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Everything posted by OCinBuffalo
The Left's Atlas Shrugged moment
OCinBuffalo replied to John Adams's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
I don't like Cricket! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BBRAzmaq5x0 -
The Left's Atlas Shrugged moment
OCinBuffalo replied to John Adams's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
We barely made D-Day/Bocage work because of Montgomery over promising and under delivering. Imagine what those hedgerows would have been like with at least 5 more Panzer divisions, and most of their Tigers. Hell ask the Canadians how they, who were mauled severely by what the Germans did have, would have liked facing 3x the number of tanks, assuming reductions by air power. If anything, keeping the Russians in the game significantly reduced our casualties....and the Russians took them instead. Too bad. You would think that concept wouldn't elude somebody who didn't like the USSR. -
The Official Mitt Romney thread
OCinBuffalo replied to Dave_In_Norfolk's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Hey I have been fighting accountants one way or another all of my adult life. They do suck. Not only do they suck, they hate consultants for no reason other than: envy. So, by definition, the antonym to MittpickTM is: ObamafuscateTM. I claim the same rights. -
Spending $1.5 M....to get $1M in return The poorly executed Obama stimulus strikes again. As if the millions wasted on poorly conceived green jobs wasn't enough. (Understand, Economic Stimulus, as a tool, is both valid and useful, but, like any tool, is easily misused by buffoons and/or people trying to use it as a vehicle to "fundamentally transform America") Now, Obama et al is playing real estate developer. Why? Because surely the government is better at the real estate business than Donald Trump? Right? We don't need Trump, we have Obama! Yes, and did you stop to consider why they won't touch them, nitwit? Could it be because they won't make a F'ing profit on them...JUST LIKE YOU DIDN'T? You know what needs to happen to these properties? Let some family who has the ability to fix them up buy them at a price they can afford....moron. That's how you help "the poor". Now that family can't afford that house, because you wasted our money fixing it up, and they are priced out. Great plan. How is screwing with the market = "helping"? In your infinite government employee wisdom, not only do you not understand the problem you are supposed to be working.... ...it's clear you don't understand your own solution either. Great. "Staff Shake-up"? Anybody want to guess why that was necessary? We need to raise taxes, so we can hire more government employees like this one...because clearly she is making a "moral" difference for all of us. Yes, she's doing very "honorable" work. Self-righteous turditry. How dense/intransigent do you have to be not to understand just how galatically stupid having the government compete with business/investors is?
The Official Mitt Romney thread
OCinBuffalo replied to Dave_In_Norfolk's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
When has Romney ever claimed to be a regular guy? In fact, when has any management consultant ever claimed to be just a regular guy? I've never met one. It would be stupid to claim that, largely because it isn't true. Boston Consulting Group didn't hire and train "regular guys", and neither do any of the other major firms. When you see the IBM commercials....are they advertising their billable people as "regular? Hint: the whole point of the existence is...that you aren't a regular guy. Otherwise, why would anyone every hire you? They already have regular guys that work for them. They need the not-regular guys to come in and fix things, teach new concepts and implement them, etc., because the regular guys have no clue, or, at the higher levels, don't want to risk their jobs on something they might not be able to get done. If real consultants were "regular", we'd be just as dumb as you are. We're not. -
I think the Jews are behind this.
