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Everything posted by OCinBuffalo

  1. What can I say? It's been a very long work day, and this is surely better than some mindless sitcom that most people watch after a long day. Unlike most people, who have to drive someplace after a long day, I stop working, kick off my flip flops, and turn on PPP. I have been in a similar situation personally, and I merely ignored what I was supposed to do. I literally printed out a memo, which I never do, and hand carried it to the person who "should" be in charge, told her that's what we are doing, and left. And, she was a top client manager, who was just as deranged and just as much of an egomaniac as Pelosi. 2 days later, my memo was the word for word agenda for the meeting. The difference is: I had the knowledge, experience and guts to do something like that. It wasn't about power, it was about: I had the best ideas, but more importantly, I'm not a giant candy ass. Sure it was a risk, but once I made that memo public, she didn't have the guts to oppose it, or say a damn thing. Are you telling me Obama couldn't have done that? With both Houses of Congress and the Senate firmly in hand? Come on man, he's the President and I'm just a dirbag consultant.
  2. Naive? How about honest? Perhaps we should look at it this way: DiN is the worst sort of liar: the one who lies to himself.
  3. Yes the plastic dog schit market is not the same to you....as it is to the guy who sells, or buys, plastic dog schit. No different than the FCOJ market is not the same to you....as it is to the people who buy and sell that. However, ALL markets operate under the same general rules, and, Ron Paul is merely stating that fact. The only time those rules change, or are effected, is when government gets involved. The precise reason the government gets involved is to make markets unfair, so that they can accomplish some agenda. If you want fairer markets, make them free markets. The freer a market is, the more likely it is to be fair. These "fair trade" clowns don't understand that by creating perceived "fairness" in one segment of a market, they create unfairness in another. Who got hurt by the "luxury tax" on private, high end yachts? Not the rich people. No. The middle class/poor people who build them were crushed by that tax. Nice work, clowns. We don't need government stooges, or well meaning activist stooges, coming in and screwing things up. All that must be done is to have entrepreneurs see a market weakness, or, "unfairness" and exploit it. Competition is the key. And before you say it, no, trusts, like the old Microsoft or Ma Bell, are NOT free trade. Of course we need laws that protect against that. But, we already have them. What we don't need, is more meddling by idiots, like with what happened with the yacht tax.
  4. Don't talk about Grant, moron. You clearly know nothing. Obama had a chance to support the overthrow of the clerics in Iran...but he did....nothing.....because the "engagement" foreign policy approach, that was dreamed up by the stupid little lady that advised Clinton to let OBL get away, was still in place. Yeah, Obama's not an ornament at all. :lol: Got anything else you want to bring up....this is killing me....I am literally on the floor laughing at times tonight. Should is a tough word for most people. If I was Obama, I don't care what I should be doing, there's no F'ing way I put Pelosi in charge. Should be damned.
  5. Yeah. I'm strange, but when confronted with the facts.....all you have in response is: playground insults? So the TEA party isn't dead.....it's just that they have....cooties? Right DiN? I am sure DC_Tom has cooties as well. Well, he may actually have cooties, so I don't want to comment on it. Not sure Tom wants to be joking about that either. Who Obama put in charge of Obamacare. Now here's the best part: why, if you were a moderate, would you do that? This is going to be a fun night....I can feel it.
  6. He did the polar opposite of leading, moron. He literally and figuratively "bunkered up" in the WH. He left Nancy Pelosi in charge of the troops , and we all saw how that worked = "we have to pass it to find out what's in it". The glory of that quote...will last forever. If I was a leftist, and I was honest(which is very difficult to find these days), I'd be pissed at Obama, not Pelosi. Pelosi's actions were terrible for my cause, but Obama's = the original sin. Even as a leftist in our little experiment, I would know Pelosi is an idiot. But who is the bigger idiot? The idiot, or the idiot that puts a proven, well-documented idiot like Pelosi in charge Edit: The answer is: this is the singular behavior of a "black president" ornament.
