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Everything posted by OCinBuffalo

  1. Brandon does stuff like this. Buddy does football. Solved. (And, if we can get Brandon to ease up on the tailgate harassment, and Buddy to win some games...then we'd really be firing on all cylinders.)
  2. Hehe. I just finish a long day of IT stupidity....only to see more. Apparently none of these clowns have heard of OpenPBX. Or a friggin proxy server. Or a web service. I say: go ahead, idiots. Make me a billionaire. I know exactly how I'd "technologically advance" in response to this silliness, and it wouldn't merely be with OpenPBX stuff. Suddenly people would know what a "reverse-proxy" and a "micro-exchange" were. Or, actually, they wouldn't. They wouldn't care how, as long as they could pay us $2-10/mo to get around the taxes and/or get the content they can't get in their country. Hehe...if they do this, we should start PPP Communications. It would be hysterical. We could run the whole thing out of a thread. What do you say dev/null? Or, anybody else who wants to have a little fun, and make a lot of money, at Europissant expense? We will put MDP in charge of dealing with the UN...." ". They will start paying us, just to keep from having to deal with him again. All goofing aside: Sooner or later, the lesson that we "technologically advance" much faster than they can write laws, will be learned. And, even if we didn't, we can "technologically advance" around, over, etc. these laws. That's why "long-shot" is exactly right. Lawyers is how you did things....last century. They have no shot, really, at being the arbiters of how things go on the internet.
  3. Yeah, that's what I said. I fear Congress, and the type of staff that writes 2000 page laws, and thinks "we should pass it, so that we can find out what's in it" is a good thing to say, will always be with us. However, I highly doubt all of Medicare's 100k+ employees will be.
  4. The bottom line is: IT will replace mindless activity in the public sector sooner, rather than later....just as it has in the private sector. This is because states must now cut cost/spending in order to survive, like the private sector does. Make work jobs are no longer a cost effective way for those on the left to gain power/reward supporters. The benefits those jobs pay are simply too expensive to justify. And, as this happens, people will realize that there's no point in moving $1 to DC, just to have .60 return, when DC doesn't add any value for the .40 it keeps or sends elsewhere. It's trickle down government, and it's days are numbered. We are seeing an object lesson in this be expressed in the type of IT systems that are successfully deployed. It's only a matter of time until this shifts to politics, and becomes the standard there as well.
  5. Blow it out your ass. You simply know I'm right, and you don't like it. Not really. Ok, Ok, I will shorten it a little for Buftex(mostly so she has to read it again, and realize I'm right, again): The fastest I can say it: decentralized workflow and integration, and the importance of each in today's business climate, are forcing decentralization upon all of us, whether we are aware of it or not. This will color our thinking politically, whether we wish it to or not. The success of these approaches, compared with that of "Mainframe thinking", is undeniable. Sooner or later, this will cause a paradigm shift leading us away from centralized approaches in government. We keep seeing decentralized approaches in IT leave centralized ones in the dust. Iphone > Blackberry. This is why things like: "how many public workers should we hire via massive swings at the Federal level?" "the demographics in the Southwest, and in states like North Carolina, means that things will be stacked for Democrats" will soon be irrelevant.
  6. Just to bring this full circle: Barry Sanders is the reason Thurman Thomas, and his hurt knee, decided to declare for the draft early...because he doubted he could Sanders on the bench at OK State. The knee is why Thomas was a 2nd rounder. Ergo, Barry Sanders is why TT became a Bill. Ralph said "Life's a gamble" and took him.
  7. Ok, how about we go with mentally weak...as in drop the hold on a critical FG...mentally weak? Or in both their case, make the super-hero off the back foot throw...when nobody is within 5 yards...to the other team , because "I gotta make a play"? Mentally weak...dimwit....you make the call.
