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Everything posted by OCinBuffalo

  1. All you did was use 50 words to say I'm an idiot. How's that a "defense"? There was nothing of note in there worthy of a reasonable retort. I asked you a question(Edit: a google-proof question, I might add). If you can't answer it, just say so. Edit(in response to your edit) I did attack your "events". Actually, I attacked your obvious omission of events. You left out 70% of the history, and candy coated the rest. I am not going to argue with what I clearly stipulated. I said "I already know this". I am going to argue that you are the kind of revisionist that doesn't change things, he simply erases them, and pretends they never happened.
  2. You are free to believe what you want. I believe in: polls and predictive modeling. Edit: Oh, and history, I also believe in what happens when idiots take to the street and annoy voters. People like order. It's the same reason they vote for incumbents.
  3. Not much other than you have no chance of doing that homework either. Why not just admit it so we can move on? Here we have 2 Muslims, claiming to be educated, claiming cultural superiority and the rest. Yet neither of them can tell me about Granada, perhaps one of the single most important events in the history of the Islamic world. Hint: the beatings will only get worse fellas.
  4. What the F? This is not the historical significance of Granada, or how, in its effect, though opposite events, its net outcomes relate to 9/11's. You want to come here and talk history? Let's get it on. Otherwise stop wasting my time. You can only discredit yourself. So far I have given you a newb pass, because you don't know the level of historical acumen we demand here. Now it's on you to either understand that and respond accordingly, or, as I said, discredit yourself.
  5. Want me to give you the same homework assignment that Romeo has no chance of completing? No? Is that because you know better than to mess with me on history due to the whipping I gave you last time this thread came up? He doesn't know any better. You do.
  6. 1. Yes, how ironic....pretty much, yes. That's my job . I get hired to solve enterprise problems, and therefore, yes, most of the time I am confronting white guys for all the issues that they have. Not as much as before mind you. Now, due to the industries I am in, I spend most of my time confronting white girls. 2. You are saying it's not your fault. Well, it sure as hell isn't our fault. It's not that hard to stop these idiot Muslims, if you have courage, and you truly believe in what you say you believe. 3. I am absolutely sure about that: what did the Islamic world do with the knowledge the Romans gave them besides maintain it? (Answer: not much besides inventing the 0 and improving a little on astronomy) We had a little spell of stupidity called the Dark Ages, but then we came back and reclaimed the knowledge Muslims were so nice to maintain for us, and in less than 200 years the West was back to running things again. Muslims had 1100 years to vastly outperform the West with the Romans/Greek knowledge, yet they did little. What held them back? In a word: Islam. What held the West back in the Dark Ages? In a word: Christianity.
  7. 1. You are a newb here, so let's get a few things down, shall we? We know all this stuff. 70% of your post is stuff we already know, 20% of it is horseshit, so thanks for "enlightening" us. 2. You are a newb here, so let's make you aware that coming here, with your revisionist history, will get you hammered. As in Charles the Hammer, the guy who had to stop the invading hordes of Muslims, there Mr. ' the Western World has only had tension with the Islamic World during the last sixty years" Unmitigated Moron. Where'd you get your history from? A C.A.I.R pamphlet? The only invasions have come from Christians? Google "The barbary pirates"....wait, never mind, how about you go take a western civ class in college, and then come back and talk to me. You are either uneducated, or affected, so please refrain from long posts where you either tell us stuff we already know, leave out things that we already know, or distort things we already know. 3. I love it when Muslims act like the USSR wasn't a GIANT threat to them that the US defeated on their, and the rest of the world's, behalf. 4. See, we learned quite well from the colonial Brits and French. We'd rather have Muslims keep the nutty Muslims at bay, rather than do it ourselves like they tried to do. The only problems arise when the nuts we put in place become nuttier than the nuts they are supposed to be containing. So yes, when the insane start running the asylum, we have to step in. 5. Speaking of stepping in, make no mistake with Egypt, Tunisia, Libya and Syria: we will be watching. Well, those of us that care will be. The vast majority of our people don't care, and will be fine with whatever the people that do care decide to do. That is the great mistake 9/11 was for Muslims. It is the modern day Granada in its effects, albeit opposite in its events. Now, let's see if you have any idea what Granada is, why it's significant, and what its significance means in terms of 9/11. Did you come here to talk history? Can you hang with me? I don't think you can. Again, we have a lot of problems, but letting a failed ideology from 630 AD have any part in solving them is absurd.
