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Everything posted by OCinBuffalo
Global warming err Climate change HOAX
OCinBuffalo replied to Very wide right's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Somebody should ask them if they checked with ALGORE before they decided to predict the future. -
Buzzfeed Hits into a Triple Play
OCinBuffalo replied to OCinBuffalo's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
That, and it took the left's three main lines of attack with it when it blew. -
Buzzfeed Hits into a Triple Play
OCinBuffalo replied to OCinBuffalo's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
You're missing the point. The only takeaways from this are: 1. The intelligence people that are sure that the "Russians hacked the elections" couldn't find the right Micheal Cohen. Look: I know that's not how it works...at...all, nuance, etc. Few care. Not the right Micheal Cohen is the story. That's how it's playing. And, don't cry to me about being "factually wrong" today, of all days. Irony much? Conflation? What would you call taking a bogus intelligence report, that isn't, and trying to tell us that "Trump's win isn't legit because he was compromised and Putin helped him win because he could control him so that's why we didn't lose"? Conflation much? Not today. No, this is one of those "right to remain silent" times for the left. Everything you say about this WILL be used against you in the court of public opinion. By all means, keep talking. 2. As of right this minute, it's plausible that perhaps the true source of this entire thing is Anonymous. This may be the best troll of all time, with due respect to Oprah's Over 9000 Penises. I'm seeing credible posts that show that they were looking for a way to F with Rick Wilson(McCain guy), and this was how. Anons are quite gleeful today. Could all be BS, because that's what they do. But? Every minute that goes I am seeing more old posts that prove that this was Anon. Oh man, some guy's saying he sent it out to a whole bunch of reporters. I wonder if this supposed "ex MI-6 guy" is him...or...did some actual "ex MI-6" guy(reports are it came from a private intelligence firm) snag this troll and sell it as his work? I'd pay good $ to be in that meeting. 3. Nobody cares about what we were supposed to be talking about today....still. 4. The biggest Fake News outlet of all time is now Buzzfeed...EDIT: Not Breitbart 5. CNN can try to distance themselves, but they are standing in the middle of a field of fresh schit. There is no distancing. In any direction, they step in more schit. Best to stand still, and wait for things to dry out. -
I'll say it again: "If you want something done right, put the far left in charge of doing the opposite". What the right wanted done right was killing off the efforts at delegitimizing Trump's election. Buzzfeed obliged: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/01/10/business/buzzfeed-donald-trump-russia.html?_r=0 and now the above quote is approaching theorem status. The left had been attempting their delegitimatize effort using 3 main story lines: 1. Russian Hacking(causing the election to be stolen influenced for Trump) 2. Fake News(stories causing people to believe bad things about Clintons) 3. Trump's conflict of interest with his business vs the presidency will inevitably mean that the country will be bought and sold As of tonight, all 3 are done. Thanks, Buzzfeed! Buzzfeed == the guy who hits a one-hopper straight at the 3rd baseman with 2 guys on, allowing Team Trump to turn a triple play on the media, and the Democrats(and whoever paid the limey for the fake story), all in one news conference, and completely step on what was supposed to be today's story. Let's do one out at a time. 1st Out: Turns out the Buzzfeed story is total garbage, CNN picked it up, and the POETUS told them they were Fake News to their face. Fake News? Done. Trump destroyed CNN today. Period. 2nd Out: The whole Russian hacking thing turns on the notion that our intelligence community all agrees that the Russians did it. Let's set aside how the media "knows" their motives(mind readers?). The fake news Buzzfeed story was sold by them, CNN, and the left et al...as coming from the intelligence community! Yeah, so what was a 1 way hinge is now a 2 way. The Russian Hacking story died today. I can detail why, but, dead. 3rd Out: Trump's press conference was supposed to be about conflict of interest prevention. He did that, but, nobody is going to care/remember, after watching CNN get curb-stomped today. A 4th out could be the "tax return" story also died == Trump: "Nobody else cares about that story but you". What's left to report on? He did a bunch of stuff to insulate himself, which he isn't required to do. The only people who will want to argue the minutia of this beyond today is the GG/financial planning crowd. There's nowhere left for the story to go. Amazing. Yeah, any of you can try to "but..but..but" me with this or that. Come on. The "Delegitimize Trump" mission is over. Once again, a far left agenda item has been destroyed by their own idiocy. They have literally done the opposite....again. P.S.: The happiest person in DC tonight is idiot Cory Booker. He was going to be the star of the "first Senator to testify against another in a confirmation hearing" show, but now? If he's smart, he'll run away. His testimony was farcical. Now, nobody is going to see it. Thanks, Trump!
