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Everything posted by OCinBuffalo

  1. Um...plants eat it. And, there is no shortage of plants. Ugh. Again? Well, there's always "the science", which has been totally corrupted beyond all recognition. In 2 sentences: our atmosphere's CO2 sensitivity has been wildly overestimated to suit a political agenda. You dial it down, and: presto, every failed model starts to make statistical sense. So, to answer your question directly? We literally have no idea what the difference between what 40 billion and 140 billion tons of CO2 will do. This planet has endure 4x the level of C02 we have today. What we do know is: the modeling that is "the science" so far has proven, beyond all doubt, that the climate is NOT as sensitive to CO2 as has been claimed. The empirical measurements prove it. No, it's you're a maroon. Finally, again, I ask: when are you all going to come to terms with the following 2 facts? 1. Global Warming is now the issue that Americans care least about 2. Now causatively based on #1, but also substantively: this is a dead political issue.
  2. How so? Are you seriously telling me that you can't see the parallel between Hillay getting caught cheating(Riggin the DNC against Bernie, Rigging the Email server to avoid the Federal Records act, and Donna Brazille, who was working for CNN, and giving the debate questions ahead of time to Hillarry as mere coincidnce? And the Pats getting caught cheating? Cheating is cheating(and I'm intentionally leaving out the IRS scandal and Obamacare wrongdoing): please explain, in grown-up terms, exactly why and how the unpresidential/scurrilous/'rebrhensible"'
  3. Eh, I'll try it again for you: the 2007 season, the Patriots got caught cheating. Their fans denied it to the point of delusion. Then, after being reasonable and honest for about 2 days, both set out for "revenge". They were doing pretty good at it. Then, in the SB, when everybody expected them to win, they lost. And, lost in the most unexpected way. What exactly were they avenging, when they were the offenders? Nobody to this day knows. Ideally, somebody has to do something bad to you, first, before you go seeking revenge. Somehow, emotion twisted logic into the criminal who got caught...being entitled to vengeance. In the months after that loss, reading their message boards, they claimed to be victims. The made up all sorts of BS conspiracy stories about Goddell, other owners(especially Jerry Jones), with very few facts, and instead, innuendo and wishcasting(see: Trump is going to be impeached, because I wish it). Which: is the exact same behavior, in every way, that I am now observing from Democrats after losing to Trump. Can you get it now? ----- There's nothing for it. It's irrational. Short of putting the entire D party into therapy? There's nothing you do. Pats fans were lucky, in that their team was able to get back to winning, and overcome. But that had nothing to do with them. Democrats are unlucky: first, because they aren't fans, they are actually players. So, what they do has an outcome on the game. They are being coached by obvious incompetents, who are wonderful at pre-game speeches, but suck at calling plays. IF they continue their delusions, they are going to continue be stupefied, when they continue to lose.
  4. Tee Hee. They hate it, because it's true.
  5. Remember the indignation of the Pats fans when they got caught cheating? When they got busted(technically the 2nd time) and lost a 1st round draft pick, you would think that somebody killed their wife. Reading their posts, they deluded themselves into claiming they were the victims. How? It was F'ing absurd. Think about it: as a Bills fan, didn't you expect them to be somewhat embarrassed, or at least asking the rest of us to wait until the facts came out? No. What we saw was flat out indignant denial. Instead of taking the hit like grown-ups, we got everything under the sun except: "yeah, our team did something bad, we know it, and we own it"...which...would be the reaction of 90%(not including my mom) of Bills fans. My mom is the crazy fan who denies the Bills jumped offsides, when they obviously did, to the delight of the entire section, because she does it: all game. I've literally been asked "is she just having fun with us, or is she serious?". Right now, I'm seeing the exact same behavior from Ds regarding Trump, and I have to ask "are you serious?" Reading comments sections is like watching my mom at a Bills game. She doesn't care about the facts, rules, anything. She is all for the Bills, and there is no reasoning with her, until the game is over. It's hilarious, but my mom is harmless, mostly. This is a lady who sat in the Meadowlands by herself at a Jets away game, and somehow turned half a section of Jets fans against the other. Really: it's getting very hard for me to distinguish my mom's Bills fervor from Democrat zealotry. Hey, we've been dealing with Global Warming zealotry here for years, but, this Trump thing is a whole different bird.
