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Everything posted by OCinBuffalo

  1. Gotta love it when liberal demands for tolerance creates intolerance. Also gotta love the circular reasoning of it all. How about this: Liberals have demanded tolerance of the African-American culture, but then the Mike Vick thing happens, which is a direct result of African-American culture, and all these liberal dog lovers turn on him like a mother-in-law? Damn their intolerance! Buddy, the truth is: fighting dogs is indefensible, too much of African-American culture is counter-productive, and so is telling us that there is no Muslim terrorist threat.
  2. The man told the truth and got fired for it, period. Yeah, all of us were real idiots for being worried AFTER 9/11, especially since the shoe bomber and the underwear bomber....didn't happen, right? The bottom line is Michael Moore is an idiot, there IS a terrorist threat, and it's coming from Islamic nuts. Not Christians, not Jews, not Hari Krishnas, no, it's coming from Muslims. Crazy Muslims? Sure, but still, Muslims. I will start caring about what "moderate" Muslims think right after they prove they are doing something about the crazy Muslims. Until then, they can blow their issues and their complaining about our military interventions, right out their asses.
  3. Which has a lot to do with not being able to: fire anybody reorganize the company create production incentives change suppliers without going through the trials of Job because of unions and government regulation. Yes, and we have been unable to learn from her success when in comes to airlines and auto manufacturers. The good news is: Japan makes more cars here than in Japan, proving that unions are in fact the problem, and, Southwest Airlines is kicking ass, proving, again, that unions are part of the problem. Both the Japanese companies and Southwest are union-free. Only because we vigilantly beat them verbally and intellectually, as evidenced by this board. The Republicans hosed us, allowing the "(no WMD in Iraq*ridiculous spending)+corruption = Obama" equation to come to fruition. But, as the Rolling Stones said: "it's all over now".
  4. Blah, blah What ends are you referring to? Answer the question. Go ahead and tell me that the ends NPR got were "what they wanted all along". Yeeesss, this was all part of the their master plan, it's jut that we are too stupid to understand it. While you are at it, tell me why their CEO shouldn't be auto-fired, along with whoever is doing their PR...."during fund-raising week".
  5. ...anymore. Did you graduate, quit, or get booted? Congrats on any of the above, as long as there is a good story to go along with it. Plagiarizing Rosie O'Donnell does you no favors here my friend. This naivete is just as ridiculous as her being "against guns", while employing an armed security force. The American people are angry right now, and they have every right to be angry. Obama can call us idiots all he likes, it doesn't change the fact that he sucks at his job. What ends are you referring to? Intolerance? Hypocrisy? 1000 free gallons of bad PR that they will never live down? There's nothing good about this for NPR. What possible purpose does this action serve other then making them look like the smug, petty little turds that they obviously are? You are trying to take a bushel of BS, and make lemonade. You drink it. We don't want any.
  6. Enough from the scientists. Time for the engineers to have their say: Assumption #1: Man-made Global WarmingTM is not a hoax spawned by neo-communists, backed up by grant-seeking careerist scientists, and piled onto by welfare-seeking 3rd world dictators, but is actually real. Assumption #2: It's effects are catastrophic. Yes, manbearpig is actually something we need to truly fear. Assumption #3: Because scientists don't usually DO anything , it will fall to us to actually apply science and make things to help. If we are going to build "Freds", thingies, whatevers, that cut emissions, or reduce CO2, or provide alternative energy, exactly how much CO2 do we need to stop emitting/reduce/restrict? Oh, that's right, the scientists can't tell us. How much is created by man, and how much is "natural". Certainly we don't want to overdo it, or all plant life on earth will die(Remember Assumption #2? Well, if humans can cause catastrophe on one end, then they can on the other). We are talking about creating a whole crapload of "Fred" units here, in the millions, so a small miscalculation can create a major problem. We have to be able to calculate the ROI of our Freds, and whether they will cause more C02 and be regulated out of the market. And, we don't want to have the legal department annoy the hell out of us at every step in our design process, never mind operations or our risk managers kill the whole project due to infeasible liability...so...we need the scientists to give us reasonable data... But, oh, that's right, the scientists can't tell us. And on and on. I could come up with these examples all day. Just like with clients, when the real problem is being obscured by political/personal agendas, the project has no hope of getting sound requirements defined->almost certain failure. If the "science" isn't tightened up it's useless to people who might actually be able to do something about it. Taking about "consensus" is useless without actionable data. Is there a consensus about the % of human C02 vs. animal vs. other. No. Until there is, from an engineering perspective, this is a waste of time. Ph.D or no Ph.D, if you can't define the problem, engineers can't solve it.