Global warming err Climate change HOAX
OCinBuffalo replied to Very wide right's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Did you read Steyn's blog in response to this decision? Very funny stuff. The worst part: even the global warming clowns now acknowledge that Mann's work is fraudulent, and that he fudged his data. But...IF you are Mark Steyn, you STILL aren't allowed to call Mann's work fraudulent(even though it's true), BECAUSE???? Mark Steyn doesn't have the requisite degrees and study in the field to be allowed to call out a fraud as a fraud. That's now the defense of Mann: only the experts can call a fraud a fraud. Right. As if any of them would have lifted a finger to prove Mann a fraud without Steyn's accusation. What's worse? Apparently the rest of the US citizenry aren't allowed to criticize fraudulent climate change "research", that directly effects us all, as it has been used to create US public policy. Oh no! The "fairness" of the global warming debate(read: you aren't allowed to call "obvious BS! "...without a climate science degree) supersedes our right to government by consent, and our right to free speech as well. Essentially, they can use junk science to create policy, but if we call it junk, that's "defamatory"? Yeah, watch this ruling get laughed out of the appeals court in about 3-6 months...that's if these 3 lady judges ever get off their asses and actually start the trial(It's been 3 years). -
In that world? Your wit == eating paste. Lots of paste.
Wear it as a badge of honor Buffalo!
OCinBuffalo replied to dwight in philly's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
It's truly amazing how we have protected classes, especially Muslims, who nobody can question, no once can criticize, and must be deferred to on any and all policy that has even a tangential effect on them.... ....except for veterans. Those of you have never served will never understand what the flag means to those who have. Fair statement. However, in real world-speak, not PC, veterans allow that people can still understand that relationship, using their own brains, and therefore are not immediately shut out any discussion that doesn't pay 100% homage to the veteran POV. Veterans know better: their oath is the Constitution, while the other protected classes, have no oath, and if they did, it would be to themselves/their self-interested agenda. Back to PC: If the veterans were a protected class, then, the same machinations and nonsense would be applied: since you cannot understand, you are not allowed to say anything bad about veterans, or the flag(even it if's the truth). The hypocrisy and/or phoniness is beyond the pale. Doubt it? Imagine if somebody burned a Koran. Would some of you clowns still be talking free speech? Or, would you be howling about the "offensiveness" of it all? EDIT: What if a group of veterans burned a Koran in honor of the buddies they've lost? Spare me your lame replies: the above is logical proof. You wan to have it both ways, and selectively defend free speech. You are phonies. -
Exactly. They don't learn. Screaming racist at everybody/everything == tune out. It's like they never read "The Boy Who Cried Wolf". It's literally amazing that a story that is on the 1st grade reading list, and the lesson it contains, somehow eludes people with 4 year degrees. Easy to tune out suggests that they haven't already been tuned out. Poor Jim doesn't realize he's behind the curve, but, at least he's on the curve. Two things they are doing that they are really going to wish they hadn't, and if they don't cut it out they are only going to get worse: 1. Setting the lowest possible expectations for Trump. Consider: what if Trump only does half of the terrible things they assert(not that he will but just for this point)? Then by definition, he has succeeded. Hey, he did better than they expected. IF this behavior continues they will be responsible for handing re-election to Trump. Here's how: Assume Trump brings just 5k manufacturing jobs back to the USA. The expectation is now set by the media that he will bring back 0, because Obama didn't, and therefore, it must be "impossible". If Trumps brings back those jobs, he now gets credit for literally doing the impossible! I didn't say it was impossible. No. The media did. So they are responsible for every time Trump "succeeds" by beating their low expectation. How stupid are these people? 2. Making it damn near impossible to separate real racism from phony charges. Duke. Lacrosse. Case. They didn't learn a thing from that. Now, they are at it again. When you've already called Trump a Nazi or Hitler...what happens if a real Nazi shows up? What happens when a real military strong man takes over the country. What happens when an authoritarian leftist gets elected and nationalizes the media? What are you going to call them? Stalin? Even from a cynical, political-gain standpoint, you can't gain anything if nobody can tell you've won. No. You gain politically when you prove racism, confront.it, and beat it. All these false charges do is distract from the real charges/wins against racism, so, even when you do have it right, and nail it, you don't get any credit. Again, how stupid are these people? It's amazing that they lack the self-awareness to realize what they are doing is 100% counter-productive to their stated objectives.
