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Everything posted by OCinBuffalo

  1. You do realize that this just sunk Davis, right? You do realize that this just created sympathy for the Republican, right? You do realize that the net result of this is that the race is now about the the Republican vs. Jack "the crazy guy on Youtube", that the Democrat has lost a significant amount of relevancy, and now it's an uphill battle to go from #3 and try to actually get into the fight, right? If you know all this, then I am wondering why you would be celebrating something that hurts the candidate you support? Seems dumb.
  2. As somebody who doesn't care at all about college football, I think this question is looooong overdue: Can we please stop trying to win college football arguments using the Bills as a vehicle? Some of you would have us draft another bust, as long as he was from the conference you like. I am completely done with (insert college football conference I don't give a f about) fans and their crusade to prove that their conference is the best posts, and, I am equally done with (insert college football conference I don't give a f about) fans responding with their "But...but...but" posts. Take this douchbaggery elsewhere. Some of us simply want an objective, fact-based opinion when it comes to college prospects, and we have been coming here for years to get it. Only recently has the bias become a problem. The odd comment/post here and there was one thing and of course we can expect fanhood. However, the constant crusade some of you are on is completely different. Knock it the f off . You aren't "winning". All you are doing is removing any doubts we might have about your douchehood.
  3. Just saw my "source" again the other day. There is definitely a plan to keep the Bills in Buffalo, as I posted last summer. Nothing has changed since the last time we spoke. This comes directly from a HOF Bills player you all know. He won't share the details, and I don't blame him. I especially don't blame what I can only assume to be his partners for wanting to keep their plan away from any potential competition and/or media or political d-bags looking to make a name for themselves. In fact, even if I knew the details myself, I doubt I would post them. People's need to know is out-weighed in this instance by the harm the jackass political hacks/outsider "move the team" competition will cause. As a Bills fan, why the hell should I, or anyone, provide info that would allow the usual jackasses to be jackasses, when all I want is the smoothest transition possible, and perhaps the reinstatement of fried bologna? This is not a rumor. This is first person info, that is now second person only because you are reading it.
  4. Oh no, not about my awesomeness in general, only about my significant ability to own you. Please put me back on ignore, so I can continue to make fun of you sanctimonious, condescending posts in real time as per normal.
  5. I will give you credit for the attempt at a meme = me = threadkiller. I will not give you credit for your lamedick argument. After all: Marx and Lenin specifically predicated their work on the fact that there would never be a need for them to come back, since their thinking was already "perfect". History, common sense, and reason have proven otherwise. History, common sense, and reason have also proven that you refuse to accept it when your flimsy boat made of assertion hits against my rocks made of facts. But we never know, do we? Perhaps this time you will give a rational explanation as to why you are giving Jesus a hard time whilst leaving Lenin/Marx out.
  6. As usual, your liberal candyassness comes out. I still feel happy for you , and I still couldn't care less what you think. Taking the day off to drink with my uncle...I am betting when I come back, I will still be happy for you. As per normal: Buftex = Epic Fail. As per normal for a naive, and silly, little girl.
  7. The fun part is: if you get shot in the head by anybody, under any circumstance, you will always schit your pants and it only takes a few minutes at the most. So yes, some poor Navy Corpsman had to ride in the helicopter for God knows how long sitting next to a dead Osama who had schit his pants. Honor comes from many points on the battlefield. Hey, I couldn't give a schit one way or the other. Feel free to put me right back on ignore so I can crush you, and the only way you find out about it is when somebody quotes me. You tools haven't learned that the reason I hit you so hard is so that you will put me on ignore, so I can wail on you, and you have no way to fight back. By all means, put me back on your "list". I find it highly entertaining. Of course it's right. I have 0 need or interest in mitigating the truth. I just tell it, and to hell with those that don't like it. No. A full measure of credit goes to Obama. It's a very difficult job making the right call, even with the best actionable intelligence. Obama made the right call, and he deserves whatever he gets from it. Now, if only you can grow up enough to understand that, given the intel, Bush made the right calls, we might get somewhere useful. Some of Bush's calls were wrong, and he deserved what he got for them. But, not all of them. "The Surge" was right. I am still waiting for a multitude of posters here to admit that Bush, and I, were right about the surge. Probably never happen, but hey, maybe if you put me on ignore again we'll see some more reason rather than emoting. I'm not, if only for the reason that we will surely end up with some sort of tools, with -ers attached to their retard name, that will persist in wasting our time on a useless issue. As far as I am concerned: they have prided themselves on being more violent than the USA. So why pull punches? We should have put his head on a spike at ground 0, be much more violent, and therefore be everything they are going to lie and accuse us of anyway. After all, we would have won the image/meme war on the internet with that kind of content. This approach gains us nothing but excuses and let's the Arab machismo off the hook.
