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Everything posted by OCinBuffalo
Yeah, and I'd bet they will be process charges, because after interviewing somebody 10 times, one thing they said changed, and that's "perjury". CNN had better watch itself. They haven't done so well with getting stories right, for years now. And finally, what interesting timing. The day after Mueller's reason for existence as Special Counsel gets destroyed, after nearly a year of nothing, charges get filed. What a coincidence! They are going to file whatever they can, as fast as they can, before Trump fires the lot of them. We'll see if any of it even makes it to trial, and isn't summarily dismissed. EDIT: Discovery will be hilarious. I'd love to be the D lawyer of whoever is charged(if there even is somebody CNN), and simply object to each and every piece of evidence on the basis of Mueller's relationship with Comey, and on the fact that the lawyers working for Comey were all partisans, with some having worked for the Clinton campaign, who paid for the bogus dossier. Literally everything they...might, CNN...have is now "prejudicial". That is probably going to be the best paid trolling job in history.
Clinton Campaign paid for Bogus Trump Dossier
OCinBuffalo replied to OCinBuffalo's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
As I said above, the MSM won't have a choice: when Mueller is fired/resigns. Or, when Trump tells Sessions to indict(R donor/John McCain/insert some other R here) for beginning the bogus dossier. Or DWS/DNC for paying for it. Or, hell, why not indict the entire DNC, Clinton Campaign, Brennan, Clapper, Rice, Comey and Susan Powers on RICO for the dossier-->FISA-->unmasking? Think the media ignores that? There is a strong case for RICO law being applied here. Specifically because the Ambassador to the UN(Powers) asked for 1000s of US citizens to be unmasked. She didn't come up with that idea all by herself. They got her to do it, and tried to hide it that way, since they thought nobody would check on her, because it's so obtuse for her to be doing ANY unmasking. That's prima facia conspiracy, and racketeering to violate about 10 Federal laws, hence, RICO. That's the simplest explanation. Actually, nothing else even comes close to making more sense. All of this will leak, except this time Trump will be doing the leaking. The media can't ignore it. If anything, they will have to cover it or risk being left behind/looking like they don't know what's happening. They will be dragged into this. Just like they were dragged into Lewinsky. -
Clinton Campaign paid for Bogus Trump Dossier
OCinBuffalo replied to OCinBuffalo's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
No it patently is not. In fact, there is very little there that hasn't been corroborated. But, just for fun, let's say you're right. Of the numbered list, which do you want to bet on not turning out to be a fact? No F'ing way this is going away. It's way too big, and too many people have too much to lose. It's just a matter of time before the media/Dems start turning on each other/making sure they have chair before the music stops. The WSJ just demanded Mueller resign today. It's Friday at 8:06 pm EST. When are you expecting this tweet? I'm just asking because I'm tired, and I'm not gonna stay up all night waiting. Or, you can tell me that you were wrong. I know, I know, that's a tough ask, but couldn't you just do it this one time? -
Clinton Campaign paid for Bogus Trump Dossier
OCinBuffalo replied to OCinBuffalo's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
But you are capable of reading comprehension and understanding facts, especially when I've so clearly laid them out for you in my previous post, right? -
Nope. I have never liked him personally. But as a grown up, and a professional, who works some days with people I don't like personally, I know that efficacy and accomplishment matters more than my feelings. This is the definition of professionalism. Nah, I love what he is doing. It's been a long time coming. I know what's coming, or at least I know what is most probable. DC establishment on both sides live and do business in a burned out crackhouse. There is no saving it. Better to kick its inhabitants out, knock it down, and start again. You can't do that by being "presidential". That's a false choice. Swamp had every intention, before Trump was even sworn in, to disrespect both him and the office. They aren't changing. So, why should he bother? Appearances for the rest of the world? Please. Only results matter. The best proof in the pudding: for decades China has done something to provoke every incoming POTUS. Not this time. Why? Because they don't honestly know if Trump will shove a missile or 3k up their asses. China prides itself on being 4 steps ahead of our government. Now? They are behind. They are behind because Trump is not bound by useless convention, thus they can't see his moves. Trump has taken on the mammoth task of fixing DC. But, in order to do that, he must break them in battle, banish them, and knock their fiefdoms down, so they can't simply be taken over by new government aristocrats. Even that is not enough. He has to destroy their culture. But, I fully acknowledge that completely destroying DC's culture of corruption may be a bridge too far. What he can do: beat them on the battlefield, every day. He won a major political victory with the NFL thing with just a few tweets. You can say he's being petty, and he is, but, is he winning? Yep. He promised he would win so much we'd get sick of it. I'm not even close.
