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Everything posted by OCinBuffalo

  1. 20% is not fine...because why would I want to form capital in the USA, when I can form it elsewhere, and pay 10% or more likely less than 5? This is a GLOBAL economy. It's far past time people woke up and got that. You want to make us go out and compete...with a massive disadvantage. Why don't you tie Fred Jackson's legs together before the game while you are at it? What happens to the guy who has to go out and try to raise money? Thanks to you, and your dopey 20% cap gain tax, 70% of the funding is now unavailable. And, the flip side of this is: I am sure some people could see some wisdom in 20%, and I'm sure that the guy who has to go out and raise money could sell it, if we knew that investors would at least break even on those taxes. However, what are the chances that the government is going to use that 20% properly? Answer: less than 5%. IF you told could prove that 20% = infrastructure actually delivered, in a timely manner, I could sell that to investors, if I ran a business that depends on that stuff. But let's be honest with ourselves: most new business doesn't rely on that infrastructure, and you aren't going to deliver it on time or properly anyway. Why should anybody want to give you 20%, so you can FAIL, again, and then proceed to blame the people who you took the 20% from....for your failures?
  2. Push. Brady will cry to the refs under all circumstances.
  3. Negative Ghost Rider, the pattern is full.
  4. BF2 is a social scientist. Thus, longitudinal stupidity is OK, as long as it's longitudinal. And, BF2 is a social scientist. Thus, expecting her to understand capital formation, and not simply accuse you of using phony, Republican shill words to try and trick everyone? Well...? Remember, Bush Lied, people Died....is about as much abstract thinking most of these types can handle. Perhaps BF2 is the exception, so, don't let me stop you. I imagine it would be highly entertaining for you to try to explain capital formation and it's direct effect on job growth for start-ups.....which is where 90% of expansion comes from, to BF2, and have her fumble around trying to understand it.
  5. Correct....which is why if we do anything nationally on this issue, we need to proceed carefully, and not take away one group's freedom and liberties to satisfy another group's. Does anyone honestly believe that the idiot lawyers won't sue a church, to force them to marry a gay couple, if there isn't specific language in whatever we end up doing preventing it? We are talking about people who sued the F'ing Boy Scouts here. The Boy Scouts. Yeah, an evil organization if there ever was one... Who should the Boy Scouts see about recovering the millions of dollars they had to spend on lawyers, and not on scouting, because of other lawyers and the jackass agenda they represent? Are you gonna help them pay for that? How much are their freedom and liberties worth? On the open market? Turns out it's millions of dollars. What happens when it's your organization's rights on the line? Oh, I know, then you'll just fire up the full-time state and federal lobbyists your trade organization maintains, right? Call up NYASHA or whatever, they'll take care of it, right? Where's the Boy Scout lobbyist? Well, I can assure you...if they didn't have them before, they sure as hell have them now. And people dare to cry about lobbying. Lobbying is just as much about protecting yourself from the government, as it is doing things to the government. Are the Boy Scouts allowed their freedom and liberties? Or, are they second class citizens because....some misguided clown says so? Since when is America about F'ing people over, enriching lawyers, and wasting tons of taxpayer money....trying to strip a private, non-profit organization of its rights?
  6. What is the difference between risk and real...in terms of growth, in this analysis? In other words, are the risks you've outlined enough by themselves, without any actual event happening...like the actual break-up you describe, to cause a mini meltdown? The reason I ask is: the election is only 6 months away. If these risks don't stop being risks and don't turn into quantifiable reality...then what is their real effect? I understand that it's all a gambling game...but, even in gambling, the bookies set odds.
  7. Well, you can always take comfort in the fact that JA is here, calling everybody bigot and insulting people...while claiming to be morally superior to them....at the same time. Isn't this interesting? It's not boring, that's for sure. Who else insults gays....and then claims to be morally superior? Hmmm. I know, the Bible thumpers do! The faster we free ourselves from JA, and the Bible thumpers, and of anyone who has to claim morality....rather than just live it, QUIETLY,...the better off we will be.
