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Everything posted by OCinBuffalo

  1. Nothing. It has to do with them being ineffective politicians. Yeah that's what I said. Sorry, as many here would agree, my mouth is already full of words. There's no room for yours. All I know is that they have failed. I also know that diversity, which means different people, not one race, works. There is no diversity in that group. Are you trying to tell us that they haven't failed? Are you saying that we don't need to do something different? Are you saying that there hasn't been significant, ongoing, major criminal activity in Detroit, that has been thus far largely excused because the larger "we need to help minorities by preparing the path for them" liberal agenda isn't in full force here? Yeah, they've prepared the path alright, straight into felony after felony. It's the path to felony. The Felony Path? Yeah, this has something to do with Detroit. How many on that city council are Rhodes scholars vs. how many have a degree in hustling? Please. The reporter says that Detroit needs a white mayor...now, why would she say something like that....if all that was required was another Barrack Obama Law professor in Detroit? Well, it worked in Baltimore, and it's working so well for us with the President...so... I am inclined to believe that a lot of these failed white guys failed precisely because they had the path prepared for them, no different than Obama has had the path prepared for him. That's the fundamental question here: is 200 years of path preparing for once race....made better by 50 years of path preparing for another? Why do we need path preparing at all? Did it work for Al Gore? If there ever was a path prepared, it was for that guy. How about Todd Marinovich? If there ever was a "prepare the path for the kid, instead of the kid for the path" white guy...it's him. You, again, are missing this fundamental point: break the path preparing liberal agenda, and do it now. The only reason we need to suspend democracy in Detroit...is that when liberty, or in this case graft, gets out of hand, it destroys order. Order will always find a way to restore itself. I am merely suggesting that we do it in a managed way, with an eye on moving back to liberty, rather than letting these criminals do it with impunity. That's what exists in Detroit now. Order based on criminality....it's F'ing feudalism, based largely on liberal path preparing. Why should we tolerate Feudalism in this country? Upholding the Constitution MEANS destroying Feudalism. That's what we fought our first war over, isn't it? Edit: path preparing, for anybody, is Un-American. It's totally against who we are and what we believe. You can't, so don't bother. Besides, nobody needs to see more "look at how cool I am, and morally superior to you" posts from you this month. You've reached your quota, likely for the year. But, yeah, I'm the narcissist.
  2. Was that a plan conceived of by ex-Nazi army officers....and implemented by the State Department....in secret? Or a better question: Did the file tape of Rumsfeld getting off a plane and shaking hands with Saddam, that was run ad nauseum by the liberal media, have to be obtained by a FOIA request...or simply signed out of their own film archives? During the cold war, we had to make a lot of lesser of 2 evils choices. Once the larger evil of the USSR was removed, it then became time to deal with the lesser evils. Now is that too much practicality, and pragmatism, for you to handle after your "ethics in business" class? Sorry, it must be difficult to change gears from unsupported liberal dogma instantiation, to my class: "making real decisions with real life/death consequences and no hypothetical do-overs in the real world". Hehehe....but yeah...Obama believed there was such a thing as a "reset button" in geo-politics...why wouldn't another guy whose entire existence is based on college? Why wouldn't he/you believe that you can simply hit reset on the X-box and start over?
