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Everything posted by OCinBuffalo

  1. Schit I almost forgot about Illinois tonight. I wonder if the headline from the MSM tomorrow is going to be...."Republican Race drags on...Romney unable to get above 50%". Or, whatever other "move the goal posts" retardedness they go to this time. :lol: You FAILed Dude, if anybody beside you gets a hold of this.... She is literally begging to be brutally trolled. What's the over/under on number of days until she breaks down and asks somebody what your email means? God wouldn't you like to be there for that explanation? See that's the thing about these social conservative people. They have no experience with the things they supposed hate. Their arguments are based on ignorance, emotion, or absurdity. So they inevitably trip over ironic speed bumps....generating mucho hilarity along the way. Sound familiar, there, far left people? One might say that Rick Santorum etc. talking about porn has = propensity for hilarity as Nancy Pelosi etc. talking about business/economics.
  2. This is all WiN, No FAIL! Bolded....for hilarity....and truth.
  3. Just an analogy targeted at a specific poster who patently deserves it....and, a hook, for whatever fish comes along and can't see it for the obvious trap it is. Wriggle little fishy... Now, run along. Everything is going to be fine, and, your vote is based on....performance. There. See? I've told you 2 comforting lies to assuage that "not so fresh feeling"....how nice of me. You don't know WEO?....actually it's quite fitting. Customized, even.
  4. So..in other words....you are a "draft O line/ D line first" guy....but you are one of the reasonable versions. I am cautiously optimistic that Kelsay will start acting like he did when Schobel was here. 7 in coverage doesn't do anything if 3 are good, but 4 of them are mediocre/bad. The point is to keep your talented guys on the field. Belechick, by playing 2 TEs and 2 WRs, etc. makes sure you have to put backup DBs on the field and take your super duper LBs off the field. Same thing worked quite well for us...when all of our O players and our QB were healthy. The difference is we can run, and they can't. The league is changing, and really if there's one thing on which we are most likely to agree...it's that LB is becoming less important....compared to DL and DB.
  5. So...as we can see, it only takes about 20 minutes to get a "draft O/D line, first, always" guy to respond. Like I said. Corner at 10 = Meltdown. Now, as to the post.... To which horses do you refer? IIRC our D line played fairly well, and they played relatively well, to include shutting down the run..... .....and Welker still torched us for 216+(stopped counting after I saw that stat during the game) yards and at least 2 TDs, IIRC....in a game....we WON! If you double team/cover 2/zone/whatever pull it out your a$ Welker....with inferior talent, he gets open anyway, and all you have accomplished is weakening the D elsewhere. What do the Jets, Steelers, Broncos, Chargers, Cowboys and Redskins have in common? They all have all-pros in their defensive backfield, and 2 good-great CBs....and they all were able to contain Welker. In some cases, that meant getting torched by TEs....or Brady just getting away, turnovers, etc. This is true...but I honestly do not know....are the Giants DBs considered good/great? Certainly they aren't as bad as the Pats.
  6. Do you also support Obama? Cause....this just reminds me of the straw-grasping going on with them as well. Similarly, nobody is saying that Nix/Romney is great just yet.... ....but you/they know right now, there's a significant risk that everything you/they have been saying for the last 3 years may be determined to be utter horseschit. As time goes on, piece by piece, your/their perception of that risk is...that it's growing, isn't it? Makes you/them quite uncomfortable, doesn't it? Especially when each news item, big or small, after the next, keeps whittling away at your position?
  7. Show me a LB who can cover Wes Welker or Gronk, but also play the run, and I'm happy. But, then. that LB doesn't exist, does he? What the "Draft only Lineman top 4" guys don't get: neither the Pats O line or D line had anything to do with Wes Welker torching us for a career day in our stadium. It had to do with an amazing QB, a stellar WR, and the lack of any DBs/LBs, or whatever to cover him. Taking Welker mostly away, is how the Jets beat the Pats. They don't do that with lineman. Welker doesn't succeed/fail due the play of the Pats O line or the Jets D line. With the ball coming out in 3 seconds, and no one able to cover him, both lines are irrelevant. Edit: The exception that proves the rule? In the first game, our DBs played amazingly--->only in key spots though, and even set Brady up for one of the picks(Wilson). That's how you beat him. He believes that you can't stop him. So, you let him think that he can make that throw, and then you pick it. Now, as I said above, the board will melt down if we draft a DB high. But, they never provide a solution for Randy Moss and then....Wes Welker...do they? It will be 20x worse if we trade up to get that CB. And, if we did, that would be justified. No. The best thing is to wait and see if he falls to us. IF he's there I don't see how you can pass on the "best defensive player in the draft" at #10. That "makes sense"
  8. Sarcastic or serious....it matters not. Wait until 4 weeks from now....and it's the, literally, 200th "we should/could/would trade up/down" thread. Wait until 8-10 weeks from now, and we get the fun of reading the 200th "we could have/should have/would have traded up/down" thread. The only reason it won't be the 400th, is because of "jerks" like me.
