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Everything posted by OCinBuffalo

  1. No. I'm making it seem like a guy....who needs at least a +15% showing with women, to even have a chance, shouldn't let his VP go out and act like a clown on national TV. Of course every woman won't. Every woman is 100%. Obama needs the margin I've described. If he loses just 3% due to that behavior, he could lose the whole thing. Hell of a risk to take...just to placate a bunch of snarky clods on the left whose vote is going to be cancelled out in places like Ohio anyway. The only question that matters: does this behavior make undecideds vote for Obama? Did it help undecided women? All the panels I'm watching say no. They didn't get much out of this.
  2. Ok... Well first of all, do you have a wife? Or, a sister for that matter? A girlfriend? A mom? Are you trying to tell me that you're the only F'ing guy in America who that hasn't happened to? ? I see your and raise you a double :doh:? I mean, hey, if this is true, then you have won the lottery. I tip my hat, sir. But, for the rest of us, schit like this don't fly when we do it, and we WILL hear about it. Not now...later...
  3. Sounds about right to me. However, if I were to call my mom right now, and ask her what she thou--- I wouldn't be able to get the question out without her talking about Biden being disrespectful. You may not know this: but women remember stuff like that. Most of the time, they remember it for 3 years and bring it up when you ask "What?" All women have to do is remember this for less than a month...
  4. Fox panel...4 women in a row = "Biden disrespectful". This...from the "War on Women" people? Not good. Ohh...I don't know...something about independents and undecideds mattering a whole lot, in swing states, in close elections. But, you're probably right, we should just focus on what MSNBC is saying right now, right? Because...they, and their viewers, don't make up <= 20% of the electorate. Yeah, they are the people we should focus on.
  5. CNN undecided LV panel: Ryan won on better plan for future Biden won on identifying with people. Biden/Ryan/Tied all tied for who won. 1/3 for each. They are saying Ryan did better with women...no shocker there....and again, Biden behavior. Women don't like it when you act like an ass. Just ask your wife/girlfriend/chick that you bang, and then send out for Indian food and videos.
  6. MSNBC has completely...completely ignored the Biden "act". They are going to be shocked when they learn about the Twitter trends. It's all Biden behavior. That's the story.
  7. I agree with you...but, if you read/watched/listened today, you'd would have gotten the impression that Biden could have gotten plenty done here. Guess the pundits don't know, or, the Obama camp just said screw it, go in there and be a jerk, and hope that you can fire up the lowest common denominator. One thing that did get done tonight? 47% = They can say it all they want, but it's still dead. Ryan took away their only credible weapon(which, if you look a the polling, is a double digit loser, and only a weapon to the media, and people that live in DC), and that's a net win.
  8. Does anybody think Biden was able to turn it around with this? Does anybody think Biden was able to sufficiently drive a wedge between Ryan and Romney? Did he even try? Ryan's close was better. Seems like the story will be the Biden behavior....and not the substance...but again, what do I know?
  9. Detected your frustration Joe? Is that what you call it? This is about leading the country, not your frustration.
  10. "Russia has a different interest than we do, and that's not in our interest" Nice Joe. Is this an example of Biden winning? I don't think there's any chance of this thing changing anything...Biden can't stop being a clown, even when Ryan is talking serious stuff. I don't see how that helps with independents. It may fire up a few liberals who were going to vote for Obama anyway, but he has embarrassed himself. If we were going to have a contentious meeting, and one of my people acted like Biden? Plane ticket home, leave your laptop here. Now Biden is being serious? At the end? Too late.
  11. Ryan looks like the expert...Biden...the petulant child. Oh...perhaps Joe is having a moment of clarity? We are taking credit for training, and getting our guys killed in that training, but now we are leaving, because it's too expensive, because they are responsible? Wait, are we happy about training or not? Incoherent.
  12. The Biden attitude is killing this for him. If he had stuck to substance...perhaps he comes away with a tie. Now? If he doesn't cut this out...he just looks petty and weak.
  13. Thing is....anybody on this board...is used to paying attention. Somehow I don't think most people can follow Biden on this meandering...and goofing up the numbers. We may, but can they?
  14. yeah...right....Biden just got smoked on that zinger, and it got a laugh. Biden just got done rambling again, and just got cut off. Ryan is having a conversation with the mod...Biden is the drunk in the corner trying to join the conversation.
  15. Oh...GTFO! Boom! Words come out of your mouth. There's Ryan.... ...nice bridge comeback Joe. Well...47% is done. See ya....
  16. Objectively: Biden is doing ok...a couple of his points were buried in his...whatever the smiling and goofing off thing is. Ryan has done Ok to ignore Biden's attempt to bait him into getting angry. Right now Biden's rambling a bit....Joe, there are these things called periods in sentences, and pausing for effect.
  17. It's not about a salvo for the sake of the salvo. We can't begin with the response, we have to begin with what causes it. You need to recognize the cause/effect relationship for what it is. There is no chicken or egg thing here. Lawyers existed prior to corporations, and corporations are the response. Now what has happened since the ~ the 500s? As government, and law firms, have gotten bigger, and demanded more money, and found new ways to tax and new ways to sue...corporations have responded, and they have gotten bigger, more involved in the political process, and yeah, gone after those politicians that go after them, why the wouldn't they? You think I wouldn't fight for what I have built? They have also innovated to protect their assets. It's nothing more than a 1500-year-old arms race, and none of it is necessary. Economies of scale, in terms of just having an even shot at dealing with all the government and lawyers nonsense, have dictated that corporations must get bigger. That's why everybody in my business is looking to get in, show it working, and immediately sell today, or, they are doing the open-source and/or "5 servers in different countries, all behind proxies = good luck!" thing, so that they can fight these clowns on our playing field, instead of theirs. If you want to start walking this back, even we trade it off, one side, then the next, you have to start with the lawyers and the government. That, and corporations allow groups of individuals to take risks they would never be willing to take on their own. These risks often fail, but, when they don't, they advance society much faster than is possible with an inferior form of collective effort.
