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Everything posted by OCinBuffalo
Am I the only one finds Hillary Clinton ....
OCinBuffalo replied to truth on hold's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Palin Power just went up 5 points. Keep it up and she's going to get a magic mushroom, grow larger, ride around on a Yoshi...and end up being a guest host on the Today show, again. Edit: did you get that? Since uh, Couric is no longer on the Today show...or any show...and now Palin is on the Today show...as a guest host? Ironic? No. Hysterical. Palin ends up on Couric's show? And....when you turn on your TV, and B word to your wife that Palin is on it...again...offering her views, on anything, and especially if they are inane... ....think of me, laughing, because I assure you, I will be. Perhaps Oscar Wilde, who knew all about being called names, and ostracized, can help you? "The only thing worse than being talked about, is not being talked about". -
Question: Politically reconcilable, yes or no?
OCinBuffalo replied to Juror#8's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
How about instead of states' rights we call it "states' smarts"? As I said above, there is no workable, reasonable system at the national level. That's because there is no singular, workable model for every state. Rural states aren't the same as populous ones, in practically every way, yet we want to build a singular system that addresses their requirements as though they are? Many states are a lot "older" than others. And on and on. Medicare already serves as an example of what not to do. So does Medicaid. The fraud alone proves that. You can't defraud your local county people, who know who you are by name. Or, it's a hell of a lot harder. More importantly, if there is fraud, it only screws over your county. However, it's easy to slip in an over-billing, when there are millions per day going into a centralized system whose sheer volume makes detecting fraud damn near impossible. And, even if it were, doing so would be cost prohibitive. Medicare is on record saying exactly that: they can't stop fraud because the cash required to do so is more than double their administration budget = cost prohibitive. Obama talked about resolving this by sending them the money....but that was before Obamacare cut Medicare by $500 billion. So....so much for that fraud detection. But, we need to repeat those mistakes? Why? So we can defend LBJ's legacy? Why the F does anybody care about that guy? So we can prove that we weren't idiots for supporting systems with "throw me away" design flaws...or that we make sure nobody knows that we are too ignorant/arrogant to understand those flaws? -
Question: Politically reconcilable, yes or no?
OCinBuffalo replied to Juror#8's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
I look at it this way: We can take the same exact accounting software and deploy it at many companies. Now, we are talking accounting here, so, there's not a lot room for variance, right? Just ask each company's comptroller, CFO, etc. In fact each of them will tell you that there's a right way to do things, and "that's how they do it here". However, I know that every single implementation will be different. NOTHING will be the same. NOTHING is "the right way". There will be variance all over the place, and I will be integrating in stuff that this package doesn't have, and building new stuff to suit their requirements. I've never seen a project like that use more than 40% of the base system. In fact, companies like this, and especially the big boys, end up with 2-3 accounting packages/extra software to cover all their requirements. But what about those CFOs telling us about "standards"? Basically all of these people are the worst kind of full of schit: they don't know they are, and they will fight you to prove they aren't. It's just human nature to believe that, with things like accounting, or nursing, that the rules are the rules, that we learned in college, and that's the way it is, and "that's what we do here". Edit: and let's not just blame the client. I've also had idiot bosses say things like "all we have to do is install it, right?", and, "why do these guys (big contract, all or nothing company - Boeing) care so much about their AR? ...the last client didn't" and on and on. Now, given all of this....you believe that Romney should be impugned for his support of the Mass Health care system....because one "model" can be lifted form one state, and used in another? Or that it can be lifted to the national level, and as a "model" will be useful? I think it's safe to say that health care systems like these are even less standard than accounting systems. So...how we should reconcile your assertion that Romney was for Romneycare, and is therefore for Obamacare? Well? You are also the worst kind of full of schit: you don't know you are, and you will fight us to prove that your aren't. It's just human nature. -
Am I the only one finds Hillary Clinton ....
