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Everything posted by OCinBuffalo

  1. Yes, I thought of disclaiming that, but then, since this is a thread about disclaimers...I thought that would be...ironic, to say the least.
  2. Dude...this is fun. Not serious. If it were serious, I'd ask you to turn in your TA card. Sure, client side scripting scales....like old people F.
  3. he'd be this guy. Why anybody who tells you to use node.js...is an idiotTM Sorry, but I couldn't help myself. First thing I thought of when I saw this.
  4. It's actually not that hard. It's an annoying PITA, because it will be a long post and not really worth my time to write it, or your time to read it, but I can do it.
  5. No, this is not a negative thread. Actually the diametric opposite. Let me explain. In every thread since the draft we find the obligatory "it's only on paper", "we have good parts, let's see if they work together", "I don't want to get too excited", "slow your roll", disclaimer posts, or defense mechanism posts, whatever. I'm talking EVERY SINGLE THREAD. It's as if there is some regulation somewhere, that requires these disclaimers, and some regulator, watching every thread to ensure they are present. Kinda like the small print on commercial that ends with "Not available in NY and CA". Therefore, in order to comply with this regulation posters seem compelled to insert these disclaimers: "Not valid until at least 8 weeks into the season". But, if we look, and I mean really look, at the team, the schedule, the way we played last year, who and how much was added vs lost, right now...are we being idiotsTM with these disclaimers? Or, rather, are we going to be saying "Why didn't we see 3-1, and then 6-2, and now 10-2 coming from a mile away? If another team had done what we'd did this off-season, we'd have picked them to win the SB, not just compete for the 6th seed." Are we so shell shocked/numbed due to the last 10 years(the last time we were GAed to have a shot at the wildcard in preseason) of awfulness, that we can't be objective about it? Understand, I'm not accusing anybody of anything, nor am I saying posters aren't justified in feeling any way they want. I think they've earned that. I just wonder, are we all, including me, being idiotsTM about this? 20 weeks from now will we be asking ourselves, WTF were we thinking?
  6. Put these 2 together and you get: James Walker has been calling the Bills his "sleeper pick for 2012" since FA. Talk about hedging bets. This way, we won't be the "surprise" team. He can disclaim us being better than his projections = sleeper, and he STILL doesn't have to actually come here and watch our camp or see any preseason games live. Surprise Definition: what some in sports media call a team who plays a lot better than they projected, because they actually didn't do any real analysis, interviews, or research on them. Used in a sentence: Marshall Faulk said the Bills are a surprise team.
  7. Edit: Damn TPS...beat me to it. That's what I get for not reading the whole thread. Well, anyway: Am I the only one(besides TPS) that, given the overall snarkiness of the article, and the wisecracks, etc., thinks that the Fitzgerald thing was done on purpose? Partially as a joke, and also as a way to drive up the traffic? I am certain that the media people who have said Fitz's name wrong have been reminded, repeatedly, by Bills fans. Why not this time, intentionally, give them another excuse to drive traffic off our boards to their site? I'd start doing it on purpose for another reason: as we've already seen above(Patrick Fitzryan, etc.)...this has meme potential. Example: Would anybody put it past Chris Berman to pick up on the Patick Ftizryan, Gerald Fitzpatrick, etc. thing, and make it his?
  8. Have you lived in Pittsburgh? I have lived in both for more than 2 years each. There's no comparison. Pittsburgh is far and away more racist than Buffalo. I can prove this if necessary.
  9. You know....that's the excuse. And, if you don't know anything about economics...or...if your name is Paul Krugman, and you think everybody but you is an idiot, you think this excuse will be effective. The problem for Krugman et al? They aren't as smart as they think. They expect people to say "No, it was too big." And then, we can have a fine game saying "too big/not big enough", with Krugman lining up his constituency on his side, and saying "well, I did win the Nobel Prize after all, so, obviously they are the idiots". But, we aren't that dumb. The problem with the stimulus was that it wasn't targeted properly. In fact it had no chance. A Keynesian like Krugman should know this. So, why doesn't he? BS. He does. The fact is that the "too big" thing is merely a distraction from incompetent, or intentionally corrupt, way it was done. You would think that a Keynesian would know how to implement a Keynesian stimulus properly. Krugman knows it wasn't done right. In fact, he knows that it was overburdened with the green, non-multiplier idiocy and payoffs for the various Democratic city machines. None of which hits on standard, well known multipliers that we've all heard about for years. But....saying it wasn't big enough, as in big enough to do a proper stimulus, AND, the green nonsense and payoffs...sounds better. See, that's the trap, they want us to say that multipliers never work...so they can haul out their cherry picked data that proves they do. The problem for Paul Krugman is that he just isn't that smart...in politics. He should stick to economics. His little trap is banal, to the point of hilarity. His "team" failed at running their own game plan. It's not like it isn't the same game plan they've been running for 60 years, so, it;s not like we don't know it.