  8. 1:55 hahahahah..hohohoho http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gkTb9GP9lVI
  9. Ahh....so it's not your poor perception of reality that's the trouble here...it's that the right is doing things they don't believe in, and then stressing about it? Here's the thing: the right, correctly, wants to get rid of Obama because first and foremost he is an incompetent. That's what they believe and that's what they do. The only stress they have about is what happens if they FAIL. The notion that Obama is anything other than a leftist, not a totalitarian socialist, but certainly a European socialist, is absurd. The only reason he even has a military capable of drone strikes is due to decisions made long ago by better presidents. Where's the spending he is responsible for today....that is going to provide the next irreplaceable high tech weapons system we will use 20 years from now? There won't be one, because of Obama's defense budget cuts today. Instead of spending on things that are useful to this country....Obama spend our money on leftist crack, like Solyndra. Just like crack, Solyndra makes you feel great when you start, but, after a while it fades, and you need more money, you have to have more money, to keep it going.
  10. Your conclusions, (a) and (b) may be right by themselves, but are wrong in terms of them being exclusive of all others, because they assume that the election of Romney is happening in a vacuum. I guarantee that the takeaway for most people isn't "Obama showing balls". Not with all this obfuscation, not with all this non-denial denial. Some may remember something about this in November, but really? The only people who will are people who think its a big deal, like you. How is it that they aren't more likely to remember "( c)" Romney has said what he believed and stood by it, while Obama was playing GITMO again? As I said, this election isn't happening in a vacuum, and the chance that people are going to remember/care about a NC state amendment in November....when they are facing continued economic woe? Well, no chance, really. Election play? No, not really. That's wishful thinking at best, delusions of grandeur otherwise.
  11. As I said above, I don't blame anybody for being emotional and calling people names...today, or even this week. However, if they persist, and are still doing it 6 months from now, then I have no pity for them. They will get owned, and it will be THEIR fault. You'd think a F'ing lawyer would understand that, wouldn't you? "Remedial Law for Emotion-driven Lawyers Part 1 starts in the Learning Annex in 20 minutes". News flash: it's no one's job to convince...you. Heh...but I'm the narcissist, right? IF you had said they haven't created a convincing argument.... But you didn't, did you? Keeping marriage the same as it always has been....can be defended with both reason....and logic. Simple really: Unintended consequences. You don't know what they are. We change the law solely because of what gay people want, what happens? Now, in NY, because we seem to be a little smarter than the rest of the country...what did we do? We had to go and put a ton of legal provisions in. For example: specifically barring assclown lawyers from suing churches, and forcing them to marry gay people. Why would such measures be necessary...if the pro-SSM people based their thinking solely on logic and reason? They don't. You should be happy with the NYS law, as it attempts to be fair to gay people....while at the same time....keeps the leftist douchebags in line. Ultimately this is about fairness. I don't see this NC law as fair. In fact I see it as a dumb move. An over-reach. A "I'm gonna rub your nose in it" no different than how the "we WILL redefine marriage" clowns approached this issue in the beginning. But, let's also not blame the LGBT for the "rub your nose in it" part as much. They just want to get married and be left alone. No, the original sinners here are the Democrat politicians and operatives who designed the "rub your nose in it" approach. If they hadn't tried that nationally, then we wouldn't have the NC amendment today....or the 34+ other state laws and amendments banning it. Now, where was the "logic and reason" in their using gay marriage as a political wedge issue? Try craven and cynical, instead. For a bunch of supposedly sophisticated people....the pro-SSM crowd has acted like children, and has been just as ignorant and uncompromising as the Bible thumpers they target.
  12. Young people....don't forget young people... You mean to say young White Black culture....because, you know, it's not like young people don't tend to vote more conservatively as they get older, or anything. Yeah, this gay marriage thing will be reality in 10 years....because of the young White Black people.
