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Everything posted by OCinBuffalo
Global warming err Climate change HOAX
OCinBuffalo replied to Very wide right's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
You might want to re-read the transcript of Trump's speech. Focus on the "national sovereignty" part. Obama couldn't and didn't sign away our sovereignty, nor is he, or any other country allowed to override our laws and Constitution. This agreement is non-binding by the simple fact that Congress never passed it, which makes it == 0, in terms of both our law, and our legal liability. Besides, who is going to enforce your dopey deadline? Germany? France? Please, underpants. No. We are done with this. Like I said above, mark this day: Global Warming as the political vehicle to enforce world socialism died today. It can still live as a science matter. But, it is done in politics. -
Global warming err Climate change HOAX
OCinBuffalo replied to Very wide right's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
I'm sorry, you have the wrong POTUS. What in God's green earth makes you think he listens to lobbyists? He specifically mentioned the lobbyists for foreign interests that he was purposefully ignoring. See, you can't have it both ways. You can't tell me Trump doesn't listen to anybody, and then tell me he listens to lobbyists. Get your story straight. This is like Bush is a complete idiot, and, a devious liar, at the same time all over again. And, I love how Obama is allow to do 50+ idiot things by fiat("I have a phone and a pen"). Need I list them in order? Then, Trump is supposed to undo all 50+ idiot things by following every process to the letter, which would take 20 years. Oh, gee. And when he doesn't get it all done his WH is "dysfunctional", and that's the story for 2018/2020, right? All tied with a bow. Sorry, Trump isn't stupid. He sees through this sham, and he's blowing right by it. -
Global warming err Climate change HOAX
OCinBuffalo replied to Very wide right's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
HAHAHAHAHA I. TOLD. YOU. SO. What Trump just said is far and away better. It takes the story away from the left completely. In fact it dumps on Obama as an idiot, while simultaneously taking away any real complaint...he's leaving his options open. Again, he wins. Why is anybody even surprised anymore? -
Global warming err Climate change HOAX
OCinBuffalo replied to Very wide right's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Yeah, as usual, too chicken to deal with the flaws in his own argument. And, so self-absorbed that he's just got to make sure we know I'm being ignored. What a baby. It's funny, as I re-read what he personally wishes Trump would say I thought: "Nah, that's sounds like what a chickenshit would say." And that's why Trump won't do what Tom personally wants. Trump doesn't do DC_Tom chickenshit. And, you watch, what Trump does say: will be much, much better. -
Global warming err Climate change HOAX
OCinBuffalo replied to Very wide right's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Why in the hell should we take this/you seriously? Your arguments all last page prove that it doesn't merit discussion. I would have just issued a 1 sentence statement "We are pulling out of the Paris agreement". I'm not the problem with the country: clowns like you that insist on wasting everybody's time on things that do not matter, largely so you can haul out your constitutional knowledge, and bore people like me, who know it as well if not better than you, are the problem. Elites. Ring a bell? You are clearly an elitist, and you can talk about who the problem is all you want. I'd rather win elections by getting empirical results = winning. Today is Trump winning, again. You can ignore me all you like. But, I remind you and everybody else, November is coming. 2018. Get ready for a real lesson in the Constitution, then, or possibly before, when the States call their Convention. -
Global warming err Climate change HOAX
OCinBuffalo replied to Very wide right's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
You do realize that undoing something almost always requires following the process of how it got done in the first place, just in reverse order, right? I don't understand why Trump gets consistently held to a higher standard than every POTUS in US history on this board. It's a stupid idea. WTF do we need a debate in the Senate, which will waste time and come to the same conclusion: stupid? You said yourself that Obama wouldn't bring it to the Senate because it is a forgone conclusion that it would never pass. If it is forgone, WTF is the point? Process? Come on. This wasn't Trump's bad idea. Obama was off the reservation when he did this. Thus there's no ceremony required to kill it. What do you want? The Senate to preside over a funeral for this thing? Bury it at sea? 21 gun salute? The very last thing government needs right now is more meaningless gestures. -
Global warming err Climate change HOAX
