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I don't own a gun...so there is no object for my "love", moron. I do know how to fire them quite well, and I have a lot of respect for them. Only a fool doesn't. What I do love, is logic and common sense, and you don't know either. Nothing has been established about Holmes. That's what we have trials for, you fascist(padded cell? ). Recognizing evil is a process, not a snap judgement. The fact that you have already pronounced this guy evil....when it's quite possible that he is extremely mentally ill, proves once again that the liberal experience with evil, and true morality in general, is severely lacking. But mostly, I hate an obnoxious, self-righteous, humorless douche...who can't tell when I'm kidding, even when I throw in a Catherine the Great reference. Jesus. Facepalm. Time for you to get a life. I am sure there are plenty of things you can do in your community to make it better, rather than spending time spouting and supporting naive idiocy. Also, I have news: given the above, I now know you aren't even close to me, in anything. This bothers you doesn't it....so much that you want to put me, somebody you don't know, in a padded cell? What are my crimes...other than being a lot better at life than you? Your eternal problem: you will never have the power to put me in a cell...ever, no amount of wishing will make it so. Angers you...doesn't it...you friggin lunatic. That's a problem you will never solve, isn't it? I can tell this is true, because I've heard the above from people like you, since high school. You are never going to be as big as you think you should be, and never have the power you think you were "supposed" to have. You refuse to accept that this is because of YOU, not anyone else. So you blame everyone else...you support changing the rules for everyone else, so that YOU won't suck so much. Well, tough schit, it ain't gonna happen. As I suggested: Let's turn your lunacy into a positive, and have you volunteer in your community instead. What do you say? Why not try something that isn't about you and what you don't have, and what you have no chance of controlling, for a nice change? That's 100% certain to make you feel better about yourself...rather than obsessing about what other people have/do, or trying to control them with your idiot laws.
But reality is here, and she says: STFU, and stop denying me....because we do have guns, and, there's lots of ways to kill people. Perhaps he would have gone with explosives instead? Of course, a lot more people would have died if he did....but you are OK with that....because at least a gun wouldn't have been involved, right?. If you're so inclined, perhaps you should invent a time machine, go back, and try to un-invent the gun. Of course, there's a good chance that when you come back you will have expended all this effort and wonderful technical ability....and changed nothing....because....those bastards will have invented the gun the year after. But don't let me stop you. By all means go ahead and build it. When you're done with it, I want to use it to go and see, once and for all, exactly what Catherine the Great did with horses.
Safe to say Bachmann sunk her reelection campaign?
OCinBuffalo replied to dayman's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Michell Bachman: The other white meat....when Sarah Palin isn't readily available for the left's latest hair-brained, "don't listen to the TEA party...that is dead...but don't listen to them" construct. Michell Bachman: Perhaps the single best decoy and flak jacket for the establishment candidate(Romney) there ever was....with the added benefit of taking out the only other establishment candidate(Pawlenty) at 0 cost to Romney. That's the real story here: the left/media expended so much energy and time destroying Bachman, then Gingrich, then Santorum, that they unintentionally legitimized Romney. The $100 million in Bain/Tax Return ads having 0 effect on the polls? ....is all the evidence we need for this. Bain Capital is It's like the post office running their "don't shut us down" ads. Pathetic. Very few people care about either. I watch these ads...and I think "junk mail". I will say that no, I wouldn't bang her...because I am certain that at some point during, she'd say "I won the Iowa Straw poll"....and that would just kill if for me. -
You do realize that we could have had the good stuff about Medicare, and none of the bad, had we not allowed the same tactical buffoons who thought "limited war" was a good idea, to also design the program? You keep telling yourself that people like me don't want to take care of the elderly because we are evil...or at least...not as "moral and compassionate as you are". You refuse to see the truth: I don't hate Medicare because I hate paying money for old people, or whatever nonsense you want to attribute to me. I hate Medicare because it was designed by obvious idiots, who didn't know the first thing about my job, and, it's maintained and supported by obvious idiots today, who still know nothing about my job. Spare us your "morality". Yeah, you're pragmatic alright, in terms of defending this stupid at all costs because your team is responsible for it. If they offered me the job to re-design Medicare/Medicaid tomorrow, I'd do it for half my normal rates. That's because: I know how, I would consider it a moral obligation...because I know how, and because getting this job done right for once, is now more important to me than making money. You're just the opposite, you'd rather defend the suck, because your political views/LBJ's legacy are more important than not sucking. You want more government money sent to and wasted on the geometrically growing empty costs of the suck, while doctors/nurses/aids/therapists get paid less and less, rather than admitting the suck. And worse, you want single payer. So, you want to extend the suck to everybody? Yeah...that's "moral".
