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Everything posted by OCinBuffalo

  1. Fine example of being dead right.
  2. Yes, this is tired. Why don't you do us a favor, and either move to San Francisco and convince them all to get rid of Pelosi, or, stay in Philadelphia and convince them to get rid of whoever their "doesn't matter who they are, they get 80% of the vote" person is. Oh, you can't? Why not? Is it because these areas have a high concentration of a particular constituency, who wants what they want, and whose representative is merely giving it to them? The Constitution is clear: these people are to represent their constituency, and that's what they do. Most of the incumbent vote you are decrying is coming from districts who will NEVER elect somebody from the other party, so honestly, what do you expect? These districts are all about corruption and bad peformance, on both sides, because short of a scandal or bad blood in their own party, they will never be held accountable by anyone. You might as well write them off. Relatively small places like Bucks County are where national elections get decided, because those are the only places where issues matter, and candidates matter. If you want to do something about incumbency stop posting this thread after every election, and instead, move out to Bucks and raise hell there. I am sure your new neighbors will love you.
  3. Christmas tree "research" Research what exactly? New markets for Christmas trees? What are they going to try to sell them to Jews/Muslims or immigrants as Holiday trees? "Welcome to the USA! Make sure you buy a tree!" I cannot get over the "image" thing either. At this point in history, what could possibly increase or decrease the image of a Christmas tree? And what of the environmental impact of cutting down all these carbon eating trees ? Are these the "green jobs" we were told about? There has to be more to this story.....
  4. Oh, I don't know....let's try Germany for a second. We can do the easy ones like Greece and Italy, but liberals will cry. So, let's do Germany, which is the only place in Europe where innovations still come from. They spend more on social welfare than we do. But, what have they done to stay in the black? They have made massive cuts to entitlements. Why? Because they were smart enough to know that the system they were running was going to fail. Oh, and if you want to see abject failure of these European socialist models? Let's see what happens if our debt limit super committee fails to reach a compromise. With massive defense cuts, where do you think they will be made? What if Germany and the rest of Europe actually had to pay for their own defense, instead of using what we provide them, for free? Nothing will kill socialism in Europe faster and permanently than the US saying: time to pay for your own defense. The simple fact is that Europe has been living in an unrealistic bubble that we have created for them, and even with that, most of their economies are crap. Most of them couldn't even defend their own harbors without our Navy, never mind their ships on the open sea. And in spite of this reality, they have the unmitigated gall to look down their noses at us for our massive defense budget? These passive aggressive clowns would pee themselves if one day they woke up and realized that their airspace was now their problem. The reality, that scarf-wearing grad students are completely unaware of, is that the world is a very dangerous place, and that the only thing that keeps everybody's economy safe, and all hell from breaking lose on all 7 continents, is the USA's massive defense budget that they keep talking schit about. The problem then was that nobody bothered to ask any actuaries what they they thought of FDR's ideas. Same thing with LBJ. I am pretty sure that actuaries we're brought in until the 80s...to answer the "what happens if a baby boom is followed by the baby bust we are going through right now". The country was in desperation mode, and FDR was a great communicator. No different than Reagan. We are about to be in desperation mode again, if we aren't already....do you think ever more liberal policies are going to be seen as pragmatic and reasoned? By whom? 22% of the country? And, who will communicate them better than Obama? For all his ability he couldn't get it done. Who is the Great Democratic communicator waiting in the wings to successfully tell us that we should be happy with $3.90 gas prices, because it's good for the country? The difference here is: we aren't talking about policy effecting electoral outcomes. Of course that is subject to ebbs and flows. No, we are talking about electoral strategy effecting electoral outcomes. The strategy of the Democrats is clearly about abandoning white working class voters. The very people who gave FDR the electoral mandates to do what he did. The Democrats are walking away from these very loyal voters, and instead catering to a very small group of people with a lot of money. FDR's entire gameplan was populist. There is nothing populist about "green jobs" or gay marriage or Obamacare(they missed the opportunity). See the difference?
