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Hugo Chavez: US Navy Caused Haiti Earthquake
OCinBuffalo replied to /dev/null's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Where's that French dude who is fond of defending this guy? Yes, I was wrong to say that this guy is a direct threat to our national security. And, since we are causing earthquakes with our weather machine...Chavez is now fully justified in massively, supporting narco-terror(read: socialist revolutionaries ) in South America, working with Iran, buying offensive weapons and destabilizing the region, and basically whatever the f else he has been doing/saying for the last 10 years. Seriously, where's the Frenchie? This should be good. -
Ahh yes, there it is.... I have been thinking of 2006 a lot lately. I remember living in Center City when those elections happened. It was surreal, as if all the problems of the world were suddenly instantly solved because the Democrats took over Congress. I have a feeling that we are going to see this a lot from liberals over the next 2 years: pretending that it's still 2006. Which is no surprise, since prior to that, most of them had been pretending it was still 1965. Instead of dealing with the reality of today: less than 21% of Americans call themselves "liberals", a Republican Senator just gave them a Mass. kicking, and now their media is in serious decline, and, since they can't blame Bush anymore....it seems we are soon to be treated to a whole lot of name-calling, blaming everybody else, and yes, denial of what is happening right now in favor or pretending like it's still the bad old days of 2006-09. I mean honestly what is it going to take for you guys in the far-left to realize that hardly anybody in the country agrees with you? That's right, the same # of people that believe in Alien abduction believe in your ideas. What's it going to take for you to get the concept that if you want ANY of your agenda taken seriously, you have to work/compromise with others? Why? Because we are Americans, and we know BS when we smell it, and especially when we are asked to eat it(Global Warming, Socialist Health Care Reform, Net Neutrality)
Yes, we need another massive group of government employees who have lifetime job security/benefits, regardless of whether they do their jobs properly or not While we are at it, lets make it impossible to restructure the TSA and allow it to respond quickly to new tactics when necessary....because we have to keep the same org chart as part of the current union contract/pay scale. And, even better, let's make it near impossible to fire TSA agents that don't get the job done, because hey, their right to their jobs is more important than our right to live, the union says so. Of course we should allow the TSA to unionize...while we are at it, let's let the FBI, CIA, NSA, and the military unionize as well. Not supporting this unionization means you are immoral!
Add to that: Clinton stole a bunch of Republican ideas, via Dick Morris triangulation, and then he and the Republicans in Congress were competing with each other to see who could cut more needless spending. And, also add to that: I didn't mind the tax increase that Clinton was able to pass because, for once, it was done based on the economy, and not on ideology. The economy was booming too fast, and instead of letting inflation get out of hand, he reduced the money supply, which also had the added benefit of, almost, balancing the budget. In addition, the $ Clinton/Gingrich, etc. did spend went to things like adult education, which significantly boosted the # of IT people, something we desperately needed. In fact the only bad thing that came out of those years was Donahoe, and, cutting the CIA/Defense budget way too much -> 9/11 What does all of the above have in common? They are common sense solutions to real problems. Common sense is something that is completely missing from the current policies and legislation being proposed.
This is part of the problem as well: for every drunk doctor story you tell me, I can tell you a parasite lawyer story. We can trade these stories back and forth into tomorrow, and solve nothing. My lawyer is fond of calling what he does a "cost of doing business". Since when? What value does that add to what I provide my clients? to what a Doc does? Plaintiff Lawyers on the whole keep suing for more and more money, which in turn demands more and more billable hours to defend against lawsuits. This is a closed system, and has absolutely nothing to do with the cost of doing business, in any business, mine or a health care provider's. IF it was, then I should be able to limit my client's liability, thus adding value to what I do, and reduce their insurance rates. I have spoken to the insurance companies and surprise, surprise, they won't even consider it, because they have to keep paying their lawyers. Any REAL cost of doing business, for me, for a doc, for a hospital, etc. should be able to be reduced based on innovation, reduction of service/product provided, or reorganization. Legal fees cannot be reduced by any of these means, therefore, by definition, they CANNOT be a cost of doing business because they have nothing to do with the business itself. They are not part of the health care "system", yet they have a massive effect on that system? We can't have it both ways. If lawyers want to participate in the health care business, then their rates MUST be subject to the same regulations as everyone else. When Medicare sends down a ruling reducing reimbursement rates for a certain health care service, that's it, there is an appeal process, but, good f'ing luck with that. As a result, health care providers have to adjust their costs accordingly. I see no reason why we can't apply the very same regs to lawyers and lawyer fees in health care. If CMS was empowered to regulate lawyers the same as they are able to regulate providers, then the playing field would be level. Certainly no one can make the case that lawyers are MORE responsible/LESS likely to be dubious doing their jobs compared to providers. Then, the lawyers would have a choice, continue to participate as a full and equal member of the health care system, or, seek life elsewhere. The good ones, who have a real track record, and are able to survive based on the merits of their work, would be just fine. The bad ones would be gone. I guarantee you would cut the cost of insurance by at LEAST 20% in the first year of implementing legal regulations. Its simply a numbers game: you reduce the # of lawyers = you reduce the # of mouths to feed = you reduce the # of nonsense lawsuits = you reduce the liability of insurance companies = you reduce rates = you reduce health care cost. We have a shortage of DOCTORS/NURSES, not Lawyers, in health care. Steps need to be taken to increase the latter and decrease the former, and anyone who can't see this is either a fool, or a schill for the trial attorneys.