Yeah...tell that to the cops that got shot in LA, and the others who had to beg for an armored car to get to their people, because they lost the fire superiority battle immediately. Why then did they start issuing assault rifles, in LA, to "regular cops"...and this problem has NEVER occurred again....if "regular cops" don't carry the stuff? Ridiculous. Why has crime, nation-wide, gone down, year after year, ever since gun control efforts have been defeated, and gun sales have gone up? Is this just a coincidence? Look, gun control became a political liability for most serious Democrats, and they dumped it, years ago. The only people who are still trying to push it, are, interestingly, the same people who are still butthurt about losing that battle, and refuse to recognize the facts and statistical evidence that has accrued consistently ever since they lost. Eric Holder is one of these people, and the Fast and Furious F up was a lame, politically driven, attempt to have gun control re-emerge as an issue. Naive? Maybe. But, ignorance isn't your fault. However, now that you've been given new(to you), valid information, continuing forward with this approach = choosing stupidity. Yes. Here's the deal: sooner or later you are going to come to point in your life where you accept the world as it is....and stop believing in wishful perceptions, and therefore believe you can change it with simplistic, centralized solutions. For all your knowledge and ability(I assume) there are some problems that you can't solve, or, that you can't solve by talking. But you can't accept that...yet. This is the unfortunate trait that most liberals share. There's a reason for the saying "a liberal is somebody who has never been mugged". Sooner or later, you are going to accept that evil really does exist, and the only way for it to succeed is for good people to do nothing. And, that more often that not, doing something...dammit, as much as we hate it....requires returning fire. Or, that we must, yeah, start, fight and win, a war to defeat evil. The nonsense in Florida is the exception that proves the rule. Sooner or later, you are going to realize that evil isn't selective. As in: the Wall Street Investment Banker who doesn't care about other people, and purposely and illegally Fs them over for personal gain...you correctly identify as evil. I can see that too. The trouble is: you can't see that the drug dealer who sprays and prays at his rivals, and hits an 11 year old as a result....is just as evil. Instead, you try to tell us that racism, and his lack of education and lack of options as a result, is at fault. Wrong. He is evil personified. After all, he hasn't even taken the time to learn how to use his weapon properly, because he doesn't care if he hits the 11 year old. How is that not evil? We must go after both men with equal vigor, and bring them to justice. But we can't, as long as you think that such a thing as moral relativity exists, and that evil doesn't, or only exists in the people you don't like or work with. Sure mitigating circumstances exist...that's why our existing law accounts for them. However, guns....and the Wall Street guy's lawyers...are merely the tools that these evil people use to get away with what they do. You won't stop evil by F'ing about with tools. Anybody familiar with tactics will tell you: denying the enemy use of one tool, when he can get a replacement, is pointless. You may cause them temporary harassment, but it is never worth the cost.They will also tell you that bringing the battle to the enemy is how you win. Denying the gun, or the lawyer, does nothing. You have to attack the source of the evil....and that is the person who commits it.