  5. Lucky for you I solved that problem too. I am well aware of your margins. When I was first approached to solve these problems, my immediate answer was "$2.5 million", that was as cheap as my brain could think of, but I was told that wasn't even close to being feasible. Basically, because of your margins, I had to come up with a new kind of software, of course, but also a new kind of software business model to support it. The reason you aren't able to get high end code is because the companies who make it can't afford to charge you less than what they charge. This is because as they add features, modules, etc., and new clients, their additional support cost increases exponentially. As we add features and clients, our support cost either remains nominal, or actually starts to decrease. We don't have their problems, because we don't have their(crappy ) software. Period. It's simply a matter of design. And, keep in mind, we capture ALL your reimbursement, because we capture ALL of what you do. Our research shows that without us, 40% of what you do is never recorded. We permanently remove that problem...which gives you more money...and also serves as an elegant way to show malpractice lawyers and surveyors to the door, and an even more elegant way to relate to a patient's family. Also: looking at the patient is absolutely the wrong way to go about workflow. You can benefit from my 3 year feasibility study that proves this, or, you can find out for yourself the hard way
  6. Yes, the Christmas tree industry couldn't do their own marketing, so, they hired the government to do it for them. I wonder how this plan is going to work. 13c of the 15c is going to administration of the plan...and since when does anyone have a bad image of Christmas trees? What is the major problem that is being solved here? When I say stupid far-left non-solution solutions...this is what I mean. Basically, somebody who contributed a lot of money to Obama's campaign, wants their son/daughter/niece/nephew to have a government job...and here it is.
  7. Edit: Holy schit they did another one. I can't believe what happened to The Flats. Hell I lived there off and on for 6 months. "Scooby Doo Ghostown". That is hysterical. ROFL.
  8. The only criticism I have of this is: what happens when native Wyomans? (I have no idea what to call you, and that's funny) get old/get a chronic disease/get hurt at work? Chances are they move out of your state, and end up in New York. Understand, I am not saying this is your fault. I am saying that because of our dopey legislature, and Sheldon Silver in particular, we attract people from all over the world, never mind country, looking for a handout...or actually really needing a handout, because it's the best option for them. States like New York are where states like Wyoming dump their troubled people. It's states like NY's fault for volunteering to be the dumpster, but let's be accurate.
  9. Ok, that's progress. Phase one of the "TPS reclaiming his status as reasonable" project is now complete. Again, I am not your personal internet researcher. The reporting has been done. It's on the internet. Go find it. When you do, phase 2 will be complete. Phase 3 is accepting that you wasted my time in this thread, and requires that you acknowledge that "I tell the truth, tough schit if you don't like it."
  10. If only somebody had a way to apply activity based costing/workflow/business intelligence to health care, while making the necessary feasibility study based changes to these methodologies to suit health care, while making it act like custom software, have it be able to changed broadly or slightly and without consequence, and have it be designed from the ground up to integrate to anything. (yes, the cloud too...as if we haven't been doing "the cloud" since the 90s in Major League IT ) Boy, that somebody would be able to tell use the cost of doing business per patient per day, or minute, second, week, whatever, in real time, and give us a true determination of how well our care processes are doing. That somebody would be able to provide GG with everything he is asking for, and a whole bunch of other things he doesn't know about but are just as critical to cost reduction. Wouldn't that be great! (For the new guys, yeah, that's pretty much what the F I do)
  11. Yes, youtube and google are very obscure sources to which only I have access. It's time to put the shovel down TPS.
  12. Hey newb? Do you want to crush Dave, or should I? It's all lined up, ready for you to take the shot..... Edit: you know, in the spirit of new posters joining the board and all? I will gladly give up an easy one so that you can get your first kill.
  13. bah! That's what I get for listening to my dad. On the + side, he actually told me about it with a text message....so that's progress.
  14. Or simple economics. I hate this law, because it got passed by people who should know better, but instead know nothing. If you forcibly and massively increase demand, while doing nothing to increase supply, the price will go up. There's no way in hell Obamacare cuts health care costs, and therefore, there's no way in hell it will reduce the deficit. Worse, we don't have enough primary care people as it is, and their idiotic argument is: "well preventative care will save money because all the currently uninsured will go to them and get care there instead of the emergency room/get care before things go from bad to worse". Yeah? Guess which kind of physician does "preventative care". Guess which kind of physician those who go to the emergency room will go to? That's right morons: primary docs....the ones that are in shortest supply. You really have to a complete moron to support this law. I didn't say moron for "supporting doing something about the working poor getting reasonable care". I did say: "you are a moron if you support this law", or any other far left non-solution solution.
  15. Dude, the money from OWS comes from MoveOn, and Moveon's money comes from Soros. This is common f'ing knowledge. Why are you denying reality? Or, is this a difficult concept for you? I thought you were one of the reasoned, and therefore, tolerable, leftists on this board.
  16. I see it plain as day. It's up there right now. Thought it was a plane at first, but, it's just sitting there not moving. Yet, it's moving at 29k miles an hour Humbling to say the least. Looking at the moon, its about 3 inches away at 7 o'clock. Pretty bright.
