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Everything posted by OCinBuffalo

  1. Horseshit! First of all...you are basing your argument that Romney should stay away from/be critical of the last administration...on a guy who was a major part of the last administration? What if Romney was citing Powell, instead of Cheney? Would we say that Romney should distance himself from Powell/the last administration, by quoting Cheney? Second, Powell has been out of the limelight for quite a while now, and, clearly, he still has axes to grind with the neo-cons(again, largely Jewish ex-Democrats, who find themselves suddenly in the Republican party, despite being big-government people, directly due to their ex-party's weakness on foreign policy ). Finally, if there ever was a man with egg on his face, it is Colin Powell. Turning his back on his people, and going "all in" for Obama? Where does Powell go after endorsing Obama, only to have Obama fail miserably, especially on one foreign policy issue after the next? I wonder why no one at MSNBC asked Powell to describe Obama's foreign policy team? Answer: Because Tim Russert was the last competent interviewer NBC had. Hannity is a hack...but at least he is a competent interviewer. Come on, this is retarded. Powell is desperately trying to extricate himself...but he is trying to do so somewhat honorably. So where does Powell go now? Hint: the bar, the bottom of the ocean, the F'ing South Pole? No. He goes on TV, under the auspices that his endorsement means something...merely because he hasn't made it yet. Horseshit! This is analysis is also retarded. Colin Powell is only behind Colin Powell. He is trying to resurrect his severely tarnished image as a guy who knows something about foreign policy....by demanding that we ignore it? Powell wants us to focus on our problems at home. Why? Because he's the turd that endorsed a bigger turd, and saw that big turd go on to FAIL repeatedly at the very thing Powell is supposed to be an expert on. The less we talk foreign policy the less Powell looks like an unmitigated moron. Windows are less transparent, and Powell couldn't care less about Obama. Why should he care about the guy that made him look so foolish? Horseshit! Again, retarded. And, further confirmation of LABillz's "I'm a moderate independent now that I realize just how stupid I was for trading the stable milk cow that was Hillary, for the 3 magic beans that are Obama, and I sure as hell don't want anybody to know about it" theory. As if there is any chance you would be pulling a lever for Romney. Please. We've gone from wishful thinking to delusion already? Man, I thought it would take longer. Yeah..."Look at me! Romney better be careful or he might just lose my vote. You should think about whether Romney = Bush, too, for a while...when you have time". Again, windows, transparent, etc. Phonies don't do well on this board. Wise up.
  2. Careful tool. I doubt you want my attention that badly.
  3. That's the suck part of these maps. You can't see what they had 2 months ago, short of a screen cap and a save, etc. It's not like it would be that hard to do history on this. Oh absolutely. I am sure there is some October surprise waiting. Someone in the media will be unable to resist the combination of wishful thinking and "doing their duty for the cause"...and their career will be over soon after. Yep. There's no doubt that Dan Rather's example will be ignored. The temptation to be "the guy that killed Romney" will make somebody try to fill that inside straight with 2 cards left in the deck. Love those guys. Have paid for entire weekends on those guys. 60%? That's where the Intrade money is right now. I'd say that's about right. But, its a very weak 60. I'd say that Romney can knock that down to 52 with ease. It's the last 2-4 points that are going to take the hard digging. Edit: If we were betting football, then the economy is like "Drew Brees is hurt now, but will he come back for the last 6 games, or only the last 2?" Obviously action on the Saints swings wildly due to the answer to that question. However, if the number of undecideds continue to grow? Then forget it. Or, I wouldn't put my money anywhere near Obama if, in September, there are 10+% undecided in states like MI, WI, PA, etc.
  4. Given that we are this far out, and there are this many swing states defined as such? Yeah, I'd say it's pretty safe to say that a lot of them will be moving towards Romney. If you pay attention to Dick Morris, he thinks that it will be a Romney blow out. His reasoning is simple: if you ask someone "will you be married to your spouse in November?" and they say they're undecided...then the real answer is no. The number of undecided is probably why MI is now grey, rather than the differential. Just a theory: a significant # of undecided are made up of Obama voters with buyer's remorse....that don't want to tell some stranger on a phone that they made a mistake. Saying Undecided is easier. However, per Morris, nobody will be looking when they pull the lever in November.
  5. I pretty much check that 3 times a week. I only noticed it today because of the >> next to Michigan. That's because I never even look at Michigan, because it's been blue since forever. I think that >> means they flipped it recently. There must be a reason, and yeah, I clicked on it to see the polls too. I dunno, but it's not like RCP is partisan. There has to be a good reason they would move MI. Well, that's like saying Obama loses if he doesn't keep PA. There are 0 paths to victory without it...including Obama winning Florida. Check it out: Obama: FL, NV, NM, MI, WI, IA = 268 Romney: PA, IN, OH, NH, VA, NC, CO = 270 Suddenly that coal state thing that B-Man is talking about doesn't look that off.
