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Everything posted by OCinBuffalo

  1. WTF else are we supposed to do? This 4pm thing is the f'ing rake. Watching Miami beating the Giants, a team we should have beaten, is nearly unbearable. I need to take out my frustrations someplace
  2. Still feeling butthurt I see.... Yes, I'm the **** who correctly called you out on your blatant ignorance. Have you googled "Army of the 70s" yet? I'm the **** who had an albeit small part in cleaning up another of your generation's messes. I have had a large part in cleaning up mess after mess your generation has left in corporation after corporation. Deal with reality: your parent's generation wast "The Greatest", and yours?....severely lacking. We'll see how we do, but so far? Looks like the "skips a generation" thing is holding up. Own it. Don't make it worse with denial. Almost all the quantifiable data backs this up, so denial is merely embarrassing yourself. If I am an ****, it's merely because I tell you, or phony John Adams, the truth you don't like. And, as always, tough schit if you don't like it.
  3. Hello pot, this is the kettle! You're hysterical. I will be having lots of fun with you soon. You are like a forgotten toy. The fun part is you aren't even aware of your massive hypocrisy, are you?
  4. 1. Health care COSTS(forget insurance premiums, that is effect), are going up. If you don't understand that health care costs are the cause, and rising premiums are the effect of that, then GTFO out of my thread....unless you can prove that insurance is in fact contributing to health care COST*. That would actually be interesting. In any event, what are the root causes for the heath care costs increasing? (*Sorry about the disclaimer, but we have to account for the idiots) 2. Tuition COSTS, NOT student loan interest, are going up. What are the root causes of this? It would also be interesting if somebody could make the case for a cause/effect flip on this one. It seems to me that its a waste of time to talk in terms of Political Solution A or B that deals with managing the effects, if we haven't put any serious thought into dealing with the cause. Never mind about the symptoms, what about the disease? And, are there any insights into the treatments of the "symptoms" actually contributing to the "disease" of these abnormally rising costs? I'm just saying: there's no way in hell my parent's student loans were anywhere near the same debt commitment, $ for $, as what kids are being asked to deal with now. And, there's no way Medicare was outlaying cash for their parents the way it is now. This is out of hand, and a reasonable 18 year old has a reasonable B word about incurring 100k in debt before they even buy a house. What's it going to be like 10 years from now? Why aren't we killing the disease? Or, how many limbs are we going to hack off to save the body?
  5. I do not hate the Buftex. I had some part in returning the Buftex back here after her long, Obama-Fail induced hiatus. I harangued, I challenged, none of it worked. Then, I told the Buftex that the left was being poorly represented here, and how much fun I used to have hunting Buftex, and wham!, now it's Buftex everywhere. Numerous clusters of Buftex posts dotting the rolling, grassy hills of PPP, or, for some posters, steaming piles of Buftex droppings making those hills exceedingly annoying. In any event, the Buftex is part of the reasonable left that make this place worth spending time on. We need more Buftex to hunt, or it just gets boring. I don't want to spend all my time here shooting Dave_In_Norfolk chickadees. And nobody cares. Except crayonz. When crayonz expends the considerable effort it must have taken for him to learn how to use the /'<spoiler>'/ tag properly, it might be indicative......but, by all means, don't let me stop you.
  6. SPLITTER! Every see the Life of Brian? Your post reminded me of it. No I don't. Assembly my ass. They mean committee. A week ago I heard one of these clowns talking about the committee, now it's "assembly". Whatever. That's wordsmithing and yet another clue who and what is really behind this: the professional left. They don't want their useful idiots using committee, because that clearly sounds Communist. But that's the thing: these are Communists. This IS Communism, in all its assclownery: the ineffectual, unaccountable committees, the unclear purpose and lack of leadership from these committees, and of course, the 10s(not millions) of useful idiots, literally, that willingly do whatever they are told by "the assembly". The problem with various leftist -isms is simple: it depends upon people who have no leadership ability being leaders. You are looking for leadership from this assembly, LABillz. All you will find is the weak, scarf-wearing , non-leaders wishing they had your guts and ability to make it on their own as you have. You will not find leaders. You will only find the weak, hiding behind their useful idiots. Ask yourself: would you follow George Soros? No? That's the trouble for leftist "leaders": nobody else would either. This isn't "Revenge of the Nerds" either. I know plenty of nerds. I was a nerd, to a degree, and I am certain most of this board were nerds to a degree as well. We know: even nerds have leaders and leadership ability. No. This is Revenge of the Turds. The only thing missing here, and it's a good thing too, is that these people don't have any real power. They cannot make people disappear in the middle of the night, or summarily execute 1000s of people a day. Now, all they can do is make somebody not eat, or make them go to the other side of the park. The only people they can "purge"...are the homeless.