OCinBuffalo replied to Very wide right's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
The next 8 minutes, as I wait for Trump to formally dump this Global Warming not-treaty, are going to be long. EDIT: This has been a long time coming, but, Global Warming, the once-perfect political vehicle for US/world socialism, dies today. -
Yeah. But not because of 1 hack. No, multiple hacks. Hacks that occupy positions in the NHS, the political hacks like you that keep ignoring its massive failures and telling us that no, really, we want NHS because "it'll be good for us". Hacks that can't get a real IT job, so they work for the government. Hacks that only have their job because they worked for a politician's campaign. Those hacks who get their political appointment turned into a career job. Manger Hacks who demand a large salary, which in turns demands a requisite workforce for them to manage, which is populated by hacks(I got my job because of social justice). Hacks in the media who refuse to investigate any of this, thus leading to: a completely unwarranted sense of competency amongst the hacks in government, which leads to arrogance, which leads to bad decision and worse design patterns, which leads to how the F the entire NHS gets hacked by a single intrusion. No. It's not a single hack. There had to be lots of prior hacks, both people and ideology, combined, long before a hacker comes along and exploits it. And remember, most hacking is done with social engineering. Contrary to TV: the IT fluent in the real world don't "break their encryption" just in time for the commercial break...because they can't. Nobody can. The NSA can't break most encryption. No, hackers are much more likely to take advantage of the easily exploitable fools the government has seen fit to hire, and get their authentication details via guile. Which, by definition, is dependent upon: hacks.
The Media's Portrayal of Trump and His Presidency
OCinBuffalo replied to Nanker's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
1. I'd like to shoot a rubber band at Mollie Hemingway, on a plane or in a restaurant, to see what she'd do. I have no idea what she'd do, but I'm certain it would be funny. 2. As I've said for years, the trade-off of removing liberals from gate-keeping our news is: now we all have to be our own gatekeepers. Yeah, it sucks when you get rolled by a fake story/bad news/overreact on twitter, or here. However, consider the fact that Ted Turner used to go on set between commercials and demand CNN anchors read his little notes. The same behavior was rampant for years at the 3 TV stations. Thus, we've all spent most of our lives getting rolled...anyway. The difference today is: you are responsible for what you know. You can't blame anybody for your ignorance, and, if the sum of what you post is merely an RSS of Media Matters/DNC talking points, with no thought value added by you? The Internet will not forgive, will not forget, and you can expect us to crush you. -
Trump Fires James Comey!
OCinBuffalo replied to Trump_is_Mentally_fit's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Yeah, and as an adult, its time for me to step in on you. Look at the actual facts, clown: all Trump has done is roll back and/or limit the powers of the executive branch by example, in word and deed. Do you even know what the CRA is? Do you know how many times Trump has let Congress use its CRA power compared to other presidents? Hint: so far its 15 times(perhaps 17 depending on nuance)....to 1, all time. That's right, Trump has allowed Congress to override the executive branch 15 times...to it happening 1 time since the CRA law was created, 20 years ago. How the F is that not limiting executive power, on it's F'ing face? An EO, that says that each department cannot create a new reg without killing two others? What is that too difficult for you to comprehend? That literally means that the executive branch, by acting on anything, self-reduces its power. You clearly don't know your history. How about we start with Jefferson demanding that Aaron Burr be prosecuted, and threatening to impeach the Chief Justice of the SCOTUS, if he wasn't? How about Lincoln throwing the Mayor of Baltimore in jail with no habeas corpus? How about Teddy Roosevelt's entire presidency? Go read 1(one) F'ing book on that guy. How about learning anything about Woodrow Wilson? How about FDR's decision to intern the Japanese Americans? How about Eisenhower's decision to deport 5 million immigrants after WW2? How about LBJ's entire Viet Nam plan. Need I mention Nixon? Reagan is Trump is Reagan, but Trump has the chance to be even better. Every day that goes by confirms this. Your ignorance of executive power exercised by other presidents is only outdone by your refusal to consider what Trump is doing...in the context of what Obama did. Get. A. Grip. Your butthurt over Trump winning, making me right, and you wrong, again, isn't an agenda item for THIS country. -
Trump Fires James Comey!