  3. Why would the NFL ever move a team to LA? Seriously, think for a sec. LA is the ultimate threat, as we have just seen with Minnesota. You take away LA, and it becomes very difficult to get stadiums built, revenue shared, and pretty much everything else that Goddell wants to accomplish. The best way I heard it: "IF they ever do build an NFL stadium in LA, it should be called Stalking Horse Stadium" And don't tell me about San Antonio, as though they can fill the LA stalking horse role. There's no way in hell Jerry Jones allows that. He had to go along with the Texans, because there was a precedent with the Oilers. But 3 Texas NFL teams? No. LA's NFL TV ratings are already off the chart...so it's not like the NFL loses much by continuing this situation. They get all of the revenue with practically 0 cost. It's been 17 years without a team in LA...and somehow, the world has stayed on it's axis. What this comes down to is: LA residents and worshipers don't like the fact that their "LA is the best" theme, and/or LA is just as good a sports town as NYC/Dallas/Chicago...or even...Pittsburgh theme...are eternally challenged by having no NFL team. There are well-founded reasons why LA has no team, and that is largely due to the fact that LA is an inferior sports town, as they have proven, over and over. They are a bandwagon town. You can't invest the kind of money it would require to do NFL in LA, deal with the poor political attitude and poor politicians, plus buy a team, move it, and then have an empty stadium/blackouts. Even one year of that and it's over. That's the long-term view that anyone with business sense has. Short term, it may work, but if an LA team misses the playoffs for 2 years in a row, given the propensity for the image-conscious to run things there, associating oneself with a loser....is very bad for the image. Plus, all you have to do is look at the Dodgers situation with the fans/police/stadium, and the mayor they have elected who routinely fails, yet keeps being supported, and the propensity for the entire state to support FAIL, to know that if there is any sort of NFL team in that area....it will be the Los Angeles Stalking Horses of Anaheim, not the LA Stalking Horses at best. The minute the economy is less that perfect, or trans-gender...its?...don't get their own bathroom in the stadium, it will be Stalking Horses' fault because...well, it's LA, so (insert irrational, non-economic or business based reason here). As I said last time: The over/under on the LA NFL team being sued for not providing alternative forms of entertainment, like a venue for this type of art(NSFW), for those who consider football too violent, but "should not be excluded from enjoying the game experience, just because they don't like football" is what? 3 weeks? Yeah, it's funny....because it's true.
  4. Yes....it's becoming abundantly clear that you don't understand a lot. Actually, it's better to say: you have been mis-educated. This is why you can't respond to facts that contradict your "story", and adjust your thinking accordingly. This sucks on this board, because it's going to take years to de-dumb you. The good news is you appear to be sincere, and aren't just looking for attention. But this Chomsky stuff has got to go. It's made up. Just as made up as those ex-Nazi army officers who are running the world secretly...because they made a deal with the State Department. Yeah...as if such a secret could be kept....by of all people, the same State Department who has been responsible for most of the worst security breaches we've had. You keep tripping over the issues have been raised regarding your posts. This is because most of the facts you rely on are in reality distorted, and other facts are purposefully omitted to suit this "theory", instead of this "theory" being adjusted to suit ALL the facts. Therefore, when ALL the facts are sent your way, you FAIL.
  5. Why bring up Bell, CA? What does that have to do with Detroit? Either you are trying to excuse it...or you just like posting the irrelevant. Pick one. Bull...I didn't suggest it, I proved it. And, the black DFP reporter said "we need to elect a white Mayor"....ten years ago, and just re-affirmed it. Why do you have a problem with my argument, but not her's? You are smoking crack if you think the race of the council has nothing to do with the problem. Liberals have been trying to stack decks with minorities over the entire country for literally 50 years. Now, we see the result of their over-reach. It's time to stop judging anybody on anything other than performance. It's time to end the double standards, and all the patronizing BS. Affirmative Action has run its course. Now that it has become a liability instead of an asset, it's time to shut it down. The only people who are trying to ignore this reality: the people who derive their living from race-hustling(Sharpton and Jackson), and the crooks, like in Detroit, whose low performance and criminal behavior is protected by it....because of real racist, patronizing racist, or merely misguided, liberal foolishness. Dude, is there anything more patronizing than "It was a minority business that had a chance to grow(because we handed them something they didn't earn)"? Come on. You know how wrong that is, on multiple levels. It's the new version of "we can't free the slaves, because they can't do things for themselves. Instead we'll hand them food, and a place to live, and tell them what to do, and make their decisions for them, because it's our Christian duty to protect these children". I shouldn't have to explain this to you. Race is the the #1 root cause of the problem in Detroit. Therefore, is it silly to conclude that race isn't the #1 part of the solution.