Yep. I haven't seen anybody be directed to do anything, by anybody. It simply doesn't work that way. Why is this such a difficult concept for you? Ideas come from individuals. They are never from "the leadership". This is a group of people whose belief in the superiority of the individual is only surpassed by their hated for your collectivist nonsense. Why would they contradict a core belief, and go along with "orders" from the Kochs? Again, your false mapping is on display. You really can't comprehend that the Koch's recognized a good model, invested in it, and had the good sense to stay the F out of its way? That's the text book definition of a "good investor". These guys know not to F with good, look how successful they are. All their money does is make things go faster, as any sound investment in a "start up" should. Money should never be the reason the model works. As we've seen, money is the only reason things like ACORN work, and when you take it away, they fail. The TEA party was going to work no matter what. The TEA party model isn't homogenous. Again, why would a group of people who hate the "one-size-fits-all" government idiocy you espouse subscribe to it in some national model driven by a few assclowns? That's what you do, and what they hate. Each group has done what makes sense for them with whatever money they were able to raise. You know, I would try to make an analogy to open-source software, but, you probably wouldn't understand the fundamentals of that either. The Koch's don't get to determine the direction of the TEA party any more or any less than everyman does. A particular email from a housewife in Iowa comes to mind. That single email has had massive effect on things, more than all the money that has been raised. Now, was she a plant? Again, the Kochs joined the TEA party. The TEA party will never join the Kochs. Again, you don't seem to be able to comprehend this simple difference in organizational structure and methodolgy. The TEA party wouldn't be any fun for anyone, if it was taking orders from "central command". It simply doesn't work that way. The only thing that could kill the TEA party? Forcing it to work that way. Most TEA party members don't even know who the F they are, and the rest don't care. EDIT: But, if they are the guys who paid for the pizza? Then great, thanks....now let's get back to work. The TEA party is as much an intellectual exercise at it is anything else. That's what makes it fun, and worth the time. That's why you can't make a liberal TEA party....because your ideology is about the few telling the many what to do, because they are all "idiots" and you know better, and because you and the rest of "the few" possess the rare "morality" to have compassion for them, don't you? In contrast, the many are what makes the TEA party go. 10k minds working a single problem....it's a scary good thing, and it's something you will never see. How sad for you. You can't accomplish this, because you don't value each of those minds. You only value them if they are willing to submit to your few, elitist minds. And, as soon as they do, and give you the votes you want, you want nothing else to do with them. It's a B word being a collectivist, isn't it? You waste tons of resources with this approach, but keep telling yourself that your central committee of intellectuals 1000 miles away from the problem, always knows better than the people on site, for whom the work to be done is right in front of them. Heh, you probably still think Medicare is a good idea, even though you personally suffer from its idiocy a little more every year. Just unwilling to admit that LBJ was a tool, aren't you? It's fascinating, really, that the guy who so blatantly F'ed up the Vietnam war....is also your personal God of Health Care. It will never run the tactics of the TEA Party. And, since the unique tactics of the TEA Party define it, it will never run the TEA Party. They only thing money does for the TEA Party: buy pizza for a bunch of people who were going to show up at the meeting anyway, and couldn't care less if there isn't any pizza next time.
Or, what is the illegal drug market valuation in Norway/Population vs the illegal drug market valuation in the US/Population? We could do this all day. It's always the same old thing with these guys....hold up a single stat from some turdball European country, and tell us that this single stat is why we should be more like them. It's usually Sweden or Germany....but then, when you remind them that Russia could take either country in a day's fighting, and would if the US wasn't around to keep Russia honest, they cry. Boo hoo. How about this single stat, that is actually meaningful? Immigration vs Emigration between Norway and the US? Sweden. Germany. You name it. Show me one country where more US citizens are moving to it, than coming from it. All these people that choose coming here and giving up the safety from gun violence in their countries. They must be crazy. (There are a few, but none of them are in Europe, or are even remotely socialist countries).
So, would you prefer that crazy uses an ax or a chainsaw on his victims, because he can't buy a gun? Yeah, you solved crazy by taking away a tool. Great job! The guy has wired up his apartment with chemicals and tripwires....should we ban chemicals and wire now? He was quite educated, especially in chemistry. Should we ban the teaching of chemistry now? This guy was trying to be like the bad guy in Batman(I saw a preview and the bad guy has tactical gear...and a gas mask on...sooner or later somebody will get this)...should we ban all bad guys in Batman? Should we ban all Batman movies? Should we just get it over with, and ban the Bat? (Yeah you are the joker....but not the way you think) The fact is that there's a hell of a lot more to gain in the US, than in Norway, in general. Even crime can pay, and therefore, so can murder. There's no reason to kill anybody if they don't have any more than you do, we are all half-assing at jobs that don't pay much, and our economy relies solely on selling our natural resources = Norway That's why Norway's murder rate is what it is. It has NOTHING to do with guns.
