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Everything posted by OCinBuffalo

  1. This is true. Kinda makes you wonder: why is Obama running? Does he have the doomed belief that the Democrats are going to take back the House? Does he not understand that Democrats are defending 22 seats in the Senate, to the Republicans 10? The most likely scenario is little change in the House, and they lose the Senate by at least 2 seats. What exactly does Obama think he will accomplish under those circumstances, given his now 0 credibility with Republicans? To me, that is debate question #1 for Obama. "Even if you win, you are losing overall, so what can we expect from you"? These #s make Obama's "run against a do nothing Congress" strategy baffling. He would willingly sacrifice control of the Senate to stay in office. But....to what end?
  2. I gotta now... Do any of you guys think Bildo is short for Bill Dozer? As in Bill...Bull Dozer....Bill Dozer...Bildo? Would any of you answer to Bildo if that was your nickname? You know, cause it's cool: it has bull dozer in it, so it has to be cool. Who wants to change their handle to Bildo for me? It's a new guy thing. It's part of our tradition. One of you has to change your handle for us to prove you want to be here. Otherwise, we may have to ban some of you.
  3. Oh, how could I forget? None of you new guys would happen to be volunteer firemen by any chance? Or ever talk to janitors in Denny's?
  4. Perhaps. Or, perhaps it wasn't you that needed the egging?
  5. I will help: A week? ago, these two got into it because our resident "probably racist" (good enough GG? or was that what I said last time?) poster keeps starting "black people did this" threads. However, in this particular thread, you could not infer "black people bad" because it was specific to convicts getting their porn taken away. Booster wants possible racist banned, Jim and a few others said no....and of course I helped to egg it on, by asking in the beginning of the thread if they were black convicts. Hilarity ensued, for me anyway, and it appears that this is still going on to a degree.
  6. Hehehehe. Filthy little newbitses. PPP is cool, to bust on fools, so juicy sweet! =================================================== Great thread. A nice review of the menagerie here. Love the ...lybob posts. Actually funny this time...see what happens when you leave out the silly alliteration, ...lybob? The only reason I am a "know it all" to ...lybob, is because he is a "know it none". Naturally, ...lybob feels inferior. And, I don't miss an opportunity to remind ...lybob of his "know it none" status. In any event, ...lybob is a tutorial poster here: easily defeated and a good way to learn the game. Also, enough brain power went into the 3.5 thread to cure cancer....but the cure would have been forgotten in favor of busting on posters. That pretty much sums up PPP. Oh, and "unmitigated moron" and "I tell the truth, tough schit if you don't like it" are mine. You don't get to use them. I will head back under my bridge now, eagerly awaiting....
  7. Re-read the thread. Isn't it obvious? We have a bunch of people who can't really agree on the root cause. If you can't define the problem fully and accurately, talking solutions is a waste of time. As I said, for all TPS' whining, he made a convincing case for the root causes, but argued against them at the same time. See, at least TPS has a semblance of what we would call a problem solving methodology about him. It's a little schizophrenic, but it's better than what we here from most people on the left. I have no idea how my questions = I think it's the governments "fault". Rising costs can happen for a number of reasons, and in my experience, they rarely happen intentionally. (Edit: usually happens because some group/division/department head does something without thinking about its effects on another group/division/department, and nobody notices, or the affected guy just folds it into his/her budget without a second thought, or because s/he doesn't want yet another fight with the other manager) I honestly can't say I believe it is the government's fault, never mind whether it is liberal's fault. The point of this thread is simple: we don't really know what is causing the problems. Instead of focusing on that, we are all too quick to haul out the ACME box and Wile E. Coyote our way into some "solution" based on nothing more than emotion and/or ideology.
  8. That's why I said: don't get your hopes up. We are going to get somebody who swears up and down that he will cut the spending...but then will face the consequences that doing that will allow the left to all him/her every name in the book, and will want to be re-elected...so.... You shouldn't be looking for a fiscal conservative. Instead, you should be looking for somebody who says "I do not care if I get a 2nd term", because that's the person who will actually do what needs to be done.
  9. My question is: don't they teach African and Asian Studies in 9th grade in NYS? Or is that 8th grade? If that is the case, how does Bozo Romeo here have a high school degree? Hey, you can only look forward to 3 pages of cut and paste from some website.... ....that either completely misses what you said, gets the facts wrong, is irrelevant, or references the Cayman Islands! Lots of Arab slave traders in the Caymans....good buddies with the Soviet arms dealers and the US bankers. They get together every year and have a big clam bake on the beach. They book Jimmy Buffet, and it's open bar from 6-9!
