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Everything posted by OCinBuffalo

  1. Ok, that's the 6th time Bulldog has stated that they will talk about the draft today. Hysterical.
  2. There are a lot of "Bills Take Mallet at #34" rumors floating around the web right now. I can see the rationale for us taking him, let him spend a season or 2 developing, stay with Fitz, etc. However, I can really see Belechik spreading that rumor in the hopes that it will increase the value of his pick at 33 in hopes that he can rape yet another team in trade down. After all, "the best lies contain 90% truth." Cynical? Perhaps, but honestly, who defines that word better than Belechik?
  3. Well, they preempted Rome right now, and Bulldog went straight into the NFL Draft and Dareus. At least to begin with. Reasonably, there was a press conference with Ruff, Regier, Black and Pegula only an hour ago. But Bulldog has been emphatic in his stating his intention to talk about the Draft today. Feel the power of The Stadium Wall. Bask in the glory. Given the history of our fights with WGR over the years, and the fact that we always win...all I have to say to the posters in this thread is: nice work!
  4. Bah! Beat me to it. Nice video, huh? Getting there half a second before whilst being 50 lbs heavier, and launching that guy higher and farther than Suh = ridiculous. (On a side note, wtf is that guy thinking? Was this the only test he could come up with? Is he into pain?) As I watched the first thing to hit the ground be the back of the QB's helmet, I could hear Murph say something like "There's the snap....and OH! Brady is down. Brady is down and it doesn't look good." Not wishing for injury mind you. Pain, yes, but not injury. Just having a guy like that, that can do that, around, means it may be Kyle Williams or somebody else as well. Just sayin'....many QBs have played their last game in Buffalo....ask Joe Montana.
  5. You don't know me, so I'll just tell you: with that question I am doing the exact opposite.
  6. Well, I can tell you without even looking that the DC media thinks it's awesome. The most co-opted media in the business. MSNBC has nothing on them in terms of willingness to deny reality. I am betting the reason they traded down is so the fans can say "look, our GM is smart!". Meanwhile, with a glaring need at QB, they don't take Gabbert or.... ....Ponder either. Dan Snyder has been keeping the Bills from winning the "worst run team in the NFL" title for years.
  7. How about the Redskins goof it up again? This time they need a QB, and they trade the QB most likely to be a solid starter away? Hysterical.
  8. No Newton, none of the time. </thread>
  9. Probably something like "well, we almost made the SB last year, and we have all our guys coming back, we just need one player to be complete". Didn't say it was good thinking, just probably what they were thinking. I think this is dumb all day, WTF happens if Jones gets hurt? WTF happens if(insert 40 other things here). Hell of a risk to take, and I don't think Jones is the next Jerry Rice.
  10. Yeah, really. Question: is our run d now a strength rather than a weakness?
  11. 1. When socialists/Communists act like...socialists/Communists, why is it not OK to point that out? 2. Do any of the usual morons in this thread understand that historically, the Communist party, and the left in general have been against every single war in history....but one(WW2)? Taking the anti-war approach has nothing to do with morality, and everything to do with sowing unrest. such that it allows communists to gain power. Without unrest and fear, socialists/communists have no chance of gaining power. 3. Isn't it interesting that the Communists were against US involvement in WW2 from the very beginning, and their fervor went up even higher when the non-aggression pact was signed, only to have all of that washed away in a single day once the Nazis attacked the Communists? Suddenly all these "life long peace activists" were for all out war. Amazing. I guess a life's work spent casting aspersions on American's and American companies suddenly became irrelevant? What an epiphany! Is it a coincidence that the only war socialists were in favor of, is one were the only country where socialism had taken hold was in peril of getting wiped out completely? 4a. Is the phoniness of #3 instructive for anyone? Is anybody smart enough to see the obvious parallels here? We know who the idiots are on this board, and we aren't expecting much from you. This question is for the other people. 4b. What would happen if either Columbia got sick of Hugo Chavez funding the rebels in their country, and attacked Venezuela, or, pro-freedom forces inside Venezuela rebelled against Chavez? How much do you want to be that the far-left would demand that we get immediately involved and/or or help Chavez, right after they get done telling us that we should ignore Libya. 5. Given the historical reality of these far-left types, and given the other reality: we are ALL "anti-war", it's just that the grown-ups amongst us know that sometimes it is inevitable, why does anyone take any left-leaning person seriously when they talk about being "anti-war", or start trashing American corporations for being war-mongers?
