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Everything posted by OCinBuffalo

  1. Double move...catch em sitting on a rout. Do it!
  2. Nice...a no time used 15 yards. Handy in 2 minute drive.
  3. They way I saw it #84 ran down the line from the right to the middle and arm tackled his block, and dragged him to the ground. How that isn't holding, when he did it right in front of the ball carrier, is a friggin mystery.
  4. Dude...one of our guys got tackled on that play ....wtf...just saw it on replay...how do you miss that call?
  5. Wanny! Go Costanza! Do the opposite of what you are thinking right now. Just do it.
  6. Ok, this time we didn't get as good coverage on the kick....so does that mean the D will stop them?
  7. Hey...on the bright side...the O is getting some good practice.
  8. For those of you who want to fire Wannstace: Replace him with?
  9. Doesn't the law of averages dictate that we will stop them, at least once?
  10. What was the point of dropping KW in coverage on that 1st down? Seriously. Is Hassleback a run threat? Why not rush him? That made no sense at all, and gave them all day to throw...even though we almost sacked him.
  11. I'd take a sound tackle, or just getting off a block at this point.
  12. George Wilson lined em up right for that one. Sheppard is rapidly becoming a problem for me.
  13. I think we just moved LB to the top of our Draft Needs list
  14. Ok...so it's going to be one of those games. We haven't had one like this in a while....
  15. Yeah... it's "run to the ball", not, "run to the block".
  16. God. What was Sheppard doing on that? That wasn't the scheme.
  17. If we can't cover when rushing 4...then we better start blitzing.
  18. This is what good teams do. Go right back down the field, and pick up the D.
  19. Yes, and their slogan? "F the Frog, and his brithday!"
  20. I don't have to see the tape, I know it's a ..."yes John, clearly that's not optimal" thing. Might as well have said "Ya think?" Same meaning. Better words. There's plenty to get on Obama about besides "not optimal". And the "binder" thing has now done more for the S&M crowd than a super bowl commercial. Perhaps that's the real agenda here? Liberals are trying to support alternative lifestyles...by constantly positing a metaphor where none exists...that provokes thoughts of doing nasty things to women? Is this the residual, 50 Shades of Grey, effect still lingering? Do they still have that on their minds? I'm heading to the bar. Perhaps I will troll around and ask women if they want to see my binders, or better, just make them aware that I have them? "Btw, I do have some very nice binders, and I enjoy putting women in them". Yes, of course I shall. This should be fun....
  21. http://battlegroundw...-on-november-6/ Look, before you even start , this is a fact-based argument. That doesn't mean it's right. Do I think Romney gets MN? 30% chance at best. But, that beats the hell out of the chance I thought he had 30 days ago. The main reason I posted this is the argument against the D+10 oversample. Obviously. This is far and away the best indictment of these turnout biases that we keep seeing. We can talk about whether MN will go red. But, this post shows, beyond all doubt, that a D+, anything other than 2, over-sample is as ridiculous as it is easily debunked. Also...this guy crushes NBC/Marist for all time: http://battlegroundw...-obama-leading/ And uses Chuck Todd's(MSNBC's own political director) tweets to do it. Now, if your own guy is telling you that the oversample fix is in...then...what? Blame it on FOX News? Is Chuck Todd part of a "vast right wing conspiracy"? Romney has declared victory in NC, and just pulled out his #1 guy there, and most of the NC resources, and sent them all to Ohio...and he is only up by 5. Again, behavior is more telling than polls. If Obama was really up by 9...he'd be long gone form IA, and be spending all his $ and time in VA, NC, and FL. Instead, he's spending all his time in NH, WI, IA and OH...and perhaps even MN and PA. That's playing defense. Boy, aren't those Intrade suckers...who keep citing polls like this...going to be in total shock?
  22. Dude.... Just...Dude. I tried to get through 3 different articles on that site, but, I don't do well with 5 tangents in a row and an incoherent stream of consciousness. facepalm If you intention was to troll us, and get us to read that crap, you have succeeded.
  23. It's like they, and by they I mean those that use the word neo-conservative negatively, don't understand why we prepend words, with other words. Answer: so that they mean something different than the original word, all by itself. Duck doesn't know why the liberal elite, who do all the thinking for Duck, hate neo-conservatives....much more than they hate plain old conservatives. I refuse to tell him. The queen liberals aren't going to tell drones like him, so why is that my job? More evidence of the hive-mind that controls the current Democratic party. Yes....the "intellectual" party. Now...I wonder: WRT to Duck, are we talking useful idiot here, or just idiot? Are we even talking useful? Is Duck, in any way, useful to the liberal cause? So far....TheNewBills says no. Anyone else want to sign that petition? EDIT: And, I don't know if that was an intentional hook by Westside...but if so...nice work!
  24. The real irony? Neo-conservatives, by definition, actually would favor a health care plan like the one in Mass. Not that I expect Duck to know the real definition of the word or anything... So, I suppose it's unintentional irony? Or, not as funny as if he actually knew enough to contradict himself. Or is it more funny...because he doesn't know when he's contradicting himself?
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