  10. 1-4 are facts...no delusion. Now, I will grant you, the rest is grade a schit-talking...but...that is the point. In this thread. It's the best I can do...given what I have to work with here. Fair enough?
  11. When I was in Pittsburgh I: 1. Dated a girl whose parents had cancelled their season tickets because the Steelers "let a !@#$ play QB". Apparently they were not alone. The team tried to play it off as having a bad year, but according to her, 20k cancelled tickets can't be explained by a bad year. For the record, she was somewhat embarrassed by it, but not that much. 2. Saw a father of 3 young children swear at an Army level right in front of them and his wife, and the rest of us, during the entire game at Woodson's(Rod's restaurant) 3. watched nobody get anything done on Monday until after lunch during the season. 4. always enjoyed the tools attempting to give me crap about the lost SBs. I simply reminded them that we beat them, repeatedly, on the way to those lost SBs. In fact they were 1-3 against us during the SBs. And, in 1993, they lost a playoff game to us, at their place, by getting blown out...by Frank Reich...with Neil O'Donnell turning in perhaps the most pathetic playoff QB performance of all time. Steeler fans are a lot like Dolphin fans, in that they are on the wrong side of history in terms of our SBs. "Wanna know why Dan Marino doesn't have a ring, and only went to 1 SB? Answer: The Buffalo Bills". The best is when the Bills started to be less dominant, and the Steelers finally did get to a SB, they lost it too. The very best is that you can almost always count on a Steeler fan to set themselves up to beaten down this way. It's like asking a Pats fan: What happened in 1985? They never know the answer, and they sure as hell don't know who their QB was. Thread saved?
  12. That's debatable. Once upon a time, there were all kind of "horror stories" from charities...which is where this whole, "government can solve it" mess started. Unfortunately, there was a huge overreaction. Some people like to call it...the 60's. The question is: if a charity doesn't deliver uniform service to everyone, is that equitable? That's the fundamental argument for why the state should do something that charities do: everyone gets all services, with no string attached. That's the argument. I didn't say it wasn't retarded. Ultimately, government is best used the same way as duct tape is best used: something that gets the job done for right now.
  13. Provided that Obama's struggles and self-inflicted errors with: Jews Catholics under 25 voters(staying home) The Military White Working Class/Coal states(PA, OH, MI, IA....basically every state anywhere near Illinois see here. The Cheese, and Illinois, stands alone... ) Socially Conservative African Americans(staying home) Disillusioned/De-energized Union Voters basically, at least 60% percent of Likely Voters...don't cost him the election first. Latinos: the last refuge of the wishfully thinking Obama supporter. Edit: Well, perhaps the gay/college professor/"professional helper"/socialist votes...are worth throwing away the voters that build the Democratic Party(white working class), and are the only reason why they have been elected to anything...ever. Nah, who needs OH, PA, MI, IN, IA, VA, MO when you can have CO, NM, NV?
  14. It is true that we often need government to do jobs that are inefficient by nature. Like it or not, somebody has to do AIDS counseling, it's not a growth business(we hope), and there's no way to more efficiently do it. The problems arise when we confuse the cause, having enough private sector money, with the effect, being able to afford AIDS counseling. However, what does that have to do with things like Solyndra? That is completely out of the government's scope, at any level. Government works best when it has a strictly defined scope, and stays in it. The trouble for statists is: The government is by definition inefficient, thus it should always be the LAST resort, not the first. And again, hiring/firing large swaths of public employees at the Federal level, or "trickle down government" is not a solution to anything. These decisions will all eventually be decentralized. It's just a matter of time.
  15. Besides killing OBL...name one thing that Obama has done that is a net + in terms of "helping the country". Seriously. I can't. I have tried to come up with one thing that is a net + accomplishment that we can look at and at the very least say: "up to standard". Exactly what Barack Obama/MSM told us to expect. For example: 1. That the entire notion of war will fade away now that he was in office....and the media/liberal elites handed him the Nobel Prize to prove it 2. That there is such a thing as a reset button with Russia(of all countries )....and that not only would pressing it be a good idea, it would actually...advance...us 40 years in diplomatic relations 3. That cash for clunkers would be an object lesson in how smart spending on various green initiatives can also serve as Keynesian multipliers. Now...those are the 3 things out of the gate that we were told to expect, by either the MSM, or Obama himself. Consider the hubris of those 3. The only thing that matches it is the sweeping ignorance that is necessary to believe that any one of them is a good idea. Consider...what you would have learned from these 3?. Now, consider the MSM/Obama....did they learn anything? Hindsight...my ASS! Many of us on this board KNEW these things were flawed immediately. I don't blame Obama for the Nobel. I do blame his "path preparers". I knew Cash for Clunkers was a stupid idea...in 1985, I just didn't know the name of it yet. The problem is: Obama didn't know that in 1985, 2005, or at any other time...until he was dopey enough to do it. The other problem: he didn't learn from his mistakes...hence....Solyndra, Egypt, China...and now we're back to...Russia. Not learning from things that don't work...requires that you know enough to tell the difference. If it was you, you'd know the difference. Right?
