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NASA (Not About Space Anymore)
OCinBuffalo replied to IDBillzFan's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Which does nothing to detract from my point. Whether you like the New/Old Testament, the Koran, None of the Above, etc. doesn't change the fact that the material is in written form. It's in black and white, and no, Adam, I am not the one who chose to put in black and white, the authors did. The words are the words, and words mean things. You want to tell me that the message of Jesus Christ is the same as the message of Mohamed? Go blow that right out your azz. Good thing you only want to play the "nuance" game when it suits you, only when it's a convenient way to concoct yet another single sentence response, "ALL religion is 100% bad, but, there's nuance in science" guy. And I don't give a flying crap what you "think". See, I can do it too. History is rife with Communists killing in the name of their God. So what? How does this disprove that one book says "do unto others" and another books says "kill the infidel wherever you find him". It doesn't, and it's a sorry-assed excuse for an argument. Stop arguing against what I am not saying. You mean to tell me you missed the point? After all this you don't even get what I am saying do you? For the last time: I would never dare to hold one religion as "superior" over another, on this board, or anywhere else, even if I became convinced that was the case, which I haven't been, btw. Please don't extrapolate my argument and then start arguing against what I haven't said. All I am saying is the same thing I said to Adam: The simple fact is: you will not find instructions on who to kill and how coming from Jesus Christ. The simple fact is: you will find both of these things coming from Mohamed. Babble all you want, try to make this about me, instead of my point, when you get done, this two facts will remain as they are: undeniable. -
NASA (Not About Space Anymore)
OCinBuffalo replied to IDBillzFan's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Now it's about how the message is constructed, and not the message itself? WTF? Again, we aren't talking about some peripheral nuance here. Were are talking about the PRIORITIES of NASA as set by the President, and you don't localize the friggin mission statement of NASA to suit a bunch of people who will have exactly 0 bearing and relevance on its operations. Again, this is an example of bad leadership, and frankly? This is ego-maniacal hubris, as in: "I am so big, my political agenda goes everywhere, even in places others' can't, like NASA". This is retarded, and you know it, and I am starting to think that you are simply making excuses for voting for Obama. The fact that he is saying this to Al Jeezera makes it worse, not better, and certainly doesn't provide a rational explanation as to why the #1 priority of NASA has been changed. So, last time around you wanted to focus us on giving Obama credit for handling the last 10% of the problem properly. What "nuance" are we all missing this time? Muslims did a good job holding onto the science the West gave them before the Dark Ages, and then got back from them after, so what? The need to "make them feel good about it" is the most condescending thing I have heard from this Administration, or any, in my life time. About the trap: I suppose it would make sense if you made up your mind whether it was big, or small, first. Traps actually have to exist, for people to fall into them. This trap, and the reasons you voted for Obama, are figments of your imagination. -
NASA (Not About Space Anymore)
OCinBuffalo replied to IDBillzFan's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Nothing you have said here is relevant to my point. The only thing we have is what is written down in these sacred(feel better?) books. So, please understand, I am not talking in terms of black and white....I am merely referring to the books themselves, and if they see some things in black and white, and others not so definitively, then so be it, none of that has anything to do with me, or my point. The simple fact is: you will not find instructions on who to kill and how coming from Jesus Christ. The simple fact is: you will find both of these things coming from Mohamed. Babble all you want, try to make this about me, instead of my point, when you get done, this two facts will remain as they are: undeniable. Speak for yourself, please. I never, ever, ever am going to subscribe to this point of view, nor will I ever be ok with sub-standard leadership coming from the President, regardless of party. You want to criticize Bush for making mistakes(Iraq), fine, just make sure you give him credit for doing something about them(the Surge). I am merely suggesting that we hold the same standards for Obama that were set for Bush. You know one difference between a King and a President? The King doesn't get to choose whether he wants the job, the President does. Obama wanted the job, and now he either needs to do it, properly, or he needs to seek life elsewhere. -
NASA (Not About Space Anymore)
OCinBuffalo replied to IDBillzFan's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Words mean things. Your need to boil everything down to a single sentence should be satisfied by that one. You simply will not find these words in the New Testament. So no, it is you that needs to get over yourself. I am sick to tears of people taking the broad brush out when it comes to religion. People make specific effort to describe what they believe and what they don't, and they shouldn't all be lumped together, just because it's convenient for some retard to think of "religion" that way. People should certainly be judged on their actions, and not their beliefs. But, when 2 books have 2 completely different sets of words in them, you cannot sit and tell me they are equal, or would be if this or if that, blah, blah, blah. (oops...Edit: and therefore, you cannot tell me that the actions that are based on these unequal words will be the same either). -