  17. Hmmm...it seems some pages ago in this thread I said this would end poorly for Democrats, and that Republicans are loving OWS. The retard finale is yet to come: Bloomberg will start realizing that he's going to be on the losing end of this and some event will make him feel like he has to do something immediate Of course, that will spark an overreaction by him, and, will involve taking the leash off the NYPD...who are already highly annoyed by these people The cops will go Chuck Norris, and the nuts will respond violently all hell will break lose, and the campaign commercial producers will have a field day showing Obama's speech supporting these tools juxtaposed(hehe take that scarf-wearing grad students) with whatever is on youtube. It's a schit sandwich, and Bloomberg/the Democrats will have to eat it all, with a side of fried used tampons. Good thing George Soros dropped what is it? $500k on these people? Soros just provided the entire production costs and most of the content of the Republican Nominee's first set of campaign commercials for free! The rest of the content will be gleaned from CSPAN. So basically, the Republican will have to spend very little, and get a bunch of killer ads out of the deal--> Thanks, George! Once again, if you want something done beyond your wildest expectation, put the far-left in charge of doing the opposite. (Edit: the only way this doesn't happen is if something truly tragic happens, and it would be in bad taste to use it. However, if something truly tragic happens, the campaign commercial won't be necessary, and would be even worse for Obama/Democrats)
  18. This is pure "dollars for doughnuts" analysis on my part, as in where the dollars are coming from, and what kind of doughnuts they are buying. The Republicans will simply win by forfeit if the Democrats keep taking money from the "fundamental transformation of America" wingnuts and acting accordingly. So perhaps "Republican domination" isn't the right word. Perhaps "Republicans merely showing up... with just a few reasonable ideas....and winning by default for the next 20 years" is better. I still believe what I wrote yesterday, but that's predicated on both sides remaining viable. It is not predicated on one side committing suicide, and having the other be able to do whatever it wants.
  19. So lets get this straight: young black females are the reason gas prices are being held hostage? Did young black females decide that white working class men don't matter anymore? Did young black females demand that Obamacare get passed? How about cap and trade? How about card check? How about gay marriage? Yeah, the black female is the biggest proponent of gay marriage, while the Hollywood producer, who gave 2 million has no opinion on the matter. The population increase you are talking about is 2-3 points. That's the justification for throwing away 18-25 points worth of general election voters who have been consistently voting for you since they turned 18? Yeah, that's makes a lot more sense than: George Soros/Hollywood will give you a ton of money for your campaign, provided you tow their retarded line. TPS: time to give it up on trying to pretend that Soros is some made-up person, or that I am suggesting a conspiracy. It's not a conspiracy if you come right out and say what you are doing and why. Youtube George Soros. He is who he says, not I say, he is. Soros IS Moveon.org. Without him they are just a pissant message board. PPP has more credibility than MoveOn without Soros money. MoveOn.org is where the $$ comes from for OWS. So, really, George Soros is also OWS. First of all, and I cannot believe I am saying this, .....lybob has made an accurate observation! What is happening? But of course, you are also wrong: I don't want liberals for their party. I couldn't care less about the concept of a "party", and therefore I care even less how close the 2 parties are to each other. The point is not to simply contradict the other party. The point is: I want REASONABLE people on the left to bring their point of view, not necessarily their crappy solutions, to any problem that is being discussed. I don't want groupthink from either side, or the center, period. Something you can relate to: JFK was smart guy who did a dumb thing, Bay of Pigs, and the reason why? Groupthink. And finally, don't misrepresent people in the middle and right: they don't hate liberals. They are not you. You probably hate them, but they simply don't care enough about you to hate you. What they hate is the fact that you won't hold yourselves accountable when you demand the implementation of crappy solutions we know won't work, and they FAIL, and then you keep doubling down on them. Also, claiming to be "forward thinking", while selling ideas from the 1930s and 1960s doesn't get you a lot of love either.
  20. No. Those had to do with expanding the base, Neo-Con, or, consolidating it, Christian right, or both. What the Democrats are doing destroys their base, in favor of more campaign $$$.