  8. Obama has been talking "teachers, firemen, and police" again. The fundamental flaw here is the assumption that "hiring public workers" as some macroeconomic wave....is the solution to anything. It's no more of a solution than laying off large swaths of workers. In either case, you have no idea what the effect will be on each community, whether it will help, and therefore, have no idea of whether it will be effective politically. It is the notion that all of this can be centrally planned that is the ultimate fallacy here. I want less government, not because I hate public employes, but because the scope of government is out of control, and they have no way to do what they are being asked. These big government concepts fail not for lack of trying, and certainly not for lack of money, or noble ideas. They fail because they are designed poorly. Period. They fail because we are better served letting local people make local decisions, and only having an escalation system in place for when things go bad. Why is the decision on whether an 80 year old gets a new knee, something that concerns the Federal government? The Federal government has to make decisions about war, peace and international affairs.....and Mrs. Smith's knee? How in the hell are they supposed to take each case seriously enough and get all the facts to make that decision? Answer: they can't and they don't. Instead, they create a nameless, faceless centralized system whose only priority is making the impossible job they have, a little easier for them. But ultimately, it fails all of us, and them. This debate is already over, it's just that the less-informed, or less insightful, don't know it yet. That's why these questions ultimately won't matter. Here's why macroeconomic waves of hiring/firing public workers as a "solution" is doomed: De-centralization of government is the future. How do I know? Because of IT. For the relevant person, by that I mean: likely voter, our national viewpoint is being shaped by how IT is being used to decentralize our work and decision making. Don't waste time arguing. This is fact. And no amount of cherry picking "the cloud" or "the Internet is just a giant mainframe" arguments invalidates the fact that IT is decentralizing our work, and has been since the advent of client-server and tiered architecture. In fact, those that would argue for centralization, merely don't understand the internet...at least not from a technical/organizational theory/philosophical standpoint. They may understand how to use email, or a message board... Whichever party, or politician, understands that IT is creating an unstoppable, new, decentralized reality...first, will benefit. Those that don't will be burned. Example: Legions of illegal immigrants being turned into citizens...will not save the Democratic party as long as they remain committed to centralized systems. That's because: immigrants use IPhones and Droids too. Silly Far-Left people, you don't see that, do you? In fact, I doubt you can even comprehend it. Immigrants want the same thing we all want: things to operate in a way they can understand, quickly, and without hassle..and without things they don't need/care about. Now take any Federal government work product, in any Department...and judge it by that standard. Yeah, Epic...FAIL. Some things will always be centralized, like national security. But for everything else: the countdown has begun. Silly Democrats taking about demographics? That's like Blackberry marketing people talking about why the IPhone won't kick their ass...because of the "loyalty" of their users to the Blackberry "brand", "concept"...and their unwillingness to demand more than a centralized text messaging system and/or centralized "features for all". We saw how that worked.
  9. You are obviously not worried about content either...as you are now ducking me in this thread. Got any more hysterical jokes for us? That....aren't distinguishable as jokes...until you tell us they are? This is half right. Obama knew, hell we all knew, that Barrett was a lost cause. In fact, when this whole Wisconsin nonsense started, I correctly predicted that the government labor unions were playing with nuclear weapons, never mind fire, and that their best course would be to make massive concessions, ride out the storm, and know that when good economic times return, they could return to demanding largess. Instead they chose....poorly. The did the exact opposite, and now they have given away their prized possessions and best weapons: public good will and an implied doom for any politician who would dare challenge them. They lost the PR battle with their televised a-hole behavior, and, a politician just stood up to them and kicked their asses, providing an example for all others. They got NOTHING in return. This was a massively stupid choice, to the point that collective bargaining wasn't even a viable campaign issue by the time the election happened. Now, it's open season on them, in every state, except California. Also, as I predicted word for word. Look no farther than New York I don't know about whether Obama being there would have helped or hurt. Right now he's got a bigger "out of touch" problem than Romeny does. See "the private sector is fine". He has been nothing other than "campaigner in chief" his whole presidency...so why stop now? At least if he showed up, the unions would know, the far left would know, that he was there for them. Now? It's ? Given Obama's "gin up the base/divide and conquer" strategy elsewhere, I don't see how not showing up in Wisconsin fits with that. Unfortunately, I do see how it fits with the "Obama is too good to be associated with FAIL" thinking that is clouding the left's ability to make sound political decisions. As far as the exit polls: I doubt exit polls that had Barrett winning, or Walker only up by 2....can be trusted to have Obama up by 7. Up by 2 or so, I could believe, but up by 7 is retarded. Period. It's intellectually dishonest to pretend that those polls weren't seriously flawed.