  8. Oh, no, don't fool yourself: you don't detect fear, you detect a whole bunch of people licking their chops. The minute that this thing stops getting press, is the same minute the $$$ will be cut off. All it takes is some kid to go missing, or to fall down a well, and this thing is over the next day. However, back to the people licking their chops: they are hoping as many links like the ones above come out of this as possible. They are hoping that this thing keeps getting $$$ long enough for a big FAIL story to come out of this, which they can promptly pin on Obama. You aren't smelling fear, you are smelling anticipation. The anticipation that once again, the far-left sees fit to F itself over.
  9. I don't care who they are or what they think, if they or extremist from elsewhere, pull anything else in this country, the only outcome will be a lot of dead Muslims. Period. It may be unfair, it may be wrong, it may be completely unacceptable to moral people, however, under these circumstances, nobody will care. That's where we are now. Unless you think dead = winning, the terrorists have not won. They have not gained any sympathy for their cause. All they have succeeded in doing is making the average decent Muslim's life more difficult. All I am saying, is that if I was the average decent Muslim, I wouldn't tolerate any more form these bastards. "Wah! I'm a victim!" How predictable. Am I responsible? Are Christians? Are Jews? If you are a victim, then what does that make the rest of us? Double victims? We have all kinds of problems. However, the worst possible way to solve them is some ridiculous ideology from 630 AD.
  10. The unemployment #s I just saw, unless I didn't read them right, showed states like Florida, Utah, Texas all down to 7% or less unemployment. I'd say that's a bit better than NYS, wouldn't you?
  11. Yes I have heard of it, and if those countries decide to be another Iran, the first thing they should do is start digging. We just don't have the tolerance for the Muslim Brotherhood's "Islam is the Answer" crap any more. The only "answer" there is death by drone. I am sorry, but billions of dollars and lives lost by us, who are simply trying to free Muslims from oppression, and from their own backwardness, is enough for most Americans. We care even less now that we did before 9/11. So, the extremist Muslims have accomplished what 100 years of Israeli propaganda and money to our political campaigns never could have. Nice work.
  12. Christ, I just write "use our freedoms against us" and you write this right before I post. Look, we are on to your games = some Muslims start trouble and the rest cry "victim". I know you are kidding, but I am being serious: there are real people with real power who have had it with trying to do this the right way. They just want it done. We just got done killing 3 US citizens with drones, and nobody over here ended up giving a single schit, except for the people that nobody listens to and don't matter, get it? No? Ok, let me make it simple: the US could drop 2000lb dumb bombs on a city in Pakistan and nobody here would give a crap. Starting to get it? 10 years ago that option would be completely off the table. Now? Nobody cares. The UN is a joke, so is Europe. China and Russia are trying to make money on the deal....so that leaves us with very few options. You don't want us with very few options, and to be completely indifferent to exercising them. But, if we see any more crap from extremist Muslims in this country, that is what you will have.
  13. You leave us with no help, no solutions, and are willing to use our own freedoms against us to protect bad Muslims. I am sorry but this country isn't going to sign up to fight another land war involving Muslims. There are a lot of people, including and especially Ron Paul, whose solution is to let the Navy and Air Force deal with Muslim issues, and have the Army and Marines sit out. This group is growing. I am not among them, but understand, if they have their way, the only response Muslims will get from this country will come from 20k feet in the air.
  14. You know what else is freakin' ridiculous then? Crying and wailing when we choose to drop bombs on Muslims, and kill them indiscriminately, rather than deploying ground troops and only killing the bad guys. If you refuse to separate the bad guys from the good, if you refuse to hold the bad guys accountable, then we will have to do it our way. Why should we risk our lives if you won't risk yours? If the way we choose to deal with this gets a lot of innocent people killed, then too bad. We aren't the cause of the Muslim problems. Muslims are. Muslims need to fix these problems, permanently, or, they don't get to B word when we do. Unfortunately, we have a whole lot of Italian Americans who think they are in Italy Or, they have seen one too many movies.