  6. Has made it to wiki Answers I don't know how/who/where this "theory" got started, but it's hysterical. Apparently, according to Tom, there are some group of people, who believe that this means that gay people can "reproduce". It's a simple process, if a gay guy injects his partner with enough...gay genes, and if that partner was to have sex with a woman...then the result of that coupling would most likely be gay. Gay gene therapy? Where are the doctors here on this? But the best part, imo: if you believe this, then, aren't you also saying that being gay...is genetic? Oops. Hehe...for those of you waiting patiently for me to bash the far right....here is the ultimate "far right idiots unintentionally Fing themselves over" example. Enjoy. The stupidity of this is astounding. And yeah, for those of you keeping score at home, I find this every bit as hysterical as when the far-left does it.
  7. Wisconsin is now tied...and the Walker recall FAIL could put Obama down 4-5 points. Nice work, guys. When is the last time a Republican won Wisconsin? 1984. When he won every state but Minnesota. But yeah..."nothing to see here, Romney has a narrow electoral scenario, if he isn't already demographically done" blah, blah blah blah... If Obama can lose Wisconsin.... he can lose Iowa and Minnesota too. Now the wishful thinking is in full force. We will have to endure it, until the hysterical, not bitter, end. Edit: and this was before I looked at the RCP electoral map today.... See Michigan? Yeah...today is the first day it has been greyed. It was blue or light blue since the inauguration. This is really amazing. When I first started checking this thing....it was Obama 292...vs ? 120 with tossups. Now? It's down to Obama 227. When was the last time that MI, IA, WI were all grey at the same time? Not during the Bush or Clinton years. Again, we have to go back to Reagan. Welcome to the Obama campaign....where Jimmy Carter's electoral position is preferable, because Walter Mondale's is possible Now, leftists...take a look at that map, click on it again. "See Larry? This is what happens, Larry. This is what happens when you let a stranger represent your ass." Still think "When you want something done right, put the far left in charge of doing the opposite" is wrong? How about now?
  8. I can guarantee that the blue collar people I work with every day....do not require or desire you, and your ridiculous thinking, speaking for them. You aren't sticking up for them, you are insulting them with your patronization. You don't see the distinction, because you have no business experience, or blue collar industry experience, whatsoever. When was the last time you even spoke with a janitor....not in Denny's, and not for a whole 30 minutes? (<--refers to a PPP long standing meme/joke that comes from the last time we had a patronizing college kid pretending to stick up/speak for poor people, because he talked to one in Denny's...one time. You, like good old bildo, are too blinded by your own need to feel morally superior....to see that you are actually being morally vacuous.) I was a soldier, and I have done more roofing, carpentry, plumbing, painting, wallpapering, etc. with both sides of my family than you can possibly imagine. So what? None/little of that taught me a single thing about the experiences of unskilled, or low-skilled laborers, their organizational viewpoints, or more importantly, the mindset that they have about their role(s). It wasn't until I worked with them every day, and focused specifically on first understanding them and their jobs, for YEARS, and then making their job, and their boss's job, smarter/easier, that I gained the understanding I have now. You, and Chomsky, are the perfect example of the "revolutionary who sees his people parading by...but must find out where they are going...so that he can lead them" You have no idea where they are going, or why, yet you think you know better than everyone involved, while being completely uninvolved personally...and want our respect because you are sticking up for people you never work/speak with? Like I said: naive. Not unintelligent, or uninterested. You are simply naive.
  9. The Bucs version of TBD looks to be largely done with the guy. Nobody calling it a bad move....mostly concerned that Dallas Clark would have been a "lateral move"....or fear that the guy they have on the roster is unproven, and is now the only option. But even that doesn't warrant keeping Winslow according to them. However, one poster in particular explained that the kind of O they run means TE is the 5th option. That may be a reason why they don't care. Based on that thread....I'm glad we passed, and, I'm glad we passed on Clark as well. We already have our ball catching TE/slot/big possession WR role filled nicely be David Nelson. Scott Chandler does such a good job blocking....that bringing him in the game doesn't tip off run/pass. Between these 2, Smith, and whoever the 3rd TE ends up being...we have all the bases covered barring 2 of them getting hurt. So, I'm just fine with where we are.
  10. I'll remember that the next time any historical anything comes up. "Tom is not great, therefore it is reasonable to conclude that his command of these historical events can and should be questioned." We'll see how far that gets. Speaking of that, let's talk Civil War, shall we? I mean, it's not like this thread is going anywhere. Longstreet goes to the west: whose idea do you think it was it, really?