Suicide watch for Bishop Hedd
OCinBuffalo replied to /dev/null's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
It's all falling down around the media's ears, and it's going to get a lot worse, before it gets better. You think Peter Jennings saying this in 1994 was bad? Buddy, we haven't seen anything yet. The MSM created Obama. He is their "gift" to the world, their child, their perfect little boy. He is failing all over the place because he is not a leader. The media is certainly aware of this, and the usual answer is to try to move on to the next story. However, they can't move the news cycle fast enough, because no matter what is being reported, it ALL looks bad for Obama. There's no place to go, no minor positive story to replace a major negative one. New major, negative stories are breaking every day, and they aren't able to get ahead of the wave. They can't win at whack-a-mole, if the ALL the moles pop up at the same time. And the realization of their massive screw-up, in laying down for Obama, is going to cause us to mock them, and them to lash out. The lashing out at any/everyone has just barely started. It will be in full swing as soon as school starts, you watch. -
NASA (Not About Space Anymore)
OCinBuffalo replied to IDBillzFan's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
I remember arguing with some idiots on this board about 2-3 years ago about this very topic. Wish I had this handy link back then. I am looking forward to one more idiot telling me that "Islam is a religion of peace". There is no comparison between the user's manuals of Christianity and Islam, the first is about peace and goodwill towards your fellow man, the next is about power, and subjugation of your fellow man. Let's go liberals: tell us that both are equally as bad. I need a good laugh to start my day. -
NASA (Not About Space Anymore)
OCinBuffalo replied to IDBillzFan's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
So are you ready to admit that Obama is a terrible leader yet? Or, are you going to keep ducking it? This is merely one more example of you changing the subject every time the facts don't bear out what you are saying. Still waiting for the trap thing, and now, I want you to explain how setting these priorities for NASA = evidence of anything other than TERRIBLE leadership skills. -
Nah, you won't believe it. That's a choice, based on politics, and not empirical evidence. I don't remember Fox getting the Duke Lacrosse case wrong, when every other media outlet had already sentenced the players to 15-20. But, they only did that because they are racist, right?
NASA (Not About Space Anymore)
OCinBuffalo replied to IDBillzFan's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Same post, same response to it: These are RESPONSES to what was said. None of this de facto spin changes the fact that Obama said the main priority of NASA is to engage Muslims by talking about their contributions, 1300 years ago, to math and science. -
The fact that you don't know, only serves to underscore the bias that is in the media. Perhaps you should look it up on Fox's web site? You know, actually get some hard news?
I am saying that the article is a hard news piece. Clearly that's what it is. I don't see Hannity's/O'Reilly's/Beck's name on it anywhere. You must realize that Fox is really 2 separate outfits, hard news, and then opinion. The difference is, unlike the NY Times, they actually make an effort to keep the 2 separate. They don't always succeed, but they aren't purposely distorting hard news. And besides, if you listen to Tom, you will realize that the "hard" news group is more about putting hot women on their air and having them report car chases, than anything else
I don't blame Obama for the oil spill. Clearly that is BP losing billions trying to "save" millions. I blame him for completely f'ing up the response to it. I blame him for not getting the bureaucrats out of the way of the governors. This were clearly things he could have done, and any of us would have done, and he failed to lead the people he directly commands, as part of the Executive Branch. I blame him for, once again, just like health care and Iran, not solving problems as a rational person, but as an irrational Daily Kos, Micheal Moore, lying, bat-schit crazy ideologue.
Uhh, but these are all RESPONSES to what Fox News quoted. These were his own words, in full paragraph form. These responses are an attempt to put a de facto spin on the matter. Surely you can see that?
I honestly thought that when I was hearing about comprehensive health care reform, that meant, comprehensive health care reform. I have consulted 2 large(10k+ employees) health insurance companies and I am fully aware of their abuses, both because I helped build some of the systems they use to carry out said abuses, and, I was told, by the highest level, not to do my best work at one of them, because it would limit their ability to deny claims. I looked forward to Obama getting after them, as well as the lawyers, doctors, nurses, and yes, even the patients themselves. Nobody is "right" when it comes to health care, hence, comprehensive reform is needed. And what did we end up with? Giving it to Congress and fixing maybe 20% of what is wrong, based purely on politics? WTF? I was honestly shocked by Obama letting the partisan hacks lead, after what HE said during the campaign. I was fully willing to give Obama a chance, until he let the Iran thing slip away, and then the Health Care mess. See, I am not a D-bag Leftist, that would go after Bush for everything and anything. That's what you guys do. I prefer to look at things rationally, based on what I have been taught and my experience. You Blamed Bush for 9/11. I blame Obama for things that are actually his fault, based on his choices, not the choices of others.