No response for 1.5 hours.... This is the real problem: all we have been hearing for the last 10 years is what is wrong. And, now that it's time to solve problems, instead of just define them, nobody has anything to say, or, they want pandering/hand out solutions that do more vilifying than solving. Fundamentally, its a heck of a lot easier to complain than to actually participate in the process. We all know this. It seems clear, to me anyway, that the current, self-imposed condition the Democrats find themselves in has everything to do with complaining for 10 years, and then not being able to get the job done when they get their chance. They had a chance to do the right things right. Instead, they CHOSE to make this a one-sided, punishment campaign. And, nobody likes that. They are in the process of chewing up all the good will/credibility they had. Consider: The health care bill would have been a much easier thing to pass if it had 2 things: 1. Tort Reform 2. Interstate competition Why doesn't it? What is wrong with these 2 simple and fundamental reforms that scream "common sense"? Because the trial lawyers own the Democrats, and, because a lot of unions OWN the health insurance companies in a lot of instances. Why do you think they aren't taxing the union health care plans? They don't want real competition because they would lose money/be run out of the business. This means that they aren't here to create REAL solutions to REAL problems. And that's why your question can't be answered by political people. They aren't going to work for a holistic solution that asks some from every group, and gives something out to each group as well. The Democrats proved that it's far easier to sit on the sidelines, complain about everything every day, all the time, and then eventually re-gain power....Now, the Republicans are doing the same thing. The real enemy here isn't the people...it's the tactics they employ. We need to wise up and see the tactics for what they are, punish those who use them(kinda like how we punished Molson Golden, and are currently punishing conner ), and reward those that don't.
and that will be wrong because I only roll with the bloods. Look, I have no idea what your issues are, but, whatever they are, they aren't going to be solved by "getting" my drunk ass at 6 am on PPP. Although I do appreciate the entertainment. And, if you really have the flu, I hope you are feeling better. Now, I need to hit the sack or I will get the flu.
Ahh, but the difference is: I won't. The fact that it would prove what I am saying about your insecurity doesn't matter. It's a PM. And, you are correct. It was only one. I will have to go back and fix that...been having trouble adding "e"s and "s"s to things I type lately. I stand corrected.
What? No seriously, what? What the f is this? "I am sick, so, that's the reason nobody else is responding on the board at 6 am on a Saturday, and, I am kicking your ass?" It's about time you and the crickets have a conference. Whatever you have convinced yourselves of thusfar...it's time for a re-think.
And, this means...what exactly? Once again, we see you can't stay on the issue, and instead have to start talking about me. But, I am the one making this about me. Right. Look, you have an insecurity problem, as evidenced by this thread and your lame, 6 am PM(not plural ) talking about your vocation. I assure you that I am the least of your troubles. Jesus, if there ever was a time to say: Get a grip, and hopefully have that advice take hold, that time is now.
Do you even know what time it is? It oh dark 30 in the morning...and you are calling <crickets>? Who the f are you expecting to be here? I was gonna pass out, but now you have me laughing. Crickets? WTF? Why don't you start by telling me which of the 1-5 consistently, to the point of ridiculousness, hence the immunization, DIDN'T happen? Me and the rest of the crickets await your response.
Yes, you need to get a grip on reality and come to terms with the fact that, Derangement Syndrome, whether it is Bush, Palin or OCinPhilly is still Deragement Syndrome..... So, leave it all, and get a grip.