I knew you would post that. So predictable. I chose this link specifically because it included that section, so I could contrast it with the section before. And you have walked right into it, twat(there's some British English for you). Do yourself a favor and re-read the section just before what you quoted. There's no "ambiguity". Periods come after quotes, when the period is not part of the quotation. Now go back and re-read what you posted. What you quoted refers to commas. You weren't talking about commas. You were talking about periods. You're such an unmitigated moron that you don't even realize you made yourself wrong with your own post/quote of mine. Note: attacking me personally is as hilarious as it is ineffective. You walked right into this. Try to get out "grammar girl".
If they take Mark Hamill more seriously than a character that inspired the entire world, I agree.
Reading this thread merely serves as yet more confirmation of the Trump-phobic/hater crowd's true fear: It's not that he will be a bad president, or start locking people up in concentration camps, or whatever other hyperbole(that Pepe the Frog eats, to exist) that they spew. No, they are very afraid he's going to be a good president. They are also afraid because if that happens, it creates the equivalent of an 0-16 record for their prognostications and the aspersions they've cast, since the day Trump decided to run. Do some of you realize that you are literally the Cleveland Browns, when it comes to being right, about anything? This goes far beyond Trump. It's been happening for literally a decade. Who among you will stand up today and admit they were wrong about The Surge in Iraq? Or, admit they were wrong about The Stimulus being some grand economy booster, and not merely a cynical ploy that funneled money to bad behaving blue states and blue cities to prevent their bankruptcy? How about Obamacare(and before you say Republican anything, answer for Maryland, completely controlled by Ds, doing everything by the Obamacare book, and having their exchange go completely bankrupt. Rs had no hand in that at all.)? How about Global Warming, now that Nobel Laureates have completely disproved the 3 main premises of the the entire theory: using math? I think your energy would be better spent asking yourself how you got those real events so wrong, and are 0-for being on the right side of history, rather than wasting your time with hypotheticals.
As was said to Mark Hamill by an overwhelming number of tweets: "I don't listen to what Mark Hamill says, I listen to what Luke Skywalker says".
http://www.wsj.com/articles/the-rust-belt-is-right-to-blame-obama-1482098189 Now, as with all "modeling" I want to dig into this asap. Just like with QBR, there's bound to be a flaw or 3. But, unless we are talking mass-incompetence, and yet another example of unqualified people trying to do my job(ahem, Nate Silver), this may be something worth attending. Consider: if we can actually quantify government regulatory intrusion, we might be able to predictively model it. IF we can do that? Then we can get ahead of idiocy like Dodd-Frank before it happens. Not to say that many here didn't know that Dodd-Frank was FAIL, we did, but, all we had was qualitative evidence. Quantifiable methods would go a long way to inform the public about what exactly is going to happen, before it does, and that could potentially mortally wound crony capitalist scheming, as well as nonsense far-left fake "reforms" before they get of committee/the Budget Office, regardless of who is running things.
Global warming err Climate change HOAX
OCinBuffalo replied to Very wide right's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Still waiting for you to disprove the scientific analysis, from a team of scientists that includes 2 Nobel laureates, that debunks the 3 main premises behind the Global Warming theory. These 3 are the same premises behind the EPA's regulations, AND, IPCC policy. They used 13 different data sets, and mathematically proved that not only is Global Warming bunk, but that the modeling used to prove it is bunk. You've had since September to disprove their work. Why are we waiting? The difference between these scientists, and the Global Warming liars, is that they put ALL their data, and their methodology, on the internet, for free. Go look it up. I'm not giving you a link, precisely because you can easily search for this work for yourself. read it yourself, and download their paper yourself, all for free. It simply requires you to act. Act. I dare you to act. Do your own work. Read the paper. If you can use the internet to get here, you can certainly find the paper I'm talking about. Contrast: If you want the Global Warming version of "science", you have to pay, a lot, and you have to be somebody who already agrees with the results. Which "science" should we believe? The people who are completely transparent, or, the sanitation engineer's famous friends who refuse to expose their work to scrutiny? -
I was shopping earlier, and lo and behold: Captain America was sold out everywhere. My godson is only 2.5 but, he's smarter than the average bear, and he knows what's what at pre-school with the older kids. So, Captain America is the thing. Given this election season, and the mood of the country? No surprise I couldn't find anything other than a frisbee. But, me being me, I was able to sweet-talk a certain Wal-mart girl into finding me an age-appropriate action figure with no small parts, or "shield-throwing action" that would endanger my niece's(his younger sister) eyesight. Turns out she's been hoarding. I now owe her a night out. Don't fret. I intend to pay my debt with more than she bargained for. But, it is interesting: she's an unmitigated moron, yet, she knew enough to hoard the Captain America stuff, because even she can tell which way the wind is blowing.