Mr Businessman, You Didn't Build Your Business
OCinBuffalo replied to 3rdnlng's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
I wonder....do you also get the inverse? As in: if we are all given the same "infrastructure" to work with, then, why do only some of us succeed? If "infrastructure" is the reason that all business owners are successful, or if it is the main reason, then why aren't all businesses successful? If that were the case, and since we all supposedly partake of government "infrastructure" equally(yeah, your highways and bridges have exactly 0 to do with my business, and, somehow I was able to make enterprise software before the internet so...horseshit...but I digress), then, wouldn't the lack of individual effort and/or ability be the only reason they fail? So....the individual effort/ability, if we were to believe in this idiocy, would STILL be what makes the difference. I am certain Obama didn't intend to make this point, but he did all the same, didn't he? Yet, these retards want the outcome to be equal...so that they can "pay" everyone equally, or at least insure there are no "rich" people. But, as individual, and not collective, effort makes all the difference, the outcome can NEVER be the same. Therefore, you can NEVER justifiably "pay" everyone the same. Individuality is the only variable, it is supreme, and casual. This is why socialism/collectivism will NEVER work. It is predicated, as we see here, on logical fallacy and contradiction. It's days like this that I wonder what giant douchebag, and giant Democrat, Larry Ellison(Oracle) has to say for himself. I wonder Larry, if you will come out and admit that it was anything, anything at all, other than Larry Ellison that built Oracle? Setting Larry's ego against his political party commitment....that would make for a very interesting...lunch...or nervous breakdown. -
Mr Businessman, You Didn't Build Your Business
OCinBuffalo replied to 3rdnlng's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Tee Hee But wait.....did you stop to consider why? Nope. Answer: Because Democrats are scared shitless of Pittsburgh going Romney....and they should be. If Pittsburgh goes or breaks even, that will largely cancel out Philly, and places like Erie and Scranton will determine PA. That means more money that the Obama campaign can't afford to spend in places they don't want to be, in a state they are supposed to win. Pittsburgh is coal country, and your boy hasn't been so good on that one, now has he? In fact, Appalachia in general is rapidly forming a real problem, such that look at this: Today's Electoral College From RCP See all those red states in Appalachia, and that they just happen to touch OH, PA and VA? See how every state around IL is grey? Notice that many of them are coal states as well? Suddenly, some tool in a plane isn't so funny, is it? If things were going well, they wouldn't be spending a single dollar in Pittsburgh. Especially when one considers that Obama has blown $100 million on this "tax return" and Bain stuff....and has gotten NOTHING in return. Keep laughing though. I'll be sure to remind you about it in November. Oh please, like they will ever tell the truth on this. They live under the premise that they know things we don't, and that those things serve a higher purpose we can't understand. The truth is of course the exact opposite. We know a lot that they don't...like basic economics, finance, and accounting, and what we know is a hell of a lot more relevant to getting things done. To be sure, there are some things that liberals know that we don't. For example, I am certain that the public perception of women in the 1890s, and their roles in society...is important, to somebody, somewhere. But knowing that doesn't help you create very many jobs. Knowing about business enough that you can create one...kinda helps. As far as their higher purpose, we aren't allowed to hear about it for the same reason we don't know anything about the women of the 1890s: they seem to think that for some crazy reason, we won't be able to appreciate it's "value". I get your point. But do you get this: the more they explain Obama's quote, the more they damn it? See, this is a win/win. Either the quote stays as it is, and it becomes the new "I actually voted for it before I voted against it", or, they give us quotable whole paragraphs that can be used for a higher level discussion...of the "various ways in which they are douchebags". Remember a few months ago when you were telling me not to underestimate the stupidity of the American people wrt Obama? You made some good points, etc. However, It appears you may have underestimated the stupidity of Obama, or, his campaign, for letting him speak off-prompter, again. The one thing that trumps our stupidity, is the unmitigated stupidity of a politician, especially when he has bad ideas, and is allowed to express them extemporaneously. How many more times are Obama's people going to make this mistake? I told you...sooner or later one of these handler F ups is going to cost them. I will grant you, the sheer volume of them made me think this would have happened a lot earlier. But it looks like, this time, this one is going to stick. The hilarity is: the stupidity of the American people, if it is as you say, will ensure that all they hear/care about IS the so-called out of context soundbite we all now know and love. -