OCinBuffalo replied to Trump_is_Mentally_fit's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
In a pig's ass. "If we're being honest"? Hindsight? You are lying in the worst way: to yourself. Yeah, you saw Trump winning. No Friggin' way that's true, and that is proven by your handy, built-in "Clinton Losing" excuse. I suppose you also saw Brexit coming. Please. I responded to what you said, directly. There was no presumption. I simply took what you said, and responded directly to it. What you are currently dealing with, and you are not alone, is a deficiency of what you can conceive. This deficiency is directly due to your refusal to follow the fundamentals of being an intellectual, in the actual definition of the term. There are plenty of people who have gone to college, and plenty who still work there, but most of them gave up being actual intellectuals a long time ago, if they ever were at all. It is this lack of doing the work, actually doing what is required to earn the term, "intellectual", that is the cause of all of this strife. It's no different than hitting a baseball. It starts with your feet, then moves on from that simple thing to more complex competencies. Your trouble, as evidenced by your prior post, is you don't care to make sure your "feet are right" before you move on. Hence, you will forever keep swinging and missing. You're thinking about curveballs...when your feet tell me you can't hit anything. -
Chris Cornell of Soundgarden, dead at 52
OCinBuffalo replied to Just Jack's topic in Off the Wall Archives
That video is the best capture of the times we lived in. Where better than a bonfire, in the woods, where we used to drink(and for some do drugs), to pay tribute to a fallen fellow rocker? He dies, and his friends do an album, whose hit song/video is up in the the woods at a bonfire, hiding from the cops/society, which is pretty much where we were/all would've been anyway, had he not died. What a wake. They also did part of it on a beach, with lots of reeds, which covers where the rest of the country was listening to grunge. The Army taught me that what we were doing was called "concealment". What the Army never understood: just how real, and multi-faceted that term was. Which leads me to this: https://thefirsttenwords.wordpress.com/2017/05/20/its-not-what-you-think/ It's a great piece of writing. It's a warning that we, as a generation, are not done with this yet. One of my best friends hung himself in 1991. As per normal, my reaction was to not even bother with pretense, but to merely walk into my parent's house, retrieve a bottle of whiskey, take one of our cars, and proceed to drink it. What I didn't realize? My friends all thought the worst: that I would repeat my buddy's error. No. I just needed an escape. But: in the midst of my albeit childish reaction, one of my friends had the courage to say something not only counterintuitive, and bold, and damn if he wasn't right: "Screw that guy. Look what he's done to us. Look what he's done to you. We're out half the night searching for you, only to find you in the first place we should have looked, and we're panicking, and all you are doing is wanting to suffer alone, because you don't want to show weakness." "Who created all of this? (Name), so F him." Stealing from Apocalypse Now, "And then I realized, like I was shot — like I was shot with a diamond...a diamond bullet right through my forehead. And I thought: My God, the genius of that." He was right. I thought "F him. What the F am I even doing here?" I spent decades trying to articulate this better...until I ran across this: Yep. As a Generation X person? I don't care about your reasons. Your why does not, and will never, make up for your how and what. Nihilist? That's a giant misrepresentation. We grew up witnesses of behavior, not words. We'd heard all sorts of words from our parents...then we saw their behavior. We grew up listening to Micheal Jackson...then we saw his behavior. We aren't nihilists. No, we are simply a generation whose name, applied by those who aren't part of it, is by definition a variable: X. We aren't nihilists. What we are is I/O: show me your input, and I'll give you my output, because we've learned, the hard way, not to trust the Baby Boomer ethos, which 95% of the time is predicated on yet another way to F us over. Check Gen X's voting patterns. There aren't as many of us, by design(See: Roe vs. Wade). Yet, we swing elections now. It is here where we have our revenge. Nothing gets solved by killing ourselves. -