  12. You're welcome, and I appreciate you taking the time to read them. Sometimes it takes more than a few sentences to properly address a question like: "what is your measurement methodology?". Far too many here are logically challenged and/or suffer from A.D.D. It's nice to know not everybody has that problem. Moving on, most of these problems occur because idiots want to create a scale, with accountability on one end, and compassion on the other, making it a zero sum equation, i.e. if you want more compassion, then you have to give up on accountability, etc. Clearly you can have both, and neither, at the same time. Government getting involved in the problem usually means neither. The people who create that scale that way are idiots, by definition.
  13. I am directly contributing to the opening of multiple ergy care centers in NYC. The aim is to free up emergency rooms and provide relatively cheaper care to those without insurance. We are doing it as a non-profit, and we are not making a cent. Does that count? Of course it does, but I don't expect you to give me any credit for it. Moreover, you do realize that I left extreme cushiness in the corporate world, and an opportunity to be a partner at a well known firm.... ....to come work in your miserable industry with far too many people that give North Korean dictators a run for their money on the buffoonery scale, right? I don't have a problem with nurses, therapists, dietitians, techs, etc., and they seem to love me. Nope, my problem is with the supposed "leadership" in health care, and their grip on the false assertion that they have a clue how to manage, despite failure after failure.
  14. It's easy for some of us. You know, those of who did the job in school, did the job in college, worked hard in our entry level jobs and put ourselves in the position where it is now "easy". Oh, and we chose professions that actually are useful to society. So, we had to make a lot of choices, all good ones, and follow through on them. You might even say: we earned it. Note: this doesn't just mean white collar people. Try finding a properly trained and solid welder or plumber that's out of work and/or has a hard time changing jobs. Want to know why those guys aren't in the union? Because the last thing they want is to be treated "the same as everybody else", when clearly, they are not. Let me get you a clue: I rarely think in terms of one department or set of people. I do enterprise, which means when I am talking about changing things, I am looking at the whole system, and then I am talking about the entire system if I am saying anything. As such, the entire system is clearly not producing results. The Education enterprise is failing. Enterprise means everybody, and everybody means everybody. I think that should be clear enough. With that said, and any time you have a clear enterprise-level failure: you don't start trying to single out any one group, and you don't let anybody else do it either...if you want to be successful. It is rare indeed for one group to be the sole cause for enterprise-wide failure. In fact I have never seen it, and only heard about it once, and I have been doing this for long enough, and my list of clients you know is long enough, to make that significant. Rather, the first place to start is with the enterprise's model itself. Given all the known factors and constraints, is this model capable of producing results? In this instance, we are talking about the DOE-led model of taxing $ to DC, and then having them redistribute it via a grant system and/or legislation. Has that model been successful? No. Will that model ever be successful? We have no evidence of that. Instead, we have gallons of evidence that says it is inherently flawed. Before we start talking about the various groups: teachers, parents, kids, suppliers, insurance/lawyers, district tax payers, etc., we need to focus on the top level model, because if that is likely to fail, then it will drag everything else down with it. Why? Because via (questionable to bad) legislation, all the various groups are now directly or indirectly dependent on the DOE. The first principle of a good modeling is: try to remove as many dependencies as possible. The DOE model is based on the polar opposite of that principle, and therefore, it is doomed to fail. So, the DOE model design fails, both inherently and as a matter of undeniable practical experience. The DOE model is predicated on these dependencies, and they are inherent to the entire thing, so mere modification of it doesn't work either. Therefore, the first thing to do is: get a new enterprise model. If that means getting rid of the DOE in favor of state control, so be it. If we are constrained by having to have a DOE, then it needs to be completely reorganized, and given a new mission. We cannot accept one, or many, band aids on the arterial cut on out educational enterprise, and we can't just keep pumping more blood(money) into the patient. We need major surgery, it's as simple as that.