  10. Yes, J-mo is the idiot here. He just poked 2 holes in Marxism you can't plug. That's because, like with my sales guy hole, your...misguided(I'm feeling nice)...assumption is that all labor is the same. It is not. You cannot macroeconomically define labor...and have that definition hold up in the real world. And that is the real fallacy here. 10% "interest" on your labor, is worth a lot less than 10% on mine. I guarantee it. Labor is not a homogenous commodity any more than management, or ownership is. Proof: Who would you rather have as an owner of the Bills? Dan Snyder(Redskins), or Bob Kraft(Patriots)? Does Bob's team have to suffer because of the idiot decisions made by Dan? No, and that is as it must be. Treating the 3 as though they are the same every time and always will be in every respect, merely betrays the childlike simplicity with which Marx and Engels treated economics, government, and human beings in general. Human beings aren't worse or better than these simplified assumptions. They are simply more complicated than these assumptions allow. And, therefore, more complicated at a granular level, than a "one-size-fits-all" centralized system will allow. What if both Dan and Bob are sitting on a government health care committee, that makes all those decisions, and their votes count the same? In your childish world, all of us, including Bob, have to suffer the Dan Snyder Idiot consequences. Bob gets blamed for Dan's incompetence, and can't do what he knows is right because of it? That's not fair to anybody, including Dan. Dan will never learn from his mistakes. "But..but...but" that is, by definition, your DEMOCRATIC..."solution" in action...is it not? Moron If we can't even assume that owners are the same...how in the hell is management the same? Look. At. The. Bills. Now. Idiot. And, for labor, is Donte Whitner the same as George Wilson? For you to be right, they must be. They are not, and therefore, you must be wrong. Unfortunately, it took the rise and fall of these childish ideas, with incalculable costs = more deaths than religion has caused, to prove that they are fundamentally flawed.
  11. I don't know about this...I'm thinking that this might set up a classic thread sooner or later. Patience.
  12. Oh yeah...the "Republicans want to keep people from making good money"....that was a hysterical...joke. You should think about Vegas with this act... Please.
  13. You will not find a bigger proponent of the concept that both Tony Romo, and Mark Sanchez, are choke artists that have been over-hyped by ESPN, than me. IMO, the reason for the hype is primarily due to ESPN's marketing strategy. Telling a lot of people what they want to hear is a good way to make money. However, I've never seen either one's mechanics be the reason why they choke. No. They've been mechanically perfect...throwing balls into the other team's chest in the 4th quarter. Romo/Sanchez's problem is that they are dimwits, who aren't good at looking off, who've had the benefit of a great O line for their entire career, and largely a defense that gives them the ball a lot, which has made them look a hell of a lot better than they are. When the game is on the line, when the O and D lines aren't enough, and you ask either to carry their team? They can't. And most of the time, they massively hurt their team when they try. However, all that has little to do with mechanics. On the flip side, I have seen Fitz do things that were mechanically unsound from day one. We know Lee is a good coach, as evidenced by the bidding war for his services, and, we know that Fitz has been mechanically...goofy at times. No guarantees, but certainly we are on the right track. I don't see how this makes Fitz worse or the same. It will make him better. How much? Who knows?
