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Everything posted by OCinBuffalo

  1. ...yes, it's always a danger to many when I start thinking, I know. However, I've done some research on Vitale, which only adds to my prior thinking, after seeing us run the wishbone last game. I noticed his position was "super-back" at Northwestern, because he would line up in so many different positions. The Bucs drafted him, and some of their fans hyped it, because of this versatility, and because he was thought of as a possible successor to Mike Alstott. However, during their camp, 2 things became clear: 1. They already had 5 TEs on their roster(so...why the F did you draft him with your 6, and ask him to not be versatile, but play straight TE instead?) 2. He didn't block better than the other 5 TEs, which is ostensibly why they released him. The entire thing seems like an exercise in stupid choices. Now, we pick him up. Hey, he was a NFL Combine champion, so why not, right? No. There are some key differences to our offense compared to theirs both from a scheme and personnel viewpoint: Personnel: we have Shady, Reggie(Gil is a backup to these 2), Williams, and Gronkowski made the team. They have 3 RBs total(including Doug Martin who requires being featured), no Fullback, and all of their TEs are "standard" TE body-types. Scheme: First, understand that I'm talking "normal offense" here. Anybody can line up anybody for things like goal line, 4th down and inches, etc. Tampa runs some 2 TEs plays(or else why did you keep 5?), but, they are never going to do anything more than have a single back, or no back, with only 3 RBs on the team. Our scheme...is where things get interesting. We already expect to see RB/FB/TE/WR/WR on the field for say 30% of the plays, at least. That is a Roman base package. We should see RB/RB/TE/WR/WR, or, RB/RB/FB/TE/WR given Reggie Bush. So, why Vitale? To compete with Gronk? Nah. He's more of a pass catcher than a runner, but, unlike a normal TE, he can run the football. How about to compete with our other TEs? Maybe. But, we already have Clay, and O'Leary is already the pass-catching TE type, who made the team because his blocking improved(thus, why would we claim a guy who's blocking hasn't?) What the hell is it then? My hypothesis: we are getting set up to run the single-wing. Just replace the left side "end" with Cordy Glenn reporting as eligible. Perhaps not the actual single-wing, but something fairly close. Vitale is the wingback in that formation. Evidence: we kept 4 OTs, Henderson is good enough to start, and KJO could do the extra OT job too. There's your unbalanced guy(the single wing uses 3 OTs). Adding an extra OT is damaging to teams that are set up to defend the pass. Then, consider the buck-lateral series. Which, from, the link: Vitale's "super-back" position is defined by the bolded above. What's to stop us from going RB/FB/FB(or wing back)/TE or WR, with an extra OT, as called for by the single wing? Can you imagine the play action on that thing. Actually, it would be play actions, because we could be faking to 3 different guys coming out of the backfield(RB/FB/WB), at least one of whom will release into a short out pattern as a safety valve. Also, consider the damage that a direct snap to Gronk/Vitale causes. He can "buck", which means run over the center, guards or extra tackle, or behind one of them as they pull. (EDIT: and don't forget, the extra lineman means double teams on all DTs, or firing right off the ball at the LBs) But, he can also hand the ball off to the QB, or pitch it back. He can hand it off to the WB, as the WB cuts back across the field, where he can either run it, or, pitch it back to the QB or RB. Meanwhile, if the TE/WR or TE/TE or WR/WR have run patterns, it sets up a 2nd line of blockers behind the line, for the QB to wait until they get open. In all cases, it creates overloads, on either end, of more blockers, and bigger guys, that the CBs and Ss should lose to. Rather than ask Vitale to block LBs and DEs, this scheme asks him to block CBs and Ss, or release into a pattern, both of which play to his his strengths. I dunno about all this, but there has to be a reason we would pick this guy up, and right now, running the single wing, against defenses that are designed to blitz and cover, with smaller, faster guys? When you have bigger guys that are going to move the point of attack away from where the D wants it to be? And, you have a running QB, who is also athletic enough to run, then set his feet, then throw 60 yards down the field, as we saw against the Giants? This seems like a logical explanation, at least.