Remember this the next time some Democrat says he's going to tax/regulate/attack in some other way, the internet. And, it's not 1 step, its more like 5. Actually, it's more like the government is -2 steps back, because they are a jobs program that keeps hiring incompetents (campaign staff/affirmative action), and paying off political big wigs with management jobs. Precisely how you get enough bad decisions, designs, and executions that allow the ENTIRE NHS to be taken. And, the hackers are +2 steps forward, because Microsoft does everything it can to keep everything and everybody at 0(on the timeline that suits them). When events force Microsoft to act quickly, it almost always means huge holes created by hastily written and poorly tested code. Microsoft has been playing catchup for years, and constantly trying to force their old, tired model back into relevance: by hasting filing their square pegs to fit into the round holes that the market wants. When you do that: you leave cracks. Oh sure the peg fits, but not properly, and that's how the virus gets through. Social media, that keep integrating everything either in the clear, or, with very shoddy authentication, are to blame here too. And finally: it wasn't the hackers who designed England's NHS computer system. It was the government. Ransomware has been around for 10 years now, and in that time, what has the NHS done to ensure: 1. they have adequate backup architecture 2. they have adequate failover devices 3. they can completely dump their infected hardware and switch over to their backup architecture and failover devices instantly? Clearly nothing. It's not like the cost, in today's hardware, is astronomical. In fact, there are companies who have been around at least 5 years who specialize in this, are competent, and for the NHS, would probably cost, at most, $40k a month(to maintain the backup capability, not to run the system on it, that obviously costs more, but it is by definition temporary). Even if it was $400k a month, isn't that pennies compared to the cost now? They shouldn't be holding old transactional data in their systems anyway. As soon as it's a green-lit record it needs to be gone. And, an entire architecture should never be able to be compromised based on one successful intrusion. But, remind me again: why do we want single payer here , complete with NHS-style IT competence?
The Media's Portrayal of Trump and His Presidency
OCinBuffalo replied to Nanker's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
The Media-Democratic Party Suicide Pact http://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2017/05/the_mediademocratic_party_suicide_pact.html Yep. Pay attention to the last paragraph. As I stated in the Comey thread, this is exactly what is going to happen. I see it coming right now. This guy agrees with what I wrote yesterday. If the Ds and their base of idiots do not actually accomplish something, once again, just like in 2014, and 2016, they will be running on: nothing. Harry Reid refusing to allow votes on anything from 2012 on, is why 2014 happened: they lost the Senate because Democrats had 2009 votes hanging around their necks, and NOTHING. Nothing to counter those terrible votes/policies they enabled, no other positive votes to point to, nothing they actually did. Seinfeld worked great as "a show about nothing", because of the strength of the characters. Give me a single D "character" that can make their "show" successful. You can't. And, even if you could? A cast is required, not a single character. Is the cast of Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, and Durbin, with special guest appearances from Obama, Biden, and the Clintons, as the vehicle for the "Elect the Ds Show", going anywhere? No. It's was already rejected! In 2016! Now they are trying to run the same show about nothing all over again? Good Luck! -
Trump Fires James Comey!
OCinBuffalo replied to Trump_is_Mentally_fit's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Perhaps even its own thread? I've always wondered whatever happened to this. -
Trump Fires James Comey!