OCinBuffalo replied to whateverdude's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Direct result of movies like Avatar being taken seriously by turds. -
Just watched it again on Netflix....because I literally have never seen the full version uncut/no commercials. Capt. Willard....got me thinking. Romney's real name is Willard. So there we go, Willard is on a long journey to confront Colonel Obama. (This idea is just starting so I don't really have it all done...that's why I posted it, because I figured PPP could find lots of way to make it funny) Just like in the movie, you could play Obama's wingnut speeches from the campaign right up until recently, that "really put the hook" in Willard. Do the "recovery summer" thing, whatever, it's not like we're short of material here. Have Colin Powell be the general, and Rahm Emanuel be the CIA guy, who recruits Willard to get rid of Obama. Then the boys somehow end up on the boat with Willard, and end up as the crew. Don't know if Chef can fit in there or not. Meanwhile, based on the reports from the WH, Obama is in his private office in the residence, reading People magazine and surfing TMZ, and uttering Kurtz-like babble that scares and yet awes the staffers. "It smelled like slow death in there". Have Valerie Jarret running around playing Dennis Hopper's character. Have Rush Limbaugh be the Air Cav guy leading around the social conservatives, with Perry, Santorum, etc. being the surfers. "You wanna work on the economy or surf those waves of irrelevance"? Keep having one beat the other, etc. Have Ron Paul be the French Commando leader married with all the fatalism of that piece of the story. Have to put Sarah Palin in there somewhere maybe...or later... I have more ideas...like having Gingrich be the Playboy guy who shows up for the USO show...and then whores out Sarah Palin for gas, or, having the OWS people be the Kurtz/Obama followers attack the boat/be surrounding the WH, Willard's ultimate destination, and have Cartman waste them all....because he hates hippies of course. But, it's no fun if I do the whole thing. However, Obama will have to sneak out of the WH and kill Kenny.....because Kenny is more en vogue...or something. That's got to be in there somehow. Have at it. Who knows? Maybe we could submit it for fun? For me, this beats the hell out of explaining economics to the ignorant for the 55th time.
Tut, tut, tut! Not government jobs. Let's not forget, years of paying people off with jobs working for the government, which means they will pay the union, who will in turn pay the liberal politicians, who will in turn create more government jobs.... ....is basically the Democratic playbook, and the reason so many governments in this country are in trouble right now. Great Society indeed. Of course, this only sucks when there's not enough tax revenue to pay for it. It's a "great" idea when the economy is doing well....so let's raise taxes! Meanwhile, they lie and call this blatant corruption "moral" and "honorable".
Borrowing money just to give it away.
OCinBuffalo replied to Gary M's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
A troll knows enough to play the foil, and get the poster to respond to actual post. Dave doesn't know how to do anything other than be dismissed as an idiot. So...you're safe. Don't expect some great reveal coming. Dave is simply exemplary of the left in general: poor personal understanding/willful denial of business/economics, which explains why they they must rely on Paul Krugman, yet have no way of knowing if what he says is accurate. In contrast, I can critique Milton Friedman or any other right-leaning economist, because I understand the material. They are incapable of understanding, never mind refuting, Krugman. And what do we get in response when we point out their patent ignorance? They tell us we are mean, or less "moral", or less "honorable", ...for knowing WTF we are talking about? Yes, our "meaness" is the excuse for their ignorance. -
The Great Obama Is A Bad President Thread!
OCinBuffalo replied to Dave_In_Norfolk's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Obama.....being out-led...., or, for argument's sake, being led equally....by the French. Or, co-leading...with The F'ing French. THE FRENCH?!?!?! Unmitigated morons. /thread -
The Official Mitt Romney thread
OCinBuffalo replied to Dave_In_Norfolk's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Then you really don't know WTF you are talking about. What a shocker. The key places in the country are the suburbs of major cities in swing states, like Bucks county in Pennsylvania, Northern Virginia suburbs, etc. Now, just like everywhere in the country, except San Fran, you are sure to find the Christian right represented in these suburbs, but not in the #s that are significant enough to determine the outcome of the election. You will find neither the far-left or the far-right in great numbers in these areas. Rather this is Independent land. So, much depends on where these independents end up. Right now, the last poll I saw says it doesn't look good for Obama. In fact, it's even possible that he loses all of these suburbs, which means it's possible he loses ALL of the swing states. But, keep in mind we are nowhere near knowing what is going to happen in these key areas yet. So, no, this doesn't hinge on the Christian right showing up, any more than it hinges on the union voters showing up. EDIT: This is why Obama moving to "shore up his base" in the middle of the Republican debate, makes no sense at all. He has taken away all his ability to counter the Republican attacks or marginalized them in the minds of independents. Instead, he's out talking to people who are going to vote for him regardless? -