  2. This is why I laugh at clowns like Kelly The Fair and Balanced Dog. The graph above looks like exactly what it is: a flat line. DOA. The only people left who still believe in government, are the same far-left wingnuts that believe all sorts of crap. That line isn't going to go anywhere, because the loony bin is the loony bin. But, like Charles the Hammer says: "Look, if you're living in an alternate reality, you want other people to come and join you." Sorry, but the 20% that still approve of government? Those are the people that live in an alternate reality...but nobody has joined them. Obama, and Reid, and Pelosi, since 2006, have seen fit to destroy any and all hope of major progressive programs ever being passed for the next 40 years. And instead of realizing this, they want you to come and join them, and pretend they haven't. As I've said since 2009: Obamacare is the Liberal Cleaver. The Biter, the blade that slashed a 1000 elected Democrat necks. Who in their right mind is going to trust government to do small things, like this entire thread has shown, never mind major programs? Obama, like Carter, is the best thing that has happened to the country, because of his failure. Every liberal idea since 1994 has now been tried, and failed. They have no new ideas. They have nothing to offer us. Their predictions about Global Warming are a joke, to everybody but them. Where do they go from here? The ONLY thing that changes the "Trust in Government" #s, ironically, would be a Trump Administration, because at the very least, he can get the basics done, competently.
  3. Dude, I will give that girl the...real...weirdest night of her entire life. I might even consider that to be a duty. And, when I say weird? I am talking: go out at night, strip butt naked in the forest, hop on one foot, and "feel the disambiguation with nature". You know, because taking one foot away allows us to feel what it's like to lose our privilege. I bet I can convince two of these clowns to be caned by each other, because, that way they can really get in touch with the oppression of women...from 200 years ago, and really feel my patriarchy. In all 3 spots. But, instead of all that, I usually just hook up with crazy SJW's friend, because, it's the weekend, and she needs to get laid.
  4. Yet, YOU can prove, with 50 managers on a call, many baselines. No? I bet you can even get a consensus: "Bob is a clown". "Her voice is like hearing coyotes have sex". "This guy thinks he's funny, and maybe he is, to the people he manages, but the rest of us don't care about his annoying, "whimsical", analogy that goes on for 10 minutes, and gets the group nowhere". Opinions are not data. Analysis is not causation. That is the fundamental problem here. In Global Warming world, opinions ARE data, and, analysis is causation. Because: we say so? No. Clowns have applied the soft-science research standards of psychology, and sociology....to a hard science topic. Hard science requires causation, not correlation. The problem is: Baskin et al don't know these terms, never mind the difference between them
  5. Yes, it's quite a mystery how one reaches the AFC title game, 2 years in a row, as a head coach, while never having a winning season, that wasn't in 2010. Look, I love the internet. I always have. And, it WILL replace cable TV. But, while the removal of gate-keepers on news, of all kinds, means more freedom? It also means more stupidity...right now. There is no avoiding this fact. The best part though? Regardless of all BS, as @OldTakesExposed demonstrates: the internet represents accountability. People love to bring back old posts on this site...when they are right. I dig into the archive...when they were wrong. Over time, when we as a planet are conditioned to the fact that everything we ever said is recorded? We will see a change. Big brother nonsense concerns pale in comparison to the benefits of forcing ALL of us to think more, BEFORE we post. And, to be more open-minded, and willing to listen to more, rational, arguments, before we pass judgment. Lesson: Free speech is the best thing there is. Why? Because no one should ever interrupt an idiot, when they are about to completely discredit themselves. If they don't, then perhaps, despite our personally awarded omnipotence? They aren't an idiot after all. It's always a better world when the media, those who are supposed to disseminate fact-based analysis, and have the special protection of a Constitutional Amendment, are held accountable when they FAIL to do so.
  6. Anybody who has been here for a while...knows that this is the best IEatCrayonz post in 8 years. I motion that jumbalaya be given given the title of "initiate", with all honors and duties bestowed, to perhaps once again raise the Crayonz flag to its former glory. jumbalaya must earn the Crayonz position, of course, but, this is a nice start, correct?