  11. Do you recognize that the operative word here is Choices? You believe that making an immediate choice for an unskilled, untrained, uneducated worker, to take a crap job to feed his family is an irreversible, irrevocable choice. It is not. For every example you give, I can give you 5 examples like Andrew Carnegie Making a choice to do a crap job now, does not condemn you to 50+ years of staying in that job. Especially when there are ALREADY a ton of government programs to help you move out of that job and into a better one. But, that comes back to choices again. You have to make good choices, and work hard, to take advantage of the government-generated opportunity. After reading through the above, here's what I now know: you've never worked a day in a blue-collar job with blue-collar people. You have no idea what they think or why. All you have are the naive, theoretical, assumptions of a person whose never been dirty in their lives. In contrast, I have been up to my armpits in raw sewage......because I needed system requirements from the guys that do that. I have worked with blue collar people as a laborer, a supervisor, a consultant, and I have advised at every level of their management. I have worked with every size company in traditional blue collar businesses, and in 4 different industries. Benefit from my experience: maybe, maybe 20% of the people in the jobs you disdain so much are looking to move up....the rest have chosen where they are, with eyes open and on purpose. Here's all you need to see: go to your local county highway department at 3:25 pm. When the clock strikes 3:31, watch them race out of the parking lot....to the local bar. It's like the Daytona...2 minutes...as I was proudly told by said highway people "He has the record for the fastest time...2 minutes ". Now, take care to measure who and how many of them end up in that bar, so that we know that this is in fact the norm, not an outlier. Go ahead and observe this at whatever county highway department/traditional blue collar gig in the country...except the ones in dry counties. Now, who exactly is oppressing these people? Who is forcing them into these choices? They could make other choices, like going to an afternoon/night class, but for some people, they KNOW that this is the job that = their ability and expectations, and God Forbid, they are fine with it. See, and here's the best part = This is NOT judgement, it is merely statement of fact. I know the mindset so well that I can effectively argue both for and against the choice of going to the bar. You can do neither. In fact, you are inadvertently judging these people as having "poor lives". Mosy on into that blue collar bar...and tell them that they shouldn't be happy with their choices/they've chosen poorly. But, tell me before you do, so I can watch what happens to you. And, don't worry, I'll help you find your teeth and drive you to the hospital. And, what happens to the VC who consistently makes bad choices? What happens to the normative "average person"....who consistently makes bad choices? What happens to the person who understands their limitations, accepts them, and makes the best of what they have? Answer: they are are lot happier than the average person, and they don't appreciate being judged by a clown whose never walked a step in their work boots edit:.....and prefers to think of them as widgets in a misguided economic model, rather than as human beings who work hard and take pride in it.
  12. Based on that sentence? Plenty.
  13. Or more accurately, "everyone but Tom...and whoever is sucking up to Tom, in any given thread".
  14. Alright. I'll admit that I had to look up sinecure....anybody else?
  15. My mistake. I shouldn't try to do 3 things at once. I keep learning that lesson the hard way. I'll just cut and paste that the next time somebody says the TEA party is dead.
  16. Couldn't have said it better. There are massive design flaws. These aren't "bugs" that can be fixed. These are design flaws. We throw out flawed designs, we don't try to patch them. The entire city of Philadelphia needs a giant B word slap. Seriously. And right after, words to the effect of "You are not ever going to be NYC. Get over it. Stop looking to them for what to do next in...every...single...aspect...of your silly lives". Philly is NYC's insecure younger sibling, and that insecurity is out of hand. If NYC passed a "we walk with thumb in ass on Wednesday's, but only on odd # streets", Philly would begin looking into that the next day, and have the same ordinance passed the following week. Philly is a mess made worse by endlessly trying to copy NYC. Philly is badly in need of its own ideas, but first, it needs its own identity restored.
  17. The TEA party has "died" so many times on this board. The zombie TEA Party? Rasputin TEA Party? More likely, people still don't understand the TEA party. It doesn't fit into the blatant lies that they have been told, and accepted , about it. Or, it doesn't fit into the lies they have told themselves about it. It simply isn't structured in a way some can understand(not top-down). Their ASSumption is: If there isn't a Dear Leader speaking on its behalf at least once a week....that means its dead. It's a horrible ASSumption, because unlike a normal political party, the TEA party has no real interest in the LAMP/individual gain factor. They are about political action, period. If Palin wants to get up and talk TEA party, she can, nobody is stopping her, and as long it is accurate, so be it. But that doesn't mean she leads the TEA party, or even speaks for it. Therefore, if Palin is absent, as she has been recently, from the media...that does NOT mean the TEA party is dead. Get it? Probably not. Therefore, the TEA party keeps behaving in a way that continues to defy the predictions of those that are clueless about it. Then, they sit there dumbfounded when it strikes "out of nowhere"...when in truth, those of us who are capable of understanding it, were expecting it.
