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Everything posted by OCinBuffalo

  1. We all know the "you supported companies in China thing is coming...again" The question is...will Obama merely repeat himself? Or, will he make a profound point...something that isn't a recycled McDonald's wrapper?
  2. This is boring and stupid...and has nothing to do with AK47s...why isn't Candy...oh she 'tried' What does teachers have to do with guns?
  3. Koko ahead of the curve.... ....and too bad the question pickers didn't see the Fast and Furious thing coming...for them
  4. Yes, Obama, you are trying to broaden the debate...and the people who picked the questions are trying to help you, by broadening the debate...so that we don't spend the whole thing on the economy and foreign policy.
  5. Romney booted it.
  6. Greeting caskets '= winning, moron. Putting them in caskets is winning. Oh...here it comes....
  7. See? that politicization thing was a terrible, terrible place for Obama to go....stupid even Now the damn has burst, and Romney can go all over the place....stupid. Obama should have stuck to detail...as soon as he said politics...he was done.
  8. Obama just left himself open with the politicizing Libya thing.. ...what was "youtube did it" if not politicization? Another involuntary head-nod.....Romney is one hell of a sales guy.
  9. I don't think that "have you looked at your pension" thing was a good idea. I would have gone with my thing: who is responsible for making things so miserable that illegal immigration is down?
  10. If I'm Romney: "Mr. President...you are the one who's made it so miserable...that people have stopped coming, legal, illegal, whatever. "
  11. Agreed at least she is putting in the effort. And it shows.
  12. Romney won that one. Obama was good....much better, but Romney won that one.
  13. hehehe....this is the risk I was talking about..... ....broadening....means you open up... Romney just used Obama's demagogue against him.
  14. Oh what the F? Now we see the bias coming. Ridiculous question BUSH IS GONE! WTF?
  15. Here we go..."broadening the debate" again. This is a risk for Obama....let's see if he navigates...
  16. ....and Romney evaded it. That's a mistake. He should have said: hey, if it's not working we're either going to fix what's broken, or yeah, do what we have to make it work.
  17. Now, why would I ever roll my eyes at you? I'm rolling them at the people who would rather demagogue this... Crowley's asking a good question here....
  18. Obama put on the spot by Candy Crowley? And he's flubbing it? The right can't say "bias" on this one...so far....
  19. Yes, a complex solution...to a complex problem...is bad. Because it's not simple.
  20. So..you enjoy your $4 gas? Romney is right, after 4 years...if the green stuff was working...the price for oil would be at least = to what it was prior to the economic crisis.
  21. Scoring it as boxing? Round 1 for Obama Round 2 and 3 for Romney Agree?
  22. Heh...romney looked at him on the Federal land thing....and got an involuntary head-nod out of Obama. Nice psych work there, Romney
  23. Not a bad answer to for Obama...and now we see what he is going to be doing all night: broadening the debate, and bringing up tangents...to try and avoid getting backed into the corner and pummeled. If it's boxing...he's going to keep moving his feet, and not try to win a slugfest.
  24. Not a bad answer to start with for Romney.
  25. No...it doesn't. He's goofing. What you are looking for? Main STREAM Media.
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