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Everything posted by OCinBuffalo

  1. See, this is the retarded part of the board. If I were to list every single thing I have heard/seen about this guy, as simply as casual observer, since it's not like I have been seeking out this info, and posted all of it... ...believe me, there would be retards complaining about the length of the post in an instant. Edit: do you really think that where his mom works has nothing to do with this at all? Really?
  2. Apparently you didn't look up Nast, did you? Google: thomas nast irish cartoons Is it really that hard? Edit: Is that hateful enough for you? Nast was the mass media of the time. The difference is: duration and delivery. We see more and faster, than a single cartoon.
  3. Who else? Honestly? Apparently DC_Tom thinks we should we send the county highway department? Here, or in Arizona? Why? Because it's a hell of a lot easier there, and, that's the sheriff's job there. What did he get suspended for Tom? Missing class? Or, was it making irrational, violent threats? This happened 4 times, not a few, 4. WTF else do you need to know? Never mind the fact that this guy's friend specifically tried to get him help. At some point, the public's safety outweighs your right to be crazy. Since when is crazy a right? Whose job is public safety, Tom? The highway department? The DMV? Well then nobody gets to complain about this shooting one iota. There should be some sort of law that at least requires a mandatory psych evaluation, and/or a 24 hour hold at a hospital. Otherwise, we have to live with this.
  4. Yes, that was the only evidence I mentioned, and I didn't say that there was a whole bunch of other things I didn't mention. If I am funny, you are certainly stupid.
  5. Oh, look: a non-denial denial! You didn't see the Ronald Reagan, etc. puppet show that ran on network TV? You didn't see all the music videos from 1986-88, may of them using those same puppets? One in particular showing the Reagan puppet drooling like an invalid? Hell, how about you google Thomas Nast's one man campaign against Tammany Hall? Or, his approach to supporting for the South in the Civil war? A lot of the time he ended up being proved historically right, but, his methods certainly were nothing short of horrific for the people of the time. He was the Hannity/Limbaugh/Beck of his time. No, this has been around for a very loooong time, ever since the "Dusky Sally"(or something like this) scandal that almost caused Jefferson to lose the Presidency. Ultimately, we don't settle things with duels anymore. So, we are left with this stuff. Imagine if Paul Krugman, or Rush Limbaugh, suddenly faced the potential of being challenged to a duel, and being compelled to answer the call. He'd be done smearing people tomorrow. Hmmm. That gives me an idea....
  6. You said this. Then you said this. WTF? No, this is about the phoniness of liberals who love to talk in terms of compassion, fairness, etc....provided it doesn't cost them personally. This guy doesn't make $250k on his own, so he can spare us the "I am willing to make the sacrifice because I am so compassionate" crap. 1. If you really want me to do the math for you, I will. Send me a PM. I will show you exactly how the CMS reimbursement works. After 3 hours, you will leave feeling angry as hell, because you will learn just how badly you are being ripped off by all involved with the scams that are Medicare and Medicaid. -or- you can STFU and take my word for it: your choice. 2. I note that you chose to involve my personal life. This notation is for the tools. I'd rather be arrogant than stupid, afraid, or unable. Nah, we've already established: 1. You hate IT people, and creative people in general 2. Without people like me, you wouldn't have a job, or, there would be a lot less of you, and you wouldn't make much, therefore, you resent people like me 3. You want to tax people like me, because it bothers you that we don't care/need your approval to run our businesses the way we want, and we haven't paid any of the "dues" you think we should have paid 4. You are quite literally the kid the teacher left in charge of the class, all grown up 5. You love to think that you are superior to people like me, but you know that will never be true ...years ago. The fact is I don't suffer fools. What good does that do anybody? Honestly? Also, I don't suffer fools because: unlike you, it's not part of my job requirements <--Another reason you resent people like me. Sorry, just telling the truth again. Oh, look, Booster is contributing the only thing he can to the thread: an emoticon. What a shocker! Booster, are you going to tell us you "agree" without being able to tell us why, again? Tell us your legal and/or historical analysis of the basis for progressive taxation. <-- Who am I kidding?