Again, another example that proves you can't conceive of the TEA party properly. That you think the Koch brother's "run the TEA party" just shows how uninformed you really are. Keep watching MSNBC there birdog....more affirmation for you...and no information. You have it exactly opposite of how it is. The Koch brother's saw a genuine online movement, that was looking for a way to define itself. A reporter from CNBC unintentionally provided a name for it. The motivation for this group of people came from them, not from Koch brother's money. All the Koch brother's did was get in line...and throw money at what was happening regardless of them. See...TEA party people don't need to be bussed in, and paid, by their union masters....to get behind a set of values that they live, never mind share. Paying them would be offensive. This is why things like ACORN die...and why the TEA party will never die. That's why this is so foreign to you, isn't it? You keep looking for the bad guy leader whose character you can assassinate in the hopes that the drones will die off if their queen is dead, or the honey/money stops flowing. But you will only find a bunch of loosely affiliated people whose only common trait is: they hate the policies that you support, because they know they will ruin our country. They accurately understand these policies and their effects, due to their considerable education, which truthfully, despite all the wishful reporting to the contrary, is at a level that "progressives" only dream of. They are private people, and they won't make themselves public people, just to dignify your nonsense. Instead, they will privately drive to the meeting, or voting booth...and put a beat down on you. That is why they are effective...because they aren't reliant upon a bunch of idiot drones...the way you are. They don't need "community organizers" Instead, they use their considerable ability to organize and prepare, and when they go....well, you saw what happened in 2010, didn't you? But go ahead, keep re-cycling what you hear on MSNBC here and elsewhere. The TEA party couldn't care less what is said on a news channel that only the irrelevant and/or problem children attends. Victory is all they care about, because that means killing off the stupid ideology once and for all. I thought that the end of the Soviets and Bill Clinton's success was enough to prove that socialism = idiocy. Apparently we still have a ways to go. But understand, the TEA party is willing, and more importantly...able...to see this to its necessary conclusion. You should ask yourself: how long can you rely on your people, given their obvious weakness? What happens when George Soros, or the government itself, doesn't pay? Whatever, toy. Keep telling yourself how good you are at interpreting subtext, and I will keep using you as a source of personal amusement. No, I just wonder if you have the ability to understand. If you don't, and that makes you a child, or an unmitigated moron, it doesn't concern me. The answers to all of the above questions I posed....is false. The TEA party's existence proves that. That's why they are so confounding to the MSNBC lapdogs like birdog. His "progressive" glasses make perceiving the TEA party properly all but impossible. Taking those glasses off, just for a day, or for a single thread, doesn't appear to be a choice birdog is able to make. Instead, bridog assumes that the TEA party operates the same way his big city Democratic machines do. When reality proves that assumption to be false, over and over, he comes here and tries to tell us that Koch money has something to do with a bunch of websites, email chains, google groups, chat rooms, and message boards that all existed before anybody knew who the F the Koch brothers even were. That's why this is so absurd, and insulting: as if these online groups/people wouldn't exist and get things done..if it wasn't for the Koch brother's telling them to. No. Sorry, birdog, they don't have to be told what to do and think by their "dear leaders"....in fact, they don't even need leaders, which, ultimately, is the reason why there aren't any. Why would a bunch of people, who by definition are self-reliant, educated, positive, and successful...need somebody else to do anything for them, or tell them what to think, or how to achieve their goals? These people achieve goals every day as a matter of course. That's why they will always beat those who are dependent, ignorant, unaccountable, and reliant on handouts/government jobs/reimbursement. Winners win....and losers? Well? See 2010...and this year. See, the best part is that the left has no idea what is about to hit them. Hell, from what I understand, nobody knows the full extent of what the various TEA "parties" has planned. Who knows if it will all be effective? But, I bet a lot will. And, when it's over, what will "progressives" do? What else: they will howl about Sarah Palin and the terrible things she did to them.
Should we change the name of Buffalo Wings...because they are now consumed by a wider market? I mean, after all, if we apply the reasoning above, wouldn't North American Wings make more sense? No. The brand....which albeit....we have gotten way far away from the last 10 years.....of the Buffalo Bills is: 1. Punishing Defense that only gets hungrier and angrier as the game goes on and the weather gets worse. 2. The weather...while bringing cold discomfort to the opponent, only adds firery wrath to our fans who can't feel the cold. Whether that is due to years of conditioning, zealotry, or inebriation, can't be known, and therefore adds to the mystique. 3. Soccer moms who are scarier to opposing teams than even the most bizarrely dressed Raiders fan...because they are LOUDER, and will keep cheering the whole game regardless of the score! 4. A city who has every reason to feel bad....refusing to...and instead feeling good about their team, thus confounding the rest of the nation. 5. And of course, the most important ingredient: when the Bills are winning, they can't be angry. They can't hate. They know that we are the good guys, whether they want to admit it or not it irrelevant. We haven't seen this brand for a while, but it is still there, in the minds of those who can remember. The best is that we seem to be headed back in that direction. That's why I don't care as much about the offense, or who the QB is. As long as they can finish what the D starts, and then, as the sheets of rain and snow come down, and the winds of FAIL swirl around the other team, run the ball to close the game, we will be back to our brand of football. A brand, that can only emanate from one place, one stadium, and one fan base.