  6. Thanks. I try to do my best work here, and my worst work at PPP If we look at the Patriots D closely, it's clear that they've been taking "castoffs", "doesn't fit the scheme" guys, UDFAs, but, on the other side, mostly drafting D busts, for years as well. Somehow they generate a decent defense, just enough to win, year over year. That's not because the run a scheme, that's because they have a highly competent coaching staff who is able to get the best out of players by focusing the D on what the players they have each year, are best at.
  7. I've read through this entire thread and, sorry, but: Ragland makes it mostly irrelevant. Negative? Realistic? Wasted words. Ragland has the ability/potential, to swing 6 games at least, perhaps all 16. Consider: Atlanta on the road. If Ragland plays MLB as well as he is capable? We win that game, easy. Why? Learn about the Falcons. If the D line performs as it has before in a "just go get em" 4-3, or just adequately? Then he has all-pro, perhaps even HOF potential in that game, precisely because: it's the Falcons. However, any number of worse things can happen with Ragland. He could be absolutely terrible, and swing all 16 games...because we pissed away draft capital while he sits on the bench or on his couch at home. Or, we may be looking at the best Bills MLB ever. We just don't know. You can't have this large of a variance, at the position on defense, and pretend to "know" anything about anything. "Negativity" in this case is as much intentional ignorance, as is optimism. Claiming to be "realistic" is absurd. There are no "realistic" expectations. We might as well be talking "reality" about the next Euchre hand. EDIT: And please, in today's NFL: "he fits/doesn't fit the scheme" is a top 5 dumb argument. Winning teams have consistently been drafting/signing versatile players for the last 5 years, so they can come at you all sorts of ways.
  8. Instant replay: Want a do over on that Mead? Someday, somehow, we are going to learn that IT will never be dictated to by law, lawyers, and judges, and certainly not politicians. Does anybody remember GG telling me that Bitcoin would fail? Please understand: this is not anarchy. It's merely a different set of "laws" taking the place of outdated concepts...like paper memos replaced by email. Lawyers/Bankers have operated for centuries as the underlying masters of society. Deep-thinking IT people see many ways to make them obsolete, as well as most of the functions of government. However, other Dumb-Thinking IT people see an opportunity to enact dystopia(see: Facebook's CEO, who couldn't conceive of what his IT betters, at his own company, were doing: React Native. He, like Mark Cuban, should never attended to on IT matters). The trouble: lawyers and bankers have earned their bad rep, and IT people can earn the same bad rep, in much shorter time. If we don't do better at accepting our new responsibilities to society, our profession, and ultimately, ourselves, there will be hell to pay. Or, in Google's case, there will be the EU to pay: $2.7 billion. The obvious. The also obvious. Since that is true, we are not bound by court procedure. If I go and fry 30 Iranian severs, I'm not prosecutable either. The ONLY reason many haven't: Obama Administration, and especially during the Iran deal. Now? It's open season. I've got a few ideas I'd like to try, and I've heard others say the same. But remember: the best hack is the one nobody hears about. One that is so damaging, that the victim is better off pretending it never happened. We'll never know who the "best thief of all time" was...because they were the best. That is absolutely true...except for the "paying" part. When I did a portal gig for the Navy, they put all sorts of strange requirements, strange polymorphic functions/extra parameters, and interfaces to nowhere in, especially at the last minute before a release, so my guys were always frustrated into just banging out something quick that would work, but was crap. Every day I don't work in Java since that...is a good day. When we finished, we all agreed that they had 0 interest in our production code. It was spaghetti. They said they loved it, thanked us, paid us for both the project and add-on work we didn't do, and kicked us to the curb. It seemed clear they were just going to reverse engineer everything we did and build it all from scratch, with their own code. I have heard versions of this story many times. However, they don't pay us to create back doors. More likely, they force software companies into unwittingly creating back doors, or, they do what they did on my gig: make ridiculous requirements that allow them to fanangle back doors, by seeing how we respond to them.