  14. Back shoulder to a speedster like Graham is deadly. The DB has to respect the speed, stay back, and not let Graham get behind him. There's simply not enough time to recover and get to the space on a pass that's intentionally thrown behind Graham. The best part about it: you can see it 1000 times on tape, and know it's coming, but there's little you can do about it, because you still have to respect the speed. That's how we neutralize Cromartie, for example, assuming Revis is on Stevie. The key is that Graham has to do his job, and be convincing that he is really on a "go" route, every time. It's like a pitcher who tips off his curve ball. If the throwing motion isn't identical to a fastball, you are in trouble. Part of that is Graham not having to worry about where the ball will be. If he has to cheat, and turns around early, because the ball is never in the same spot and he always has to adjust, then this can go from deadly to stupid very quick.
  15. Exactly. As much as I don't want to, I feel compelled to come back and see what else posters have come up with. I still vote for The Tommyknockers.
  16. This is the point that is continually being missed, along with a few others. Perhaps I should try to save us the trouble? THERE IS A #2 WR ON THIS ROSTER, RIGHT NOW. There's also a good #3 in Nelson, and a good #4 as well. The best part is: we DON"T know, and I don't want to know, who that is yet. Hell, I want Stevie to not know if he's the #1. Given this team's recent past, I want EVERYBODY to be pushed and get better as a result. This isn't the bad old days, where we are hoping that the 7th round/UDFA comes in and makes themselves into a steal. We did that already, with Nelson and Johnson. Now we've got at least 5 decent players attempting to secure 1 spot. And, the largest point that is being missed: we have 2 RBs who will be moving out to claim one or both the #2 and #4 WR spots, at least 30% of the time. Never mind the TE play we got last year. And, never mind the H-back play we are getting from Dorin Dickerson.<-- That's a huge factor as well, because it confuses the D further. Look, this isn't 2005, and we aren't running a highschool JV offense anymore, where lacking a #2 WR compliment to Lee Evans is a huge problem, and with Josh "no hands" Reed in the slot. It's no surprise, that the media, and some posters, haven't caught up to this reality. This O relies on 4-5 weapons on the field at any given time, and 7-8 in total. Therefore, the #2 WR is barely more important than the #5.
  17. People, be they women or men, that instigate so much nonsense that a fight becomes necessary...have no honor. So, there's nothing to defend. For every woman that I've seen do what you are saying, and yeah, I've seen it a lot, I've seen a man do it too. Being a douchebag, whose mouth is writing checks their ass can't cash, is = opportunity. Especially when the douchebag knows they have fierce people who will back them up without having all the information first. IF it was me, and IF your scenario is how it is, then I let the woman twist in the wind....for a least a little while. How else are they going to learn? If you reinforce their bad behavior, by fighting, all you are doing is bringing their dishonor onto yourself, and they will do it next time. Or, IF some dude is so insecure, and so lame, that he is looking for fights as a way to prove himself to the woman...because he hasn't found any other ways of doing it.... Then, he's weak. Sooner or later, the weak always "suffer what they must". Now, on the flip side, I've been and seen the stranger, who walks into the bar, isn't looking for trouble, get approached by a woman who has a boyfriend, but she never says a word about it/lies when asked. Then, 20 minutes later, all hell breaks loose. The slut has no honor, so, again, what is there to defend? IF she had honor, she would be honest with both herself and her boyfriend, and break up with him. But, instead, many of these women are weak, don't have the guts to do what is right, and want to play horse trader. What they don't know, is sooner or later they are going to make a bad trade, and the consequences of that are much worse than a bar fight. If anyone is going to get angry, get angry at these kind of women, and ignore the guy. Nothing says "you don't matter"...like ignore. Better still, dump their asses now, teach them the lesson now, and free yourself from all of it.