OCinBuffalo replied to Trump_is_Mentally_fit's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
And I could go on about the number of times I've heard the chattering class say that Trump is not a real conservative. That's because he doesn't care. He has no reason to care about whether he is following the conservative ceremony. He doesn't care when then left says he isn't following the ceremony they'd like. That's because: he doesn't care about your ceremony. He cares about his results. So do the people who voted for him, and they 1) will show up in 2018 and 2) don't care what anyone who still doesn't get Trump has to say about him. At some point, people are going to wake up to that. Treating Trump like every other politician is simply stupid. By your own definition, he CAN'T have the ethics problems you raise. All of the same old attacks bounce right off. Why? Trump isn't interested in defending R ideology if it doesn't win. The existing Rs are either going to have to start being about winning, too, or they are gone. Thus, at some other point, people are going to accept the permanent change: that the R party they "know" no longer exists, and, that the D party has been utterly destroyed by its own base AND leadership. Both parties must change or be destroyed, and I assure you: identity politics, unicorn and rainbow policy, "bucket of chicken" candidates == she's female(1 piece), Muslim(2 pieces), big into social justice(3 pieces), but has no working experience, can't be made into a whole chicken, and media propaganda? It can't win. Trump has already made sweeping changes to the government and pulled us back from the edge of the cliff, and if anybody was thinking clearly, this is what we'd be talking about. Instead? The left takes "2 scoops of ice cream" stories seriously . The WP is claiming an anonymous source "knows" something that the 4 people who were in the room say is a flat out lie? Most of you are fighting the last war on this topic. This is why you couldn't conceive of Trump winning. All of you will have a blindspot when it comes to Trump, until you realize that you aren't seeing things clearly, because you're still trying to see them in terms of the past. This is why he will continue to win, quietly, because there's a derangement that prevents Trump's critics from seeing how irrelevant they are making themselves. They keep clinging to what was "right" in the past. I see it all the time in my job. Ask yourself: what are Ds going to run on in 2018? "Trump is a bad guy, but, we've nothing new to offer except free college". Isn't that exactly what they ran on in 2016? Clinging. (EDIT: We might even say "bitter clinging" ) New Motto for Democrats: Make My Party Relevant Again. -
I hate the word should. Should implies, if not directly demands, an outcome, without doing the work necessary to providing an accompanying solution. Using the word should is laziness, and a way to avoid dealing with facts/immutable factors, that are easier to just ignore, rather than account for in a solution. "No Child Should Go Hungry Tonight" Thus, I refuse to tell you what SHOULD happen. I have told you what it IS happening. Now, I'm going to tell you what MUST happen to fix it all, and if that doesn't happen, what WILL happen if we do nothing/listen to Bernie Sanders clowns. 1. First things first, make all health insurance illegal. It never adds more value than it takes out. This includes government health insurance(Medicare/Medicaid), private/personal health insurance and employer-based health insurance. OMG whatever will we do then? Easy. Let's take them in order: 2a. Kill Medicare immediately and allow the elderly to set up local co-ops which they fund directly with their would-be Medicare $. I can give details, but local Medicare-to-Co-Op transition is the way to go. They are part-owners of their Co-Ops and thus have an interest in how they are run. We either do this, or, we bankrupt the country, or, we default on our current Medicare obligations. Take your pick. 2b. Replace Medicaid with block grants to the states, which in turn block grant to the county. Only do this long enough to transition completely to county-level Medicaid. Again, I can give point by point details, but, county-run Medicaid is the way to go. Grants for poor counties come with auditors. Again, I have all the details if you require. We can't keep throwing national money into local black holes like Detroit, Chicago and Baltimore, seeing no return on our "investment", seeing disease run rampant, and poor care be the standard. 2c. We need to allow local doctors run their own business models again. Health Care is only costly because of Health Insurance and the government. There is a doctor in NYS right now charging a flat fee of $50/month which includes all basic care, including lab work. It's totally worth paying the Obamacare penalty, seeing this doc, no premiums, and signing up for temporary catastrophic insurance. You pay $500-2000+ less a month. Of course, NYS is trying to shut him down. What they don't know? I know of about 20 other docs who are doing the same, and I know it's spreading. One guy is getting around NYS by making...wait for it...house calls! He has no office. He treats patients with his camouflaged "ambulance". He's like an Uber-doctor. People that haven't gone to the doctor in years use these guys regularly, and they are obviously catching things sooner, because it's so cheap. It seems we are months away from a full fledged health care rebellion. On this one: the doctors/patients are already killing private insurance/Obamacare markets this way. It's just a matter of time. 2d. Employers/unions are the original bad actors here: both seek to avoid payroll tax by paying benefits. Killing insurance not only forces employers to cough up cash, it also can lead to lowering of payroll tax RATES, and it also forces employees to be accountable for their health, as well as to have some $ in the game....by forcing them back into the 2c model. This WILL lower cost, because once every provider has to compete for each patient, they have to get serious about the cost of each patient. 3. Tort-reform. Period. We can't have bad doctors. But, we also can't have a culture where getting injured == winning the lottery. This is why de-centralizing makes sense. If you get treated poorly by a small-practice doctor, you get whatever his insurance has. If you get treated poorly by a Health South doctor? They will overpay you to go away. The big $/consolidation of health care ONLY means higher cost, and, bigger fish for lawyers to attack, which means more settlements, which means even more cost. Start here. There's plenty more. But, let's see how you feel about this.