  13. It is, and it will continue to be, awfully hard to defend the country, or do much of anything, if we don't get our economic house in order and do something like what Paul Ryan is saying regarding the debt. Doesn't have to be his plan, but something that immediately gets us off the trajectory we are on. The national debt is rapidly becoming a national security threat, if it isn't already. How are we supposed to deal with China if we owe them this kind of money? Why the F are we basically funding their entire military expansion? How the F does that make sense, in terms of national security? If Obama, or any Democrat, was genuine about national security, they'd be all over this, and we wouldn't have gone 3 years with no budget. They are not. Nothing weird about it, they simply think this is 1965: and the rest of the world's factories still haven't recovered from WW2, so it's Ok to over tax and over spend because nobody can compete with us, and that the American people will be happy to work mindless manufacturing jobs with 0 career path, and that nobody else in the world will do those mindless jobs for less than $30/hr with full benefits and pension. And yeah, they genuinely believe that.
  14. And who exactly is responsible for that, Doug? Let's talk root causes here: If you clowns hadn't recalled him, and hadn't bused in all the idiots, made this a national story, and went around saying "he disgusts me".... would anybody outside of Wisconsin know or care who Scott Walker is? No, clowns. The best part is: big unions paid big money to say that the guy who just won the primary...is no different than Scott Walker. All Scott Walker has to do is replay the same ads, end them with a "this is a giant waste of time/money for the people of Wisconsin" and laugh all the way to the win. Meanwhile, the union bosses have deluded themselves into believing that dumping $30 mil into this was a good idea, because it will scare Republicans. No, clowns, you're only scary if you win. That's $30 mil Obama doesn't get. Nice work. I'm sure the union members, who paid the dues you have blown on giving the other side ammunition, are appreciative today, Doug. I'm equally sure that the evil Koch brothers, and all the other billionaires, are having a wild laugh at your ineptitude. You're making them famous, which gives them even more power, especially now that their money = Walker wins. Why would they stop now? Why wouldn't they dump even more money into state races and really start kicking your/union ass? Nothing encourages further investment like winning returns....morons.
  15. Until I see scientifically supported data...I am not going to listen to demographic speculation. Regarding the due process, 14th etc., that's why I don't get the ban on civil unions in this thing. They are basically giving the other side an excuse to sue, and giving them standing. You would think they would learn the lesson about over-reach given the recent history of it in DC. If you are about protecting marriage, then protect it. Something that isn't marriage shouldn't be on your radar. This is the same flawed, emotional outburst, scorched earth-type of stuff that got the "we WILL redefine marriage, we will rub your nose in it, and if you dare challenge us we will call you a bigot" people in trouble last time around. You shouldn't strut. You shouldn't look to rub noses in it. It pisses people off, who otherwise wouldn't be that bothered.
  16. Holy crap...now, a convicted felon...gets a delegate at the Dem Convention. Hysterical. Like the cameras won't be on...the Felon's Delegate? The Extortionists Delegate? (which is the better movie title?) when West Virginia comes up. Like the only reason people will watch the convention now won't be to see that guy. Oh, man...this sounds like a Limbaugh operation. Chaos operation or whatever he calls it. Davey is not gonna like this...more
  17. Yeah....I'm sure calling people bigot, for doing nothing other than following their religious teaching, or just their own consciences, will be a real effective way to move the LGBT agenda forward. Looks to me like they are sore losers, but I don't blame them. Not today anyway. Now, if they are still calling people bigot in 2 months...then they are idiots, and deserve what they get. Some funny stuff there....but 0 convincing stuff. Pretty much par for the course on this. I am wondering who's going to bring up the unintended consequences of a law like this....that's convincing. Why does it ban civil unions, or any other, what I consider, reasonable alternatives? What else is that gonna effect? Moreover, if a Federal law is passed that allows for civil unions, or a Federal court recognizes them...then this whole amendment gets tossed out...and then they have to start all over again. Not smart. But, I don't expect that from a bunch of smug turds who just got reminded that they are in the minority...by 21 points. Let them continue to be clever...but unconvincing, and increasingly, irrelevant.
