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Everything posted by OCinBuffalo

  1. Yes I have. For. Years. (One word sentences seem to be all the rage here lately, so I'd figured I'd try it out) As for the rest? WTF? I been busy, and yeah, too lazy to actively pursue fixing the problem, but also, unlike you, this really isn't one of the top 3 things that drive my life. If your wife wanted to punish you: taking away your TSW privileges, or just limiting them to the football board? Wouldn't that be #1 on the list? Tom's wife's friend: What's the matter? Tom's wife: Tom has taken up whittling during his punishment time. Tom's wife's friend: So? That's seems like a relatively harmless pastime. Tom's wife: He has made litte stick figures and carved little handles into them. He spends entire nights yelling at them. It's gotten to the point where even I think this conner...is an idiot, and that ...lybob is incapable of abstract thought. I have forgotten who is being punished here. For. Years.
  2. Hehehe...surest indicator of design flaw(s)? When the word "tweak" is used in the first phase of the rollout. This isn't true for every stack, but for almost everything? Yup! Ideally, tweaking is what you do at the end, and most often used as shorthand for "crap, we need another week". You hear that at the beginning? Ouch. All you can hope for: you weren't part of the decision that brought "the guys who say tweak" in. I can't help it, I think this would be funny(not that SNL could do it right): Arthur: Who are you? Guy of Tweak: We are the guys who say..... "Tweak"! Arthur: (horrified) No! Not the guys who say "Tweak"! Guy of Tweak: The same. Other Guy of Tweak: Who are we? Guy of Tweak: We are the keepers of the sacred words: "Tweak", "Single Payer", and "Meaningful Use"! Other Guy of Tweak: "Meaningful USE!" Arthur: (to Bedevere) Those who hear them seldom live to tell the tale! Guy of Tweak: The guys who say "Tweak" demand..... a sacrifice! Arthur: Guys of Tweak, we are but simple business owners and executives who seek a reasonable way to ensure that our workers and their families are healthy, and therefore, focused on their work. Christ, this used to only be a problem for whatsername, you know, HR lady. Now, it's affecting every damn decision we make, and our investors, bankers, customers and suppliers make. Guys of Tweak: Tweak! Tweak! Tweak! Tweak! Tweak! Tweak! Tweak! Tweak! Tweak! Bedevere: No! Noooo! Aaaugh! No! Guy of Tweak: We shall say "Tweak" to you... if you do not appease us. You should do the rest of it. I am sure you can figure out something to replace "we want...a shrubbery". Just think of some abusurd thing that the government requires of you that has nothing to do with the care process.
  3. Ah yes, another guy whose number I've so thoroughly had for years adds his autonomic response.
  4. So much so....that you didn't feel it was necessary to reply, huh? Did you forget? I've had your number for years. A few months off doesn't change that.
  5. The danger here, that no one, certainly not either "side", seems to get is the nothingburger effect. What happens when nothing happens? Consider: if the unemployement rate drops .01% we already know that the idiot left will blame the Republicans, and, if it goes up by .01% we know that the idiot right will take credit for cutting spending. However, really, nobody is going to pay attention...unless that change is 3-4 points. What happens when it isn't? Should we do another sequester? I mean come on, according to each side, defense spending, or entitlement spending, is what is holding us back. Well, fine. Apparently not enough peple are still alive who learned the hard lesson of what happens to us when we let our military slip. Fine. You'll just have to learn the hard way. More kids are going to die next war, but they will be your kids, instead of your grandfather's buddies. Who will be blamed? Who cares? Will you when your kid comes home in a box because he only had basic training and a few weeks of AIT? War isn't going away, whereas, Medicare was never part of the human condition and therefore it's completely assinine to put an = between them. But, so what? If this is the only way to get spending under control, and get people to take spending seriously, scew it. What happens to the these politicians when reduced spending with no effect...is proven? If we were to continue down the current path of spending, there's no guarantee that we'd have the cash for operations anyway. So, if this is the ONLY way to get DC under control, I'm all for it. Besides, it's far past time for Europe and Japan/Korea to handle their own business. Why should we be their defense budget? Let Germany pay 100% for its own defense, same with Sweden, and let us see just how quickly their socialist paradise lasts. Comparing them to us...is the work of an idiot.