Liberal Media Bias
OCinBuffalo replied to SageAgainstTheMachine's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Yes, as I already explained, the only relevant thing here is: I have NEVER heard a Canadian doctor say the Canadian system is better, and, I have never heard any doctor in general say that they are in it for the money. Now, if you can produce either, I'd be glad hear what they have to say, but, you can't, can you? It's like aliens, sure we have to account for the possibility that they exist, but I have never seen one, have you? EDIT: And, perhaps you'd like to take a shot at explaining why Obamacare shouldn't be repealed and replaced with something that might actually solve the major problems in health care. Oh, don't think can? or is it that you lack the ability? -
iran: "the sarah palin of nations"
OCinBuffalo replied to birdog1960's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
The memo the left can't seem to get. To: The idiot left From: Sarah Palin RE: Attacking me I wish to thank you for continuing to attack me, especially when you do it so obtusely. Of course, attacking me serves my purpose: 1. To continue to be relevant, and since you are the ones who ensure that my name is always in the media, paid for by your dime, again, I have to thank you. 2. To be a power broker for the party. I can't thank you enough for this one. IF you retards keep attacking me it only empowers me further. I will not explain how, because you are too dumb to understand it. If you did understand it, you'd stop attacking me tomorrow. I don't want that, I want you to keep attacking me, so please, by all means, continue your attacks. 3. Every time you attack me, it fires up the TEA party. They don't think less of me, they rally. I recommend you discuss this further with them, as all I care about #1-2. Someday, you morons will learn that I am like a Judo master, and therefore, most effective when you are throwing wild, uncoordinated punches at me. Since that's all you throw at me, I have been kicking your ass for quite some time. But that someday is a long way off. For now, I look forward to your continued attacks, as they provide the energy and the pretense for me to get back on TV and reaffirm goal #2. -
The Official Mitt Romney thread
OCinBuffalo replied to Dave_In_Norfolk's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
But, PastaJoe was right about Hillary. Now, was that by default or design? That's a question that's worthy of thought, for the humor applications alone. -
Liberal Media Bias
OCinBuffalo replied to SageAgainstTheMachine's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
There's a huge difference between choosing not to argue with me, and being unable to effectively. Your posts usually fall on the latter side, but thankfully not as much as wawrow's Keep your assumptions to yourself. I am talking practicing doctors(and didn't I say so above?). Apparently the concept of being a doctor, in terms of "what is the best way for a Canadian who wants to emigrate to the US to actually get here as quickly as possible?", hasn't occurred to you. In fact, that's what I also heard from the Canadian doctors: "all the kids are just marking time until they can get their walking papers". Of course my "sample" is not scientific, or statistically relevant. However, the stat that says I have met 0 Candian doctors who like the socialist system, or consider it superior to ours in any way, is relevant. At least if I had met 1, you might have a point. Until I do, you have no point. And, I have been told by tons of doctors from lots of places, that trying to be a doctor based on money alone = FAIL. You have like caring for people or you will probably quit and/or never make it through. Again, I've met 0 who say otherwise. Again, not a good sample, but are you, of all people, trying to tell me that's wrong too? I am not the one selling universal socialist health care as the candy store within which 30 million uninsured people can suddenly have free and unlimited access to health care.... ....you are. Or, you are supporting the politicians who are blowing this smoke. See the difference here? I am not claiming that Obamacare solves these problems, you are. I am not saying that the insurance companies are a viable solution either. Again, I remind you, I spent a year and a half working at all levels of a 10k employee Blue Shield franchise, and I also clearly remember them intentionally impeding my F'ing work. The system I designed would process claims "too efficiently"(direct quote). A Senior VP literally said with a shiteating grin: " you are great at what you do, but I can't let you do it. Why don't you come work for us?" F'er tried to buy me off with a dopey client-side director's job, in trade for dumbing down my designs. As if that's worth it. So, please, spare me, of all people, the "you are for the insurance companies" utter horseshit. If I was for those clowns, I'd be CIO at