This is fully as expected coming from you: it's giant news, especially since Obama was supposed to be the second coming, but you are sure to downplay it, since clearly he's not even qualified to be President, much less a great one. It's a huge political story. We haven't had a bona fide Primary challenge for a sitting President(no, bona fide doesn't include Pat Buchannan and Ralph Nader)since LBJ, but this is no big news? It's a huge historical story. But, it may not happen. People may simply have Clinton fatigue. However, I think the largest story is: people simply have Liberal fatigue, and that means you will start eating each other, regardless of all.
False choice. Reading comprehension is important. Clearly you need to re-read my words again. The guy is not a leader, he has had his chances, and he has failed. NOW, I am saying we shouldn't let him try anything else, because he has failed miserably as a leader BEFORE NOW. Thus, I don't EXPECT HIM to take charge of the oil spill. I would love it if he did, but I don't expect it. In no case, THEN OR NOW, do I welcome him deferring his leadership role. I have said that consistently, whether it's Health Care, Iran, you name it. I have never said he should defer his role, anywhere, ever, and I won't unless we need to get serious about impeachment or resignation. He is the President, for Pete's sake. That has nothing to do with whatever comes next. If he can't or won't fix the oil spill, than yeah, I don't think any sane/reasonable person should support him going off and starting some new major initiative. All indications are that they are done until the mid-term elections....which I have to say is a good thing. Let's see if they can do simple tasks, like understanding NASA's job, before we try the harder stuff. Fine job of setting priorities there, huh? Is this what you learned in your leadership training? Making one department do another department's job? Is this some kind of jackass cross-training exercise? Go ahead and take all the time, and your supposed leadership ability, you need to explain how making Muslims feel good about themselves is ever, in any world, NASA's #1 priority.
NASA (Not About Space Anymore)
OCinBuffalo replied to IDBillzFan's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
This is hysterical. Remember when they started using the CIA to go after Global Warming? 1. I love it when I get further confirmation of what I am saying in other threads. Does anybody honestly think that this is an example of setting priorities properly? This is not a good sign for Dan, but I am sure the reason that Obama is talking about the Muslim world, with f'ing NASA, is because he is only a "good" leader, and not a great one. (Edit: at some point, Dan is gonna have to admit he is wrong, anybody want to lay odds on how many of these it will take?) 2. What in the hell are we doing? Seriously? WTF is this? Are we seriously expecting relevant, meaningful contribution to any space program from "the international community"? Yes, I am sure the third world is ready to step up and tell us how to get to Mars....it's a simple matter of engagement. All we have to do is talk to them, and they will give us all the answers. 3. How in the hell do the press secretary and communications director of this poorly led and run Administration still have jobs? Don't they realize that these OFFICIAL STATEMENTS are the very thing the nut-jobs on the right are praying for? It's almost like they INTEND to suck on a daily basis. This is sheer incompetence, from the top, right on down. 4. I...am just stunned, that this is where we are with NASA. How terrible do you feel right now if you are a guy that spent the last 30 years working there? Making Muslims feel better about themselves? These guys must feel like they just changed majors from engineering to social worker. Maybe Obama can teach them how to organize their community. Retard Dot connection: Somebody needs to remind Obama that it was WESTERN civilization that brought the math and science to the Arabs in the first place = The Greeks and Romans. Muslims are continually hung up on the fact that the Crusaders were completely ignorant. They want credit for creating the Renaissance, pretty much everything.....without, you know, actually doing the work, both before and after the Dark Ages. So, because Edison used Arabic numerals to invent the light bulb, that means that Arabs actually invented the light bulb. And Obama wants NASA to confirm that. -
Bullschit. Now you are contradicting yourself. Re-read that thread....I am still waiting for you to describe the little, yet decent-sized, trap I fell into when I said Obama is no leader, and you told me I was wrong. Now you want to talk in terms of degrees? OK The man is not Presidential material. He may be able to lead a local union, but that's not good enough. Again, re-read the thread. Over and over again I state my SPECIFIC CRITICISMS of his ACTIONS. He is not a leader because he is not doing the things leaders do. You don't seem to understand. Not letting the governors do what they asked to do, not getting ahead of the oil, sitting on his f'ing hands and playing lawyer when people want to at least try to do something? These are not the ACTIONS of a leader. Ideology has nothing to do with any of my criticisms here. I will tell you what is troubling: you contradict yourself, you obfuscate, you tell me that black = white, but I'm the one with the problem? Leaders lead, period. The fact that Obama is not leading is is as clear as day, and this is not the first time = Iran, Health Care. If he was a good leader, the Health Care plan would have started with him, instead, he used Congress for an asscover. This has nothing to do with ideology. If I was a fan of the Health Care plan, I would be pissed because Obama's lack of leadership has almost certainly doomed it, and the Democrats in Congress, to be thrown out the door. Do you get it yet? The far-left is calling for a primary challenge. Are they also as biased as I supposedly am? Friggin nonsense. IF I was a fisherman, and I knew that I had a choice between protecting the shore, and getting a check this year, with no idea what will happen next year, I'd pick protecting the shore every time. Why the hell are we talking about de facto political cover, when we could have easily been talking about working and getting ahead of the problem? Answer: because a leader would have done the latter, and not given a crap about the former, until much later. Clinton, who for all his faults, was a leader, knows this, and he said so. Clinton actually ran a state, for a number of years, and therefore, learned the job. Obama hasn't led anything, and we should have paid more attention to that.