  6. Of course I agree, but, I add the expectations and limitations for a reason. You can't choose to have a irritating mother who expects more from you than you can possibly deliver. Nor can you choose to have an equally irritating mother who expects nothing from you, and is patronizing whenever you succeed. You can say you "choose" to ignore it, but those things are emtional, and with us no matter what. The only choice you can make: not letting external sources set YOUR expectations. Same thing is true for recognizing limitations. I am a firm believer that the current over-emphasis on self-esteem stems from a false correlation. In time, the research will be there to prove it's false. In fact that's already started to happen. But, it's so convenient for the left, that it's going to die very hard. Here's wisdom from 3000 years ago, and we don't need to spend more tax dollars to research it, as it's already causally proven: "Self control is the chief element in self respect, and self respect is the chief element in courage." -Thucydides http://http://www.goodreads.com/quotes/76816-self-control-is-the-chief-element-in-self-respect-and-self-respect-is The false corallary is that self-esteem, and not self-respect, is the fulcrum.
  7. Perhaps conner was waiting for me to come back? Although, and I wish I had thought of this, creating conner merely as a foil for Tom would be brilliant. However, conner, I believe was here prior to me, or, was posting as Molson_Golden. I remain unconvinced on that.
  8. Tesla got screwed. Nobody denies it. Hell, a band even named themselves over it. Now, to go from that...to there's a super secret government installation that is doing Tesla stuff and doesn't want anybody to know about it? Sci-fi channel. This is what Hollywood loves: just enough fact to cross the suspension of disbelief threshold. Dude, I know an ex-NSA guy who sold his patents. At one point, they were state of the art and classified. When they were replaced by something better, he got the green light to go commericial. He says there's lots of guys like him. Morevover, there's this thing called the internet now. Tesla was fighting when the "old boy" club really did exist, and they really did have control over the media. Double Moreover, if anyone thought they could make any money off of any of Tesla's theories...they'd be doing it. Not just in this country. Especially if they could get their hands on his research. I find that most of the "they are doing this" stories come from the wannabes. Not good enough to go get a EE degree and invent something...but still interested in EE? Become a "journalist" or a "watchdog" and then write stories about the people who are good enough to get that degree and engineer something. It's the same thing in my job. There are a zillion "health care informatics" bloggers or "workflow" bloggers or "mobile enterprise" bloggers. Hardly if any have ever run a project, built an archtecture from scratch, or actually sat down an wrote a single line of code that has been put into production. But, they all "know" something about what I do.
  9. At this thread title In other news: Accenture is sponsoring a new lecture series at The Wharton School entitled "Arrogance: The spectre of unearned merit, via association with a group". The Canadian Film Board has approved a new documentary called "Tolerance, a proud Canadian Tradition". Which, one hopes, will explain why so many of them deem it appropriate to start political arguments in the pisser at the Sabres/Bills game. Why the pisser you ask? Well? Consider it. I have. You can't leave. You can't even move, really. You have to sit there and listen, and, since you've been drinking, there's a good chance you will be there longer than normal. It's well thought out actually...so will my repsonse be the next time it happens. I will simply turn to address the argument seeker, face to face. After all he seems to think his thoughts deserve my full attention, so I will give it to him. I will merely explain to the cops that I was so engaged in the discussion that I simply forgot what I was doing. After all, who expects to be involved in a serious political disucssion in a the pisser? Another CFB offering: "Insecurity. The dangerous thought that becomes a habit". The hope here is to explain why it is necessary for Canadians to spend the entire 3 hours of a Sabres game, including the bar time in between periods, explaining the good things about Canada. In fact, I now know bad things about Canada that I had no intention of ever discovering on my own, and what's more? Now I know what they are doing to fix those problems. Man, now I can die in peace, knowing that our good neighbors up north are wise enough, and strong enough, to do something about things I don't give a schit about. That I wouldn't have thought any less of them, and that I still wouldn't have cared had they done nothing...is...beside the point? I guess? Something?