  16. The difference is the 14 year old girl understands the technology, and that everyone will know what she said at school tomorrow. Meanwhile, Axelrod's approach to twitter is: free association + internal dialogue + stress reliever = throwing random sentences into what he thinks is a black hole. Instead, the twitterverse craps them out, and we all get to .
  17. It's also what happens when catering to self-esteem trumps demanding self-control. "Self-control is the chief element in self-respect, and self-respect is the chief element in courage". Thucydides It always amazes me that the liberal clowns who support "everybody gets a trophy"....have thus far been unable to learn something that we've known for 2400 years. Internal goal setting, and then the self-control to stay on task and achieve those goals, is where self-esteem comes from. It does NOT come from external coddling, or unearned trophies. It certainly doesn't come from "preparing the path for the child, rather than the child for the path". Just ask the people who prepared the path for Obama.
  18. If that is true, then why not start a thread with: "hip-hop culture is self-destructive to all those who engage in it, including African Americans", and, a reasonable group of #s/other data that support that conclusion---which is easy rather than: "Bryce Harper, conservative hero" based on a article that is predicated on a poorly conceived metaphor, such that we can REASONABLY question the writer's motives, and by proxy, your motives for linking it? The first is undeniable, and therefore, you could have lots of fun with whatever turd wanted to call you a racist for posting hate....facts. That's how I'd approach it. "Yes, yes, you are offended by the truth....therefore, I am not allowed to say it? Blow it out your ass, you unmitigated moron!". Sounds like me, right? But, as you see, I also don't have a myopic approach to starting threads. I will start a thread about anything...especially if there's a good chance I will be able to make fun of somebody in it. You might consider building up some credibility on other topics here first, and then getting back to this stuff.
  19. I do. Well, actually, how about this: I feel comfortable with assigning 90% as the propensity for a DIE PPP post to have racial overtones. As of now, I can only be absolutely certain of one thing WRT DIE on this board. If DIE is truly concerned about: the failures/unintended consequences of affirmative action policies, hip-hop culture being proven to be self-destructive to all those who engage in it, including African Americans, hip-hop culture being disproportionately destructive to African Americans, due to its pervasive influence in their communities extortionists being allowed to operate freely under the guise of "racial advisement", thus damaging and distorting real cases of racism ...his posts here demonstrate that he is the single worst person to advocate against the policies, values and attitudes that have created these realities. These concerns should be taken seriously, by those who are capable of addressing them in a serious manner. DIE says he's genuinely concerned, but his method of raising these concerns is silly, and can never be confused with being serious. That is all we can truly "know".
  20. 1. Thanks for yet another example of why centralized systems fail. If decision making, and therefore, accountability, was driven down to each safety inspector, and failure/issues were raised immediately, then at the very least we'd know we had a problem, right now. 2. This is what you get when you deploy people/systems that record business process....but don't deploy workflow, BI/analytics, business rule engines, and escalation/accountability systems alongside. Literally. 3. The only way they found out about it? Going through the records that were created, by hand, via the audit. That's the best you can hope for without the systems described in 2. Or, if you do have an electronic system....you can run the same report every 15 minutes...and see what is happening that way. But, it's too late to do something about it. That merely tells you when you've failed. 4. It's awfully hard to track a train trip, in terms of safety, from behind a desk. Looks like a mobile solution is required. Perhaps it's time for a phone call. Thanks, dude.