  7. Oh look, a bunch of shitheels talking macroeconomics. Hey clowns: what would an immediate reduction in the capital gains tax to 15% from 35% do to any 1st world economy? F, I might as well ask: what did the introduction of the credit card do to the 1st world economies? Those of us who actually went to school for this, know the answer. Those of us who who don't know F all about macroeconomics, because we never took the classes, have no idea. These aren't opinion questions. These are textbook questions. In my case, these are test questions. Donald Trump will cut the tax to 15%, and, drop the small business tax to 10%. Now, CFO nerds, don't lie: I know what that does, and so do you. The only question that remains is: are you going to lie to yourself, and not vote for Trump, when he is proposing the very thing you've been wanting, most of your adult lives...because your panties get bunched over...how he speaks? WTF is wrong with you? The only thing you should be worried about is the Fed, and whether they are going to adjust correctly to the immediate and massive availability of capital, NOT DEBT, that is the inevitable response to such cuts. But, by all means: keep telling us why we shouldn't vote for Trump, you unmitigated morons.
  8. Having watched the entirety of the MSNBC and CNN coverage of Donald Trump's speech tonight? There is only this: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1zzau_genesis-no-reply-at-all_music "What excuses are you trying to sell me?" "No reply. There's no reply at all." It's like a giant "Eat Schit" sign was hanging behind the camera for these people. It was like there was a pole, in one of their ends, or the other, all night. In some cases a bat. One fake-ass CNN guy tried to do the cover-his-face thing...and Hew Hewlitt, of all people, laughed him out of the discussion. All over the place tonight...was a like a made-for-TV PPP beat down. Only a complete and utter phony walks away from today and says Trump didn't win. You have to be the biggest wishful thinker, to pretend otherwise, AND, I also watched Clinton's speech at the just now. OMF'G it's like night and day. She might as well have said "Please clap." 3 times during it. Trump is now 2-0(I said this during the speech, and I'm sure many in the media will pick this up) in terms of "Presidential" optics. He showed up in Louisiana, and, he showed up in Mexico. Strength. Weakness: (well, per the definition of Bush NOT showing up after Katrina, by Democrats) both Obama and Hillary shy away from all of it and are now 0-2. We know what starting the season 0-2 looks like, don't we? After everybody gets done talking? Today has a high propensity to see Trump re-capture the lead all over the place. Both nationally and in battle ground states. Remember this name: Kelly Anne Conway. Win or lose? She has done one hell of a job today. Christ, Trump gave the Internet plenty of red meat today. And, PPP, as well as every place else, was hungry, and when we are done eating? Hell, before we are done eating, every liberal clown better start running now. What are you, really, going to say about being 0-2? This place is going to be hilarious for the next few days. Kelly Anne Conway has her strap-on ready, and a whole bunch of "weakness as a way of life" boys are about to get pegged.(Yeah, I know what that is now.) I mean, come on, it's not like the left doesn't enjoy getting pegged anyway, right?
  9. This is why they will lose. I bet they will try to pretend this never happened/embargo that film. But, like with CNN scrubbing "Crooked" from a "Crooked Hillary" Trump tweet, and broadcasting that instead? They are buffoons. All they ever accomplish is: draw attention to the very optics that obliterate them, and that they seek to avoid. They simply know not what they do. Any human being who saw that, and comes away with the word "hate"...is no human being.
  10. Tears. Honest to God. I don't remember the last time I cried. I think it was during a fight in 5th grade. But, when those poor women(1 man) chose to go on that stage and humanize the stupidity of our current immigration system? I am sorry, but, my eyes watered, perhaps even dripped. I am not like this. I have no patience for tears. But, there I was, wiping my eyes. W...T...F.
  11. http://slatestarcodex.com/2016/08/29/reverse-voxsplaining-drugs-vs-chairs/ Yet another example that Ezra Klein(Vox) and his "explaining" is merely an exercise in hackery. Ezra Klein: who aging baby boomers now get their "thinking" from, because most of the people they used to get it from are dead. I mean, the entire analogy posted above is absolutely wondrous. There is not a single flaw, or a fuzzy area in it. That is literally how it works, in detail. I can give you all the detail that backs this guy's post. (And, gee, I wonder why it took so many words to create an accurate analogy about a complicated issue? Could it be that this guy doesn't give a F if you are reading this on a phone?) You want something "explained"? This is better work than I have seen from Ezra in quite some time. Once in a while, I head to my boomark folder that contains all of Ezra's pre-Obamacare posts. Fine definition of the problem. And, accurate definition of the solution. The funny part: he actually believed all of it. You can tell. He simply couldn't get beyond the linear and into the abstract. This is the problem with most CFO-types. Or, any other professional balance-sheet/financial statement readers, for that matter.