OCinBuffalo replied to truth on hold's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
You guys can't stop talking about Palin...but he is touchy? Edit: Every time you talk about Palin, and someone hears it, Palin gets power. Why? Because 80% of this country detests far-left ideology, and if you are attacking her, she must be doing something right. Nobody knows what that something is, not even Palin. But, it stands to reason that it must be something important, if you keep going after her. Your problem is: she has very little substance, so, there's not going to be any substance to your attack on her. The more visceral the attack, the more moderate people feel inclined to stick up for her, and not like you. Why is this so hard to understand? But by all means, keep bringing up Palin. It's hysterical for me to watch you be the source of the thing you hate. 1. The Clinton jokes were...funny. I haven't seen a funny crack on Palin in years, and even then, they were more interested in being hateful, than funny. 2. You're angry, because the Clinton jokes were funny, and you know it. That makes them funnier for the rest of us. 3. The opposite is true with Palin: you try to force jokes that aren't very funny about Palin, because you're still butthurt about Clinton....which...is even funnier for the rest of us. 4. I'm not going to get Palin funny from you. 5. Rather, the funniest thing I have seen about Palin in the last 5 years: a sketch of her, laying down on her bed, with a big Palin smile, talking on big radio mike, with her boobs hanging out, while coloring with crayons. Every time I hear her on the radio/TV, that's what I think of, because dammit, I like coloring. And boobs. Boobs are good too. 6. Now is that hateful? Sorta...but not really. What makes it funny is: when you listen to anybody on the radio, you can't see what they are doing. With Palin, floosing around the house with her boobs hanging out...is feasible, or, at least we want it to be. 7. Hillary Clinton picking the dingleberries out of her ass, talking on a big radio mike, while sitting on the toilet, is also funny. It's gross, but, it's feasible, isn't it? You know it is. And yes, you're welcome for that image. Enjoy that on your drive home from work. Yep. Beat me to it. We can be critical of Hillary. Remember how good she was going to be for Upstate NY...due to her "connections"? "Raise your hand if have said that to someone, so Tommy can come back there and hit you in the head with a tack hammer, because you are a retard". But talking about what you quoted...is absolutely her job. -
Or when ALGORE made a speech and then we had record lows? Look: climate is not weather. Anybody using weather in such a way is ridiculous. But....as I turned on Fox just now, it's interesting that Fox is in fact taking about record highs....right now. : Actually Rush Limbaugh has taken a scientific approach. (Look, I don't care about Limbaugh, just using him to make the point). Rush took Gore's predictions, and time frame, and is running a count down clock on those predictions. (Yeah, the count down clock was Rush's thing when Olberman was still on ESPN.) Say what you want, but at least this is an attempt at a scientific approach: take the expected result, and conduct an experiment to see if it holds. It's hysterical, because on that day in 2016, no matter what, somebody is going to look like a giant idiot.
Question For Those Of You That Have Kids
OCinBuffalo replied to Bigfatbillsfan's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
I don't have kids. It's actually much worse/better? for me. Instead, I have idiot uncles, on both sides, who don't want to take the time to know WTF they are talking about, but also want to F with their liberal siblings at family stuff. ...like this past weekend with the "I'm not sure about Obamacare, what do you guys think?" .... They purposely start trouble conversations, knowing full well that I do know, and that I will crush the liberals for them. This has been going on since I was 11-12 and started with Reagan. It's just an extension of them getting me to throw snaps, beer, water balloons, stink bombs(especially at Bills games), or, lift skirts, goose girls, and every other thing I used to do for them before I turned 11-12, and was old enough to get beat up/arrested. The difference is: I am still "getting away with it" in the sense that I get to bash on my liberal relatives, without backlash, because everybody knows my uncles are behind it. But really....I get to bash on liberals. Downside? So...exactly who is the joke on again? It's no different than throwing stink bombs: you get to do something that you would do anyway, but with none of the blame. -
I Just Heard A Confirmation Of What I've Been Thinking
OCinBuffalo replied to 3rdnlng's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Boy I hope so. -
Which, considering the nature of this board, is as it should be.