  21. Of course you don't. That's why you pay us $2-10/mo. Of course you can. That's why you pay us $2-10/mo. But, only if government is dumb enough to try to stop you from getting the porn you get today, and create a way for me to make big $$$ giving to you in spite of their idiocy. See? The marketing for this is simple. The technology required to do it? That's only moderately less simple. Good luck trying to stop me from taking your money on a server in the Cayman Islands, routing your content from a server in Russia, and delivering it to you via proxies from all over the world...when all of this can be replaced with new servers in other places, on a daily, or hourly if necessary, basis. (And, that's not even how I'd do it ) Now, what exactly can a lawyer do about that? See? Laws and taxes aren't the solution here. It would take them a year, and only with business intelligence people, not lawyers, to even figure out how/who was doing it. That's when I start a new Costa Rican company and do it all over again. Look, what we have here is butthurt buggy whip makers. Nobody felt sorry for buggy whip makers. We bought cars and moved on. Today, people "buy" Skype and have moved on. You would get your porn from me and move on. You don't care how butthurt the Post Office is about email, you won't care how butthurt these old European phone companies are about Skype, and it sounds like you really won't care how you get porn, as long as you get it. Look at FiOS. That's Verizon, not being butthurt, and approaching IT change properly: not with lawyers, but with more, and superior, IT. They aren't piddling around trying to force people to buy their buggy whip DSL/dial up by paying off politicians to pass laws to that effect. Instead, they have stopped selling buggy whips, and started selling high-margin sports cars. Cable companies can still sell their cheaper station wagons, and the market will keep both sides honest. We don't require lawyers, politicians or regulations to be involved in any of it.
  22. You want Woohoo? When I saw this the other day, I did a quick count, and came up with this: 4 of our games are against the top half of the league...according to these rankings. 12 are against the bottom. 4 of our games are against the top 5 teams 4 of our games are against the bottom 5 teams 8 of our games are against the bottom 10 teams. That's Woohoo. However, one possible realistic estimate: 1-3 vs the top half of the league, 7-1 vs the bottom 10 teams 2-2 vs the rest..... and we end up at 10-6. Yes, the dreaded TSW Bills off-season record prediction, 10-6, rears its ugly head, again.
  23. Hehe..the best IT guys still come from here. Well, when it comes to new thinking/new design. While that may be true, you still don't bother to understand why we are so great. So, you can't tell who is bragging, and who can do it. (Exhibit 1: what you guys fund/IPO vs. what you don't.) And, besides, you have to listen either way, in case you're dealing with the latter, because the upside is too big not to listen...isn't it? How about the contrapositive? I'll tell you the following for free, and I won't tell you how great I am: Anybody who tells you that building uber-cloud functionality...all in one big system, even with an API/SaaS constructs...is missing the point of the cloud, and is not following it's philosophical intent, or leveraging it's very real financial advantages. If they are talking convention, and downplaying configuration, "because you don't care anyway", then, they are looking out for themselves and not you. That may work for you. But, purely in terms of money and especially, change management, it's a dumb choice. Doing all this cloud stuff...just to end up building a...mainframe... is patently retarded. 2 years from now, you will know this to be true. Hopefully, you will have paid attention, and will have made/saved money as a result. Then, you can say how great I am, and I won't have to bother.
  24. Yeah, and remember when I said "cherry pick the cloud as an argument" above...."doesn't invalidate what I'm saying"? Apparently not. Well, now you require correction. Actually, every single IT firm has been talking about the cloud....but for fundamentally different reasons. Some understand it's design benefits properly, and its proper use, and proper place in architecture thinking, and in the overall set of tools that can be used. Others....and this is always the case....shouldn't be in my business, because they treat every single new thing as though it is the solution to all things. But their presence is tolerated, and even encouraged, because there simply aren't anywhere near enough people doing what we do. These turdbots, will talk about anything, if it means looking like they know what they are doing, and the proper manipulation of them into saying "windows-based" over 9000 times in meetings? These are what made Microsoft....not Windows NT. The problem is: Wall Street types like yourself can't tell the difference, because you can't be bothered to understand the difference. We "all look the same" to you. Those of us that understand the cloud, and the business, understand the very real dangers of the very real siloing of the cloud that is occurring as I write this, and for which the "others" are responsible. Because they fundamentally don't understand the cloud, or it's context, relative to other approaches, they don't see that the proper way to use cloud design...is to decentralize it. Here's a test to see if you will bother with understanding the difference: Just because something is occurring on a massive scale....doesn't mean it can't, and shouldn't, have a low-level scope. A key tenet in cloud design is to, reasonably, create lots of low-level scopes and then then string them together at run-time to produce results. This way design can change without hassle, as it merely means manipulating these scopes, or, replacing one with another, etc. This is similar to the concept of "replaceable parts"(and no, it's not just "modular design" .) This cannot happen if we have deployed monolithic thinking and therefore, a giant scope, into the cloud. But the "others" can't comprehend any of this. As such, they will bring chaos and failure, as they always do, and we will be called upon to fire them, fix their mess, and move forward, as we always do. As I said above, none of this will change the reality that our work is being decentralized. PROPERLY deployed cloud....MEANS decentralized. Look at it this way: clowns didn't stop client server, they just delayed, monkey wrenched parts, and obfuscated it a while. The same thing will happen here.
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