Honestly, coaching excuses or no, I believe we have seen what we are going to see from Trent and Fitz. And, I believe that what we have seen simply boils down to: not good enough. At this point, Brohm is the only one that has potential upside, that might at least get us to "good enough" from the QB position.
Agreed I am all for power football. Zone blocking makes me insane...especially now that everybody knows how to beat it, and the refs are calling low/chop blocks much more. Denver Broncos small/quick O Line days are over. If we are going to pay big fat strong guys, then let's let them play like big fat strong guys, not "first guy to get to a spot" and try to get them to play like defensive backs.
View From North of the Border
OCinBuffalo replied to /dev/null's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Canadians have a real problem with the truth lately. And the more their health care system gets exposed, the more shrill they become. I have noticed it steadily getting worse at Sabres/Bills games, the mall, etc. There's opinion, and then, there's simply being a jackass. For the first time in my life, the majority of Canadians I am encountering are the latter. -
The Internet Is For...Taxes
OCinBuffalo replied to /dev/null's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
These never get old for me. My favorite email is: You know you have been a consultant too long when.... ....you are friends with the hotel staff. ....you realize that the hotel staff are your only friends. Oh, and you can diss us all you want, but, when it's all on the line, and it's either your kids do or don't got to college based on what happens, or, you need an original idea/something completely different that will work....my Blackberry? that you don't like? ....you call it, and you are happy you know the number. -
Dan: What he said. Except, I am certain the President cares about the environment...he just cares more about big government not looking bad. The Governors of LA, MS, and AL all tried to get multiple plans approved and at each step, some pissants in the EXECUTIVE BRANCH stopped/would not approve their efforts. Leadership WOULD HAVE BEEN slapping the bureaucrats in line, and if they persisted in blocking the perfectly reasonable plans that were on the table WEEKS before the oil hit the f'ing beach, for no other reason than protecting their precious fiefdoms, firing their sorry asses, and getting somebody who would work the problem. Yes, OSHA enforcing its will was more important than keeping the oil off the beach. We can't even clean up because they won't let anybody....so what the f are we supposed to do? Wish it away? The EPA not letting booms be deployed....because it might hurt the f'ing fish? How are the fish doing now, you f'ing retards? Then when they wanted to deploy the shallow water booms, it was the same thing. ALL OF THIS could have been resolved with 1 f'ing phone call. These were CLEARLY the priorities, and NONE of them were addressed. You want me to give credit to a turd, for not ruining the whole carpet? OK The Obama turd gets credit for not ruining the part of the carpet that's under the couch. Now, can we dispense with the obtuse notion that this somehow makes up for this turd ruining the carpet in the middle of the floor, and everywhere else we can see? So, either: 1. you have deluded yourself into believing that 10% on a test is a passing grade 2. you are an idiot 3. you are purposely lying to yourself and others in a lame effort to protect this turd I don't care, but you need to get a friggin clue. This is not leadership, and you either know it, or, you lied about being a leader.
The Internet Is For...Taxes
OCinBuffalo replied to /dev/null's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Which means people will start using an off-shore pay-pal, all hosting is moved off-shore, shipping is done through consignment with a layer of abstraction between the transaction and the shipment, also done off shore..... ....and American IT gets the shaft, once again. What a great way to "create jobs". When are they ever going to learn? Corporations never pay taxes, they simply pass it on the consumer by increasing prices, and, for every dopey law they pass, people will always pay us heavy to find a way around it. I have just given you the answer to any and all "Tax the Internet" plans, and I did it 30 seconds. The consultant they hire is sure to charge them for at least a day, and say the same thing. The cost of regulating this, in and of itself, will cancel out any increased tax revenue, and if anything will end up costing even more. This is IT world, not brick and mortar, and it appears that Democrats will be the last to understand that concept. I was almost certain it would be Bank VPs, who started as tellers or accounting clerks, but I guess I was wrong...these are the same people who think that manufacturing will return to NYS...if they keep raising taxes, if they keep insisting that a "living wage" gets paid, and that union largess is a good idea. (Edit: your local Indian Reservation is a perfect place to host a server)