  10. I made the mistake of trying to change my email. It broke my account. I am still unsure as to whether it was user error or not. I was trying to do too many things in firefox at that moment, and I might have contributed to the problem. Otherwise, I doubt I would have "left". I just had some free time this afternoon, I was wailing on this guy in Youtube comments and I thought: this idiot reminds me of conner. So, then I figure, WTF, why not try to log in at TSW for the 30th+ time and this time, it worked.
  11. We have similar jobs in that we both observe many people on a daily basis. I too have found no correlation betwen wealth, happiness, or for that matter, their opposites. Rather, the only truth seems to be that there are people who know their limitations and those that do not. Those that set their own expectations, realistically, and those who let other people do that. And, those that recognize that their current life outcomes are a product of their choices and those that either cannot or will not. The only correlation I have found is that the former is almost always happier than the latter.
  12. 1. The reason they need this many rounds is simple: if you want "shooters" they have to shoot. Every day. Pretty much every combat skill that requies being physically involved, requires daily practice. There's no mystery to it. Every single person who is deemed a "deployable" resource has a readiness condition. That readiness is largely dependent on how often they practice. For those that are deployed immediately, they, no different than the Bills, have to practice 5-6 times a week, or their readiness deteriorates. 2. The real question that should be being asked is: How many shooters are being kept at what state of readiness? We can debate how many people at Homeland actually need to be at that level of readiness, and if the ammo required = 21.6 billion (for Tom ). But forget the conspiracy: this is merely a logisitics matter. Somebody said X number of people, somebody else did the math, and got Y number of rounds. Then, somebody else said "we can get a deal if we buy more". This stuff happens in the Army every day and nobody poops themselves. 3. The fact that Fluffington Post is being brought into this as a "see liberals are saying it too" example is laughable. Those of you on the left or the right that think Huffpo is a liberal organization? Huffpo has been a $$$ organization....through click-traffic, for quite some time now. The reason they posted this "story"? It was getting clicks. Sorry to bust the bubble of the ideologoues on both sides. This whole "I run my website because I want to make my political points" is long gone. Just as always happens...the start up guys get replaced over time by the corpoate guys...and then its solely about the profits. Look for the same thing coming to Politico, Red State, all the rest. Nothing wrong with that...since the start up guys themselves started the thing up...to make profits. Adriana Huffington thanks all you liberal tools, for "believing in her"...from her mansion.
  13. Hehe. My new signature. Now, understand quotes from this board in 2009, from Magox, Doc, etc., could just as easily have sufficed. However, now? Now we have the very people who are responsible for the abortion that is HHS...TELLING the idiots, in no uncertain terms, that they are idiots. Thus it's now signature material. Edit: I just have to hope that modifying my sig doesn't f up my account for another 3 months. Obamacare = faith. It was/is/will be merely an article of faith for its supporters. Nothing more. It's not a solution to anything. In fact it's a giant cause of large and granular problems, and what's better? It "scales"... ...problems. (Ahem, problems which I am all to willing to solve, "for a nominal fee"...) Obamacare = Global Warming. It's about belief and feeling, not about thought and serious, intellectual discourse.
  14. Ahhh...It's comforting to see that despite my absence...some things do not change. conner posts something woefully idiotic and DC_Tom is right there with not only the correct dosage of smack down, but also something that is both humorous and insightful. That conner will never understand why Tom chose the ancient Greeks as the "last" example of his idiot premise/Country Tyme Lemonade posit...just makes it all that much more entertaining...for me.
  15. If power, money and the ability to make those around one into servile psyconphants makes one happy, and, if that makes them the MOST happy: do they win?