that place right now, making $300k+ for a job that basically requires no better than a empty suit whore/moron. You don't know me, or why I am saying what I am. It's far past time you started dealing with that. What's it gonna take for you to understand that not everybody who disagrees with you does so because we disagree with your motives? Instead, most of us merely think your methods are patently retarded. And that's only because....they are. Why can't you seem to get the difference? Why is it so hard for you to dislocate Obamacare, the retarded method, from caring for people that need it, the perfectly reasonable and important motive? I don't see how screwing the majority of us out of what we currently pay top dollar for, for the purpose of delivering a half-assed system nobody, including and especially the currently uninsured, can rely on, is....moral? honorable? Seriously, WTF are you talking about? Do you even know what those words mean? When's the last time you went to Baltimore? What is Moral or Honorable about that retatta? Why do you think signing us all up to be beholden to those clowns, is better than signing us up to be beholden to the clowns at the insurance company? Why are you forcing us to choose between one set of clowns or another? Why must we have clowns at all? Or, if we have to have clowns, why can't with limit their existence to clowns we can fire/ clowns we can vote out of office in county elections? -
Barely Supported Speculation Regarding Obama
OCinBuffalo replied to OCinBuffalo's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Not really. Believe me, there's always a way to apply the skill set of a talented a-hole, you just have to figure it out. I agree with you, that Gingrich isn't a VP choice. In fact I think VP is quite possibly the worst place for Gingrich = too much time on his hands, too much exposure, and no real work to do. That's why I like Gingrich for Secretary of State. That may sound insane, but consider: it's a job that keeps you working 18 hours a day. You don't really get much time on the air and you are never "done". That is a near perfect fit for Gingrich. The reason he talked Palin: it was the best tactic he had in his bag. When you are in trouble you do what you can do, and spend 0 time pissing and moaning about what you can't. Talking about Palin was something Gingrich could do. He had nothing to lose with only gains, however marginal, to be had....since I assume you and the rest of the Palin detractors won't be voting in a Republican primary any time soon. It's just another example of wise politics on Gingrich's part. It doesn't mean he will win, it simply means he is doing what he can do. Yeah there's something to it: Palin's new vocation is power broker. But the only way Palin has power to wield is if others give it to her, or acknowledge she has some. So, when Gingrich gives her props, that helps her. And, given these machinations, Palin basically had to reciprocate...which is also smart, because it costs her nothing while affirming her new job. Sarah Palin will always be relevant to conservative women, therefore, she will always be relevant, as the number of conservative women, and the amount of power they have in the party, is growing. Might as well get used to it. Palin is no leader of the TEA party, but they are glad to have her show up, because she helps them immensely. Above all, that's what the left doesn't comprehend. Consider: the TEA party is mostly regular people. We can talk about Koch money but it started with regular people talking to each other on the internet about "what that CNBC guy said". Love her or hate her Palin is one of the regular people, and they don't like it when she gets attacked, because it's like having a bully attack them. Fighting back against the bully is as American as you can get, and that's what puts butts in lawn chairs at TEA party rallies. This is why attacking Palin doesn't harm the TEA party, it does the exact opposite. It's like attacking the Roman Empire, by going into the arena and attacking the gladiators, instead of the army. Get it? The Romans love to see the show, and more of them will show up the more you attack the gladiators. Meanwhile, Palin would much rather be fighting your soldiers in the arena, than some lowly slave. It makes the eternal fight she can never lose more visible. So given all of this, the answer to your question is: Palin never had the relationship to the TEA party that you thought she does, and doesn't have it now. She's not "legit" the way you think of it. The only way she gains power, TEA party or otherwise, is when you give it to her by attacking her. And, when you attack her, more TEA party people show up to see the show and root for her, especially the conservative women. Instead of attacking the gladiator, Gingrich comes in and praises her, which also fires up the crowd, because they like their gladiator. Ultimately, Palin, the TEA party, and their relationship are not linear concepts, and perhaps that's why they befuddle the left so much. -
The Official Mitt Romney thread
OCinBuffalo replied to Dave_In_Norfolk's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Yes, complete with the IRS/EPA Inquisition, the cries of heresy every time the words "reform entitlements" are uttered, the shameless acquisition of land, the Borgia-like corruption, the use of the military for personal gain. It goes on and on. Actually, I bet between us and hypnofrog, we could sell this concept to Karl Rove's PAC. It would make a hell of an ad. -