  10. 1. You completely missed what I said, and I made it simple for you. I'll make it even simpler. 2. We were "involved" in the Middle East in the 1930s therefore, it goes way past your "60 years". Part of the resolution of our "near war" with England that began in the later 20s and ended in the late 30s was: oil shipments from Arabia. War with England, moron, not Germany. Believe it or not, back then that shipping oil from Arabia was cheaper than getting it from our own land, and, we knew our demand for it would increase, massively. US foreign policy regarding oil starts in the 1930s with Texaco, not in the 1950s. 3. In regard to Germany/Italy, your retard "timeline" doesn't speak to what was happening in 1932-5, in Ethiopia, and Africa in general, BEFORE WW2. So why did you bother with it? 4. The USSR absolutely threatened to attack the Middle East, and we made it clear what would happen to them if they did. We did that every year they existed. 5. Regarding Granada....I told it was a google-proof question, didn't I? See, you actually have to KNOW history to answer it. You don't, so you can't. The Cayman F'ing islands? Yes slappy, when I think of the Muslim world, the first thing I think is: The Cayman Islands Let's start simple shall we? As much as I hate using wikipedia, I have to start somewhere: Granada, the last Muslim emirate in Spain, MORON! This was the last hold on Western Europe the Muslims had. The Reconquistadors...oh never mind. Why would you know anything about this? Anyway, to sum it up, the Spanish kicked the Muslims out. This has been a significant loss to all militant Islamists since 1492....but yeah, this has something to do with banking, Soviet Union, and The F'ing Cayman Islands. Osama Bin Laden, because he's an Islamist turd, wanted Granada returned. He even sent terrorists there, who got caught. His reasoning was: that was the beginning of the end of Islamic influence and power over the West, and in the Middle East. It was all downhill from there. His pretense? Once lands are conquered by Muslims, then they are Muslim lands forever, and if the conquered people see fit to kick them out....that's not...fair. Osama's "vision" is to reclaim every single piece of territory of the old Caliphate, with Granada a hugely important symbolic piece of that. In the biggest of ironies 9/11 is EXACTLY like the reconquest of Granada, in terms of its effects, although opposite in its events. Instead of being attacked, Muslims did the attacking. But the effect is the same: it's going to be all downhill for Muslim "power" from here on out. You think Europe is going to continue to tolerate the refusal by Muslims to integrate into its culture? Do you honestly believe that England is fine with Muslims putting up "Sharia Law Zone" signs in London? Do you think this country is going to care if we drop bombs on Pakistan? Iran? Anywhere else? Do you think that we are ever going to fight another war, like we did in the Balkans in the 90s, on behalf of Muslims, without serious reservations? 9/11 signified, just like Granada, that the jig is up for Islamic influence in the West. Just like the far-left, Bin Laden is going to wind up getting the exact opposite of what he intended, because his methods are retarded. Perhaps you are too dumb to understand this, but that doesn't make it any less true. Get used to hearing this: I tell the truth, tough schit if you don't like it. Our liberal ideas regarding tolerance of those not like us ends when they attack us. You are nowhere close to "done" with this....not if you are serious Muslim person that wants to understand what is happening today. You have a LOT to learn.
  11. The problem with this is: OWS wants government intrusion into business. TEA wants government out. OWS people need to understand that what they want in principle....is not achievable in practice. No amount of howling "yes we can" makes this not so. On the other hand, the TEA party's goals are achievable, straightforward and easy by comparison. The goals are somewhat aligned, but, as CRA, Fannie Mae, and Freddie Mac have made BLATANTLY obvious....Government needs to stick to what it is supposed to be doing: enforcing the law. If the banks are too big, then enforce the Anti-trust laws. Period. Do not get into the banking business. If people lose money, tough. If people who can't afford a house don't get one, tough. In practice, and although these are noble motives, the government has proven its inability to handle these jobs, and worse, it uses the dumbest methods possible. Political agendas which are contrary to the normal business process are inserted, thereby detracting, or in Fannie's case, destroying it. OWS people are right about 1 thing: the government types have found a way to make $$$ from business. We need to force business out of government too, without free speech issues....but we also need to do the same with unions, and every other big special interest group. Best way to do that I know is to get rid of "career" government people in everything but the military and law enforcement. This includes the staff, bosses, and of course elected officials. Should be a "service", not a career.
  12. You're serious? A reuter's poll? I was talking about the only polls that matter, and are useful. And, not tracking polls. example: real polling on this... Cain's share of the primary voters hasn't changed much at all, and that was as of a poll taken 2 days ago. Cain's approval rating isn't going to make people vote for Perry, or Romney....or Obama for that matter. Cain's favorables at 57%? Ok...what are Obama's? Dude, you better not get your hopes up....for either the Republicans putting up someone you consider decent....or for Obama staying in office.