I Just Heard A Confirmation Of What I've Been Thinking
OCinBuffalo replied to 3rdnlng's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
I said conceive...as in...understand that there's more than one way to think of this, not concede. It does not matter what we know: the only thing that matters is Bain assessed the client, and took their shot accordingly. That's business. Somebody had to agree to the sale of KB = stockholders. If they made a bad call, that's on them, not Bain. You're upset because somebody did a 6% cash LBO...as though that doesn't happen, for a lot less, every day? Grow up. Let's see...should we believe you....or industry analysts? "KB was for many years in a precarious position because of where it was in the industry. It wasn't able to compete on price," said Sean McGowan a senior leisure and lifestyle analyst for Needham & Co. "... If you layer on financial strain, that could push it to the breaking point." "Their business model was obsolete," he said. "The world had changed. KB had not changed." Small mall toy stores, such as KB's, couldn't carry enough inventory — or stay tidy. But mall rents were high, and leases long, limiting KB's ability to shift to compete with its larger rivals. Meanwhile, Target, Walmart and Toys "R" Us could carry far more toys and heavily discount the hottest merchandise. "Knowing all these facts, why is the consumer going to go in there? Is it the higher prices or the old toys?" Silver said. :lol: What about Bain's role? "To me, it's almost irrelevant," Silver said. "You take a business model that doesn't work, it doesn't matter how much money you have, or how much debt you have." You have been defeated...by Politifact. Yes, that rating says "mostly false". Thanks for playing. Now, if you want to start laying money on stuff like this, please, come back any time. Dude you are new here, so I'll just tell you: I had this link 2 posts ago. I just wanted to see how you'd go about FAILing. The good news is: you proved you can think for yourself, and I appreciate you actually putting in the effort. So, that's something. At least you didn't respond by pasting in something tenuously related from wiki.... What Bain did is do what they get paid to do. Somebody got a good bonus for finding and executing on that deal. If that was me, I'd do the same thing...or I'd get fired. You may not like it, but that is irrelevant. Nobody says you have to do this job. You can do whatever it is you do. But, if I execute an offer letter that says "evaluate businesses and then advise on what to do with them", then that's what I am doing. It all depends on that evaluation. Companies like KB are no different than Old Yeller. Keeping them in business just prolongs the inevitable, and causes MORE pain in the long run. The first thing my Policy professor said on day one of class: "At every monthly executive officer meeting, we must first consider whether we should stay in this business, or in business in general". CLEARLY, the KB executive suite must have missed that day. This is textbook stuff, as in, KB makes a fine case study for what not to do. If I was a Policy professor, I'd use KB in my class. But you are telling us to ignore it, and instead are calling it a "healthy company"? If it was healthy, the stockholders never would have agreed to Bain's offer....but they did, didn't they? Edit: Why didn't the execs at KB do right by their stockholders, and, as soon as it became clear that Toys R Us and Walmart weren't going away, and that they were in trouble, SELL their company to one of them? That's what I would have done. That's what gets you the next job as a CEO...because you have proven that you know the game, and play it properly. This simply factually incorrect. It's a lie. See Politifact. Well, not a total lie, just "mostly false". The only question that remains: will you continue to believe the mostly false? Or, will you wise up? -
Impeach John Roberts?
OCinBuffalo replied to Duck_dodgers007's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Am I gonna have to pull over this car? -
For employing black people? Dave is communication-challenged. He consistently chooses the worst possible vehicle to make his point. Speaking of assclowns: how many blacks are you likely to encounter in the Hollywood writer's room? Or...is that different, because "there's talent involved"? For a group of people who love to preach so much....in practice, I've found(on the 2 Hollywood projects I've done) they are a diversity joke. Years ago, I developed a silent, internal checklist of things to look at with every new client. This helps me look for opportunity = relatively low hanging, easily implemented fruit. One of the things I look at is diversity. In those two Hollywood projects(I still have the folders zipped up), both clients had well over 100 employees, and both clients had less that 3% minority employees. Now, is that a coincidence...or did I just happen to do projects for the only 2 "racist" firms in the film industry? Or, should I have counted Jews as non-whites? Just saying. I'd be careful with those stones...if I were you.