  7. International A.N.S.W.E.R. is another Soros front. They are the people that believe in communism...but won't call it that. They will give you every line, word for word from the manifesto, but the minute it's time to say the word communist, they replace it with: more democratic equitable equality They don't understand the contradiction: if they can take away whatever I have, whenever they want, and the only justification is "because they have decided", and, I can't do the same to them, then, there's no way we have equal rights. They are more equal And, like the pigs they are are, they will be stuck and squealing at the ballot box in 2012, along with anyone that is tied to them. After that happens, IF they turn to violence, it's like conner after the 2010 elections: "go right ahead, because the thought of you doing that is hysterical". The right have most, if not all of the guns, vehicles, military personnel, intelligence, and cunning on their side, and they outnumber the left at least 2 to 1. What do they have? Some gangbangers who shoot from the hip, and assclown union thugs, neither of whom can get within 100 yards of the the right's lines without taking 2 rounds to their center mass, and a few fast cars? In the immortal words of ACDC: if you want blood, you got it.
  8. I have a simple solution to this: All the assclowns who think high speed rail/Amtrak is a good idea should be forced to ride it between NYC and Philly every business day for 10 months, provided they actually have a job that they need to get to in one city. That will be the end of this discussion. Who wants to massively overpay for the privilege of being late to work 60% of the time? The train is great....if you don't care when you get there. Before we drop billions we don't have, we need to do something about the root cause: letting government be in charge. Don't tell me about the environment and waste, and air, and all the rest...if you aren't also going to tell me about the how you are going to account for the biggest waste of resources in this country pound for pound : the Amtrak employee. Don't tell me a thing before you tell me how you plan to prevent corrupt politicians, commissions, union bosses, bureaucrats, and their crony business partners and "non-profits" from paying each other off while stealing the billions you insisted that we spend. If you aren't interested in solving these problems, or worse, if you won't even acknowledge that they exist, or worst, if you think the government will do a good job...which is contrary to every piece of data we have, then there's no reason to take you seriously. You are a child who sees only one problem, and thinks they can make the others go away by covering your eyes.
  9. Dude: We are talking about 50 people...out of what? X million in your generation? If you added up all these people in every city, you wouldn't break 5k. Hardly something to fret over. These people are being paid, behind the scenes, by moveon.org and the rest of the George Soros cabal. You can't take them seriously, because, and this is key: moveon and Soros don't take them seriously. They couldn't care less about what these OWS people think, and you will see ZERO organization come out of this. This is merely a, poorly thought out, attempt at distraction/forcing a media pivot. For the last 6 months, the credible media people have been saying how bad Obama is at his job, and how bad the people he hired suck at theirs. The far-left had to do something. However, the something they are choosing here, just like with every approach since 2006 will backfire. Remember: we are talking about the far left here. Idiocy abounds, and they have no ability for introspection: this means they do stupid things, but, unlike the rest of us, DO NOT learn from their mistakes. They don't understand why they were stupid, because they refuse to look at things objectively. Couple that with the eternal, unearned, "being on the left makes me smart" self-delusion device, and they fail because they not only don't they understand their FAILS, they think failing is impossible for them. Sound familiar? Who else gives you the impression that he couldn't conceive of shovel ready/green jobs failing/Obamacare killing jobs? Who is trying to fix the economy by doing the same thing that already failed? That's right: Barry the Wonderflop. His campaign and far-left groups are under the mistaken impression that Americans will identify with the OWS people...because they do. They think that this will give them something to campaign on. They think that the worst thing that can happen is they get a break from the beating they were taking in the media. However, this is a woefully inaccurate analysis. As I stated above, there are much worse things that can happen, and they are playing with fire. But, again, they aren't seeing the FAIL here, because they don't want to, and, because they are under the false impression that their way of thinking is "normal". It is not. And, they think this is a good idea because they thought of it. .