Clinton Campaign paid for Bogus Trump Dossier
OCinBuffalo replied to OCinBuffalo's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
When the FBI: 1. pays for opposition research in a POTUS election, under any circumstance(what, do you want to live in a banana republic?) 2. then uses it as a base of its investigation 3. realizes they've been duped, but not before they leak it to the media 4. then covers up their involvement, as per instructed by Justice(?) or its Director(?)...somebody made that call 5. then knowingly allows a major party to base false allegations on it, and be complicit in a bald faced lies told to the American people 6. gets scared because what they paid for is now publicly debunked 7. then tries to play CYA by briefing both Trump and Obama about it 8. then refuses to answer any questions about it in sworn Congressional testimony when they knew literally the whole story, from birth to abortion ??? Yeah, just a slightly different case. Either you are an unmitigated moron, Bambi-level naive, or you know damn well this is a different case but you don't want to face its facts. -
Welcome to reality. It hates you.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Otto_von_Bismarck "I have beaten them all! All!" I say Trump has a 50/50 chance of being able to say that.
We both know that Trump is intentionally antagonizing people. Why doesn't seem to be obvious to you though. He's goading them into making mistakes, so that he can get rid of them/drain the swamp. Notice: one part of every Trump attack uses a policy that the target supports, or a vote they cast. He never attacks without substance. THEN, in the next part he goes full-pejorative, which, is right out of the 300-level marketing textbooks. Watch any commercial that bags on the competition: Establish something the other guy does that sucks, then make fun of him for it. Example: The Lifelock Commercial. Bank gets held up and the security guard who, when told to "do something", says "I'm just a security...monitor". See:Textbook marketing. Politicians aren't used to this type of nuanced and specialized attack. It isn't coming from a repetitive, campaign ad, stump speech, or talking points from surrogates, all of which most people tune out. And, individual criticism for politicians is generally bad for business. They always say things like "our Democratic colleagues don't have a clue about how economics works" or "House Republicans want you die early". They never call each other out by name, like Trump does. Thus, their criticism is a one day story. They've played their role on TV, in a show for the folks back home. The next day, the swamp spending for payoffs continues, on both sides of the aisle. Trump has balls. You want politicians to have balls that they never will. Having real balls and really speaking out? They revoke your swamp membership card. See, you actually want Trump to do this sort of stuff, it's just that you don't realize it yet.
Clinton Campaign paid for Bogus Trump Dossier
OCinBuffalo replied to OCinBuffalo's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
I know it hasn't even been 24 hours, and you have a hard time accepting reality/facts you don't like...but I am telling you now: you want ALL this investigation to end. There is nothing at the end of this rainbow for you but suffering, wailing, and gnashing of teeth. As I said above: never think that Trump isn't going to retaliate, righteously, and in a big way. Never think that he will allow anyone to get in the way of that, including firing everybody at Justice, even his own AG. What a coincidence that Mueller started investigating Tony Podesta, DEMOCRAT lobbyist, just a day before my link comes out. Amazing. So now Mueller hasn't just failed to find anything on Trump, and thus should have shut things down. NOW?, he's going outside his scope investigating people that had noting to do with Trump, or his campaign. Why? It walks like a duck: he's already playing CYA, and looking for a scapegoat to pin things on, because the alternative is pinning things on Hillary, Lynch, Obama, and especially his buddy Comey. Why Tony Podesta? Why not John his brother, and Hillary's campaign manager/D machine guy? Could it be that they've all agreed on a fall guy/patsy? Could Tony's $ for being the fall guy already be in the Caymans after he does a pre-determined 2 year stretch in low-security prison? (EDIT: Hey, we've endured a full year of unsubstantiated innuendo and rumor-mongering from you, now it's your turn. Fair is fair.) I don't know why this is happening for sure, but I do know: it is happening, and it's one hell of a coincidence. -
Clinton Campaign paid for Bogus Trump Dossier
OCinBuffalo replied to OCinBuffalo's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