  15. Yes, because the first thing far too many Italians I know do when it comes up is say "yeah, so you better be careful, cause I know people". Italians have been playing that game forever. Not a good example. I am bored to death with hearing half the Italians cry about unfair stigmas, while the other half perpetuate them. Muslims need to understand that the reality, and the default, is choice A.) above. And, just how deadly, unfair, and uncaring that choice is. They can cry all they want, but if they aren't willing to solve their problems, we will. Perhaps they are too dumb to understand that this is the last thing they want.
  16. So that leaves us with A.) You and I confronting them and endangering ourselves over a religion and people we couldn't care less about. B.) Nobody confronting them and we just let them do whatever the F they want. Nice choices. Edit: Hmmm. Are you implying NoJustice is lacking in the balls department?
  17. Economics is the one place where states rights still exist, to a degree, you nitwit. That's why low tax states like Texas and Florida have recovered from the recession, and high tax states like New York and California are still sucking. That's why so many people have left New York If everything was the same everywhere, you'd still be living here, and not in Norfolk, moron. The economy is the least centralized thing about this country...never mind the fact that true centralization for a country this large is practically impossible. Dave once again proving his unmitigated moron status.
  18. I'm not Muslim. Therefore, I have nothing to do with who represents you. You do. You allow the worst to represent you, not me. Why don't those who abuse their powers, Sharia Law, etc......have to answer to you, and the rest of the religion of peace Muslims, for their false representation of Islam?
  19. France. We know you're from France. Well, let's see, since your "mainstream" has been our "far-left" from 1990 to 2010, I'd say I have it right on target. Now, some of your "mainstream" have realized that "social justice" gets you: 1. In massive debt 2. An entire generation of people who don't want to work at anything more that what we would call a part time job, and expect free everything 3. Whole cities of self-segregated Muslims who have 0 interest in being actual citizens of your countries. some of your "mainstream" have begun to see just how stupid they have been. Some. It remains to be seen if they will pull a Guallist "we don't suck, we didn't lose WW2, we are actually awesome, because we won WW2" rewrite of history and double down on their failures. However, I think they have come to their senses. Are you trying to tell me that I'm supposed to know/care about which specific political party is to blame for this mess? What on earth makes you think I do? Your people bought the lies they were told by the left, and the right either wasn't big enough or not convincing enough to stop them. Now you are F'ed. And we are all now trying to do whatever we can to make sure Greece doesn't drag you down, and then you don't drag us down with you. But don't feel bad, we bought the same lies only 3 short years ago. It happens. Usually when the financial sector does something stupid.
  20. Well then you will continue to be laughed at, because you refuse to be a serious person. The "religion of peace" thing is a joke, and if you refuse to recognize these obvious problems for what they are: Muslim problems, so are you.
  21. Last time I checked, the Mullahs in Iran not only represent people, they are empowered as both religious leaders and leaders of state. They represent the leadership of the Shi'a sect of Islam. They lead, they represent. And, they are certainly empowered to do all kinds of awful things, all over the planet, because they do in fact represent a whole people. What other justification do they use for their behavior other than Islam? Who let's them continue to act this way? Who lets them continue to represent Shi'a Islam this way? While we are at it: far too many Mullahs in Saudi Arabia are just as retarded. They represent millions of Muslims all over the world, as well as the Sunni sect of Islam, and they keep telling people to kill people. Who let's them continue to act this way? Who let's them continue to represent Sunni Islam, and Islam in general this way? Bigots and racists? Buddy your religion has serious problems. Own it. Or, at least tell other Muslims to stop telling the rest of us that Islam is a religion of peace. It's laughable, and will continue to be, until Muslims solve the Muslim problems in Iran, Pakistan, and Saudi Arabia. (Edit: coming soon to our collective annoyance: Egypt, Tunisia, Libya) Until these Muslim problems are solved by Muslims, I agree with Tom, there's not much else to talk about.