  9. Taken together.....I don't see how this makes any sense at all. WTF do they need another TE for, for that price? I understand competition at WR. They are screwed there, with Welker and Branch... Oh, wait. They need 3/4 WRs? And 2 TEs? Are they gonna be running the K gun? The Run and Shoot? I have been calling BS on the "genius" since they brought in Junior Seau and then Adalias Thomas<--- Dude, Belechik's drafts since Pioli left, the OchoCincoFAIL, the deconstruction/neglect of a defense that won their SBs, it's getting to the point where we can safely conclude Belechik is a Peter Principle casualty. Actually, it points to a Parcells-like departure, which would be hysterical. Yeah....that's terrible work. To whom? Did the last 5 drafts make sense? I can see having a bad one here and there, but 5 mediocre to terrible drafts in a row? The notion that it ALWAYS makes sense to trade down, and get 2 2nd round guys...instead of a really good guy....is what keeps Clay Mattews off their team. Imagine if the Pats had him, like they should have? And, when you miss on both 2nd rounders...or, if they are simply JAGs, your defense gets....worse....as it obviously has. When you keep doing that over and over...your defense gets....as bad as the Pats is now. As always, this is draft time, so I could be wrong, per my sig. But, we are getting to point where the Pats are missing a lot more than they are hitting. A such this looks, especially with signing the 30+ guys, like getting one more good year out of Brady, and then Belechik goes back to the media. Of course, that's what it looked like last year too.
  10. "But....but....but.......it's still possible(see sig) that he would!"
  11. That's not the premise of your post, which, was my objection. If we are going to talk numbers, that's fine, as long as we talk...."look in his eyes when he made that play against X as well". That doesn't mean I want the kid who is best at celebrating after a play either. I want the kid who makes a good play, celebrates a little if appropriate, but definitely stares at the other team with a "every play, all day" look on his face. And, what is the 10th word in your link? Now, contrast that with Mark Sanchez's magazine activity. Get it?
  12. He tells the truth when he should, and says nothing rather than lie. That's called....competence...and confidence. As far as the accent things goes.... well, we get on people for being from Pennsylvania as a matter of course, and mostly because they f'ing deserve it. So, it's not hard to see why we would be skeptical about a couple of chuckleheads. However, this guy is rapidly proving that he knows his business. We've had very articulate clowns running this team for the last 10 years at least, what good did that do us?
  13. Yeah....you're the one not reading your own posts, but I'm the jerk? Buddy as I said in the other thread, don't take it personally. This is merely an attempt to nip this crap in the bud. What you are saying isn't completely out of the realm of possibility, but, at this time of year....NOTHING is. That doesn't mean we should take piece of shoddy journalism, not even read it, and then post it here, just because it remotely has something to do with the Bills or is remotely possible. I try....to save you...from yourselves.
  14. Dude, some of us are merely trying to stave off the nonsense. It's not personal to this guy or this post. It actually cannot be. Not when this is the first of 10k posts/threads like it, most much worse than this, that are based on faulty premises.
  15. Neither. If combine numbers is all you have. Jeff George could throw it a mile....Jemarcus Russel could throw it a half mile....from his knees! (did you see that on youtube? ) And Ryan Leaf was "superior" to Peyton Manning in every measurable category there is, or ever will be. In contrast, George Wilson is a football player, not a practice/weight room/press conference/magazine cover hero, who will hit them in the mouth, win you a game if he gets the chance(um, NE), and won't be douching around in Hollywood any time soon. Now, ask yourself....which of these 2 kids is most like Wilson = willing to change positions, or whatever else it takes to make it, and then once he gets his opportunity, to excel, in the NFL? That's who we need. They have to have talent/learned skills or they wouldn't be rated this high. But, talent is not enough. Edit: Or, the quicker way to say this = would you rather have Mark Sanchez or Ryan Fitzpatrick on this team right now?
  16. Meth The Meth pipe? Meth. And, trading spiller and a 4....for mallet? Perhaps it's time for some "before and after" crystal meth photos? I will leave that to crayons, but, those of you in favor of this silliness? Perhaps it's time to seriously consider the value of just saying no.....both to whatever you are smoking....and to free association posts.
  17. Hmm. Then, your next assignment is to read the last 3 paras of your first link... ...where they spell it out for you. Not much on guile, are you? Nothing wrong with that, mind you. It's just that this is the beginning of a very long 6 week process of reading "we could have traded up/down/sideways" nonsensical posts. And, where far too many posters buy into the crap that is started by other teams(cough, Redskins, cough, Cowboys) and propagated by their tamed media, in a lamedick attempt to tamper with the process and/or gain advantage. This year I decided to get an early jump on the well-intentioned, but emotion-driven, "based on some reporters? tweet/article/blog who prints what he is told or else he risks being cut off from access to team" posts.
  18. I have an idea....let's trade up with our second to Minnesota(#3), draft Morris Claiborne, CB LSU...... and watch this board totally melt down. I didn't say it was a good idea....but it would be funny....for me, and a few others. For the guys who insist on putting an "O" in front of offensive line positions, like OC instead of just C, for no apparent reason? It would be perhaps the cruelest thing the Bills could do.
  19. Read the first comment....under your first link....bingo! Perhaps I should put my avatar back to "beware of people running with scissors" sign? Edit: I think I shall.
  20. Times up. You Fail. Get DC_Tom to explain it to you. Send him a PM.
  21. This is my 3 minutes till meeting game. Clearly it's enough to befuddle you. Still waiting for whether selfish truths was sarcastic or not.
  22. Oh I see, when you were describing truths....as selfish....you were being sarcastic? The amount of words I use is 100% a reflection on the poster that I am dealing with/targeting. EDIT: Or, did you honestly believe that me dropping books on Juror#8, or ex-oficio pedant, pyrite girl, is unrelated to their posting behavior?
  23. Only you....and perhaps BF2....would not get that I am hazing you right now. Are there any more "selfish truths" or Hatefacts that you would like to espouse? I only have 10 minutes, but a long an boring meeting ahead, so please, give me some more to giggle about during it. Yes, I am sure that the genral takeaway from this....is that I'M the idiot.
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