  8. Edit: I's been drinkin', but, this is a long post that I think is worth it. The job is not done. I cannot believe there are idiots out there declaring victory in the "terror war". It is a dishonor to the dead. Mullah Omar is still alive. F_uck, Bin Dead's children are still alive, and we have every right to take them (and when I say take, I mean take as in deer) unless they swear off all malice towards us. Now is the time to put the Saudi's and Pakistani's(how you like us now mutherfuker?) balls in the grinder. We just took out their big excuse. Now it's time to collect on Gulf War I, the covert Afghan war in the 80s, and ignoring the Indians, after they have presented a mountain of evidence that Pak = Bad. In the immortal words of Henry Hill, "F you, pay me". I have one question: did we stop fighting after Normandy? No, but we almost lost in the Battle of the Bulge, didn't we? Most people don't realize just how close we came to losing in Europe due to complacency and dependence on non-Americans to be as fierce and dedicated to finishing what we always end up finishing. Most people don't know that we could have ended the war in Eurpoe 10-12 months earlier, had we reasoned as Americans and not emoted as Europeans. Look up the Siegfried line, and how many Americans died...taking it twice. Most people don't know just how deadly we could be if we were held to the same standard the Russians are being held to in Chechnya Nobody I worked with directly died, although it was a damn near thing for me. However, the guy that worked in the food court probably did. The Port Authority cop I saw every day after I got off the train from Philly probably did. Most importantly, many family/friends of my friends did. I have no family dead. If I did, then I wouldn't be doing what I am now. I would be working the the government intelligence business, rather than the business intelligence business. And dare I say: without GITMO, there is no intelligence that gets O'Hide Behind Women. That will be the story 2 months from now. And NOBODY should allow politics to have any effect on their opinion. We NEED to know if our methods work. I went to a lot of funerals...as a peripheral figure. Having seen the pain from a distance, I get to enjoy our collective vengeance with zeal. Let's finish the job.
  9. Fitz Fearlessness is mitigated by a defense that can cover mistakes. Nothing kills momentum like a 3 and out after an INT. And, a 20+ yard punt return by Roscoe. The problem is: we haven't been able to put those two things, the stop and the return, together for a very long time now. There is no doubt that these guys(Nix and Gailey) at the very least won't f up the obvious. Especially Gailey. His game time decisions are light years ahead . Look, everyone knows I am an optimist when it comes to the Bills. I have been carrying water for this organization for years, to the point of looking silly at times. Not just on the internet, but in public as well. Pray I don't show up at your Bills Backers bar, because I am intolerable. My soon to be brother-in-law-Pats-fan can attest. He's a cool guy though, so he has let me slide on multiple occasions. In fact, we have gone to games together and he admires the average Bills fan. I remind him that if the Pats slip into 1 losing season, most of the people he knows will haul out their old Giants jerseys, and he has yet to dispute that. However, the OP's question was about "feel". Normally, "Feel" is not something I do well with. I do much better with "think" and "know". Except when it comes to the Bills. All, Sapphire/Tonic, and O'Coward Bin Laden euphoria aside, I am scared. I am scared because I really don't know what's possible with this team. Expectations, optimistic or otherwise, are exceedingly difficult to set when you are unsure as to what is even possible. I have no idea what is possible with this team...and that is a good thing.
  10. Blahdy blah. My presence is only demoralizing to those who seek to emote, rather than reason, demagogue rather than rationally discuss, and deny reality, rather than work to make it better. So, yeah, communists and the rest of the far left are eternally owned by me. Not because of me, but because their position is based on the former rather than the latter in every example. As such, they are are easily crushed. And, I was right, I still feel happy, and I still feel happy for you This is fun. Try posting again and let's see what happens.
  11. You want me to go back to center city and demoralize every liberal I encounter there like I used to? The 2004 election was loads of fun. Want me to do it all over again in 2012? You should think before you post. Edit: Oh, and Buftex? There is exactly nothing you can say tonight that is going to make me feel bad. I am happy for the country. I am happy for our President. I am even happy for you, because after nearly 3 years of Obama taking a beating, mostly deserved, sometimes not, he did something good today, and I bet that makes you feel pretty good.
  12. Screw all the other stuff today. Good job Navy Seals, Good job President Obama for making a tough call and getting it right. Just poured myself a Sapphire and Tonic, and I am drinking to the victorious dead, and those who are still in the fight. I suggest you all do the same. Or pray, or whatever it is you do. It's a good day for all of us today. EDIT: Apparently Osama was using women as human shields. What a coward. At least go out like a man. He couldn't even do that.
  13. Uhhhh.....Who hired all of them? And, you have to be kidding me if you are going to compare Donahoe to Levy, et al. Donahoe drafted F'ing McGahee and Losman, and then signed and released Drew Bledsoe. How you can compare anything Levy, etc. did, to the nuking Donahoe did to the franchise with those moves.... just think of the wasted resources alone. The best Donahoe did was trading away Price, only to completely f up the next step in that process ...there is no comparison. Most of the reason Levy, etc. did what they did was an effort to control the damage Donahoe created. And, whenever I hear the word "aggressive" used in NFL, I think Dan Snyder, therefore, I think stupid.