Yes, the Democrats and the media: 1. Never called Reagan stupid 2. Never called Reagan out of touch 3. Never called Reagan a lightweight on foreign policy 4. Never called Reagan inexperienced 5. Never called Reagan dangerous and...most importantly, Never had an ongoing obsession with repeating 1-5 from the time he switched parties right through his presidency, right up to the time that: that pesky wall came down and the Soviet Union collapsed, and they all had to get a grip on reality once and for all. You're right. I am drunk and none of these things happened, and therefore, they sure can't happen again. Again, Get a Grip.
Sober, drunk, you still haven't explained when and where this board designated you Mr. Policeman. Under my skin? Buddy, now who is self-absorbed? Is that your goal? Really? Ok. Let's be clear: me having fun with your obvious insecurity.....means you aren't anywhere near me, or my skin. Get a grip.
Soooo.... It's no longer Bush Derangement Syndrome...now its Palin Derangement Syndrome? ....or.... is it merely Derangement Syndrome? How about just Derangement? How on God's green earth this poor woman from Alaska generates this much....fear? irrationality? nonsense? and definitely, obsession, is beyond me. I bet I could go for 3 months straight without even thinking about Palin...but, alas, I can't, because every time I turn around I have some leftist bringing her up all over again. Mark my words: if they keep doing this, they are going to immunize Palin. And then, when nothing ever sticks to her anymore, what will they do? These idiots did the same thing to Reagan, and he ended up not only being President, but a darn good one. He/we heard it so often, he/we just didn't care what they said anymore. They don't seem to understand that they are about 75% of the way to doing the very same thing with Palin. ....and of course, if it the succeed in immunizing Palin, thus getting her elected, it will be everybody else's fault.
Now this is hysterical.... Right, I am a lemming....(lets's make this extra-personal )I didn't start my own company and physically throw my laptop at the partner on the way out, nah, I stayed at Price Waterhouse and now am an IBM employee. Because, as you know, IBM is full of independent thinkers...they even have a Global Horsechit commercial that says so. You attack me personally....but, I am the one making things about myself. Right. Ok, who do you want this to be about instead? Dick Cheney? Let's pretend my name is Ron Mexico, this way, when Ron Mexico says you are full of schit, and you attack him personally, it won't be about me, it will be about him. Problem solved. Dumbass solution to dumbass Booster's problem....now that's pathetic. Yawn. Why talk about things in the abstract if you have deep personal knowledge of what is happening? Isn't that why we do this? If there is a legal question here, don't 15 lawyers end up having a debate? Docs, same? Magox and GG's infinite CFO/financial planner/Economics 110 sessions? I always enjoy seeing how much people know about a topic, and God forbid, learning a thing or two. So, if I have deep personal knowledge about a particular topic, I am not allowed to say it because... you said so... WTF? No buddy, you can't hang with me on the topics that I know cold, you know it, and, instead of dealing with it, you try to distort that into "but...but...but you shouldn't talk about this personally". Blow it out your ass.
"No domestic terror attacks under Bush"
OCinBuffalo replied to PastaJoe's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
And which party would that be? I have never registered as anything. -
Poor Gene...he is confused once again. Gene can't read this, but somebody should tell him that "nobody paying attention" is the not the same thing as the media sticking its head in the sand, and only 20% of the country doing its level best to wish the teabaggers away. Um, no, Gene, the Teabaggers have ALREADY had significant quantifiable impact on elections, and that impact is continuing to occur, for example, in the Republican primary in Florida. Rubio is the tea party guy, and he is beating the "establishment" Republican by 8 points..... I keep telling Gene to stop trying to play the "high minded intellectual"...because he keeps getting himself entangled by the facts. He's better off sticking to mindless name calling, that is more his speed. ...and pie throwing, don't forget pie throwing.
That's right...all of this is my fault...not the idiots you idiots put in charge. I just get done talking about Democrats blaming other people for their stupid choices, and...you immediately make this about me and not about the those stupid choices? Thanks for underscoring my point. You talk about responsibilities: Is there a finer example of not being responsible than the recent near attack, and then saying "the system worked"? It's called accountability, but in your "everybody is a victim, and nobody is personally responsible, that's the government's job" mentality, I am pretty sure you are going to continue to struggle with this concept. Obama, and all the rest of his people, have been trying to pretend that we aren't fighting a real war...since 9/11. Now, they are in charge, and now they have deal with reality...not political expedience. Sorry dudes, now you have to do the right things right.....and that is going to be extremely challenging given your mentality.