Impeach John Roberts?
OCinBuffalo replied to Duck_dodgers007's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
This is the diametric opposite of what will happen. First of all, the electorate knows about this issue. It's the height of wishful thinking to presume otherwise. 2nd, if I was Romney, I'd stay away from Obamacare/tax, whatever. Why? 1. It's not like the entire Republican constituency won't be making Tom's argument on every single talk show, so why does he have to? 2. It's not like the TEA party won't be making the freedom argument. Notice: I said freedom, not constitutionality. We cannot argue that Obamacare makes us more free, as that would be ludicrous. By definition, Obamacare is designed to make a large decision...for people, and then give them fixed and predetermined options within that decision. So, again why does Romney have to? Obama would also be wise to stay away from this topic in debates. That's because arguing against the economics or the freedom arguments is fraught with landmines. One slip up and he risks creating a deadly soundbite, that will not go away. Obama sans teleprompter = not good. We haven't seen him decisively win a debate yet. Paul Ryan shredded him in that televised "meeting". If anything McCain beat him soundly once, and tied the rest. And that's McCain. The very last thing Obama wants is to start out a debate on defense. And, that's precisely where he will be if the Obamacare issue is raised. Look, I understand that Obama will be on defense for most debates on most issues. However, there's a difference between defending from midfield and from your own 10 yard line. Given these, I fail to see how this is "prime debate material" for either candidate. I fully expect the PACs to hit this issue all day, every day. Romney is smart to let them, and stay away, and Obama is smart to let them, hope the ads aren't that great, weather the storm and hope the loss isn't too great. The polls don't lie: this is a loser for Obama, because a large majority of our people hate it. Separate from that: I have no idea why Rendell is telling Democrats to stand up and defend this awfulness...well, I do if his agenda is to run himself, or have Hillary do it, in 2016. Or, he may just be as pragmatic as I am: you can't run away from your signature issue, it's an albatross, and you might as well stand in there and take it. He's going to lose on it either way, better to lose like a man, and reduce the damage. As far as impeaching John Roberts? Retarded. Both on principle(because the man has them, and stood by them), and...read the above. John Roberts, regardless of intention, may have just done more political damage to the left than anyone realizes. Also: it's not like he isn't smart enough to know that. Nothing is funnier than watching liberals praise a guy who may have just put the noose around their necks. -
I Just Heard A Confirmation Of What I've Been Thinking
OCinBuffalo replied to 3rdnlng's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
You cited Walmart, Toys R US, and whatever other competition out there...yet you cannot conceive that busting KB out was the best plan? Would it have been better to declare bankruptcy now...or declare it 2 years from now? What difference does that make? KB was most likely going down no matter what. With the competition they had with their huge selections and low prices, and, KB's positioning as the tiny, "mall toy store" who has to pay mall rent prices? Yeah, it's a pretty easy call that KB was going down. The only question was: when? Better to buy it now, do what Bain did, and get something out of it....rather than waste 2-3 years trying to be efficient and effective in a broken business model. Who exactly is left "holding the bag" in an LBO again? -
They learned their lesson on this a few years ago, when, right after ALGORE, inc. made a speech, there were record lows all over the place. I will always remember that. I was cursing the day I moved to Buffalo, because I was freezing my ass off. Plus, they didn't realize that while some of them were saying global warming caused higher temps, others were saying it causes lower. The global warming issue is done politically. The only concern I have now is Hillary Clinton trying to create a UN EPA...with complete power to control the entire world's economy. Now, the good news is: you need the Senate to approve any such treaty. Clearly, that ain't happening. Right now that's a 100-0 against vote. However, this administration has shown little regard for the law/constitution on multiple occasions, so, it's quite possible they will try to lock us in to some BS that we can't get out of.