  16. Perhaps these clowns need a name change? http://www.ncpssm.org/ Instead of "National Committee to Preserve...etc" It should be "National Committe to Expand...etc" Really? They should call themselves: "Flat Earth Society" It's based on the same premise. Until they actually see these entitlements fail for themselves(and the country along with), nobody can convince them that they will. Some other names that are more accurate: National Committe to Preserve Wishful Thinking and Deny Basic Demographics National Committe to Preserve Wishful Thinking and Deny Basic Economics But, this is my favorite, because it's the MOST accurate: National Committe to Preseve the Legacy of LBJ (amazingly, and largely, constituted by the very same people who swore he was a total idiot over Viet Nam.) Edit: Not coincidentally, the same people who swore Bush was a total idiot, and an incredibly skilled liar...at the same time. LOL Pattern? You be the judge.
  17. This concept of a virtual democract/unviersal sufferage is not a new thing. I don't know how "libertarian" it is. In college, I recall a "law" being passed that this fat kid couldn't walk around with no shirt on in common areas or he had to pay a fine. Besides being hysterical, which was the main reason it was passed, it was a huge infringement on his personal rights to do as wished in his own living space. The potential for trolling/vendettas/idiocy abouding alone is a good reason to stick with a Republic. What's to stop a bunch of people from passing a real law that says you have to buy health insurance from whom an unelected committee selects? Oh...wait...
  18. It's simple: the fact that the top 20% pays most of the taxes....simply eludes them. I really don't know why the left keeps trying to talk about "fairness", and then is boggled when a cut of their "fairness" taxes...yeilds, by definition, unfair results. Oh, and this is a test to see if my account is working again. I had some problem when I tried to change a detail in my profile. Edit: Just grabbed the first topic and posted. And, it worked. Hehehehe.....back, in black. Let the beatings commence...
  19. You could say: it was a race-based vote(I don't think racist is the right word), purely. If Obama was a white guy, or gal for that matter, with his performance? Crushed. Yes, the affirmative action president got to stay on, even though his "test scores" were inferior. Why would that not be the case, when this is the expectation that has been set everywhere in government for the last 30 years? You could even say: The Democrats can never run another white person again, because they will lose. They have chosen an odd course here. We'll see if it works, but, who's going to run in 2016? The mayor of Newark? No. Evan Bayh is almost certainly going to run, Rendell may as well. White guys. Are they gonna turn out the minority vote at the same level, and get 95% of the black vote? The irony is: it's the Republicans who have a much larger and infinitely more competent bench of minority candidates. The Ds have? The Mayor of Newark? Good, because it's a myth. It's originates from the same nonsense brokers that that said "we are all liberals now" in 2008...and then 2010 happened. What happened here is: Obama over-performed with people of color in an unprecedented way, Gallup was completely wrong about the demo model, and caught a whole lot of people in the lurch as a result, nothing more. Be advised: There's a pretty good chance that these nonsense brokers are going to set up a lot of people for FAIL in 2014. It's up to you whether you want to buy in to this, again, and then spend 2014 election night doing the thing, again. The real difference is: if you sampled 100 conservatives and 100 liberals, there's a good chance that most of the conservatives would know they are reading spin from the right wing media. The liberals are far more likely to take what the left wing media says at face value. Case in point: EEI is making goofy comments based on an article from Mother Jones of all places.
  20. Oh the unintended consequences, Batman. I wonder, when the illegal can't get insurance, because he's still illegal, and hits you, you still won't be able to recover anything from his non-existent insurance company. Where are the lawyers here? If the state legitimizes the guy by giving him a license, can't you now sue to the state for damages? Won't the state have to force companies to insure illegals as a result, and therefore, won't they simply jack up all their premiums as a result? So....once again, everybody else gets screwed, so that the clowns can have their phony moral superiority argument. Or, am I wrong, and will hear that, just like Obamacare, this will make premiums go down. How's that working, clowns? It really is amazing, when you can tell somebody the cause and effect, before something happens, during, and after, and be accurate the entire time...and they continue to deny what is right in front of their nose.