This shows you know nothing about how health care actually works here, or in any other country in the world for that matter. Medicare is failure. We simply don't know why we are spending what on it. And, as long as politicians want to play macroeconomic games(cut it $400 billion, raise it $400 billion) with it, because they don't know why and what they are spending, it will remain failure. No. Cost must be measured at the most granular level(what I do), then rolled up. Until we measure cost correctly, nationally, Medicare will remain a failure. Pushing the Medicare model out to everybody else is therefore: lunacy. And, it would be a boon to the Russian Mob, because instead of just defrauding old people and the government, because we don't track cost properly, they could then be defrauding everybody and the government. Medicaid is failure. Providers routinely overcharge their insurance/private pay patients, to make up for crap money they get for Medicaid patients, that the government forces them to take. Thus Medicaid is already subsidized in practice, yet, all it has done is drive health care costs up, not down. Why? Because if I am already overcharging to make up for Medicaid, why not overcharge even more...for profit? When you call providers on that? They blame Medicaid, and nobody can argue: the existence of Medicaid is the built-in excuse for over-charging everybody. Medicare and Medicaid are tolerated fraud. AND, neither of them work as designed by LBJ. Example: Medicaid was supposed to be for young people. Today, 80% of its expenditure is on the elderly. Yeah, great design there. Insurance is failure. Insurers say they hate rising health care costs, but that is BS. The more health care costs, the more valuable insurance becomes. Just think it through. IF my medical event costs $4k, it sucks, but I can probably deal. IF it costs $40k I'm screwed. Hell of an argument for insurance. So, where is their incentive to insist on lower costs? They have none. The only reason health insurance exists at all: companies in the 70s wanted to pay their employees more $, but not have to pay payroll tax on it. Health Insurance is completely unnecessary for ensuring everyone has access to affordable Health Care. The reason health insurance is pulling out of Obamacare? Even higher health care cost, but, limitation of premiums that can't rise to meet the cost, AND, throwing unnecessary coverage, therefore cost, into people's plans as a way to insure those people with serious medical conditions. It's Medicaid FAIL all over again. ALL OF THIS is caused by government. We don't need government in health care. We don't need insurance companies in health care. We don't need CMS costing us billions of $ to produce work product like this( I am now just going to go to their site and randomly pick one of their deliverables, as I have so many times, so we can laugh at it): and as I said here it is Not only is that childish, it's 10 years ago thinking that isn't even done right, thus easily scammed, and I swear I just picked it at random. (EDIT: don't understand? Direct your attention to item 6c Yeah, great idea. Send authentication data in a F'ing email, in the clear, what could go wrong? Oh, yeah, but...they're going to send us a password also via email, that we can use to decrypt everything! Even better! This sounds highly technical, so the whole process must be right. Great! ) Now given the facts, remind me why you want anything-government-for-all please.
Trump Fires James Comey!
OCinBuffalo replied to Trump_is_Mentally_fit's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Um, duh! Trump, as a cost of doing business, in a system he didn't create, paid the dirty politicians off all the time, and he's said so publicly, over and over. In fact, he's said that uniquely qualifies him to clean things up. McCain, is the dirty politician who wants the system he has helped to create to stay exactly as it is, and he denies/lies about any involvement, in anything corrupt. In fact, McCain is the poster child for the system Trump wants to destroy. So, is it any great leap of logic to figure out why McCain is constantly going after Trump? Trump is going to put him out of business. ESPECIALLY when it comes to the entire defense contracting system. I'll say it again: the less we give the politicians to sell, the less there will be for corporations to buy. Reduction of government means reduction of corruption 100/100 times. Amount of $ means nothing. Whether we spend $10 on defense or $10 Trillion, if you let McCain et al control who gets the $, you are begging for corruption. EDIT: Consider: if we moved our tax system to a FAIR tax, such that you could do your taxes on a postcard? Almost all of Congress would be in deep trouble campaign finance wise. Why? No tax loopholes to sell. That is the reason most of Congress balks at the FAIR tax. They couldn't care less about whether it's a good policy, they don't want to lose their #1 sales item. -
Trump Fires James Comey!