  7. DiN reaction to this = DiN thought process as a result "but...but...but....hold on...this isn't what I wanted", then Nice work Tom, even if it's too easy, it's still funny. Tom gets the well earned, if easily earned, for this thread. ============================================================================= Now it's my turn: Hey Davey, according to you, the TEA party is dead. Well now.....hold on....you've created multiple threads, and poster voluminously to that effect...... ....so were you full of schit then, or are you full of schit now? No Davey, the TEA party, as you see, is very much alive, and coming for you again this election cycle. Perhaps you should try to prop up OWS some more....since that worked so well the last time? :lol:
  8. And I'll just leave it at this - Obama is merely a leftist ornament. Yeah, he's a great decoration, but, when he refused to lead on massive, sweeping legislation that had his name on it? When he drone strikes terrorists rather than capture them, because he doesn't want to admit he was wrong, but more importantly prove his leftist masters wrong, about GITMO, because he has to interrogate the captured terrorist there? Yeah. He's proven that he is merely the "black president" ornament on the left's winter solstice tree.
  9. This pos is really always looking to post anything, however petty or irrelevant, that has even the slightest chance of meaning Romney won't win, what the heck will this wacko do on this board when he realizes: he has no mob of moronic followers, and the ban hammer, or just the regular poster-driven hammer, is about to come down? I know: grasp more straws. I thought DiN was a Perry supporter, then, he was for Cain. Then of course he was for Gingrich. Then he tried desperately to make Santorum = Romney. In reality, DiN = RJ. Edit: also DiN = a guy that thinks he's being clever.
  10. How could I say that? After all, aren't I the guy always taking about individual responsibility, individual freedom, and haven't I been saying the government is out of hand, etc.? Yeah, the problem is, NONE of that exists in Detroit, and their government is literally, criminally out of hand. The people of Detroit have consistently made so many bad choices, that it is now affecting the rest of the country. WE have rights as well. They are not entitled to drain State and Federal dollars for personal gain, or hope that some of what their elected leaders steal will trickle down to them. Nothing positive is coming from this city, and we need to free the rest of the state, and the country in general, from their bad behavior. See here. Notable quotes from that article and my response: "one trustee wondering: "Will it ever end?"" No, clown. Not as long as you keep electing people because they are Black Democrats who have no fear of being held accountable...because they are Black Democrats. "It was a big, big sense of disappointment," said Orzech "They were a local minority firm that got a chance to grow. It's disappointing." Disappointing? Is that what you are going to tell the police/fire guys? Disappointing is that not only did you use minority status to make the hiring decision, you took an active interest in their business. It's not your job to make sure minority firms grow, clown, it's their job. How much more patronizing can you be, there George? Who is the racist here? Here is the picture of Detroit's city council: here. Now, does that "look like America"TM? Where's the diversity? I know diversity works. It has for years, but diversity means what it says. There is nothing diverse about that group. "Are you telling me that in that entire city, there isn't one white, asian, etc. who isn't more qualified to be on that council?"TM Hehe....love using the dopiest arguments for diversity against the clowns. And in case you are wondering: "is this a racial argument?" F yeah, it is. But who has made race the operative concept here? When your only qualification for office in Detroit is your skin color, when the cronyism and corruption has turned to gangster level criminal activity, and especially when the white "enlightened" liberal clowns have created this situation and perpetuate it based solely on race...then F yeah, it's a racial argument. The "enlightened" clowns have seen fit to make a racial argument the only congruent response. Look, it's clear that this entire city is on the take. EVERYONE. It's also clear that they cannot help themselves. So, we must help them, by taking away their ability to continue to hurt themselves. It's no different than a court ordering a junkie to rehab. It would cost us a hell of lot less money in aid to Detroit, and is the only "moral" thing to do. Or, we could just cut off their funding completely for 10 years. But that's like forcing the junkie to quit cold turkey...usually fails, and can cause real trouble for the junkie and everyone else. What else solves Detroit? Horseshit. It is that bad, already. Too extreme? Horseshit. It is already an extreme problem, and that means it requires an extreme solution. ----------------------------------------- Oh...and I have been working while I have been writing this...now that I'm back, Look at this, a black DFP columnist who agrees with me. Not about my solution, of course, but certainly about the state of things: What will it take for Detroit to be fixed, to get better, he asked[her, ten F'ing years ago]."The election of a white mayor," I told him. Yeah, but I'm racist for calling BS on this entire city? Please. What else can be done, that has a real chance of working, besides rehab, and all the restrictions that come with it, for these junkies?