  13. The problem is: your family will. Unless you get advance directives...and few do. That is not what I think. Not even close actually. Signed, OCinBuffalo PS. I am not a liberal, so by definition, I do not appreciate you telling me what position I am supposed to have. I have some thoughts on this, but that wasn't the reason that I started this thread. If you really want to know what I think, all you have to do is ask. However, I won't answer you in this thread. That has nothing to do with the purpose of this thread. ================================== I find it highly amusing that me asking 2 straightforward questions has been interpreted as it has. Could this be the root cause for me starting this thread? I don't know...perhaps we need TPS and EEI to cast more unfounded aspersions. Did anybody else find TPS's post hysterical? He made the best case for why these costs are rising....while disagreeing with himself...at the same time, and then trying to blame me for his contradictions. Cognitive Dissonance...... and a hell of a strawman....to which TPS proceeded to add a flesh, bone, blood and internal organs...such that we end up with pretty just a man.
  14. So far this thing hasn't moved the polls, like the, supposedly, Rick Perry people thought it would. I don't think it will last much longer. The media will be exposed, just like they are with OWS(you know you are really wrong if South Park deigns it necessary to make fun of you), as pushing a story that is Obama-friendly....and as soon as that becomes painfully obvious to even the dimmer people...this will pass like a bad fart.
  15. Please write 3 paragraphs on the mood of the fans at the stadium
  16. Clear and Present Danger "You know what you think about when you're lying here. You know you're going to die. You think it's alright. You lived a long time. You had a family that loved you. You had a son that you thought made a difference, that you thought was honorable. ....and then you see this." Sorry Fellas, I was making chili.
  17. You know you spend your life defending the music of today, going to shows, telling your uncle that these bands really are interesting and aren't just rehashing the late 70s, you bought enough CDs to think you made a difference.... ....and then you see this. (+1 for anybody who can name the movie I borrowed the cadence, not the quote, from)
  18. 4 pages of this? Looks like Ryan's tactic is having the desired effect, at least on the fans anyway. Read this like it is: Ryan knows he has to do whatever he can to gain whatever advantage he can. He has seen the same film we have.
  19. "Friggin Awesome!" Ah so...3.5 you say? What is this 3.5? I hear somewhere before...
  20. Bah! Mine was "Fletcher-Beater" Remember London Fletcher-Baker?
  21. As always, I tell the truth, tough schit, if you, or in this case, both of us, don't like it. We have to stop threatening Wall Street with jail. They don't care. We have to start hitting them in the wallet, and, make them work some menial government job. That is a deterrent for them. Hey I have been warning the left since 2007 not to: 1. get cocky about winning Congress, as it was not their win, but the Republican's loss. 2. think they aren't accountable for results. Sitting around saying Bushbad for 6 years '= being able to govern effectively 3. get even more cocky with Obama winning, see #1. 4. think that the US is somehow a left leaning country...because of the mistakes of 1 Republican president 5. to approach every single thing on their agenda as though most of our people want what they want - because they don't and never will but they did it anyway. The Democrats have failed miserably at every single thing they have tried to do. Sure, in the short term they passed Obamacare and Dowd Frank. Now these pathetic little battles won will be used against them and they will lose the war. This could have gone differently for the Democrats, and they have no one to blame but themselves.
  22. It's funny, I already had Dave's original "Corzine is somebody's buddy" post all multiquoted up, and I was about to read the next post, I thought "Man, where's GG? He's usually the 3rd poster in a thread like this, why isn't he stomping Dave's guts out?".... and then I read the rest of the thread.
  23. Simple, this is a completely unforced error, on the national level, it has too much potential to ignore: The Democrat powers that be have once again miscalculated(remember "they will like Obamacare once we pass it and they see what's in it?"), and think that 50 people in a park doing and saying stupid things, but saying they are against Wall St., makes for good "optics" for them. The Republican powers that be have once again nailed this, and think that 50 people in park doing and saying stupid things....will be correctly perceived as merely 50 people in a park doing and saying stupid things. They can only hope that these idiots are attributed to the Democrats, because these would be the best optics of all time for Republicans. Why? Here's the real "optics": OWS = scumbags/idiots/lazy Greek protestors = Scumbags/idiots/lazy = socialism If OWS = Greek protestors, then that's a great thing for Republicans. The best thing is: OWS = Greek Protestors, and Obama supports it.
  24. Won't and can't are 2 different things fellas. Given the command of history you have displayed in this thread, Romeo, and last time, NoJustice, both of you fall in the "can't" group. And I really don't have a problem with that. I do have a problem with you basing anything you say further in this thread on your woefully poor grasp of history, however. Let me show how it's done: The US "involvement" in the Middle East goes a lot further than 60 years, bozo Romeo. In fact, in the 30s FDR warned both Hitler and Stalin to stay out of there, or, if they were going to start trouble with England, not to mess with our oil shipments. In fact we were closer to war with Britain, not Germany, in the late 20s/early 30s due to the "battleship race" we had engaged them in. This was partially resolved by England guaranteeing oil shipments from Arabia with minimal hassle. Later, Hitler specifically told Mussolini to stay away from the Arabian peninsula because he didn't want to risk involving the US in another world war, and because he knew we had claimed it as our unofficial protectorate. So, I am arguing your point for you, better than you can, bozo Romeo, because I know more about this than you do.
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