  18. To the tower! To the Tower! Rapunzel!
  19. The Romney Campaign is showing it's considerable ability again: with this brutally poignant speech. I mean seriously WTF was Obama thinking? And Romney's response makes him sound...incredulous. Romney sounds like a real person, not a plastic politician. This helps Romney big time, as he has sounded plastic, to me, lots of times in the past. With this, because it's so ridiculous, he gets to drop his shoulders and sounds no different than if he was sitting in a meeting room. The only problem with this is: it was so bad, that Congressional Republicans couldn't get to the microphones fast enough. They may have inadvertently stepped on Romney's response with their own. They are going to have to remember that they aren't fighting Obama on their own anymore. They now have a new weapon in Romney, and they need to get out of the way and use it more often. But, I'm being picky here. The very last thing Democrats want is giving reasons for Republicans to be tripping over each other on their way to the news conference. It's all bad for Obama, and who says it first may not ultimately matter. Unforced error for Obama? I don't think so. You have to know the game, you have to know the rules, be skilled in it, and have actually played the game....to make unforced errors in it. Or for somebody to consider it to be an unforced error. I don't see it that way. Rather, it's more like watching a new kid try to play lacrosse = staring into his stick, trying to keep he ball in there as he runs....and then boom, somebody decks him. That's not an unforced error. That's getting rocked, because you don't have the first clue what you are doing. Please spare us the distortion and non-fact. The reason those "compromises" were in there was Rahm Emanuel, and Democratic Senators, were trying desperately to save the jobs of all the moderate Democrats they had just spent the last 6-7 years getting elected. Emanuel knew, and correctly stated, that going after those people for NOT supporting the stimulus without tax cuts, and opposing the public option, was stupid. Specifically, he called the people that wanted to do it: F'ing Retarded. Republicans were out of power, completely, the first 2 years. The moderate Democrats were the ones demanding compromises, and, in a lot of cases(cough, Nebraska, cough) demanding outright payoffs(cough, paying less for medicare, Obamacare exemptions, cough). So again, spare us the BS. You have your cause and effect screwed up here. It was only AFTER all this happened, that Sen. Mitch McConnell said that the #1 priority was defeating President Obama. That was the EFFECT. The CAUSE of that...was the disgraceful and shameless way in which Obamacare was bribed into passing. That, and a laundry list of other abuses and schit-talking("back of the bus") is why Republicans went from "how do we work with this guy", to, "how do we get rid of this guy". Obama has made his bed, by schitting in it, and now he, and the rest of the Democratic party have to sleep in it. Enjoy!
  20. Sanjay LOL. Sanjay Lulz Cansay Lol. Bills Fansay lol.
  21. I would think Indy would be first on that list. Who do they have at WR? And, who cares if he messes with a rookie QB? The rookie is supposedly physically awesome, intangibly awesome too, so why would 85 be able to mess with his head? Meanwhile, Indy could use something to help them, as most people have them being a cellar dweller. Do they have cap problems? Even so, after the trade being passed on by everybody, they could sign 85 for league minimum. That Schefter would put us on this list...goes to the fact that most of the media doesn't really understand what is going on in Buffalo. And, I'd be just fine with keeping it that way.
  22. Wait....so taxing something....produces less of it? But, then wouldn't raising capital gains taxes....produce less investment? Oh, that's right, this only works for smoking...and not any other form of human behavior. Because...smoking is bad, mmkay?
  23. This post is way too long for anybody to read. But yet...has value. Amazing. And for LA, tell your relatives that Dan Rather called, and wants to talk about the future of the internet.
  24. My question for this Danish guy, not Dutch guy, who did this video: Would you rather we tell the truth? Would you rather we say: your country is irrelevant by itself, and only gains relevance when it joins the rest of the irrelevant countries and helps out with something the US is doing? Instead, Obama gives them the "here's your official membership in the Mickey Mouse club, now smile for the picture." Yeah, the using the same exact phrase part is stupid. He should at least be sincere, and find something country-specific when he hand them their official ID card for the club. Using the same exact phrase is like handing out cards that say "member" on them, rather than using their actual names. But, still...we are talking about the Mickey Mouse club here.
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