  10. Did you fail to notice the ? Let me try that again:
  11. You can't separate government and business and you never could. Practically everything the government does effects somebody's business. What business does obviously effects gov't revenue. We simply need to be smarter about how they interact. There are solutions here. The real problem is: defining the real problems. We have to stop letting people distort and distract from them. Unfortunately, a lot of people get paid top $ on both sides to do just that. Can we stop idiots in the financial sector from ruining markets? Sure we can. The trick is to start hitting them in the wallet, and stop trying to make them go to jail. Their biggest fear is having no money, and having to spend the rest of their life as, according to them, a nobody. They do not fear jail, if it means they still end up with money. Example: I know a guy who had $40 million stolen from him by 2 Swiss bankers. They each got 10 years in prison. Then, when they got out, they had $20 million. Yeah, jail, great deterrent. Would you do a 10 year term in a Swiss prison for $20 million? Perhaps not a Turkish prison , but Swiss? Maybe you wouldn't but there are FAR too many people who would.
  12. It was, and is. See, perhaps I'm being stupid here for betting on the Democrats to be smart for the first time in years, but, they began the process of killing it off when I said it was over. We'll see now that the commies and nazis have ponied up. I wouldn't count on the unions being down there anymore, that is, unless the Democratic party has lost ALL its discipline. Buddy, do you realize how tantalizingly close, for Republicans, this is to being pinned on the Democratic party? Believe me, this is exactly what the Republicans want. Look at the legacy of the 1968 protests = Republicans winning the next 5 out of 6 Presidential elections. The nonsense in 1968 = Nixon getting elected when he should have had no chance. If he hadn't acted so stupidly, Carter never would have had a chance. You may think this is nothing, but the people who vote? They don't like these OWS-type people, and never have. Again, I said/say it's over because I expect the Democrats not to F this up. We'll see, but the retardation is all over the internet now, even on the sites that lean left, which makes the potential for it to kill the Dems 10x as likely as in 1968. One disclaimer: Hey, you never know though: perhaps there is a Bob Dylan out there in the unwashed group of 50 people. All it takes is one good song to go viral....
  13. Judgement call to be sure. We can't see what they were doing behind the counter. Maybe they were trying to come back at him, maybe they weren't. One thing is certain: they thought they could get away with that bad behavior. They "chose....poorly."
  14. OP, let me help you out: 1. Can this team run the football? Yes, and saying otherwise is f'ing retarded. Now stop trying to make yourself look "right" when you said we'd be 4-12 in August. 2. Can this team throw the football, Yes, and saying otherwise is f'ing retarded. Now stop trying to make yourself look "right" when you said we'd be 4-12 in August. 3. Can this team play defense? Yes, and saying otherwise is f'ing retarded. Now stop trying to make yourself look "right" when you said we'd be 4-12 in August. This team has been in every game. Even when we were down 21-3 to the Pats, you knew damn well we were in the game. That is, if you were objective. However, if you were trying to prove you weren't wrong about Chan, Nix, O line, Lee Evans(Siiiiiiimon??? ), everything, that was your high water mark. That was the time when you felt justified in what you "know". Then, it was all taken away from you wasn't it? Every negative post, all your horseschit, went up in flames. Gettysburg. You got to the line, but then got smashed once there. Let me offer you some advice: you are going to be very unhappy, and look awfully silly, if you keep insisting that you were right. Honestly, we don't care, and we won't hold it against you. You're simply not as knowledgeable about the game as you thought you were. It's OK. We all make mistakes, especially me-->I thought Roscoe was going to be a star. See how easy that is? Just admit to yourself that you were wrong, and life will be much more enjoyable for you this season. It's better to accept that you really had no idea, and that you cast a PANTLOAD of aspersions on a team you really know very little about.
  15. Nobody throws in the towel like the 10 or so usual suspects here. It's not that there are so many negative fans, it's that the guys who are trying to live down their 2-14 predictions spam us every chance they get.