Too soon? EDIT: Dammit, DC_Tom beat me to it! Russians hacked Youtube, so you'll never know. Unless of course, if it was given to wikileaks, and in that case, it was a false-flag CIA operation.
I thought you were banned from PPP. Or, I thought that getting whipped so many times made you run away. But, I'm overjoyed that you've come back, to make an obvious pile-on point. The fun question: after 10 years of war with me...what exactly was I wrong about? Look at the scoreboard. I told you 10 years ago that giving up on the plumbers et al (my grandfather's crew, who not only made him a union president, but an elected politician), who vote no matter what, and stand around fire barrels freezing: to get out the vote no matter what, was an exercise in stupidity. And what did you get in return? College professors/trial lawyers/"identity studies" majors(grant chasers)/clowns with trust funds. Militant minorities. Militant women. Militant gays. Militant white dudes trying to get laid by any of the former. Idiocy. You lost the Midwest, and WNY, because nobody gives a F about Trannie Rights. They just don't. Not when you geniuses decided to contrast that against putting food on the table. Unsolicited advice: You need to go back, not "forward" pretending like nothing happened here. You need to go back and remember what makes a Democrat a Democrat. My grandfather voted for Reagan, twice, while holding office. So did my uncle, who succeeded my grandfather to the same post. But, NOBODY could ever question their motives/record as Democrats. Contrast: How can we not question the motives of today's "democrats"? The simple reason I refuse to be a democrat is: I can see the emperor is naked. I have been able to see that since I was 4. I doesn't mean I didn't kick down R signs, or break every election rule in the book. Family comes first. Oh. There's an idea. How many Democrats actually want to "rally around the family"? Sure, it's fun to listen to Rage Against the Machine. The guitar work is awesome. But, those lyrics are a prescient definition of exactly how the Democrats began going down the wrong path in the 90s, and how they got here: least amount of elected power since 1928. No. Whether you like it or not: you're confronted with the same choices my grandfather had to make. Do you kick the commies out of the party? My grandfather cracked their heads. The city he lived in tells me those stories to this day(from the nursing home , but I still visit them). You want to call yourself a liberal? Fine. But don't you dare call yourself a progressive while you leave the working man in the dust. You should ask yourself what you're really about. What do YOU actually believe? Introspection. Every Democrat has a lot of work to do, and less talking to do. The faster you realize that, the less inclined you will be to lash out at those who honestly believe that REAL Democrats have an important voice in our discourse. Or, you can pend the rest of your life in the weeds. It's your choice. Hint: Begin with the plumbers. Since you refuse to educate yourself....I will do it for you: http://www.quickanddirtytips.com/education/grammar/how-to-use-quotation-marks Until you process this information correctly? I shall refer to you as "Grammar Girl". Hey clown? I guess I have to spell it out: you've already posted things on this list. You're going to read it: because you're going to post it. Every time you do...I will remind you that you are.
Please don't try to play it off now. Instead, just be slightly more mindful in the future, that's all I ask.
DC_Tom. Ever the ruination of whatever I am trying to do. Yes. Thanks. Gold Star. You get to hand out the worksheets all of next week.
I don't argue with it, I mock it for being nowhere near the level of the actual "I eat Crayonz", on anything. With your 264 posts, you're probably a retread of some utterly defeated poster. That's OK. I can make you delete this new account as well.