  14. First and foremost real leaders, and effective people in general, never have to demand the attention of others. And they never have to demand that nobody cuts them off. The first rule of communication is respect for the other person. Obama, and his blatantly obvious attempts at filibustering reporters in a futile attempt to control the sound bytes that result, shows no respect for the reporter, their job, or the people watching the interview. We all may have to respect the office, but that's the only respect that is deserved. Obama has exemplified the concept of demanding respect from the title, rather than adding respect to the title. Are they just as up front about lying/inaccurate reporting? Is that a "standard"? ...lybob you have yet to punch anybody and/or have any effect on any poster on this board to date. The notion that you are capable of dishing out something coherent, as evidenced by the posts above, never mind effective, is laughable. And, as you know, I already owned you in this thread before it was created. Aren't you a woman? WTF? See, Chef knows the rule. You only bring out the "c" word when it's time to take a rocket launcher to the bridge rather than merely burn it. On side note, I will admit to using that word, on myself when I screw up or whatever, but I rarely say it out loud. And Buftex is right, saying it at all is a bad habit I picked up in England. Given what we know about you, that person who called your wife that was more wrong than they were a beerball(I mean a-hole). Stay with me, now. To be your wife, she must be the diametric opposite of that word. I mean honestly, we are talking about you here: the woman must be a saint, or damn close to it. So....calling her that is more wrong than it is an insult.
  15. Just curious: Are you also looking forward to meeting Marx and Lenin and asking them the same question, since more atrocities have been committed in their name than in Jesus' -or- do you think that that since they both predicated their message on violence, theft, corruption, and tyranny, neither of those scumbags would care or be surprised?
  16. Based on that, doesn't that mean we have 5 drafts, FA periods, and trade deadlines to get it done? And, I'd rather see a drawn dick than a dick drawn. Or, is it the other way around?
  17. Just so you realize, you are inviting another Sunday night Bills vs Pats game, that turns into a Pats/Cannon love fest. However, I doubt the "# of times we can say Bruschi in one game" record will ever be broken. Edit: Oh, and I almost forgot: 10-1 this ends up on another sappy Bryant Gumble HBO special. Hell, Gumble will have him on every season. Might even get Oprah involved.
  18. Gene Frenkle is a poster here who I regularly crush on the Politics Board. The two reasons I put that in my sig are: 1. it pisses him off 2. he knows I'm right, which pisses him off even more
  19. Yep. IF Belechik is a genius, then how do you explain getting 2 3rd string Rbs, when you could have had a 1st string, Heisman trophy winning Rb, using the picks you got to trade down? Mallet sitting on the bench for a few years, and maybe, maybe, being good makes that OK? Talk about luxury, to the point of nonsensical, picks. The simple fact is that there is no "always works" draft strategy. Why? Because there is an equal chance that I will be proven right or wrong about the Rbs in NE and NO. It may look stupid now, and it looks really, really stupid, but you never know.
  20. What did it cost Atlanta to trade up to Cleveland? Now, explain how that made any kind of sense for Atlanta. It didn't. Meanwhile, both the Pats and Redskins traded away from players, value picks as well, that they desperately needed, and for what? 3rd string running backs? There's a time to trade down, but acting like it's every time is retarded. Belechick got burned soundly with his trading down last year, and I have no idea how the 2 rbs he took this year are nowhere near better, combined, than the RB the Saints got with the NE pick Belechik traded to them. Makes no sense at all by any objective criteria. Best of all: would you rather have 4 5th round picks, like the Redskins do currently, or Marcellus Dareus? You can keep your 4 special teams players. I will take the All-Pro every time.
  21. OUTRAGE! Where is the OUTRAGE!? Administration officials lying to get us, and other countries, into a war in the middle east! Obama LIED, people DIED! OUTRAGE! No Blood for Viagra!
  22. That's the exact opposite of what I said. Go back and re-read my post. And, the fact that yet another liberal demonstrates their lack of education and reading comprehension skills, is not interesting at all. It happens all the time.
  23. This is a good point. It seems we have a wealth of players to pick from, with no major drop-off. Otoh, so does the team 10 spots down from us, right? If all these players are good, why wouldn't they stay where they are and get whichever one falls to them?
  24. Taking into account that he has to play 8 games in Buffalo wind/weather, I would take the guy with the cannon arm every time. So, I would take Mallet based on the hope that Chan is a better coach than Mallet is a head case. EDIT: based on the assumption that we have to take a QB at #34.
  25. From BB.com transcript of Dareus interview: "On the fact that Bruce Smith was the last time the Bills took a defensive linemen that high: There’s always time for another one. I’m a hungry young man ready to make the transition that wants to cause havoc in the league." Cry Havoc! And let slip the dogs of war!
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