  9. Nope and Nope. I get hired these days because the client already knows how stupid they are. It's quite a departure from the old days: when we had to deal with Baby Boomer egos. Today, I have a reputation for having built the best software anybody's ever seen, because it is purposefully designed to un!@#$ stupid. It's Vulcan: "Infinite diversity in Infinite combinations". Now, if this was 20 years ago? I'd get hired because the partner at Price Waterhouse knows the client is stupid, and I was merely one high IQ in a stable of them that would get sent out en masse to fix the stupid. Most of the stable were there to make a lot of $ in a short time. Example: I worked with a brilliant historian who was only at PW to raise $ for his books, and, my "roomie" has since argued cases before the SCOTUS. Few of the people I've been around actually have a passion for my profession. To a person they've said: it's too hard. You can make the same money doing something easier. The market has no idea what it demands, when it comes to innovation and solutions. That's why they hire us. I sell them what they couldn't imagine...because...I can imagine it, um, duh. It's like this: imagine the old crayonz. He was creative, and ingenious. What we have now in ButtsecksPeformer is...unimaginative.
  10. And...a few pages later, I see some of you are getting it, but, still: Global Warming as a political issue? Is. Dead. EDIT: It will be interesting to see how many pages this thread generates over time, and how long it takes for the board to accept the political reality. Perhaps we could use this thread to do PPP Football? Face it: it's going to have to be re-purposed eventually.
  11. I thought you were ignoring me. I guess hiding from the only person who you consider to be your equal on this board was too... Well, it had to be something, didn't it? Something has to explain why you replied to a poster you "ignored". So lying and stealing == winning? Look, I expect this sort of thing from Jeff Lebowski, who as you'll remember "was the laziest man in LA County, which puts him in the running for laziest man, world-wide". He's a great character that I love to quote, ask anybody whose been here since 2005. But he's a character, in a story. He's a lovable...LOSER! This thread is about an election for Congress, that you lost, pitifully, given the huge $ and media advantage. Do you really think Jeff Lebowski or his ilk, is going to win you the House in 2018? Please, by all means run as many Jeff Lebowskis as you can in 2018. Many on this board will love them...because they are losers. EDIT: And doubly so AFTER they lose their elections.
  12. I can't decide if the Ds suffer from ignorance, because they live in bubbles and only get pre-approved info from the bubble... or Stupidity, because Ds do have all the info, yet continuously CHOOSE to ignore the facts they don't like, base their arguments solely on the facts they do, and thus, set themselves up to lose. All the R has to do is bring up the facts the D ignored, and the D loses credibility as well as the argument. One fact: Tossoff couldn't even vote for himself, because he doesn't live there. That's a race-killer that was ignored by Ds completely, and instead, they were predicting victory. They could have picked somebody else. They chose not to. Why? Why purposely create an indefensible hole in your campaign, that has no reason to exist? One's first reaction is blame their stupidity, of course, but, this error seems too stupid to be explained by stupidity. It would require a delusion for most people to ignore such a stupid choice, wouldn't it? If so, then isn't that delusion...actually a form of ignorance? If one can't see all the facts, rather than choosing to ignore some of them(stupid), than that has the same effect as ignorance.
  13. And all of this is very nice.... ...but Global Warming as a political issue, is still dead. It will never again swing an election, and it will never again be discussed seriously on the House or Senate floor. Look at all the $ the far-left, and especially Soros and the other clown billionaire Tom Steyer, have spent...and gotten nothing but defeat. $25 mil from Steyer in 16, after $60 million to the D Senate candidates in 14...and we have a R POTUS and an R Senate. It's simply not a viable political issue anymore. Democrats can't win with it. They are happy to take idiot Steyer's $, but, at some point even he has to wise up to the fact that his ROI is 0. In all cases, as I said the day Trump pulled out of the Paris agreement nonsense: It. Is. Dead.