But that's not what I'm referring. I'm referring to the only conclusion there's actual evidence for: Elements within the USIC attempted a slow moving coup against an incoming administration in an effort to preserve their perma-war/regime change foreign policy agendas. In doing so, the USIC has waged a non stop information warfare campaign against US citizens, deploying their cutouts in the MSM and on the Hill to do so. This is the only conclusion which has actual evidence behind it that isn't couched in speculation, unnamed sources and unnamed methods. This is a grave threat to our democratic republic that impacts all political ideologies. It should be a unifying realization - the game is rigged, not for one party over the other, but rigged against the will of the people. The people loudly and clearly voted to end regime change and perma war in the 2016 election, but Directors Clapper and Brennan and their flunkies within the deep state don't believe the people should have any say when it comes to their budgets and agendas. You ignore this all because "your side" - which is now comprised of neocon propaganda specialists whom the left reviled rightfully so for the past decade for pushing us into 17 years of endless war - says Putin is the true threat to American democracy... because he paid for fake news stories (most of which came out after the election) that ignorant Americans were too lazy to verify? Is that truly the bigger threat than the USIC circumventing the constitution, running a propaganda campaign designed to mislead American citizens, and launching what is in effect a coup against a legally elected US president? Of course it's not. The solution to Russian fake news which is being pushed by Warner and the left is effectively state sponsored censorship. That's what you're fighting for. That's the side you're on now. Not the side who is trying to free ourselves from the jackboot of a deep state that has done more to destabilize the world and spread death and terror than any other nation state. You're fighting for fascist solutions to problems that have existed for centuries. You're being had. Or you would have been had if you ever tried thinking critically or independently. -
Clinton Campaign paid for Bogus Trump Dossier
OCinBuffalo replied to OCinBuffalo's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Unable to refute, Buftex does a Buftex. And you wonder why you've lost 1000+ seats in government. Name calling and character assassination: how that's working out for you? You still haven't accepted the fact that Trump won, QED, you have no new policies to put forward which might attract support, because you still don't understand why your existing policies were rejected , QED your agenda is incoherent because it's based on nothing other than Trump-denial/attack, QED you can call me whatever you like: I will correctly call you the emerging irrelevant minority. Keep it up. Make Democrats Lose Again.(Hmm. Thats a good hat/T-shirt idea) -
The people that founded and fought this country into existence, literally undermined the democratic norms(subject to British law, but not represented in British government) and ideals(that they simply could not even exist without guidance and correction from an island 1000s of miles away) of the day. The USA was born and built on throwing off bad "norms" and "ideals". If Trump is undermining today's democratic norms(such as corrupt Clintonian pay for play, McCain hypocrisy, Pelosian incompetence, Schumer duplicity, and Obama flat out fraud and deception), what exactly is wrong with that? The "norm" quite obviously sucks. As far as ideals go: would you call 8 years of less than 2% growth "ideal"? How about the racial divisiveness that increased massively under Obama, is that an American ideal? How about the constant scandals(IRS, Fast and Furious, Benghazi, etc.) and now-obvious corruption of the Obama Admin., does any of that represent our ideals? How about Obamacare itself? How was it: designed(utter crap by amateurs), passed(contrary to our ideals, instead of listening to the normally liberal Massachusetts people who voted in Scott Brown to deny the 60 votes necessary for its passage, Harry Reid used reconciliation), executed(again by amateurs, the technical people can blame the design, and, the "save the price till the end" requirement for some of the FAIL, but the Apple and Google weenies simply weren't the real thing. They do consumer, not enterprise corporate: huge difference), and implemented(multiple illegal executive orders just to get it going, then, even more to keep it alive) representative of our ideals? No. The abortion that is Obamacare is contrary to American ideals in quite literally every way. Thus, you're damn right Trump is undermining our "norms", because schit has become the norm. Trump is undermining the awful ideals of the far-left, which should have never been put upon the country. Your ideals suck, largely because they are un-American. Please refrain from projecting your crappy ideals onto the rest of us, or pretending they represent what American is about.
Chris Tingle also called the speech "historical". Um, no. Revisit this in 6 weeks. Ask anybody you know/run into about this Flake speech. Observe blank stare. Historical Senate Speech? No. This is a historical Senate speech.
I like how they "updated" that analysis, all the way down at the bottom, with exactly what doesn't make it false, but they have yet to remove the "false" icon. At the very least it deserves a "plausible", or whatever their ranking for that is. It doesn't matter, given what we know now, they're going to have to revisit this entire thing, period. Or, just give us a 404 error in a month: "this is not the page you are looking for".