  18. Over generalization is a valid point in this case. We can't transpose this behavior onto every public school teacher. However, we can observe the results. Will she be fired? This is after all gross incompetence. If not, why not? Could it be due to the undue influence unions have on our public school systems? Your point about private and public is well taken. I think we should continue to encourage both...as long as the playing field is level for both. You can't call something competition...that isn't.
  19. "As a social studies teacher, I cannot allow you to slander any President" And yes, she gets to wear a badge too. If "telling the truth about" = "slander", what happens when James Buchanan's name comes up? Or Franklin Pierce? For a black woman? (I am making the same face I usually do when I read a DiN post) We can't tell the truth about Presidents who oversaw the expansion of slavery? See, I am sitting here thinking of what I would have done to this lady in that class, like the above...and if youtube had been around at the time? This is completely unacceptable. Not only isn't she teaching, she's spreading falsehoods.
  20. Yes, they do. Now tell me whether any single action Iran has taken for the last 30 years...isn't geared towards bringing about a world war. We have been involved in war after war....because Europe is both morally and financially bankrupt. Who else is going to do the military work that needs to be done? You are blaming us for being the only option the world has. Ludicrous. Don't get caught in this Euro-trap. Their argument is based solely on their insecurity and cowardice. Yes, the 10ks of good things we have done for the world, in only 200 years...are wiped out by a single act of misguided paranoia. Jesus....get some perspective. Because no one else is responsible for the world's security. I've said many times: don't talk to me about how great Germany is...until they start paying for their own defense. No, you are odd because you insist on ignoring most of the facts surrounding this situation. I could easily arrive at the same conclusions you have, if I was to ignore what you have. In fact, you are less odd....than intellectually lazy. No one doubts your experience with the Israelis. In fact, just the opposite. You simply have it backwards. I'm pretty sure most of us want to hear what happened. I am a sucker for primary source material. But, give us the facts first. Then, we can move on to conclusions. You are doing the exact opposite. In all cases, your experience with the Israelis is not the be-all end-all. Both you and I must consider this country's experience with Iran as well.
  21. There has been 1(one), maybe 2(two), knock down, drag out abortion thread since I have been here....and the one I recall wasn't even started intentionally.
  22. I can only base my belief on the information I have. If you want me to change my beliefs, introduce new information that proves this is not what the Iranian regime espouses, and had espoused for 30 years at least. Do not tell me that I haven't read/seen what I have seen, or that I don't understand. Where's the ambiguity in "we want the end of the world to arrive so that the Maudi comes and takes control of the 'Muslim armies'"? Alexander the Great? The Persian Empire? The Kaiser used chemical weapons ...does that mean Germany is developing a NBC weapon right now? What? Didn't these guys create a lot of weapons and both literally dominate the known world, never mind set themselves up for it? Now, if you were to be dominated by anybody....give our history with Japan/Germany....wouldn't your rather it be the USA? I don't know, in your case, perhaps you'd rather be dominated by Joy Behar? Oh, and the Chinese and Russians are apparently not the reason why we have so many nukes. Yeah, we just built all of them on our own...because we like them, and nobody in the free press that we have, and they don't, would ever write a story about us having 100s of nukes we didn't need. Ok...so why should we allow people who wish/pray for a world war....to have a nuclear weapon? How does that = defending themselves? ' Where's the defense in..."we have to start a world war so that the Maudi will show up and win it for us"?
  23. I'd say it's less about the right leaning people being proven right, as it has been about the both the reasonable, and psychotic, left leaning people being proven wrong. Sure, some of it does have to do with how effective some of us can be in verbally tearing into somebody. But, it was never bullying. Instead, it was the bully getting his ass kicked. I am not lying when I say: in one day I literally counted 20 new BushBad threads. That was the same day I asked: "How is Bush a complete idiot, and, a great liar, at the same time? " (See Bully, Ass Kicked) And, that was also right around the time the 3.5 thread started, IIRC, along with the ass starting to fall out of the AGW "science". Also, many of us demonstrated that we simply didn't care how many times you called us "racist"....you were still wrong. That ended around the same time too. With all of these losses, stacked up like Newark Airport on a Friday....it became a lot easier to mock these people. (Well, for some of us. I have mocked people here since PPP post #1...look it up ) You couldn't just come here for liberal affirmation any more.
  24. Which country on the earth is using a contested prophecy from the Old Testament to justify its pursuit of nuclear weapons? Which one, is using an Old Testament prophecy that is specific about bringing about, if not the end of the world, a major world war? Your comparison is ludicrous. Nobody's entire foreign and domestic policy is predicated on instigating the fulfillment of a friggin prophecy....of all things, except Iran's. The only thing you will be doing in this thread is taking a beating, from me, just like last time.
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