  7. After reading through the remainder of this thread from my last post, I am betting he has no idea. You see, the regurgitation machine appears to be down, and the big words stop making sense when you can't sync them up in real time, from other people "at the college level". Everything Big Cat has said boils down to: 1. I'm a hypocrite 2. But, I'm smart enough to know people will call me that, so... 3. I will use the Clintonesque defense: "Yeah but, those people over there are doing the same stupid crap I am..." so... 4. I would defend the act of ass-raping nuns, if it meant defending a Democrat who got caught ass-raping nuns, but at least you can't call me a hypocrite. 5. Oh, and don't forget that I am morally superior to all of you...because I go to college.(As if we all don't have degrees) (EDIT) 6. Besides, ass-raping nuns is just part of "the business", don't you know that? Opens can of Pre-Fabricated Response: "Bill Clinton has done more for women's issues than any President. Therefore, we support him, blah, blah, blah" ...and have exactly 0 intellectual honesty and moral courage. As we see with Big Cat: there's no such thing as "wrong", as opposed to "right", when we are talking about people on the left. However, if somebody on the right does something "wrong", then suddenly he turns into Che Guevara and wants to oversee summary executions.
  8. No, he's just like the rest of us: we aren't going to take financial advice from a homeless guy with a busket*, and, we aren't going to listen to you about Global WarmingTM *(+1 to whoever knows this isn't a typo)
  9. Read. Learn. Do not repeat in this country, idiots. Anybody says "raise capital gains tax", get out your tack hammer, hit the retard, repeat. (I'm trying out my new "made-for-simpletons" writing style)
  10. Which is the real agenda here. Communists cannot win elections, even in places like France. The only way Communists can come to power is by creating violence and civil unrest, and then positioning themselves as the "savior".
  11. Yes conner, you have transcended... I will leave what, and what you have risen to become to others.... It also certainly common place for you to take positions/post links to material...that you don't understand. Such goes your idiocy. Is that what you think you are doing? Sad. You have to have ideas, in order to inflict them. As LaBillz has identified accurately: You don't have any ideas. O'Reilly just said they have evidence that Mara Liason? is next to fired, for the sole reason that she is another liberal on Fox, and that Soros is behind all of this. Careerism, or, Soros playing games again? Soros gave NPR(EDIT: Media Matters->NPR?) 1.8 million bucks? Didn't he learn anything from the Air America debacle? People don't like nonsense. They like reasonable debate. This is why we like TPS and "hate" conner.
  12. Hehehehehehe. I truly enjoy being the polar opposite of conner. I am betting Williams does quite well. I wouldn't be surprised if he gets his own show.(Let's see how long this takes) Yeah, all the CEOs(me), Ph.D.s, Masters Prepared, etc. people around here are real idiots...compared to you. I am joining the growing group of people here who want to know your credentials, scientific or otherwise. I am rapidly becoming convinced that your only qualification is: internet connection. Which only proves them to be intellectually vapid. Williams has consistently called for comprehensive reform(amnesty) for illegal immigrants on Fox. Does that mean NPR doesn't support comprehensive reform(amnesty)? Juan's positions don't change, regardless of where he delivers them. So what difference does it make where he says what? The only difference is in the mind of the retards at NPR. I don't speak gibberish. Please translate.
  13. Dammit! I asked Tom not to curtail my fun with conner, and now you have absolutely killed it. Killed it dead. Bah! Although, I am a little leery of any organization providing its own #s, kinda like I'd rather get #s from an auditor, not the CFO, there's little doubt that these numbers are close. But, this is what I was going to walk conner into, in the hopes that hilarity would ensue along the way. And now you have ruined it. As far as the other stuff goes: 1. Does it mean anything that Juan Williams was specifically hired by Fox to provide a rational representation of liberal views on issues? Hiring an idiot makes for bad TV, which is why Colmes got the boot. Hiring a liberal who can definitively state his case, and prove his point,(think anti-conner) only helps Fox accomplish its goal = dominate the ratings. 2. Juan Williams was hired for his analysis, provided it jives with what the far-left people at NPR think is OK? Sorry, that's not being a NEWS ANALYST, that's being a TRAINED PARROT.
  14. Ah, I took it a completely different way. I'll meet you in the middle: I'm going to try to give a little more of a crap about what you say, and not immediately reject it as utter nonsense. How's that? And, don't confuse fear with refusing to believe in your PC fairy tale. Edit: Oops...looks like BB27 beat me to the "fairy tale" punch.