Spelling is good way to prove you're not an idiot, especially when browsers come with spell-checkers now. It's Statist. How about this: When Trump does things like gut the EPA of every last climate change clown(he already asked for a list of names, those names are scared, and they should be), then orders the removal of 60-80% of the EPAs regs in 6 months, then cuts its budget to 20% of what it is today, then orders the EPA to focus solely on its original mandate(Clean Air and Clean Water), then orders that every new rule it wants to enforce be reviewed by congress and be in alignment with its ordered mandate, then backed up by legislation, and finally, asks congress to turn his orders into law....you'll know what the opposite of a statist is. This achieves three things statists hate: 1. It enforces separation of powers. Congress makes laws, executive branch enforces the law. (The notion that Trump is going to be Obama-right is hilariously wrong. He's not that stupid. No, he will make Congress vote on everything, so, if things go bad, he's not holding the bag by himself. Trump won't allow that to happen.) 2. It undermines regulation as a way to create law without the consent of the governed. 3. It destroys the excuse that huge bureaucracies need massive budgets just to function. No they don't. They need huge budgets to continuously grow, and operate outside their scope of mandated power. I guarantee you,when the above destruction of the EPA's overreaching fiat-driven bad actors occurs, Carrier won't be on your mind. No, you'll be talking about how Trump added to unemployment and, how terrible it is for the local DC economy(as if...double ). Don't worry: you'll be hearing the screams and wails of the actual statists(EDIT: both R and D) so often, and to such a degree, that you won't even be able to hear yourself ask "Is Trump a Statist"?.
Well, look where we are now. I wonder, when this thread was started, if GreggyT understood where we'd end up? Ignore the BS, and especially the pleading and the whining from the media. I love that I saw a writer recently complain that "Trump is appointing people to the various departments, that hate the departments". Hey buddy, did you just figure it out? Every single sign points to a massive reform of DC, and yeah, in some cases, destruction of DC institutions. I said in 2014 after those elections, that whoever claimed the "reformer" mantle would be POTUS. Trump did, and now, he is. Make no mistake: people want reform. The only reason Trump didn't win bigger is because of his own personal F-ups(Access Hollywood, etc.), that allowed the Ds to run an anybody but Trump campaign. In hindsight, that backfired, because while they were out attacking him personally, and not creating a reform/"change" message of their own? Trump was saying, literally, that he was going to take a sledgehammer to DC. Now, he and the cabinet he is selecting are preparing to do just that. People DO hate the government right now. So, why keep it? Who says we have to respect LBJ's awful legacy? Why? That's from 60 damn years ago. Forget Obama's. That's gone, daddy gone. Why the F do we care about Carter, Nixon, or any other failed president's decades-old "accomplishments"(read: out of date/out of touch/just plain terrible programs)? This is one of those few instances where sledgehammer beats scalpel. I don't care if a few good things get broken, because there are so many bad things, and we must kill them all. The DC Building has condemned itself. Time to tear it down to the foundation, and build something better. We have lived in a new century for almost 20 years already. Time to do away with last century's solutions that don't apply today, and build new ones. The above is an example of what Teddy Roosevelt, the real progressive, said about his presidency beginning the last century. To bad we wasted 16 years to get to where we should have been in this one.
Oh, so you've never read anything from before that? Did you attend: high school? (I read 1984 and Animal Farm for school in 6th grade, but, I suppose public schools were better back then...when they had less money) Narcissist.
Global warming err Climate change HOAX
OCinBuffalo replied to Very wide right's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Ah yes, this thread. Hanging around, while it ranks between #22-27 on the American people's list of important issues, which basically means it's not on that list at all. I wonder when this thread will end? Perhaps time kills it? Certainly the left had a great political vehicle in it, and its hard to give that up. But, given the election, they don't get to decide when it dies. I remember when the Rain Forest was the big issue. Nobody talks about it now. Is that because it stopped being the "lungs of the world"? Or because it stopped getting the media ratings? -
I've been busy, and this cartoon has been bugging the hell out of me, so I dumped it here. He asked for views/consistency. That has to be explained, especially when they are trying to skirt "equal opportunity not equal outcomes" with the equity bastardization of libertarian beliefs. EDIT: And besides: have you entertained the idea...that he actually doesn't know what we believe, at all? I am done with assuming any leftist comes prepared for the meeting.