  12. That...is a schit meme. Sorry, but it's just not well executed.
  13. Dude, you are here, and not by choice. That's basically my whole point. And, remember, if you will, I agreed with you that it was possible, and if you really remember, I actually had high hopes for the black man for about 3 weeks. But, I also made a prediction: 8 years of the bad black man could also lose you both houses of Congress, and, permanently bury your progressive agenda. How are we doing on those scores? Now, you are happy that Hillary is coming? I'll never understand why. I would understand if Bernie was coming. Do you REALLY believe she is gonna let Obamacare, or any of the last 8 years of failure, hang around her neck if she wins? The black man had to have a 2nd term, for the same reason the woman does now. Obamcare is the first kill of a Clinton presidency. Now, how about you write that one down, and remember it, for 8 years from now. EDIT: And Kelly, I almost forgot. How many Virtue Points do you get for "morally" defending the # of black people, or just Americans in general, that are on food stamps today, compared to 8 years ago? Keep telling us you represent morality, with underemployment #s we haven't seen since the Great Depression.
  14. All of you are just jealous that you can't do what I can. Especially the clown that pretends to be Crayonz. I've got more people going right now that you've had in 3 damn years. Face it: I am better at your end of this board than you are. What have you done in the last 6 months that even merits notice? Dude, enough already. You're like a Canadian that is only funny in Canada. (See, right there I just did your job better than you have in a year. Give it up.) On the + side, I see some of you have carried the PPP banner quite nicely: Jauronimo, Boyst, and especially Greggy in both the thread and the shout. The rest of you: I have opened the door. WTF is wrong with you? This your free shot to use your PPP powers, take free runs at you know who, and blame it all on me. It's like I always say: DC_Tom is great in 5 of the 7 levels of intelligence, but a complete retard in the other 2.
  15. Hahahahahah! I create 1 post. 1. After 72 pages, and boom! Straight to PPP. Now you are back in hell. Now you must deal with me here. Now you must face the wrath of... Actually, I really don't know what you've been saying in this thread. I don't know what anybody has been saying in this thread. I goaded the powers that be with my 2nd sentence last post. Now, come to find out I'm getting PMs telling me that oh no, ban-hammers and warning points have been issued for this thread. I ask you all: in a 70+ page thread....that involves a literal connection between sports and politics, how lame are you if you start throwing bans and points at posters? Why the F didn't this get moved to PPP after page 1, not page 72? There is no excuse. There is only butthurt: "My team was losing the argument, again, so I lashed out and abused my power". It's Simon all over again. So, I have a plan of action in mind. And if I get banned? Great: it will only reinforce the notion that sub-rational, emotion-driven, small minds are at work(otherwise known as your typical, far-left clowns: "I'm erudite, I get my news from The New Yorker, Huffington Post AND CNN. That's 3 different cities! Now tell me how diverse I am, Dammit! I also take the time to talk to janitors at Denny's, so that cancels out being from the suburbs/sticks, I am an intellectual...and I want my Virtue Points!") I shall now proceed to publicly offer to serve the suspensions of all banned posters, and/or take all their warning points.
  16. Wait...a 73-page political thread on the football board, and I missed it? Well then, since nobody seems to have been banned for merely telling the truth yet, I am going to: At it's root level this is purely NOT a political issue. Kap knows he's in trouble. He's looking for a way to make sure he doesn't lose most of his money by riding the pine. He wants to be traded, and keep his contract. And/or, he wants the reason he gets released to be about "his beliefs" , and not about his play, which may result in him not getting league minimum from his next team, and, soften the blows from the fans of the team that takes him. The only problem: he's coming from San Francisco, not going there. If there was 1 town in the NFL that would handily eat Kap's crap, sign him, and then self-congratulate themselves for being "courageous" it's SF. Yeah, this is merely a silly, political canard, cooked up by an agent, and who knows? believed wholeheartedly?, or cynically put forward? by Kap. It's fun when one's political views...just so happen to coincide with what personally enriches them...and are then covered in a veneer of vapid, self-applied "virtue". Then, when others see them for what they are, and criticize them for being a phony, money grabbing, douchy scam? One tries to silence these critics by calling them "immoral", "racist", "sexist", etc. (Hmm, seems like we have a pattern here, doesn't it?) Speaking of thin veneers of virtue: Kap and his agent probably hatched this plan while hanging out at Al Gore's beach-front property(you know, the property that was supposed to be covered in water by 2016, according to Gore in 2006).