  11. Perhaps the stimulus was intended to be a quick fix, but I'm being generous with that. I could just as easily make the case that the Stimulus was the biggest non-Keynsian, Keynsian Stimulus of all time. You know that it sucked when clowns like Krugman can only defend it by saying it was too small. A F'ing trillion, Paul? Too small? But, yeah, one hopes that a stimulus is a quick fix to the economy. However, Obamacare was not. It was a be all, end all, one size fits all, sweeping, 2k page piece of legislation that has spawned 10k pages of new regulations. In an already over-regulated industry, 10k pages of new regulation is the diametric opposite of what is needed. You know you are in trouble when elected officials are incapable of telling you how Medicare actually works, why Medicaid is costing them so much, etc., and now Obamacare dwarfs those programs in its scope. There is nothing that can be described as "quick" or a "fix" with regard to the abortion that is Obamacare. What both programs were: an open license for every crackpot sociologist, government bureaucrat, and long standing "Women's studies researcher" to fund all of their pet projects, that wiser minds have historically denied. Obama was betrayed by these people. There's no other way to look at it. He sincerely believed that they would help him, and the country. Instead, they took his money and ran...Solyndra. The unfortunate problem for Obama is: how can we expect him, after showing such poor judgment, to suddenly turn into Solomon, if re-elected? We have a better chance of Iran's leadership turning into pumpkins.
  12. Perhaps. Certainly the economy is on Obama though. Romney may get undue credit if it turns around....but Obama is definitely responsible for a significant part of the problem with the Stimulus and Obamacare. I have found the characteristic of a top manager that is most likely to yield insight is: to whom they delegate their power and why. One or two economic advisers being replaced is one thing. Certainly it's a fair expectation that most people that start with an administration won't be there when it ends, etc. However, when the entire economic teams leaves in the space of 6 months....when you've had 4 different chiefs of staff....when you keep firing generals....when you appoint Van Jones to anything, for any reason...when Eric Holder is your attorney general, and you refuse to fire him.... the picture becomes clear. Again, whom did he hire, and why? How did they do? How many people had to get fired, who should have been fired a long time ago(Holder), and how many people wanted out? With this much turnover, there has to be a why, besides coincidence, that resides with the top manager. Which is it? Does Obama not know how to hire people, hires the wrong people, or not know how to manage people? This turnover can't be blamed on low wages, or competition. Another indicator: How many Democratic Senators and Congressman have retired since Obama took office?
  13. Well, there were a lot of people who were too dumb to recognize this as a wedge issue last time, wasn't there? Pretty sure we can count on them being either: dumb enough to fall for it again, or, to prideful to admit being duped last time around. Hail Mary pass is the right way to characterize it, though. It can work...but rarely does.
  14. Know Your Meme Edit: As someone who works in PR, are you trying to tell me you don't know what a meme is? Well, you better learn, and quick. A meme could prove more fatal for one of your clients than any news story. Reason: ones hopes that a news story is prepared by a qualified journalist. A meme is prepared by a troll. A news story is designed to inform. A meme is designed to offend, insult, or marginalize. In the case of the gay marriage meme: insult social conservatives, make them appear offensive to reasonable people, and marginalize them and their candidates as haters.
  15. Some of our dimmer posters were fooled into believing that Gay Marriage is a civil rights issue. It is not. It is a political wedge issue that was drawn up in a political office by people who get paid to win elections. While there are some aspects of Gay Marriage that point out obvious potential civil rights concerns, that is absolutely NOT the reason it was raised, and made into a huge meme. It was made a major issue by the various political operations of the Democratic party in response to losing the 2004 Presidential election. The intent was to gain House and Senate seats. While some gains were made, there were financed at great cost to the gay rights movement. Their issues have been significantly set back by all of the state laws/constitutional amendments banning gay marriage, that were the direct result of this wedge being put forward. That IS the history of this issue. Denying it is denying reality. The suckers helped this issue along, we hadn't called BS as a nation on the leftist OUTRAGETM machine, and therefore it was maringally effective. House and Senate seats were gained. However, when you deploy a wedge, now you have to own it. The trouble with owning things is you have to maintain them. Then Biden comes along. See this. In brief, it starts with a bunch of tweets of various WH reporters pointing out that Biden has now publicly contradicted the President regarding SSM. SSM, is the newly stylized name change for Gay Marriage, market tested, and analyzed, of course. As if we needed further evidence of this being a purely political tool for the left. I wonder: will our dimmer posters still argue that this is civil rights issue in the face of the obvious political machinations on display in the link above? But, really, who cares? Both they and their argument would be irrelevant, if it wasn't for the...Hilarity. The funnies words are also the truest: "Hilarity Ensues" Yes, hilarity indeed for me. Hilarity, for anyone who wasn't duped by this.