  21. Nope. I suppose you have better information that clearly debunks the "Maybin was Juaron's guy" theory? By all means, tell us then. I'd much rather know the truth. If you have it, let's hear it. Don't be shy: this is why we spend our time reading posts here. Nix's drafts have sucked? Now who's being obtuse? How many drafted players are on the team? Compare that with the Patriot's draft over the same time frame. Compare it to anybody's. Nix Derangement Syndrome....great. And, the cheap old man just got done shelling out big $, because the entire football community said it was a good idea to get Mario Williams. So, now it's Ralph Derangement Syndrome as well. Awesome. This is going to be a fun discussion...with you trying to have it both ways...really looking forward to this. I get this feeling, with posters like you, not to say that it's right, that this is less about the Bills...and more about some sort of cathartic outlet for your life's frustrations. This is a football team. This is fun...for some of us. This is what some of us do at 2am while we are waiting for a call, and there's nothing else to do. I don't get the need to freak out about it. And, the more freaking out I see, the less I believe it really has to do with football..
  22. No, it's an issue you've already settled: a team needs to be built around RG3, and that has been made significantly harder as a result of getting RG3. "Didn't go along with colluding"...WTF? I would bet $100 that this is yet another Redskins local media canard, and I would do it blind. Link please. No, we give him crap because he moved up to get Losman instead, and wasted the #1 we got for Price. If we could have gotten Ben, we should have, and I'm not saying that in hindsight, every friggin scout in the USA, and I'm sure people in Ghana knew Big Ben was gonna be good. Nobody was saying that about Losman. Similarly, we heard RG3 was not a NFL accuracy guy, and that he would try to do it with mobility. That's pretty much what we are seeing now. The problem with this approach, just like with Vick, nobody short of, and since, Walter Payton has been able to take the "hit every play" pounding. I fear this will all be fine, until it isn't, and then you have a mediocre passer trying to learn how to read defenses = Vince Young. But, McNabb was able to do it. As I've said, anything can happen. Perhaps RG3 is going to be capable of taking a team on his back like Manning did...for 6 years in a row with a crap D that could only play from ahead. I don't know. But, I'm not the one who said they need to build a team around RG3...am I?
  23. But, they blew it with Edwards too, didn't they? 2 out of the last 2 drafted were busts. I have a better idea/compromise, how about we draft a QB every year until we get 2 that stick? I mean, assuming what we are saying about QB is accurate, if we are rolling the dice, and we only have to hit twice, and the goal is to get a 10 year starter and a viably tradeable backup, more rolls = better chances. I don't see making a one-year move for a backup. I'd rather draft somebody every year, and make it plain to all QBs on the team that it is solely up to them as to whether I will continue to draft QBs. Why dance around with them? Tell them how it is, stick to the plan no matter what, and keep drafting QB until it's time to stop, with stop being 2 QBs you are quite please with, and the 2nd as a game finisher, a nice trade option, and even a potential starter. This is simply inaccurate. Gooogle is your friend. And, look at what has happened to that team, specifically since Buddy has left, and specifically with their drafts. AJ whatever is a tool. Buddy was the brains, clearly.