  17. Well, it's not quite yet for things to get real in the POTUS election. Anybody who believes Donald Trump is 10 pts down, or even 5 pts down, is F'ing delusional. If you don't know why you are delusional: Google is your friend. Read up on how polls are failing now more than ever, as well as the Brexit polling failure. Or, the failure of all the polls in the UK to accurately predict a Conservative victory in 2015. Yeah, since 2012, polling as a discipline has consistently performed worse, not better, over time. There are scientific reasons why. But, let's consider the ladies, and the vote in 2016, shall we? First of all here's what happens when the ladies are confronted with ever-increasing negative campaigning: http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayAbstract?fromPage=online&aid=7901822 They tend to drop out of the election. It's not the only study. In fact, pretty much everything I found on this subject supports the basic hypothesis: the more negative a campaign is, the less likely women are to turn out. Now, unless you are an unmitigated moron, you can see where this is headed: Both Clinton and Trump are going out of their way to run a negative campaign. Clinton is doing it because, let's be honest, she literally has nothing else to say. Trump has been doing it because he's not going to take schit from anyone. But, I think a serious miscalculation is happening here: The more women that give up on the election due to abnormal negativity, the less likely Clinton is to win. Clinton cannot win without women, turned out in significant #s to counter the negative gap she has with men. So, you take these 2 concepts together and you get: Clinton is killing her own turnout by making this a totally negative race, while, Trump benefits by engaging more men the more negative things get. It's early, but, if Clinton continues on her current path: to make this the most negative campaign in history? The research says: Trump should absolutely oblige her, and then kick her ass with his massive male gender gap.
  18. Wait, you mean the website Chef told us would be saved by all his Valley clowns from Apple and Google? How stupid does all of that look now? F the code, they go and change the value proposition, on their website, which is the ironic cause of about 1/3 of their trouble? This is the kind of irony that can bend time/space. Somebody should remind these clowns that there is such a thing as the Wayback machine. And, that if they really think that doing this, allows them to get over on the 1000s of personal, saved instances of the entire, original Obamacare website...and all its content...which will be hosted, forever...they are F'ing delusional. Then again, since it's clear that these are the same people who thought they could build an enterprise system the same way one builds a webpage for the local plumber? Yeah, I bet they do think they are actually "erasing" things.
  19. I promise you all, we are working on it. In fact, part of every single day of my life, for the last 10 years, is devoted to this. Now, part of most days of my life are also devoted to consuming large quantities of alcohol. So, that dispels any virtue projection on my part. I'm no crusader. It simply comes down to the fact that I have ability in this area. I can do something about this. But, it's never going to be solved by me alone. For that, we need a properly managed, incremental culture change, and that, along with hyper-granular integration, are the 2 chief elements in my design paradigm. How does one go about creating accountability, and cost sensitivity, in a culture that is used to hiding medical supplies in the false ceilings on Friday...so that they will have enough to work with over the weekend, because the bosses are the only ones who can open the materials lockers, and they don't work the weekends? EDIT: Do you want to know in how many states, not facilities, I've heard that same story? How does one answer the age-old question of the the pharma exec: "when we put out $200 million each on 5 drugs, but only one passes trials/works, don't we have to make $1 bil on that drug...just to break even?" And the inevitable follow-ups: "Are the AIDS patients in Africa going to come up with the $200 million for each new AIDS drug we try? No. The profits from the last AIDS drug go to fund the next one. If we lose on all of them, who bails us out? The government bails out banks for bad behavior, we save lives, and we don't get bailed out. ", and, of course, the king: "I bet your sorry ass isn't complaining when we develop a new thyroid treatment for your mom, that cost us $300 million, but only costs you $25 per 30 pills". See? This is a complex, and most definitely a cultural problem. It will never be solved by accountants, lawyers, politicians, Wall street people, Ph. Ds, RNs, Doctors, pharma reps or anybody else. That is because everyone is to blame, yet, no one is. Everyone's bad behavior reaction to everyone else's bad behavior, has created a giant circle of BS, and no shortage of government-funded clowns to make book on it.