Looks like blackout rule won't apply here
OCinBuffalo replied to Logical Reasoning's topic in The Stadium Wall Archives
Which is precisely why we should avoid those who think they are entitled to raise our taxes and spend our money, on things like Solyndra, like the plague. Hey, at least you're being honest about it: we are never going to get what we pay for/what they are selling. Be it safer streets, fixed roads, more "compassion" , whatever, the first thing they will always do is waste our money paying off their buddies/constituencies...and then do a sh*t job allocating the rest(see Stimulus....and coming soon, Obamacare). The only reason NYS is willing to contribute anything to the Bills is because they know they will lock themselves into revenue for years to come. The revenue generated by the Bills for NYS simply cannot be replaced by anything else. That's why politicians care so much about the Bills leaving: they'd lose a ton of money that they currently enjoy wasting...on things that aren't even Keynesian multipliers. -
Anyone who is paying attention? This is why liberals FAIL. They are mapping their organizational structure...big city Democratic political machine....onto an organization that is the polar opposite. Then, when their map leads them astray, and they lose the argument, or more likely, multiple elections, they don't understand why....so they lash out at Sarah Palin. And, their biggest mistake: rather than blaming their map, they blame the organization they incorrectly mapped....or Sarah Palin.
Bah...this is just too fascinating to pass up. Ok, I have an approach I'd like to try. I will post a series of statements and you will reply with true/false to each of them. I will try to make them comprehensive, so that you can actually just give a true/false, but it's not easy so don't give me crap about it. We'll see how you, or anyone else, answers them. This will give us insight into whether the basic premises of the TEA party concept can be grasped: 1. Groups require strong, singular leadership, and a well-defined organizational chart to be successful. This way everyone knows their role and co-operates with other members. When everyone is moving in the same direction, the group can be effective. 2. A political party must have a consistent message delivered by competent professionals to be effective. 3. A political party organizational structure will always evolve towards being based on power and money. Those who contribute the most money will always be in charge of the message and direction, and more often than not either be or select the leadership. Those that are selected derive their power from money. However, there are exceptions where an individual member's power comes from support of the group, and the money follows. 4. Political parties require populist leaders to fire up the rank and file. The policy wonks work for those leaders as advisers. The big donors either select the leaders, or, they select the wonks that will advise the leaders. Wonks are never allowed to lead the party. The only wonks who are, are also good populist leaders.(Think Bill Clinton or Paul Ryan) 5. We must have a centralized plan for a political movement. Policy must emanate from the top and be disseminated down to rank and file, so that we are all on the same page, and we don't contradict each other. There, that should be good enough to get started. It will be interesting to see the answers. Well, I think so anyway I'll come back this time tomorrow and see what the answers are, and we can go from there.
This is you: This is is the TEA party: This is you trying to understand the TEA party: This is what the TEA party does to you while you are talking = calling them racists, rather than thinking = understanding them: Jesus...I am considering whether I should spell it out at a 5th grade reading level. It's very difficult for me not to because one on hand I don't like ignorance, on the other, it's funny , but mostly I just feel like I'd be wasting my time. I dunno.
Oh, there's plenty of reason....that you missed, there, master of subtext.
Why? I think this could be credible, but I I have yet to see anybody confirm it. We've seen plenty of "secret stuff from global warming denier meeting" memos from the left that turn out to be BS, so, until somebody confirms it, I am just as likely to believe it as not. But, that's the point of my post: tactics. The above just confirms what I have written: you are looking for a "leader of the TEA party" to stand against a wall and shoot. None exists. Oh sure, you'll tell yourself one day that it's definitely South Carolina Senator Jim Demint, or, the next day it's Bachman, or today...it's the Koch brothers. You just don't get it. Perhaps you never will. I hope you don't. This way I get to keep at your struggles with an otherwise simple concept, that your hubris and delusions prevent you from grasping. You especially, with your "I am more moral than you are because I'm a progressive" crap. That's a virtual lock to make this concept untenable for you. Hehe... Yet another post that proves my point. For everybody else: See? They just can't comprehend it, can they? More evidence that the TEA party lives in their blind spot. Must be the same place where objectivity, accountability and introspection lives as well.