Great question...and the fact that they won't answer it....is the reason it will be everybody else's fault when they lose Congress in 2010. The fact is: we are at war. Not WWII, John Wayne, throw grenades from your hip and spit out coffee war, no, asymmetrical, hide the RPGs behind the women and children war. In this one sense, I am glad Obama is President....because apparently he is the only jackass that can get the other jackasses to deal with reality. But here's the best question: why, oh why, do we ever let jackasses be in charge? of anything? ever? Isn't one round of Jimmy f'ing Carter enough...why make it 2?
"No domestic terror attacks under Bush"
OCinBuffalo replied to PastaJoe's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Ahh I love it when we have ALL the retards singing in unison....so lets run with it.... the wheels on the short bus go round and round, round and round... The dipschit Micheal Moore says there is no terrorist threat, no terrorist threat, no terrorist threat, all during his movie. The dipschit Democrats go clap, clap, clap...clap, clap, clap...clap, clap, clap, The dipschit Democrats go clap, clap, clap, even though shoe bomber happened. Now the Democrats say bad, bad, bad...bad, bad, bad...bad, bad, bad, when Rudy forgets the shoe bomber. Where were the Dems when Moore spewed his crap, spewed his crap, spewed his crap? Where were the Dems when Moore spewed his crap? Getting themselves elected... They want us to forget they said, "the war is lost", "the war is lost", "the war is lost" They want us to forget they said "the war is lost", now that the Dems have to fight it. Why should we listen to coward's crap, coward's crap, coward's crap? Why should we listen to coward's crap, when they have all been wrong? (The Surge mother f_ucker! I am now eternally right and you are now eternally wrong about that, your own community organizer has said so....now deal with it, you cowards, for the rest of your weak ass lives, oh and STFU) Remind me again why we elected this Congress, elected the Congress Remind me again why we elected this Congress, just so they can suck. I could go on for 3 more pages, 3 more pages, 3 more pages I could go on for 3 more pages, I dare you to run your mouth -
Transparancy and Bipartisanship
OCinBuffalo replied to /dev/null's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Ahh....so if its possible that the Democrats playing politics with the Iraq war is a good thing, since according to you, they turned out to be right.... then... it must also be possible that the Republicans playing politics with the Economy/Global Horseschit/Health Care is also a good thing, since they may also turn out to be right... or....are you just completely full of schit like so many here seem to think? You must really be hating my Course II teacher right now...because he demanded we learn logic and apply it. -
I am not discounting it. Look you have to be good at it all, all three phases of the game, etc. What I am after here is the tired old mantra that the entire NFL has always and will always revolve around running and stopping the run. This mindset gets you beat today = Dolphins/Jets. WE, of all teams, were able to beat both of them because on those days, their passing games were generally worse than ours. The biggest reason the Jets made the playoffs, barely, is that they have an elite anti-pass defense. It's really that simple. Wait until draft time: and you will hear the same old tired arguments. ....ok....but, success in the NFL also depends on innovation. There may be some merit, if all teams are trying to get better at pass defense, to come out with some new form of the running game, that catches them with the wrong body types on the field = wildcat, etc. However, we also have to remember that this is not hockey, possession doesn't change that fast, and you have to be able to score quickly = pass. Again, the Dolphins/Titans have a great running game, but, the biggest reason they lost so many games is: they couldn't stage comebacks and they can't go punch for punch with a high-powered offense. Edit: The #1 ranked passing team = Texans, was able to stage a comeback against the Patriots the last game of the season.
Well, considering that the Colts and Chargers, who are and have been consistently the best offenses in the league,rank 32nd and 31st respectively in rushing offense....I suppose that not being able to stop the run matters all that much. However, not being able to stop the pass, when you look at who is always top 10 in passing = the perennial playoff teams, is much more devastating..... Look, I know most of us grew up listening to Bill Parcells, John Madden, and all the rest with the tired old "run and stop the run" mantra.... The simple fact is: this is not 1985. Deal with it. Every year the running game becomes less and less important. Use my link and tell me how many top 10 running teams are making the playoffs, and compare that to how many top 10 passing teams are....and thus ends the Bill Parcells argument. These days, at best, a good running game with a mediocre passing game only gets you to mediocre, just ask the 7-9 Miami Dolphins. Don't like that example? Then ask yourself: Why is it that with Adrian Peterson and that O line, the Vikings have finally gotten good, not mediocre, now that they have been throwing the ball more than they run it? This is the new reality....time to accept it and realize that we need to continue to be as good as we can be against the PASS, FIRST, before anything else.