  14. Yeah, I can just imagine going to a client and saying: "Guess what, you know our stack that you like so much, and have been using for 20 years? Next version: We're going to nerf the entire thing, especially the AI, remove 70% of the features, unbalance it absurdly, and add idiotic features that replace the reasonable ones we tore out. But none of that matters, because, if you want to get everything back into working order, YOU get to do it yourself, your way...with Mods!" As I said, 5 is, no matter the excuse, Civ for Retards. Yeah, it's game of the year: because it allows more below-average IQ people to play, and not get wiped out in 30-50 turns/get the Dan Quayle rating. EDIT: 5 == Kramer's "make your own pizza" restaurant idea. I haven't played 6 yet, because I am still pissed about laying out cash for 5.
  15. I did call it Civ for Retards.
  16. I called Handel +5, I swear to God. The other thing: I love these commentators that say "the GA 6th is changing demographically, as more latinos and some blacks are moving from the city". If that is true, then: 1. PoC are leaving Altanta, because it's not safe and they want to live in peace just like everybody else or 2. PoC DO HAVE upward mobility, and move to the suburbs just like every other clown who wants to be a lame ass, Red Lobster-eating MFer. Now, tell me: at least 1 of these is true, if not both, so, please, explain to me how leftist policy in cities are "working" again, or, explain to me how the nation has a "systemic racism" problem, if PoC can move in such numbers to former R+10 counties..and make them closer elections. But really, why do I bother? It's not like logic is going to change a damn thing for most Ds. It's all emotion now. I miss Danny Moynihan Oh, I called this race at 7:13 when I saw the early voting #s, and I've been drinking and laughing at CNN and MSNBC for hours now. The NYT live update actually had Tossoff winning from about 8:15 to 9...based on perhaps the worst statistical modeling ever. Hilarious wishful thinking: once the early vote was announced(or, once the dead, retarded, and demented had "voted" for Tossoff), and it was still only a 1k vote difference? It was over right then and there.
  17. I can do it. But...I would enforce a 1 minute turn time limit, and no F'ing Marathon games. I play Marathon single games and...it's exactly like your meme. EDIT: Oh, and the other idea is to do Civ 5, which is albeit like Civ for Retards, but, gets a mulitplayer done much faster.
  18. Nancy Pelosi is the stooge responsible for Rs winning so many elections, like tonight, against a 7-1 spending advantage and a endless propaganda assault by the media. Without her stream of consciousness idiocy, I don't know how the Rs could have ever taken the entire government back so quickly, and so resoundingly, after Bush. Many times have I said: Obamacare - "The Liberal Cleaver". Tonight, I name Pelosi as: Dumbcrist - "The Foe-Anvil". She's the best kind of anvil, for me. Not only does she get beaten, but she draws other Ds to her, with promises of Hollywood/NYC/Martha's Vinyard $, so that they can get savagely beaten too. Please, God, the best thing for America is to keep Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer in charge of the D party. The next best thing is to keep Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren talking, in general. So long as the Ds keep these people as their leaders and "communicators" , this country is going to be safer, more prosperous, and stronger than ever before.
  19. You still don't get it: We DON'T NEED FEDERAL HELP OR BUDGET to solve this problem. The energy companies are doing it themselves. Rarely if ever is yet another Fed program the answer: all it is is another way to hire more D votes. Why does Trump need to involve himself in something that is already being done, with empirical success, by the private sector? Socialism has/will fail completely: See Europe, actually having to pay for their own defense. The only reason socialism didn't die in Europe a long time ago is not paying for their defense. They live on our dime. So does Japan. So does S Korea. The NHS is in deep trouble in England, as it should be, because they've spent themselves to death, and now are talking about making people pay out of pocket for a GP, and forcing the GPs to compete That's not very socialist. That's capitalist. Explain that evolution. Not having a real defense budget for decades gave you the illusion that socialism is "evolutionary". You're about to get a real lesson in evolution, when the EU's environment changes, and they are forced to adapt or become extinct. Their governments will either reduce the social/welfare state, or, be replaced by governments that have adapted to paying for their own D. See, it's all very evolutionary.