  21. New poll interviews over 70k Democrats and Democrat leaning independents. Has a +/-1 margin of error, so it's going to be hard to dispute these results. Conservatives increased, Independents increased, Liberals shrunk, nationally. If anything the Democratic party is now even more liberal. Great, so, basically this is the beginning of the end. Actually, I am not happy about this, as I see the Democrats self-mutilation as not good for the country. We need both sides to be reasoned and to participate in how OUR system works. No good will come from the an unconstrained far-left taking the entire Democratic party out of the game. The Democrats are FAIL because they have been highjacked by the far-left. There is a mountain of evidence to support this conclusion. Teddy Kennedy's seat(which I still can't believe), NJ and Va governors races, the 2010 midterms: if you go back and look, the far-lefts prints are all over each one. Now the far-left is keeping Obama from doing things to fix the economy: look at the Class problem with Obamacare. They can't implement it, because there's simply no money for it, yet the far-left is demanding that it not be dropped. So now what? Exactly. Nobody knows, and this is just one more issue creating the uncertainty that is keeping the economy from recovering fully. And now, Democrats are even MORE liberal? You take this poll, and also take the fact that the "blue dog" Democrat coalition has been decimated by retirement(make no mistake, they were protest/no confidence in Obama retirements) and losses in 2010, and the result? Fewer Democrats in general, coming up and supporting policy that is even further to the left, with fewer numbers of reasonable liberal voices saving these Democrats from themselves. Auto-FAIL. The great advantage that Democrats had in public opinion regarding the economy, that was slowly increased from JFK to James Carville, is now gone. Democrats are no longer trying to make the economy work for everyone, with everyone meaning everyone. Instead, they are trying to destroy it, and replace it with failed European systems. We also have Democrats abandoning the white working class, who was/is their bread and butter, in favor of what, exactly? College professors? Disaffected youth? And of course, just in case there was any doubt about destroying their white working class base, the foolish over-pursuit of ridiculous policies that both purposely raise gas prices, and, create opportunities for crony capitalism and corruption that are just begging to be exposed....ALL supposedly based on questionable global warming science, but really based on socialist and anti-USA ideology. The only reason I can think of for why Democrats would do this to themselves? Money. You won't get anywhere near the same amount of money from the white working class as you will from Hollywood, etc. It appears the Democrats made a calculation: trade their economic credibility and a large part of their base voters, for the money of a small number of wealthy crackpots like George Soros, who demanded the stupidity of the last 4 years in return. The assumption being: it's all about media, and they can get back enough white working class voters and appeal to other demographics with marketing, such that they come out ahead in the end. It's an unbelievably stupid calculation, and worse, they still think 2008 proves them right, and they still think that the country wants to move to the left, its just that they haven't messaged us enough/properly, so it's back to Hollywood for even more money. This is a recipe for Republican domination for the next 20 years, if not longer. This self-destruction is as unbelievable as it is hysterical. It's hysterical because: there are idiots who will tell me that I am a bad person...for doing nothing other than telling them the truth.
  22. No, actually, you aren't supposed to win. Or, at least I doubt anyone here ever expects you to win, even if you are actually right. No Dave, you'll find a way to F it up, in perfect far-left form. Example: look at OWS. They are going from having a sympathetic set of grievances....to putting kids in front of doors so they can be stepped on by 250 lb men. That is you Dave. Even if you have a point, your stupid ideology will get the better of you, and you will FAIL. ================================= Regarding unions: It is no longer about representing the worker. It is now about pushing for political change. This has drastically reduced the number of union employees. The concept of a union is fundamentally flawed: treating everybody the same is an aberration. People aren't the same. Yet, the unions don't even want to consider this reality. Instead, all they see is a volume business. Once upon a time, you actually had to earn your way into a union. Now? All that is required is heartbeat. The more numbers the union can get, the more $, and therefore, the more power. The unions have caused their own problems, but I am not sure how they could have avoided some of them. For example, if you sell workers on paying dues so that they will get a better deal, then you have to deliver. But, if your political allies are also pushing the entitlement society for 60 years then a perfect storm is created: every deal you get has to be better than the last, or else you aren't delivering. That's difficult to deal with, because sooner or later you just can't get any more, or if you get too much, like GM, you bankrupt the company. The other problem is: the unions have been so successful in forcing government to do what they want...that government now does 80% of what unions used to do. It's the mother of ironies: the union bosses have worked themselves out of a job There is no doubt that unions are responsible for creating the business environment we have today, which places a high value on employee safety, readiness, and career-oriented, long term thinking. The days of abusing employees, by and large, are in the past, and the unions were a huge part of that. There is no doubt that unions were an important part of our history.... ...but so was the buggy whip. The unions need to adapt, or they will be gone.
  23. Congratulations, you are now a pragmatist. Apply that to everything in life except for the people you love...and you'll probably be fine.
  24. I agree...or at least I hope this is the problem. Seems like there is evidence for this.
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