  7. Tom, you are way off base on this one. Did you see the youtube video? The sheriff was fully aware of this. The kid had run ins with campus security 4 Times. He was suspended from college? Really? How do you get suspended from community college, Tom? These are only the big points. There was an additional stack of EVIDENCE that this kid needed to at the very least be evaluated. Arizona is perhaps one of the easiest states to commit someone, and NOTHING was done. The simplest explanation: his mom worked for the county, and was in denial about his condition. And besides, even if I was wrong, which I'm not, it doesn't matter, because, like I said, this is the "takeaway" whether you like it or not.
  8. No. His stance, and mine is: isn't it CONVENIENT, that now that your side just got shellacked, you suddenly want to adopt pacifism? The Democrats had the opportunity, since 2006, to change the political tone. They chose do do nothing. Where was your concern about it ending, in 2005-today? Nowhere to be found. Now that your Obama vote looks dumb, you want to make the bad man stop? Nope. You have to sit here, and take your medicine, no different than when you insisted that Bush people take theirs. Tough schit, pal! Now, as far as a solution to the problem? ALL of us need to focus on results. Most of the rhetoric is about distracting us from results. Also, most of the results are boring/difficult to understand. In what I do, we have an old concept called a "balanced score card". It's intended to give a relatively quick look at how an enterprise is performing, without getting into every gory detail. I have always wanted to create an objective score card for a President, based purely on the #s/results. I think that would refocus people on the data, and therefore, reality. I think this would help put an end to this horrible "branding" concept in politics, which pretends that every politician is the same. The marketing people, as per normal, are part of the problem, not the solution.
  9. No you dipshit, because this: is the general "takeaway" from this entire episode for the American electorate. The President of this country shouldn't have been allowed to be seen within miles of these t-shirts. This shouldn't have been made into a phony, political event, or shouldn't have given the other side the opportunity to interpret it that way. Obama would have been better served had he simply gone to the service, made a 5 minute speech, and left. Obama's staff isn't "the gang that couldn't shoot straight", it's a bunch of people that don't even know what shooting is. Other notable takeaways: The Sheriff, who should have done his job and had the shooter committed, instead, looked the other way because the shooter's mom worked for the county, better start looking at retirement. And, the liberal blogger/columnist/commentator set has lost HUGE credibility this week, and it's all self-inflicted, as usual. This is what you get when you base your entire existence on hatred and jealousy.
  10. Have you ever considered that that there may be a simple, logical reason why both Bush and Obama are acting so similarly? When all the high-pitched rhetoric has been spewed, when all of the demagoguing has concluded, and after the WH Political Office people are politely asked to leave the room.... ...along comes a Navy Commander, or an Army Major, and that officer sits down and lays it out pretty simply for WHOEVER is President. "Sir, we must do this, not because it's politically popular(because we don't care about politics), but because it's the right thing to do." And there you have it. President X does whatever is thought to get the best results, with the least cost in lives and treasure. Ask yourself: how has a massive, easily framed, political target like GITMO survived? Even with all of the OUTRAGE!!!!! both foreign and domestic, real and phony, political and honest? Why do we still have it? What politician, Republican or Democrat, wouldn't dump GITMO in a second if they could? But they can't. And, as soon as the children, both on this board and elsewhere, grow up and understand that, we can begin to start thinking about these issues, and stop emoting. Then, we can adjust our view to PROPERLY deal with the realities of the war on terror.
  11. Yes, this from the guy who claims he isn't a "company man". As soon as ESPN started pushing the NBA, Cowherd started bashing the NHL for hours on end. He claims to argue with his bosses all the time. About what I wonder? Whether Fire Island is just as good as South Beach? If ESPN started pushing lacrosse, how much do you want to bet that good old Colin, from a fishing village in Washington State, of all places, would start talking about how much he has always admired it? I wonder if he would analyze and admire the Life Choices of lacrosse players.