Clinton Campaign paid for Bogus Trump Dossier
OCinBuffalo replied to OCinBuffalo's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Oh, I see: so we haven't been hearing the words Trump Colluded with Russia to Steal the Election, in 1000s of variations, since January. I love how facts make me hysterical. I also love how proper analysis of the facts make me hysterical. You're F'ed. Say goodbye to 2018 and 2020. Instead of fixing the D party, you and the rest of your clown troupe have been fixated on this. Since day 1 you've been telling us that Trump didn't win/will be impeached/will be gotten by Mueller/won't run again. Per C.S. Lewis, it's time for all of you to go back to the source of your error, correct it and start again: Accept that Trump won the election, because we are sick of your loser policies and divisive PC nonsense. Accept it. Yeah, I'm hysterical. No. You are delusional. And, now that we have empirical evidence of the "rigged system"/"deep state"? How many MORE Americans than last time are going reject your corrupt party, and vote for Rs/Trump just to teach Ds another, bigger lesson? You've learned nothing from the first lesson. Apparently it needs to be repeated. See ya in NOV 2018. -
https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/clinton-campaign-dnc-paid-for-research-that-led-to-russia-dossier/2017/10/24/226fabf0-b8e4-11e7-a908-a3470754bbb9_story.html?utm_term=.59f849bde7a3 Why do you care? Because the FBI used this document as "proof" of the entire Russia Collusion story. It's been completely debunked. The FBI pulled out of funding/using the dossier...only after it became clear that it was created by a smear company: Fusion GPS. So, the FBI, supposedly the world's finest investigative outfit...was duped into not only believing in, but paying for, a fraud. In fact, it is now, by definition complicit in the furtherance of that fraud, as well as a cover-up. Sure, this abortion began with a Republican donor(with ties to John McCain). But, once it became clear Trump was going to win the primary, the Clinton campaign, and the FBI funded this nonsense, and we've been hearing "Russia! Russia! Russia!" ever since. Total fraud. The entire story is based on a contrivance. Now, who do we see about getting our $ back, and our time wasted? Answer: Drain. The. Swamp. FBI heads must roll over this. Comey deserves at least a fine, if not jail time, because this all leads back to him: he briefed both Obama and Trump on this? Yeah, to cover his own ass, once Trump won. This entire thing qualifies as a RICO case. Clinton, Comey, Lorretta Lynch, and the senior managers at Justice/the FBI conspired to defraud the American people, and steal an election. When that didn't work, they persisted in defamation and libel. It's far past time to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate the entire DNC, Clinton Campaign, and FBI, and simply fire every Obama-appointed US Attorney. The current special prosecutor's(Mueller) entire case just fell apart, and it's time for him to resign.
Bucs at Bills game video available
OCinBuffalo replied to timekills17's topic in The Stadium Wall Archives
Timekills back at it. Nice. Also, thank you for your service. -
Any chance we can sticky/archive this post for draft season? I mean, if/when the Bills draft another CB in the 1st, it would awfully handy to have this in-season post to remind people why we draft CBs in general, if not in the 1st round, when we aren't playing real games.
No. For 1 blatantly obvious reason: zone blocking. The players had a meeting with the coaches during the bye, and in no uncertain terms told them that they are power blockers/pulling guards. Every single one of these guys is a road grader, not a stretch play/horizontally get to a spot, guy. We have the O line that BillinNYC has been demanding for 10 years...and we've misused it terribly this season Today, we actually ran some power blocking, especially on the TD drive where Shady tore it up. What a shocker that the run game looked better. Right after that, we went back to zone, for reasons passing all understanding, pissed the ball away and played JV defense right after, which let them get the tying TD. For Pete's sake: let the O line play the way they were born to play. We saw it easy in the 4th qtr. Enough with "the scheme" let our guys hit the man in front of them and drive him back/get to the 2nd level. Shady is shady when we do that.
I will give the same answer I gave to the people who were predicting a 4-12 season: The Bills can run, and stop the run, which means, in today's NFL you get 8-8 at least. Thus, being down by 7 with 4+ mins on the clock, most likely meant overtime, and certainly not an auto-loss. Facts in evidence: This was a prototypical 8-8 team performance, because we tried to lose every way there is...except throwing a pick. Yet, we won. How? Not throwing a pick + no quitting + a street FA, VETERAN, WR coming in and having a career day + that FA making the run viable. And, we had an 8-8 fumble performance. They got one on a good D play, but so did we. See, the thing is: we were never going to lose more than 8 games. Never. Today == winning a game we might have lost, if we were going to be an 8-8 team. Now? We're a 9-7 team. Winning last game would have statistically made us a lock for 11-5. But we didn't win. So, the stats say we've moved our chance of being at least a 9-7 team to above 50%. Now, hope says 10-6, reality says 9-7, and who the F knows? The Pats just beat Atlanta, which was a major stat shift if they had lost. But they didn't. Ultimately? We've won 4 games, so the 4-12 people are already wrong.
Was schit.
This type of stuff needs to end - Fan on fire
OCinBuffalo replied to bobobonators's topic in The Stadium Wall Archives
Horsecrap. I have an entire plan for downtown if they move the stadium there. Part of the cover charge includes plastic tables.