  15. Ultimately, it starts with the conversion of the "American Dream", by a minority of this country. The traditional American Dream was: Give me a chance to live in a peaceful situation where I am not worried about getting robbed all the time, allow me to profit from my own labor completely, and I will take that and create something. The converted Dream is: Give me a chance to win the lottery, be it from a lawsuit, the untalented debasement of myself, doing something so retarded I become infamous, trying to win in the drug/stripper/nightclub business, getting on welfare/unemployment, or, actually winning the lottery, and I will sit on my ass and create nothing. Somebody is teaching the second American dream. Somebody is supporting it. Somebody is enabling it. Somebody is telling kids that the bastardized Dream is OK It sure as hell isn't me. Is it you?
  16. That's exactly right. These idiots would have us believe we can keep poking a bear indefinitely, and that it will never wake up and squish us. But when it does, whose fault will it be? The private sector, Wall Street, and of course, mine.
  17. It's only "being compassionate" when we are talking arbitrarily jacking up government reimbursement and/or creating another giant government pyramid that returns -40% on investment. Otherwise, and especially if it doesn't affect birdog personally, F everybody else. Incidentally, teachers in more schools than not are also returning negative on investment. Why are we talking about $$, when clearly most of these people aren't performing? I would think we would be talking about whether to fire them way before we would be talking about what to pay them. And, the performance record of teachers nationally is all the argument you need for removing the DOE. They are failing in their mission, it's time to try another approach. For the usual idiots: I am not saying we need to do nothing(or that I hate kids and don't want them to be educated, or that education isn't massively important, or any other retarded assertion that comes out of your addled brains), I am saying the current approach does not work. We have given it plenty of money and have been extremely patient, and we have gotten crap results. The problems still exist, we need to solve them, and therefore, we need new solutions. Or, are you for doing the same thing over and over while expecting different results?
  18. Dear ...lybob Please answer 3rdnlng's question, and/or respond intelligently to anything anyone posts on this board. Otherwise, STFU, and go hang out at Off the Wall. It's becoming evident that you don't belong here. Oh look, it's Booster contributing the only thing he can: another emoticon. What a shocker. "When you think Booster, think "
  19. The deal is done and I am right, again. Too bad Gene (says he) doesn't read my posts: he might have learned something. Too bad Democrats in general don't read my posts: they might stop getting their asses kicked. Too bad for ...lybob in general, because he has no concept of: what I wrote, what happened, why it's significant, or why I was right. (Edit: looks like I was right about my perpetual onwing of ...lybob as well )
  20. I've got you everywhere, all the time. There are threads yet to be created, about things that haven't happened yet, years from now, and you know what? I already own you in them.
  21. No, it's simple really: when you can't argue with the content, you have to try to argue about process instead. It's an old trick. Unfortunately for you, and Gene, neither of you are ever able to argue with me on content, so the only thing you ever have is process. Which is why nobody takes what you post seriously, ever. Gene to a lesser extent.
  22. I literally tell you that you have no original ideas. Then, Gene calls me a clown, and you respond here.....with clown, thus confirming that point, and proving that you are an unmitigated moron as well. Amazing buffoonery ...lybob, I really have to hand it to you.
  23. Did you actually read that link?
  24. Rather be a clown than an unmitigated moron who doesn't even realize he's contradicting himself in his own posts, and, thinks it's ok to cast aspersions on legions of strangers...because he has a "feeling".
  25. M E M O R A N D U M Date: 1 APR 2011 To: Posters in this thread, and every other PPP poster who can be reached From: OCinBuffalo Subject: Handling of the ...lybob issue ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ It has come to my attention that people on this board have been treating ...lybob as anything other than the spam bot that he is. The net result of that misguided action is that the board ends up with useless links to articles and youtube that inevitably are of 0 value to anyone. In the future, please refrain from interacting with ...lybob as you would a normal poster. ...lybob has no original thoughts, never mind well constructed "takes" or insight on any matter. Therefore, following this policy costs us nothing. Also, it's clear that ...lybob spends hours and hours coming up with dopey nicknames. Therefore, if you refuse to respond to his spam, you are actually helping ...lybob as well, as perhaps he will do something useful with those hours. It's April fools after all. And now, none of you can say you didn't get the memo.
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