OCinBuffalo replied to Trump_is_Mentally_fit's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Let me Google McCain for you Yeah, we could use more corrupt to the bone Senators whose net worth has increased insanely during their careers. You know what McCain is independently thinking, all the time? "How does this effect the people who pay me?" In that he's exactly like a Democrat. -
The Media's Portrayal of Trump and His Presidency
OCinBuffalo replied to Nanker's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
They also do not depend on government hand-outs, be they welfare, phones, food, or, the other kind of welfare: government jobs, grants, contracts. Government means a lot more to liberals because they are disproportionately living off it. Thus, elections must also mean more. Well, then there is George Soros $, DNC $...which basically is the same as government money, and liberals live off that too. -
The Media's Portrayal of Trump and His Presidency
OCinBuffalo replied to Nanker's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Again you are an unmitigated moron. OF COURSE I used inflammatory language. That was the point, numbnuts. My argument requires inflammatory language, so that the absurdity of the logic that gets us to using "cutting" is exposed. How about I dumb it down, and put it in a single sentence for you: If we use the structure of their logic, but substitute variables with inflammatory language, it shows how absurd the logic is. (Too many big words in there for you?) Get it? Or, do we have to keep you after school? I can call your mom and let her know you need the extra time. EDIT: I say again: "See? I can put a word after "culturally" and make idiocy sound reasonable, too." And, no, this is not "argument to the extreme" fallacy. I am merely substituting one word, and then following the left's "reasoning" on how we are supposed to deal with culture. -
Trump Fires James Comey!
OCinBuffalo replied to Trump_is_Mentally_fit's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Uh oh somebody doesn't like how this story is actually turning out: Enough with the Charges of Democratic Hypocrisy(Atlantic ) For Trump Supporters, the Real Outrage Is the Left’s Uproar Over Comey (New York Times ) It's F'ing hilarious that the Atlantic clown is demanding that we stop calling his and his pals' behavior, what it so obviously is. This story is rapidly disintegrating, and, as Dilbert guy says here: Similarly, the only thing people will remember 30 days from now about the Democrats? Their hypocrisy. That is the ultimate takeaway. Atlantic guy knows it, and he's scared. That's why he's reflexively written the above. The NY Times is taking a different approach: they have come to the same conclusion, but, 30 days from now, they aren't going to be blaming Ds for their hypocrisy. No. They are preparing to transfer the blame for the ultimate takeaway onto Trump supporters. But, we aren't responsible for the failure of this story or the actions of the media, and certainly not to blame for an investigation now in it's 6th month that has yet to even prove that a crime was committed, or what crime is being investigated, never mind turning up a single shred of evidence. And don't use the "it's classified so...they can't tell us" excuse. If they had found anything they would have leaked everything. -
Trump Fires James Comey!
OCinBuffalo replied to Trump_is_Mentally_fit's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Trump Fires James Comey!
OCinBuffalo replied to Trump_is_Mentally_fit's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Bah, beat me to it. I would like anybody here to try and defend this idiocy. If that is too difficult, then, I would like anybody here to explain how the hell the above video, or the legion of other videos just like it, aren't going to be used by Rs in 2018. Democrats: your party and its candidates, in real time, are intentionally creating another "I voted for it before I voted against it" meme. Why the hell would you do that? The difference this time is: ALL Ds are going to have to defend this nonsense, not just one. Why? Because ALL Ds have been running with the "Russia Hacked the Election" story since day 1. It is fascinating to me that: 1. So many Ds would tie themselves affirmatively to one side of a story they can't possibly know the definitive truth about 2. Do it for so long, given than not one shred of evidence has been leaked to the NYT/WP/CNN. 3. Expect nothing bad to come from that Well, let me explain: this is only the beginning of the bad that is coming. Unmitigated morons. The open, loud and consistent hypocrisy of the Ds at best gets them a beating. At worst? It reinforces the average Joe's decision to ignore them, which in turn kills the energy of their activists: in which case 2018 will make 2014 look small.