  12. That has 0 effect on whether Obamacare effects a doctor, who has described his patients as 85% Medicare/Medicaid, positively. Or, whether that doctor seems to think that it's ok if other doctors get screwed, since he personally benefits. That is the point being discussed. That, and whether he is projecting his views onto conservatives. Your information doesn't surprise me in the slightest, since it's awfully easy to make the "compassionate" choices when your wife is hauling it in now isn't it? Was your post supposed to help? You have FAILED.
  13. 1. The wars were what they were: decisions made on the information at hand. Bad info = bad outcome. This is not new. Unless you really believe that the USS Maine was blown up by Spanish commandos and/or you really believe that LBJ did a good job in Vietnam. 2. We have a right to fight those who have declared war on us. The oath both Bush and Obama took reads: "enemies both foreign and domestic", not "only enemies that have been approved by all the little ...lybobs of the world, only AFTER these enemies have set off a nuke in Times Square, and they have to be arrested, not killed". 3. We have infinite detention at GITMO, because Obama....LIED! Or he was simply too stupid, and/or affected by ideology, to realize that there is no solution other than GITMO. GITMO solves problems that only GITMO solves. Grow up and deal with that already. The monster isn't going away because you shut your eyes. 4. Yes, Obama stole GM from the Wall Street investors and bond holders, and gave it to the union, but he's all about Wall Street. He employed college professors, and not a single real world business person, from Wall Street, or any street, as his economic team. And when they inevitably failed, he blamed everybody, including Wall Street, but his team that personifies "those who can't do". Obama foolishly attacked the Chamber of Commerce, and commerce in general, and got his ass kicked for it, but he's a real Wall Street man. Sometimes, it's just too easy. ...lybob, you and your rapidly failing ideology can't even win for losing. You have reaped what you have sown since 2005. Nobody will trust the far-left again for another 30 years, and that is sure as hell not Bush's fault. The best you can hope for is another Clinton, center-left type. You can forget about another Carter/Obama type, pretty much for the rest of your life. Enjoy living with that, I know I will enjoy watching your pointless efforts at blaming everybody but yourselves. It will be: exactly like what Carter has been doing every day since he got bounced, but on a much larger scale, and that makes me
  14. If it's not, and if we keep hearing this crap, I will simply follow through and re-post/bump the thread every week until the all irrational trade-down scenarios are driven from this board. I haven't found that Cowboys thing yet, and I ain't looking for it. But, I will not count out the Cowboys or Redskins pulling a Mike Ditka/Ricky Williams until 45:01 into draft day 1. See? Even the boss agrees with me.
  15. Yes, sort of. I stopped listening to him for another reason* soon after. But, one spring day, he did sort of touch on it saying that "maybe Ralph Wilson didn't deserve the criticism he got from 'the media'". As though he had nothing to do with it. *I'm no big soccer fan, but how exactly does the USA world cup team advancing = a vindication of millions of US soccer fans'(all named Zack, btw) "life choices"? WTF does that even mean? Thank God we had Cowherd there then, to psychoanalyze millions of people's entire lives, since they are all the exact same ...based on a f'ing soccer game.
  16. Not yelling at you: my response to you, and another, got combined = a new, annoying "feature" of this version of the message board software. You seem to get the concept, but yeah, people would be yelling that we should have also got a 4th in the deal you describe...because that's the difference between our spot, and the Bengals. Although those people would be accurate, I can see why we would want to forgo the extra 4....all depends on whether the people we traded down to get are there, and that we take them. If you can pull 3 starters out of the first 2 rounds, that's a win, all day. Right, as I said, 4-8 is reasonable, 9-10 are only their because the owners are egomaniacal meddlers. Therefore, we can agree that anybody suggesting a trade down, from 3 to 15-17 on draft picks alone is fooling themselves, right?