Pat Tillman Disrespected With Words Put In His Mouth
OCinBuffalo replied to 3rdnlng's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Yes. I didn't sit behind a desk though...much. Sometimes you have to, like it or not. So, while I do have your experience, you do not have mine. Don't misunderstand: I respect your service. The whole thing is specialized and now fully mission oriented. We need everybody doing their mission, properly, for the thing to work at all. We all depend on each other. (Standard Issue Officer Response #90400-2100 ) However, I have also run across far too many 4-star corporals in my time who delude themselves into believing that they know a lot because they completely understand and are fully trained on a little. You, for example: with your "delusional economics". Not micro, not macro, not even Keynesian. No. It's a new school, that not only sheds basic economic principals, it requires its accounting done by magic elves. You have a lot to learn, corporal. A good place to start: how would one do PROPER cost accounting...in your fairy land? How could we run a business based on non-defined money, and impossible-to-define costs? Does Noam Chomsky have the answer to magical cost accounting in MDP fairly land? Well, I'm sure there's something on wiki you can cut and paste, right? But this is about Tillman, right? Well, let's see what other magical powers are required for us to accept your interpretations, shall we? Knowing what's really in the mind of a dead man, or a live one....are facts now? When did mind reading become an MOS for the coast guard? Or, are there now coast guard mind reading devices? Do they issue them with those cool orange life vests? Another example, corporal. At one point, I, yes I, was an avid reader of Noam. Does that make me Jane Fonda? I was also an avid reader of Milton Friedman, and Tom Clancy....so based on that, am I ready for toppling South American governments and replacing them with supply side policies? Yeah, that was me in Chile. Another example, corporal. Hey, I read the Koran too...what does that make me? What magical process exists that allows you to paste an absolute definition on me...for reading books? Show me a liberal who is. Just one, who is willing to leave behind millions and fight. Show me one who actually has. You can't. Not for all your magical ability. But I can. And, that's the point corporal. I can because I know more than what's in a few books. I have educated myself with books, yes, but also with life experience. You are content with other people's ideas, at face value, without question, and certainly not with any attempts at trying to confirm those ideas intellectually, or God forbid, live those ideas personally or see how they play out in the real world. That's not only piss poor, it's just sad. Hopefully you will grow out of it. This would be fine...if this is what Toure actually did. But that's not what he said. Go back, and read what he said. Words mean things. If he didn't mean what he said, he should have used different words. So, he is either a douchebag, or a poor communicator...who gets paid to communicate for a living. Take your pick. Toure chose his words poorly, and we called him out on it. Surely you, of all people, know how we handle people who choose their words poorly, and then try to backpedal out of it once they realize they are about to cross the stupidity line. That's precisely what Toure did here. If it isn't, then perhaps you would care to explain exactly who the "others that may take this in the wrong direction" are...exactly? Nobody knows, because you can't ask him now, and you couldn't ask him then. Unless of course, you had your trusty CG mind reader handy, right? Oh, I forgot, everything I have ever said, wrote and thought is all known to all people for all time, and I was never angry, tired, drunk, getting shot at, losing friends, or generally disagreeable when I wrote it. And of course...I never change my mind about anything. These are just more examples, corporal. And, you haven't used Tillman to prove that Noam Chomsky is legitimate? Holy bull **** Hypocrisy, Batman! Could you be more tiresomely phony? Noam Chomsky is your personal "gay marriage" issue, isn't it? Perfectly designed to make you feel superior...and anything...no matter how much of ridiculous stretch...is worth saying provided you can somehow bend it to suit that purpose. I was gonna ignore this entire post, but, when I see hypocrisy and phoniness like this on this board? Well, you can ask anybody here: it's always your ass. -
Awww SNAP, Let's Have Us a Party!