  15. So I am supposed to give some guy who is obviously concerned, rightly or wrongly, even more cause for concern that, if there is trouble, I ain't going to back him up? Perhaps you don't fly enough? I do, and the last thing we need is more anxiety on planes today. It's much better to simply return the nod and take my nap. If you don't fly, then none of this concerns you, and frankly nobody who does fly cares what those who don't have to say. It's not their asses on the line if something goes down. In fact the frequent flier is annoyed by all kinds of things: 1. Tools who bring 20 little plastic bags to security 2. Tools on vacation 3. Tools who don't fly a lot, but have jobs that make them "important", crying because us regulars get better treatment. 4. Tools who want to walk 10 people abreast in the terminal when I have 10 minutes to connect 5. Tools who won't stand to the right on a moving walk, and then cry when I tap them on the right shoulder causing them to turn and get out of my way, because I have 10 minutes to connect. (Hey, it's nicer than the elbow I used to throw.) ... 56. Muslim guys in first class So it's way down the list. It pales in comparison to fat people, crying babies, cougars, etc. sitting next to me. But, it's still a concern.
  16. Even if I agreed with your premise, which I don't, are we supposed to turn a blind eye every time we see most of 1st class occupied by middle-eastern types? That's only going to happen when the Islamic terror threat is gone. That's not our job, that's Muslim's job. Until they handle their business, we have to handle ours. I can tell you, however ridiculous I think it is, I still get the "nod" from other people when we see that on a plane, and, for now, I am obliged to return it. I agree that the whole thing is silly, but, what if that one time, it isn't? And besides, what am I supposed to do, give the "nodder" the bird? Tell him/her how intolerant they are?
  17. You are coming awfully close to ruining my fun, now cut it out. Especially when one considers Williams was hired specifically to provide personal opinions, both by Fox and NPR. There is nothing libelous, obscene, or intentionally distressing about what Williams said, so there's no way he should have been fired. I would love to be the "wrongful termination" lawyers on this one = easy money. Oh, and let's remember: Imus picked up SERIOUS ratings over his firing/re-hiring. So, Williams is sure to be rolling in cash and 10x more relevant when all is said and done. Williams' opinions will now receive even more national attention than they would ever have had he not been fired. Once again, liberals will get the EXACT OPPOSITE of what they intend. Hysterical. When will they learn? If conner is a sound representative of liberals? Never.
  18. No you simply lack the critical thinking skills, and understanding of logic that you would have gotten had you passed Course II, to be able to mock it properly. It can be mocked, but not by you. As I said, I'm toying with you.
  19. Just busting balls. I was relating, poorly, what we were talking about in another thread, regarding the Islamic world's problems to this. But really, this is about liberal hypocrisy, Political Correctness, false premises and circular logic, not you.
  20. NPR is funded by the US Government. IF they aren't responsible for NPR, then they also aren't responsible for what Blackwater does. So, you are now not allowed to complain if Blackwater kills civilians. That is logic conner, feel its sting.
  21. Again, you don't know: 1. The airwaves belong to the FCC, not NPR 2. The FCC can in fact censor whoever they want, however they want. 3. The fact that NPR gets its funding from the government, had hired Juan Williams specifically for his opinions, and has now SPECIFICALLY fired him for them, has put the government in the censorship business, like it or not, and in a way that is outside of the FCC's scope. 4. If NPR had fired Williams for showing up late to a meeting, none of this would be a problem. Liberals aren't known to be that smart however, as evidenced by you on a daily basis here. Keep talking conner, we will see who is ignorant and who is merely toying with you.
  22. So, according to you, we should call people who don't want to stand up in open field during a lighting storm "irrational", because the chance they will get hit is so small? You are asking people to not recognize potential danger and instead put their faith in...what exactly? God? You? Ok, got any kids? If we shouldn't recognize potential danger, then why don't you sign up to allow a child molester to be your neighbor? Since, not every child molester re-offends, and therefore we can't blame them ALL. The fact is that potential danger is f'ing potential danger, and we all need to recognize it for what it is, not play pretend in fairy land. If Islamic people are offended, then the best thing for them to do is start working against the terrorists, and the Islamic Caliphate concept, immediately. This is the only way the danger will be removed, permanently, and is the only way for people to stop looking at "all Muslims" as a potential threat. The TERRORISTS, not us, choose to hide themselves amongst "all Muslims", but only if "all Muslims" allow it. This continues to be about the choices moderate Muslims make, period.
  23. Typical conner not knowing the facts here. You don't know that NPR is government funded? Really? Logic is useless if it's based on bad premises And, we will see how the government acquits itself if Williams does indeed bring a wrongful termination suit. NPR's actions are indefensible. Now we get to watch conner and whatever PC tool that thinks Islam doesn't have serious problems try to defend the indefensible.
  24. What are you talking about? Aren't you happy? After all, according to you Juan Williams is an Islamaphobe, and therefore his firing is a good thing. At least that's what you said last time. Feel free to change your mind though. Oh, and go ahead and fill up another post with BLAH! That will remind us all exactly how much weight we should give your opinions on this issue.
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