After reading this thread a few things jump out at me: 1. We have posters here, who are misunderstanding Sorkin's misunderstanding of the TEA Party...and that's 2. So much BS has been ascribed to the TEA party(100% the media's fault) that liberals don't know how to fight them... and that's also . Their perception of the TEA party's characteristics, and the reality, is completely incongruent. Instead of dealing with who the actual TEA party members are, and their real political beliefs, liberals are fighting caricatures, and beliefs that have been shoddily attributed to them by the media....but neither is real. That's why the TEA party will succeed. Liberals are fighting against made up monsters....when the real TEA party people are elsewhere, saying something different, and much more effective. 3. The TEA party uses tactics and weapons that the liberals have no counter against. An example of this is first predicated on the liberal lie/belief that Sarah Palin/Michelle Bachman/(insert punching bag here) is the leader of the TEA party. Therefore, they try to use the tactic of decapitation = go after the head, the body dies, etc. What they end up doing: going after what amounts to an unintentional decoy, and elevating people like Palin to undeserved levels that make her lots of undeserved $ and power to command attention. The TEA party responds by exposing yet another waste of tax money, targets those politicians responsible(or any Republican that was tacitly involved or complacent in any way), organizes voters online, and kicks their ass, without the need for fund raising. Meanwhile, the liberals are still on TV talking schit about Palin, etc. They never lay a glove on the actual TEA party: the actual thing that will be killing them in the polls next election. The misdiagnosis of the TEA party is hysterical. The level of hubris required to continually misrepresent and therefore be unable to deal with the TEA party effectively? Over and over? Until liberals do some real introspection, and determine who/what they are really dealing with in the TEA party, this Vaudeville act will go on, I will keep laughing at them, and the TEA party will continue to kick their asses. I was a huge West Wing fan, because the writing was great. But, Soorkin/MSNBC, etc. aren't doing liberals, or their cause, any good here. The TEA party isn't who they think, and the shameful thing is: they'd rather believe their own lies, rather than go find out who they really are.
I Just Heard A Confirmation Of What I've Been Thinking
OCinBuffalo replied to 3rdnlng's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Hello again Mr. White Flag. I didn't make any major points. Politifact made them, and I just pasted them in. I also clearly pointed out that you linked to an unusable website to make your points. This argument, and the one being made against Romney/Bain, is over....but not because you say it is. Rather, it's over because the facts don't support what you are saying, you know it, more importantly, the Obama campaign knows it, and that's what counts. And, this argument is irrelevant, because, once again, Romney wasn't at Bain for any of this activity. This is the cheapest form of political attack...and now we all know it. There's an easy way to test this: let's see how many more times we hear the words Bain Capital from the lips of Obama Campaign people. (Talking heads don't count, as they are clearly being paid to grasp at straws at this point). What will you set the over/under at? -
Actually? No, we don't. Not as much as we used to. Movies have sucked, and, there's a direct relationship between amount of irrational political behavior from a Hollywood person, and failing at the box office. George Clooney proves this point, as he is rarely irrational. He has his views, but he presents them in a respectful way, and he doesn't run around calling people he doesn't know names. But, really? None of this was the reason for my posts. You said, as a writer, you could detect subtext extremely well. I decided to test that theory....and you FAIL.
I Just Heard A Confirmation Of What I've Been Thinking
OCinBuffalo replied to 3rdnlng's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
So what? Are you like the woman...who wants me...to want to do dishes? Why would I...want...to do dishes? Ugh, I haven't even read all of this, and I can already smell: "womanly". I hope this isn't going to be one emotional argument/idiotic rationalization after the next. We'll see.... Emotional Argument #1: "What about the jobs!" Dude, seriously? Toys R Us and Walmart were always going to destroy your friends'(yeah no emotion here at all) company. Those jobs were going away no matter what. What's better, for those people to lose those jobs, now, and get started somewhere else? Or stay, and waste time that they won't get credit for at the next job? And, btw, it must have sucked for you to lose a customer at your job....but you are being objective here, right? I am giving you the opinion of experts. You are choosing to argue with them. The article, as all Politifact articles are, was written to examine the Obama campaign's claims and objectively determine their veracity. Yes, there are opinions that would say the opposite: they work for the Obama campaign. Go ahead and look at the Washington Post(yeah, a real conservative bastion )'s fact checker here. 4 pinnochios and no opinions, only facts. Yeah, I had this article 3 posts ago as well. Let's see what else you have to say.... Emotional argument #2: You are talking about cannibalizing....but posting about KB making a 'profit', by closing stores and writing off assets? Really? KB cannibalized it's own assets so that it could appear more profitable to its buyers....and you don't see anything wrong