Liberal Media Bias
OCinBuffalo replied to SageAgainstTheMachine's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Sure, but me saying something is so has an order of magnitude more propensity to be true, than you saying something is so. Musings....nonsensical....yep. What was I supposed to use...besides words? Shrubberies? The Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch? Maybe B-man's characterization of you being a mostly dead mouse isn't that far off. This is too easy. So, it wasn't as a result of universal health care, was it? Or are you telling me that at wawrow family gatherings, you all tell the kids that universal health care, and not the great-grandparents, were the reason your family made good? Buddy, look at this post, never mind this thread. I've already bested you, in the same way I "bested" the spider I just killed. Actually "besting" you would require me taking you seriously, which I clearly don't, because you never give us a reason. The fact that your musings don't even approach being logical, and are filled with contradiction you seem incapable of recognizing, is cause for humor for me...and certainly not worth "discussion" as though they merit serious thought. I'm laughing at the "thought" process that must have occurred for you...to decide to come back, and edit your post...with this. Yeah, it wouldn't have been as good without adding this part. The best is that you think you've proven something, anything, in this whole thread besides....the Candian real estate market is better off than ours and that you know the Golden rule. -
The Official Mitt Romney thread
OCinBuffalo replied to Dave_In_Norfolk's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
HAHAHA Hysterical. Funny because it's true That would be a great commercial. Kinda like the old Apple vs. IBM commercial. -
Barely Supported Speculation Regarding Obama
OCinBuffalo replied to OCinBuffalo's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
I think Gingrich the politician absolutely has the skill set to project that he is above it all. That's because: that's precisely what he did in the early debates. It was masterful, and even though the billing for each debate was "Perry vs Romney" or "Cain vs Everybody that isn't Romney", Gingrich kept coming in and at least partially stealing the show if not the whole thing. Masterful. The problem is: Gingrich the spoiled, petulant child also exists. So does the ghost of Gingrich past, as you have accurately identified. And most of the past problems stem from whenever Gingrich the expert politician wasn't able to contain Little Lord Newt. All I have ever said is: the guy has an incredible skill set. The fact that he can't get out of his own way doesn't mean his skill set isn't elite. If I was Romney, I'd be looking for a way to apply that skill set in some way. There's lots of ways I can think of to apply Gingrich, but you'd have to make sure he was always working and had no time to misbehave. When Gingrich is on the job, he's killer. It's when he gets something completed, or you start distracting him with praise, that it all goes to schit. -
Liberal Media Bias
OCinBuffalo replied to SageAgainstTheMachine's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
See B-man? Remember when I said "grasping at tangential straws"? Yeah, now it's about "Canadian pride" and the wonders of the Canadian real estate market ....and not about bias in the media, or the fact that universal health care that doesn't deliver health care universally...is not universal. Now it's about GG's theological shortcomings. I honestly don't know if he has any, but hey, as I said, it's best not to prevent the wawrow shovel from doing it's work. I told you we'd get to 4. Just a matter of time. Soon I expect it will be about my ego, or, did we already start down that tangential path? -
Liberal Media Bias
OCinBuffalo replied to SageAgainstTheMachine's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Birddog requoting me....with no reply at all....no reply at all. Sing it! Ohhh ohh no reply at all. EDIT: Oh, NOW you have something to say? Yes, and there are a ton of people that try to get into the IT business, and many of whom either quit or get tossed out. So what? The reason I am still in it, and I imagine most docs are still in their business, is that despite all of the daily horseshit, we actually like doing our jobs and helping people who are in deep trouble.That doesn't mean I like how my business runs currently. More importantly, it definitely means that I will do everything in my power to keep the government out of my business completely. And, your response doesn't explain why so many Canadian docs leave for the US. Or, why all of the ones I have met hate their system. So, again, I ask where are you hiding the practicing Canadian MDs that like and will openly defend their system? Birddog, birddog, thank you for making my point for me. I am arguing that BOTH massive bureaucracies fail. If the Canadian system is just as bad as the insurance companies....then how in the F is it "better"? How it is something we should aspire to? Why should we replace one terrible system with another terrible system? How about we do what I wrote last time this came up? Drive everything back down to the counties, where it belongs, and let them do what is right for their people. You aren't seriously suggesting that what is right for Erie county, is right for Steuben, and also Nassau are you? Then why are we running Medicare/Medicaid the same way in all 3? -
