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Everything posted by OCinBuffalo

  1. Nope. As far as I know, this is it. Oh, and don't be surprised if they swap out one PDF for another, without any revision notations.
  2. He just needs to be around for one of wawrow's 4 am, "just finished my 10th tequila shot at the Crocodile", screeds.
  3. Did you not get it the first time? I certainly don't my ideas from Republicans. I get them from ME. I don't learn a damn thing about this from Democrats or Republicans, I learn by doing my job and reading PDFs from HHS(laughing as I do). Micromanaging from DC is exactly what this is all about. But you don't know that, obviously. Example: We are dealing with "Meaningful Use" right friggin now. A doctor will have to prove that he is "meaningfully using" software in his practice, and he might get reimbursed for buying it...but not if he doesn't do everything EXACTLY the way HHS wants, hence micromanaging his practice form DC. If he doesn't, his Medicare reimbursement will be reduced year after year. The hysterical part is: the standards for all of this have been written by amateurs. Now, after HHS has been scorned on this all over the internet, they are trying to firm up actual standards, leading to even more hilarity. The "talent" of government employees is on full display right here Ever want to know what it feels like to be a team owner and overpay for a player? Read that document, and realize some of these people get paid over 100k of your tax dollars for that work. So what are going to do there team owner? Double down and re-sign Kelsay? "Ensure that we take the measurements we are ALWAYS SUPPOSED TO TAKE...50% of the time?" Morons. Why are we bothering with this idiocy? Yes, tracking smoking in 13+ patients, 50% of the time, is a great way to lower health care cost. Again, Morons. No, its a great way for HHS Ph.Ds to get out of collecting raw data for yet another $20 million "smoking is bad" study. As if we don't already know. You can't claim to love Obamacare, and claim to hate Micromanaging from DC, at the same time. This aspect of Obamacare cannot be "amended" away, because it is literally part of Obamacare's premise. The ONLY choice is to repeal this part of it entirely, and, if you do that, you might as well rip out the whole thing. Incidentally, Obamacare creates a windfall for me. I have every reason to support it personally because it will make me rich. But I don't, because I understand the concept of honor, and the concept of sound quality assurance, cost accounting, and business process re-engineering(and no, I won't change what I call it). Learn about this stuff, pick either: Obamacare or NO micromanaging from DC, and stop wasting my time.
  4. Perhaps. I am reading through some of the new health care regs and my blood is boiling right now. "Meaningful Use" is sheer buffoonery.
  5. Not really. The CBO is a slave to the concept of "garbage in, garbage out". We beat the GIGO in software by creating things like edits, validation, and business rules. I would like to see these same principles established for the CBO, so that they wouldn't be so susceptible to GIGO. In fact, I would like to see them establish their own modeling methodology, or a more disciplined one, so that political wonks can just give them whatever self-fulfilling prophetical data and models they want. If the CBO was to establish it's own structure, then we could get apples to apples comparisons of ideas. Don't hold your breath though.
  6. Right, and for the last 10 years since he has been on Fox and working for NPR, he has never said anything inflammatory. Your position is laughable. The truth is: NPR is a biased news organization, and while Juan Williams was repeating DNC talking points on FOX, NPR had no problem, even if those points were inflammatory. 36 hours AFTER he says something that deviates from those talking points, which means somebody clearly got to NPR because they would have fired him immediately otherwise, he gets fired? Liberal Please.
  7. I am a shining example of know what the f I am talking about when it comes to health care, because I am involved in the business of health care on a daily basis. You think there is a top down, one size fits all, solution that the government can provide. You are patently wrong. You think that micromanaging health care from DC is a good idea, when it has already been proven to be sheer lunacy just in the form of Medicare, never mind the entire system. You are the problem with this country because you spend 0 time learning the material before you form an opinion. What amendments are you talking about? Specifically now, what exactly would you amend? The truth is you have no idea, and, your "I would like to see amendments" position, if you want to call it that, is based purely on the fact that you know that health care reform is unpopular, and you don't want to look stupid on a message board. Whatever.