  6. Actually, now that you put it that way....Wisconsin is pretty bad ass. Truthfully, I like what Ryan is doing, in terms of demanding that we not keep kicking the can. Not sure if I like Ryan, tho. Still can't tell if he is genuine or not. He sounds like he is, but, his skill set(marketing) means he's supposed to sound that way. However, it's hard to win a popularity contest when you're the guy calling BS all the time. You philosophically disagree with not sucking? Really? Do hate getting positive and intended results, too? Philosophically....don't mean schit when you are in the hole $3.6 billion. I love the fact that the people who are most critical of those who believe in "your imaginary Ghost in the sky/Zombie Jesus" etc..... .....are the exact same clowns that say we should merely take "the stimulus was too small", on faith These people think their "green venture capital with tax dollars will produce all the jobs we will ever need"...is more plausible than the Resurrection. Should I even bring up the amount of faith they are asking us to have in their man-made global warming..."passion of the Gore"? Gore: "you will deny me 3 times before the earth overheats in 2016". Sorry Al, we've denied you on this board at least 13 times. Got anymore Wall Street journal articles about taking business fad/cliche language and marrying* it with the word "sustainable", Al? (*not gonna say juxtaposing)
  7. 1. IF you want to start a thread about Bell, CA, nobody is stopping you. 2. However, if you want to use Bell, CA as a reason/excuse as to why we should tolerate the behavior in Detroit, blow it out your ass. I am so tired of excusing one set of bad behavior by pointing to another. It's childish. I am inclined to respond as my mother would: "If Detroit jumps off the Sears Tower, are you going to as well?" We need to go after ALL of it, starting with the worst and most costly: Detroit There is no way we should tolerate Detroit for one more second. They have already installed private managers to prevent some of this nonsense. Suspend all elections in the entire county/city and fully empower these managers. Bring in the national guard, shut the place down, knock down the empty buildings, offer to relocate people to places like North Dakota where the the unemployment rate is 2% and they can't find enough blue collar workers, and be done with this once and for all. Doing the same thing, when we have a black reporter proving that nothing has changed in 10 years, solves nothing for anyone. There is nothing moral or compassionate about allowing this ridiculousness to continue.
  8. Based on the videos? I'd say they both did a lot more than imply. Comforting is the right word, Kelly. I am sufficiently comforted that VY is firmly on notice. And, based on the videos, I am pretty sure every player on the team knows exactly where the line is. However, I want to be fair: Gailey said he came in and "said all the right things". For all we know, some of those things may have been "I have no intention of being a problem here." The guy deserves the benefit of the doubt, until he doesn't.
  9. Like you, I don't get the "VY sucks" thing at all. We do have kick ass coaches, which is probably part of the reason VY is here. And, from our perspective...."we have the top 2 QB coaches in football, Vince. Nobody is going to listen to you if you start bitching about them". And regardless, this is Buffalo, we don't take crap from players here. Unless your name is Bruce Smith, and you've earned the right to be a bit of a douche, we'd rather cut/trade you. Learn from the past VY, and then forget it Take advantage of the opportunity that's in front of you, and please, keep your mouth shut.
  10. How nice is it that Brian Moorman is no longer a consensus top 3 on this list?
  11. ahh...so it's back to "longitudinal stupidity" rather than "immediate stupidity" huh?
  12. Buddy, you matter when you show up more. Nobody cares what a guy who shows up once every never has to say about me trying to permanently end an irrational poster's crusade, that has been going on for at least 2 years. Get some context, or GTFO.
  13. Fixed Foreigners are well on their way to loving investing elsewhere...and not for nothing, so are our investors. Bottom line: it's nearly impossible to raise money right now....and you want to make it harder?