Liberal Media Bias
OCinBuffalo replied to SageAgainstTheMachine's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
See B-man? Never fear, warwow-dog is here...with his magic shovel. Nope. The only thing I have is a spotless record of busting you up on this board. The only reason it is indefensible is: it is impossible to both not judge people by their status in life, and judge people by their status in life, at the same time. The only thing you've done is either contradict yourself, babble like an idiot, or not see that it is in fact your point of view, specifically, is the very reason you say such silly things. Well, then for 36 years you missed the point: Canada does not in fact have universal health care...if you have to wait until you are dead/really sick to get it. How much further along are we if we have to look forward to attending funerals of the people that couldn't get health care approved by bureaucrats, instead of fund raisers for people that weren't impeded by them? How is that "progress" there dopey progressive? (See B-man, I told you, it's just a matter of time until the hole gets to big to climb out of....and hence the digging becomes more furious and the hole deepens) Why is is that with all the money that is spent on health education, and all the State and Federal unfunded mandates that demand that it be taught....we still have so many fatasses, tobacco users, and unmitigated drunks like you(and me)? And, again, Canada's health system doesn't attend to the need for access you describe either. Same answer for both: for all your hubris, people like you cannot create systems that solve these problems....not when the participants don't want to participate, and not when you refuse to define the problems properly. Hint: Saying "they need to have X" is not proper problem definition. Perhaps you should start by asking the people themselves, instead of determining it for them? Stop focusing on "the need". Start focusing on "the problems", and how to accurately define them. Hint: that's the only way real solutions that can really solve them can be created. Really? When? I don't see anything that can't be dismissed as the musings of a person who is unwilling to go in and actually obtain the raw data upon which accurate conclusions can be drawn. This is a point? Did they do this before or after universal health care in Canada? Sounds like before... If so, however were they able to achieve these wondrous results? No, you dopily missed/ignored the clear distinctions that has been drawn: There is a difference between opinion/analysis and hard news reporting. The issue at hand is the bias in the supposedly hard news in the MSM. Yes, you've talked about the Bible and one of the deadly sins, Greed....yet you have conveniently left out 2 of the other sins, Pride and Envy. Why is that? Why can't you see the sin of pride that these failed government programs are predicated on? You trying to tell me Obamacare isn't hubris? You trying to tell me that endlessly talking about "millionaires and billionaires" isn't envy personified? Nope, I have simply, again, tried to improve your soul by correcting your unseen errors. -
Laugh of the day (sarcasm)
OCinBuffalo replied to \GoBillsInDallas/'s topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Yeah, screw the story, we want MOAR! pictures of Lady Chinky Eyes! See if she'll get naked on her webcam. Do it. Do it. Come on. Oh relax, I'm just kidding....unless you're gonna do it. Should check DNS to see if ladychinkyeyes.com is taken. -
Liberal Media Bias
OCinBuffalo replied to SageAgainstTheMachine's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Wawrow isn't able to hang with me, and never has been. I mean, in order to set your expectations properly, it's not like you're going to see some sort of interesting debate here. What you will get is 1. Wawrow saying something stupid(and in this instance, birddog riding shotgun), and completely indefensible. 2. Me correctly identifying the stupidity and hammering Wawrow for it 3. Wawrow ducking, running, covering, grasping at whatever tangential straw he can ....and making even more mistakes in his lame efforts at backpedaling, or, even more funny, doubling down on the silliness. 4. Me finding even more errors with which to make fun of him So, since you are newer, you don't understand that this process is only beginning. Have patience. We will get to 4, and it will be funny, I promise. wawrow is literally incapable of putting the shovel down once he starts digging..... And, I am still waiting for Birddog to find me a Candian doctor who wouldn't rather have the US system, prior to Obamacare. Or, it would be hysterical for him to try struggling through explaining how immediate, universal, preventative heath care is an absolute must....until the day when you need to be seen by the doctor because you have a lump in your arm and a family history of cancer. Funny how the absolute "immediate need" becomes immediately....relative.