  8. Well, since I don't pay attention to either pBills or Colmes, I guess I am safe from their incessant mewling. I am making the call: Ryan will be coming to the Executive Branch one way or the other very soon.
  9. Blah, blah, blah. Nah, you're posts aren't indicative of your "I'm better than everybody else" attitude at all. But, and I know how hard it is for you to see your hypocrisy here, Juan Williams wasn't hired to be a "reporter". He was hired to be an "analyst". Analysts talk about the news, after somebody else reports it. His job is to say what he thinks. And then NPR fires him for doing his job? You are never going to be right about this, time to give it up already. Oh, and I forgot to add in my last: You are guilty of the same groupthink that you attribute to Fundamentalist Christians. Neither them nor you are morally superior because you decided to join a group. And, if I hear that an abortion doctor was killed the very first thing I think is: Fundamentalist Christians did it. Not because I am prejudiced, but because I am in touch with f'ing reality.
  10. Ahh, now you have defined the problem accurately: this is all about their need to get high and mighty. Getting high and mighty is a fundamental tenet of their belief system. Telling them not to get high and mighty is like telling Michael Moore he needs to stop filling his works with lies of omission, it is simply an impossible request. They will never be able to perceive their own hypocrisy. Not as long as their belief system is predicated on the notion that they are morally superior to everyone else because they joined a group, and not due to their own character. Think about it: conner attributes his "intelligence" to the fact that he is a liberal. He actually believes that being a liberal makes him smart. The same math is being used here, just replace "morally superior" with "smart".
  11. The promise was "If you have health care, you can keep your plan and keep your doctor". I heard it, hell, we all heard it. The reality is "not if your employer drops your plan". This was a lie from the get go, and many of us, especially those of us who have worked in the health insurance market, knew it was a lie the second it was read from the teleprompter. Now you want to talk money? Buddy, there's no way you can add a massive amount of demand to a economic model, not increase supply, and have prices go down. There, in one sentence I have described the fundamental flaw of this idiocy, and you cannot refute it. If Ryan keeps going like he has, I wouldn't be surprised if ends up at least as a cabinet secretary, possibly higher. Obama would be a genius to hire him to take over HHS and reform it from within. Obama would be a super genius if he made Ryan an entitlement Czar, and had him fix SSI, Medicare and Medicaid. Hey, if Obama wants to hire all these czars instead of working within the system, why buck the trend? I don't like all these czars, but what the hell else can we hope for? Obama would be an idiot to keep trying to take Ryan on in public debates. Ryan has already smoked him once, and if Obama uses his head instead of his ego, he won't let that happen again. Notice how the Democrats never say anything bad about Ryan in public? They are scared schitless of him, and they should be.
  12. What does that have to do with Muslims being unable, or unwilling more likely, to apply reason to their existence, and come to the conclusion that they, not us, are responsible for their situation, and, if they want to change it, they need to do something besides whine on CNN, or have "meetings" where they make irrational claims?
  13. How do you figure?
  14. Careful, you are about to get walked out on, or fired, for simply stating the truth. I saw some of that meeting I think. Ignorant turds. I got the distinct feeling that "this must have been what doing science was like before the scientific method was refined". Yes, wood is partially made of fire, and burning lets the fire out of the wood. Similarly, the US attacked itself, because we actually wanted to go to these crappy countries, because we want to waste our money on repressing these people, because we care more about harassing Muslims than we do about keeping our cash. I think it's hysterical that with all their assertions about their role in modern science, Muslims don't seem capable of applying the concepts they helped create to their daily lives.
  15. I gotta come down on the side of "hey, it's just a joke". There are plenty of policies we can criticize Obama on and there's no point in developing Obama derangement syndrome. Let's set an example for our leftist friends here and not go f'ing nuts over every little meaningless gaffe that won't matter in 2 days. For those that see a pattern in this: fair enough, but you are late to the party. All I had to hear was the "they cling to guns and the Biible and (racism)" comment to know who we were getting with Obama. Defining the problem as: "Republicans raving over unemployment" isn't even close to accurate. Defining the problem as: "All Republicans, Most Independents, and many Democrats, are raving over a 3 trillion dollar stimulus, that ended up being an uber-expensive 3 and out" is accurate. Yeah, they can say "at least we didn't turn the ball over". But, we can say "yeah, but you didn't move the ball either". Ineffective means what it says. I don't ever remember going to the Ralph and cheering "at least we didn't turn it over! Hooray!" Pretending like Obama has done a good job with the economy is like pretending that Dick Jauron knows how to coach offense.