with that? I don't see how this = "performance". The business model was sooo great...that it put **** inventory on your books that is so bad, that it needs to be written off, not sold on a secondary market? How many Walmarts can be classified as "underperforming"? In fat how many Wal Marts have been closed....that weren't replaced by bigger, "shock and awe" Walmarts? "Nothing could stop KB Toys from challenging"...Walmart, Target, Toys R Us? Yeah, I suppose nothing can stop a drunken idiot from challenging a bouncer...but that challenge does what exactly? Dude, all you have to know is that sentence, right there, to know that this author is nowhere near objective. Ridiculous. Yeah, you should do better internet research. Lendio is who this is. It has this nice little quote here, right on their website "President Obama, don't worry, we're here to help you out!" Which is link to a Huffington Post article? Real objective. They list their people...by first name...with no experience history? Dude, I talk to people like this as part of my job. They aren't toy industry analysts. Not even close. What they are: a loosely organized group of people that analyze companies like mine...and try to sell us financing....for an exploitative fee. They float around looking for whatever is "hot", they may have 1 guy who worked in toys for a few years...maybe. Oh sure, they get you the loan for free...but don't tell you that their fee is built into the rate, and that you have to put up crazy equity in your firm as collateral. They are a loan re-seller for banks, looking to take over your company at the slightest hint of trouble. Hence, from the website "FundingUniverse.com has had a small amount of unhappy customers and some unwanted complaints." and, "If the business owner isn't a good fit for any financing, or doesn't like their options, then Lendio helps them, over time, fix what's wrong. Lendio provides a valuable and needed service." By that logic, so does Bain Capital. Based on your version of "morality", these people are <= Bain, because at least Bain tells you who they really are. But most importantly, these guys will NEVER publicly bag on any company. That is counter productive for them. Everything is roses, because their sales pitch is based on "most businesses can get funded, if only you trust in us, and we say everything is positive, and we can do better...now sign here please." So, you cannot use these guys for objective analysis of KB. Sorry. But, remember, I have no problem with Lendio. This is the job they do. And, some companies are desperate enough to work with people like this. That's on them. Politifact is, by definition, fact. The whole point of it, or the WashPo fact checker, is to measure the truth in what politicians say. Go ahead and google all of these type of websites, and see for yourself. This info comes from the Obama campaign video, and it is now proven BS. I am done doing proper internet research for you. You are a grown up. So what if Bain got sued? They still got what they wanted. They still did the job they were hired to do, and somebody signed their contract. And most importantly? Romney was in Salt Lake City fixing the Olympics when all of your friends lost their jobs. I have been saying "wise up" since my JV coach said it. So spare me the O'Reilly stuff. -
Yeah, you work in a racist environment, amongst the biggest hypocrites and bipolar people on the planet. I don't. When confronted with the reality of your industry, you don't deny it. But you, of course, are neither racist or nuts, it's only the people who run the industry/other people, right? What do I have to do with this? Dave may be a racist, but what does that have to do with me? There's a name for your posts in this thread: projection. Feel the hypocrisy swirling around you. Why don't you see any blacks, or Asians for that matter, at work? I do. You know you wouldn't change anything in Hollywood, because it "works"(really?), and you are too scared to go against "the bosses" anyway. But you come here and call other people racist, and project nonsense onto me? I have news for you: you don't get to make that charge. You and your industry treat diversity as a joke, and then we are treated to your hypocritical preaching. You don't get to call anybody anything until your own situation is squared away. Until then, you can blow calling other people racist, right out your ass. Nobody cares what a Hollywood clown, who has only worked with minorities as janitors, grips, etc., has to say about racism. Understand, I'm not defending Dave. Rather, I am simply the guy who picks up the stones you've thrown, and throws them back, to see how much of your house is made of glass(and because of a word that rhymes with droll). Looks like you live in a greenhouse, huh.....
Nice non-denial denial you have there. So, apparently my reading comprehension skills are just fine. Just remember every time you hear one of your peers start preaching their moral superiority, 80% of us are rolling our eyes. And, if any of them dare call us racists, given their work environment? They are ridiculous, and will only achieve the opposite of what they intend. Dave doesn't take advice very well, that much is clear. I've explained to him more than a few times, that putting forward a controversial view requires thoughtful presentation. Look, I've even started a thread called "A DaveInElma thread, that is done properly" or something like that. So, now, after being ignored by Dave, I am starting to agree that he is not serious, and has an agenda that is not helpful to anyone. Of course, from the beginning of this mess, the easiest, linear conclusion has been "Dave's a racist". I tried to see if there were other conclusions...but those are running out...quick.