  20. I'm in...I just logged in. Doesn't look like I need to do anything. I see something about keepers, and that we have until the 7th to say who we are keeping? Is that right? If so, how many can we keep from last year? (And, yeah, I could just go figure this out by trying, but, I don't trust it not to F up.)
  21. Same old problem with this argument: if you are a genius, you don't wait until the 6th round to pick a top-5 all-time NFL QB. EDIT: And, go to Chiefsplanet and ask them what they think about "The Patriot* Way". Christ, they've hired everybody from that entire team, players and coaches, and none of it worked. They didn't start getting better until the got rid of everybody from the Pats. Chiefs fans will tell you the Patriot* Way is BS. Or, is Tom Brady. Brady didn't even play enough at Michigan to be a sleeper. He's a 6th round flyer...that makes Belechick look great...and this will be proven by: how long Belechick sticks around when Brady leaves the game. Ego-wise, I'm pretty sure Belechick will try to coach the year after. I see them crashing and burning, and Belechick exiting quickly to prevent any permanent tarnish. And, he might just quit the same day Brady does. But, remember: Belechick sucked in Cleveland, before he got to the Patriots, so, you never know.
  22. Yes, right after the game, I mused to my crew "I can just see the B News people scrambling to throw out their pre-written stories, or do major re-writes, and having to come up with brand new ones. There's all busting their asses to make deadlines, when they thought they had it all figured out." It's always a gleeful time when the media has to backpeddle. So much of the entire media is so much garbage, and then they cry that they are being driven out of business, or getting sued out of existence, or losing to people that deliver an agenda-free product? The media causes more problems than in solves today, and that's why people hate it == 6% approval rating. Here's an idea for the sports media in general: stop with the lazy stories, pretending it's 6 years ago, saying the Bills are delivering a crap product, because in doing that, YOU are delivering a crap product. It's only been recently that I've seen people actually start to do their homework on this TEAM, and not solely concentrate on Rex. The media has been playing catch-up, and has been forced to do so, because what they have been saying isn't panning out on the field. All the "chaos" stories....get followed by a 21-0 thumping of the Giants. The chaos narrative they've been pushing(see: "The Bad News Bills" ) ended, right there. Hopefully members of the media take this as a learning exercise. Regardless of Rex, regardless of whatever their idiot pre-conceived notions tell them, it's time to start looking at what is actually happening on the field. Today's post-game analyses DO reflect that. So I am encouraged. Thus, I am gonna listen to WGR tomorrow, and give them a chance. We'll see.
  23. This guy usually will hook you up with complete, commercial free tape of the last game the Bills have played. He says the game is "coming soon", so, perhaps tomorrow?
  24. The only feasible way that I know of: he had to have done so little in the off-season that he actually lost muscle mass, and gained....a lot...of fat. Then, when he started training again, his weight would go up, as losing fat and gaining muscle actually makes you weigh more, because muscle weighs more than fat. This usually happens to people who have been away from working out for a while, or to people who go from a light workout to 4 hours a day. But, once you turn the corner, and you build, more, lean muscle, your weight starts to drop dramatically: because the new muscle needs to eat, and it eats the fat. This is the only way I know of for him to be gaining weight after he began training. He really must have let himself go, and, probably did nothing for most of the day. Protip: Cardio does little. Weight Training is how one kills fat. You don't need to lift big weights. One only needs to completely exhaust 1 muscle group a day, with as many reps as that takes, with whatever weight. Just do it until you literally can't. Exhaust one set of muscles per day, and watch the lard come off your ass like its nothing.
  25. Given the game today? I think we're gonna be OK at RB. I saw some nice moves, some power, and a cheap shot on Gillislee that should have been called. No...I'm not even gonna start on the refs. But, the thing I saw that impressed me the most? Solid, competent, blitz pickups most of the time, from most of the RBs. That tells me these guys know the playbook. Who knows what's going to happen. We could have Boom Herron starting 2 games this year(one hopes that is the worst case). But, even so, I'm pretty sure we'll be better than fine in terms of production. And I know that we'll be at least competent.
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