  16. Idiots, but, if Islam is a "religion of peace", where was their Mullah chastising them for their sick display and demanding that they atone for it, and stating that these people don't represent Islam? Where were their civic leaders the next day stating how embarrassed and outraged they were over this behavior? Were terrorists going to attack the press conference they could have scheduled anywhere, anytime? Please. When all but 20% of the people are against every major agenda item he signed into law...who is he pandering too? The only answer here is: the unions. IF he was pandering, he stinks at it. He couldn't beat the Republicans on the issues, and then wasn't smart enough to join them. He played it like an amateur, but, given his prior experience and performance so far, isn't it obvious that he is? The key word there is "governments". Notice you didn't say "pissant crackpot individuals". Venezuela doesn't have a "government", just a dude who is running his country into the ground. Same with Iran, North Korea, and many African countries. I have no problem talking with governments who actually have responsible diplomatic institutions. I have every problem with applying our responsible diplomatic institutions towards Dr. Evil, and expecting a serious, positive result.
  17. Oh here we go with Tim McVeigh and again, almost 20 years ago. Tim McVeigh did not cite Christianity as part of his manifesto. He hated the government attacking a church, sure, but the fact that it was a church had less to do with it than the fact that they had guns inside and were on private property. McVeigh was about taking revenge on the Government(hence his target was an FBI building) and had little to nothing to do with religion. McViegh wasn't part of a "hate group" unless we are treating government employees as their own race now. We are already treating them as a privileged class, why not make them a race too? This way we can call people who hate the government racists! How many Western NY white Christian males have attacked us in the last 10 years? 0? OK, then 0 profiling. See, it's really easy when you let yourself be guided by reality, and not by political correctness. Make no mistake, I HAVE personally dealt with white supremacist types, and I did actively participate in ending that nonsense immediately. I HAVE also personally helped ensure that a consistent wife beater went to prison, and not just jail, despite attempts by government officials, cops and lawyers to convince her not to testify. And believe me the list goes on. Perhaps you shouldn't make jackass assumptions. In fact, I have done all of these things precisely because I am INTOLERANT. I don't tolerate BS from anybody, regardless of race or creed, and I especially don't like D-bags questioning whether I live what I say, every day, all the time.
  18. The difference is: I have never seen Christians celebrating in the streets when an abortion doctor gets murdered. I did see tons of Muslims celebrating in the streets the day after 9/11, when not one but 1000s of people were murdered. And yeah, that indicates that Islam has problems that go far beyond a "few nuts". And the idiotic "engagement" strategy has had all kind of unintentional consequences...as well as the benefit of being doomed to fail from the beginning, as I said it would be. You don't negotiate with Dr. Evil. All you accomplish is legitimizing Dr. Evil, and we already have enough Dr. Evils at the UN(see Chavez). What do you mean? Obama has had the Unicorns and Rainbows economic team until just recently, and their "real world"(read: business) experience is precisely equivalent to that of a 4 year old. The stimulus was the equivalent of setting up a lemonade stand...so yeah, 4 year old sounds about right. How's that working out for us?
  19. If I am on the board of NPR? You bet your ass I am worried about my brand and my money. Most of these media outlets run on very tight budget, and many are failing economically(see: Newsweek sold for 1(one) dollar). As a board member, it is my responsibility to protect the corporation's assets first. With the Federally funded safety net being one of our top assets, you better believe I will protect it like a hawk. Seeing these assets, and the organization on the whole put at serious risk, over what amount to an immature hissy fit? In the middle of our development(fund raising) campaign week? Yeah, the child that originated that hissy fit, and all children who propagated it, have to go. NPR is a corporation, not a nursery school. Edit: If I am a foolish board member, then I take Soro's cash this year, and self-congratulate, and go along with firing Williams...and then I cry the blues 2 years from now when NPR is broke and Soros is long gone. You have defined it: Rupert Murdoch = results = the Varsity Soon to be fired NPR lady = fail = the modified team.