  18. "I'm smart, not like everybody says...like dumb...I'm smart and I want respect!"
  19. Ahhh...one of the Chomsky-killer arguments. Very nice, very nice. Well executed. There are logical flaws like this all over the place in his thinking, you just have to be objective. However, it's difficult to be objective when your primary purpose for reading Chomsky.....is to impress that semi-hot grad student you are looking to bang. Or, if you are looking to prove that you aren't just a shallow, pot-smoking tool to some militant feminist reporter for one of the city's free papers, then it's best not point out that, no, America's post-WW2 foreign policy was not in fact entirely based on a conspiracy between the State Department and ex-Nazi army officers. As if the State Department, and not the CIA, would be the ones doing this, and, as if there is such a thing as the Nazi Army. There was the SS, and there was, the army. There were Nazis that were army officers....but not a Nazi Army. There was the Waffen SS...but they were...SS, not army. And, if we are talking about evil people doing evil things here....wouldn't they be....Nazis....not ex-Nazis? Hehehehe Chomsky tools are fun to play with.
  20. Davey says = Now even the liberals are making jokes that say Romney can't be an extremist! :o What is happening Davey? I know: BF2 must be smelly too, right? Does she give off a bad odor? Perhaps what you are smelling, Davey, is: the truth. See, the reason why BF2's joke is funny? Because it's somewhat true. But only somewhat. The exaggeration is what makes it funny. We know that Romney is most likely a right-of-center guy, but that is second to him being a Romney-centered guy. See? Same thing. Now watch: if I say DiN is a unmitigated, moronic hack who will believe anything anyone on the left says, and decry anything anyone on the right says, because he isn't capable of thinking for himself....that's not funny. Why? Because that's fully true. ============================================================================ Before I sign off: recapping things in this thread DiN has ignored because he has no answer: 1. Is the the TEA party dead? Davey said it was, multiple times. How can Davey say that it is dead, but then start a thread about it taking down Lugar? How can Davey have his pudding if he doesn't eat his meat? Strange enough for you Davey? Can you smell that pudding you don't get to have? 2. How can Romney be an extremist, when all the evidence points to him being a center/right....Romneyist? 3. How can Obama not be an extremist, when he let Pelosi....oh F, why do we even have to talk about this one?
  21. Section 330. Very important to us. Now move along, nothing to see here. I was just gonna say that. But...having "will report direct variable cost" as part of a US code...is just too...hysterically awesome, to let a chance to say it go by.
  22. Look, even if all the fairies wave their dust, and the rainbows come out, and the unicorns fart just right, and all the other wishful thinking actually trumps the fact that: The latest in the GWU battleground poll shows Obama down by 10 points amongst independents Even if we are to believe that the right has invaded a left-leaning website and contaminated a traditionally excellent poll conducted by GWU for years....even if we are to believe that the economy isn't being held down by uncertainty due to lack of leadership, no budget in 3 years, no clue as to what assclownery will come from the EPA next, and no idea how in the hell the idiots at CMS are going to implement the monstrosity that is Obamacare.... even if all of that goes away, or goes just right? (hmmm...did the GSA secretly buy a dump truck load of fairy dust, and that whole thing was just a cover?) The House and Senate will be Republican owned. Period. And, the little, delicate "black president" ornament will have to try to actually learn how to lead something. Now, try and wish that away.
  23. I remember when I was like you....seeing a Molson Golden thread and engaging in an honest attempt to first, identify why his thread's premise was so retarded, then, explain it to him. Wasting all that time.... Ahh....the bad old days...
  24. Piss Poor Preparation to discuss Politics... ...or economics, or history, or foreign policy, or domestic policy, finance, taxes, the list goes on, and on, and on, in DiN's case. I wonder what DiN is an expert in? Ding, Fries are Done? As in life, Poor education leads to a high Propensity for Poor results. Education does not mean Women's studies, or whatever other made up majors the left creates in their quest to indoctrinate through ignorance.
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