OCinBuffalo replied to /dev/null's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Perhaps not, but, only an unmitigated moron would consider this: to be anything other than the completely wrong answer, short or long term. Perhaps we should just put everyone on food stamps then? Christ that would create a demand boom, wouldn't it? Unmitigated morons. Edit: and no, this is not "Keynesian Stimulus". Not even Paulfuscate Krugman would try to sell this stupidity. If we have to choose between this....and ANYTHING, for a long/short term solution? Anything is better. This is just plain idiocy. Idiocy is not an "opinion", and stupidity is a choice. -
Pat Tillman Disrespected With Words Put In His Mouth
OCinBuffalo replied to 3rdnlng's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
So....now that you know WTF is really going on...we can say that the above is complete crap, right Buftex? Moreover, what I said: Toure went right up to line, realized he was being a douchebag, and then played it off by talking about "other people taking it in the wrong direction". is exactly right, isn't it Buftex? Finally, given this, Toure is not only a douchebag, he's a candy ass douchebag. Rather than just coming out and saying what he thinks, he's dancing around. And, he's knows nothing about the US Army. The Army wouldn't kill any single soldier over anything. It's not in their mentality. Even if Tillman went full Jane Fonda, they would consider spending any time on him dishonoring themselves, and the uniform, and the Army as a whole. They'd just send the guy packing. That would be the end of it. Toure and MDP: 2 people casting wild aspersions...about and in a field they know nothing about. -
Pat Tillman Disrespected With Words Put In His Mouth
OCinBuffalo replied to 3rdnlng's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
So we have a liberal who can't comprehend walking away from millions of $ to serve the country.... ....making thousands of $ by besmirching it, and the guy, and the Army, based on nothing other than conjecture? Love how this idiot gets right up to the line, and then realizes he's being a fool, and then plays it off by talking about "other people" taking it in the wrong direction. What a moron. -
The Most Arrogant Man In The World
OCinBuffalo replied to 3rdnlng's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
hehehe ...lybob You really wish you guys hadn't cried racist wolf so much now, don't you? "But it's all over now". Then, this might mean something to somebody. But, now, when you call racist...it means nothing. "Nowhere man....making all his nowhere plans for nobody." hehehe .....lybob You are unique in that your posts here can usually be refuted with Beatles and Stones lyrics. As far as calling people you don't agree with...racists with either nothing, or absurdity, to back it up? My advice: "Let it be" -
The Most Arrogant Man In The World
OCinBuffalo replied to 3rdnlng's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Actually, when dolts say "for all intensive purposes" they actually mean the exact opposite of "for all intents and purposes". All means all, not only those purposes qualified as "intensive". And, intents aren't the same thing as purposes. They aren't. So by using intensive, you further distort the meaning. The best was...I saw a guy try to play this off...by adding an entry to the urban dictionary. See entry #1 here. It's hysterical...because they DO NOT mean the same thing. Pedant or not. I wonder what the thread where he got busted for his idiocy with this was like. Wonder if he was saying excetera....and drinking expresso, when he posted? -
The Most Arrogant Man In The World
OCinBuffalo replied to 3rdnlng's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
It's times like these that I wish the plethora of liberal posters from 2005 were still here, so I could ask them about that whole "liberals are more educated and intelligent" thing they were running back then. -
The Most Arrogant Man In The World
OCinBuffalo replied to 3rdnlng's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
This is great. Are there any more intents, rather than just the one: laughing at MDP? -
If a certain poster was a techincal archictect...
OCinBuffalo replied to OCinBuffalo's topic in Off the Wall Archives
Abso....lutely. -
If a certain poster was a techincal archictect...
OCinBuffalo replied to OCinBuffalo's topic in Off the Wall Archives
The only thing that matters in this context is the first sentence. -
If a certain poster was a techincal archictect...
OCinBuffalo replied to OCinBuffalo's topic in Off the Wall Archives