  20. See Benedict? This crap is still going because birdog seems to have forgotten that some tool tried to blow up Times Square this year. A tool that applied for and received citizenship, but then decided to dishonor himself by breaking his oath. Tell you what Birdog, I will stop being aware of the Muslim terror threat if we can go 2 whole years without a Muslim terror attack. Seems like a fair standard to me. I will gladly fly with "all Muslims" the second "all Muslims" show some balls and go after crazy Muslims. How are we supposed to HONESTLY say that we don't face an ongoing threat from people that seem normal, but are nuts inside? Sorry, but your "tolerance" isn't going to protect us from these nuts. And, until the cowards start wearing uniforms, how are we supposed to tell who is who? HONESTLY, we can't. And, again, as long as the "moderate" Muslims allow these nuts to hide amongst them in civvies, they are going to have to get used to the occasional civilian casualties and profiling.
  21. What do you mean? Conner, birdog, AND the big cat have been here, and therefore, the beatings have commenced! How does anything about this entire issue make NPR look "smart", or actually be "smart"? Seriously, if I was on their board the CEO and PR people are looking for jobs immediately. They just endangered 5-10% of their operating budget, and are certain to face cuts, because they couldn't keep their egos/wingnut agenda in check? Not smart by anybody's standard. Obama is failing, and the immaturity of firing Juan Williams does nothing to change that. FOX, on the other hand, gains a huge PR bump via the goodwill of the 80+% of people familiar with this issue. The real winner is Williams himself, as I said, who already got a financial windfall from this. He may have been stiffed for only $2 mil or whatever. The free PR bump from this is worth 10x that at least. How about 100 "journalists"(read: hacks) to spend all their time doing opposition research, like Soros is hiring for NPR?
  22. So, you are admitting that this is all about Williams being on Fox News, and not about what he said specifically? If not: Did the comments you are referring to only happen on Fox, or were some also on NPR? I bet they won't say, and I bet you don't know.
  23. We ARE doing something about it, and all you have to do is search youtube with "insurgent getting owned" to see our efforts. The point is: we aren't the people whose religion is being bastardized. They need to fix THEIR problem. I'd love to see a youtube of "terrorist getting owned by Syrian/Jordan/Saudi/Egyptian/etc. army", but we don't see that much do we? Instead we see: "moderate" Muslim bitching that we have troops in the Middle East on some show...because they don't have the sack to fix their own countries and blame us for supporting their dictators...as if we wouldn't do business with whoever was in charge, and actually care enough about them to "repress" them. This whole thing is absurd, and made more so by these attention-starved tools who are trying to make themselves relevant again after 800 years of sucking. I have news for them: if they don't like how we are solving their problems, then why don't they take over and actually do something besides whining on CNN?
  24. Yes if today was Monday, Jan 31st, 1972, the day after Bloody Sunday. But it's not, and that was 38 years ago. Should we also be as concerned about Edi Amin and the Bader Meinhoff gang as we are about Islmaic terrorists today? In other news, Gen. Francisco Franco is still dead.
  25. Prove it. Where and when. You can't, but you support Obamacare, so I'm sure we will see plenty of straw grabbing. While you're at it, define circular reasoning for me, in the context of not being tolerant of somebody stating an reasonable response to an obvious threat, but demanding tolerance from everybody else, at the same time. No, the liberal definition of tolerance is now totally subjective. The same as their definition of racism, homophobia, all the other psychobabble words, and are simply arguments of convenience and political expediency. You have far surpassed your quota of "calling wolf". Not only is this bad for you politically, it is also bad for people who are subject to real discrimination. But I am guessing you only care about the first part. Bull. The crazy Muslims we are fighting are on record as pedophiles, to include raping little boys. They say their religion gives them the right to do this, and you want to be tolerant of these "religious" practices? Should anybody be tolerant of this activity, anywhere, never mind here? Fire up your logic hoop birdog...I can't wait...
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