  18. Set the over/under on: % chance that Biden says something funnier than "I promise you, the President has a big stick. I promise you." http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=GOS26z553HE
  19. 1. Spell it right! Dammit! (For fun I go onto their boards once a month, ask a bunch of questions, and never, ever spell it right) 2. Lots of people. Their footprint is quite large. But, all these people have deluded themselves into believing that they are programmers, or, technical, in some way. They love to tell their clients that. It's like the old "I'm a Certified MS Access Developer" guys were. You try to get them to say that out loud in front of people, especially in the airport bar on Friday, and watch the hilarity ensue. If you wanted to be the biggest troll of all time, commit a module Droopal, and have it work, but every Wednesday, have it fail for .5 hour, the start working again. Wait, perhaps I should warn you: you could actually end up starting a religion that way.
  20. "Yeah! We learned about Search Engine Optimization at school today, mom! Tomorrow, we're going start working on our new project: Intro to Droopal! Some day, we may actually go to college, and get a 4 year degree in computer science! Then, we'll be able to do our data layer properly, won't have to depend on dopey things like ORMs, or anything else that compensates for our lack of programming skills! Now, I'm going to go download this SEO script, because I can't write it myself." Kindergarten IT? Really. In the face of a massive swell of Romney momentum, Kindergarten IT is your response? Just a small question: do you think F'ing about with SEO is going to make The Debate go away? Or, are you just doing this as a cathartic vehicle to help you get over it?
  21. Perhaps, but "am I wrong?". For the record: I have seen you delete plenty. Often I don't bother with posting it, because either it was understandable, or, I don't feel like having you chase me around the board for the next 3 days = tiresome. Wow, I guess it takes a lawyer to demonstrate proper use of irony, hypocrisy, and projection....all in a single word. Now...so you don't get your panties in a bunch as per normal, Mr. Sensitive: I am just kidding with you. That's what the is doing there. EDIT: Oh, and this is about goofing on BFFE, not you guys, hence the "Post 1: many posters can't tell when Tom's being an idiot, and then, Post 2: here's an example you being one of them". Lets see if either ego can process that properly. I decided to hit EDIT, and spell it out, because...well that should be obvious now, shouldn't it?
  22. Do you also find the current litigiousness of our society problematic? Do you find that the fact that we graduate 2x the number of lawyers we need, and that the first thing they do is try and create the need for their services...problematic? Look, I have a good lawyer, and I need him. But, the SOB is fond of telling me that his services are a "cost of doing business". No, they most certainly are not, they are are protection money. I have to pay it to keep the legions of bad lawyers who are of no use to society away from me. You have identified an effect, and are bitching about it. What about the cause? I've been sued 3 times over nothing. Nothing at all. All 3 never made it past the first day in court. This racket, and that's what it is, needs to be fixed, before any change in corporation law will be tolerated. Why should anyone commit their assets to any group...if they know they can be taken away by some scumbag, when they did nothing wrong. Corporations are the response, not the stimulae. You want to fix corporations? Ban the Trial Lawyers from giving political contributions. They are no different than the government employee unions, in terms of corrupting the process, they just wear nicer clothes. Look at Obamacare: why no tort reform? Do you think that is an accident? While you are at it, ban the major accounting/consulting firms as well(I have worked for 2 of them). These are the people who have created the system you despise, and then they protect us...from the system they created. Why do you think the tax code is what it is? Who do you think wrote it? These clods in Congress, their staff, government employees? Nope. Studs...that work directly for the partners, are who write it, and then turn around and charge $300/hr(minimum) to advise their clients on how to beat it. We can fix a lot of things, but, as you see with Obamacare, when you only fix one side, and blatantly ignore the other...people aren't as stupid as you hoped. You will get nowhere until you commit to solving the whole problem.
  23. Given this post, and others I've seen from you? This can change, but, I'd have to put you in the "won't know when Tom's being an idiot" group. But, don't fret, you are providing a valuable service to this board. Guys like you provide the starting point for things like 3.5, Retatta, etc. That's why I don't get things like Crayonz et al. All of the classic threads we have....involve some, if not a plethora, of breaking the rules. What the hell is the entire Retatta thread, if not "talking down to other posters, trolling", etc? It's...strange. I mean philosophically, if this was a real choice, and you had to make it: would you rather have Tim Graham....or Retatta?
  24. Margin of error implies an outlier. Where is the outlier, when every single poll before this one was D +6 at least? I'd call that a "standard" not an "error". Again, I am not impugning anyone here. I am merely pointing out the difference between multiple previous sets of data...and this one. Yes, yes it is.
  25. Once again, you show that you really have no idea how the A-10 came to be. If you think strippers, or hell, hookers, had nothing to do with it, or any other fighter, you are fooling yourself, and you really don't know the culture of the Air Force at the time. EDIT: Remember that Tailhook Navy thing? Do you think that was the first year they did that? Didn't the Secret Service(facepalm) just have a problem with this recently? Hookers and strippers have done their patriotic duty for this country, as much as any engineer has.
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