  14. Believe me....if I could find a way to eliminate myself from this nonsense thread...without feeling like, "no, I have to go back in there, and kick this phony and/or zealot's ass once and for all, because apparently the last time I did it wasn't enough", I would. Until somebody does, I fear we will have to keep enduring endless "Did you notice that I'm cooler, more urbane and erudite than you are, because I support gay marriage?" threads/posts. And this clown calls me a narcissist? Hysterical.
  15. Yeah...I'm the one running around crusading...but also saying this is no big deal....at the same time. Yeah...you're the one looking rational and measured. Delusion. Well, then why don't you volunteer to work for free and defend those lawsuits? What? It's no big deal, right? It's just somebody else's problem...that doesn't matter....to you. Because it's all about you, isn't it? Why the F can't you come out and admit that you are: 1. Butt hurt because you lost, again. 2. Having the wrong perspective on this. Just lay it down already. Jesus...you thought you were going to get away with being smug, and jumped at the chance to "prove" that you are morally superior to the rest of us....but you got called on it. Think about this in terms of working the problem. 3. Far and away the poster who cares the most about this issue....because you wanted #2 so badly, didn't you? Sorry, you don't get it. Not as long as I am around. Phony moral superiority clowns have been target #1 since I got here. Why do I have be the one that demands that we do this COMPETENTLY? Why do I have to tell a F'ing lawyer, of all people, that the law is law, and not morality, and that it is nuanced? That's what I hear from my lawyers all the friggin time? So why the F am I having to repeat that to you? Would you care to pay their bills for me? I mean, since I am just the middle man here?
  16. Go back and re-read my post. See the "flip side"? By definition, I did not "just look at tax rates". Now run along and re-read it. No. I want you to refrain from punishing people who really create jobs(Hint: it's not millionaires and billionaires, it's the guy who takes his 50k he saved up and starts a company, and then has to raise money from millionaires and billionaires), just so your beloved government can continue to FAIL at delivering what they promise, or, deliver what small businesses don't need or use. What you are not getting, or purposefully ignoring because you know it makes you flat out wrong: Investors only care about cost/benefit. If you have cost, you better show benefit, or it's your ass. Now, exactly new what benefit will government definitely deliver on....that is worth an additional 5% of an investor's profit? 15% is already killing us. IF there was a benefit that came with your 20% capital gains tax, and it made sense, we could probably work with that and maybe convince investors it was worth it. But there is no benefit. And don't even think about saying Obamacare. That alone has screwed up the entire game more than your dopey tax increase ever could. At least we would have the certainty of 20% being 20%. That's how this game is played. You don't get to B word about the game if you won't learn the rules. I promise to be serious....and you not only give me wiki....but don't even bother to read your own link? To wit: However, it has been countered that the government who provides the most efficient services, including regulatory structure and welfare spending, will win through competition, and that race-to-the-bottom is not the norm, but applies only to special situations such as extradition and atmospheric pollution. Methinks this is grounds for revoking my offer. But perhaps not. Explain how the above is not true...using what you know, not wiki.
  17. Yeah, we shouldn't B word about Obama's policy specifically and literally impeding our work. Instead, we should all pretend that we don't have the jobs we do, and that we don't know what we know...for no other reason than: because you say so. So, is it that you can't argue at all, or it is that you know you can't win as long as Obama is in the WH? I think it's the latter. I've seen you hold your own on the football side....your world must be turned upside down, huh? The Bills are doing well in the off-season for once, and relying on Obama/Democratic performance since 2006 to make your points doesn't get you past the line of scrimmage, does it? That must suck for you.
  18. Their best bet, their real best bet...would have been to read and accept the writing that was so clearly on the wall 2.5 years ago leading up to the 2010 elections. The best thing they could have done is get ahead of the issue and at least have a chance of a controlled landing rather than a complete crash. Instead, they decided to go to war, which many accurately predicted they would get spanked in. Forget Walker, that's just a battle...look what Cuomo did, and what all the other Govs have done, the war is being lost nation-wide. We posted, or at least I did, right here that if they didn't start compromising, then it would be open season on unions in every state, and that every Governor, regardless of party, would go on offense, big time. Well....except for California sorry dude....hasn't that been exactly what has happened the last 2 years? Too bad pBills isn't here to take his medicine...that would have been fun.