  24. It's simple really: you are a suburb dude, and you know it. Those of us that aren't, we know it. We aren't going to unknow what we know to make you happy. I don't dislike you. I simply know good vs. crap, and I know when I'm being sold crap based on nothing more than pretense. And, for the record, I am an all night partier, I have refused to wear a watch ever since I got my first work-issued pager, Jim's is nowhere near the best drunk food in town, and only a real all night partier knows why Mother's is unique in this regard. Cops eat at the The Towne, too, and that beats the hell out of Jim's. But, really? Why would I ever use "where cops eat" as a guide...to anything? The upside is: late night, you won't find the insanity at the The Towne, and the cops can be funny at times. Anyone who's ever been to Mother's knows why I would suggest it...as an alternative to the Chop House, not Chefs. There is no shortage of dweebish boors that eat at the Chop House for no other reason than saying so. This is not unique to Buffalo, but that doesn't make it any less irritating. I could eat there every night. I could also give money to the same bum I see every day.(who lives in an apartment, 5 blocks away, and has enough $ to hit a certain nearby bar, every night.) In both cases, I'd be a sucker, or, I'd be more interested in telling people how cool I am for doing either, than actually getting value for my $. The difference is: I live here most days, so, I see these things. It's an over time thing, not a point in time thing. I would think that you would appreciate someone telling you "No, in fact The Emperor is standing there in his underwear". Or, perhaps "dude, this sauce tastes like it comes from a SYSCO can". These things are useful to know. If you had a booger on your nose, I would tell you. If you talk about Chop House...I am telling you. So...what?
  25. 1. As I have said all along: "Win Some F'ing Games!" and a lot of this goes away. People are frustrated, and bored, and they don't want to feel like they've wasted their money, so, they party. The trouble is: that has, over time, turned into an excuse for unacceptable behavior. But, it also does not excuse the lack of winning. This is a two way street. Both fans and team have a lot of work to do. Apparently few of you saw what Philly was like during their playoff drought. It was far and away worse than anything I've seen at the Ralph. Far worse, every time I went. But, it has significantly improved since that time as they started winning. Winning is the ONLY change. Sure the new stadium helps but anyone who thinks this is a about a stadium doesn't know schit about South Philly, or South Jersey for that matter. 2. In order: Anybody bitching about puking? You haven't seen puking. You've seen 1 guy, one time? Please. Worse elsewhere. Anybody bitching about smoking? You haven't seen smoking. You're butthurt about minor detail here and "over the line!" over there. Smoking starts fights because somebody forgets they aren't in charge, or the smoker is a real douche. Again, worse elsewhere. In Oakland, I have seen a guy smoke throughout the game, and as security approached, flick his cigarette from below his knee, high into the air, and then it's 50/50 it lands on somebody. He did this the whole game. I know, because at one point they tried to blame me. Who pointed me out? The guy who was smoking. I took care of his ass after the game. By that I mean...I just happened to have a spare stink bomb, a long-time tradition at Bills games for my family. They are hilarious when used properly, and it stays funny. This time? Nope. I dropped it in his back pocket on the way out; I'm sure he had a fun ride home. Horns, bull, etc. Anyone B word about drunks? We have a case study. Let's see what happens in KC over the next few years. 3. The simple fact is that we have a good thing going on at Buffalo home games, and we have a good thing going on at Bills Backers bars all over the country. Many fans of other teams are envious of our "community", and its so obvious that many will even admit it. They wish they had the camaraderie we have. But that comes with a price: for 4-5 hours life ceases to start and stop at our convenience, and, yes, there will be people there that you would never hang out with otherwise. 4. As for kids: yours aren't that special. Really. There are millions of kids all over the country who would do anything to be at a game, but never will be, and the swearing would be...normal. A little perspective, please. Your kids aren't special. From their perspective: it is you that are special. You can afford to go, and you care to take them. Kids are just as likely to hear swearing at a Bills game as they are from their friends on a public school bus. Just ask them. 5. The major difference I've noticed is that people don't seem to be going with their families as much. Perhaps this is wrong, but, I have to think that when you are with your family, chances are your behavior will be better. Seems like there's more loosely built groups of friends looking to start trouble for Youtube...rather than a family/close group tradition. 6. When last in Hammer's lot, I saw something interesting. Two tailgate sites, not that far away from each other, with two completely different outcomes. Both had around the same # of people, ages, demos, and setup. One was a disgusting mess, the other was very clean. I showed a few people I was with, just because it was so clear. A few other people overheard us and they saw the same thing. We all observed it for a few seconds, and then moved on. If you had only seen the one, or the other, your post here would be different, wouldn't it?
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