  17. Reading comprehension is important. 1. Trading from #24 overall to #34 overall is not even in the same universe as trading from #3 to #10. It's like the difference between a jellyfish and an elephant. 2. I distinctly said "since 2005". I said that because that's how long I have been here, and my annoyance with unsupported "trade down" bot threads has been omnipresent. 3. Where the hell did I say it's impossible for teams to trade down? Hint: I didn't. I SPECIFICALLY referred to the Bills, and OUR draft position only, in the years since 2005, and, ESPECIALLY THIS YEAR. 4. You are in the company of exactly 0 General Managers who would take only 1 3rd rounder for moving down 7-9 spots from #3. Just thought you should know. 5. Honestly, what happens if the scenario in 4 happens? Are you going to be defending Nix to everyone here, "because you'd do the same thing"? Of course not.
  18. Where is the OUTRAGE!!!!!! ? OUTRAGE!!!!! OUTRAGE!!!!! OUTRAGE!!!!! OUTRAGE!!!!! OUTRAGE!!!!! OUTRAGE!!!!! OUTRAGE!!!!! OUTRAGE!!!!! OUTRAGE!!!!! OUTRAGE!!!!! OUTRAGE!!!!! OUTRAGE!!!!! OUTRAGE!!!!! OUTRAGE!!!!! OUTRAGE!!!!! OUTRAGE!!!!! OUTRAGE!!!!! OUTRAGE!!!!! OUTRAGE!!!!! OUTRAGE!!!!! OUTRAGE!!!!! OUTRAGE!!!!! OUTRAGE!!!!! OUTRAGE!!!!! OUTRAGE!!!!! OUTRAGE!!!!! OUTRAGE!!!!! OUTRAGE!!!!! OUTRAGE!!!!! OUTRAGE!!!!! OUTRAGE!!!!! OUTRAGE!!!!! OUTRAGE!!!!! OUTRAGE!!!!! OUTRAGE!!!!! OUTRAGE!!!!! OUTRAGE!!!!! OUTRAGE!!!!! OUTRAGE!!!!! OUTRAGE!!!!! OUTRAGE!!!!! OUTRAGE!!!!! OUTRAGE!!!!! OUTRAGE!!!!! OUTRAGE!!!!! Where is the pBills, bluzurl, Kelly the Dog, Buftex, and all the rest of the hypocrites....OUTRAGE!!!!!!?????? Where is it? Christ all Friday, this was one of the first topics I argued on this part of the board. Back then there were GALLONS of PHONY MORALLY SUPERIOR OUTRAGE!!!!!! about the Patriot Act. Why aren't those people here spewing the same crap in this thread? Where have they gone? I don't even see a drop of OUTRAGE!!!!! EEII is as goofy as ever, and there's no outrage. WTF?
  19. But picking on/making fun of Obama's Keystone Cops staff is still Ok, right? You are right to caution those on the right: 1. Why distract people from Obama's staff f'ing up, again? 2. " " " " yet another far-left idiot(sheriff) f'ing up? 3. Why alert said f-ups to their f-ups? 4. Why not just let them be the giant jackasses they are, in all their glory, the whole time convinced that coming up with a catchy phrase and printing it on t-shirts for an event where people died is a good thing for the President to be associated with(even if it wasn't their idea originally). :lol: Morons!
  20. Another way of saying: you can't argue with me. I'm not the one advocating for: money being taken arbitrarily from people I don't know because they have some, handing that money over to a bloated and ineffective government agency whose focus shifted long ago from it's primary duty to the need to feed itself, degrading the people the government agency distributes the money it doesn't consume to by forcing them to waste countless hours standing in line, filling out forms, and having pointless meetings with yet even more government employees, managed and regulated by even more legions of government employees, all in a vainglorious attempt to treat everybody the same, when that is the exact opposite of what is required, ...as a definition of "compassion". Your addled brain does even know the true definition of compassion anymore, does it? Compassion is a personal decision, to personally help another human being, over and above expectation, and not because it's your job to take care of people, there Doc. That's like me calling myself "compassionate" for advising clients. Ex: letting a homeless person spend a few nights in your corporate apartment, and making sure they eat something decent in the morning. I did that consistently for 5 years on the road, all by my wittle self, without the help of the 120k employees at HHS, risking being fired for it every time. Amazing! Compassion is not Steal from the Rich, Feed 120k employees, then give to the poor. Compassion is not supporting the making or the entire process of helping others as IMPERSONAL as possible, MORON!