  16. Our defense is hurt
  17. Dam, two dumb plays in a row from Fitz take points off the board
  18. Man this team is entertaining to watch. I feel like I haven't wasted 3 hours yet. Now this is "Hope and Change"
  19. Hooray! Game Day! This week has taken forever. Ah crap, flag on kickoff
  20. Hey, they may be morons, and, let's face it, Nazism and Communism are BOTH based on socialism, so why wouldn't they support OWS? And, at least these people have enough self respect to stand up and say who they are. At least they aren't !@#$ing about making up new names for themselves. At least they are honest about what they believe, and don't stray from it for the sake of political expediency.
  21. Boggles the mind, doesn't it? Amazing self-delusion. Now, since the Berlin wall came down, he refers to himself as a libertarian socialist. The fun part is you don't have to look hard for Chomsky's lies, distortions, and, let's face it, delusions: the term libertarian socialism says it all. These people know that the "the state" has failed to implement the communist ideal, because it can't. So, rather than admitting they are wrong about the communist ideal, they are talking about having "people to be named later" implement the communist ideal. It's always failure of the implementation, never failure of the communist ideal itself. Just like blaming the Russians for being too backward to do it properly. Now, with European socialism failing, what will they call themselves? I already know: Libertarian Autonomists. Think I'm kidding? Look it up.
  22. Can always count on lybob to provide an easy way to crush him. I had this lined up for Pete, but using it on you is fine: The central tenet of Chomsky's work is: no authority w/o proof of it's legitimacy. If we use the vehicles available, then, clearly the proof is in the people and how they vote. IF there is some other way to prove legitimacy, Chomsky doesn't provide it. The truth is: Chomsky believes only he can determine proof, since he is in the intellectual class, like the communist he is. Only a communist, and not an anarchist, would draw the conclusions you posted above, so, thanks for proving me right. "We should hold our nose and vote for it" = "Some animals are more equal than others" because only a communist, or a tyrant, claims sole determination of what is right, and the right to contradict himself as a matter of convenience by virtue of being in the intellectual class. An anarchist believes in none of that. The anarchist is consistent, the communist is not, by definition. So, again, thanks for proving my point ---------------------------------- And, I can argue it the other way too. If we are to stay in line with Chomsky, and let's set aside the massive indictment of his entire ethos I just landed cleanly, let's assume he isn't a communist megalomaniac, and sincerely believes that the will of the people/people's vote is the proof. (Look, there has to be some vehicle for "proof", or Chomsky is just an idiot who just throws around theories. And, his crying about the media, when we have Dan Rather making up news, is ludicrous. We also have the internet, Noam.) Then, when the people vote to give Republicans full control of government, and they proceed to repeal Obamacare, Chomsky must be for that. And, if the SCOTUS rules against the constitutionality of the mandate before that, Chomsky must also be for that as well. After all, both are clear indications of the legitimacy of the authority of Obamacare: it's unproven. So, let's see how he responds if that happens. That will be the final proof of whether he truly is anarchist, and, whether he actually believes in his own ethos. How much $ do you want to be me that he doesn't contradict himself? I'll take anything up to $10k, because I don't want to hurt you.
  23. I don't know that this is the only lesson. One of them had an awfully cocky strut one she got behind the counter. I think there are a few lessons here: 1. Don't overestimate your position and abilities 2. Don't F with people you don't know, they could be tougher than you are, or in this case, psychotic 3. Don't assume you are a badass, because somebody you know is, or because you wish you were 4. Don't go looking for trouble, if you don't know what kind of trouble you're going to find 5. Don't assume that being female will allow you to get away with anything anymore. Feminists have seen to it that you are just as likely to get knocked the F out as anyone. Whether that is "progress" is subject to interpretation. But clearly, these aren't helpless victims of domestic abuse. These are clueless idiots who got rocked. 6. Once again, we see the "value" of the "badass" culture of African Americans. There are other AA cultures, but this is the badass version on display. That woman's "badass" strut says it all, and so does the guy's response. Whenever violence in general, and violence against women is glorified in music, movies, and online, they always tell us it's their culture and the reality of their existence. Ok, how's the reality on display in the video working out for you, the reader of this post? Ask yourself: what validity is there to the notion that this culture should be protected, never mind respected, by anyone? The most important lesson: once you cross the line, things get unpredictable. If your culture tells you crossing the line is the only way to live, then it's time to get a new culture.
  24. OK. I don't blame you. Whenever you respond will be highly entertaining for me. Now I have something to look forward to. Make sure you read up before you do though, fair warning.
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