  20. See, I thought it was 34...but...I just read this today: http://www.lifezette.com/polizette/democrats-should-fear-the-2018-midterms/ Which made me think I was wrong, and it was 33. And, understand: if, ~27 states pass this Convention resolution? Democrats hit the panic button. There's no way they are going to let a Convention of 34 states happen without them being there. The national press coverage, the entire time, with no D response, because they didn't show up? No way. I looked at this recently. You only need a few states, like NV, OR, CO, which are iffy sorta states that could show up just because...and only 1-2 of them, to get to 34. I don't see NYS sitting home if there is even the slightest chance of anything coming of this. WTF would Albany say to us if they refused to represent us at a national convention? How are they even a legit government at that point? No. The tipping point is 25-27. A simple majority forces everybody to come. No. I'm simply asking you to use your common sense and stop pretending that Trump dumping an illegitimate agreement is some sort of path to a Stalinist state. No. The agreement was Stalinist. Dumping it, by definition is a rejection of that Stalinist approach. That's the takeaway. Again, why waste the time of sending it to the Senate when we already know they are going to vote it down? Ceremony. That's the only thing that changes. You get to have your ceremony. We don't have time to waste on pictures and pens and whatever the F else. We need Congress focused(tall order already) on Obamacare and Tax Reform, and not dicking around with side issues that aren't even legit.
  21. Yeah, and "10 years from now lower Manhattan will be covered in water" --Al Gore Not melodramatic at all. It's been 10 years, where's the "catastrophe"? Face it. It does end today. There's nothing wrong with getting played, especially putting your trust in an ex-VP. What's wrong is if you're still getting played, after you've been told you're getting played. EDIT: And how could I forget the all time melodramatic classic "English children just aren't going to know what snow is".
  22. I'm not accusing you of anything other than falling for 10 years of left-wing propaganda, and, not realizing that it ends today. It will take some adjustment for you, I'm sure.
  23. It's 33. And, that's the magic #. 32 wouldn't do it. I know exactly what is going to happen, and so can anybody else with a search engine. In fact, there is public record law that has already passed 12 of the 33. It's written in plain English what the scope of the convention would be...and since the same language has to be generally passed by all 33, it's pretty straightforward. In fact, it's a great idea, because this limits the scope of the convention to only what was passed: this prevents Massachusetts from passing it, getting in, and wasting everybody's time with transgender bathrooms. Perhaps you should re-read article 5. It's all there. One highlight of what the 12 passed: The Federal Government shall pass no law/enact no program/create no tax for a social issue that is already being addressed and funded by a state. Federal redundancy killer. So, there's no more need for a Dept of Education. Like I said: it's all there, and google is your friend.
  24. Ah, so when he disses your lobbyists its a problem. When he ignores Germany's lobbyists its a problem, and "Trump doesn't know what he's doing". But, when he listens to people who represent our companies and our workers, who have facts like: 1. we've reduced our emissions on our own, more than anybody else, without any grand, socialist wealth transfer scheme, and, 2. China is now the largest polluter, but this agreement lets them pollute even more That's listening to lobbyists? Buddy, you are defending a lame-ass political vehicle for world socialism, and always have been. This(by that I mean the policy) never had anything to do with anything other than taking our $. It's a scam, based on highly questionable hypotheses. Not theory. Unproven, and in some cases, disproven hypotheses.
  25. See normally this is where DC_Tom steps in and shares his vast knowledge... ...but I'm not him, and I don't care if you know what a Convention of States is. I will say, it's probably worth 5 minutes on google, especially since it's getting close to actually happening. No, I'm asking you as a management consultant: 1. You have a client who had a dictatorial clown proceed to F up 50+ business processes. 2. He's gone, and the new guy has to un-F everything. What's your advice/methodology? Six Sigma, or, do we just quickly and efficiently undo everything? What's best for the client?
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