  22. Sarkozy and Merkel are trying, and will fail, to hold together the mess that the far-left created, because, now, they are up to their asses in it. Now, the best thing for France and Germany is to try to make this work . They didn't invent this mess. They inherited it. Hey, the Obama excuse is good for the goose, right? I am merely saying that this situation should never have happened. Single currency, or more accurately, single world currency, as well as one-world government, has been the goal of the far-left everywhere for a very long time. They want it...because it's "fair". The fact that it's ridiculous, example Greece, is beyond them. Are you telling me these simple facts are beyond you as well? Isn't this your country we are talking about?
  23. Scott Chandler has already replaced Reimersma, IMHO. Or is this only from 2000-2010? Edit: I mean, in terms of production during those years. Chandler was on the team last year. I believe he caught one ball, for 8 yards.
  24. Perhaps it will be helpful to keep a few things in mind: We are nearing the beginning of a what I think will be a long, arduous process of transferring the ownership of a massive asset. There are a probably close to 100 major players that will have some real skin in this game, and they will have 100 different agendas. Any of them will be able to say whatever they want to the media whenever they want, and the media will lap it up and hype it because it sells. So, here's some unsolicited advice: 1. Do not believe anything you read that isn't directly quoted and attributed to a name. Anonymous sources, i.e. the "some owners" in King's comments , can and will say anything. There is no accountability for them, or the idiot media person that quotes them.... 2. Of the stuff that is quoted, ask yourself: yeah, but what does this mean for the person being quoted? In this case, what do the "some owners" have to gain? How do we know these "some owners" aren't in our division, and are now scared schitless of this new team? How many of these "some owners" want to play in Buffalo in December, or even September? Or worse, how many want to play here in January? They know their now overly corporate home crowd will NEVER be as intimidating as our overly dirtbag crowd. (largely benevolent dirtbags, mind you) We have the advantage, and they know it. They have over-extended themselves(ahem, Jerry Jones) and they can't stand to have a real NFL city like Buffalo make them face the fact that the crowds they chose to create in their stadiums are now 100% superficial, and therefore will turn on them quickly. Look what's happening in Miami, and, what would happen to the Pats if they went 4-12 next year? 3. Anything that seems like an exaggeration, probably is. In fact, it's probably good to throw out 50% of whatever assertions are made. People will flat out lie to you regarding this deal. It's too big, and there's too much at stake, for that not to happen. The media will be willing accomplices in these lies. In business, when you are working at the elite level, it's common to hear, "hey this is the NFL". The context and meaning of that usually boils down to "don't be a crybaby, suck it up and keep playing, you are going to get hit, the only thing that matters is what you do after". Well? This IS the NFL. Do not let your emotions rule you. These people have already determined that you are stupid. It's on you to prove that you aren't.
  25. How can you use the word "sovereignty" in the same sentence, or book for that matter, as Greece? Sovereignty implies the ability to make decisions for yourself. It also implies that you are actually a real country. It also implies that other countries respect you enough to recognize your right to sovereign determination. Greece can't make decisions for itself. They have been trying to make socialism work, and now, they apparently are run by mobs of blatant idiots. How's that sovereignty? Greece isn't a real country. How many Greeks would be willing to fight for Greece? How many would protest the war, and protest being asked to fight, instead? How many are willing to accept less handouts to help their country? How many actually care about solving their country's problems, both short and long term, more than they care about their handouts? What about these people makes them a "country" and not merely a collection of lazy azzholes that just happen to live near each other? Greece is what happens when the far left is allowed to be in charge = your country ceases to exist in any way that matters. Greece's sovereignty is a joke to everyone. If it wasn't, then why the deal they got? If your sovereignty isn't recognized or respected by anyone, it doesn't exist. Sovereignty? Shirly, you can't be serious. And finally, the EU, and all its FAIL, is also what happens when you allow the far-left to be in charge. The only reason Greece hasn't been tossed out years ago? The far-left politicians in France and Germany don't want to admit their massive mistakes. They want to blame everybody else for their FAIL, as per the far-left methodology.
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