  16. Ahhh.... Another example of them doing to themselves. How many more are required? Who wants this thinking appointed to a Federal Court? Who wants this thinking put in charge of economic policy, or appointed Treasury Secretary? Who wants this thinking appointed EPA Secretary? And worst of all, who wants this thinking appointed Attorney General? Who wants the far-left, and their delusions, and their ridiculous comparisons, and their ridiculous notion of "morality", and their ridiculous moral relativism, like the above, put in charge of anything? This is what we get when we allow them out of their hole. The job for reasonable Americans is to keep them in that hole, with rock firmly covering it. We let them out of their hole in 2006, due largely to poor decisions, and we've been paying for it ever since. As we see above, the far-left is not right about anything. They can't win anything on their own. The only way they get anywhere/win anything is when smart people do stupid things. Hopefully we don't need to repeat this lesson. Hopefully we can free ourselves from the thinking above, and not allow it to continue to ruin the country and divide us.
  17. Accomplished? Ask yourself, and be honest with yourself: Was Obama prepared for the path? Or, was the path prepared for Obama? Results are what matters. The results Obama has obtained indicate the latter is true. I understand that Obama is desperate. The recent polls regarding independents, and swing states, indicate that he should be. Therefore, I understand grasping onto the OBL thing and riding it as far as he can. It's sound political tactics. In fact, this is one of the very few things Obama's campaign/WH staff has done right....in a very long time. However, there's a huge risk involved. This could blow up in their face just as everything else has.The Republican counter "Obama is stealing honor from the SEALS" has already started. You may not be effected by the term "stealing honor", but a lot of people are. Not saying the Republican's approach will work on independents. Am saying that there's a 50/50 chance that it becomes another "dog" story, and that would effect independents significantly. If I had to bet: I would bet against Obama's team handling this properly. If anyone are jackasses, it's them. They've made a huge change in this country: they've shown how not to create an economic team, and how not to run a WH.
  18. Because the same premise you disagree with is what is used by the MSM every day. To wit: The far right is evil and wrong, the far left is rational and right, but just a little bit too passionate. If you start every day with that delusion firmly in place, then it's not hard to see how Curry arrives at her ridiculous conclusion. In other words, if you are gravitating towards 20% of the country, alienating 40%, and enraging the other 40%....that means you lose. Curry is an idiot, but it all starts with the delusion.
  19. Isn't that like giving Sean Connnery to the New Jersey Gay Men's Choir?
  20. I am going to check them out.
  21. I'm talking my lifetime. The Bills may have signed Bootsy Jones and Mic The Irishman to play DE, re-signed that black guy WR, whathisname, drafted the entire starting lineup of Notre Dame, and re-signed Candy Chillgrist in the 60s..... ....but it still isn't better than this year.
  22. Nice. That's one less thing to worry about. This is perhaps the all-time best off-season this team has ever had.
  23. This is possible. Perhaps more possible than you think.
  24. I don't have to defend anything. You missed the obvious. That's all there is to say.
  25. Ahh....See? Now we're talking. See, you are a newb. That means you expect us to deal with you fairly and objectively. However, we are not newbs. That means that after spending: for some of us, years, for others, months, and for DC_Tom, seconds, attempting to be fair and objective, we have learned that simply verbally lashing the fools is more fun and effective. That is not your fault. But, remember, it isn't ours either. There have been posters on this board, who I assume were paid given their amount of threads/posts, who spewed nothing but leftist propaganda. They are gone. We remain. Some of us wish they were still here, as squishing them with their own contradictions was quite fun. There are still some posters who are fun to squish. You should try it. ...lybob is easily squished. Start with him. Regarding your question: you don't know, and neither do I. That's a good thing in my book. Look, the very last thing we need right now is an ideologue in office. Obama is an ideologue. Romney is not. Not saying Romney is going to make social conservatives, or conservatives in general, happy. Frankly, I couldn't care less. What we need is a problem solver, especially one who can deal with a lot of different people and perspectives. Obama is not that guy. We don't need to support people....to know Obama's decisions are totally wrong. We know that all by ourselves. You will learn how many of us are relevant on this part of the board, and, how many of us have to personally deal with/make business decisions based on the poor decisions coming from this administration. Hell, I would hire 6 specific posters on this board over the feckless Obama economic team that has all run back to academia. There's 0 doubt in my mind that my team would crush them, and even if they didn't, they wouldn't run until they did.
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