  21. Not with 85% Medicare/Medicaid patients. Nope. Not unless you are the type of doctor that sends an ambulance to get a patient from the Skilled Nursing facility that is 200 feet away. Not unless you are the type of doctor who I keep catching over-billing my clients. So, you were either lying then, or, you are lying now. And really, none of this has any bearing on the original point: You said that people who make less/more, that support the Tax Rates staying where they are, only do so for personal gain. In fact, it is those who want taxes raised that do so for personal gain, because by and large, raising these income taxes does not effect the left personally. Again, there is nothing "compassionate" about screwing over other people because you don't make as much money as they do. Then start believing your own BS: that you are actually "entitled" to that money....because that's "compassionate". Moronic.
  22. Buddy Nix will take a long, hard look at approximately 300 college football players over the course of the next 3.5 months. His methods are rumored to include: 1. looking at film 2. talking to scouts 3. driving to airport in a blue Ford Taurus. A shocking development: The owner, Ralph Wilson, may in fact have a say in how his business runs! This is completely different than every other NFL owner, who have absolutely 0 say in who is drafted for their team, and typically have little interest in, or, wouldn't be caught dead meddling with, their underlings' affairs. There is supposedly a NFL draft coming up, and the the speculation is that the Bills have the #3 pick in that draft. Much is expected to ride on this pick, so it has been suggested that this is the reason why the Bills front office are concerning themselves with evaluating the 300 college players. ....ESPN Morons.
  23. You may have it there, but not the part about the American people. It will take an excellent bit of work from the Republicans to drive home your "we won, do as we say/we lost, let's share power!" point.
  24. (So I wasn't wrong, was I? Sure as hell he'd try to say it's not about $$$) No, this has nothing to do with compassion. Doctor Birddog: you cannot rebut me. I know what you make. It is not more than $172k, and certainly not more than $250k. You have done your talking and my point remains as it has been. You are projecting your "Doesn't affect me, so I don't care" attitude onto others. The fact is, no matter what I, or anyone else, makes, it is completely ridiculous to charge one working person or another more or less for the right of being an American. Everyone should pay in equally based on % of the total revenue of their household. If you want to charge higher %s for people that don't do any work all day that could be doing something, I am fine with that. I am not fine with setting phony, subjective income #s up and saying "people over this line are RICH!, get 'em!". Only a moron would call that practice "compassionate".
  25. 1. Based on the past performance of President Obama's staffers, who are currently batting .068 on "getting it right", how can any of you not begin with the default "of course it was those dumbasses, again!" position? 2. For example, my personal favorite so far was: Barack Obama, President, standing next to Random Woman, Felon. 3. This staff has made sooooo many mistakes week after week, it's nearly impossible to keep track of them all. If Bush had made 1/10th the number...you know the rest. 4. OF COURSE I don't expect Obama to see to it all personally. However, I do expect the leader to set the....TONE! ...for his staff. The "Tone" appears to be: "pettiness and incompetence are fine, it's ok if we are as tactically effective as a blind eagle, as long as we can keep generating these 'wonderful' one-liners, cause everybody loves them. As long as we can say something about a car...." 5. Once again, due to the awfulness of the staff, instead of properly getting a Clinton-esque bounce from a tragedy, this staff has seen fit to: be out-messaged by a dipschit sheriff, and then, overcompensating, and of course making matters worse: over-marketing and therefore massively cheapening a positive political message. This is why Obama needs to get rid of these people, all of them. They are petty, cheap, classless, incompetent, and poor, linear thinkers. Every President deserves better than these people.
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