  19. WTF do you think we do here? Do you think reading through all this pedantic tripe...would be fun, for anyone....if we couldn't make fun of obvious idiots? Most of the classic threads and lingo here come from that. Well, I bet if you rolled a die one day, and got a 3.5, you'd understand. Now, want me to be serious? Tell me how the history of the militant, well-funded LGBT community, proves they won't repeat it....WRT to suing people, churches, companies, Holy God( well, I tried), etc.? Or, would that be less than enjoyable for you?
  20. Seriously....WTF are you talking about? I promise to not make fun of you, or bring up anything just to piss you off, for the next 3 posts....if you can tell me what exactly you mean.
  21. Another reading comprehension FAIL, or are you just not paying attention? The reason my very real concern about the very real chance that very real lawyers will sue very real churches because they are paid by very real psychotics who are looking to punish church people, rather than compromising/working something out with them... ...is because they have already demonstrated that exact behavior WRT Scouting. The war is over, and the Scouts won. This already happened, but cost Scouting a schitload of money that I am certain could have gone to infinitely better use than paying lawyers. =============================================== Now, aside from that, I don't see you here much, so let me explain: I troll, hard. See that "Bills drafted 2 Eagle Scouts" story? LOlololololo-lolo-lah!. See the fun part is, stuff like that story just happens, it just comes to me....and I get to use it to bash fools. This has been happening for years....because their foolishness makes it inevitable. Right when I was about to bring up the Boy Scout thing anyway....boom, this story seemingly magically appears. Thank you Chris Brown. lol-lol-lol-lah-lah (If you have no idea why I am doing that,
  22. Awesome. In that one sentence you've demonstrated the reading comprehension skills of a 2nd grader. How many more times do I have to say "let's do this right, for once, and not leave the door open for the scumbags, on either side"? So you will be contributing to the legal defense? After all, it's no big deal, right? Be sure to show your work and give us dates and the amounts you will be sending in. While you're at it, I'm sure the Boy Scouts will be happy to have your regular donations, and you'll have to comfort of knowing that your are contributing to perhaps the single best thing we have to teach kids how to live. And, what do you know? Almost like it was made to order...a Bills story about scouting. It's almost like I brought up Scouting on purpose. But yeah, we haven't already seen the craven behavior of the LGBT psychotics when they cost Scouting millions of dollars in legal fees. We should just let them run wild. After all they have the right (to F with strangers). They won't do anything stupid....these are the people who are so smart and measured....they succeeded in getting 30 anti-gay marriage laws passed. Dude....enough already. This is ridiculous. They lost. (You lost?) Own it. They lost because they were the bigots here, by strict definition of the word. They were just as intolerant as any zealot out there. They were unreasonable, and decided to make this a political issue instead of a fairness issue. Dumb move. IF you are still butt hurt about it. Fine. You should be. That's what you get when you go looking to F with people, instead of looking to solve problems. Own it and learn from it. If you are still having trouble with reading(remember, it is fundamental), note that I am also saying that the NC amendment is ALSO an example of looking to F with people, rather than solving problems.
  23. Yeah....who sued the Boy Scouts? Boogeymen? Or scumbag lawyers working for scumbags forcing their LGBT agenda on 12-18 year-olds? HEY PPP! Look: a lawyer is trying to tell us that lawyers won't sue somebody unless they have a legit case. Anyone wanna take a bet that is predicated on "lawyers won't sue"? :lol: Look, I get it, gay people just want to get married and go home. What you don't get it is: Boy Scouts just want to go camping, and church people just want to go to church, without assclown lawyers harassing them. Perhaps you should be more focused on cleaning up the mess your profession causes on a daily basis, and dares to call a "cost of doing business", and less focused on this stuff? Seems like a better use of your time, and ours.
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