the "ball", to the basket: Buffalo...(bump, bump, bump).........Braves Buffalo...(bump, bump, bump).........Braves Just imagine Randy Smith pulling a power move on the "Buffalo" part, then pulling back to get the D help out of position on the "bump, bump, bump" part, shooting, and the ball going in on the "Braves" part of the song. And then they would "automagically" put up his stats on the screen. Swear to God, Randy Smith, in his own way, did more for me than is fathomable for most people...unless you were ever a "magnet kid". (My dad went to Bishop Duffy with Calvin Murphy....but that is another story.) I never knew the man, and I still don't care. But, my eternal interest in sports, and the value I place on being able to talk sports with anyone, anywhere, all started with Randy Smith. RIP Brother. Your ability and the theme song kept me out of more serious trouble that year...until we moved to Cleveland.
  17. Me too. Fairchild knew the writing was on the wall. How else does he end up going to his alma mater? Awfully convenient to be a coincidence. Exactly right. I hate the statement "he's a good boss/coach because he treats everybody the same". That would be great, if we are talking about literally doing the same job, like picking oranges, or shoveling schit. It makes no sense in white collar work, and it's ridiculous in sports. You treat your stars like stars, your scrubs like scrubs. You encourage the scrubs, and teach them to get better, but you don't forget that it's the stars that do the winning for your team, because they won't. And what's worse, "treating everybody the same" is the ultimate in lazy management. It assumes that people are the same, when they clearly aren't, and therefore allows the lazy manager to simply manage to the lowest common denominator. Each coach should be looking to engage each player and tailor their approach accordingly, not simply yelling the same tired ass platitudes at the whole group, day in and day out. Kollar has always struck me as a "treat everybody the same" coach. I picked up on this at training camp, and I could tell that it wasn't effective at all: half the guys were ignoring him, the other half were frustrated by him. Exactly zero were motivated by him. It's not that he was wrong, it's that he wasn't coaching, period. He was just yelling the same thing over and over, regardless of what was happening. I could set up an Ipod w/ speakers and accomplish the same thing.
  18. While he might like Freddy, I think he also likes periods, commas, grammar, etc. Edit: I agree on your point though. My guess is Fred is going to have a special year.
  19. For the first ten seconds of that website. Now that I have stopped laughing. Hot chicks getting owned seems to be a new thing in advertising, the thinking must be to extend it to the arena football field. But, the first time a bra comes off its all over. There's no doubt this is funny, but also there's no doubt that it's stupid as well.
  20. I'm liking the attitude from Maybin. I also like the intensity. Team thinking is for the season. In the off-season and camp, it's about offense vs. defense and you go after them with everything until the season starts. Edit: We are worried about our O tackles right? The best way to sort that out is to have Maybin take a run at each of them, over and over, and see who does what. We need to have the eventual starters at O tackle separate themselves from the rest of the group, consistently. Containing Maybin and Schobel is a great way to do that. And, those two DEs are as good as anybody else we are going to see all season, so it's a good benchmark for us as well.
  21. uh oh, this looks to be this week's 20 pager... ...and that would be gay. What? This thread would then be: wanton. gay /geɪ/ [gey] adjective, -er, -est, noun, adverb  4. licentious; dissipated; wanton: The baron is a gay old rogue with an eye for the ladies. See this old guy likes girls, but he is still taking a wanton, or reckless, approach, much like the posters in this thread, who could therefore also be called: gay.
  22. Day 2 OTA link here: Link
  23. It's such a simple concept, but apparently so difficult to grasp. What's the worst TO can do? 1. Make us go 7-9 or worse? IF that happens DJ is fired and we get a better draft spot. 2. Get DJ fired? Both of them have to perform this year, or both are done. 3. Start trouble for Edwards? Sorry, but the QB in Buffalo needs to be a tough S.O.B., regardless of who he is. The weather, the division, the fans, demand it. The worst that happens is Edwards takes a mental beating, and he either has to improve because of it, or go someplace else. 4. Screw up the team? He's only here for one year, and historically year 1 is not when he starts his trouble.
  24. About 2 years ago, one of my guys walked in to the conference room we were working in and amongst other things, mentioned that he had recently signed up for the movie package on cable, Cinemax, Showtime, etc., and was complaining that it wasn't so great. Then he said: "So yeah, I've been watching a lot of gay porn lately". He instantly stopped...and then ran out of the room as we howled.
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